get a glimpse of the secret

Scanning and rewriting of Cantonese

Nowadays there are a lot of peeping secret maniacs, these people’s psychology is extremely abnormal, usually can’t sexual impulse, in peeping female dressing bath, immediately will be sexually aroused.

Stealing secrets is a kind of “eccentricity”, leak on this hobby, physiology is also different from the norm, under normal circumstances, he is not easy to sexual excitement, unless he let him peep at other people love, or peep at women out of the bath, he will feel very excited, the penis then slowly erected, one side of the fantasy, one side of the blasphemy.

As if such a person, I do know a person, is to open a private detective agency Baobie la!

At that time, he recounted that he secretly spied on his wife, Piggy, seeking medical treatment, and when he saw her being examined by the doctor, he was suddenly excited, and that experience has never ceased to be memorable to him, and the story goes like this: Piggy and Bobby were both in their twenties, and neither of them had ever had a regular checkup, and this incident led to a lively discussion between her and her sister one night, and Bobby’s great-aunt was convinced that that an annual checkup was a necessity.

At her insistence, she finally convinced Bauby to ask Piggy to go to her doctor’s office and register for a checkup.

A few days later, one evening, Baobie accompanied Piggy to the medical clinic at the time agreed upon by the registration.

After the nurse brought Piggy into the consultation room, Baobie sat in the marquee and casually flipped through those outdated magazines. In the midst of boredom, Baobie’s curiosity was steeply aroused, could he have the chance to experience it?

Piggy has been in the consultation room for several minutes, how is she now? Has she stripped off her clothes to be examined? I can’t get into the waiting room, so if I want to peep, is there any other place?

So Bauby thought of the restroom.

Generally, there are restrooms attached to the consultation room, but can there be other doorways without going through the consultation room?

The more Bauby thought about it, the more unquenchable his desire became, and he decided to explore it.

Baobie asked the nurse at the reception for the location of the restroom, which was at the end of the channel, so he walked along the channel and entered the restroom, locking the door with his back hand, and sure enough, there was another door on the inside, but it was closed tightly, and through the door, he could hear the voices of the people in the next room.

Bao Bi naturally not that so stupid, push open this degree door, will not expose themselves? It will be impossible to peep.

However, fortunately, Baobie found an opening in the wall, covered by a small door, Baobie guessed that it is the delivery of urine samples to the next door, although the door is also closed, but as a private detective Baobie confident that it will be able to open some small and will not be discovered.

Bobby pushed the small door lightly, and when it did slide, he pushed it open about a quarter of an inch, and the sound from next door became clearer; it was the waiting room.

Bobby was more vocal, as in sitting on the toilet bowl with his eyes just close to the gap that pushed open.

So Baobie sat down, looking over, this look, make Baobie’s heart suddenly wildly jump, it is the clinic room, and Baobie’s vision can be spread to every corner.

When it did, the nurse had apparently just finished giving InuYasha instructions and was about to leave the room, while InuYasha stood in the middle of the room, still fully clothed.

The nurse had left the room, and after the door had been covered and closed, Bauby saw Piggy undressing immediately; she first unbuckled her corset belt and removed it, then backhanded behind her back, pulled the zipper down to her waist, flipped the tunic up over her head and off, and hung it on a hanger in the corner, so that all that was left of her body was her bra.

It would have been commonplace for Bobby, and if he had been at home, he would have treated it as if he hadn’t gambled, but now, Bobby was overwhelmed, his heart pounding like a deer in the headlights!

As Pao-Pi stared intently, he saw Piggy loosening the buttons of her bra and removing it in one go, the two meatballs on her breasts were immediately exposed in all their glory, with snow-white, pink breasts and two grape-like chicken heads protruding from the center of her purple areolas…

Bauby spared his breath and stared in fascination, as if seeing it for the first time.

These two peaks are so high and firm, if not now to pay special attention to, Baobie still do not know miles! From this discovery, Baobie is indeed the first time to see, because Baobie usually see, are lying in bed.

It is a well-known fact that a woman’s breasts, when she lies on her back, are all flattened, and lose their height and richness.

After Piggy got rid of her bra, Bobby saw her staring at the mirror on the wall for a while, guessing she was feeling sorry for herself, or proud of herself… Did she want to flaunt her impressive figure in front of the doctor?

After that, Piggy bent down and removed her shoes, loosened her skirt, and was now mostly naked with even less cover on her than her hosiery and bottoms!

Bobby was so aroused by this time that his crotch was bucking and he had to adjust his sitting position to be more comfortable, but Bobby never took his eyes off the slit in case he walked away from the treasure.

As Piggy removed her hosiery, Bobby noticed that she was wearing a pair of bikini style panties, which Bobby remembered never seeing her wear.

But these impossibly small panties were just the right size to show off her round, firm ass, Meimer.

In all of her undressing process, she has been facing the direction of Baobie, but when she was about to take off her underwear, I do not know for what reason actually turned around, so that her beautiful buttocks and Baobie played a face to face, and she faded her underwear to the bend of the knee, bent down, lifting a foot to step out of the Baobie can be even more from behind her back, the eye over her beautiful buttocks, peeped at the pubic part of the fine grass, which is a glimpse of the only thing that is so, on the glimpsing of Burr’s Psychological, stimulate more, Baobie almost this can not hold and leaked out.

Until she was completely naked, she walked over to the examining bed, picked up a white gown that had been prepared for her, and slowly draped herself in it, with great difficulty tying the knot in the back, for the gown was open at the back, and when she was done, she reclined against the side of the examining bed, and waited for the doctor to arrive.

A few minutes later, the doctor came in, still young and handsome in appearance, but speaking with a sense of humor, probably as a professional habit to make the patient less nervous, and therefore smiling and talking easily.

They talked for a few moments, which Bauby could not hear, and thought it was nothing more than words to loosen her nerves, and then the doctor ordered her to sit on the edge of the bed, and began to examine her eyes and ears, and after that took her pulse and blood pressure, and having examined them all he reached to the back of her neck (and, Bauby guessed, to undo the knot at the back of her gown), and instructed her to remove the gown to her waist.

Bobbi noted her hesitation for a moment before she complied and removed the top half of her gown, exposing her breasts to the handsome young doctor.

Bobby saw at the same time that her eyes were closed when she took them off, and remained closed while the doctor examined her back, jaws and breasts, and when he finished his examination and he jokingly told her that she could open her eyes, Bobby could see Piggy’s little sister redden her face.

He whirled around and ordered her to lie down on the examining bed with her feet pointed in Bauby’s direction, and once she was lying down, the doctor wrenched two metal treads from the side of the bed and told her to spread her legs and step on them.

The doctor left the examining bed after he had posed for Bawby Piggy’s Little Sister.

Only this moment, Baobei’s nerves like taut, and like a full bow, once let go, the arrow can no longer be retained, straight out, of course, Baobei shot out is not an arrow.

And it went on for a while, and it felt more like it went on for ages, because after the doctor left, Bauby saw Piggy in a position as seductive as they’d ever seen in the five years they’d been married!

She was on the edge of the examination bed, her ass resting on top of the small hole the bed had opened, her legs spread apart and raised high, stepping on the two metal tread wrenches.

Her hole opened up like two petals, and since her legs were spread apart, her ass was wide open, and her rear end was clearly visible, and Bobby could even count the fine reddish-brown grass that surrounded the area, line by line!

According to reason, five years of couple life, every hair on her body, every inch of skin, Baobie should be familiar with, in fact, Baobie is not unfamiliar with, just like this position, especially in the case of voyeurism, psychological stimulation, than the hallowed thousands of times more powerful, so they can not help but let go!

The doctor whirled back and sat down on a stool in front of Piggy, but the stool was short enough that his sitting there didn’t block Bauby’s view.

Like a miner, he wore a small spotlight on his forehead, and when he faced the lower part of Piggy, the light shone right on her peach hole, so that it was even more whiskered, and Bauby even saw the wet buds, which appeared to be budding.

Seeing Piggy in such a position, facing a handsome young doctor, her heart really didn’t know what to feel!

On the one hand there was the excitement of glimpsing Burr, on the other hand it was tinged with the sourness of wanting to push the door open and go in, drive the doctor away, and take his place!

But in reality Bauby was motionless, his fiery eyes staring openly.

Only to see the doctor slowly insert, first one, then two, gloved fingers into her cunt, thrusting as deep as he could as deep as he could, causing Piggy to gasp backwards.

Then a soft moan occurred to her.

The doctor then instructed her not to tense up, but to relax her muscles as much as possible, and as he did, he explored Piggy’s vagina for about a minute or two before pulling his finger out.

Piggy let out another “wink” as she pulled her finger out.

The doctor then picked up a long metal object of some kind and inserted it into Piggy’s vagina and turned it around, then he held her vagina open as far as he could, then he flicked a pocket-sized torch-like object and shone it into the depths of her vagina, while at the same time moving closer and probing inside for a couple of minutes, before completing this part of the examination.

He put away the metal instrument, walked over to the sink and washed his hands, replaced them with another fresh pair of gloves, and returned to his low stool to sit down.

This time he spread both of Piggy’s ass cheeks and inserted two fingers of his other hand into her anus.

Instead of moaning softly this time, Piggy suddenly cried out loudly, squirming even more and lifting her ass off the bed.

The doctor again told her to stay loose.

His finger lingered in Piggy’s anus for what seemed like minutes, but when he finally pulled it out, he told Piggy that he had finished the test and told her to get back into her clothes after she gave the nurse some urine samples.

It occurred to Bauby that Piggy would probably come to Bauby’s hideout.

To take a urine sample, naturally, you have to go to the restroom, so you get up in a hurry and go back outside to the waiting room.

It was then that Bobby felt the wet, sticky crotch of his pants, which was very uncomfortable, but had to act as if nothing had happened to him to avoid the attention of onlookers.

On the way home, Bobby frankly confessed to her, he put her test process, from beginning to end all see clearly the matter disclosed, Bobby and told her in detail his feelings, how excited, to the point of not being able to hold (this point has Bobby’s wet pants can be testified to), Bobby said that this is the first time in his life experience, but also said that he has never seen her such a beautiful and beautiful.

That night, Bobby and Piggy try to have the best night since their honeymoon as newlyweds.
