Kinky World Tour

I’ve been working for an internationally recognized magazine for over five years, our magazine specializes in reporting on interesting people, places and things and photos and stories, and the job of the worker is photographer.

A year ago, some backward countries wanted us to interview them about their local customs for financial reasons, but on condition that we would take something in exchange.

We were going to send them little things like candy and toys for their children to play with, but they didn’t like it, their people eat bark and raw meat and their children can’t even figure out what toys are, so it’s useless to send them these things, and it might even be a bad idea, so I had a great idea, what if we changed the humanitarian aid to medical aid? What if we changed humanitarian aid to medical aid?

All my colleagues thought it was a great idea, and after contacting the leaders of these homes, they also thought it was a good way to go, and because of this, my wife joined the program.

She was a recently graduated nurse who wanted to further her education to become a doctor, but she thought that this program would be very helpful for her future, so she immediately joined my company as my assistant, and this expedition of ours was formed.

I had a tour guide on my crew who took care of our local food, lodging, and some chores, I was the copywriter and photographer, and my mother took care of drawing blood and picking up tests to see if there might be any hereditary or infectious diseases.

However, this year was different from the past, the world was in a recession, our plans were affected, and the company made layoffs. The chief editor called me into his office, and I sat in front of him, waiting for his decision.

“I know you’ve been with the company for a long time, and you’ve been a great contributor, but ……” He paused for a moment, and I knew what he was going to say next as he continued, “But the company’s budget has shrunk, so I’ve decided to give you a chance to prove your value to the company.”

Well, things are still turning around, I think so.

“There’s a tribe in Africa that hasn’t been covered by any media or academic organization, and they’ve been refusing to be interviewed, would you be interested?”

“Are you kidding, of course I’m interested!”

“The company’s in a bad way right now, so I can only take care of getting you and your wife there, how you get them to accept your interview is up to you, are you still interested in taking it?”

“No problem, when do we leave?” I wanted to get out of his office before he changed his mind.

“I knew you’d procrastinate, so I’ve already booked your flights for you, leaving in two days, and your guide will pick you up at the airport, drop you off at your hotel, and take you to that tribe, and he can be your translator.”

I stood up and held out my hand.

“Thanks, I won’t let you down.”

“Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, but the whole magazine is counting on you, I know you can do it.”

I walked out of his office as if I felt all eyes on me, maybe some of them thought I was fired, some of them knew they were leaning on me for their jobs, and I walked straight to my wife’s desk.

“Get up and pack your things.”

My wife didn’t ask anything and started collecting her things, then followed me to the elevator.

“What happened?” She asked worriedly.

That’s when the elevator doors opened and she and I stepped into the elevator.

I told her the whole thing at dinner that night because I didn’t want to scare her.

“I knew it, the editor-in-chief won’t fire us!”

“Just the two of us? Can we do it?”

“Of course we can do it, we just have to work harder.”

“I’m with you, I’ll assist you in anything you do!”

The next day we were busy getting our bags ready, and after a long day of work, finally everything was in place, and the next day we flew across the ocean to Africa, landed in a place we’d never been before, and switched to a smaller plane and flew to an airport closest to that tribe.

A young black man in his early twenties met us at the airport, my wife shook his hand graciously, she has always had a certain level of fondness for black people, the black man said that our tour guide had something going on and wouldn’t be here until tomorrow, he drove us to our hotel first, and when we arrived at our lodgings after an hour’s ride, he helped us off with our bags and drove off.

The hotel was not bad, and one of the receptionists at the front desk spoke Chinese, and he gave us the key to our room and said that our guide would be waiting in the lobby at 8:00 tomorrow morning. This was a good arrangement, we could have some time to get some rest, my wife and I went into our room, took a shower and lay down on the big bed.

“That driver was pretty cute back there, wasn’t he?” My wife said, her hand brushing against my chest.

“I don’t pay attention to men, that’s your business.” I laughed.

She kissed my chest softly and slowly worked her way down to my stomach, I knew what was going to happen next and what she was thinking “Maybe I should ask him to come in the room,” I laughed “What are you going to do if he comes?”

“Just do it!” She laughed mischievously.

She lowered her head and took my rock hard cock and skillfully sucked it, she loved the feeling of holding it in her mouth, sometimes I think she liked oral sex more than fucking, but she didn’t like the taste of cum, she never ate it, she always spit it out on my dick and stroked it gently, this time was no exception, after she wiped my cum that I had shot on my dick we cuddled up together and went to sleep.

The next morning we woke up bright and early, I got dressed and told my wife I’d go ahead and meet the guide in the lobby and meet us when she was ready.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, I met our tour guide, who walked quickly towards me.

“Morning, how was your flight? Did you sleep well?”

“Luckily, the ride was smooth and this hotel is fantastic.”

“Good, can we go now?”

“Oh, not yet, it’ll have to wait, my partner isn’t ready yet.”

“I’m sorry, I forgot, the notice said you had two of them coming this time.”

The black guy also spoke good Chinese, and I think my wife would have taken a liking to him, and we made small talk while we waited for my wife to give me a little primer on the tribe we were about to visit.

“This tribe is a bit strange in that their males and females live separately.”

I don’t think there’s anything strange about it, a lot of backward tribes sleep separately for men and women.

He felt that I didn’t get his point, so he added, “Their men and women are eighty kilometers apart, and once a year, the female tribe sends a handful of females, and the male tribe sends a handful of males, and they build a tent in the middle of the two tribes, and then these men and women will mate in the tent, and then go back to their respective camps, and since they don’t have a full calendar, so sometimes the two tribes would miss the time to meet, and this kept their numbers small, in fact, no new children had been born to this group for nineteen years.”

“So we’re going to a male tribe this time?” I asked.

“Yeah, the male chiefs think there’s a curse on women so they don’t let them get close, and the female chiefs think the same thing, so they get nervous whenever the opposite sex comes near.”

I didn’t know how to explain to him that I had brought my wife, and just then my wife came and kissed me on the cheek.

“Honey, is this our tour guide?” She asked cutely.

“Uh…… this your partner? Uh…this is a big deal ……”

We sat in the lobby and that guide explained to my wife that she was sensible enough to know that different cultures have different values.

“No matter what, can we at least try?” She pleaded.

“But it’s a long way from here over there ……” the guide stammered.

I think if it were anyone else, the guide would have refused, but maybe it was because my wife was so cute that his decision began to waver.

“Okay then, I’ll take you there, but I don’t promise it will work.” He said looking at my wife.

This guide seemed to be only twenty years old, but his demeanor was more mature than his peers, the whole trip took about three hours, his jeep was the latest model and was quite comfortable to ride in, as soon as we arrived at our destination and got off the bus, all the natives stared at us, no, at my wife.

They had never seen a yellow Chinese woman in their lives, and it was possible that they had not seen a woman since their last mating period; all the men here were nineteen years of age or more, and there was not a single child, and the chief appeared to be forty years of age, and they arranged for us to have a small, clean, grassy hut to rest in and use for our work.

We moved our bags and gear into that hut, and the guide kept backing off with the clan, saying we were friendly and here to help them, and his words worked, and the natives started nodding and some of them smiling at us.

“The chief wants to see you.”

The guide took us into the chief’s house, after introductions, my wife went up and drew his blood, the chief’s whole body shook when the blood was drawn, but his face didn’t change, in fact, I think he probably never changed his expression, my wife immediately walked out of the chief’s room after she finished, and went back to our hut to have the test done, after she had left the guide and the chief had been talking to each other, and at last the guide told me: “Things are not good, the chief thinks something is wrong with your wife, he thinks she is hiding something. “It’s not good, the chief thinks there’s something wrong with your wife, he thinks she’s hiding something.”

The chief said a few more words to the guide.

“He said he wanted your wife to take her clothes off when she came in so he could be sure she wasn’t hiding anything on her.”

“He wants my wife to come in naked?” I wanted to be sure again.

“Yes, he said you could stay here if you weren’t comfortable with it, and I could stay if necessary.”

I knew this guide wanted to stay and watch, I was just feeling excited.

“Honey, what happened?” My wife saw me walk into the cabin.

“He’s fine and perfectly healthy, why?”

“He still doesn’t trust you.”

“I knew it ……”

“He wants you to take off all your clothes so he can be sure you don’t have anything hidden on you.”

“No way! You mean seriously?” She laughed a little nervously.

“It should be serious, most of the people here have no clothes on, just a rag to cover their highlights, and, there are only adults here, no children.”

“For the sake of the magazine, I’ll take off, but so will you.” She said as she began to undress.

“I don’t need to take it off, they think I don’t know how to hide things,” I laughed, “Besides, I don’t want to make them feel inferior!”

“Well, you’re not taking it off, so where’s the sheik now?” My wife laughed out loud.

“Uh…he’s still in his room.”

“You want me to walk out of the house naked and walk into the sheik’s house in front of these twenty men?”

“I’d like to remind you,” I laughed: “Look at the window.”

My wife looked out the window, which was filled with men who now dispersed.

“You know they all watched your wife undress and you didn’t say anything?”

“You didn’t tell me you didn’t want them to see it, and the walls of this house are made of bamboo, so what’s the point of saying ……

“Fair enough, forget it, we’re going over to him now.”

We walked hand in hand towards the chief’s house, the natives looked at my wife’s torso but there was no malice in their eyes, the guide on the other hand couldn’t stop looking at my wife.

“I’ll wait outside the door, call me if you need me ……” he stammered.

My wife and I walked into the house and went all the way up to the chief, who was still in his bamboo chair, expressionless, and he asked my wife to come up and turn around so that he could look at my wife’s body from a different angle, and reached out and touched her a couple of times before finally signaling for my wife to back off.

My wife retreated to stand beside me, the sheikh called to the door and the guide immediately rushed into the house, they talked for a while, sometimes stopping to look at my wife, my wife’s nipples were already hard, and although she didn’t know what they were talking about, she had a clear understanding that they were talking about her, and at last the guide turned to us and said “I’m so sorry the sheikh is still not at ease with you, I have done my best, and he still thinks it’s best for us to get out of here, I am really sorry, I will now go and pack my bags. I’m so sorry, the chief is still upset with you, I’ve done my best, he still thinks it’s best for us to get out of here, I’m really sorry, I’m going to go pack my bags now.”

“I’m sorry,” my wife said, looking at me, “it’s all my fault, I screwed up.”

That’s when an idea suddenly occurred to me.

“Honey, I have an idea, but it’s a little difficult for you.”

“I just walked naked past dozens of men, what else is difficult?”

I whispered my plan in her ear and she was shocked to hear it, but she immediately broke into a cute smile.

“That’s a good idea, if it works, I think I can help quite a few people.”

“Exactly!” I agreed immediately.

My wife stepped forward slowly with her head down and knelt very humbly in front of the sheikh, then slowly raised her head to look at the sheikh, placed her hand on the sheikh’s knee and gently moved it upward until she felt between the sheikh’s legs and took hold of his cock, then lowered her head and gently kissed him on his thin cock.

The Sheikh still had no expression until my wife opened her mouth and took his glans, the corners of the Sheikh’s mouth tugged and a soft moan escaped, my wife began to raise and lower her head up and down and the Sheikh began to shiver all over and it wasn’t long before his whole body began to stiffen, I don’t know how long it had been since he had fucked a woman but there was no doubt now that he was beginning to cum.

Under my fine count, he shot at least seven loads of cum in my wife’s mouth while she kept swallowing over and over, ah …… swallowing? She’d never eaten my cum before! Now she ate all the cum except for some that spilled out onto her fingers that she didn’t eat!

When she was done she stood up and walked over to me and proceeded to lick the cum off her fingers, I felt jealous and aroused at the same time as I watched her eat the Chief’s cum.

The chief sat still for a while before regaining his composure, his face was still expressionless, I would never make friends with such an insensitive person, finally he called out a few more times in the vernacular, our guide came in again, they talked for a while, finally the guide told us, “I don’t know what you used, but you changed his decision, he said you could stay, but on one condition. stay, but on one condition.”

My wife jumped for joy and screamed, “Fantastic! We’ll do anything!”

“The chief said that the needle in the blood draw hurt a little bit, and you solved his pain problem, so you’ll have to help everyone who has their blood drawn in the same way to help them with their pain.”

The tour guide didn’t know what we had just done, he just looked at my wife’s naked torso without looking away.

“He wants me to blow it all out for all of them!” My wife whispered in my ear.

I wasn’t sure at the time if she was happy or angry to hear it, but I knew right away what she was thinking.

“No problem! When can we start?” My wife asked excitedly, even her body shaking a little.

“The chief said that after supper he would send some of the men to your house, and he said he would send them to bathe in the creek before they went over.”

This sheikh was thoughtful, so we exited the sheikh’s house and returned to our huts to prepare a meal and also to discuss the matter in passing.

“Are you really sure you want to do this?” I asked, as much as she loved blowjobs, I still had to be sure.

“Yeah, I don’t know what they usually eat, but you know what? Chief’s cum tastes like honey! If your cum could taste like that, I’d eat it every day!”

“You’re not afraid of getting an STD?”

“Don’t be silly, I have to take a blood test, remember? If someone’s blood isn’t clean, I’ll switch to baby oil and jerk him off.”

“You’ve thought it all through, haven’t you?”

My wife didn’t answer but her smile answered all my questions, gosh I just want to know how they make semen taste like honey, maybe I should try the local produce ……





We strolled down to the village square, which was a big tent with only a roof and no walls, and in the middle of it was a huge long table with a surface full of fruits, some of which I had never even seen before, so that was the secret of their food! We gobbled up the fruits we hadn’t eaten before, they tasted so good! We also drank a lot of their floral wine, and after we had had our fill, we went back to the hut and waited for the first group to arrive.

There was a gentle knock on our door, then a slow opening, and the three natives entered the room and sat dutifully on a bench in the corner, while my wife stepped forward and drew their blood, one by one.

They were a little scared but finished the draw without incident and just as my wife turned to start the test, the Chief appeared in the doorway and I beckoned him to come in and sit down in the chair next to the pick-up table, he nodded and came in and sat down.

Twenty minutes later, my wife turned around and said all three were normal and stripped down, walked over to the first man, knelt down in front of him, and lifted the rags from his lower body.

When my wife started to lick his cock, the native was so surprised that his eyeballs bulged out, and the other two men looked almost dumbfounded, and within a couple of minutes, the first man thrust his lower body forward and shot his semen into my wife’s mouth, and she actually reached an orgasm as she swallowed the semen in her mouth!

The first drow hadn’t regained his breath when she began sucking the second drow’s cock; these drow had probably never put their cunts in a woman’s mouth before.

I took out my digital camera and started taking pictures nonstop, after I had filled it with all the memories, the sheik gave me a drink, I drank two of them before my head started to spin, this must not be the usual Flower Dew, the sheik drank the drink while sitting in place with a smile on his face as he watched my wife blowing her cock nonstop, it was only after she sucked the nine natives that the sheik declared that the day had come to an end.

The two of us were lying in bed and my wife was tired.

“Their cum is so delicious! If my jaw wasn’t sore, I could blow a lah bar all night!”





The next day I took a lot of pictures in the village and wrote some reports, as soon as my camera was full I saved the information into my laptop and sent it back to the magazine via satellite, the sheikh had been watching my wife work, by noon she had drawn the blood of all the tribesmen and eaten the semen of all of them, after she had eaten the last of the natives she walked up to the sheikh and me.

“And I want some cum…” she said bluntly.

“No problem,” I said, looking at my wife, “I’m sure the Chief would love to have you eat his big cock again!”

I looked at the sheikh, who was still expressionless, and without thinking, my wife immediately got on her knees, and this time the sheikh voluntarily lifted the rags that surrounded his lower body, and closed his eyes kozo, and my wife immediately took his glans and started to suck on it, holding the root of the rod with one hand, and caressing his balls with the other.

“I don’t know what’s going through his mind at this point.” I joked.

“I don’t care, he’ll be out in a minute anyway.” My wife said as she gulped, and the sheik didn’t disappoint, it didn’t take long for him to stiffen all over and let out a moan as he added another stream of sweet nectar into my wife’s mouth, and I watched as my wife ate it all, not a drop left.

Later that day, my wife helped all of them with a second test under false pretenses, and all of the natives lined up in a long line outside our door until later that evening, when my wife finally couldn’t take it anymore, and she switched to using aloe vera juice to help the rest of them jerk off by hand.

She had been screwing until the evening, she was exhausted, but still, the natives kept coming in, they stood beside my wife’s bed and jerked themselves off with the aloe vera juice that my wife had prepared, when they jerked themselves off until they were about to ejaculate, only then did they insert it into my wife’s mouth, and my wife’s tongue moved as if it had a spiritual nature, even though my wife was already asleep, she would still voluntarily lick the glans inside her mouth when they were ejaculating.

Our work was done, so I taught started to get my hands on the luggage to the car, ready to go back, when our guide came out of the sheikh’s house.

“The chief said he wanted to thank you, and I’m here for you.”

We walked into his house and he was still sitting in his same chair, my wife and I looked at each other, not knowing what to do, when the chief spoke.

“I want to thank you, you have fulfilled the wishes of many of our people.”

My wife and I almost fainted when we heard it.

“You speak Chinese?” We asked in unison.

“Of course,” he laughed, “I was in Beijing for two years.”

“Why didn’t you say so earlier?”

“You guys didn’t ask me, I’m the only one here who speaks Chinese, and I miss Peking duck so much right now!”

The sheik asked me to keep the fact that he spoke Chinese for him, and my wife went up to him and hugged him, and he whispered in my wife’s ear, “You’re so good at blowjobs, I’ve never felt so good!”

That comment made my wife blush until we got in the car, and the chief yelled at us as the car left the tribe, and the guide said the chief would welcome us back anytime.

I was sitting in the back seat of the car and my wife was sitting in the front seat, about an hour or so into the drive, the guide asked my wife, “I’m really confused, I’ve brought a lot of people here, but every time these people have been chased away by the chief, what exactly did you use to change his mind?”

My wife and I both looked at each other and smiled.

“Drive to the side of the road and pull over and I’ll tell you what’s going on.” My wife said as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

The tour guide stopped the car and my wife bent down and brushed her hand over the tour guide’s thigh, she worked her way up and into the pants of her shorts until she reached her target, the tour guide immediately took a deep breath and before he could protest his glans was exposed.

My wife immediately ripped his pants down, he looked at me with a face full of shock, then turned his head to look at my wife, when my wife took his glans, the original look of fear on his face turned into pleasure, my wife’s efforts immediately bore fruit, or a big one.

The guide let out a yell and a large stream of semen shot out, my wife kept swallowing non-stop, but the semen still came out by her mouth full, my wife accelerated the speed of swallowing, and the overflow situation only improved.

Finally, she ate all of the cum that had gotten on her guide’s lower body before sitting up straight and saying, “That’s exactly what I did!”

The guide said nothing for the next twenty miles, but finally, he spoke up, “The chief must really like it when you suck his dick!”

“He’s not the only one who likes it, everyone in the village does.” I said.

The guide looked at me in surprise by the rearview mirror.

“What do you mean?” He asked, “What’s the difference?”

“I blew everyone in the tribe,” my wife added, “and twice, and it’s a shame you weren’t there!”

“I can’t believe I missed this good thing!” He finished, swinging his fist and pounding the steering wheel heavily with regret.

“You didn’t miss much,” I said, “Our plane doesn’t fly until tomorrow, and I think my wife will make it up to you.”

They both smiled at each other and said in unison, “Thank you!”

That night, we had our first threesome as a couple and slept for less than three hours before heading to the airport to catch a flight away from my dark-skinned “cousin”.





We collapsed on our cozy bed at home and passed out for a few hours, after I woke up, I turned on my computer to check the photos I had taken back, my poor wife’s entire jaw was sore and, so sore that she could barely speak, I jokingly said that she had brought it on herself, I took back over four hundred photos this time, three hundred of which were of my wife having oral sex at the price of her not being able to chew or speak for several days in a row! ……





On Monday morning, we returned to the magazine triumphantly, and the editor-in-chief looked at the hundred or so photos with such appreciation that he called us into his office that afternoon.

“You did a fantastic job this time, and the boss called to compliment you, even our Foreign Office called to praise you!”

The boulder in our hearts was finally put down.

“As a matter of fact,” he continued, “they think you did so well on this trip to the men’s tribe that they want you to go to the women’s tribe for a week ……”

After leaving the editor-in-chief’s office, my wife began to laugh, until the tears came out, and finally, she was able to hold back her laughter and spoke: “You’d better take more Vitamin E,” she said, stifling her laughter: “This time it’s time for you to make an effort!”

I’m really starting to worry!


It all started with the magazine I worked for, my wife and I started traveling around the world again, my wife’s medical expertise and my photo-taking skills quickly made a name for themselves in the business, and the magazine gave us more freedom, we pretty much just had to call in every day to report on the progress of our work.

Since we’ve been free to choose our own subjects, we’ve opted for more challenging work, and each subject is as exciting and fresh as it can be.

There was a tribe in the middle of the savage country, they were hiding on a mountain top in South America, we were determined to go and find them out, it was the middle of the summer and it was hot as hell, but the heat was nothing, the place was not developed at all, we had to rely on our own legs along the way.





The plane landed in Brazil, it took a couple hours of driving to Bolivia, and finally, well, a small town at the base of our destination mountain, where we found loud guides and pickers to carry our gear to take us into the mountains.

The night before we officially left was miserable, the hotel in town only had two rooms and the last time someone stayed there was probably a year ago, so I don’t think they’ve probably washed their sheets in the past year, and I’m only calling them sheets because they were on the bed…, in any case, my wife and I slept on the floor that night.

After eating something and drinking some wine, we went into the room to rest, as long as we have the slightest movement, the whole floor squeaks, so we can not have sex, for fear that the whole town can hear, I have been using my hands to touch my wife’s thighs and breasts, but can not have sex, so she was excited and disappointed, so she in order to get back at me.

So she pressed herself against me and kissed my stomach, and even though I couldn’t see what she was doing since I couldn’t see out of the room, I could totally feel it all, and as soon as I got hard, she took hold of my dick and started rubbing it up and down, and from time to time, she was lightly scraping my balls with her fingernails.

She immediately held my dick and started sucking, I stroked her hair with infinite compassion and felt the gentleness of her mouth, it wasn’t long before a lightning fast sensation traveled from my toes to my lower body, I sent all the semen I had saved in the past few days to her mouth, after the orgasm, I went to sleep right away just like any other man, I don’t know what my wife was doing, but the next day I woke up with her still lying on the belly of my body, and she was still on my belly. I don’t know what my wife did, but the next day I woke up with her on my belly.

Someone gently knocked on our room door, we immediately prepare our clothes, I opened the door, the hotel owner is standing in the door, he used broken Chinese with gestures to tell us that the guide has come, we and he went to the hotel door corpse, outside the door sat four men are drinking coffee, a man came to introduce themselves to us, said his name is pig, the other will be a little bit of Chinese, the others not only do not know Chinese, even English will not, but they all know where we are going, but they know where we are going. The others not only don’t know Chinese, they don’t even know English, but they all know where we are going.

“You mean you’re not going?”

“I’m so sorry, I have work to do here and I can’t get away for a while, it’s really okay, as long as you guys avoid the ‘Stone Clan’ you’ll be fine.” He said.

When he said the word Stone, the other porters all stared at him and surrounded him and started arguing, and it was only after a while that Pig came over to talk to us again.

“I’m really sorry, they’re a little…how do you say…nervous about the Stones, I guess, but don’t worry, it’s nothing.”

I’ve heard about the ‘Stones’ before, they’re not a very friendly race, and the race is dwindling by the day, the legends about them are pretty unbelievable.

The origin of the name “Stone People” is that they tie a lot of stones around their necks and waists, and some people use the weight of the stones to exercise certain parts of their bodies by tying them to that part of the body, some people tie stones to their arms, some people tie stones to their wrists and fingers, so as to make their arms stronger and their strength greater, and some people tie stones to their earlobes, which is thought to make their sense of hearing more sensitive, and that’s all that I know. That’s all I know, and there are no experts or scholars who have studied them.

The preparation for this trip was two days and one night, three pickers helped us carry the vast majority of our gear, and after a short walk we prepared to go into the jungle, in fact, the road behind us was all jungle, and we rested outside of the jungle first to eat lunch and take off the heavy gear we had worn when we first passed through the bush.

My wife and I changed into the lightest khaki shorts, tank top and travel shoes, she changed into this outfit is very nice, maybe because she did not wear underwear it, bra and panties in the wet jungle is not comfortable, the three picker kept looking at my wife, I think they are not worried about the stone tribe, in my wife to change the clothes, may have been letters surrounded by up to see.

That night they helped us set up our tents, but they were going to sleep on the ground, and we dined around the camp fire, being careful with their every move and trying not to make noise; I knew they were afraid of the Stones, but I felt it was superfluous to be so afraid.

After dinner, my wife and I went back to the tent, it was another sexless night, but we slept so deeply that it seemed to dawn all at once.

I stepped out of the tent first, my wife was still getting dressed, I stretched out and was surprised by the sight in front of me, when my wife stepped out as well, and she likewise noticed that things were out of the ordinary.

“Where are the pickers?” She asked softly.

That’s the problem. The pickers all left without saying goodbye.

“I guess we’re on our own now,” I reassured her, “I’ve seen the map and we’re not far from our destination.”

We packed as much as we could of everything we could carry and started to climb the mountain, finally coming to a small lake after four hours of walking.

“Woohoo!!!” I yelled as I jumped into the lake.

“Hey, is this safe?” My wife called out from behind me.

“Of course it’s safe, it’s not like there are any crocodiles or piranhas in the mountain lakes.”

My wife heard also think it makes sense, she stripped naked also jumped into the water, we played in the water for an hour, I found something wrong, my sexy wife behind the bushes seem to move a little, I guess that’s what the little animals, come to the lake to forage for food or drink.

After a bit more fun before deciding to go ashore, I got dressed while my wife was naughty and didn’t want to get dressed yet, and just as we were putting on our shoes, a large group of natives appeared around us, and they weren’t just any natives, they were tall natives of great stature!

Each of them had a long haystack in their hands and stones around their necks, and my wife and I were dumbfounded because these people in front of us were the Stone People!

They signaled for us to stand up, and some of the natives took up our things, including my wife’s clothes that she couldn’t put on in time, and we went up a small hill with these natives, and walked for an hour to their tribe, and my wife was still nervous because she was still naked, but the natives didn’t seem to care.

As soon as we entered the tribe a group of women surrounded me and pulled my wife away, they squealed and chattered, instead I felt a little more at ease, the other men escorted me into a hut and brought in all our belongings as well, this was a big relief, if they had tried to kill me they would never have given our things back to me, this was probably a good thing, I opened my backpack and took out my camera, they looked at me and But there was no stopping me, I started taking pictures, no one even cared if I walked out of the cabin, but they wouldn’t let me go near the camp where my wife was pulled away.

I could see that they seemed to be preparing for some kind of festival or ceremony, they had placed two large tables in the clearing in the village, merged into one very long table, while two bamboos were set up above them, and many chairs were placed on either side of the clearing, all the clansmen were preparing with great gusto, and I wondered what they were doing.

I went back to the hut, opened my laptop, set up the satellite receiver, and connected to the Internet’s database, I finally found the answer, today they are going to have a Bar Mitzvah ceremony, the men of the Stone Clan have to go through such a ceremony from the age of 19 to 20 before they can marry their wives and become adults, it’s unbelievable that we intruded into the ceremony by mistake, and that we are the first to witness it civilized people, and we can make a story out of this – as long as I can get back alive.

A large group of guards poured into my hut, supposedly the ceremony had begun, led me to the clearing and sat me down in a chair on one side, I was right in the middle of a table facing a table full of fruits and flowers, the chair was only three or four meters away from the table, and the chairs on the side opposite the table were full of women, about twenty men on our side of the table, and we all began to eat the fruits and drink the wine.

Suddenly the whole place went silent and a group of women came out of a hut, they were all beautiful, at least to the eyes of the natives then I saw my wife! She was beautiful! She had a crown of blue flowers braided on her head and was covered in oils of all colors, but was still naked…, The women led my wife to the edge of the square and stopped, a few of the men stepped forward and brought her to the table, we exchanged a smile as our eyes met, the natives were all still polite to us. It was as if we were treated as honored guests.

The two men stood beside my wife, one on each side lifted my wife onto the table, she stood on the table at a loss for words, one of the men signaled for her to sit down, so she had to sit down on the table without a stitch of hair, just as she sat down, up came the other two women and pressed her gently to the table, as soon as she lay down, her hands were lifted up above her head at once, and tied to the table, I didn’t feel quite right, and wanted to stand up, but the I felt something was wrong and wanted to get up, but the people around me held me down, and I thought I’d better not make any sudden moves.

At this time I found seven men sitting on the other side, they should be the main characters of this bar mitzvah, after two women tied my wife’s hands, they started to feed her some fruits, and as if they wanted to pacify my wife, they kept talking to her softly, but what they were saying was not comprehensible to my wife and me, but we were not so nervous.

The chief appeared out of nowhere, he was at least two meters tall, covered in oil paint, with a grass skirt around the lower half of his body, I took a couple of pictures of him with my camera, he took a seat in a large chair at the end of the table, with a large bowl placed in front of the chair, just inches away from my wife’s head.

The sheik held up the large bowl and began to shake it gently, after a while he reached into the bowl with his fingers and scooped up some of what looked like honey, then he stood up and paid his respects to my wife a few times, smearing those unknown liquids from his fingers on my wife’s forehead and both cheeks, then he reached into the bowl and scooped up some more of the licked liquid and smeared it on both of my wife’s nipples.

I didn’t know what it was, but her nipples got hard right away, and the Chief smeared the goo all the way from her nipples to between her legs, and when his hand touched my wife’s nipple, it seemed like she got a little orgasm right away.

The sheikh walked over to the seven men and gestured to two of them before untying the stones from their bodies, the two men stood up and walked towards the table, their earlobes grew to swing back and forth, I think they usually had stones strapped to their earlobes, they stood on either side of my wife, they bent down and kissed her cheeks and licked the liquid from her face, then they crouched down on my wife’s chest and used their long ears to rubbing them gently against my wife’s chest, after their earlobes were covered in liquid.

They walked toward the pile of women to select their brides, and the two maidens stood up, embraced their husbands, tenderly licked the liquid from their earlobes, and then, hand in hand, each walked into their little huts.

Maybe go in the cave.

The Chief chose two more men and waited until they came to the table and I realized that they must have had stones tied to their arms and fingers before, and they had amazingly long fingers! They kissed my wife the same way and then wiped their long fingers back and forth on my wife to get all that goo, and when they touched my wife’s pussy my wife squirmed uncomfortably on the table, and I guessed that the goo was probably only going to get more of it, not less!

Similarly, after getting enough goo on their fingers, they walked over to the group of women and had their brides lick their fingers clean before going to the bridal chamber hand in hand, everyone seemed to be so excited that large quantities of fruit and wine were quickly consumed, and I drifted off a bit as I asked my wife aloud how she was feeling now, and she just gave me a smile in return.

Two men who looked like guards stood beside the chief, they walked over to the table, took hold of my wife’s ankles, lifted her legs and tied them to the bamboo poles above her so that my wife’s legs were now spread wide open upwards, the two guards then moved the table below them and my wife’s ass was now exposed on the edge of the table, her pussy spread wide open for all to see, it was beautiful!

The Chief returned to the table and continued his ritual, this time coating my wife’s waist in goo, then stepping between her legs, he dripped the goo onto both of her ankles, the goo running down her calves, past her thighs, and up to her pussy, and then down her pussy lips, through her ass, and all the way to the table.

The sheikh walked over to the three remaining men and untied the stones from two of the men, though I didn’t know from what because the sheikh’s body was blocking my view, and the two men stood up, walked over to my wife, and crouched down to lick the goo from my wife’s stomach.

This time it was different from before, one man stood to one side after eating and the other went between my wife’s legs and took a chair and sat down, his face was only four inches away from my wife’s pussy, his head didn’t move and he slowly stretched out his tongue, when he stretched it out by one inch I was shocked because his tongue was actually clipped like a snake, and not only that, his tongue stretched out longer and longer, until the tip of his tongue touched the lips of my wife’s labia!

And the root of his tongue was as thick as my dick! He leaned forward slightly to get more of the goo, and the closer he licked, the closer he got, and with his tongue already in my wife’s pussy, as far as I could tell, his tongue was at least six inches long, and it should have licked up to my wife’s cervix.

My wife also reached an intense orgasm, but her orgasm hadn’t passed yet, the native immediately withdrew his tongue, I filmed this whole process, he stood up and walked towards the group of women, his bride immediately greeted him and licked his tongue clean, with such a long tongue, this bride must be very happy in the future.

Now it was the second man’s turn, he sat down on the same chair he had just sat on, his tongue immediately licked up my wife’s pussy, but there was no more mucus there, it had all been eaten by the man before him, but his tongue immediately went down to find another area full of mucus, and his six-inch tongue licked back and forth up and down the crack of my wife’s ass.

As the tip of his tongue slowly stabbed into my wife’s anus, my wife’s mouth opened wide and she couldn’t scream, she was now tied up and completely unable to resist, all she could see was her legs tensed and her ass pushed back trying to get his tongue to penetrate a little deeper into her anus, until finally, his entire tongue was inserted into my wife’s rectum, and I could see that his tongue stirred for a moment in my wife’s intestines before he withdrew his tongue and walked over to the the group of women to have his tongue licked clean by his bride.

The chief began to perform the ceremony on the last man, the man had been waiting all night, the chief removed his stone and like the others he approached my wife, by the ornaments on his body and the looks on the faces of the people he would have been the chief’s son.

He took the large bowl from his father, scooped a little bit of goo all over the bowl and smeared it on my wife’s lips, then put the bowl down and lowered himself to kiss my wife on the mouth, it was a passionate kiss, so intense that it almost took my wife’s breath away, and after the passionate kissing, he picked up the bowl again, went between my wife’s legs, and poured all of the rest of the bowl on her pussy.

He unzipped the lower half of his skirt to reveal his prick, which was so incredibly large that even his people couldn’t help but gasp in amazement at the rocks he must have used to forge his cock! His glans actually managed to rest on his knees!

I thought that if my wife had seen this big stick, she would have fainted immediately! But she didn’t, she just looked at me with a stupefied look on her face as the Chief’s son rubbed his glans against my wife’s pussy nucleus, his dick getting longer and harder as if there was no end to its length.

After a while, he slowly inserted his glans into my wife’s pussy, only three inches in, my wife reached an orgasm, when inserted eight inches, she began to wriggle violently all over her body, when inserted about twelve inches, my wife began to convulse all over her body, and he was now long into my wife’s uterus, and he kept on going further and further in.

He didn’t really fuck her, he just kept thrusting in and out, and after a few minutes the man’s face changed and he quickly pulled out his cock, which stood up as if he had a rod sticking out of him, the rod glistening from the mucus and my wife’s love juices that had gotten on it.

He walked towards his bride, the woman immediately got down on her knees and quickly licked this huge rod, it was covered with a lot of my wife’s lust, but she didn’t care at all, it wasn’t long before the man’s whole body shuddered, and he let out a horrible shriek, so loud that it was probably audible to people from a kilometer away, and he ejaculated into the woman’s mouth, and the woman kept swallowing it, and the whole clan was so happy that they shouted loudly to rejoice and into another phase of ecstasy.

The two guards untied my wife but still left her lying on the table, waiting to set her free, they smiled at me as they untied my wife and in that moment I felt us draw much closer together, many of the males of the clan came up to the table, some reached out and dabbed at the remaining goo on my wife’s legs and belly to eat it, others ate the fruit on the table, and more toasted each other and giggled loudly.

It was obvious that they liked my wife, or at least that my wife was different from their women, and my wife noticed this as she voluntarily raised her legs and slipped them into the rope loop of the bamboo above her, and also raised her hands above her head to indicate that she was contributing her torso.

I don’t recall it all that well under the influence of alcohol, but I do remember people going up to fuck my wife all the time, and I remember that none of their dicks were very big, but they all ended up cumming in my wife’s vagina.

I remember one very old native who couldn’t take his eyes off my wife all night, and finally I signaled for him to fuck my wife, but he hesitated, and his friends urged him on, and finally he eased his way over to the table, and when he unzipped his hula skirt, the other men laughed out loud because his cunt-lashes were only four inches long and very thin.

I’ve never seen a black man blush before, but he sure did, he pushed his little dick into my wife’s soaked flesh hole, but it seemed like my wife didn’t feel a thing except for some of my wife’s lustful juices, he sighed and stepped back intending to put his skirt back on, I stopped him and told him to go up one more time.

I reached down and spread my wife’s ass to expose her anus before nodding to the old dirt man, the old man slowly approached, maybe because he hadn’t been through the back door before he seemed a little hesitant, I nodded to him again before he aimed his glans at my wife’s asshole and slowly inserted himself into my wife’s back door.

He smiled in satisfaction as my wife’s sphincter tightened around his little dick and my wife gave him a gentle smile as he pumped for a few minutes and started to moan and finally ejaculated in my wife’s rectum, his friend started to cheer as he pulled his dick out and he gave me a grateful hug.

Suddenly all was quiet, the bride of the chief’s son appeared, she looked magnificent and elegant, she walked around the table, her eyes kozo all the time staring at my wife, finally she stopped and looked at my wife’s pussy, she watched without blinking as the cum kept flowing out of my wife’s meat hole as if she was studying something, finally she sat down, stuck out her tongue and gently licked it on my wife’s pussy and licked it, tasting the flavor of her clan’s cum.

She probably thought it tasted good, so she felt comfortable and bold enough to stick her tongue into my wife’s pussy and eat the cum out of it to her heart’s content, and my wife didn’t seem to mind a woman licking her, and even though this was her first homosexual sex, she still got a couple of orgasms in a row so I’m sure that this definitely won’t be her last homosexual sex.

She ate the cum and left, and the natives came around to gang rape my wife again, the chief staying in his seat and watching, and his two guards staying faithfully on either side until all the men of the clan had fucked my wife.

My wife lay on the table gasping for breath, slowly calming her strength from her orgasm, I smiled at the Chief, who nodded at me though he didn’t smile, he gestured to his two guards to go down and have some fun as well, my wife wrenched the ropes off her feet and put her legs down, spreading them wide and smiling as she beckoned to one of the guards.

The guard looked nervously at the chief until he nodded his head before he walked towards the table, and as soon as he got close, my wife immediately got off the table, knelt in front of him, undid his grass skirt, and immediately took his cuntal loins and watched as she sucked him off.

I knew she wanted the guard to cum, but not now, and not in her mouth, his prick was bigger than the rest of the clan, but it wasn’t very big, and my wife felt she had sucked almost enough, so she stood up, turned her back on the guard, and bent over so that he could stick his cock in her pussy, and she slowly rocked her hips, closing her eyes kozo, and enjoying every stroke of the drow’s pumping.

The other guard also came over to the table and waited to fuck my wife, he was holding his own prick in his hand, it was already hard but the size was as small as his clansman’s, I suddenly had another idea, I wanted the guard to lean over so that he could watch as his brother’s rod moved in and out of my wife’s fleshy hole, we could also see that my wife’s asshole was still oozing from time to time with the cum of the old earthling that had been there before, and that’s when he got the idea.

My wife was still in another world, she had no idea what was going on until the original rod in her pussy was pulled out and another rod was inserted into her asshole, she screamed as if she was waking up from a dream, it must have hurt to hold her anus open at first but after a few strokes my wife started to get used to it and the other guard took advantage of the situation by inserting it back into her pussy, my wife was covered in fragrant sweat and I was recording all of it with my My wife was dripping with sweat and I was recording it all with my camera.

The two men ejaculated at the same time, and the hot cum brought my wife to another orgasm as the two guards climbed off the table and returned to the Chief in their skirts, leaving my wife sprawled out on the stone table gasping for breath over and over again.

My wife rested for a while and as soon as she regained her strength, she immediately realized that there was another man she hadn’t fucked, the sheikh, she greedily walked up to the sheikh and knelt down in front of him, her eyes kozo staring at the sheikh, and her hand reached into his grass skirt and groped for it, not caring whether or not it would offend the sheikh, when suddenly she whimpered in shock and looked down at her hand, and then turned her head to look at me again.

“His son must get his genes from him!” My wife laughed.

She pulled on the big, bulbous cock she held in her hand and licked, kissed and sucked at the glans while rubbing her hands up and down until the Chief let out a low moan and the Chief’s body shook slightly and a few spurts of cum shot into my wife’s mouth.

My wife did her best to swallow furiously as the chief turned his head and winked at me, and as he got up and walked back to his house, I could have sworn there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. The two guards beat my wife again before she felt satisfied and fell into a deep sleep with me on the mat, and early the next morning I was busy taking pictures around while my wife gave some supplies to the women of the tribe and taught them how to use them.

After the meal it was time for us to leave, a couple of the male clansmen helped us with our things to take us back to the lake, one of them gave us a collar made of stone to show their clan’s appreciation for us, it was really heavy but it was impossible not to take it, half way over the hill we finally ran into the picker who had abandoned us earlier.

They turned back to us with a bad conscience, and though we said nothing, they were shocked to discover that I was wearing a Stone tribe collar, but were completely unaware of what had happened to us in the Stone tribe.





My wife was tired, her pussy was swollen, but this time she was able to talk, unlike the last time when she couldn’t even move her mouth from a blowjob, and because of that she kept chattering away, saying how much she loved being gang raped by the primitive tribal natives, and she asked me repeatedly if I had filmed it all, and how often she was going to bring it out to enjoy it, to reminisce about it.

The editor-in-chief’s eyes bugged out when he read our story.

“You guys really ran into the ‘Stone Clan’? That’s incredible, it was a great adventure! You guys did a great job!” He still didn’t know the whole story of Real.

“You two couples can take a long vacation! It’s what you deserve! Go find an isolated beach and rest for a couple weeks!”

He escorted us out of his office and stormed into the printing department without looking back with my story in hand.

“Which beach do you want to go to?” My wife asked.

“I hear there’s a Dwarf clan over in Polivia.” I said jokingly.

“Great! When do we leave?”


After a vacation, I’m looking for a few more lust-filled places to go, but work has to come first.

We are once again in South America, but this time the target is the monks of a monastery at the top, they don’t like visitors, women or tattoos, but because our boss pays them a large donation, they have allowed my wife and I to interview them, only we have to honor their rules, which shouldn’t be too difficult for us…

We first went to the nearest town to that monastery – also a hundred miles away – and there were three ways to get to that monastery – on foot, on horseback, or by helicopter – and we chose the helicopter so that we would have a full day to pick up things to wait for the helicopter.

We asked around about some of the monks, trying to get a general idea first, and one of the locals told us nervously in very broken Chinese that the monks rarely came down the mountain, only a couple of times a year to buy supplies, and that they rarely spoke and weren’t friendly, and that they were building a cathedral on the mountain so they probably didn’t have a lot of money, and he was terrified that they would come down and rob us because they didn’t have any.

I made a point of inquiring what they usually bought down the mountain so that we could take it with us on the way up and win their favor, and we ended up spending a ton of money on a lot of daily necessities, and the next day we took a helicopter ride up to the mountain, where the helicopter was parked near what looked like a giant castle.

The pilot was in a hurry to leave, and before he left he gave us a little yellow flag, and told us he would come back next week, and if he saw it he would land and pick us up, and if he didn’t see it, he would fly back another week.

He flew off immediately after he finished speaking, leaving us as a couple and a huge pile of boxes and luggage behind, I kept thinking that the loud noise of the helicopter would attract a lot of people, but I was wrong, it took a long time before I saw a few people approaching.

“Welcome.” One of the men said with a grimace.

They helped us carry our things, not even looking us in the eye as we followed them through the stone door to a cold stone house.

“I feel a little sick,” my wife whispered, her face a little pale: “Maybe it’s a bad meal.”

“Follow me,” the monk led us up to a room on the second floor: “This is your room, you will rest here and we will come and get you.”

After he finished, he immediately closed the door and left, the room was very dark, the only light was through a small window on the wall, the whole room was like a cell, I tried to push open the doors and windows, and found that the doors and windows were unlocked, my heart relaxed at this time, and my wife was lying on the bed at this time, mixed with cold sweat.

There was a gentle knock on the door and without waiting for us to answer it, the door opened immediately and a young man came in to show us out, I told him that my wife wasn’t feeling too well so I wanted to wait until tomorrow to formally meet with the group, he looked at my wife for a moment and then immediately left, after a while he came in with another monk who was holding a bowl, and they put a wet cloth on my wife’s forehead.

“She’s running a fever, she needs to be helped immediately.” A monk said.

I immediately unbuttoned my wife’s blouse, revealing her lace bra, and both of them immediately blushed, but watched as I helped my wife take off her coat.

“We’ll be back in half an hour and check on her again.”

They didn’t seem to be in a good place when they left, and they left some pills before they left.

“How are you doing?” I asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“I’m so hot!” She said weakly.

I undid the clasp of her bra and took it off, then took off her outer pants, helped her cover up with a cool quilt, and sat myself down on one side of the sofa to rest, and in less than ten minutes the two men gently opened the door, and I guessed that they’d never been this close to a woman before, especially a cute and hot one like my wife…

I decided to pretend to be asleep and peeked at them out of the corner of my eye as they put the wet cloth in the bowl and slowly pulled down the cool blanket, their eyes kozo wider than brass bells when they saw my wife’s snowy white breasts, but they forced themselves to be calm, and they looked at me from time to time to make sure I was asleep.

They wiped my wife’s body with a wet cloth, especially her breasts and hardened nipples, they only wiped my wife’s upper body, they didn’t dare to touch her lower body yet, after wiping it a couple of times, they gave my wife some medication, covered her with a cool blanket and left at a fast pace, but I knew they would be back again.

As soon as they closed the door I jumped right up, I pulled the covers off my wife and tenderly sucked on her nipples as she softly purred, then I took off her panties and spread her legs apart before I helped her tuck the covers back in and then returned to the couch to continue pretending to be asleep.

When they pulled down the covers and saw my wife’s pussy, they both started to gasp quickly, they couldn’t stop looking at my wife’s naked torso, after making sure that I was slumbering and not waking up, they started to boldly caress my wife, I think I even heard my wife moan as they touched and wiped my wife’s pussy with a wet cloth, they also rubbed my wife’s breasts and pussy with extra care this time.

They had been rubbing like that for a few minutes when the man standing next to my wife’s right hand suddenly froze, something seemed to have shifted under his robe, he didn’t know what was going on himself, he had been trying to flatten his robe but it didn’t seem to be going well, he had to rearrange it every so often, lest his hardened cock hold up his robe in an unsightly way.

After a few minutes of this, I heard one of them speak.

“Try putting it in her mouth.”

I watched as they gently pulled my slim wife to the side of the bed, a man blocking my view, and I didn’t know what was happening, but the man with my back threw his head up.

I heard another soft sucking sound at the same time and I immediately understood that he was enjoying my wife’s mouth and he was cumming fast because I immediately heard my wife choking on her cum as she swallowed it, this was probably his first time cumming as well so the amount was so much that my wife choked on it.

The other monk immediately fucked into my wife’s mouth as I heard him letting out a very pleasurable moan to himself, the monk who had finished cumming retreated to straighten out his clothes, and it was only then that I saw that there was a cock in my wife’s mouth, and that he had cum very quickly as well, and they left immediately afterward.

It seemed like I was having sex with her now, but I was afraid they would be back any minute so I didn’t dare mess around, so I had to sit on the edge of the bed and watch her, she said she was thirsty, which was so ironic, she had only just drank so much cum and now she would still be thirsty, I poured her a glass of water, she drank the water and held something in her hand and handed it over to me.

“Here, throw it away.” She gave me some pills.

“You didn’t take those pills?” I asked.

“It’s not like you didn’t see what I just ate.” She laughed mischievously, “Virgin cum tastes different!”

The next morning my wife was much better, we dressed and went downstairs to meet the owner of the place, a monk took us to the table and sat us down, breakfast was served immediately, after we had finished our breakfast one of the monks asked us to follow him, he led us through a labyrinthine corridor, and at last stopped outside a huge oak door, which he opened, and asked us to go in, and as soon as we had gone in he immediately closed the door behind us.

“Good morning, did you sleep well?” An elderly monk stood in the shadows and said, “I hope the lady is healed.”

“Much better, thank you.” She replied, “They are so good to me.”

“You’ve been good to them, too.” He said coldly.

My wife looked at me with innocent eyes.

“Nothing, we have different philosophical views, other religions don’t see to agree with our beliefs, they think we’re heathens, but one day they’ll understand!” His voice was soft, but firm: “The people who went to your room last night, they broke the commandment and will be punished.”

“That should be my fault.” My wife said gently “No, we have our commandments, they can’t break them until I give my consent, and whenever they do, they are punished.”

He walked over and sat down behind an ornate table whose candles were the only source of light in the house.

“We usually only accept people under thirty, after that they have to be sent somewhere else, those two yesterday were the youngest of us, one of them had just turned twenty.”

“What would you do with them?” I asked.

“It’s probably re-education, to get other people to take them as a cautionary tale.”

“Jesus, is it that bad?”

“With your values maybe, but we have our way of doing things, there are forty-seven of us here, all but two of us have never been married, and resisting temptation is one of our mandatory lessons.”

“There’s got to be another way out of all this!”

“Maybe, and I’m considering letting you cover all of this, and also, this will be handled this evening.”

When he finished he got up and walked back into the shadows, and the door behind it opened, and the monk from before led us away, and we returned to our room, and the monk said that we could look around the abbey when we had time, and that we could go in any door that was unlocked.

We went around taking pictures and making notes, it’s easy to get lost here, after a long time of poking around we finally got a general idea of the terrain and didn’t get lost, a lot of the doors here are locked but there’s already enough material for me to do a story on.

It wasn’t until the afternoon, when we returned to our room to rest, and I had just put my gear down, that my wife noticed something extra on the small table in the corner, and upon closer inspection, realized it was two monk’s robes and a note.

“The note said to wear this to dinner and that the room with the green door behind the lobby would allow us to shower.” My wife said as she read the note.

“Okay, but what are we going to wear underneath this dress?” I asked.

“Uh, based on what I saw last night, it should be wearing nothing.” My wife laughed.

That bathroom banner in a great place to have sex, but we didn’t want to get into more trouble, my wife showered first and she quickly put on her monk’s robe, which was so big it looked kind of funny.

We both almost laughed until we couldn’t straighten up, so she changed into another one, this one probably for a small child, short and tight and sexy, and I changed into the larger one from before, with extra panties underneath so that my dick wouldn’t show.

I followed her back to the room, by the thin monk’s robe I could see the perfectly rounded curves of her ass in full view, and as soon as I entered the room she also noticed the change that had been created in my lower body, and she naughtily twisted on my dick.

“Looks like I have a dick to suck tonight!” She laughed mischievously.

“I wish I could quench your thirst!” I top back, knowing that the stock should be quite large these days.

“You know I’m very ‘drinkable’!” Her pun made me lose control almost immediately.

We headed to the restaurant for dinner and were seated near the head of the table.

“Do you remember what happened every time we sat at a long table like this?” My wife asked in a low voice, and I didn’t answer, but I remembered.

The dinner was lackluster, but we were glad to see the two young monks sitting at the corner of the table to dine, but as soon as they had finished, they were sent out by a few others, whose movements might now be restricted, and the rest of the monks, who said something in Latin, and at the same time all departed, led our couple to a very large hall near by, in the center of which was lighted a huge candle, and three large stone tables were placed around the large candle, and the two young monks, stripped to the waist, were tied in a large formation to each of the two stone tables.

“Tonight, these two brothers are going to pay for what they have done.” The abbot of the monastery announced.

Behind the abbot there was a monk with a pillow in his hand and a strange shaped dagger on the pillow, my wife almost screamed.

“Normally we do this on our own, but since our guests find it too cruel, I have decided that I will make a change this time, and maybe we can achieve our goal without bloodshed, depending on what the young lady decides to do!” The abbot said as he looked at my wife.

“Anything as long as you don’t hurt them!” My wife blurted out.

“Well then, I hope you are going to understand one thing, this punishment is more than a punishment, punishing them will can be a lesson for the others, this punishment is useless if it doesn’t put the others on their guard, and one more thing, women are never allowed in here, women corrupt men, and tonight you are going to make sure that everyone understands why it is part of our precepts that we are to make everyone abstain from sex. “

My wife and I looked at each other, confused as to what he meant by his words, but, between our open mouths, two tall monks pulled up to the third stone table and effortlessly lifted her up to sit on it.

“If you’re going to save these two, you’re going to have to let all the people know what they and you did last night, and it won’t be over until all of them have been ‘educated’, and throughout the entire process, these two will have to be tied up and witness the whole thing.”

A flicker of fear flashed through my wife’s eyes, but through her thin dress I could see her nipples bulging.

“You can still change your mind,” the abbot said in front of my wife.

“No, I think I can do it,” she said, one of the monks reached out to unbuckle my wife’s belt and pulled it down, and all the monks let out a gasp of surprise when they saw my wife’s naked and attractive body, even the abbot froze and looked at my wife’s naked body, and the whole hall fell silent, until my wife spoke. “Uh, who’s first?” No one moved, so my wife had to make her own decision: “I think you should start!”

She knelt down in front of the abbot and slowly undid his robe, revealing a very thick wraparound eyelash, then lowered her head and gently kissed the top of the eyelash, then all the way down to his balls, then licked her lips again, took his cock in her mouth and began to work it up and down, and after about a minute the abbot’s knees shook and sent decades of cum into my wife’s hot mouth.

“Wow! You’re a great blowjob!” The abbot said, and coming from a practitioner, it surprised me greatly, but also from this moment on, all the monks began to line up, and they undid their own sashes, or simply stripped naked.

For the next couple of hours the monks lay on the stone table one by one and my wife sat on a chair and sucked their cocks, later she lay on the stone table and continued blowing and eating cum in different positions, which was really thick.

At one point she was lying on the table, her head hanging off the table, letting them pump themselves in and out of her mouth, and someone was fingering her pussy, and her eye kozo was blocked by the testicles of a man who was fucking her in the mouth, so she didn’t know who was groping her, but she instinctively volunteered to fold her legs up so that the man’s head was resting firmly against her pussy.

The monk started licking his first ever female genitals and he was enjoying it, my wife loosened her legs and spread them wide for the man under her to lick to his heart’s content, she moaned lewdly with his cock in her mouth, the man in her mouth couldn’t take the excitement and ejaculated right away, and the monk who was in the line behind him couldn’t take it as well, and his thick semen shot all over my wife’s face.

The situation descended into chaos as the monks came around and ejaculated on my wife, a huge amount of cum shot all over my wife’s face and it was surprisingly thick, she opened her mouth wide and did everything she could to get them all in her mouth, but as soon as she opened her mouth a cock was immediately inserted into her mouth.

“Stop!” The abbot called out, “Let her rest!”

A man handed over a spoon and my wife immediately took it and scraped up the cum from her face and body and brought it into her mouth like ice cream, and after she had eaten almost as much as she wanted, one of the monks took the spoon and scraped up the cum she hadn’t scraped up from her body and fed it to her.

She probably ate a liter of cum, maybe an exaggeration, but it was semi-surprisingly the amount they had been saving for over a decade.

“My jaw is sore, can I do it differently?” My wife asked the abbot.

“You watch.” He replied.

The next man was so big that my wife asked him to lie down on the table, and as soon as he did, he revealed one of the biggest cocks to date.

My wife was shocked to see it, the rod bounced gently, my wife looked down and licked the whole thing first, getting it covered in her saliva, then climbed up on the table and straddled his waist, reaching back and taking hold of his big cock against the opening of her own pussy, and then slowly sitting down until it was all the way into her pussy.

The whole time she was in the orgasmic stage and soon her hips began to rise and fall, letting that cunny lash in and out of her, and after a few minutes the monk’s whole body shuddered and the semen was sent into my wife’s uterus, and all of the monks yelled out loud, and my wife got off of the stone table and licked the monk’s cock clean, before smiling softly at me.

Next she took turns letting twelve monks fuck her pussy and eventually he couldn’t take it anymore.

“I need a break!” She said, already covered in sweat.

“We agreed that you would deal with all the brothers, and now there are twelve to go.” The abbot said, “You can give up at any time.”

“No, I have to save these two,” my wife said, looking at the two men tied up on the table, their cocks hard all night long: “Do you have any lubricant here?”

The monks wore puzzled expressions.

“Is there any oil for frying or anything?”

Someone immediately rushed out and came back with a wooden bowl, which my wife took and dabbed some oil out of it.

“Fantastic!” She said.

She climbed up onto the stone table again and got down, leaning her head on the tabletop and sticking her ass high in the air, spreading it out with both hands.

Luckily, the remaining twelve were not very big and all of them were very shy, but being small has its advantages, and my wife asked one of them to come up, and she rubbed the oil on the guy’s little dick and said softly to him, “I want you to come up here and slowly stick your dick in my ass.”

He froze for a moment, then slowly climbed up onto the stone table and knelt behind her as my wife pushed her ass apart, exposing her tiny asshole.

“Come on, there are people waiting!” She said gently to the monk.

He had been staring at my wife’s anus until now when he snapped out of it, pressed his glans against my wife’s anus, and started thrusting in.

“Ah! Not so fast!” My wife cried.

The monk was startled and wore a panicked expression.

“Slower!” My wife said.

The monk’s cock pushed a little further, and everyone in the hall watched without a word, hearing only the slight “zing” of the rod as it entered my wife’s warm intestines, and when he had penetrated as far as he could, he began to pump, but my wife’s asshole was so tight that he didn’t have to make more than a couple of thrusts before he ejaculated in her anus.

The rest of the monks chose for themselves whether they wanted to cum in my wife’s pussy or in her ass, and nearly fifty men cummed with my wife’s body as she lay on the table, barely able to move, but they hadn’t let her go yet.

One by one the monks came up and jerked off on my wife as if they were going to use up all the cum they had left, after an hour or so she was covered in cum, she didn’t even have the strength to eat it, she was covered from head to toe in white, cloudy goo.

“You did it, and I’m as good as my word, but they’re still going to have to have some minor punishment, and now it’s up to them to make the choice.”

The abbot walked between the two stone tables and the other monks helped them untie their bindings.

“I’ll give you two ways out, the first is to pack your things and get out of here, the second is to be punished.”

“Master, this is our home, we don’t want to leave, you can punish us any way you want.” A man cried.

“Very well, go over there,” said the abbot, pointing to my wife, who was covered in cum on the stone table, “and with your tongues, lick this young lady’s body clean; she has made such a great sacrifice for you, and now it is time for you to repay her.”

Without a second thought the two men rushed forward and started licking my wife all over her body, and my wife let the two tongues slide over her, reaching several orgasms before they licked her clean.

Needless to say, we purposely missed the helicopter coming to pick us up because my wife had been putting in the effort to ‘educate’ these monks.

I’m guessing she’s consumed more cum in that time than she’s eaten food or drank water, and many nights she’s been invited into the halls to be gang-raped, with each man fucking all three of her flesh holes at least once, until she passes out.

Sometimes when we wandered around the convent and passed the monks’ rooms, she would be dragged in and fucked, and even I often found her being raped by groups of men in the corridors, at the gates, in the toilets, and even by men who fucked her while they ate.

I advised her to stop, but she said, “These people have been holding back for so many years, so I should make it up to them!”

They were now very kind to us, except for the abbot, who finished fucking my wife one day while she was being gang-raped in the hall, and I asked him why he had uttered the words ‘blowjob’ that day when my wife was sucking his cock. These are words that should not be easy to understand for a practicing monk. He looked at me for a while and asked me to follow him.

He led me to his room and closed the door, he went behind his desk and sat down, he pulled open a drawer and I heard a soft click as he pulled out what looked like a book, I looked closer and realized it was a laptop.

“I’m using solar power here, and I’ve got a satellite for internet access,” he laughed, “Look, I’ve got mail coming in!”

“You’re so wicked,” I said, “I thought you didn’t know anything!”

“Actually, I get it all, your wife really does a great blow job!”

When it was time to leave, all the monks came to see us off, and as soon as the helicopter landed, the abbot gave us two monastic robes.

“It’s our way of saying thanks.” He laughed.

Instead, I gave him a small box.

“It’s also our way of saying thank you.”

Our couple got on the plane and waved goodbye to them.

“Wow! This is the first time I’ve seen them outside!” The pilot exclaimed, “You really have their trust!”

It’s a secret he’ll never know.

When I got home, my wife couldn’t help but ask me.

“What was in that box you gave him?”

“I didn’t tell you, he uses a computer and has satellite internet access!”

“What? You’re not kidding?”

“Really! I gave him a webcam, so I guess you can perform a reality show for them later.”

“Really? Awesome!”

She hugged me tightly and I loved my job!

[End of text]

My sister-in-law Deqin. Deqin is twenty-two years old, with a thin waist and plump buttocks, and at this moment is holding the bed with both hands, spreading her legs, and bucking her big, snow-white buttocks, and I’m standing behind Deqin’s buttocks, with my cock poking under Deqin’s buttocks, and going in and out of her asshole.

De Qin moaned excitedly, “Brother-in-law, your cock is so thick! Every time you fuck me, you make me feel so good.” Side by side, one side kept shrugging his ass backward to let my cock deeper.

I wrapped my hands around Deqin’s crotch from both sides, one hand grabbed and squeezed Deqin’s breasts, and the other grabbed Deqin’s pussy hair, and said: “How about it, my cock is thicker, isn’t it? Is it thicker than your boyfriend’s? Fuck up is not very comfortable?”

Deqin tilted her head back, eyes closed, and grunted continuously, saying, “It’s so thick, brother-in-law, really, your cock is just extra thick and long, and every time you fuck me it fills my asshole to the brim, it’s so much better than my boyfriend’s cock!”

I pushed forward and said, “Deqin, your asshole is so tight! It’s making my cock tingle. It’s so good.”

Deqin replied: “That’s because brother-in-law’s cock is so thick, if you don’t cum, my asshole really can’t take it!”

After a while, we were all out of breath. I fucked Deqin even more frantically, saying, “Deqin, I’m going to cum.”

Deqin also shouted, “I can’t either.”

I pumped my cock rapidly, the characteristic “gurgle, gurgle” sound when I was fucking my minister became louder and louder, I pumped a few more times, and then my whole body shook violently, and my cock shot a stream of white slurry, all of which shot into Deqin’s asshole, and Deqin also shivered for a few times, and her legs twitched, and some pussy essence flowed out from deep in her uterus.

At this time, Deqin could no longer stand unsteadily, to the front of the bed to lie down, I also followed on Deqin’s back, the big cock is still inserted in Deqin’s asshole, the two of them do not move.

After a while, my cock had become smaller and softer, and came out of Deqin’s asshole, which had become fat from engorgement, and the engorgement had faded a bit, but was still purplish-red in color.

At Deqin’s age, her asshole should be closed, but Deqin’s asshole was slightly open, probably because my cock was too thick, and at this moment, white semen was flowing outward from the opening of her asshole, which was as thick as a small finger, and running down her snow-white thighs.

I put my hand over and rubbed Deqin’s plump breasts and said, “Deqin, do you think my cock will still be hard when I fuck your sister tonight?”

Deqin replied: “I think your cock can definitely get hard, your cock is thick and big, my sister’s body is so plump, and her temperament is so slutty, if I were a man, I would want to fuck her side. That’s right! Brother-in-law, do you like to fuck me, or do you like to fuck my sister?”

I said: “Of course I like to fuck you! You are young, beautiful, good body, small asshole and tender and tight, I would like to fuck you every day to be good!”

Deqin said: “Yes, brother-in-law, I also like you to fuck me, but I promised my mother that I must be a virgin when I get married, otherwise I would have let you fuck my hole, and now I can only let you fuck me in the ass!”

I said, “Then how did you know to fuck in the ass?”

Deqin said: “I see you and sister mom fuck pussy fuck very comfortable, I also want to fuck with you guys, but the results of mom said that I want to fuck with you, if you can only let you fuck my asshole.”

I said: “No wonder, every time I fuck you, your sister and your mom always do not let me fuck your hole, so it is like this.”

Deqin said: “Brother-in-law, think about it, the four of us usually play, mom never let you touch my hole, only to show you, you now know it. Last time you have hemorrhoids, mom afraid of you feel bad, lick your asshole, and then mom just thought, you can fuck my asshole!

Deqin added: “When I get married, my pussy and asshole and mouth will be waiting for you to fuck me! I’ll be able to fuck wherever I want.”

Finally finished Deqin, I have to fuck his wife De Fang. Otherwise, if the two sisters fought again because of uneven fucking, I couldn’t stand it because I didn’t have much strength left after I just finished fucking Deqin, I had to lie flat on my back on the bed, De Fang rode on top of me, and we were licking each other’s pussies in the 69 position.

De Fang this year, twenty-four years old, looks quite beautiful, is slightly fat some, her legs kneeling in my face, bun like pussy is facing my mouth, my left hand rubbing De Fang left side of the fat white ass, right hand to play with De Fang thick cave hair, said: “wife, your cave hair seems to be more.” De Fang while sucking my cock, said: “waste what words ah, even you fuck with De Qin touch, not long line! Hey, the flavor of your cock is not right today, is it because Deqin has been here?”

I said, “Yes, Deakin came in the afternoon, and after we fucked, we let her go home to save Mom from finding out.”

De Fang said: “Hey, this little girl, is not the agreement is to fuck her once a week, why is she here today, right, I know, I’m traveling tomorrow, I have to come back at night, no wonder De Qin came over today.”

I said, “Yeah, but Deqin’s ass is tasting better and better now, and with a few more fucks, it should be even better.”

De Fang said: “Tomorrow I’ll be on a business trip, I’ll come back at night and fuck with you guys again. Tomorrow you also don’t tell mom about Deqin’s visit today, so that mom won’t talk about her.”

I used my hand to peel open De Fang’s two purple-black pussy lips, and stuck my finger in to poke around, a moment later, De Fang’s big meaty hole became wet, and a drop of mucus trailing a long thin thread dripped down from the mouth of the hole, and I was busy opening my mouth to catch it.

De Fang moaned: “Hubby, don’t you like to eat me the most? Why don’t you eat it?” Said the big meat textbook to my mouth. I opened my mouth and wrapped both labia in my mouth and sucked on them, saying, “De Fang, the flavor of your zeli is much stronger than De Qin’s, it’s so delicious!”

De Fang said: “Every time you lick me, you always say that my side of the false a slutty smell, my side is really very slutty?

I do wash my ass every day. By the way, didn’t you lick Deqen’s pussy when you were fucking her just now? “

I laughed: “did not lick Deqin’s pussy, Deqin saw me, directly grabbed my cock to start instigating, I did not have time to lick her pussy, she let me quickly fuck her.

In fact, every woman’s Punxuan has a slutty flavor, only yours has a stronger flavor than Deqin’s, and it’s not just slutty, but also a little salty and sour, and a special flavor that’s not found in Deqin’s group. Honey, you are not unaware that when I was not married, I liked to lick your side, and I like a stronger flavor. Last time Deqin went on a business trip, she didn’t take a shower for several days, and when I came back I licked her side, and it tasted really good. “

De Fang said: “Yes, maybe De Qin’s is small, last time, when I licked De Qin’s pussy, I also felt that the taste of her pussy is very light, hey, then you say, how is the taste of my mom?” De Fang said while rubbing her asshole on my nose.

I laughed and said: “Your mom’s pussy doesn’t really have much flavor, it’s just a little salty and sour. But every time I lick her, she always likes to let me lick her asshole together. Of course, my wife’s pussy is the best, otherwise why did I marry you?”

De Fang said: “Yes, the last time I saw you lick my mother’s asshole to come, at first I feel very disgusting, and then, I see my mother also licked your asshole, I’m even more disgusting, you used to want to fuck my asshole when I think the asshole is too dirty, don’t dare to let you fuck, and even more don’t dare to let you lick it. As a result, you and mom you both licked your assholes, making me not interested at all, originally the three of us fucked together that day, but it turned out to be you and mom who fucked.”

I said: “Yes, you think ah, Deqin is still small, every time you fuck the hole, she saw the cock hard, you have to directly fuck a little prelude to a little fun, you do not let me lick your asshole, your mother’s pussy taste there is not strong, I had to lick even the hole with the asshole together.”

De Fang said: “Then I remembered, you have hemorrhoids, it is mom and I licked your asshole, so I also figured it out. You lick your mom’s asshole also because of love, you know, husband, my mother and I and Deqin love you very much, love a person, lick your asshole, instigate your cock is because we love you, is the commission you, when Deqin married, you can fuck her!

The pussy up. “

At this time, De Fang has been high desire, said: “good husband, do not lick, quickly fuck people, I can not hold out!” Said climbed up and lie on the bed, two thighs to both sides of the greatly open, I hold the long rod, aimed at the meat hole, “Puff” on the insertion, began to quickly pump up.

De Fang while holding my waist, while enjoying the pleasure, winks: “Hubby, I just like your cock, long, inserted into the people’s side Xuan comfortable, especially the glans every time to the top of the heart of my flower.”

I laughed, “I’ll let you have a few more orgasms!”

De Fang grabbed my waist with both hands and said loudly: “Hubby, fuck harder, harder, stick your big cock into your little sister’s hole …… faster …… ouch! It’s so comfortable ……”

For a time, the house only “puff, puff” the sound of fuck hemp, De Fang from time to time to raise the big buttocks to meet my thrusts, screamed: “Ah! Dead ghost, your cock is too long, all inserted into the uterus to go …… ouch! I can’t do it, I’m going to leak …… live in my life …….”

At that point I also gave a few hard thrusts, pressed the head of my big cock against the opening of my uterus, shuddered, and ejaculated.

On Saturday, Deqin’s mom, Aika, was stir-frying in the kitchen. Aika is 45 years old and is an associate professor at a university. Knowledgeable women know how to take care of themselves and insist on doing exercise and beauty treatments every day, for

This body and looks were great, and looked to be at about thirty-seven or eight years old, only her ass looked slightly fat, but it added to her sexiness.

Since I’m the only male in my mother-in-law’s family, we have to come back to visit every day off. This weekend, De Fang was away on a business trip, so I had to come by myself.

I came to the kitchen, inhaled hard, and said loudly: “Good smell, mom, what are you doing?” Said on the mouth, but the hand quietly reached Aika’s fat ass screwed a hand.

Aika wriggled a little bit, said loudly: “you and Deqin is the same as a small greedy cat, really annoying.” Said pinched my cock and said: I put my already bulging cock on Aika’s ass and rubbed it, and then ran my hand on Aika’s ass and said: “Beauty, I don’t want to go home today! I want to lick your ass.”

Before I could finish my sentence, Deqin ran in, grabbed my hand on my mother-in-law’s ass and said, “Mom, brother-in-law, I’ve got a good idea, we’ll be able to have a good time during dinner later.”

Aika’s pussy was tickled by my touch, and the inside of her flesh hole was already moist. Hearing Deqin say that, she couldn’t help but have her pussy get a lot wetter again. In fact, when De Fong and I were not yet married, Aika had already been fucked by the very good-looking me. Aika thought that I was young and fit and had long sex, and she also had a special fondness for my cock.

I also feel that my mother-in-law is demure on the surface, but in her bones she is slutty and wavy, especially that succulent and fat side, which is comfortable both to eat and to stick in.

The secret between my mother-in-law and I, Deqin De Fang, knew about it, and they didn’t mind.

During the meal, Deqin suggested that we all take off our clothes, Deqin said: “Brother-in-law, you sit on a chair, mom kneeling on the table, I’m under the table to lick your cock, you sit and lick mom’s pussy!

And assholes. “

Mother in law heard “stinky girl, it seems to be necessary to hurry to marry you out, now to eat, but also thinking of your brother-in-law’s big cock, it seems that you ah, is also a small slut hole.”

Duchene quickly explained, “No, Mom, I can’t believe you don’t like it when your brother-in-law licks you. My brother-in-law sits in a chair with his upper body on the table, and you’re on your hands and knees on the table, so he can lick your pussy and asshole while he feeds you and I. Wouldn’t that be nice.”

When I heard that, I asked strangely, “How do I feed this?”

Deqin said: “Mom lying on the table, hands are idle, want to eat what eat, I lick your cock under the table, you can pinch the food to me to eat ah, mom just pouting ass let you lick can, hey, you can also put some food to mom’s hole and asshole, and then you pull out and eat it, do you think it’s good to play? That’s a good idea of mine, isn’t it.”

My mother in law and I heard that it was a great idea, never had that kind of fun before, and agreed.

Mother-in-law said: “This is good is good, but you do not give your brother-in-law instigated ejaculation, a moment there are two holes to fuck it, do not let your brother-in-law too tired.”

Deqin said happily: “Don’t worry mom, I don’t want to let brother-in-law shoot it, a moment ah brother-in-law to fuck not two holes, but five holes it.”

When I heard that, my heart was happy, and I said: Is there going to be three more women? Wow, one king and five queens, I have not played it, usually in the mother-in-law’s home to play one king and three queens. I am thinking, my cock can not help but erection.

I heard my mother-in-law say: “How is it five holes, your sister is back, but also three holes ah?”

Deqin found my cock has been erect, a grabbed, laughed: “Mom, look, my brother-in-law’s cock is hard, hey,” said, but also patted my cock said: “big cock baby, good ah, a moment I kiss you well, mom, is five holes ah, you think ah, your mouth, hole and asshole and my mouth and asshole not all can let brother-in-law fuck? asshole, and my mouth and asshole can be fucked by my brother-in-law, right? That’s five pussies.

What? “

Mother-in-law heard, unconvinced, said: “This is five holes, not five holes ah. Besides, the mouth can not be a hole ah, unless your mouth is a hole mouth.”

Duchene said, “Hey, Mom, think about it. Whenever we fuck, does my brother-in-law treat our mouths like mouths? Or our assholes as assholes? It’s all just like a hole. It’s normal to have a cock in a hole.

But when a cock is stuck in the mouth and asshole, it means that the mouth and asshole are also holes, right? Brother-in-law,” he said, and pinched my cock hard.

As soon as I was in pain, I hurriedly said, “Yes, mom, Deqin is right, as long as the cock goes in, that’s a hole.”

Mother-in-law heard, angry said: “Well, you said that mom’s mouth is a hole, asshole is also a hole, good boy, you wait, stay ah, I have to pinch your cock off to do.”

When De Qin heard this, she quickly interjected, “Mom, if you cut off my brother-in-law’s cock, how are we going to live in the future? We still count on my brother-in-law’s big cock to fuck us, besides, my sister doesn’t agree with it. Mom, you do not want to give up, right.”

After hearing this, mother-in-law said, “Alright, alright, quickly undress, if you don’t eat, the food will get cold.”

Deqin said: “Just take off, I see, our mom is not afraid of cold rice.”

Mother in law while taking off and laughed: “You little slut hole, yes, if I don’t take off my clothes, the water in my hole will flow out, your brother in law won’t be able to eat it, won’t it be in vain.” Finished saying that all the clothes have been removed, lying on the table.

Deqin also finished undressing at this time, while touching her mother-in-law’s pussy, said: “Brother-in-law, look, mom really flowing. Well, I’ll taste it too,” she said, and licked her tongue over her mother-in-law’s asshole and pussy.

Mother-in-law hurriedly ducked and said, “Deqin, don’t lick it, it’s for your brother-in-law, you’d better go and lick your brother-in-law.”

Deqin reluctantly said: “Mom is really biased, all to brother-in-law not to me, brother-in-law, later when I lick your cock you can feed me food in time ah, otherwise, beware of me biting the cock.” After saying that, he drilled under the table.

I had finished undressing by now and was sitting on the chair, looking at Deqin kneeling under the table instigating my cock, with my mother in law’s big white ass on the table bobbing in front of my eyes, I hugged my mother in law’s ass and stuck my tongue out.

I was licking my mother in law’s pussy and asshole from above and my sister in law’s licking cock from below, it was so enjoyable, how nice it would have been if DeFang was there too, she could have laid on the table and let mom lick her pussy and asshole, just thinking about it made my cock even harder.

I licked my mother-in-law’s hole and asshole, while the king stuffed some rice inside, and then snapped out the rice, reaching under the table to feed my sister-in-law. After a while, Deqin shouted: “OMG, my knees and mouth are sore, mom, let’s change.”

Mother-in-law said: “change on change” said and De Qin changed position.

Deqin lying on the table, because Deqin’s asshole is small, I can not put a lot of food into her asshole, so I had to lick her asshole. Mother-in-law grabbed my cock and said: “Aiya, Deqin, how do you lick ah, how your brother-in-law’s cock on a smell of vegetable oil ah” said licking up.

Deqin said: “Hey mom. Brother-in-law while feeding me, I abet brother-in-law’s cock, cock can not taste? How do you feel?”

Mother-in-law said: “En. At first uncomfortable, now much better, with the flavor of vegetable oil, instigate more comfortable. Taste good.”

I said, “Mom, what if you run again?”

Mother-in-law has not yet spoken, Deqin from the table handed over a plate of abalone juice to me, said: “Say, mom, you are running water, on which it followed, a moment for my brother-in-law to eat.”

Mother-in-law said : “This is a good method, so that there is no waste at all.” Said, took the plate from my hand over, placed under their own cross.

Looking at mother in law kneeling across the plate, instigating my cock, Deqin’s arched buttocks in front of my eyes swaying, pink asshole one by one, my cock is even harder, I waist a force, the cock violently forward a rush, all of a sudden inserted into the mother in law in the throat, mother in law hurriedly pulled out the cock and said: “dead Dawei, you’re going to die, even if you have to insert the throat, but also have to say with me! One ah, good guy, you inserted this, almost put me into the vomit.”

I was about to explain something when Deqin grabbed it and said, “Haha, mom, I’m wiggling my ass and teasing me about my brother-in-law, ha, how about that, awesome.”

Mother-in-law scolded: “You little slut, now learn to seduce men, how to do in the future ah?”

Deqin said: “Mom, we swore that we would not let other men fuck us except my brother-in-law, have you forgotten? If I were to seduce, it would be my brother-in-law.”

Mother-in-law said: “Come on you, if it is not your brother-in-law can not marry you, I would have let your brother-in-law to deflower you, save you now every day thinking about your brother-in-law.”

Deqin said: “Mom, you’re still talking about me, don’t you also miss my brother-in-law? Aiya, mom, brother-in-law bit my asshole. Oh, it feels so good.”

I didn’t want to hear it because my cock had nothing to do with the two women talking, so I bit Deqin to shut them up, and sure enough it worked. The two women stopped talking and concentrated on enjoying the gourmet meal.

After a while, mother in law, after all, was getting old and couldn’t stand being on her knees all the time. So I let her out, and had her and Deqin lie side by side on the table, while I licked my mother in law’s pussy and asshole, and pumped my finger in Deqin’s asshole. As both women climaxed, I each ate their love juices again.

After they had orgasmed again, we all sat down to eat formally, with Deqin sitting on my left thigh and my mother in law on my right thigh, my hands running up and down their spines, caressing them.

Since I had to support them with both hands, naturally I had no way to eat the food. Deqin and my mother-in-law took turns to give me the food, and the food juice kept dripping on my chest, belly and cock, so Deqin and my mother-in-law grabbed it and licked it clean for me.

When Deqin fed me, my mother-in-law caressed my cock, and when my mother-in-law fed me, Deqin caressed my cock, and now and then mother and daughter kissed.

Drinking, Deqin began to take a mouthful of wine in the mouth, and then fed to me, mother-in-law saw, also open is to follow suit, unknowingly, in a kissing way we all drank a lot of wine.

Deqin slipped off my lap and started frantically licking my balls one moment and my mother in law’s pussy the next, and several times, I nearly dropped my mother in law.

When the two of them were ready again, Deqin, after kissing her mother-in-law deeply, touched her mother-in-law’s breasts and said to me: “Brother-in-law, really thank you. You know what? Every day can let us lick your cock, lick your asshole, we are very satisfied.”

I hurriedly said, “Deqin, don’t say anything, I’ll come home more often from now on.”

Mother in law interrupted me and said: “Really, Davy, God has really favored us by letting you come to our home, we all love you, very much, and would do anything for you, fucking is part of loving you. Your cock is big, it’s your gift. Tonight when De Fang comes back, you will deflower De Qin. The rules of the Zhao family are made and changed by people. Yesterday, I told De Qin, we are all your women, play with us as you like, as you like. Tonight when De Fang comes back, let’s have a marriage ceremony, all three of us, mother and daughter, are your wives, faithful wives, and then, you’ll deflower De Qin.”

Deqin happily jumped up from the length of my legs, flooring my neck and my mother-in-law’s neck, and excitedly said, “Great, mom, thank you, you finally told my brother-in-law that from tonight on, I’ll be

It’s my brother-in-law’s woman, finally I can let my brother-in-law fuck my pussy. “

I was moved, what else could I do but be moved? The cock was still high.

It was such a long meal, finally everyone was done eating, mother in law and Deqin were quiet, only my cock was still high up in the air. Mother in law took the plate holding the lewd water out as well

I was about to take it when my mother-in-law said, “Dawei, you don’t want to eat this, DeFang will come back tonight, save it for her.”

When I heard that, I wasn’t objecting.

After dinner, we went back to the couch in the living room.