Brontosaurus and Violet

Author: YSE99

Chapter 1: Escape

Sandra B. Aislington, S.C.

Female, 32 years old, 1 meter 75, 63 kilograms, American, captain of the Violet Team, Lieutenant Colonel of the Solar System Defense Force, 13 years of service in the Defense Force, rich combat experience, first-class combat master, especially good at close-range fighting, proficient in a variety of firearms, with tough perseverance and rare ability to endure hardship.

Linda B. Linda Stewart.

Female, 25 years old, height 1 meter 73, 55 kilograms, British, vice captain of the violet team, major of the solar system defense force, from a prominent family, with the British royal blood, well educated, cautious character, thorough thinking, the violet team’s battle plans are from her design, not very good at close-range fighting, but an excellent sniper.

Wayne Gao Ying (1949-), Chinese US film director

Female, 27 years old, height 1 meter 70, 54 kilograms, Chinese, communication officer of the Violet Team, Major of the Solar System Defense Forces, left-handed, with sharp intuition, knows the performance and use of all kinds of electronic equipment, very proficient in Chinese martial arts, especially amazing leg kung fu, rare in close combat.

Julia B. Julia Leopold.

Female, 27 years old, 1 meter 80, 62 kilograms, Dutch, member of the Violet Group, Captain of the Solar System Defense Force, typical Scandinavian beauty, worked as a model, left-handed, straightforward, somewhat impatient, proficient in all kinds of firearms, excellent naval gunner.

Ao Ishihara

Female, 22 years old, 1 meter 61, 46 kilograms, Japanese, member of the Violet Team, second lieutenant of the Solar System Defense Force, lively, simple, agile, quick to strike, black belt karate expert, knows ninjutsu and is also a sharpshooter.

Hashimoto Yoko (1954-), Japanese politician, prime minister 1996-1998

Female, 30 years old, 1 meter 68, 57 kilograms, Japanese, not active military, doctor of medicine and biology, very knowledgeable about the ecology and natural conditions of the planets in the universe, she was temporarily added to the Violet Team specifically for this manhunt, a voluptuous oriental beauty who only knows some simple shooting and fighting skills.

A young man with a lean appearance and a head of blonde hair looked at this information flashing on the computer screen, his slightly melancholic blue-gray eyes flashed with a strange light, and with an imperceptible smile at the corners of his mouth, he muttered to himself, “My capable Alex, why don’t you leave me their triple digits together?”

At that moment, a starship crewman came into the room and said respectfully, “Sir Fred, Mr. Bob is in the control room, please come over.”

The man known as Fred lazily stood up and followed the crew out of the room to the starship’s control room. Inside the spacious control room, an old man who looked to be around fifty years old, with a medium build and slightly balding was sitting in front of the console. Beside the old man stood a dark-skinned giant that was over two meters tall.

The old man heard Fred’s footsteps, turned around, pointed to the radar monitor in front of him, and said to the man, “Check it out, Fred, the ‘Athena’ is getting closer to us.”

Fred walked over to the monitor and watched a bright purple dot flash on the screen, frowning a bit without saying anything.

The old man also looked at the purple bright spot and said worriedly, “Fred, I think it’s going to be hard not to catch up with them before we get back to the Bristol Galaxy.”

Fred thought for a moment and said to the old man, “Bob, any word from Alex?”

The old man known as Bob shook his head and said, “No, I’m afraid there’s nothing Alex can do, he can’t stop ‘Violet’.”

Fred pondered, suddenly he laughed and said to Bob, “Bob, we’ve been through so many dangerous battles together, why are you afraid of a few women this time? No one can stop me, not even ‘Violet’!”

After saying that, he turned to the standing giant and said, “Leo, don’t just stand there, go get some wine and let’s relax!”

Bob looked at the smiling Fred and said to himself, “Fred, you mustn’t underestimate these women.”

A few tens of thousands of kilometers behind Fred and the others, a beautiful, huge purple starship, the Athena, was currently traveling. In a room on the Athena, a red-haired woman wearing a silver-gray Solar System Defense Force uniform was also sitting in front of a computer, watching intently.

Frederich B. Schmidt Saarland Ostholm

Male, 30 years old, 1 meter 84, 72 kilograms, Bristol Galaxy, “Thunder Dragon” leader, usually called Fred, the universe’s most dangerous, evil, cunning, brutal criminals, from a famous family, well-educated, extremely high IQ, excellent organizational skills, in the Bristol Galaxy is very prestigious, proficient in fencing and combat, shooting is also first-class, has the ability to change into an octopus-like monster, captured two years ago in the “Poseidon” operation, imprisoned, said to be able to transform into a kind of octopus-like monster, two years ago in the “Neptune” action. He is very famous in Bristol galaxy, proficient in kendo and combat, his shooting skill is also first-class, he has supernatural ability, it is said that he can transform into a kind of octopus-like monster, he was captured two years ago in the “Poseidon” operation, he was imprisoned in Io’s prison, fifteen days ago, he escaped from the prison with the help of his accomplices, Bob, Rasovsky and Leo, and he is being hunted down at the present time.

The computer displayed a picture of Osherom, a handsome, lean face with a strong hawkish nose, thin lips that were almost bloodless, and a pair of blue-gray eyes underneath a head of blonde hair that seemed to be staring grimly ahead. The redhead’s heart chilled at those eyes, and she hurriedly pressed her mouse to turn to the next page.

Bob B. Lasofsky (name)

Male, 58 years old, 1 meter 74, 71 kilograms, Russian, member of “Thunder Dragon”, originally a scientist sent to the Bristol Galaxy, was Oshlom’s tutor when he was a teenager, joined the organization after Oshlom founded “Thunder Dragon”. He has a wealth of knowledge and intelligence, but has average combat skills. He escaped during Operation Poseidon, then rescued Osthrom and escaped from prison, and is currently being pursued.

Leo (name)

Male, 35 years old, 2 meters 21, 126 kilograms, Pancatian, member of the “Thunder Dragon”, Oshlom’s personal bodyguard, originally a servant of the Oshlom family, loyal to Oshlom, a simple-minded, but amazingly powerful giant, his huge body is almost invulnerable to knives and spears, but his movements are slightly slow, escaped from the “Poseidon” operation, and then rescued Oshlom to escape from prison, currently being pursued. “He escaped during Operation Poseidon, and later escaped from prison by rescuing Oschlom, who is currently being sought.

The redhead sighed softly and clicked the word “brontosaurus” with her mouse.

“Thunder Dragon”

An evil and dangerous terrorist organization called “Comunis” in Bristol, a prehistoric creature extinct in the Bristol system, resembling a dinosaur from the history of the solar system, the Brontosaurus, which is why the organization was called “Brontosaurus”. -Brontosaurus, as the organization was called, was formed in 2721 A.D. by Oschlom, Shura, and Van Guld. The organization was formed by Oschlom, Shura and Van Guld in 2721 A.D. They tried to organize an army and set up a country in the Bristol system, but after being defeated by the solar system’s defense forces, they fled to Neptune in the solar system, and used Neptune as a base to carry out terrorist activities against the government of the solar system, and they were destroyed in 2730 A.D. during the “Poseidon” operation launched by the government of the solar system, and the leader of the organization, Oschlom, was captured. The leader of the organization was captured. Among the other important members, Anthony Shula and Sergio Venzo were killed, and Luis Among the other important members, Anthony Shula and Sergio Venzo were killed, and Louis van Gogh was killed. Louis van Gelder and Jeffrey Gould were captured. Louis van Guld and Jeff Jacobson escaped and are still missing. Jacobson escaped, their whereabouts unknown, and the organization is still extremely powerful in the Bristol system.

The redhead stared at the computer monitor, her beautiful blue eyes seemed to have looked through the screen into the vast universe.

By the year 2732 A.D., mankind (meaning the original humans living on Earth) had traveled to almost all corners of the entire universe. Thanks to the invention of FTL spaceships and artificial atmospheres, humans have been free to explore and live on various planets in the universe since more than five hundred years ago.

Since the year 2357, when the great explorer Juan Lépine discovered the Xanthians in the St. Joseph Centaurus system, explorers from the solar system have discovered advanced life in nearly two hundred galaxies in the universe. Since the discovery of the Cathars by the great explorer Juan Lepen in 2357 in the St. Joseph’s galaxy in the constellation of Centaurus, explorers from our solar system have discovered the existence of advanced life in nearly two hundred galaxies, large and small, in the universe. The vast majority of these extraterrestrials have been happy to live in peace with the humans of our solar system, while a few brutal and barbaric extraterrestrials have eventually succumbed to the force of the humans of our solar system or become extinct.

In 2598 A.D., humans discovered the Bristolians, who were almost identical to humans, in the distant Bristol Galaxy in the constellation of Pisces, which at the time was under the rule of a dim-witted and declining Great Conseil Dynasty, with rebellions and uprisings on various planets, and chaos throughout the galaxy.

In 2649 A.D., the expeditionary force of the solar system easily overthrew the fallen dynasty, and established an executive government led by the solar system government there, setting up civil protection officials to rule the entire galaxy. Although the government tried its best to implement a democratic policy, the Bristolians, who used to oppose the rule of the Great Conseil Dynasty, were unwilling to accept the government’s jurisdiction, and despite the iron fist of the solar system’s defense forces, rebellions still occurred frequently.

In 2721, a young man from a prominent family, Frederick B. Saar, was born into a family with a history of great success, and he was born into a family with a history of great success. Ostholm, along with a few like-minded companions, organizes the most powerful rebellion yet. Together with a few like-minded companions, Osthrom organized the strongest resistance to date, attempting to re-establish power by embracing the descendants of the Great Concierge Dynasty, and after it was suppressed, the terrorist organization that is now renowned throughout the universe – “Thunder Dragon “.

“After the destruction of the Thunder Dragons, their leader, Oschlom, was imprisoned in Io. However, not long ago, he escaped from prison with the help of his accomplices and prepared to flee back to the Bristol system. In order to prevent Oshlom from reorganizing the rebellion in the Bristol system, the Solar System Government decided to capture him before he returned to his home, and for this purpose sent the best and brightest of the Defense Force, the “Violet” team, to carry out this pursuit.

The redhead was deep in thought when suddenly the door was pushed open and a petite girl with a student’s haircut ran in and shouted at her, “Linda, the captain is calling you to a meeting in the conference room!”

The redhead turned out to be Linda B. Stewart, the vice-captain of Team Violet. Linda Stewart.

Linda turned to the petite girl and said, “Cang, you’re always so furtive, I was startled by you!”

Cang Ishihara laughed and spat out her tongue. Linda and Ao Ishihara walked out of the room together to the conference room.

The other members of the Violet Group had already been sitting at the conference table waiting for them. In the innermost part of the conference table sat a young woman wearing a Defense Force uniform, her healthy and voluptuous body was even more mature and charming under the wrapping of her silver-gray uniform, her hair was short and brown, and the expression on her heroic face was firm and bold. She was Sandra, the captain of the Violet Team.

The seat to Sandra’s right was empty, and to her left sat a beautiful and cold oriental woman, with straight black hair falling past her shoulders, and skin so fair and crystalline that it was almost like jade, this was Gao Ying, the intelligence officer of the Violet Team, and one of the best intelligence officers in the Defense Force. She was a famous iceberg beauty in the Defense Force, and behind her back, the male officers called her “Miss Gao Ao”.

Beside Gao Ying, a blonde was fiddling with a ballpoint pen in her hand and smiling at Linda. Her wavy blonde hair was almost white, her fair face had a high nose that was unique to the Nordic people, and her two green eyes were as clear as a lake, and she was gorgeous. She was, of course, the Divine Artilleryman of the Violet Team, Julia… Leopold.

Linda and Ao Ishihara came and sat down across from Gao Ying and Julia. Linda said to Sandra: “Captain, can we have a meeting? Is there a new mission?”

Sandra laughed and said, “Why are you in such a hurry too? The doctor hasn’t arrived yet!”

Before the words fell, the door was pushed open, and a beautiful woman in high heels, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, with dark hair coiled on top of her head, and clutching a large stack of books hurried in, her plump breasts rising and falling dramatically under the beige suit as if they were about to jump out.

Yoko Hashimoto came to sit across from Sandra and gasped softly, “Sorry I’m late again. I don’t always move as quickly as you soldiers.”

The girls laughed at Yoko’s words.

Sandra said to the group, “We’re getting closer to that scoundrel Fred now, at this rate we’ll be able to catch up with his starship in five days at most, I’d like to hear what you all think.”

Just as she finished speaking, Julia grabbed her words and said, “Let’s get a little closer, when we’re in range of my ‘Ice Star’ missile, I’ll blow him out of the sky and turn Fred into cosmic trash, floating in space for the rest of his life!”

Ao Ishihara continued, “Or maybe just catch up with him and we’ll go to his starship and bring him back?”

Linda shook her head: “It’s not as easy as you think. The starship that Fred is riding on is the most heavily armored ‘St. Mark’-class battleship, our missiles may not be able to destroy it. Moreover, its firepower is also very powerful, if ‘Athena’ gets close to it, I’m afraid we’ll suffer a great loss as well.”

Ao Ishihara: “Then what? Are we just going to follow him back to the Bristol system?”

Linda: “That’s no good, that would be too much for the Nato Bailiff!”

Julia: “I don’t understand what the government was thinking, appointing a stupid and cowardly guy like Nato as a bailiff.”

Linda laughed and said, “Only the stupid can follow orders, only the timid dare not rebel, this truth you should understand.”

After a period of silence, Yoko Hashimoto suddenly said, “How could Fred get a ‘St. Mark’-class battleship?

Could there be ‘Thunder Dragon’ spies in the Defense Force? “

Sandra said, “I don’t think it’s possible, but there must be a spy in the defense force. Otherwise it would have been impossible for Rasovsky to get Fred out of there by bribing a few jailers.”

This was Gao Ying, who hadn’t said anything, suddenly said, “I have a premonition that our operation this time will be very uneventful, everyone must be extra careful.”

Ishihara Cang laughed and said: ”Gao Ying, you are always like a little witch mysteriously telling us about premonitions. Which of our operations was easy? Which time we will be very careful!”

Gao Ying gave her a blank look.

Julia said, “If I had known today, I would have hanged that Fred guy in the first place!”

Linda: “But if we kill Fred, we’re only afraid that it will lead to more chaos in the Bristol Galaxy. You know, that guy is still very influential there.”

Julia: “But don’t we still have to hunt him down now? Can’t we just beat him to death now?”

Sandra: “The Wehrmacht ordered us to take Fred alive if possible, and to shoot him only as a last resort, which is very difficult indeed.”

Gao Ying: “I don’t think we need to follow the orders from above, that villain is too cunning, it’s safer to finish him off.”

Julia: “I’m for it!”

Ao Ishihara: “I’m in favor of it too!”

Sandra: “Linda, what about you?”

Linda: “I also think that Fred guy is too dangerous, I’m afraid we’ll be in big trouble if we must capture him alive. I also support Gao Ying’s opinion, let’s leave the mess on the Bristol side to Nato and the Defense Force to clean up.”

Sandra: “Well then, since we all think so, let’s settle this. Once Fred is in our range, Julia you will shoot his starship with missiles, even if we can’t destroy it, we will maximize the damage to the equipment on the starship and try to wipe out this villain in one fell swoop! Everyone go get ready, meeting adjourned!”

In the vast expanse of space, a purple starship sped along far behind the battleship in front of it.

Thirty hours had passed, and the members of the Violet Team were gathered in the command hall of the Athena, nervously watching the huge monitor. On the monitor, a bright black dot was flashing.

Gao Ying: “Captain, we are still about 20,000 kilometers away from Fred’s starship.”

Sandra: “Cang, go check the loading. Julia, prepare to fire!”

The blonde sat at the console skillfully operating a large array of instruments, her green eyes glowing with excitement.

Julia: “Captain, I’ll test Fred’s reaction with a cluster photon missile first.”

In space, the Athena came to a stop. Suddenly, a bright red light shot out from underneath the purple ship! The black dot on the monitor moved sharply to the left, and a red line grazed it.

Linda: “What a quick response! Fred is really something!”

Julia: “It’s best if Fred thinks so too.”

After saying that, she pressed the button and two red lines appeared on the monitor and flew towards the black bright spot at the same time. That black bright spot flickered sharply, as if jumping for a moment, and avoided it again.

Julia: “It’s almost time to give this guy a taste of his own medicine!”

A white line appeared on the huge monitor this time, and flew straight towards the black spot, when it was almost close, a white light suddenly burst out in front of the white line, followed by a white line that suddenly split into three white lines and flew towards the black spot. This time the black spot flickered a few more times, but only an eye-catching white light came out from the black spot, illuminating the whole monitor!

The girls in Violet’s group immediately cheered. Julia exclaimed, “Look! Our ‘Ice Star’ hit! To hell with that bastard Fred!”

Linda and Gao Ying also hugged and jumped together.

On the huge starship in front of the Athena, it was a different story. Bob was directing the crew to dodge Athena’s attacks, and on the third one, before they could move, the incoming missile suddenly exploded on its own.

Bob exclaimed, “No good! It’s the ‘Ice Star’! Quick, to the right!”

Before he could finish, a loud noise seemed to explode beneath them, and the massive battleship lurched violently, jolting the men in the control room.

Bob wobbled to his feet and cursed loudly, “Damn it! Leo, quick, go check where it’s hit!”

The lanky giant ran out with heavy steps.

Fred calmly patted the dust on his body, stood up and said with a smile, “Bob, it looks like you were right, I kinda underestimated these women!”

Bob gave him a look and growled, “Fred, where do you think we are? This is space! If our starship gets destroyed, we’ll all be space junk!”

Fred smiled and said, “Bob, didn’t you teach me since I was a kid that panic only makes people more stupid, and that calmness is the only way to make the right decision? Why are you panicking today?”

As we were talking, Leo came running in and yelled, “These damn solar system bitches, they hit our reserve fuel silo! Liquid lanthanum crystals are flowing into space!”

Bob sucked in a breath of cold air and asked, “Is the power plant destroyed? Where’s the main fuel tank?”

Leo: “God almighty bless! The power plant and main fuel tanks are mostly intact.”

Bob turned to Fred and said, “Fred, what to do? There’s no way we can fly back to Bristol without reserve fuel.”

Leo stomped his feet aside and cursed loudly, “These fucking bitches, I’m going to catch them and strangle them one by one with my own hands!”

Fred thought for a moment and said to Leo, “Stop arguing and go get me the star chart!”

The lanky giant turned and ran out. Soon Leo returned with the star map and handed it to Fred.

Fred frowned tightly, looking over the star chart. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he shouted to Bob, “Bob, come look!”

He pointed his finger at a planet on the star map and said excitedly: “Bob, look! This planet called ‘Medovi’ is inhabited by human beings and is less than four million kilometers away from us, so let’s head for ‘Medovi’ at full speed! God willing, we’ll find spare fuel there and fix our starship!”

The huge starship turned around and headed for the planet called “Medovi”.

On the Athena, the members of the Violet Team in front of the monitor saw the black bright spot not disappear after the white light flash, but suddenly change direction and fly in another direction.

Julia: “What’s going on? What are they doing?”

Linda: “It doesn’t look like they’re heading toward Bristol.”

Gao Ying thought for a moment and took out the star map to look at it. Suddenly, she exclaimed, “Come look! This Fred guy must be going here!”

She pointed to a planet and said, “Fred’s battleship must have been damaged and can no longer fly long distances.

There’s a planet called ‘Medovi’ that’s inhabited by humans, Fred must be going here to repair his broken battleship! Let’s hurry up and catch up! “

Sandra pondered for a moment and muttered to herself, “‘Medovi’?”

At that moment, Yoko Hashimoto, who hadn’t said anything, said, “Captain, I think Fred will be disappointed when he gets to ‘Meadowview’!”

Julia hurriedly asked, “Doctor, why?”

Yoko smiled and said, “‘Medovi’ is an asteroid in the Pasiphic system far from the main star, and it is very desolate up there. There are less than a million Hur people living there, and they are very scattered, with only two or three towns of some size. The Hur people’s IQ is very low, they are short, and their character is relatively mild and simple, basically not aggressive. Hur people’s technology level is very backward, only equivalent to the level of the early nineteenth century on Earth, there is no heavy industry, even the simple automobile can not be manufactured, how can repair starships? Fred will definitely be greatly disappointed when he gets there!”

Linda smiled and said, “Worthy of being a Doctor, you know all the planets like the back of your hand, no wonder HQ sent you to join this operation.”

Sandra: “Well, we’ll just follow it up to ‘Medovi’ and destroy the villain Osherom!”

The graceful Athena also changed direction and pursued them. The girls of the Violet Group had no idea what fate awaited them on the desolate planet ahead.

Chapter 2: The Hull People

The huge purple battleship landed smoothly on the desolate planet Medovi.

From “Athena”, the whole planet is full of strange peaks formed by meteorite impacts millions of years ago, dry and cracked salt land, small bushes and scattered lakes, and there is not a single human figure, not to mention the shadow of Fred’s warship.

Sandra said, “It looks like we’ll have to send someone down to find out where Fred’s starship is.”

Linda said, “Captain, let me go with Julia and Cang, you guys stay and liaise with headquarters.”

Sandra thought for a moment and said, “Okay, but you guys be careful, if you meet Fred don’t engage and hurry back to report!”

Linda nodded.

Sandra added, “Don’t wear the uniforms of the Defense Forces, they would be too conspicuous, change into civilian clothes to move around more easily.”

Linda, Julia and Ao Ishihara walked out to get ready.

Not long after, Ao Ishihara walked in wearing a tracksuit and carrying a backpack, looking like a college girl going on a trip.

Then Linda walked in wearing a dark blue, pants underneath suit.

Linda asked, “Where’s Julia?”

Ao Ishihara: She’s so slow to change her clothes that she always looks like she’s about to perform.

As they were talking, the door was pushed open, and everyone’s eyes lit up: they saw Julia walking in wearing a light pile and a pair of sunglasses, she was wearing a white silk blouse and a short dark red jacket, the black skirt underneath was just halfway up her thighs, and her straight legs were even more slender wrapped in flesh-colored pantyhose, and she was wearing a pair of unbelted cream-colored high-heeled shoes, which made her look sexy and beautiful.

Ao Ishihara exclaimed, “Wow, Julia, you’re not going to find your Prince Charming at the Meadowview, are you? Why are you being so dramatic?”

Julia blushed a little.

Linda hurriedly said: “Well, Cang. You are not unaware that our Julia has long worn enough military uniforms, looking forward to wearing a fashion, the original person is a model! Let’s go!”

The three men got into a landing car and drove onto the inhospitable land of “Medovi”.

After watching the three leave, Sandra said to Gao Ying, “Gao Ying, contact headquarters and report our position.”

Gao Ying turned on the machine and put on the headset, suddenly, she shouted, “Captain, damn it, we can’t get in touch with the headquarters!”

Sandra hurriedly asked, “What’s going on?”

Gao Ying angrily took off her headphones and said, “These bastards from the Intelligence Department must not have downloaded the new code sheet to us! Damn it!”

A cloud flashed across Sandra’s face and she asked, “Is there anything else we can do?”

Gao Ying: “There’s nothing we can do, we can only wait for the next download in two weeks and hope that these assholes don’t forget about us again.”

Sandra muttered, “Two weeks, looks like it’s all on us.”

As the lander was traveling on the Medovy, Julia, who had a sharp eye, suddenly shouted, “Look! There’s a town up ahead!”

Linda and Ao Ishihara looked forward, and sure enough, a town of Hurians appeared ahead.

Julia: “You guys keep looking elsewhere, I’m going to go to that town and ask for information!”

Linda: “Well Julia you be careful.”

Ao Ishihara: “Don’t let the Hurians abduct you!”

Julia glared at her and stepped out of the landing vehicle, heading towards the town. The landing car continued to fly forward into the desolation.

Julia walked into the town, only to see dilapidated houses everywhere, and three or four Hulls going about their business.

The Hurians, suddenly seeing Julia, such a slim, tall, beautiful woman in colorful clothes, enter the town, stopped in surprise and eyed her with curiosity.

Julia walked up to a little girl and asked kindly, “Little girl, what is the name of this place?”

The little girl looked at the blonde in front of her with amazement and stayed for a moment before saying, “This is Bruton.”

Julia thought to herself: So this town is called Bruton. She asked again: “Little girl, have you recently seen a huge airship flying from the sky to here? Or have you seen any strange people?”

The little girl hesitated and said, “I don’t know what a spaceship is, and I haven’t seen any other strange people lately besides you.”

Julia smiled as she looked up and suddenly saw a small bar not far ahead.

She thought: the bar is a good place to ask for information. Julia walked quickly towards the bar.

Once the door of the bar was pushed open, the scene inside was exactly the same as what Julia had seen in the movie in the bar on Earth a few hundred years ago: in the smoky, dimly lit bar, men were drinking beer, smoking cigarettes, and talking loudly about nonsense, emitting a rotten and unpleasant odor.

As soon as Julia walked into the bar, it was instantly silent inside. All eyes were on her, some curious, some greedy, and Julia felt uncomfortable.

She walked straight to the bar and said to the waiter inside, “A Martell on the rocks.”

The waiter looked at Julia with a strange look, “We don’t have any Martell here.”

Julia was flabbergasted and asked again, “Do you have any wine then? Have a glass.”

The waiter turned around and poured Julia a glass of wine, when a man came up to Julia and grinned: “Chick, I’ll buy you a drink.”

Julia gave him a blank look and said coldly, “Thanks, no need.”

She took her drink and sat down at an empty table, thinking: How come some of the people here aren’t as simple and gentle as the Doctor said, and some of them look like hooligans on Earth. What should I do? How do I start asking around?

Julia was thinking about it when suddenly a slippery hand on her shoulder startled her.

The Hurman who had been with her just now came up from behind her and said with a puff of alcohol in his mouth, “Girl, don’t drink alone, come on, I’ll drink with you!”

The man said while staring at Julia’s bulging breasts with greedy eyes. Julia was so uncomfortable by his look that she stood up in disgust and was about to leave.

The guy reached out to pull Julia, Julia raised her leg and stomped hard on his foot with the high heel on her foot. The guy let out a scream and reached out to hug Julia’s waist. Julia didn’t even look back, an elbow punch hit him in the face, the sound of his nose being broken was clearly audible. He covered his face and fell to the ground and rolled.

Julia was just about to head out the door when four or five Hulls in the bar stood up.

“Stop! Little girl, how dare you show your face here!”

With that, they lunged at Julia. The rest of the people in the bar ran out.

Julia didn’t give the guys a second thought, and in a few rounds they were rolling around and screaming.

Not wanting to stay long, Julia walked quickly to the door. Suddenly, the door to the bar opened and a tall, stocky man with a scar on his face walked in, and Julia almost ran into him.

The Hurians who were on the ground shouted, “Hurry! Oscar, grab this chick.”

Without hesitation, Julia raised her leg and kicked at the man named Oscar.

That guy also moved quickly and surprisingly dodged it. At that moment the guys who were knocked down pounced again from behind Julia.

Julia turned and fought the guys. She suddenly felt a gust of wind coming towards the back of her head at a surprisingly fast speed. Before Julia could react, she felt a heavy blow on the back of her neck, her eyes went black, and she lost consciousness.

Julia vaguely felt a large, plush hand touching her face; she opened her eyes and gasped. She was tied up backwards to a post in a dimly lit cellar; a burly, medium-built Hurman in his mid to late forties was touching her face with his large hands; behind the guy, the man with the scarred face was looking at the insignia of the Solar System Defense Force that she had originally pinned to her shirt, which she was holding in her hand.

Julia was almost certain that she was knocked out by the guy with the scar on his face, so she looked at him carefully: the guy was about the same size as Julia, with a very large physique, and a horrifying scar spanning half of his face from under the corner of his right eye to the right corner of his mouth. He did not seem to be a Hurman, because he was much taller than a Hurman, and his skin was lighter than a Hurman, and he did not have the high cheekbones and forehead of a Hurman. Julia remembered that his name was Oscar.

In the cellar, there were eight or nine other Hulls, including the ones Julia had beaten up in the bar, and these people seemed to be a gang. Julia secretly wondered: how could the Hull people, who were considered to be simple and gentle and with a low IQ, organize themselves as if they were gangsters on Earth? She didn’t know what these Hur people were going to do to themselves, and she was a little nervous.

The guy who touched Julia’s face saw her waking up and grinned, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth: “Hey, hey, girl, awake?”

At that moment, Oscar came over, waved his hand and gave Julia a slap on the face, saying viciously, “Bitch! So it’s the bitch from the solar system!”

In the universe, there were many people who hated the rule of the Solar System, and Julia didn’t find it strange as she exclaimed, “I’m Julia, a captain in the Solar System Defense Force, so release me now!”

Those Hurians who stood aside shouted, “Russel, you can’t let this chick go so easily!”

Julia thought to herself, “So this burly Hurman’s name is Russel, and he seems to be the leader of the group.

Russell laughed dryly twice, and to Julia’s surprise, he untied the ropes that bound Julia!

Julia regained her freedom and hurriedly straightened her slightly disheveled clothes to head out.

Russell suddenly said, “Girl, you beat up my brother and you just want to leave?”

Julia looked back, “What else are you going to do?”

Russell: “Let’s compete, if you win me, you can leave right away; if I win, you’ll have to suffer a bit.” While saying that, he was looking at Julia’s body with colorful eyes.

Julia was shocked, but on second thought: how could a Hurman with some brute strength be his opponent? She said coldly: “Then you come!”

Russel smiled wickedly and suddenly threw a punch at Julia’s chest!

Julia was secretly surprised to see that Russel’s punches were also quite fast and extremely powerful. She didn’t dare to block hard, and her body flashed, lightly dodging to the side.

Seeing that the hit was missed, Russell hurriedly turned around and came at Julia with open arms!

Julia stomped the ground with both feet, her body flew wonderfully over Russell’s head, parted her slender legs in the air, and kicked Russell’s backside hard with her high heeled feet!

Russell pounced and got another solid kick from Julia, landing on the ground in a doggy position.

Next to her, Oscar couldn’t help but cover his mouth and snicker.

Russell climbed up, his face was already purple. He was just about to fight again when that Oscar suddenly stopped him and said, “Russell, you don’t have to do it, I’ll teach this little bitch who doesn’t know her depths a lesson!”

Julia had expected this, but this Oscar seemed to be a very powerful character, and Julia didn’t dare to be careless.

Oscar stared at Julia for a moment, and then suddenly, like Russell, clumsily lunged with open arms!

Startled, Julia hurriedly tried to leap over Oscar’s head as she had done earlier. She had just jumped up when she suddenly realized with horror that Oscar magically stopped moving and reached out quickly to grab her calf! Julia was no longer able to make a move, and one of Oscar’s hands grabbed her rounded calf and slammed Julia down hard on the ground!

Julia’s eyes glazed over from the fall and she stood up, a little nervous.

Oscar didn’t wait for Julia to stand still and whirled about, kicking both legs flying at Julia’s chest!

Julia hurriedly stretched out both fists to block, but Oscar’s strength was so great that he kicked Julia’s entire body out and slammed her back hard against the cellar wall!

Russel and the other Hurians applauded.

Julia gasped and thought to herself: “I didn’t realize that there were such powerful guys on Medovi, if I had known that, I should have let Cang come.

With a clench of her teeth and a yell, she leapt through the air and struck downward over Oscar’s head!

Oscar suddenly shortened his stout body, almost lying on the ground, a “rabbit stomps the eagle”, lifting his legs and hoofing it upward!

Julia’s reaction was slightly slowed and she was kicked hard by Oscar in her private area between her legs! She screamed miserably and fell down from mid-air, curling up on the ground.

Oscar came over and grabbed Julia up in one fell swoop, raining down heavy punches on her soft belly and ample chest.

Julia was hit by this painful blow from Oscar, felt as if her organs were going to be shattered, and her eyes were straight in front of her eyes, and she couldn’t stop twitching and screaming loudly.

Oscar let go and Julia collapsed to the floor.

Oscar pounced on her, roughly ripped her shirt open, and pulled Julia’s bra off with one hand! Immediately, two snow-white plump meatballs popped out.

Julia squealed and hurriedly reached up to protect her chest.

Oscar grinned as he rolled Julia over and twisted her hands behind her back. Every inch of Julia’s body was sore and helpless to resist. Oscar used Julia’s bra to bind her hands tightly.

Oscar picked Julia up and placed her on a table. He tore the jacket and shirt Julia was wearing on top into pieces and ripped it off. Julia’s upper body was completely naked, her snow-white crystalline flesh was exposed, she wanted to resist, but she had just been beaten by Oscar so painfully that her whole body didn’t have any strength at all, so she could only keep screaming.

Oscar slid Julia’s short black skirt down to her waist, and tore Julia’s pantyhose and ripped off the panties she was wearing underneath. This way, Julia’s plump ass and her secret place were all exposed.

Julia screamed with increasing desperation knowing that the guys were going to brutalize her, but unable to resist.

Oscar slapped Julia’s two snow-white mounds of flesh twice so hard that two red handprints immediately appeared on Julia’s ass.

Oscar grinned and said to Russel, “This Wehrmacht bitch is yours now!”

Russell, looking at Julia’s fabulous, almost naked flesh, had been unable to hold back for a long time and immediately pounced on her!

He pulled out his own big rod, smeared some of his own saliva on it, and stabbed it against Julia’s slit!

With her hands tied behind her back and her body sore and weak, Julia could only watch in horror as the Hurman’s thick rod poked into her tiny pussy, twisting her body as hard as she could to resist it and letting out a mournful scream!

Russell’s big hands roughly rubbed Julia’s plump breasts, his big drooling mouth licked on her snow-white body, and from time to time he even bit Julia, and roared with pleasure as he thrust his thick rod hard into Julia’s meaty hole.

Julia was almost stunned by Russel’s roughness, she wasn’t a virgin, but she didn’t expect the Hull man to be so rough and ferocious. Julia felt her body almost torn apart by Russel, pain came from her breasts, lower body and all over her body, coupled with the shame of being raped by a lowly Hurman, Julia’s whole body kept trembling and screaming so loudly that she almost fainted.

After a long time, Russell let out a dull sound as a stream of hot cum shot into Julia and stood up.

Julia was limp on the table, lost in thought with two beautiful eyes, a low moan escaping from her mouth, her snow-white breasts and body covered with the marks of Russell’s violence, motionless, cum dripping from her ravished pussy.

Oscar took out a syringe at some point, came over to Julia, and pumped the syringe into Julia’s arm. Then, he said to the Hurians who had been watching Julia being raped by Russel, “Brothers, it’s your turn to fuck this slut from the solar system! Don’t let the bitch down!”

Those Hurians let out a cheer and lunged together.

Julia immediately screamed and struggled as hard as she could when she saw so many Hurians coming at her.

The hull men, who had lifted Julia off the table and onto the floor with seven hands, flashed their meat sticks and launched themselves at Julia.

Julia used all her strength to resist, but she suddenly realized: her last strength seems to have disappeared, her arms and legs seem to be out of control, even her waist seems to be unable to move. She immediately realized: it must be the kind of thing that Oscar injected into himself is working. Julia stared at Oscar with horrified eyes and let out a desperate cry.

Oscar looked at Julia’s desperate and panicked look and laughed: “Bitch, you just enjoy it!

Hahaha! “

Seeing a beautiful, sexy blonde from the solar system like Julia almost naked in front of them and defenseless enough to be at their mercy was driving these Hurians crazy.

Almost instantly, Julia’s little pussy down there, her sexy little mouth, and even her asshole were stuffed with the Hurman’s thick meat stick, and countless hands were clawing and groping at her naked body. These rough guys were frantically abusing the defenseless blonde, venting their primal desires on Julia.

Julia had completely lost control of her own body, even her fingertips couldn’t move a bit; what made Julia feel even more desperate was that her senses still existed, she could clearly feel the Hurman’s rod thrusting madly in her body, a burst of pain and pleasure came over her. Julia has been unable to make a sound, only the tears of pain kept flowing down.

The Hull man who was destroying Julia, shooting cum in her mouth, ass, cunt, face and body.

In the dimly lit cellar, poor Julia was savagely raped and toyed with like a doll by a group of rude Hull men.

While Julia is being attacked by the Hulls, Linda and Ao Ishihara are searching for Fred in a landing vehicle in the desolate lands of Medovi.

They drove a long way, and suddenly, in the open land behind a huge ring of mountains, a huge gray starship appeared, resting silently on the ground like a monster.

Ishihara shouted, “Look! Linda, isn’t that Fred’s battleship!”

The two men stopped the landing vehicle and watched carefully. It was impossible to see the inside of the huge starship from a distance, and there were no people to be seen around.

Linda used the locator to carefully note down the current location and said to Ao Ishihara, “Ao, let’s go back, go pick up Julia and go back to tell the captain about Fred’s location.”

The two drove the landing back to where Julia had gotten out of the car, and also stepped out of the car and walked toward that town.

Upon entering the town, Linda was surprised to find that the townspeople of Hull ran away in a bit of a panic at the sight of them.

She stopped an old man who was running slowly and asked, “Master, have you seen a tall blonde girl come here?” Linda said while comparing Julia’s size.

The old man didn’t even dare to raise his head, pointed his finger at the bar and hurried away.

Linda and Ao Ishihara were puzzled as the two walked up to the bar and pushed the door open.

Once inside the bar, the scene inside immediately stunned them: the dimly lit bar was empty, except for Julia, who was lying motionless face down on a table, her limbs hanging limply.

Julia’s upper body was completely naked, with a few words written in red ink on her snow-white back; her short skirt was kneaded into a ball and faded around her waist, and her lower body was all exposed; the mouth of a wine bottle was rammed down into Julia’s anus, and blood-red wine flowed down her snow-white thighs; her pantyhose were torn to shreds, and were wrapped around Julia’s long, slender legs like a broken fishnet.

Linda was horrified and rushed over to Julia. Julia’s naked body was covered with bruises from the violence, and on her back was boldly written: “What happens to bitches from the solar system!”

Julia’s eyes opened blankly, and a few crystalline tears trickled down her face as she saw Linda approaching.

Linda was relieved to see Julia alive. She pulled the wine bottle out of Julia’s anus, picked Julia up from the table and asked, “Julia! What’s going on here? Did Fred and the others do this?”

Julia’s lips moved a few times, but she couldn’t make a sound.

Linda immediately realized that Julia had been given a very powerful nerve agent and had been paralyzed all over her body.

She eyed her surroundings warily, and seeing nothing out of the ordinary, she hurriedly picked up Julia on her back and ran out of the bar with Ao Ishihara.

Ao Ishihara asked as she ran, “Linda, what happened! Did Fred do this?”

Linda said, “I don’t know! If it was Fred, why did he leave Julia behind? Let’s go back and report to the captain!”

The two of them ran into the landing car with Julia on their backs and headed towards Athena.

Chapter 3 – The Mantis Catching the Cicada

The atmosphere on board “Athena” is very depressing.

Sandra, Linda, Gao Ying and Ao Ishihara were walking around anxiously.

Sandra: “Linda, say again, what was the situation?”

Linda went on to describe the discovery of Julia in the bar.

As Sandra pondered, Gao Ying said: “Sandra, I also feel that Fred didn’t do this. First of all, Fred’s starship is far away from that town, and he’s not familiar with this place, it’s unlikely that he could have appeared there so accurately; secondly, if Fred had captured Julia, he would never have left her where she was, and should have brought her back to his starship!”

Sandra thought for a moment and asked, “So who do you think did it?”

Linda continued, “I think there must still be a group of guys who hate the solar system government present here, as indicated by the writing on Julia’s back.”

Ao Ishihara said, “I didn’t realize there would be bad guys on such a small, remote planet! Captain, should we destroy them and avenge Julia’s death?”

Gao Ying said, “Sandra, I think we’ll target Fred this time, we don’t have to think about attacking Julia’s gang first.”

Linda: “I think so too, Fred’s starship is in the field, we just need to avoid the Helians’ towns and attack Fred directly. Once we destroy Fred, we can think about avenging Julia.”

As we were talking, Yoko Hashimoto walked in. Everyone hurriedly asked, “Doctor, how is Julia?”

Yoko forced a smile and said: “These guys who attacked Julia are too cruel! However, Julia life is not dangerous, just because the rape and suffered some trauma, and then was injected with a poison, the whole body numb, it is estimated that there are two or three days to recover. She is very weak now, but can already talk.”

Several people rushed to Julia’s room.

Lying on the bed, Julia looked haggard as she told the story of how she was attacked by the Hulls in the bar and later brutalized by them. Julia also highlighted the guy named Oscar, who didn’t seem to be from this planet.

After hearing this, Sandra reassured Julia to get some rest, and then we all walked out of her room together. In the control hall, Sandra asked everyone, “What are your thoughts?”

Yoko said, “I didn’t realize there were such vicious criminals among the Huron people, I’m the one who caused Julia’s death.”

Linda: “Yoko, I can’t blame you. I see that although that Russell guy is the leader of these guys, that Oscar is the one who really manipulates and commands them. I wonder what the origin of this Oscar is?”

Gao Ying: “In this world, there are too many vicious and brutal criminals, who knows what this Oscar is?!”

Ao Ishihara: “But he’s pretty good at beating Julia with ease! I’ll teach him a lesson when I get the chance!”

Sandra: “Forget it, leave these assholes Hurians alone and let the Defense Force take care of them later!

Let’s plan plan plan how to destroy Fred! “

There was a moment of silence.

Ao Ishihara: “It’s not good that Fred’s been hiding in the battleship!”

Gao Ying: “He won’t be able to hide in there forever, he’ll have to come out to find something to repair the broken starship; if he comes out, we’ll be able to finish him off. The only problem now is how to know when he’ll come out.”

Ao Ishihara: “Yeah, but who knows when he’ll come out! We can’t just keep staring at him from the side of the starship, can we?”

At that moment, Yoko Hashimoto suddenly said, “We can lure Fred out of the starship!”

Ao Ishihara: “How do I lure this cunning fellow out?”

Linda suddenly said, “Yes, lure Fred out! Fred must be thinking about how to destroy us now, if we deliberately send people around his starship and hide the others, he will definitely come out to attack us, then we will come out to destroy him in one go! There’s just the right crater next to Fred’s starship to hide in.”

Gao Ying: “Will Fred fall for it so easily?”

Linda: “Fred’s biggest weakness is his pride and ego, he won’t let go of this opportunity!”

There was a silence.

Sandra: “So who’s going to be the bait?”

Yoko puffed out her chest, “Captain, let me do it!”

Sandra looked at the brave female doctor with admiration, “Yoko, you’re too weak, no way!”

Yoko Hashimoto: “It’s okay, Captain, you’re all around anyway. Besides, if it was you guys, Fred might be too scared to show his face!”

Everyone laughed.

Sandra thought for a moment and said, “Alright then, Yoko, it’ll be hard on you! Cang, you and Yoko together, protect her. We’ll take the men and hide behind the mountain Linda said, so don’t stray too far from us!”

“Twilight on Medovi is as beautiful as it is on Earth.

Inside the huge starship, Frederich Oschlöm, known as “the most dangerous criminal in the universe”, was staring intently through a telescope at the foot of the crater in the distance. Ostholm was looking intently through a telescope at the foot of the crater in the distance.

A landing vehicle was parked in an open field, and dozens of meters away from the landing vehicle, a beautiful woman with coiled black hair, wearing gold glasses, a fitted blue suit, a pair of black stockings on her graceful legs under a short skirt, and a pair of red thin-heeled high-heeled shoes was squatting on the ground, scrutinizing a kind of small grass that bloomed with purple flowers.

Beside her, a girl in her early twenties, with a petite figure and wearing a silver-gray National Defense Force uniform was vigilantly watching her surroundings. She wore short, ear-length hair, a pair of big, bright eyes, and a curvy body that was already fully developed under her uniform, and her whole body was full of youthful, healthy air. The only thing that wasn’t quite coordinated was that she was carrying a terrifyingly light, fully-automatic laser gun in her hand.

Fred muttered to himself, “These must be the two Japanese women, Alex wasn’t bragging, the Violet group is really full of beautiful women.”

He turned back to the giant beside him and said, “Leo, guess what they’re doing?”

The giant shook his massive head nervously and said in a muffled voice, “I don’t know, they wouldn’t be digging up wild vegetables to go back and cook, would they?”

Fred laughed out loud, “Leo, it seems like all you know how to do besides fighting is eating!”

The giant hemmed and hawed and laughed: “My master, Leo has never been too lazy to think about those complicated things, anyway, everything is arranged by you, Leo just needs to contribute to do it.”

Fred looked at his faithful servant with a soft look in his eyes and said slowly, “Leo, they’re not digging for wild vegetables, they’re digging for people! They’re digging us!”

Confused, Leo asked, “We?”

Fred: “Yeah, they’re going to dig us out of the starship!”

He then asked Leo: “Leo, do you think we should capture such beautiful women and play with them?”

The giant hurriedly nodded: “I should! I haven’t had a woman for a long time!”

Fred smiled slightly and pointed to the ring-shaped mountain in the distance : “Leo, I’ll bet you that there are still people from the Violet Team hiding there.”

Leo looked at Fred honestly and didn’t make a sound.

Fred thought for a moment, snapped his head back, and said to the giant, “Let’s go! Leo, let’s go get them!”

At that moment, Lasofsky, who had been sitting next to him, said, “Fred, are you crazy? You know it’s a trap, but you still want to go?”

Fred said to his teacher, “Bob, we can’t just sit here and wait to die, stalling will only benefit them! We must try to destroy these pussies before their reinforcements arrive, we must take the risk!”

With that said, he walked out with Leo in tow.

Meanwhile, in a house in the town of °°Brudun, a town of the Hur people, Russell, the villain of the Hur people, was talking to the mysterious Oscar.

Russell: “Why don’t you let me bring that chick back?”

Oscar: “Russell, do you think that bitch came here alone? She must have had other companions. If you bring her here, her friends will come looking for her. If the Wehrmacht chases us here, we’re all dead!”

Russel thought for a moment and said, “Oscar, then why do you think the Defense Force came to such a remote place as ours?”

Oscar: “I don’t know. Maybe they were passing through? Or maybe they’re here to track someone?”

Russell immediately tensed up: “Oscar, could they be coming against us?”

Oscar laughed coldly, “Russell, don’t worry! They will never come against you! Is it…”

Russell stared at Oscar: “Oscar, I always feel that you guys must have a lot of untold secrets!”

Oscar laughed out loud, “Russell, look, you’re starting to get smarter even with me!”

As he was speaking, a Hurman came in. He came to Russel’s side and said, “Chieftain, Benny saw a number of strangers dressed strangely at the bottom of the mountain to the west, and among them were several beautiful women! They seem to look similar to the woman we played with in the bar.”

Russell: “Get Benny in here!”

A short, swarthy fellow walked in.

Russell: “Benny, how many of them are there?”

Benny: “Reporting to the chief, there are about ten or so of them, three of them are women and all of them are pretty.”

Russell: “Oscar, I don’t want to miss it this time, let’s go take out those defense forces and get their women back!”

Oscar thought for a moment and said, “Okay, you horny bastard, let’s go take out these bastards from the solar system! But we need to bring more people!”

Behind the huge crater, Sandra, Linda, Gao Ying and seven or eight Defense Force soldiers were anxiously watching the huge starship in the distance.

Sandra: “Do you think Fred will come?”

Gao Ying: “I have a feeling they’ll come.”

Linda: “Gao Ying, I trust your feelings, Fred will definitely come!”

As he was talking, suddenly a soldier shouted, “Captain, look behind us!”

Sandra and the others looked back, only to see a guy like a primitive locomotive belching black smoke and driving toward them.

Gao Ying exclaimed, “What’s going on?”

Without waiting for them to react, the strange fellow had already arrived in front of them, and from it, 30 to 40 Hurians jumped out and charged! Some of those Hurians were armed with short crossbows, some with shotguns, and some with something that looked like a primitive blowpipe used by the natives, and launched an attack! One of the soldiers moved a little slower and was shot in the throat by a small arrow that came out of the blowpipe, killing him instantly!

Sandra shouted, “The arrows are poisoned! Watch out!”

The girls from Violet’s group and the Defense Force soldiers took out their weapons and fought the Hurians.

Just as the back of the ring was thrown into chaos, a ghostly space shuttle flew out of a huge starship in the distance, heading towards Yoko and Asuka Ishihara.

Ishihara Ao saw the shuttle flying and knew it was Fred. She hurriedly told Yoko Hashimoto, who was crouching on the ground, “Doctor, quick, Fred is coming. Let’s run to the back of the mountain!”

Yoko stood up and pretended to be very alarmed as she ran with Ao Ishihara toward the back of the hill.

Fred in the shuttle said to Leo, “See, there must be their companions behind the mountain, let’s stop them quickly!”

The shuttle ran much faster than Yoko and Ao Ishihara, and in the blink of an eye, had stopped the two women in their tracks. Fred and Leo jumped out, along with two starship crewmen.

Ao Ishihara said to Yoko, “Doctor, run, I’ll stop them!”

With that said, she raised her laser gun and shot at the lunging enemy.

Fred and the others, seeing the terrible weapon aimed at them, hastened to get down and roll aside; and almost at the same time a spark crossed their sides.

Fred: “Leo, you take care of the one with the gun; I’ll go after the other one!”

He finished and chased after her towards Yoko.

The lanky giant and the other two guys lunged at Ao Ishihara, who raised her gun and shot at the giant! A scene that shocked her appeared: the tall giant only slightly deflected his body, and she clearly saw blood erupt from his shoulder; the giant’s lanky body shook for a moment, letting out a beast-like roar, and without stopping at all, he swung his huge fists at himself!

Ao Ishihara couldn’t believe there was such a person! She hurriedly raised her laser gun with both hands to shoulder that giant’s fist. That laser gun made of hard metal was actually bent by that giant’s fist!

Ishihara Ao hurriedly dropped the laser gun, which was already a piece of scrap metal, and jumped to the side, screaming in his heart, “Sandra, you guys come quickly!”

Leo roared and lunged at the shorter Ao Ishihara.

Over there, Yoko Hashimoto couldn’t see Sandra and the others, and this time she really panicked, running with all her might towards the back of the hill. She was wearing high heels, and in her panic, she stepped on a small stone, slipped, and fell to the ground.

Fred quickly chased after him, and had just reached Yoko when he suddenly saw the fallen woman turn around, a compact pistol somehow in her hand! Fred froze and hurriedly lunged to the right. At the same time, a crisp gunshot rang out, and Fred felt his left arm go numb.

When Yoko Hashimoto saw Fred fall, she hurriedly got up and continued to run towards the back of the hill, shouting as she ran, “Sandra! Linda! You guys come quickly!”

Fred stood up, looked at his injured and bleeding left arm, looked at Yoko’s back, and cursed hatefully : “Damn bitch, I’ll see how far you can run!”

He pulled out a tranquilizer gun and aimed it at the beautiful prey in front of him.

Yoko heard a dull gunshot behind her and felt her back go numb, immediately falling to the ground. She watched Fred walk towards her step by step, and tried to raise her gun, but she couldn’t lift both hands, and Fred’s figure in front of her eyes gradually blurred.

Ao Ishihara was struggling fiercely with Leo. She realized that this clumsy giant was the most formidable opponent she had ever seen; her punches hit him as if they were stones; several times she used her judo techniques like to drop him, but his heavy body did not move. Ao Ishihara began to get nervous as she contemplated whether or not she should slip away.

She was thinking about it when she suddenly saw Fred walking back that way, carrying what appeared to be an unconscious female doctor over his shoulder, while Sandra and the others couldn’t even be seen in shadow.

Seeing that Yoko Hashimoto had already fallen into Fred’s hands, Ao Ishihara couldn’t help but panic. When she hesitated a little, Leo had already thrown a heavy punch that hit her right on her soft chest, and Ao Ishihara’s petite body floated out like a falling leaf.

Ishihara Asuka felt as if all the bones in her body had been shattered, falling to the ground and struggling a few times without being able to sit up, the giant had already stepped in front of her.

Behind the crater, Sandra and the others saw the Hulls coming and were too afraid to use their laser guns on the vicious Hulls.

This gang of Hull people is just a group of barbarians, how is the violet team’s opponent, and the weapons are very different, soon rushed in front of the dead and wounded a piece. Although the rest of the people still bravely rushed up, but only some more targets to be shot.

Russell, who was in the back, looked at Oscar and asked, “What to do? Oscar!”

Oscar: “Idiot! I told you you’re no match! Why don’t you run away?

With that said, he let out a whine and took the lead with Russel towards the train-like fellow.

Seeing that their leader had retreated, the Hurians also dropped their dead and wounded companions and turned and ran.

Linda: “Sandra, should we go after them?”

Sandra was hesitating when she suddenly vaguely heard Yoko yelling and stomped her foot, “Oh no, it’s probably Fred!”

Everyone remembered at once that Yoko Hashimoto and Ao Ishihara were still on the other side of the mountain and rushed out.

As Sandra came out from behind the mountain, from a distance, she could just see Fred carrying the female doctor and the giant’s tuck sandwiching Ao Ishihara as they were walking towards the space shuttle. Everyone was just about to go after them when Fred and the others had already entered the shuttle and were flying towards the starship.

Sandra said hatefully, “Bad, we’re late!”

Gao Ying: “It’s all the fault of those damn savages!”

All they could do was watch as the shuttle flew into the distant battleship.

In a warehouse of the huge “St. Mark’s” class starship, Fred, together with his faithful Leo, was proudly admiring the harvests of their adventure: two women were hanging on a rack in the center of the warehouse, handcuffed by four iron rings, with their arms and legs spread out in a big shape; Ao Ishihara was trying to remain calm, staring at Fred; while the female doctor could not hide her inner panic, her face was pale and her hands and feet were slightly shaking. Ishihara tried her best to remain calm, staring at Fred, while the female doctor couldn’t hide her inner panic, her face was pale and her hands and feet were slightly shaking.

Looking at the beautiful female captive in front of him, Fred felt a primal desire burning inside him, and he smiled and said.

“Heroines of the Defense Forces, welcome as my guests! You two must be Dr. Yoko Hashimoto and Miss Ao Ishihara?”

Seeing that the two did not speak, Fred thought for a moment, he decided to start with Ao Ishihara, and then shock the beautiful female doctor. He said to the lanky giant.

“Leo, go help Ms. Ishihara take off that cumbersome uniform so our guest won’t be so restrained!”

The giant excitedly came to Ao Ishihara and ripped the uniform from her body, peeling it off in a few tries.

Then he tore and ripped off Ishihara Pale’s bra and panties as well. Looking at the snow-white flesh of the naked Ishihara Ao, Leo couldn’t help but touch it with his hands.

Ao Ishihara knew from the moment she was hoisted up that she was bound to be humiliated by these guys. But being stripped naked like this still made her very ashamed, and Leo’s big fluffy hands toweling her body made her feel a wave of disgust, and she struggled to twist her body to resist. She cursed loudly: “Bastard, don’t towel me! Get your filthy hands off me!” She said, spitting on the giant.

Leo flinched, wiped away the spittle spat on his face by Ao Ishihara, let out a growl, and reached down and squeezed Ao Ishihara’s soft breasts hard. Ishihara Ao’s breasts were deformed by Leo’s pinch and she screamed in pain. Leo picked up Ishihara Ao’s torn off panties and stuffed them into her mouth.

Fred walked over to her, and two handprints had been pinched on Pale Ishihara’s breasts. Fred looked at Ishihara Ao’s snow-white, well-proportioned body and ran his hand down the small of her back. Ishihara Pale’s body resisted and shrank backward.

Fred said to Leo, “Bring that thing!”

Leo twisted his head to bring an electric dildo and handed it to Fred. Asuka Ishihara’s eyes grew alarmed for a moment when she saw it.

Fred smiled and said, “Ms. Ishihara, you’re going to love it!” After saying that, he held Ao Ishihara’s thin waist with one hand, and with the other hand, he shoved the electric dildo into her little meat hole.

Ao Ishihara felt a cold object being shoved hard into her tight and dry cunt, so hard that her body shuddered and subconsciously tried to clench her legs. Fred smiled lewdly and flipped the switch, the electric dildo vibrating rapidly.

Ishihara Ao felt something in her vagina start to move rapidly, as if there was an electric current rapidly spreading from her lower body all over her body, she wanted to scream but couldn’t because her mouth was gagged with her panties, she could only shake her body painfully, shivering uncontrollably with the vibrations of the electric dildo.

Satisfied that his female captive was suffering a combination of pain and humiliation, Fred turned his head and untied Yoko Hashimoto’s hands and feet.

Yoko Hashimoto stood on the ground, her legs trembling uncontrollably, the rude treatment of Ao Ishihara by Fred and Leo just now had already frightened her. She looked at Fred and couldn’t believe that this handsome, elegant and somewhat aristocratic man in front of her was the infamous number one dangerous criminal in the universe.

Fred was also looking closely at the female doctor in front of him: unlike Ao Ishihara, Yoko was full of the charms of a mature, beautiful woman, and with her shocked appearance, it was impossible not to feel the urge to commit a crime.

Fred: “Doctor, please take your clothes off yourself, just don’t make us do it!”

Yoko’s mind was filled with thoughts of what she had seen on Athena after Julia was brutalized, and when she heard Fred’s words, she became even more panicked and shivered as she clutched her arms.

Fred: “What? Didn’t you hear me?

Yoko didn’t dare to look directly into Fred’s gaze that chilled her to the bone, and with trembling hands she began to unbutton the buttons on her suit.

Shivering, she pulled her blouse off, then the shirt inside, and took off her short skirt. Only her bra and panties remained on Yoko, and she felt a chill on her exposed skin. She peeked up at Fred, who was staring at the female doctor’s gelatinous, smooth, white body with wicked eyes.

Seeing Yoko Hashimoto stop, Fred said viciously, “Did I tell you to stop? Keep taking it off!”

Yoko hurriedly lowered her head again, tears of humiliation swirling in her eyes as she slowly unhooked her bra, and two snow-white, huge globes of flesh popped out. Yoko could almost hear the horrible giant gagging as she shuddered again and pulled down her panties.

There was now nothing left of the female doctor’s entire body except for her black garter belt and stockings and the red high heels on her feet, her plump, mature flesh completely exposed to the two villains. Yoko Hashimoto clasped her hands in front of her chest and slowly squatted down in shame.

Fred: “Stand up! Get your hands off me!”

Yoko had to stand up and put her hands down that were blocking her breasts, closing her eyes in embarrassment. Fred looked greedily at Yoko’s tantalizing body and reached out to touch her plump breasts, and a shiver ran through Yoko’s body.

Fred turned his head to see that Leo’s eyes had been fixed on the female doctor, motionless and breathing very heavily. He decided to reward the faithful servant.

Fred: “Leo, this woman is for you to play with first!”

The giant could hardly believe his ears as he gave Fred a grateful look and walked with heavy steps toward the naked Yoko.

Yoko Hashimoto snapped as she heard Fred say that and opened her eyes to see the lanky giant already walking towards her, taking off his clothes as he went, revealing an overly strong body like a gorilla and a huge rod almost as thick as an adult’s arm. Yoko was so scared that she almost fainted, she let out a horrified scream and twisted her head to run.

Leo reached out and grabbed the poor woman back like a chicken, extending his huge palms over her naked body. Yoko screamed in desperation, pounding Leo’s torso with both fists in vain and kicking the giant’s legs as hard as she could with her high heeled feet.

Clearly enraged by the female doctor’s struggles, Leo growled and dropped her to the ground, twisting Yoko’s body roughly around like a wild animal: bending her slender waist down, her legs were spread apart and almost wrenched to either side of her shoulders, her head was pressed between her legs, her hands were twisted behind her back, and the female doctor’s body was tied solidly with ropes.

Yoko was tied up like a big meatball, unable to move a muscle. Leo excitedly picked up the poor woman, bound like a meatball, and stabbed his horribly huge rod against Yoko’s exposed slit!

Yoko saw a terrible dick from between her legs poking into her narrow fleshy hole in one go, and a sharp tearing pain came to her, and she let out a horrible scream as her twisted body shuddered violently.

Ignoring the bound woman’s screams of pain, the giant excitedly pumped his horribly ferocious weapon, blood dripping down the female doctor’s ravaged flesh.

Yoko Hashimoto was desperate to endure Leo’s devastation, the screams had turned to sobs as the giant’s every thrust caused her immense pain.

Leo gasped and thrust faster and faster, finally cumming inside Yoko. He withdrew the huge rod and was inexplicably aroused again as he watched the body of the woman he had just ravaged shudder miserably as cum mixed with blood flowed out of her vagina. The giant turned the female doctor around, aimed his thick dick at the woman’s anus and slowly pushed it in.

Yoko had thought that this abuse could be over for now, but she didn’t realize that the savage guy was going to rape her from her ass, where she had never been fucked before! Shame coupled with fear, she screamed again at the top of her lungs.

Leo’s terrifying rod was as hard as iron, and little by little it pushed through the tightly clenched walls of flesh in Yoko’s asshole and squeezed in!

This time Hashimoto Yoko felt as if her entire body was going to be torn apart, the immense pain was even more unbearable than earlier, she screamed twice and fainted.

Fred watched Leo raping the poor female doctor and also felt that the desire in his body could no longer be restrained, he came to Ao Ishihara, who had already been tortured to the point of collapse, and took out the panties from her mouth. Ishihara Ao had already been tortured by the electric dildo to the point where she couldn’t stand it anymore, twisting her buttocks vigorously, her whole body trembled non-stop, and her eyes scattered, and as soon as the panties were taken out of her mouth, she moaned immediately.

Seeing that his purpose had been achieved, Fred released Ishihara Pale. Ishihara Cang collapsed to the ground at once, his two snow-white thighs clenched up tightly, writhing vigorously.

Fred laughed out loud when he saw that the valiant female warrior of Team Violet was now acting like a lecherous bitch. He ordered Ishihara Pale to get down. Ishihara Cang obediently got down on the ground and obediently puckered her snow-white ass, moaning uncontrollably.

Fred took the electric dildo out of Ao Ishihara’s pussy, and Ao Ishihara let out a squeal, unable to stop the lewdness from running down her thighs. Fred took off his own pants and brought his long erected rod to the mouth of Ao Ishihara’s hot and wet pussy. Immediately, Ao Ishihara moaned loudly and wiggled her buttocks backward as hard as she could, her little pink flesh hole opening up completely, trying to fit Fred’s rod inside.

Fred was very satisfied with Ishihara Ao’s lewd performance, and with a jerk of his hips, his meat stick poked into Ishihara Ao’s already flooded pussy in one go. Ishihara Cang cried out and wiggled her ass hard to match.

Fred felt the fleshy walls of Ao Ishihara’s pussy tightly wrapped around his rod, contracting rhythmically, making him very comfortable. He excitedly grabbed a handful of Ishihara Cang’s hair and thrust desperately.

Ao Ishihara, with Fred by her hair, held her head high and wiggled her ass, screaming loudly. Both of them were so excited that they were wrestling together with full force.

Suddenly, Ao Ishihara twisted around in a flash, pushed Fred to the ground, mounted him on his waist like a wild animal in heat, and sat down on Fred’s upward-facing erect rod! Ao Ishihara sat on top of Fred, writhing wildly, rubbing her ample breasts with both hands and screaming in waves.

Fred was secretly surprised that Ao Ishihara was acting so lewdly, Ao Ishihara’s writhing made him feel extra comfortable, and he felt that he couldn’t hold on any longer, and finally a hot stream of semen shot out!

Ao Ishihara felt a heat in her fleshy hole and screamed as well, a stream of cunt spewing out with it as her body collapsed limply on top of Fred, twitching softly.

Fred gradually regained his composure after a while, and he pushed Ishihara Ao off his body in one go. See Ishihara Ao collapsed on the ground, face still red, eyes closed, plump breasts together and down, the orgasm seems to have not yet receded. Fred gently cursed: “What a slutty bitch!”

He saw that Leo had already ejaculated again in Yoko’s anus, and that the female Doctor had been ravaged by the giant to the point that she had passed out, blood and semen dripping out of her ravished asshole and cunt together. Fred ordered Leo to hoist the two women onto the rack again and walked out together.

Chapter 4: Old Hans

On the Athena, Sandra is consulting with Linda.

Sandra: “Damn Hel people, if it wasn’t for them messing up, how could Cang and the Doctor fall into Fred’s hands? Don’t try to talk me out of it this time, I’m going to kill all these assholes!”

Linda: “Captain, calm down! It’s not the Hulls we’re dealing with, it’s Fred we’re after!”

At this time, Gao Ying walked in: “Sandra, I’ve interrogated those injured Hurians. They said that their leader is called ‘Russell’, originally a local hooligan. Two years ago when that Oscar guy came here, he colluded with Russell to organize this gang, which has about several hundred members! It was that Russel who brought them here today, wanting, wanting to capture, capture a few women.” Gao Ying said with a noticeable bit of hatred.

Linda: “Captain, so they’re not related to Fred, which is a good thing.”

Sandra nodded: “But they’re always a pain in the ass!”

Linda: “Can we find a way to get them to deal with Fred?”

Sandra: “I think they’re very hostile to us, I’m afraid it won’t be easy for them to help us!”

Gao Ying: “Sandra, just now those Hur people explained that there is a town called ‘Loren’ to the south of here, and there is also a group of Hur people there, and Russell’s group is the enemy, and the force is not small, and their leader is called ‘Old Hans’. Old Hans’. We can try to find that Old Hans and try to persuade them to come together against Fred.”

Linda: “Right! If we can get the help of the Hel people, we’ll have a better chance of dealing with Fred and rescuing Cang and the Doctor!”

Sandra: “Will it work? I have a feeling the Hurians here aren’t as simple and kind as we thought they were!”

Linda: “Captain, shouldn’t we at least try? Let me go!”

Sandra: “Linda, it’s too dangerous for you to go by yourself, I’ll go with you!”

Gao Ying: “Sandra, we still have to guard against Fred’s sneak attack here, it’s better if Linda and I go together!”

Sandra: “Okay, then it’s a lot of work for you guys, be careful!”

In Fred’s battleship, Yoko Hashimoto finally awoke from her stupor, still feeling a sharp pain in her lower body. She looked around, she was again hanging from her hands and feet cuffed just as she had been earlier, only this time she was completely naked, much to her shame.

Yoko looked at Ao Ishihara and saw that she looked just as wrecked as she was, except that Ao seemed to be in good spirits and was smiling at herself!

Ao Ishihara smiled when she saw the female doctor waking up, and her hand suddenly twisted strangely, surprisingly freeing itself from the iron ring it was cuffed to!

Yoko Hashimoto almost screamed! Ao Ishihara made a hurried gesture and she spat out her tongue, which actually had a shiny silver pin on it! She used the pin to open the iron ring on her foot and walked over to Yoko.

Ao Ishihara: “Doctor, have you forgotten that I know ninjutsu? These simple things won’t lock me up!”

Yoko: “Cang, where did you get that pin?”

Ao Ishihara: “I just bit it off of that bastard Fred, and he was so out of it that he didn’t even notice!”

Yoko: “Put me down!”

Ishihara Ao: “Yoko, hold on a little longer. I think Sandra and the others will come to rescue us soon, and then we can take advantage of the opportunity to escape. I’m afraid the enemy’s defense is very tight now, it would be bad if we were discovered!”

After saying that, Ishihara Ao made a face and walked back to re-cuff herself with an iron ring. Hashimoto Yoko was finally a bit relieved at this point, feeling less pain all over her body.

Linda and Gao Ying took two soldiers, escorting a Hull man, and drove in a landing vehicle to the town called “Loren”. The town was as old and dilapidated as Bruton, and there were very few Hulls on the streets, all of whom looked at the two foreign beauties with amazement.

Linda and Gao Ying followed their captor’s directions and came to a dilapidated bungalow. The two looked around alertly, and seeing nothing out of the ordinary, they walked forward and knocked on the door.

A hoarse voice came from inside: “Enter!”

Linda and Gowing pushed through the door and walked in. It was dimly lit inside, and on a broken chair sat a thin, dirty Hull man of about fifty.

Linda: “Excuse me, are you old Hans?”

The old man looked at the two beautiful women in uniform with some surprise and nodded.

Linda: “Mr. Hans, we’re the Violet Unit of the Solar System Defense Force, and we’d like to ask for your help in catching a criminal named Fred who escaped here!”

Old Hans: “You want me and my men to work for you?”

Linda: “That Fred is a very dangerous guy, if we let him stay here, it will only be bad for you too!”

Old Hans laughed loudly: “Little girl, don’t scare me! I’m not even afraid of that Russell, am I afraid of this Fred?”

Linda: “I’m afraid you don’t know, do you? Russell is like a baby compared to Fred. Fred is so much more powerful than Russell, we can only deal with him if we join forces!”

Old Hans seemed to be a little weak, he thought for a moment and said, “But I have no grudge against that Fred, what favor will you give me that I help you against him?”

Linda ran out of words for a moment.

Gao Ying: “Then what favor do you want?”

Old Hans seemed to be waiting for these words, and immediately came into the spirit, looked at the two girls with greedy eyes, gulped and said, “Can you give me all the benefits I want?”

Linda felt a pang of disgust, he already knew what the old man was thinking, and said, “Then you’ll have to say it first, and we’ll think about it.”

Old Hans looked at the two, both women are very beautiful, Gao Ying is a little taller, indifferent; Linda is a little shorter, but more voluptuous, and noble temperament. He pointed his finger at Linda: “I want you to stay here with me for a day!”

Linda and Gao Ying were taken aback, and Gao Ying just wanted to open her mouth to scold this old pervert, but was stopped by Linda.

Linda looked at this old and ugly Hurman and really wanted to go up and beat him up, but then she thought to herself: it looks like this guy is trying to take advantage of me, but if I can get his help in rescuing Cang and Yoko and destroying Fred, it’s not a big deal for me to make a little sacrifice of my own!

She made up her mind: “Mr. Hans, do you mean what you say?”

As soon as Old Hans heard Linda’s words, he knew that there was hope, and immediately revitalized his spirit: “Girl, you go and ask around, my Old Hans never counts on his words! As long as you agree to stay with me for a day, I will agree to cooperate with you to deal with that Fred!”

He paused and added, “But you must also promise me that you will absolutely obey me during this day, and that you will let your companion go first, and come back for you at this time tomorrow!”

Linda hesitated and nodded firmly.

Gao Ying screamed, “Linda, are you crazy? You can’t agree to this old man!”

Linda: “Gao Ying, you don’t have to worry about me. Go back and tell the captain to prepare to deal with Fred, and tomorrow you guys can just come here to pick me up!”

Old Hans laughed out loud: “Good! This girl is so quick! We have a deal!”

Gao Ying gave Old Hans a hard look, stomped his foot, turned and walked out.

Old Hans and Linda were now the only ones left in the room, and Old Hans circled Linda, his lustful eyes glancing over Linda uncontrollably, causing Linda to feel a pang of apprehension.

Old Hans looked at her for a while, smiled lewdly and said, “Chick, why don’t you take off all your clothes yourself?”

Linda was prepared for this, and without much hesitation, she removed the uniform and underwear she was wearing, including her shoes and socks.

Old Hans gasped and stared wide-eyed at Linda’s naked, plump, crystalline body. Noticing nothing unusual about Linda’s expression, he tentatively approached and touched Linda’s satin-smooth skin with his dirty hands. Linda felt a wave of nausea, and she simply closed her eyes, not looking at this lewd-looking old man.

Seeing Linda’s appearance, Old Hans smiled wickedly and said, “Chick, I’m still a little uneasy with you like this.”

Linda opened her eyes : “I’ve already promised you, what are you still unsure about?”

Old Hans: “You’re taller than me, and you’re definitely stronger than me, so if you change your mind later, I can’t deal with you! I’ll have to tie your hands!”

Linda hesitated for a moment.

Old Hans hurriedly said, “Don’t be afraid, I’m only doing this for the sake of my heart.”

Linda thought to herself: since she had already promised him, it didn’t matter if she tied her hands. So she put her hands behind her back, closed her eyes and said, “Okay!”

Old Hans’ heart was in a frenzy of joy, and fearing that Linda would renege again, he hurriedly took out a coil of thick rope and tied both of Linda’s wrists tightly together. He is still not assured, and will Linda’s arms close to the body, with the rope tied several more ways.

Linda felt that her arms were dead tied and she could not move a muscle, and she suddenly felt some regret in her heart. Old Hans laughed and took out another piece of black cloth to blindfold Linda.

Linda hurriedly asked, “What are you doing?!”

Without speaking, Old Hans wrapped a black cloth around Linda’s head and blindfolded her. Linda now could neither see nor move with her arms tied, and felt fear rising in her heart.

Old Hans looked at Linda and said with a wicked smile, “Good girl, now I’m relieved!”

When he finished, he pushed Linda from behind toward a room.

Linda, barefoot, felt herself heading down a staircase in toward the ground floor, and after a while, seemed to come into a room. Linda felt Old Hans push herself from behind and sit down on what appeared to be a recliner. Old Hans then seemed to secure her upper body tightly to the chaise from the same two wide straps on either side of the chaise.

Linda had a panic attack in her heart and asked aloud, “What are you doing?”

Still silent, Old Hans used two more straps to tie Linda’s round, straight calves to the legs of the recliner as well. Linda became even more distraught and wondered if she should resist. Just as she was hesitating, her body had been completely tied to that recliner and she couldn’t move a muscle.

Linda felt the recliner under her body move, her legs were gradually raised to the level of her body, the bottom part of her buttocks bulged a little, raising her lower body, and then the two armrests that tied her legs together began to move to the sides, spreading her legs out to almost the level of the sides. Linda felt her legs being pulled painfully and couldn’t help but say, “You’ve got to stop! Mr. Hans!”

Old Hans seemed to secure the recliner, and then he removed the black cloth covering Linda’s eyes. Linda’s eyes were unlocked and she looked around and couldn’t help but gasp. It turned out that this was a dark and damp basement, and the walls around it were covered with horrible instruments of torture; whips, shackles, ropes, pinch sticks, and on the floor there were wooden frames used to hang people, wooden horses, and other things used to torture prisoners. Linda’s own body was tied horizontally to a recliner like a dentist’s chair, with her buttocks padded up and her white, plump thighs tied with straps and pulled to the sides, leaving no room for struggle.

Old Hans has now changed his face, viciously said: “Little bitch, since you want to find a man, I will play with you! See all this stuff around here? These are what I use to deal with those lowly women, and I’ll let you taste them today!”

Linda had understood it all, she didn’t realize that old Hans was such a perverted guy who took pleasure in abusing women, she really regretted that she had agreed to this villain on impulse.

“Mr. Hans, you, I’ve promised, this is, you let go of me!” Linda, who had always been smart and quick-witted, was so scared that she couldn’t speak clearly at this moment.

Seeing this beautiful and noble female officer trembling with fear, Old Hans laughed: “Little bitch, it’s too late! Didn’t you promise to listen to me? Hahaha, you just wait for the fun!”

When he finished, he kept Linda from speaking again and gagged Linda’s little mouth with a rubber ball with holes in it and tightened the rubber ball with a thin leather strap.

Old Hans looked greedily at the wonderful flesh in front of him and ran his dirty hands over Linda’s body, who felt her body shiver under Old Hans’ touch.

After a while, old Hans stopped, turned around and brought a bottle of shaving lotion and rubbed it on Linda’s thick pubic hair. Linda didn’t know what he was up to and watched nervously.

After applying the shaving lotion, Old Hans took out a razor and said to the horrified girl, “Bitch, let me help you shave off all this shameless pubic hair!”

Linda immediately panicked when he said that, making slurred “whimpering” noises from her gagged mouth and wiggling her snow-white ass vigorously to struggle.

Old Hans pressed the razor against Linda’s pubic bone and said with a sardonic smile, “Don’t you move, little slut, or what if I cut you?”

The cold razor pressed against the delicate skin, and Linda was so scared that the hairs on her body stood up in sweat. She didn’t dare to struggle anymore and looked at Old Hans with pleading eyes, her naked body trembling slightly. Old Hans ignored Linda’s pleading expression and shaved skillfully.

Desperate and ashamed to see her bottom shaved white, Linda simply closed her eyes and stopped looking at old Hans’ lewd face. She was in a panic and just begged for a quick end to this horrible abuse.

Old Hans looked at Linda’s white, clean bottom, her tantalizing pussy tightly closed. He lowered his head and licked around Linda’s pussy. A shiver ran through Linda’s body and she squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to think about the sad situation she was in as she was being humiliated by this ugly, lewd Hull man.

Old Hans suddenly opened his mouth and took a bite out of Linda’s white thigh, and Linda let out a dull scream of pain and opened her eyes in horror.

Old Hans stood up and looked at Linda. With her ass elevated, both of Linda’s holes were exposed, and Hans looked at Linda’s round, light brown asshole, his eyes lit up, and he turned around and brought in a large bucket of water. He took out a huge syringe from the bucket and smiled lewdly, “Bitch, let me wash your big nasty ass!”

Linda immediately understood that this guy was going to give himself an enema! She shook her head desperately and looked at Old Hans with pitiful eyes and tears streaming down her face. Old Hans looked triumphantly at the woman being tortured and pushed a syringe full of lubricant all into Linda’s clenching anus.

As the cold lubricant entered her rectum, Linda felt her lower abdomen begin to rise, and the urge to poop soon developed. Linda wiggled her buttocks hard, her face had turned red. She had begun to despair, it seemed that she was doomed to not escape this guy’s abuse, and could only resign herself to enduring it; but no matter what, Linda still couldn’t accept taking a dump in front of this guy, and she looked at the old Hans pleadingly, trying hard to get a sound out of her mouth.

As if he knew what was on Linda’s mind, Old Hans loosened his belt and removed the rubber ball from Linda’s mouth.

Linda had wanted to say something else, but the increasingly strong urge to poop made her feel that she was about to collapse, she did not care about the shame, and hurriedly begged: “Mr. Hans, please hurry up and untie me, I have to, I have to go to the restroom, I can not stand it any longer! Please untie me!”

Linda’s face turned red and her body shivered uncontrollably.

Old Hans looked at Linda triumphantly: “Bitch, you have to call me ‘Master’, you’re my slave now, understand?”

Linda just begged to hurry up and get free, and immediately said, “Yes, master, you hurry up and release me!”

Seeing that Linda was indeed on the verge of dying, old Hans undid the straps that bound her, pointed to the corner over there, and said, “That’s where you go, lowly slave!”

Linda couldn’t care less at this point, and hurriedly and slowly got up from the recliner, about to head for the corner. Old Hans suddenly pushed Linda down from behind at once!

Linda, with her hands still tied behind her back, slumped to the floor for a moment, and she felt a violent contraction in her anus at the shock, almost pulling out as Linda let out a scream.

Old Hans kicked Linda’s ass with his foot and said, “Lowly slave, you just crawl over there!”

Linda’s consciousness had already begun to blur a little, because her hands were tied behind her back, she could only pucker her plump ass, shoulders and knees on the ground, like a big worm, wriggling towards the corner. Seeing Linda squirming hard on the ground, Old Hans laughed as he picked up the whip and fiercely lashed at Linda’s puckered snow-white ass: “Stinking bitch, crawl faster!”

The corner of that wall was more than ten meters away from Linda, and Linda could only squirm a little bit in this condition, very slowly. She didn’t move a bit before she felt a contraction in her anus that was almost too much to bear; Old Hans was still lashing himself with the whip, and the fiery pain made it even more unbearable for Linda, and her vision was starting to blur. She hadn’t crawled far before she let out a scream and brown feces finally erupted from Linda’s high puckered ass.

Linda was on her back, wailing miserably, her snow-white flesh shaking uncontrollably, brown feces dripping all over Linda.

Old Hans laughed and lashed Linda with his whip: “Shameless slave! How dare you pull on the ground! Ha ha ha!”

Linda had gone limp, sobbing uncontrollably as she let Old Hans’ whip fall on her naked body. Old Hans grabbed Linda’s hair, dragged her aside, and washed the feces from Linda’s body with water. Then, he cursed viciously, “Damn slave, how dare you poop anywhere, I’ll have to teach you a hard lesson!” With that, he swung the whip again and lashed it hard.

Linda had already been tortured to exhaustion and had no strength left in her body, just waiting for the expected rape to follow, but she didn’t realize that this perverted guy had begun to torture herself viciously again. She screamed in agony and rolled her naked body on the ground in vain. Old Hans’s whip fell on Linda’s naked body without mercy, and a blood-red whip mark ripped up on Linda’s snow-white ass, back, thighs and even her chest.

Linda had grown up in a privileged environment, and after joining the Defense Forces she had participated in all square battles, never having endured such brutal atrocities, she was on the verge of breaking down. Linda had now completely become a poor woman who had fallen into the hands of the mob, being chased by old Hans’s whip as she rolled on the cold, wet ground, crying and begging him to stop her torture.

For his part, old Hans grew more and more aroused and relentlessly continued his battering of the poor female Wehrmacht officer, only stopping when he realized that Linda’s wails were getting weaker and weaker and her body was gradually stopping its struggles.

By now the vice-captain of Team Violet was dying, lying motionless on the floor, her naked, moving flesh covered in bruises from the brutal torture she had just endured. Old Hans looked at Linda as if she had passed out and walked out of the basement with a sardonic smile.

Linda quietly lying on the damp and cold ground, feeling every part of her body aching; originally thought that she would only have to pay the price of flesh, but did not realize that she would have to be subjected to such inhumane abuse, Linda’s self-esteem was almost crushed, she could not help but cry out in pain.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps, Linda stopped crying and looked back: the old Hans came down with a young Hull man. Linda’s heart clenched again.

Seeing Linda looking at herself in shock, Old Hans said, “Lowly slave, this is my son, you will serve us well!”

Linda was slightly relieved to see that the young man was not an enemy.

The two men, father and son, dragged Linda up from the ground and pulled her to a rack fitted with pulleys, hung her hands tied behind her back on the pulleys, spread her feet apart and shackled them to either side of the rack, and then pulled the pulleys to hoist Linda’s body up. Linda, because her whole body was powerless and because she had already resolved to endure to the end, did not resist and let these two men hang herself on the rack.

Hans Sr. looked at Linda with lewd eyes as his son squatted in front of her, peeled his hand between Linda’s parted thighs and slipped his fingers in to play with her delicate pussy. The two men spoke in obscene terms about the woman they were hanging.

Linda’s body was being played with by both father and son, and she felt so ashamed that she turned her head to the side. After a while, Hans Sr. lowered the pulley and ordered Linda to kneel. Linda had to obediently kneel before the guy.

Old Hans unzipped his pants, revealing his ugly rod, and ordered Linda to suck his cock. Linda had never had experience of oral sex before, and not realizing that she would have to face such a lowly Hull man for the first time, she felt so ashamed that she hesitated.

Old Hans’ son immediately swung the whip around Linda, threatening her. Linda was not incapable of physical pain, but being mentally tortured by this brutal sadist made the noble-born redhead wince from the bottom of her heart, and she had to open her little mouth with tears in her eyes, trying not to think about the ugly Hull man across from her.

The old Hans’ rod in her mouth sent a wave of nausea through Linda, but she had no choice but to gently swallow and lick it with her soft lips and tongue.

With that, the bound Linda was forced to take turns sucking the father-son duo’s cock as Hans Sr. and his son ejaculated in Linda’s mouth and forced Linda to swallow all their cum. Still not satisfied, they cranked the pulley again and hoisted Linda back up. One man was in Linda’s pussy from the front and one was in Linda’s ass from the back.

Linda’s mouth was dripping with the semen of this father and son duo, her head was dazed, and she couldn’t help but scream as she was attacked by them back and forth. Linda despised these lowly Hull people from the bottom of her heart, so she was deeply ashamed that she had been so cruelly ravaged by them, and she felt no pleasure at all, just writhing her body uncontrollably, wailing miserably, tears streaming down her face, just begging for this nightmare-like encounter to end quickly.

Old Hans and his son were thrilled that they were able to ravage a noble and beautiful woman from the solar system like Linda. Throughout the day, they had treated Linda like a slave, torturing her with almost every torture device in the basement and raping her in every way possible. Linda’s agonizing struggles and cries gave them great satisfaction.

The next day, when Gao Ying came back, old Hans had already dressed Linda and was waiting for her. Gao Ying saw Linda ate a shock, just one day time, the beautiful valiant redhead the whole changed appearance: eyes red and swollen, hair messy, look very haggard.

Gao Ying stared viciously at Old Hans and asked Linda, “Linda, what’s wrong with you?”

Linda thought about the inhuman torture she had been subjected to during this day, and almost burst into tears. She forced herself to hold back her tears and couldn’t stop cursing these damn Hur people in her heart, and reluctantly said to Gao Ying, “Gao Ying, I’m nothing, let’s go back.”

After saying that, she turned back to old Hans and said, “Mr. Hans, I hope you won’t forget what you promised!”

Old Hans looked at this strong woman who had just been toyed with by himself and said with a smile, “Ms. Linda, I, Old Hans, have always been true to my word! When do you need me to deal with that Fred, just tell me!”

Linda reluctantly nodded her head∶”Okay, then please come back with us now and we’ll discuss a plan to deal with Fred!”

Old Hans agreed readily, and together the men headed for the Athena, the battleship of the Violet Group.

Chapter 5: Fred’s “Transformation”?

Fred, who had gotten his fill of the two Japanese beauties, temporarily forgot about being hunted and fell asleep in his ship’s barn. When he woke up, he saw that Bob was sitting quietly in his chair, he hurriedly got up and asked, “Bob, something’s wrong, isn’t it?”

Bob: “Alex and I spoke on the phone a couple hours ago.”

Fred: “Did Alex bring any more good news?”

Bob: “Alex is on his way here.”

Fred’s spirits lifted, “Great, then I won’t have to stay on this barren and backward planet anymore, let’s take Alex’s battleship back to Bristol!”

Bob: “Fred, don’t get too excited! Alex left the solar system on a cruise mission, the small battleship he was on was good enough to get here, there’s no way he could have gotten us back to Bristol.”

Fred let out a bitter smile, “So Alex won’t bring the workers and materials to repair the battleship either?”

Bob: “We only have one way to go now, and that’s to take their ‘Athena’ from those women!”

Fred stopped talking. It wasn’t going to be that easy a road, and both he and Bob knew in their hearts that it would be nearly impossible to get the intact battleship out of the hands of Team Violet!

After a while, Fred asked, “Bob, how did Alex get back here so fast?”

Bob: “Fred, think about it, Alex arranged for us to hijack the prison, prepared the battleship for us, and helped us disrupt the liaison between the Violet Team and the headquarters, can he still stay in the Intelligence Department? As soon as we leave, he’ll start preparing to escape.”

Fred: “Alex is a resourceful and reliable lad. I’m sure he’ll turn things around for us again!”

At the same time, old Hans and Linda, Gao Ying together boarded the “Athena” warship. The mighty and huge battleship and the complex and precise structure inside made the old Hans greatly surprised, he had never seen such a thing, at the same time of the eye-opening he was also more or less afraid. He was afraid that Linda would retaliate against him, and if so, he and his men would not be a match for this terrifying behemoth.

Sandra, seeing Linda’s appearance, knew that she must have suffered a lot this day and gave Old Hans a hard look as well. Old Hans hurriedly cast a humble glance at Sandra.

Linda briefly introduced herself to both parties and sat down to rest, she was still feeling very weak and the nightmare day had taken a huge toll on Linda’s mind and body.

Old Hans hurriedly smiled all over his face: “Miss Sandra, it’s an honor to meet you, my brothers and I are willing to serve you!”

In her heart of hearts, Sandra was disgusted with the leering looking Hull man, but she was unwilling to countenance this in order to deal with Fred. She politely asked Old Hans to sit down, and after a few brief words of politeness, she cut to the chase. Gao Ying briefed Old Hans on Fred’s simple situation, she knew that these backward Hurians didn’t have any advanced knowledge of weaponry either, so she just went over the location and personnel of Fred’s side.

Old Hans didn’t listen to what Gao Ying said at all, he only knew that these beautiful women from the solar system wanted to borrow his men to catch a person, he saw that the violet group’s warship was so powerful, there were so many new things inside that he had never seen before, and he thought that there was absolutely no problem for them to deal with Fred with the addition of himself, so as soon as Gao Ying finished speaking, he said in a hurry:: “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry”.

“Ms. Sandra, I’m just waiting for when you guys give the order! We Hurians are definitely true to our word and will cooperate fully when the time comes!”

Sandra was amused to see Old Hans being so hasty, but Old Hans’s quickness made Sandra relax: “Then Mr. Hans, you can go back first, and we’ll send someone to inform you when we’re ready!”

Old Hans saw Sandra say that, so he took the opportunity to excuse himself from the battleship.

After Old Hans left, Sandra hurriedly inquired with concern, “Linda, how are you?”

Linda blushed, she was too ashamed to tell Sandra and the girls how she had been tormented by old Hans this day, she just said ∶I’m okay, just a little tired, I’ll be fine after a rest. Sandra saw that Linda didn’t want to talk about it, so she stopped asking.

Julia, whose body has recovered, walks in at this point, and the members of Team Violet begin to plan for the attack on Fred and the rescue of Ao Ishihara and Yoko Hashimoto.

Gao Ying: “Seriously, I don’t think that old Hans is necessarily going to be able to top that, and those rude and barbaric Hulls of theirs are certainly no match for Fred!”

Sandra: “That’s right, that old Hans doesn’t know anything, he’s just a roughneck who’s trying to be brave.”

Linda: “Captain, that’s exactly what they’re worth! These Hulls don’t know anything, so they’re not afraid of anything! We all saw that day behind the ring, the Hur people are not afraid to die in battle, let’s utilize these savage and brave guys to charge in front, with our own men at the back, to catch Fred off guard! Fred has fewer men, and we have the advantage of numbers, so we can consider a strong attack!”

In her heart, Linda hated these Hull men of Old Hans, and couldn’t wait to use them as cannon fodder.

Sandra thought about it and didn’t have a better idea.

Gao Ying: “Sandra, I don’t think Fred will be defeated so easily, and with Cang and Yoko in his hands, they’re always in danger. We should consider rescuing them first! I have an idea, you guys and the Helians will attack from the front, I will sneak into Fred’s battleship from behind when he’s not prepared, and rescue Cang and Yoko first!”

Sandra asked Linda: “Linda, what do you think?”

Linda thought for a moment: “I think Gao Ying has a point, in case Fred is in a hurry to take Cang and Yoko as hostages against us it would be troublesome. But this plan is very dangerous, Fred is very cunning, so Gao Ying might be in danger.”

Julia: “Sandra, let me join Gao Ying, we should be able to escape safely even if we can’t save Cang and the Doctor!”

Sandra thought left and right, and there was no foolproof way to deal with Fred, so she had to follow Gao Ying’s advice, and instructed her and Julia to be extremely careful. Then ordered to inform the old Hans to act that night.

By nightfall, Sandra instructed Linda to stay behind, for one thing, seeing that she still didn’t look well, and then the ship needed someone to guard it. Myself, Gowing, and Julia changed into their combat uniforms and led the soldiers towards the crater by Fred’s battleship.

When they arrived at the Ring, Sandra saw that Old Hans had brought a full two hundred Hulls waiting. Seeing that Old Hans was keeping his word, Sandra was also happy. She saw that Old Hans’s men were carrying all shotguns, crossbows, stone throwers, and even things that looked like ladders and siege weapons. Sandra laughed in her heart, thinking that Fred would be furious if he saw someone using these things to attack his starship. But even though these things were primitive, they could still be useful in destroying warships.

Sandra first instructed Old Hans a few words about Fred’s small number of men and told him to take his men just forward and pound Fred’s battleships while his own men supported them with firepower from behind.

Old Hans saw from afar to attack is also a never seen behemoth, inevitably also a little weak. But by Sandra so encouraged, coupled with also some afraid of Sandra and he counted his own bullying Linda’s account, so again drummed up the spirit, led his men bravely rushed out! Seeing this, Sandra also ordered the soldiers to follow and kill out from behind the ring-shaped mountain.

Fred had been ready to rest when he heard a clamor outside the ship, and a crew member reported, “There’s a large group of natives rushing toward the battleship.” He rushed to the command room.

Fred looked out: hundreds of Hur people waving their backward weapons, shouting and rushing; behind them, about dozens of soldiers of the defense force also rushed over. Fred cursed in his heart: “Damn Violet, how could she come up with such an idea, letting the Hur people be cannon fodder!”

He ordered his men to prepare to meet these damned natives head on.

Immediately, countless flames shot out from the huge battleship, and a line of Hurians rushing ahead fell. The Hurians at the back acted as if they didn’t see their fallen companions in front of them, and continued to charge forward frantically, rushing underneath the battleships and desperately attacking Fred’s battleships with stone throwers and siege weapons. The Defense Force behind them also began to shoot at the battleships with long-range fire.

Fred was taken aback to see this scene from the command room. Fred was a little scared by the Hur people’s desperate ferocity; if they charged into the battleship, the consequences would be unimaginable. He hurriedly ordered Leo to lead some men to the bottom of the battleship to block the attacking Hurricanes; he himself continued to command the rest of the men to shoot against the defense forces.

By the time Leo reached the bottom, the hull had been cracked open by the crash, and a couple of Helians were about to squeeze in.

Leo roared and met his head with a punch, and immediately a Helian’s head was opened up. Leo’s divine power stunned the Helman, and as soon as he tore the crack wide open, his massive body rushed out!

Leo entered the midst of the Hurians and howled like a crazed beast, swinging a thick iron rod at the Hurians. Immediately, a few Hur people were hit and their brains splattered, killing them on the spot. The bows and arrows and gunshots of the Hur people were shot at Leo, who acted as if he didn’t feel them. They saw Leo fighting frantically like a devil, covered in his own and his enemies’ blood. The Hur people also began to retreat a bit.

Seeing this, Sandra hurriedly ordered Gowing and Julia to take advantage of the chaos and enter the battleship, bringing up her own battle axe to meet the fearsome giant. Leo saw a well-built woman charging towards him and roared to meet her, and the two battled.

Sandra was agile and slashed Leo with her battle axe several times. But Leo’s sturdy body seemed unfazed by the damage and continued to fight as if nothing had happened. Sandra also began to feel some chills and carefully avoided being hit by Leo.

The crew inside the ship also grabbed their weapons and rushed out to support Leo. Outside of Fred’s battleship, an unbelievably grueling and bloody battle was going on.

Gao Ying and Julia took advantage of the chaos and came to the back of the battleship. They saw an air vent about three meters above the ground, Gao Ying took out an iron grip and a rope and climbed up gently on it. She slowly opened the vent and beckoned to Julia, who carefully climbed into the battleship through the vent with Gao Ying.

Meanwhile, Ao Ishihara, who was hanging in the ship’s bunker, also heard the clamor outside, and with a joyful heart, she whispered to Yoko Hashimoto, “Doctor, it must be the captain coming to save us!”

She gently took her wrists out of the cuffed rings, used a pin to open the rings on her feet, and quietly went to the door and looked out through the crack: there was only one crew member guarding the outside, and Ao Ishihara was overjoyed. Ishihara Ao was delighted. She whispered something in Yoko’s ear and hid behind the door, where Yoko immediately screamed for help.

The guard outside the door hurriedly opened the door and came in, Ishihara Ao’s hand was quick, a hand knife slashed on the guard’s neck, that guy immediately fell down without even uttering a sound. Ishihara Ao hurriedly let go of Hashimoto Yoko, two people find a piece of clothing to put on, and slipped out.

Gao Ying and Julia, who had entered the battleship by following the ventilation ports, carefully made their way through the battleship, with shouts of murder still faintly audible on the other side.

The two were now on the second floor of the starship, and they didn’t know where Ao Ishihara and Yoko Hashimoto would be held, so they casually headed up a flight of stairs.

Fred, who was commanding his crew in battle, was intently watching the bloody battle below when suddenly he felt his eyes pop and subconsciously sensed that something was about to happen. He told Bob to take command for himself for a while, turned and walked out.

Gao Ying and Julia, who were advancing in the battleship, suddenly realized that there was a very narrow and deep corridor in front of them, which looked very special.

Julia: “Gao Ying, could this be the place where Cang and Yoko are kept? Let’s go in and take a look!” Saying that, she walked in first.

Gao Ying also felt that this place was suspicious and followed her in.

Walking in the quiet and narrow corridor, both of them were a bit nervous. Gao Ying always felt that there were some dangers around, she walked slower and slower, about three or four meters behind Julia. The atmosphere around her was starting to make Gao Ying feel something was wrong, she hesitated and decided not to go any further. She stopped and wanted to call out to Julia in front of her to come back.

Right at this moment, Gao Ying violently felt a violent shaking under her feet, and something extremely horrifying happened: the floor of the corridor right between her and Julia suddenly cracked open, and a terrifying monster emerged from underneath! It had a head like a big bare meatball, with four blood-red eyes looking in four directions; a big mouth with no teeth, but only a long tongue like a hangman’s; no body under the head, only countless long and short, thick and thin tentacles; the whole monster was four or five meters high, like a huge octopus, with no bones in its entire body, all of them were soft and floppy, and the whole body emitted a ghostly sound. soft, and the whole body emitted a fluorescent green light like a ghost fire.

Gao Ying screamed, “Julia! Fred’s transformation!”

At the same time, the monster between the two of them let out a haunting, shrill, monstrous shriek, and its massive tentacles swung toward the two of them!

Julia who was walking in front of the monster because her back was to the monster, she just turned her head back, she was wrapped around the monster’s legs by its tentacles and lifted into mid-air! Julia screamed in shock, picking up her gun and just about to shoot, the monster’s flexible tentacles struck again, Julia’s gun was knocked down, and her hands were also entangled by the monster. The monster’s tentacles were covered with fine barbs, the tentacles cut Julia’s clothes, leaving a scar on her snow-white body.

Just as Julia was attacked by the monster, the monster also began to extend its terrifying tentacles towards Gao Ying! Gao Ying reacted very quickly as she quickly leapt backwards! The monster’s tentacles didn’t manage to wrap around Gao Ying, but instead lashed out heavily on her back. The seemingly soft tentacles hit her back, but Gao Ying felt as if she had been hit heavily by an iron bar, and almost fainted from the pain, and the clothes on her back were also torn off by the tentacles, leaving a blood-red scar.

Gao Ying dodged the monster’s attack and turned back to see a scene that made her heart break: under the monster’s attack, Julia’s combat uniform had been torn into pieces by the tentacles, and her snow-white and plump body was exposed; the monster used longer tentacles to tightly wrap around Julia’s legs and hands, while shorter tentacles were like a man’s phallus, and inserted into Julia’s mouth and vagina as well as in her anus! The evil monster actually used its tentacles to rape the entangled female warrior, and the tentacles also secreted a lot of mucus, which covered Julia’s whole body.

Julia completely lost the ability to resist, just futilely twisting her body, from her mouth issued a desperate and vague moan; long golden hair floating in the air in a messy manner, naked body covered with disgusting mucus and a path of wounds left by the tentacles, helplessly let the terrible monster wreak havoc. This instant drastic change stunned Gao Ying, in the blink of an eye her own companion fell into the hands of a horrible and evil monster, seeing Julia’s misery, Gao Ying herself was trembling with fear; the injured place on her back was in a burst of intense pain, her legs were weak, the female intelligence officer who had experienced almost every scene was like a fool at the moment, looking at Julia being brutally abused by Fred’s transformation, she was unable to even scream out.

The monster also seemed to have forgotten that there was another Gao Ying, and only focused on ravaging the defenseless Julia with all its might. After about a minute, Gao Ying came to her senses from the confusion. She saw that the monster was no longer paying attention to her, and Julia seemed to have passed out under the monster’s ravages, her two big beautiful eyes staring at herself blankly. Gao Ying calmly analyzed the situation: the pain in her back was unbearable, she could no longer fight with this horrible monster, and the screams of the monster just now might soon bring the enemy, and then she was afraid that she would not be able to protect herself. She looked sadly at Julia, who was suffering from the monster’s destruction, and turned around with a cruel heart, struggling to run back.

On the front of Fred’s battleship, a brutal battle is still raging. The divine Leo of all people, including Sandra, is intimidated, and Fred’s crew fights valiantly, inspired by Leo.

The Wehrmacht’s soldiers, despite their advanced weaponry, were no longer useful because they had been caught in a physical battle; instead, the crews inside the battleships, using the battleships as cover to shoot at them, took heavy casualties among the Wehrmacht and the Hulls.

Old Hans’s eyes were red as he roared furiously and commanded his men to fight, but as he saw more and more of his men fall, he felt that he just couldn’t do it anymore and shouted to Sandra, “Miss Sandra! My men have suffered too many casualties, let’s retreat first!”

Sandra also saw that there was little chance of victory if the fight continued, she had wanted to use her numerical advantage to kill Fred’s battleship, but she didn’t realize that a valiant Leo had blocked her out. She gritted her teeth and shouted : “Retreat!”

The Wehrmacht and the Hur began to fall back, leaving a trail of bodies and dying wounded in front of the battleship.

Escaping from the battleship, Gao Ying realized that the place where the battle had been fought had fallen silent, and she knew that Sandra and the others must have retreated first. She endured the pain and ran in the direction of Athena.

As Gao Ying ran, she suddenly felt a chill throughout her body and couldn’t help but shiver, and her steps began to stagger. She felt that the pain in her back seemed to have stopped, but the feeling that came with it was even more unbearable. She forced herself to endure it and trudged forward.

After walking for a while, Gao Ying suddenly realized that a Hull man appeared in front of her. She alertly drew her gun and stumbled towards the Hull man. As she got closer, it turned out to be a teenager: he was not tall, about seventeen or eight years old, his figure was a bit thin, his hair was disheveled, and his two eyes looked at the injured woman in front of him with a kind of extremely cold, expressionless look.

Gao Ying felt that she was about to be unable to support herself, she hoped that the teenager in front of her would be able to help her out, she forced a smile : “Young man, what’s your name?”

That teenager still looked at Gao Ying expressionlessly, neither surprised nor nervous, and said in a cold tone, “Yoseba.”

It turned out that this teenager was called Yoseba, Gao Ying was just about to speak again when she suddenly felt a strong chill in her body, she shivered violently, moaned softly and collapsed.

In the command room of Fred’s battleship, a completely naked woman was hanging by her hands tied with a rope dangling from the ceiling, and heavy shackles were savagely cuffed to both of her shapely ankles. Surrounded by a furious-looking Fred and crew.

Julia is brutally raped by the monster, with horrible tentacles plunging into her body, and the pain and itching combined with great fear causes her to quickly pass out. When Julia awoke, she saw the terrible Fred staring at her, surrounded by the angry crew. She subconsciously wanted to move, only to realize that her hands had been tied and hung up, and her feet were also locked with heavy shackles, making it difficult to move a bit; and the wounds left by the monster’s ravages on her body had miraculously disappeared, and her naked body was as crystalline and flawless as alabaster, with only some of the dried-up mucus secreted by the monster still smeared on her body.

Just as Julia panicked, a bloodied Leo and a few of the more injured crew members were carried in.

Fred walked up to Leo, the giant who had fought so valiantly just moments ago looked weak at the moment. Fred silently stretched out his hand, suddenly, his body began to tremble violently, his hands began to smoke, the whole palm of his hand became as blue as sea water. Fred put his palms against the giant’s wounds and began to touch, a miracle occurred: the bleeding wound blood stopped, and then the wound gradually healed, as if nothing had happened!

It was then that Julia realized why she had no bruises on her body; why Fred had such a high status in the hearts of the Bristolians; why so many people would risk their lives to serve this villain, and that Fred had such amazing psychic abilities!

Leo looked gratefully at his master and tried to speak, but was stopped by Fred. He ordered the giant, whose wounds were healed but still weak, to be helped down to rest, and then he attended to the other wounded in the same manner.

Once all the wounded had been dealt with and carried off, Fred turned towards Julia. It was obvious that what had just happened had drained Fred’s energy, but his anger had not been eliminated, and he looked viciously at the woman hanging in front of him.

Julia was terrified in her heart, not knowing what kind of venomous means Fred was going to use to torture himself, and although she tried her best to restrain herself, her snow-white and naked body was still trembling slightly.

Fred looked at the naked blonde in front of him, a hatred mixed with feral desire rising, he whispered to one of the crew to bring a syringe and walked towards Julia. Julia’s mind went back to the horrific scene in the cellar of the bar in the town of Hull, and she screamed, struggling desperately, “No. No! No! You bastard, don’t towel me!”

The two crew members came over and held the struggling Julia tightly as Fred pushed the syringe of medicine into Julia’s body. Julia was immediately desperate, knowing that a brutal abuse was about to begin again.

Fred moved a chair and sat across from Julia, looking at the desperate and agonized warrior with cold eyes. Soon, Julia felt a change in the body: although all parts can still move, but the body seems to have a fire burning, she felt her breasts began to rise, vagina began to itch. It turned out that Fred injected Julia with an aphrodisiac.

Fred had a large floor-to-ceiling mirror brought in and placed in front of Julia, who he wanted to see for herself her agonizingly embarrassing struggles. Julia felt an intense anguish of longing for intercourse rise up inside her, and she felt deeply ashamed, biting her lips tightly to try to restrain the thought.

Fred grinned sinisterly and had a thick electric dildo brought in, which he ruthlessly inserted into Julia’s still red and swollen anus, which had been ravaged by the monster. Julia let out a scream of agony, and she couldn’t help but squirm as another strong vibration came from her anus, which had just been bruised by the barbs on the monster’s ground tentacles. A vicious mirror was placed in front of her, from which Julia saw a blonde girl bound by ropes and shackles struggling helplessly, her naked body trembling unceasingly, her plump breasts hanging in front of her chest jiggling, her pretty face filled with expressions of bitterness and pain. Julia finally couldn’t help but moan.

Fred looked at the beautiful, slim blonde girl, about his own size, and remembered that he owed his fate of perhaps never returning to Bristol to it, and an overwhelming anger erupted.

He ordered two of his crew members to pick up whips and stand on either side of Julia and beat the captive woman hard.

Julia felt a strong tremor coming from her tortured anus, an uncontrollable bitterness erupted inside her body, coupled with the pain of being tortured and the shame of being humiliated, she desperately shook her body to avoid the vicious whips, sometimes letting out harsh screams, sometimes letting out bitter moans; the sweat from the pain flowed all over the bruised and battered nude body, and a large amount of lewdness flowed out of her battered pussy. Julia finally cried out in pain at the brutal abuse.

Fred grinned as he ordered the ropes binding Julia’s hands to be untied, and Julia immediately collapsed to the floor. The whips still fell like rain on the already miserable naked flesh. Julia seems to fall into a frenzy, she no longer care about the whip on the body; hard twisting waist, covered with whip marks of the plump buttocks swaying from side to side, the two long and beautiful thighs twisted together, and two free hands involuntarily touched to their already flooded pussy.

Fred grinned cruelly, watching the female warrior in front of him, under the effect of the aphrodisiac, the last of her sanity drowned a little bit in lustful desires, and actually began to masturbate under the whip.

At that moment, the door is pushed open and Bob. Lasofsky walked in. He couldn’t help but frown at the gruesome scene, “That’s enough, Fred! You’re going to get this girl killed if you keep this up! Although she is our enemy, you shouldn’t torture her so cruelly.”

Bob had not only been Fred’s teacher when he was a teenager, but over the years he had nursed him as if he were his own child. And Fred has always respected the old man from the solar system; the relationship between the two is like father and son, and Bob is perhaps the only one who can make Fred listen.

Fred grinned at Bob like a naughty child: “Bob, you’re always so kind! Oh, yeah! She’s kind of your homegirl!”

Fred joked, and seeing that Bob was indeed a bit angry, he ordered the crew torturing Julia to stop.

Julia was completely broken at this point, and even though the torture had stopped, she was still letting out loud moans, writhing her plump body on the floor, and running both hands around her pussy in a haphazard manner.

Suddenly, she let out a beastly cry, her body stiffened, her fat ass puckered up, and a stream of pussy juice erupted from her already red and swollen pussy; then, she went limp and fell to the ground, twitching uncontrollably, with pussy juice mixed with obscene water gurgling out of her pussy, and with only the motorized phallus still vibrating in her ass…

Bob was also a little dumbfounded at the sight. Fred waved his hand and the crew dragged the already semi-conscious Julia out of the room.

Chapter 6: Crushing the Mob

Gao Ying vaguely felt that there was a hand touching her body, and she opened her eyes in surprise to see her surroundings, but to her even greater surprise, she opened her eyes but still could not see anything. Gao Ying immediately realized that her eyes were blindfolded. She reached out to remove the black cloth covering her eyes, but was surprised to find that her hands were tightly tied by the rope and pulled to the sides; at the same time, the boots on her feet had been taken off, her ankles were also tied by the rope, and her legs were savagely pulled to the sides and spread wide; the whole person was tightly tied like a “big” character, and could not move a single move!

Gao Ying couldn’t help but shriek. Her shrill screams echoed throughout the room, but the hand was not moved at all, and continued to make light of her body. Gao Ying tried to calm herself down, carefully recalling everything that had happened: she had been attacked by Fred’s transformation on the battleship yesterday, and after escaping with her injuries, she had met a Hurrian teenager who seemed to be called “Yoseba”, and then due to the pain of her injuries, she had passed out, and when she woke up, she had ended up in such a state. From the looks of things, he must be harboring ill will towards him. Is it that Yoseba boy?

Or had it fallen into Fred’s hands? Or, was it in the hands of the group of Hulls who had raped Julia? Although the other party hadn’t made a sound, Gao Ying judged by perception that there must be more than one person here, and that there was someone else watching from the sidelines as she was being made light of. From this, it seemed likely that it was the latter two cases. Thinking that she might have fallen into the hands of the cruel Fred or those savage Hull men who had raped Julia, Gao Ying couldn’t help but get scared.

That hand kept groping around Gao Ying’s body, and from time to time pinched at her plump and ripe sensitive parts, Gao Ying felt a tightening in her heart. That hand wandered around her body, touching Gao Ying’s back where she had been injured by the monster, caressing her white and smooth back through the torn slit in her clothes. After a while, the hand suddenly tore down hard, only to hear a “hissing” sound, Gao Ying’s back clothes were completely torn; the hand peeled the broken clothes to both sides, exposing Gao Ying’s back.

Gao Ying violently felt a coldness behind her back and heard the sound of her clothes being torn, she immediately screamed, her heart seized up and she struggled hard to struggle with her tightly bound hands and feet.

The man brought a pair of scissors at some point and cut open Gao Ying’s blouse, and then roughly tore off the blouse that had been cut into pieces. Gao Ying’s upper body was all exposed, with only a bra still on.

Gao Ying could almost feel the greedy gazes of the people around her falling on her body, but other than her own shrieks, there was silence all around. This silence added an oppressive fear to Gao Ying’s heart.

That hand was gently tugging on the strap of Gao Ying’s bra behind her, and with one force, it tore the strap off, and the last line of defense on Gao Ying’s upper body was broken through, and the two plump, white meatballs fell out with a heavy thud. Two big rough hands came around from her back and kneaded these two soft and plump breasts hard.

Gao Ying could only scream uncontrollably. Her naked and plump upper body completely fell into the ravages of the other party, and the powerless fear and shame made Gao Ying’s body tremble.

The hand that was wreaking havoc on Gao Ying’s plump and crystalline chest gradually stopped, tightly grasping the two fleshy lumps, her fingers very gently began to rub the tiny and delicate nipples on them. An electric current like sensation came from the breasts that were being played with, Gao Ying’s face immediately turned red, and although she held back from making a sound, her nipples honestly hardened. The hand that gripped her breasts loosened, and a large mouth that spewed hot air pressed up, the beard that was as hard as a needle poking at the delicate skin on Gao Ying’s chest, greedily licking around the shyly erect nipples, and from time to time biting down hard on the plump breasts.

Obviously there were two people tormenting themselves, Gao Ying shook her already lost body hard in pain and screamed loudly, tears almost falling from her eyes. At the same time, the hand behind her back started to touch Gao Ying’s plump and rounded buttocks and firm and straight thighs through her pants. After groping for a while, this person picked up the scissors again and cut Gao Ying’s pants down her legs, peeled them off, and then roughly tore off the last of her underwear as well.

Gao Ying’s slender and wonderful body was naked without a stitch.

Gao Ying was ashamed and desperately struggled in vain. Before she even knew where she was and who the other party was, she had been stripped naked and toyed with. Only her own screams and the sound of her clothes being torn apart could be heard in the silent room, and this unspeakable fear and shame made the female intelligence officer almost go crazy.

All four hands came together to lavish lust on the naked, voluptuous body, and the room was filled only with the agonized moans of the abused woman and the heavy panting of the man, as a hanging, seductive body writhed and struggled uncontrollably.

The teenager whom the unfortunate female intelligence officer had met was Russel’s righteous son, and ever since Yoseba had carried the unconscious Gao Ying here, Oscar had understood that another beautiful prey from the solar system had unfortunately fallen into his hands. He intended to use an inexplicable fear and pressure to bring the cold-looking woman to complete submission. He and Russel had pulled the unconscious Gao Ying apart by her arms and legs and hung her up, blindfolding her to play with her, just for this purpose.

Abandoning his already teeth-marked breasts, Russell squatted down and began to play with the fascinating pussy that was fully exposed due to the spreading of his legs. With his hand he pulled the tightly closed pussy lips apart, revealing the pink pussy. He looked at it greedily for a moment, gently peeled back the foreskin encasing the nub, and stuck out his tongue over the delicate, sensitive nub.

Oscar, on the other hand, slapped Gao Ying’s snow-white, full ass hard with his hand, and soon the plump mounds of flesh were red. Gao Ying was in a woeful state of pain, on one hand, her ass was being spanked with fiery pain, on the other hand, unbearable pleasure kept coming from the most sensitive part of a woman’s body. She wanted to struggle, but she felt her whole body start to go soft, and she couldn’t exert any strength at all. The consistently proud and cold female intelligence officer’s hands tightly grasped the rope binding her wrists, her two slender legs involuntarily tensed up, her naked body slightly trembled, and her mouth began to emit muffled moans, as crystalline droplets of water seeped out from her charming pussy.

Oscar stopped his brutalization of Gao Ying’s fleshy ass and roughly spread the two already reddened mounds of flesh with his hands and looked at Gao Ying’s round, brown ass hole. From the looks of it Oscar knew that Gao Ying was still a virgin here. He rubbed his fingers gently around Gao Ying’s asshole and slowly squeezed them in.

Gao Ying couldn’t see anything, couldn’t hear anything, only knew that she had fallen into the hands of the enemy, and was in the wretched situation of being toyed with before and after at the same time, and was humiliated and bitter in her heart.

Suddenly, she felt a rough finger penetrate her anus, and a fear and shame she had never felt before gripped her heart, and she immediately screamed, her sexy ass rocking violently as she tried to reject the savage intrusion.

Oscar felt his finger being sucked tightly into Gao Ying’s anus, the muscles around her anus were contracting, and he cruelly started digging his finger in Gao Ying’s anus harder. Russell also continued to tease Gao Ying’s already bulging pussy nucleus while also inserting his finger into her already wet and hot pussy, squeezing it inside with abandon.

Gao Ying felt that the defense of reason was about to collapse, and was about to fall into hopeless lechery. She restrained herself with all her might, biting her lips so hard that she was almost bleeding. But her unyielding body began to give in, and began to wriggle rhythmically with her enemy’s lewd abuse, the pleasure coming in like a tidal wave, her pussy was a sea of water, her breasts were rising uncomfortably, and even her bullied anus gradually began to appear sexy.

Gao Ying’s white pretty face turned red, and her plump naked body was covered with drops of sweat as she finally opened her sexy lips and moaned bitterly.

Oscar stopped ravaging the female intelligence officer’s anus, brought in a thick electric dildo, turned it on, and plunged it into the asshole hole that had begun to moisten and keep opening and closing! The hanging, snow-white flesh bounced violently, and the shock of having her virgin anus taken away caused Gao Ying to let out a loud scream, her sexy ass shaking wildly. Russell also shoved an equally thick electric dildo into Gao Ying’s already lust-soaked pussy.

Oscar and Russell stopped moving and stood up in silence, watching their beautiful captive crumble under their lustful abuse. The cold iceberg beauty finally melted, and like a lusty whore, she fully displayed her sensuality in front of the two ravaging thugs. Two black electric dildos were inserted into the front and back meat holes, the naked and seductive body was writhing frantically, moving moans leaked out intermittently from the sexy lips, two plump meatballs bounced on the woman’s chest, and lewd liquid kept flowing down the firm and well-proportioned thighs.

Oscar lowered the ropes hanging from Gao Ying’s hands, and he kicked the trembling thighs from behind as Gao Ying dropped to her knees without resistance.

Russell pulled out his long ago elevated rod and reached out to Gao Ying’s mouth. The hot rod toweled to Gao Ying’s lips, she subconsciously twisted her head away. Russell roughly pinched her bottom, forcing her to open her mouth, and pushed the thick rod inside.

Gao Ying was no longer able to resist as the thick rod pushed right up against her throat, thrusting savagely. The two black guys were still destroying the two poor little meat holes, and Gao Ying was writhing sensuously on her knees, forced but obediently sucking Russell’s cock.

Russel shot his fishy hot cum all over Gao Ying’s face and mouth, then re-pulled the rope up and hoisted the female intelligence officer’s body upright.

Yoseba, the teenager who had been watching the scene from the sidelines, could no longer restrain his excitement, his thin body trembled and he kept licking his dry lips. Oscar made a gesture to Yoseba, and the teenager walked silently toward the miserable, helpless woman, a beast-like light shooting from his eyes.

Oscar pulled the two motorized dildos out violently and Gao Ying’s body shook violently as she let out a loud moan. Yoseba rammed his already developed rod hard into Gao Ying’s pussy, his eyes glowing with cruelty as he thrust like mad.

Oscar finally removed the black cloth that had been covering Gao Ying’s eyes. The first thing Gao Ying saw when she saw the light again was that the skinny Hurman boy was madly raping himself, and behind the boy was the horrible and evil Oscar and the leader of the Hurman gangs, Russel, whom Julia had once described.

She finally understood it all, the terrible encounter that happened to Julia was about to repeat itself. Gao Ying immediately snapped out of the lust she had just experienced, and she screamed and fought back. Yoseba’s skinny body seemed to have a huge power that had been suppressed for a long time, his hands gripped Gao Ying’s plump and ripe flesh tightly like a vice, and each thrust went straight to her flower core.

Gao Ying felt as if this beastly teenager had taken away all of her stamina, her body gradually softened, and apart from moaning in despair, there were only tears of pain and humiliation that kept flowing down her face.

Russell then comes behind Gao Ying, holds the fleshy ass and thrusts his thick rod savagely into her anus.

Gao Ying was raped by the two Hurricanes between them, and despairingly saw Oscar open the door, and a dozen equally strong and greedy Hurricanes walked in outside…

There is a depressing atmosphere on “Athena”.

The return of Ao Ishihara and Dr. Ishihara did not make everyone happy, and the frustration of the thwarted attack and the worry of their missing companions gripped everyone.

Yoko Hashimoto was now back in her room resting because she had been so physically and mentally devastated for two days.

The others sat worriedly in the command room, waiting for news of the soldiers who had gone out to look for Gao Ying and Julia.

Several soldiers had already returned with no news of the duo. Sandra was almost certain that the two girls who had ventured into the battleship had fallen into the hands of the villainous Fred.

Just then, a soldier hurried in and said, “Reporting to Captain Sandra, I heard a Hull man in town just now say that it seems a dark-haired girl has been captured by Russel’s gang and is being held in their lair.”

Everyone listened and jumped.

Sandra: “What? Is this girl Gao Ying?”

Soldier: “I don’t know.”

Ao Ishihara: “It must be Gao Ying, but where is Julia?”

Sandra anxiously walked around the house: “These hateful Hel people, how did Gao Ying get caught by them?”

Ishihara Ao: “Sandra, let’s not worry about that, let’s save Gao Ying first!”

Linda: “Sandra, it seems like we have to fight Russel’s gang now! Otherwise, they are always against us, and we can’t stand it anymore!”

Sandra: “Well then, let’s put Fred on hold for a while and sweep the Russell Mob completely first! Linda, I don’t know if old Hans will still be able to act with us this time!”

Linda felt sick to her stomach at the thought of that perverted Hull man. She thought for a moment and said, “Sandra, I have an idea: that old Hans and Russell are also rivals, so let’s not say we’re going to save our people, but just tell him that we’re helping him get rid of his rivals, and at the same time, we can take advantage of the opportunity to ask him to continue to help us deal with Fred in the future!”

Ao Ishihara: “Haha, Linda! That’s a great idea!”

Sandra: “Okay, let’s do it!”

Old Hans was regretting the heavy casualties he suffered in the attack on Fred, and was unhappy to see Sandra sending another soldier. But after the soldier sent according to Linda’s meaning, old Hans immediately turned from sadness to joy: to be able to help someone to defeat Russell’s gang, his future is the most powerful force in the Hull people, he is eager to do. Old Hans quickly agreed and was willing to lead the way for Sandra and the others.

With Hans Sr.’s cooperation, Sandra is confident of eliminating Russell’s gang, and she tells Linda and Yoko Hashimoto to stay on Athena to guard it, while she and Ao Ishihara take on Russell’s gang.

The Hullite mob is not the rabble they thought they were, instead they come across as well trained and organized. Russell’s men had engaged Sandra and Old Hans’s men in a tenacious street battle in the town, with heavy casualties on both sides. And Sandra felt that there must be a first-rate tactician at the helm behind these men, or the backward and rude Hull men would never have made them fight so hard and pay for every step forward.

After nearly a full day of fighting, the town was in ruins. Despite Sandra’s repeated calls for her men to pay attention, the town’s Hull civilians were inevitably affected. Russel’s men, on the other hand, had already suffered almost all the casualties, with the remnants guarding around a small building and continuing to resist. It was certain that this was Russel’s lair, and Gao Ying must be locked up inside.

Sandra commanded the Wehrmacht and Old Hans’ men in a final strong attack. She rushed to the front, stepping over the bodies of the fallen Hurians, Sandra was the first to storm Russel’s lair.

Sandra frantically searched for Gao Ying in every room, wielding her sharp battle axe and hacking almost every Hurman she saw in two, her body splattered with blood in a gruesome manner. When she kicked open one of the innermost rooms on the first floor, she finally saw the Gao Ying she was looking for.

On an iron frame in the inner side of the room hung the naked female intelligence officer, her hands were raised above her head and tightly tied together, her two ankles were also tied with ropes and pulled upward to the maximum extent; her long, slender and well-proportioned legs were parted to the limit, and her lower body was clearly exposed, and her battered pussy was tragically red and swollen, and the surrounding area was smeared with men’s semen; her dark hair was messily draped over her emaciated face, and her plump body was covered with scars left behind by the rough ravages. The black hair was messy on her haggard face, and her plump body was covered with scars left behind by the rough ravages.

Behind Gao Ying, a man with a gruesome scar on his face stood, the sharp knife in his hand pressed against Gao Ying’s snow-white neck, almost cutting a bloody scar. He looked at Sandra who rushed in with hateful cold eyes.

Sandra was stunned, this man was without a doubt the same Oscar. For a moment the air in the room seemed to freeze as the two men stared at each other with hostile eyes. Sandra felt as if she had seen this Oscar somewhere before, but couldn’t remember for a moment.

Oscar finally spoke first: “Brave lady, put down your weapon or this young lady will have another wound on her lovely neck!”

The muscles in Oscar’s face couldn’t stop twitching as he spoke, driving the scar in a way that spoke of terror.

Sandra looked at Oscar, the already desperate villain threatening himself with Gao Ying’s life. Sandra was sure that if she refused, he would slit Gao Ying’s throat; and she was not absolutely sure if she would strike at this moment. She dropped the blood-stained battle axe to the ground.

Oscar let out a beast-like laugh: “Hahahahaha, warrior of justice, take off your clothes as well! I want to see how many weapons such a brave woman is carrying!”

Sandra’s heart went cold and she asked, “What do you want, asshole?”

Oscar grinned, pressing the knife in his hand tightly as beads of blood oozed from Gao Ying’s neck. Gao Ying clenched her lips and looked at Sandra with a look of rejection.

Sandra was momentarily at a loss for ideas, thinking: it seems the only thing to do now is to do what this guy says and stabilize him before looking for an opportunity to make a move. She stared at Oscar, slowly unbuttoned, will be blood red uniform off, inside the small pistol, dagger and stun baton fell out.

Oscar smiled, feeling very pleased to have such a brave and alert woman as Sandra at his mercy. He continued, “And pants and boots.”

Sandra’s heart clenched when she saw that Oscar was always standing behind Gao Ying, the knife in his hand not relaxing at all. She helplessly bent down and took off her pants and boots again. This left Sandra with only her bra and panties, her healthy and mature body all exposed.

Although Sandra has thirty-two years old, but because of regular exercise and attention to maintenance, the body is still very moving, breasts full and firm; waist and abdomen without a little fat, slim and flat; thighs firm and well-proportioned, calves round and straight. Sandra intentionally raise the body, will be attractive curves show no one, hoping to attract Oscar’s attention to their own body, so as to find an opportunity to do.

Oscar was really staring straight ahead, his evil eyes staring right at Sandra. He took out a pair of handcuffs from his body, threw them at Sandra’s feet and said, “Cuff your hands, bitch!”

Sandra, who had been mentally thinking of a way to deal with Oscar, slowly bent down to pick up the handcuffs and cuff them together. Oscar told Sandra to turn around and crouch facing the wall. Sandra made a scared face and reluctantly did as Oscar said.

Seeing that Sandra’s hands were indeed cuffed, Oscar let go and stepped out from behind Gowing and walked toward Sandra. Sandra heard footsteps behind her getting closer and closer and she figured that Oscar had reached her. Sandra suddenly spun around and stood up, lifting her slender leg and kicking it lightning fast towards Oscar’s wrist where he was holding the knife!

Oscar didn’t expect Sandra to move so fast, and without waiting to react, the knife was kicked out! Immediately after that, Sandra’s knee came down hard on Oscar’s stomach, and the handcuffed hands slammed down on Oscar’s head with the handcuffs!

Oscar screamed in agony and fell to the ground in a head load. Sandra raises her foot to kick down at Oscar again, but Oscar, who is down on the ground, is quick, too, and he rolls on the ground to avoid the kick, then wraps his arms around Sandra’s legs, dropping Sandra to the ground as well.

The two fell to the ground together and tore themselves apart. Sandra, unable to stand up because her hands were cuffed together, clamped her long, strong legs around Oscar’s waist and slammed his head as hard as she could with her cuffed hands. Oscar couldn’t free himself from the grip, and he fought off Sandra’s punches with his hands.

Sandra was desperately hoping for her people to arrive at the moment, when suddenly she felt something hit her around the waist and her whole body immediately went limp. It turned out that when Oscar was struggling on the ground, he happened to grab the stun baton that fell out when Sandra was undressing just now, and he opened the baton and stabbed it into Sandra’s waist. He saw that Sandra’s body was soft, he took the opportunity to break free from between Sandra’s legs, and without waiting for Sandra to make another move, he used the stun baton to viciously stab at her body again.

Strong electric currents coursed through Sandra’s body and the valiant warrior woman immediately went limp, no longer able to resist. Oscar stood up triumphantly and delivered a vicious kick towards the small of Sandra’s back and abdomen, only stopping when he saw that Sandra could no longer move. He brought the rope and uncuffed the unconscious Sandra, twisted her hands behind her back and tied them tightly to her body, and tied her legs tightly with the rope, which was a relief.

Oscar lifted Sandra up and laid her flat on the table, then grabbed her by the hair and started slapping her hard. Sandra woke up from the beating, feeling dizzy, and opened her eyes to see that her hands and feet were bound, and she tensed up.

Seeing Sandra wake up, Oscar viciously cursed, “Bitch! How dare you resist?”

He slapped Sandra hard again and then ripped Sandra’s bra off as he did so, two plump, ripe breasts popping out. Sandra stared hard at Oscar, not saying a word.

Oscar squeezed both globes of flesh so hard in his hands that Sandra gritted her teeth in pain. Oscar saw that Sandra was still holding back, and with a grin, he tore off her panties as well! Hating and ashamed, Sandra cursed, “Bastard! You quickly let go of me!”

Oscar laughed: “Hmph, bitch! How dare you!” He shoved the torn off panties into Sandra’s mouth, and then slipped his hand into Sandra’s beautiful bush.

Sandra’s mouth was gagged by her own panties, and seeing Oscar groping toward her private parts, she nearly fainted in a moment of shame. She clenched her firm, plump thighs as hard as she could and squirmed against it.

Oscar grinned and stabbed the taser down towards Sandra’s slit! Sandra let out a dull scream as her bound body bounced violently and then went limp on the table immediately afterward. Seeing Sandra go limp again, Oscar lowered the taser, looked at the slit that had just been electrocuted, and slowly inserted his palm into it!

Sandra suddenly felt a large rough hand reach into her tightly clenched dry pussy and a shiver ran through her body, she wanted to scream but couldn’t, she wanted to struggle but was too sore and weak to do so.

Oscar grinned and clenched his entire palm into a fist, thrusting it hard into Sandra’s narrow cunt. Sandra felt a ripping pain coming from her lower body, her bound and naked flesh shuddering violently as cold sweat poured down her face.

Oscar was amused at the sight of Sandra’s agony as he continued to thrust his arm hard into the already split and bleeding cunt as well. Sandra couldn’t hold back any longer, her harsh screams leaking out of her gagged mouth and tears of pain and humiliation streaming down her face.

Oscar grinned as he withdrew his blood-stained arm, rolled Sandra over on her back, and began to stab Sandra’s tightly closed asshole seat with two more fingers. Sandra couldn’t stand Oscar’s animalistic brutality, and she desperately wiggled her ass, resisting with every last ounce of strength she had.

Oscar sneered, picked up the taser again and stabbed Sandra in the loins. Sandra grunted in pain again, her ravaged body going limp again.

Oscar turned off the taser and slammed the thick, long taser into Sandra’s tight, round anus.

Sandra’s limp body was no longer able to resist, it just trembled uncontrollably.

A sadistic desire rose in Oscar at the sight of Sandra’s miserable state and he flipped the switch on the taser. Sandra suddenly felt a strong electric current in her already stretched and hot and painful anus, she let out a heartbreaking scream, her head tilted and she fainted again.

Oscar pulled the taser out of his abused anus and was about to torment Sandra again, when suddenly the wall of the room made a loud bang and a large hole was knocked open! Old Hans and Ao Ishihara rushed in with their men. Seeing the situation, Oscar hurriedly dropped Sandra and rushed out.

Ao Ishihara was just about to give chase when she suddenly saw Sandra, bound hand and foot and passed out naked on the table, and Gao Ying, also naked and hanging humiliatingly from the rack. She rushed over to untie the two.

Old Hans also saw the two brutalized beauties, especially the normally formidable Commander Sandra, who was gagged in her mouth with her panties, her hands and feet tied, naked, with her pussy and anus in a mess; he couldn’t help but look at them straight in the eyes. But he didn’t dare to mess around at this point, and ordered his men to escort the two women, who had just been brutally abused and weakened, back to the battleship along with Ao Ishihara.

Although Russell and Oscar escaped, the mob has been sort of completely crushed.

Ao Ishihara, along with Hans Sr. and his men, brought Sandra and Gao Ying back from the dead and headed for their own battleship. What they don’t realize is that on the very day they go to sweep up the Russell gang, something terrible happens on the Athena.

Chapter 7: The Rebel! Alex.

If Sandra hadn’t chosen this day to eliminate the Russel mob, and if Oscar’s command hadn’t made the otherwise ragtag group of Hulls recalcitrant for an entire day, there might not have been all of this that happened next.

On the Athena, Linda is worried about Sandra leading the attack on the Hull mob and the situation of Gao Ying and Julia. But unbeknownst to the redhead, an equally horrific and tragic fate is already looming over her.

A few hours after Sandra and the others had left Athena, a small interstellar battleship landed silently in a clearing not far from the purple ship. Inside the ship, a young, dark-haired man in the uniform of a Defense Force Brigadier General was calculating his sinister plan.

He, the youngest Brigadier General in the Defense Intelligence Department and one of the most distinguished intelligence officers in the Defense Forces – Alex B. Alex Hawk. Brigadier General Hawk’s life is very peculiar: at the age of two, his military parents were killed in a flight accident, and he grew up with his grandmother; his grandfather and grandfather were both officers of the Defense Force, and they both died in the war at a very early age; his grandmother was a Chinese, and left him with a head of black hair; and his grandmother, whom he has never met, was from the Bristol Galaxy. His mixed heritage and lonely childhood forged Alex’s rebellious and aloof character. Alex’s talent is undeniable, otherwise he would not have been promoted to Brigadier General in just six years after graduating from the military academy; however, as a promising young officer in the Defense Force, he inwardly hated the solar system government, and sympathized with the Bristolians, who are also related to him; so when the opportunity arose a few years ago, he didn’t hesitate to join the Thunder Dragon, and became a traitor in the eyes of others! .

Alex single-handedly orchestrated the rescue of Osthrom from prison and decided to use his identity one last time to help Fred against the Violette team, and then from there began his career as a rebel in the light of day.

“Athena was quick to notice that a Defense Force flagged warship had landed next to her, and with a rush of excitement, Linda and Yoko Hashimoto switched on their comms and waited for the newcomer to contact them.

Soon, after a flash, the monitor appeared with the face of a young officer, a cathartic smile on his handsome face.

Linda, of course, knew the best young officer in Intelligence.

“Hello, Brigadier General Hawk.”

“Hello, Major Stewart! I’ve got goodies for you!” Alex’s eyes twinkled with a sly grin.

“What?” Linda asked excitedly.

“Hold your horses, where are Captain Sandra and the girls?” Alex asked rhetorically.

“They’re not on the ship, they’re out on a mission.” Linda was defenseless against Alex.

Alex heart a burst of ecstasy, he felt that he is not far from success. He smiled and said, “So, how was the mission? I brought you a new code, and…”

He deliberately paused and took out a green envelope from his body: “Lovely Linda, I also brought you a letter from Commodore Sura! Shall I read it to you?”

Brigadier General Sura is Joseph Sura. Linda Stewart’s fiancé. Stewart’s fiancé, he and Alex were in the same class at military school, and is now the commander of the Space Task Force Brigade, a special forces unit of the Defense Forces, and a very good soldier.

At Alex’s words, Linda’s heart raced and her face flushed.

Seeing that the clever and witty Linda was really upset by her own little tricks, Alex hurriedly said.

“Linda, I was joking! You came to me and Joseph wanted me to give you the letter in person.”

Linda completely believed Alex’s lies, she was so full of sweet feelings at the moment that she couldn’t even think for a moment about whether Alex’s words were believable or not.

Linda instructed Yoko to stay behind, and took two soldiers herself, to Alex’s battleship.

Seeing that the unsuspecting Linda had only brought two soldiers, Alex ordered his men to lead the two soldiers to another room first, and then smiled as he handed the envelope to the prey that was about to fall into the trap. Linda eagerly tore open the envelope, and immediately a pungent scent came out. Before Linda could react, she felt her head spinning and lost consciousness.

When Linda woke up again, she was surprised to find herself sitting backward in a chair, her head still throbbing with pain, and Alex grinning impishly in front of her.

Seeing Linda wake up, Alex smiled and said, “I’m sorry, Ms. Linda, Joseph didn’t even ask me to bring a letter, I lied to you.”

Alex’s smile was as wide as ever, but Linda felt sick to her stomach. She said angrily, “Alex! What are you doing? Let go of me!”

Alex was still smiling : “Ms. Linda, don’t get angry, anger will make people ugly. I have a small request, as long as you agree, I will immediately release you.”

“Alex, this is kidnapping! Don’t you forget who you are!”

“Ah yes, I forgot to tell you: I’ve long been a member of the Thunder Dragon. I don’t give a damn about being a Brigadier General of the Defense Force!”

Linda felt her head explode with the realization that she had fallen into the hands of a traitor! She tried to compose herself and stared hard at Alex.

Seeing that Linda was obviously taken aback, Alex continued, “Don’t be afraid, Miss Linda, I’m not asking for anything too much, I’m just asking you to order your battleship to let us up and borrow the ‘Athena’.”

Linda immediately understood the intention of this hateful traitor: Fred’s battleship could no longer fly, and he wanted to seize the “Athena” and use it to bring Fred, that scoundrel, back to Bristol. Without thinking, she exclaimed: “You traitor! You’ll never do it! I will never let you take the Athena!”

The bright smile on Alex’s face immediately disappeared, and he replaced it with a gloomy face: “Ms. Linda, I advise you to cooperate with me! Otherwise your delicate body will suffer!”

Linda’s heart was cold, it seems that this bastard is going to torture himself to force himself to give in, but no matter what, he can’t let that scoundrel Fred get the “Athena”; moreover, since she has already fallen into their hands, even if she agrees with these beasts, they may not really let herself go. She turned her head to one side, and said no more.

Seeing this, Alex beckoned over two crew members to haul Linda up and pull her into the next room.

The room was obviously a torture chamber that had been prepared long ago, with iron frames, shackles, whips, and all manner of instruments of torture lining the room. As Linda entered, she was violently reminded of old Hans’ basement, and her heart clenched.

Alex smiled fiercely and said, “Ms. Linda, you have one last chance. If you don’t cooperate, I’ll be damned!”

Linda gave Alex a hard look and said, “Damn traitor, do whatever you want!”

Seeing how stubborn Linda was, Alex commanded his men to raise Linda’s hands above her head and hang her from the iron frame by a rope. Linda screamed and cursed and struggled as hard as she could to no avail.

There were two shackles fixed to the base of the iron frame about a meter apart, and Alex ordered his men to remove Linda’s boots and cuff her ankles with the shackles so that Linda’s legs were held apart.

Linda didn’t know what kind of torture Alex was going to use on himself, and she looked at the traitor angrily, her ample breasts heaving together.

With a sardonic grin, Alex began to crank the handle on the side of the iron frame, and driven by a pulley, the ropes binding Linda’s hands began to rise, gradually straightening her slender body.

Linda squirmed against it at first, as the pulley rose she began to feel her body being gradually straightened, and her limbs, which were held in place by the shackles and ropes, began to feel the pain of being pulled. By the time her body was stretched to its limits, a tugging pain coming from her wrists, ankles, shoulders and legs, Linda no longer dared to struggle, biting her lip as large drops of cold sweat ran down her face. Alex saw that Linda could barely stand it anymore, he continued to crank the handle, and Linda let out a mournful scream.

Alex fixed the handle and came to Linda: “Well? Strong lady, you’d better agree. Otherwise you’ll have to suffer even more!”

Linda felt as if her limbs were going to be yanked from her body, and her whole body was constantly dripping with cold sweat. She gritted her teeth and said, “Alex, you beast! Kill me if you can!”

Alex sneered and said, “Bitch! You think so! I’ll see how long you last!”

He picked up an iron bar from the side and struck Linda’s flat and soft belly hard! Linda “ah” screamed in pain, bent over, the tightly pulled limbs a sharp pain, face immediately turned pale.

Alex grinned and swung the crowbar, brutally beating Linda’s belly, buttocks and thighs. Linda’s body was stretched straight and she felt excruciating pain with every movement. Cold sweat soon soaked her clothes as she forced herself to endure the brutal torture and minimize the shaking of her body.

Alex put down the crowbar, picked up a leather whip, and came up behind Linda. He swung the leather whip to Linda’s back! Immediately, the clothes on Linda’s back were jerked open with a gash, and a terrible whip mark appeared on the white skin of her back.

Alex whipped Linda frantically, and Linda kept screaming, her body shaking violently, her whole body in pain.

Seeing Linda’s agonized appearance, Alex felt a sadistic pleasure, and he whipped the poor girl even harder. Soon, the uniform on Linda’s back was beaten into a strip, torn and tattered, and the snow-white smooth back exposed inside was covered with blood marks, looking miserable. Linda shook her head vigorously, her beautiful red hair falling messily over her face, her voice hoarse from her incessant screams.

Alex saw Linda’s screams fading as he stopped the torture and came to her.

Linda had been beaten to death, her hair disheveled against her ghastly white face, her entire body drenched in sweat, her tightly pulled body twitching slightly.

Alex asked, “Well, little bitch, do you agree now?”

Linda felt pain all over her body, her chest heaving violently, she gritted her teeth and said nothing. Alex thought: it seems that just torture can not, must use more poisonous means to quickly make this strong girl yield, otherwise, once Sandra and other people come back to their own will be a waste of effort. He thought, suddenly reached out to Linda’s blouse a tear, Linda’s plump crystal breasts immediately exposed!

Linda let out a shriek, she subconsciously shrunk her body backward, and immediately felt a sharp pain in her hanging hands and feet. Linda’s body kept shivering as she screamed, “You, what are you doing?”

Alex smiled lewdly: “Bitch, if you don’t say yes I’m going to strip you naked and let everyone here fuck you! I’m going to film this and send it to Brigadier General Sura!”

Linda was scared and ashamed, her lips trembled as she cursed, “Alex, you beast! You have the ability to come! I will not give in to you!”

Alex bent down and unbuckled Linda’s belt, then stripped Linda’s pants down to just below her knees with one hand. Linda whimpered in shock as her snow-white, plump thighs were exposed. Alex then smiled wickedly and ripped Linda’s panties, which were already soaked with sweat, down as well, and Linda’s hidden private parts were exposed to him.

Linda because in the old Hans torture was shaved pubic hair, so this time the pubic mound on the bare piece, revealing the white tender flesh. Alex looked at the eyes straight, he sneered: “I did not realize that the witty and brave Major Linda is so shameless, is it Joseph shaved it for you? Slutty bitch!”

Linda immediately turned red with shame and lowered her head.

Alex looked at Linda’s pale skin, plump breasts and fascinating pussy, and suddenly felt an uncontrollable urge. He squatted down and manipulated Linda’s little pussy with his hand.

Linda had just been brutally tortured by the rebel, and now she was humiliated beyond endurance as he went to play with her pussy, and she didn’t dare to struggle hard enough, so she could only swear and curse all the dirty words she could think of.

Alex was even more pleased to see that a girl as educated and noble as Linda was starting to swear, and he stuck his tongue into Linda’s pussy as well and started sucking and licking it. Linda felt her flesh hole tingle and itch, and although she felt ashamed, she gasped softly.

Alex signaled his men to loosen the pulleys downward slightly to give Linda’s body some leeway.

Linda was feeling incredibly hard, and her body just loosened up a little, and she immediately couldn’t help but squirm. Alex, seeing that Linda was obviously already feeling pleasure, teased her already wet and slippery pussy even harder with the tip of his tongue, while also starting to rub Linda’s bouncy, full ass with his hands.

Linda felt a tidal wave of intense sensuality coming from below, and she had forgotten about the pain in her back and limbs, and couldn’t help but wriggle and moan despite fighting it with all her might.

Alex, after a while, saw that the lustful water had been pouring out of Linda’s flesh, and suddenly remembered that now was not the time to play with this slut, and that he should hurry up and force her to give in. He stopped playing and stood up.

Linda saw Alex stop and was secretly glad she hadn’t embarrassed herself in front of the traitor, finally suppressing the pleasure.

Alex said, “Bitch, just say yes. Let’s go have some fun together, why are you holding out so hard?”

“Yuck!” Linda spat viciously at Alex. “You bastard, you must not die!”

Alex was a little annoyed as he stared at the two mesmerizing globes of flesh on Linda’s chest and had two bamboo sticks brought in and clamped around Linda’s breasts from the top and bottom. Two of the crew members took hold of the two sticks from either side of Linda. Alex smiled and ordered the two men to grip the bamboo sticks harder, and immediately Linda’s two full breasts were squeezed so hard that they protruded from the center of the sticks! Linda felt a sharp pain in her breasts, she screamed loudly and her body trembled violently.

Alex asked, “What’s up? Bitch! Do you say yes or no?”

Linda’s body was writhing in agony, and she was horrified to see that her proud and plump breasts had been squeezed beyond recognition, horribly protruding from between the two bamboo sticks, and her snow-white breasts were already engorged with blood and beginning to turn purple. She was in so much pain that she couldn’t stand it, her body convulsed violently and her limbs tensed up, desperately shaking her head, but she just wouldn’t open her mouth to beg for mercy.

Alex was impressed to see how strong Linda was, and he ordered his men to push harder. Linda felt as if her breasts were going to be cut from her body, she let out a mournful scream, her head lolled and she fainted from the pain.

Alex had his men remove the bamboo sticks and douse Linda with cold water to wake her up.

Linda groaned as she awoke, her plump, firm breasts battered and bruised beyond recognition.

Linda gritted her teeth and forced herself to endure the excruciating pain, looking at Alex with a hateful gaze, her bruise-covered chest rising and falling violently.

Alex laughed and said, “Still talking tough? Bitch!”

Linda had begun to waver in her mind, Alex’s heinous atrocities had frightened her, but now that she was in this position, she had no choice but to let him destroy her.

Seeing that Linda was still holding strong, Alex had a small generator brought in, from which he led a few wires and attached electrode pads.

He took the wires and said to Linda: “Ms. Linda, I advise you to say yes. This kind of electric torture is not something your delicate body can stand!”

Linda was already shaking with fear, but she just wouldn’t say a word.

Alex came over to Linda with the wires and carefully inserted the electrode pads on the front of the wires into Linda’s still somewhat moist vagina and the other into Linda’s anus.

Linda twisted hard to try to struggle, and Linda was so scared that she almost passed out when Alex actually tried to use electrocution on her here.

Alex walked back to the generator and looked at the frightened redhead with a sardonic grin and cranked up the generator’s handle. Immediately Linda felt a strong electric current hit her from her cunt and anus, and her hanging body jerked as she let out a terrified scream.

Alex continued to increase the current. Linda’s body shook violently as if she had lost control, and she felt a stabbing pain in her vagina and anus that was as unbearable as if she were on fire. She couldn’t hold back any longer and cried out.

Alex kept cranking the handle. Linda felt as if she had lost consciousness in her lower body and her body was shaking at a frantic pace; the muscles of her vagina and anus lost control and urine and feces flowed out together, making a mess on Linda’s body.

Linda was about to go crazy, she was crushed by Alex’s crazy atrocities, crying and wailing intermittently while pleading, “Ah! I can’t take it anymore, ah, give me a break, I’m going to die!”

Seeing that Linda was indeed out of it, and fearing that any more would kill her, Alex hurriedly stopped the handle and had Linda lowered from the iron frame. Linda immediately collapsed to the floor, limp in a ball, only her lower body still twitching out of control.

Her clothes were in tatters, her pants were down to her calves, her back and chest were bruised and battered, her bottom was sticky with runny shit and piss, her pussy and asshole were horribly red and swollen, and the whole thing looked miserable.

Alex had Linda’s wretched uniform stripped off, rinsed her naked body with water, and then helped Linda to a chair.

Linda’s entire body had now lost its former luster, her eyes were dull and weak, she couldn’t even move the tips of her fingers as she sat paralyzed in her chair.

Alex asked, “Well? Ms. Linda, can you work with me now?”

Linda nodded without expression.

Alex laughed out loud, “Ms. Linda, if you had known, why would you have suffered so much?”

He instructed his men to fix Linda’s messy hair, wipe the tears and sweat from her face, and help her sit down in the next chair. Alex told the men to keep the camera on Linda’s face, not on her naked, bruised body. He put the Athena on the line.

“On the Athena, Yoko Hashimoto was wondering why Linda hadn’t returned in so long when suddenly the comms came on and Linda’s face appeared on the monitor. Linda’s face was pale and her eyes seemed a little swollen. Yoko felt very strange, could it be that there was some bad news in Joseph’s letter?

This side of Linda on the surface is very calm, but in the heart is in a fierce struggle: if you follow the words of Alex, it is the same as letting go of this villain Fred, the previous work is lost; if not, these beasts do not know with what cruel means to do so their own; but even if you do, they will not let go of their own.

Linda looked across the table at Yoko, tears nearly falling from her miserable eyes at the thought of her miserable fate. Alex was beside her, imploring Linda to speak quickly.

Linda made up her mind, she suddenly shouted, “Yoko! Alex is a spy of the ‘Thunder Dragon’, you must be careful of him!”

Yoko Hashimoto was stunned as she watched from the screen as Linda was pulled up by Alex’s hair in a violent rage, and Linda’s body was surprisingly naked! And bruised all over! Linda’s cries were interrupted by Alex, and her naked body was heaved to the floor, then the communication was cut off.

“The Athena was in chaos, Yoko Hashimoto was at a loss as to what to do in the face of the sudden situation, and before they could make a decision, Alex’s ship had already lifted off with Linda in its clutches.

On the battleship, an exasperated Alex was swinging a whip and beating Linda so hard that the naked Linda rolled, struggled, and screamed in agony under the torrential rain of lashes.

After a long time and Alex had gotten tired of fighting, he stopped. Linda had been beaten to death and fell to the ground moaning.

Alex squatted down, grabbed Linda’s hair and lifted her face up. Looking at Linda’s tortured and haggard face, Alex suddenly changed to a smiling face, sighed and said, “Linda, I actually didn’t intend to torture you so cruelly, you’re so smart and beautiful, why do you want to be so hard to get out of it?”

Linda hated to tear Alex into pieces in her heart, she forced herself to endure the pain in her body and said through clenched teeth: “Alex, you traitor! Don’t be so hypocritical here. I now want to kill or die as you wish!

It’s only a matter of time before you have to do the same in the future! “

Alex smiled and said, “Good for you Linda! It’s a pity that we chose different paths, otherwise I would have fallen in love with you. Alas, it’s a pity that you have to pay the price for your stubbornness!” After saying that, he waved his hand and had Linda dragged out.

Alex took command of the battleship and began searching the tiny planet Medovi for any sign of Fred.

Fred had also suffered a lot of losses after the battle with Violet and the Hulls. He is always optimistic and confident, and gradually begins to have a feeling that something big is about to happen, and his temper gets short. Just as Fred is feeling down, the crew comes to tell him – Alex is here!

Fred immediately came to his senses and hurriedly ordered Alex to be brought in.

Alex saw Fred and bowed respectfully.

Fred: “Alex, you must have good news for me?”

Alex’s face immediately turned red, and he didn’t dare to hide it from Fred, telling him how he had set out to capture Linda and try to force her to get her hands on Athena, but hadn’t succeeded.

Fred did not blame in the slightest, on the contrary, Alex’s arrival made him confident again. Hearing Alex’s words, he smiled and said, “Well, then, bring that indomitable heroine up to me!”

Alex turned and ordered his men to bring Linda up.

A naked Linda was pushed in with her hands tied behind her back. Having just gone through a brutal torture session, Linda’s entire body was bruised and battered, especially the two firm breasts were covered with horrible bruises. Seeing Fred, whom she was hell-bent on pursuing, on such an occasion, Linda felt immensely ashamed, and she kept her head down and didn’t look at the people around her.

Fred saw Linda’s appearance and thought to himself: such a delicate girl could withstand Alex’s torture, it seems that Violet’s members are really not simple. He walked up to Linda and looked at her carefully from head to toe.

Linda couldn’t help but shiver softly at the look of hate and shame Fred was giving her.

Fred turned to Leo and said, “You go and bring that woman up here too so they can meet!”

Leo quickly brought Julia up as well.

Julia was as naked as Linda, her hands handcuffed and her feet in heavy shackles, her slim ankles already bloodied from the abrasions. Her body was uninjured, but the two small flesh pits in front and behind her lower body were miserably red and swollen, obviously having been inhumanly ravaged.

Linda and Julia looked at each other’s miserable faces, their eyes were red and they wanted to hug each other and cry.

Fred scoffed, “Two valiant warrior women, you didn’t expect to be caught by a villain like me, did you?”

He walked over to Linda: “It’s a shame, how could Alex treat you so rudely?”

With that, he began to utilize his psychic abilities again, and in the blink of an eye, Linda’s wounds all over her body healed. Linda was amazed and terrified of Fred’s abilities.

Fred smiled lewdly as he touched Linda’s smooth and elastic skin again and said, “I don’t like to play with women who are covered in bruises!”

Linda knew what was coming next and she instinctively shrieked and tried to hide.

Fred dropped his mild-mannered exterior at once, grinning fiercely as he said to Alex, “That blonde slut is yours, Alex!” Then he pushed Linda to the ground like a wild animal, pulled out his rod and pounced on her!

Linda collapsed on the ground, unable to get up because her hands were tied behind her back, and could only kick her slender and beautiful legs as hard as she could, struggling in desperation. Although the surface of her body recovered, she still didn’t have a bit of strength, and her weak resistance couldn’t resist Fred’s brutality at all. After a few rounds, Linda was deadlocked on the ground by Fred, who roughly parted Linda’s legs and rammed his rod hard into her small pussy!

Linda instantly felt a tearing, sharp pain coming from her, and she let out a loud, miserable scream. Not realizing that she had been so brutally raped by the criminal she was chasing, tears of humiliation flowed from Linda’s eyes all at once.

Fred took out all his hatred for the government of the solar system on the poor girl in front of him, and he didn’t even care that Linda’s pussy was still dry, thrusting frantically.

Linda had completely despaired, her ravaged body had no strength to resist at all, only the pain and shame of being raped surrounded her. Linda closed her eyes in shame and indignation, her body didn’t move at all, and with an uncontrollable cry she allowed Fred to wreak havoc on her body. The whole person was as if dead.

Over there, Julia was also pressed to the ground and roughly raped by Alex. Julia couldn’t resist, but only kept screaming “traitor, asshole”.

Fred finished venting on Linda, stood up, looked at Linda still closed eyes, legs wide apart, blood oozing out of the abused pussy, body motionless. He cursed fiercely : “Bitch, I’ll let you play dead!”

Seeing that Alex had also finished fucking Julia, he turned around and called for Leo: “Leo, go get all the crew and give me a turn to fuck these two stinking pussies from the solar system!”

Leo went out excitedly and soon returned with the crew.

Linda and Julia, who were paralyzed on the ground, had already died, knowing that these beasts would not let themselves go, so they simply stopped struggling and screaming, allowing Thunder Dragon’s thugs to spoil them.

The two naked female officers of the Violet Group were surrounded by a beastly mob, placed in various humiliating positions, with thick meat rods stuffed into all the flesh holes on their bodies, and fell into endless rape.

Chapter 8: Oscar’s Identity

Sandra and Gao Ying return to Athena with Ao Ishihara and Hans Sr. Yoko Hashimoto immediately tells them about Alex’s betrayal and Linda’s capture. The crowd is stunned and at a loss for words.

Sandra’s lower body was still aching from Oscar’s destruction, but her heart was harder. Now even Linda was in Fred’s hands, and Alex’s betrayal had undoubtedly made the enemy even more powerful. She saw that everyone was looking at her and said ∶Now we are very passive, but Fred also does not dare to come against us directly yet, his purpose is still to escape back to Bristol in a hurry. We must first rest for a few days, when Gao Ying and I have recovered, then we will find a way to save Linda and Julia.

There’s nothing better for everyone but to do this for now.

Old Hans went back.

Yoko Hashimoto began treating Sandra and Gao Ying. Sandra’s lower body injuries were not so bad, Yoko had given her medicine, and it was expected that Sandra’s physique would soon recover. Gao Ying’s situation was a bit more problematic: she was gang-raped by Russell and the others, but she often felt chills all over her body, like malaria; and once the attack started, her body could not stop convulsing, and in severe cases, she would even fall unconscious.

Yoko questioned Takayoshi, who told her about meeting Fred’s “transformation” on Fred’s battleship, Julia being raped by the creature, and herself being injured by its tentacles.

After listening, the female doctor said: “Gao Ying, if it’s just like what you said, that monster should be a kind of horrible monster that has been extinct in the legend of Bristol, it has a long life span and a brutal temperament, especially it likes to attack women, just like the lecherous beasts that people say. It was strange that Fred could transform into this monster, no wonder he was such a ferocious and evil fellow. This monster’s bodily fluids are highly poisonous, and the symptoms after being poisoned are the same as what you’re experiencing right now.”

“Right!” Yoko Hashimoto suddenly remembered something and cried out excitedly, “I’ve seen a field object on this planet, the very herb that can cure monsters of their intense poison!”

She remembered the small grass with small purple flowers she had seen at the foot of the ring-shaped mountain the day she had been with Ao Ishihara, acting as bait to lure Fred, and jumped for joy.

The female doctor rushed to Sandra and told her what had happened.

Sandra also happily ordered Old Hans to be brought in. Yoko described what that kind of field object looked like and asked Old Hans where she could find large quantities of it.

Old Hans listened, thought carefully, and told Yoko that there were two mountains in the area, both of which seemed to have this small grass.

Yoko decides that she and Old Hans will lead a couple of Hulls as guides up the mountain to gather herbs.

The mountains on the planet “Medovi” are just like those on Earth, full of dense woods and verdant weeds. Yoko Hashimoto, who had come here, temporarily forgot about the difficult task she was facing, and began to search for herbs that could cure the poison, both physically and mentally.

There weren’t many herbs at the foot of the mountain, and Old Hans said to the female doctor, “Dr. Yoko, there should be many more up on the mountain. I’ll go to the mountain to pick them, you stay here.” After saying that, he asked the two Hur people to stay behind to accompany Yoko, and took a few people up the mountain himself.

Yoko Hashimoto looked at the beautiful scenery and thought: “This place is so beautiful, it’s just a pity that we still have to deal with Fred. When we’re done with these guys, we’re going to have some fun in this place. She led the two Hurricanes around the woods at the foot of the mountain, looking for an antidote to the poison, but not realizing the danger that was approaching her.

Yoko Hashimoto crouched under a tree and was searching in the bushes. Suddenly, a thick arm reached out from behind her and at once wrapped around the female doctor’s neck from behind, dragging her into the bushes behind her!

Yoko let out a yelp and turned around to see the face of an ugly Helian! This man was none other than the escaped Hurman gang leader, Russel.

Russell immediately took out a rag and gagged the female doctor.

The two old Hans’ men following Yoko Hashimoto also saw the sudden appearance of Russel and Oscar by his side, and the two of them turned around in fear and fled.

Yoko was gagged, but her arms and legs were still clawing and kicking, pummeling her rough assailant backward with the small bag of herbs in her hand. Russell didn’t care, he clamped his powerful arm around the snow-white neck of the female doctor and dragged the struggling woman backwards into the thick woods.

Russell and Oscar held the female doctor hostage under a tree, where Oscar grabbed Yoko Hashimoto’s hands, wrapped them around the not-so-thick trunk and rested them on a branch about a man’s height above the ground, and then handcuffed the female doctor’s hands with handcuffs.

Yoko Hashimoto was facing the tree as if she was hugging it with open arms, and because of the branches holding her up, she could only hold up her handcuffed hands and wrap them around the trunk of the tree, standing with her back to the two thugs. She was trembling with fear, and low shrieks continued to emanate from her gagged mouth.

Russell and Oscar, who had fled into the mountains like a lost dog, did not expect to catch such a beautiful prey, and Oscar knew that the mature and beautiful woman in front of him must be a member of the Violet Team as well, and he was going to take out his anger on this woman.

Oscar walked behind Yoko, and through the short skirt tightly wrapped around her plump ass, he slapped his hands on the two fleshy mounds of the female doctor, and said with a fierce smile, “Bitch, you didn’t think you’d fall into our hands, did you? See how I clean up your bitch!”

Feeling scared and humiliated, Yoko Hashimoto desperately twisted her lost freedom and shook her head, slurred whimpers escaping her gagged mouth.

Oscar suddenly tore it with such force that the short black skirt immediately split into two pieces and fell to the floor, revealing her round ass in pink panties. Yoko Hashimoto was wearing white pantyhose, which trimmed her plump, straight legs even more sexily.

Oscar pinched Yoko’s ass so hard that the pain brought tears to the female doctor’s eyes, and her waist and ass wriggled even more as she pressed her whole body toward the tree trunk.

Oscar came to Yoko and in one fell swoop yanked the rag out of her mouth. The woman immediately let out a loud scream. He slapped the female doctor hard and cursed, “Bitch, if you scream again I’ll cut your tongue out!”

Yoko Hashimoto hurriedly stopped her wailing, and with tears in her eyes, she looked at the terrible mob in front of her, and sobbed in a pleading tone, “Who are you people? Please, let me go!”

Oscar laughed and said, “We are the Hull mob that you wiped out. Let you go? No way! I’ll make you pay for our blood with your slutty body!”

With that, he came back behind Yoko. Ignoring the female doctor’s miserable pleas, Oscar slowly peeled her pantyhose off her waist and down to her calves, then roughly ripped Yoko’s panties off again.

Foreseeing that a brutal abuse was about to begin, Yoko Hashimoto wiggled her already naked ass in desperation, whimpering and trying to beg the two thugs to spare her.

The more the female doctor begged, the more excited Oscar became. He slipped his fingers into Yoko’s fascinating slit and dug in roughly. Yoko Hashimoto felt the rough finger towel in her delicate slit, bringing a pain mixed with a hint of pleasure, and although she was ashamed, she couldn’t help but hum softly.

While ravaging the woman’s pussy with his fingers, Oscar slid his other hand down Yoko’s bare waist toward the inside of her dress. He found the bra wrapped around the plump mass of flesh on the soft chest and immediately ripped it out with one hand. Yoko immediately shrieked in surprise, and the huge meatballs could be seen jiggling even through her clothes.

Russell couldn’t resist either as he walked across to the female doctor and ripped her blouse open with one hand, and two naked, snow-white globes of flesh immediately jumped out with freedom. He reached out his big hands to roughly rub the two bouncy breasts, and Yoko Hashimoto felt intense pain and shame, tearfully shaking her cuffed body against the tree. But to the female doctor’s surprise, amidst the back-and-forth blows of the two savage guys, a strange pleasure was rising; her body also changed, gradually turning from a shameful struggle to a bitter writhing, and a lewd flavor appeared in her pained moans, as if inviting the two abusers to continue their rude atrocities.

Yoko Hashimoto, who was a medical doctor, felt confused; was she actually a woman who craved to be abused? She is overwhelmed with anguish and shame over this, and does her best to suppress her desires in a helpless struggle.

Oscar felt his fingers reaching into his pussy being wrapped tightly around the soft, tender flesh, the already moist walls of which were actually opening and closing, wrapping around the insolent intruder. With his other hand, he peeled the woman’s fat ass back hard, playing around the rounded asshole. Soon the female doctor’s tightly clenched asshole began to open and close as well. He plunged his finger inside and was immediately sucked in by the moist walls of flesh.

Yoko clearly felt that her anus, which had been deflowered by the giant Leo, was also falling into the playful hands of her enemy, but this time instead of the pain that she had felt on the battleship, she felt a pleasure and excitement that she had never felt before, and her breasts, which had been ravaged in Russell’s palms, began to rise, with the nipples visibly hardening. The female doctor felt hot all over, and she clutched the branch with her cuffed hands to support her whole body weight, her long, sexy legs trembling slightly, her plump ass puckering slightly, her body involuntarily thrusting backward, and an irritating cry of woe escaping her lips. Her entire being had been crushed by her irredeemable sexiness.

Oscar, looking at the female doctor’s slutty appearance, squatted down and removed the high heels from Yoko’s feet, and completely removed the pantyhose that had been stripped down to her calves, leaving the woman standing on the floor in her bare feet. Then ordered the already battered woman to pucker her ass.

To be held hostage by two vicious thugs in a remote mountain forest, handcuffed to a tree and raped, was a misery Yoko Hashimoto had never imagined. Now that the horrific reality is in front of her, the female doctor is instead overcome by the thrill of humiliation.

Yoko no longer had the heart to resist, and her whole body was caught up in the bitter pleasure that she couldn’t satisfy. She disregarded the fact that her delicate feet were standing on the hard and uneven mountain ground, and moved her body to make as much room as she could to pucker her big, snow-white, fleshy ass.

Oscar grinned as he picked up one of Yoko’s high heels and plunged the sharp heel against her anus which was opening and closing! The thin and hard heel plunged into Yoko’s ass with the dirt on the floor, and she jerked her hair up with a mournful cry of pain as her naked bottom shuddered violently.

Oscar: “Shameless bitch, clench your lowly ass and don’t let your heels fall off! Or I’ll tear your ass apart!”

The female doctor heard the humiliating order clearly, but she had already been overcome by her enemy’s brutality and her own sluttiness, and obediently nodded her head and, with tears in her eyes, tried to keep her buttocks as high as she could, clenching her abused anus to keep her heels from falling off. The bothersome pleasure was not lessened by the rude violence, but rather it came on Yoko more intensely. She sobbed bitterly and shamefully.

Oscar looked at the red high-heeled shoes set in the middle of the two snow white fat ass, and naked standing on the mountain twisting body whimpering beauty, the whole is an incredibly obscene, exciting picture. He broke a branch from the tree beside him and cursed, “Bitch, I’m going to punish you, you slutty bitch!” With that, he raised the branch and began to whip Yoko’s bare ass and thighs.

Oscar didn’t hit her too hard, the branch hitting the delicate skin of her ass and thighs caused Yoko no pain, just an indescribable numbing and tickling sensation. She felt an indescribable pleasure coming from the area where she was being spanked, and with her breasts being played with, Yoko felt her whole body start to tremble out of control, like she was about to have an orgasm, she was going crazy.

The female doctor’s spirit was about to break down, and she cried out in pain and pleaded incoherently, “Ah, don’t, don’t!

I can’t, come on, ah! Please, I can’t stand it! Ah, can’t stand it! Don’t… “

Oscar saw that the woman really can not hold on, the tree branch torture ass and thighs have been red, clamped in the anus of high heels with the sexy big ass constantly shaking. He laughed and said to Russell, “Russell, just take pity on the bitch, come on and fuck her.”

Russell let go of her fingerprinted breasts that were scratched and squeezed, pulled out his rod, and said with a lewd grin to the female doctor, “Bitch, is this what you want?”

Yoko Hashimoto was mortified to hear them call her that. But she couldn’t resist her strong need, and with great humiliation she sobbed and reluctantly nodded her head.

Russell laughed out loud and came up behind the female doctor, pressing his hands into the plump ass that was thrust into his heels and plunging his thick dick into Riri’s long ago lust-soaked pussy.

Yoko Hashimoto felt a thick rod inserted into her already hot cunt all at once, and her unrestrained excitement made her desperately rock her fat ass from side to side to match Russell’s rough thrusts, and moans of shame could not escape from the female doctor’s mouth.

Oscar also felt pleasure as he watched the female doctor being unashamedly raped by Russel. He casually picked up the small bag containing herbs from the floor that Yoko had dropped during the struggle earlier, and flipped it open to catch a glimpse of the field with the small purple flowers that could cure the poison.

Oscar jumped up at once as if he had discovered some miracle! His eyes glowed with excitement and the scar on his face twitched violently. He strides over to the female doctor who was being raped by Russel, grabs her by the hair, pulls her face filled with expressions of pleasure and humiliation in front of the small herb, and asks in an excited voice: “Stinking bitch! What did you pick this herb for?!”

Yoko Hashimoto, who was struggling in the midst of great shame and pleasure, was interrupted by Oscar’s rough movements, and looking at his horrible face in horror, replied in a trembling voice, “This, this is for healing.”

Not knowing exactly what Oscar was up to, Russell unhappily pulled his rod out of the woman’s body and asked Oscar, “Can you wait until I’ve fucked this slut enough before you ask her!”

Oskar immediately and decisively said: “No, I can’t! Russell, wait a while before you play with the bitch!” He then asked the female doctor: “It’s for detoxification, isn’t it?”

Yoko vaguely felt that there was a great secret contained between this terrible thug and this antidote to the poisonous herb, but she didn’t have time to think about it as Oscar pinched her delicate nipple in one go and said viciously, “Tell me!”

The female doctor felt a sharp pain coming from her nipples, she let out a scream and hurriedly replied, “Yes.”

Oscar: “Antidote to what?”

Yoko, this time afraid that this thug would torture her again, hurriedly said, “It’s a monster’s poison.”

Oscar: “Where’s the monster?”

Yoko answered honestly, “In a battleship next to a ring-shaped mountain.”

Oscar’s eyes glowed with excitement: “What kind of people are in the battleship?”

The female doctor thought to herself: does this guy know Fred? She didn’t have time to think about it before she felt another sharp pain coming from her nipples, which were grasped in Oskar’s hands. Yoko Hashimoto cried, “There’s a group of criminals, and their leader’s name is Fred…”

Not waiting for her to finish, suddenly from the surroundings came the voice of Old Hans: “Russel! You bastard! This time you can not escape! Release this woman!”

Old Hans led a couple of Hull men from the woods.

Oscar hurriedly pulled Russell over and said loudly to Old Hans: “Old Hans! When did you become the dog of these bitches? Do they take turns sleeping with you? Ha ha ha!”

Obviously, Old Hans and the others were a bit afraid of Oscar, they didn’t dare to go further, but just shouted at Oscar from a distance, “Oscar, you’re at the end of your rope! Surrender now!”

Oscar laughed: “Old Hans, let’s talk. How about I give you this slutty bitch and you let us go?”

Old Hans thought to himself: this Oscar is a tricky character, if it really starts, he may not be able to deal with him and Russell. If you can bring Yoko Hashimoto back to Sandra, there is also an explanation. He said to Oscar: “Okay, I promise you!”

Oscar: “Old Hans, I knew you were a smart man! Haha! Then let’s go!” As soon as he finished speaking, he pulled Russel and turned around and ran.

Oscar ran a few steps away, then turned around and yelled at old Hans, “Old Hans! That bitch is in heat! You’ve got to comfort her!”

Oscar dragged Russell up the hill and Russell asked, panting, “Oscar, where are we going?”

Oscar: “Go to the battleship at the crater that bitch said was there and look for Fred!”

Russell: “You know that Fred guy?!”

Oscar’s eyes shone with an excited and strange light: “More than recognizing!”

In Fred’s battleship, he was sitting in a chair, comfortably enjoying a glass of wine. Alex walked in: “Fred, I’ve finished the machine! I’m working on the two Violet Team pussies! Do you want to check it out?”

Fred looked up : “Alex, take it easy! Let’s have a drink first. We’ll go back when those two bitches are done. By the way, do you think those Defense Force pussies are going to turn themselves in?”

Alex: “Fred, I know them too well! They think they’re the embodiment of justice, and when they see their fellows suffering, they’ll do anything to save them.”

As he was talking, a crew member came in and said, “Sir Fred, there are two Hulls outside to see you!”

Fred stared, “The Hulls? What are they doing here?”

Alex said, “Fred, let them in!”

Fred said to the crew, “Then lead them in!”

Soon, Oscar and Russell were brought before Fred. Russell looked dumbfounded at the noble and elegant young man in front of him, thinking how he didn’t look like any of the criminals Yoko was talking about.

Oscar was so excited to see Fred that his body trembled, and crystallized tears appeared in his eyes as he spoke in a trembling voice: “Fred, I never thought I would see you again! I…” A tall and robust man’s voice choked up.

Fred looked at the both familiar and unfamiliar face in front of him with surprise, and after half a day’s hesitation also said excitedly, “You, are you Jeff?!”

Oscar said excitedly, “Fred, I’m Jeff!”

Jeff Jacobson. Jacobson, this tall, athletic man is one of the leaders of the famous Thunder Dragon, Jeff Jacobson. Jeff Jacobson!

Alex looked at Jeff with surprise, he had heard of Jeff Jacobson. He had heard of Jeff Jacobson, the most outstanding warrior and the best military commander among the Thunder Dragons, but he never expected to see him in person on such a remote planet as Medovi!

Fred and Jeff hugged each other tightly, hot tears of excitement streaming down their faces.

Fred asked, “Jeff, how have you been all these years? What happened to your face?”

Jeff wiped away his tears of excitement and joy and said, “Fred, I was lucky to escape on Neptune that year. In order to avoid the pursuit of the solar system government, I cut this scar on my face. I fled here and thought I would never see you again! Thanks to the Almighty God, we can fight together again!”

Fred looked at the terrible scar on Jeff’s formerly handsome face and said, “Yeah, I thought we’d never see each other again, too! Jeff, let’s go back to Bristol and start our fight again, we’ll never lose again!”

When he finished, he said to Alex, “Alex, go get both Bob and Leo, I’m going to surprise them too! No! You go and arrange a nice feast so we can all celebrate our reunion with Jeff!”

The huge battleship was immersed in a wave of joy.

Jeff has the pleasure of meeting Bob and Leo, who used to fight together, and everyone excitedly toasts each other. During the meeting, Jeff introduces Russell, the fallen leader of the Hulls, to the group.

When Fred learned that Russell’s organization had been crushed by the Violet Team, he immediately consoled Russell, who was already at a loss for words: “It doesn’t matter, my friend! I’ll help you rebuild your organization, and let’s take on the damnable Wehrmacht together.”

Russell suddenly saw so many people, it seemed that every one of them was a big deal, even the guy Oscar (who should be called Jeff now) seemed to be an amazing person. He really felt small and looked at the people around him with eyes full of reverence, and in his heart he made excited calculations for his future.

Jeff already knew why Fred was here and their current situation. He said in a mysterious and excited tone, “Fred, do you know what I found on this planet?”

Fred chuckled, “Jeff, are you whetting our appetites?”

Jeff smiled as he took out a blue crystal from his body and placed it on the table. Immediately, everyone’s eyes were drawn to the tiny crystal.

Alex exclaimed, “Lanthanum! Oh, my God! How can there be lanthanum crystals here?”

Jeff smugly said to Russel, “Russel, tell everyone how there are lanthanum crystals here.”

Russel looked at these newfound honorable outsiders with confused eyes and said, “We have these stones all over the place here, and we Hurians use them for decorations. What? Is it something rare?”

Lanthanum crystals were the most precious energy source at that time, it can produce huge energy through chemical reaction after melting, it is an essential material in cosmic voyage, and there are not a lot of lanthanum crystals stored in the whole universe.

But Alex couldn’t wait to explain to this ignorant Helian and asked anxiously, “Mr. Russell, how did you refine this lanthanum crystal?”

Everyone was surprised to see such pure solid lanthanum crystals on this remote and backward planet.

Russel was even more confused: “Refining? We don’t need to refine.”

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, Jeff also didn’t need Russell to explain further, and said himself: “Fred, you won’t believe it when I tell you, the lanthanum crystals reserves on this planet are very amazing! And there is no need to refine, directly mined out is high purity solid lanthanum crystals.”

At once the whole room clamored, having plenty of lanthanum crystals meant that they could fly back to Bristol, even Fred’s huge battleship with its storage bins destroyed would be no problem as solid lanthanum crystals could be piled up all over the battleship.

The ecstatic Fred happily raised his glass: “Come! Jeff, it’s God’s will to give me ample lanthanum crystals! Let’s drink to God’s gift!”

Drinking Fred then said, “Jeff, and this Hull friend! Tomorrow we’ll take the men to mine the lanthanum crystals!”

At that moment, Alex warned, “Fred, what about those women in Violet’s group? They’re still watching us!”

Fred smiled and said, “Our return to Bristol is paramount. However, we still have a few days left to have some more fun with these twats.”

After that, he said to Jeff and Russel, “It’s about time we took a break. Come on, let’s have a relaxing after-dinner entertainment!”

Fred added to Alex, “Alex, you’re ready to start your program!”

Alex burst out laughing, “Fred, I think those two skanky bitches might have been ready for this!”

The men laughed and stood up, walking out of the room.

Chapter 9: The Beast “Bobono”.

With great injuries to her body and mind, the female doctor returned to her battleship under the escort of Old Hans and the others. But at last, she had brought back herbs that could detoxify the poison, and Gao Ying’s injuries were no longer a problem. Sandra and the others were discussing their next steps in the command room, and after hearing Yoko’s description, she was almost certain that Oscar, who had also attacked her, must have had a very important relationship with Fred’s gang. But Sandra would never have guessed that the disfigured man was the wanted “Thunder Dragon” criminal, Jeff Jacobson. Jacobson.

It was at this point that the communicator suddenly sounded, and images began to appear on the huge monitor as Sandra and the others looked on in surprise.

On the monitor appeared Fred’s handsome, evil face.

“Hello ladies of the Violet Group! I guess there’s no need to introduce yourselves!” Fred said in a smug tone.

“Let me introduce you to this gentleman!” Next to Fred appeared the ghastly face of Oscar. “I bet you guys wouldn’t have guessed that he’s Jeff… Jacobson!?”

Sandra and the others were dumbfounded with surprise that the strange man who had brought the Hur people against him was Jeff B. Jacobson! No wonder he was so hateful to the female warriors from the solar system! No wonder the rude and ignorant Hel people had become so organized and combative! The girls of the Violet Group understood it all at once.

Two horrible guys laughing maniacally together.

“Defense Force pussy!” Fred suddenly changed his tone to one of lust. “I’ve come to show you the splendor of your companions!”

It must be these thugs who were torturing Linda and Julia who had fallen into their hands! Sandra and the others knew it in their hearts. In the midst of their sorrow, the image on the monitor began to move behind the two.

A picture emerged that shocked and horrified the girls of the Violet Group. Behind Fred and Jeff, there appeared Julia, who had been brutally abused and ravaged.

A crewman was kneeling on the ground, and in front of him was a naked Julia. Julia’s hands were folded together and tied behind her back, lying on the ground like a dog; her rounded shoulders were resting on the crewman’s legs, her head was buried in the crewman’s crotch, and she was sadly sucking on the guy’s dirty, thick meat stick! Julia’s snow-white neck was covered with a leather collar, like a dog’s collar, the chain of which was hanging down on the ground; her tender and voluptuous breasts were in the hands of the crew member, being cruelly played with, and there were fingerprints all over them from being roughly kneaded and pinched! Julia’s snow-white fleshy ass was puckered high, horribly red and swollen with the marks of the brutal beatings; her long, firm legs were not bound, but she was kneeling on her own accord, wide apart to the left and right, and another crew member was kneeling between her legs, and he was ruthlessly penetrating Julia’s red, swollen and outwardly turned pussy with his thick meat stick! Julia’s pussy and thighs were covered with man’s cum spilling out from the rape.

What surprised the girls of the Violet group even more was that Julia seemed to be sucking these abominations off quite voluntarily, her naked flesh quivering and writhing to meet the ravishment from behind, her fat, sexy ass swaying from side to side in an incredibly lewd and sultry manner.

The guy whose rod Julia was sucking let out a moan of pleasure as he watched a stream of milky liquid spill out from around Julia’s face, which was buried in his crotch. Julia let out a slurred whimper and slowly raised her head, her delicate face and messy blonde hair sticky with the thugs’ loathsome cum, her eyes sad and dull.

The crew member in front of Julia scolded, “Bitch, lick all that comes out!”

Julia obediently lowered her beautiful face again and ran her tongue over the crewman’s thighs and rod, licking all the fishy hot cum that came out of him into her mouth and swallowing it, tears of shame streaming silently down her face.

Fred looked at Julia’s tame behavior and said, “Take this bitch to Leo’s on a leash!”

The crew behind Julia hurriedly drew their own guys, picked up the chain around Julia’s neck from the ground, and tugged Julia towards the lanky giant like a dog on a leash.

Julia felt the thick rod pull out of her already fuck numb pussy and her body shook as she moaned softly as she was yanked up from the ground, her hands tied behind her back, her naked body swaying as she lowered her head to follow the crewman who was holding her towards Leo.

Leo excitedly pulled out his dick, which was as thick as a child’s arm, and watched as Julia was led to him, exclaiming, “Get on your knees! Bitch, I’m going to fuck you in the ass!”

The women who watched this tragic scene on the “Athena” were stunned, they could not believe their eyes: Julia did not have the slightest intention to resist, turned around and meekly lay down in front of Leo, with her high pouting buttocks wiggling.

Leo laughed maniacally and plunged his horribly large meat stick into Julia’s light brown anus in one go! Yoko Hashimoto, who had once tasted the horrible taste of Leo’s big guy, screamed and turned her head away, not daring to look any further.

Leo’s hands tightened around Julia’s slender waist and he thrust hard into Julia’s ass.

Julia kept writhing her body and letting out beastly screams of excitement. Sandra and the others were stunned, they couldn’t believe that the excellent female warrior had turned into an uncompromising bitch so quickly under the brutal lust of the enemy!

As if Fred knew what the women on the Athena were thinking, he laughed and said, “I’ll show you what we do to you low-life bitches, I’ll show you again, I’ll show you again, I’ll show you again, I’ll show you again, I’ll show you how we train you low-life bitches!”

The camera pans away from Julia, who is being raped by Leo, to the other side of the room, where an even more horrific and brutal scene unfolds.

On a strange machine appears Linda, who is being viciously tortured.

It was a massage table, and Linda, the vice-captain of the Violet Team, was lying face down on the table, naked; her breasts were exposed underneath, and her two plump breasts hung down heavily, and underneath them, two machine hands, which were no different from real human hands, were rhythmically stretching upwards, and every time they reached up, they gripped the two drooping meatballs tightly, and scratched and pinched them slowly but forcefully; In front of Linda’s body was a wooden board, like an ancient torture yoke, with three holes in it, shackling poor Linda’s head and hands so that she couldn’t move; Linda’s neck, like Julia’s, was covered with a leather ring, the chain from which fell into a pulley above her head; and even more wickedly, the chain that went around the pulley was attached to a tray in which a huge candle burned, so that Linda’s head would move just the slightest movement of Linda’s head, the tray would tilt, and the hot wax oil inside would drip on Linda’s bare, snow-white, smooth back under it, which was now dripping with blood-red wax oil.

On either side of Linda’s ass and thighs, there were two rubber pieces sticking out above her sexy firm ass and thighs, moving up and down in a rotating motion, slapping her bare ass and thighs, and although the spanking was light, Linda’s snow-white ass and thighs were miserably red and swollen from the length of the spanking; and underneath Linda’s dangling lower body there was a windmill-like spinning thing filled with various shapes and lengths of Electric dildos of various shapes and lengths were inserted, and every once in a while, one of them was turned under Linda’s pussy, and then viciously stretched in and vibrated, and then withdrawn after a while, and the windmill continued to rotate so that the next one could be turned; and the most despicable device of all was behind Linda’s back, where her legs were spread apart, with the knees tightly fixed, and the two rounded calves were crossed and tied together behind her back, and there was also a long stick tied together in the crossroads, and the front end of the stick was also The front end of the stick was also a motorized dildo, sticking into Linda’s unresisting anus and vibrating, and the two robotic hands grabbed Linda’s ankles and moved them back and forth rhythmically, driving the dildo into her anus to vibrate in and out, and from a distance it looked as if Linda had tied the stick to her own legs, and then moved her legs back and forth to drive the stick to ravish her anus!

The sight of a machine so elaborate and evil abusing the defenseless redhead on all fronts made all the girls in Violet’s group so sad that they were about to cry, sympathy and shame welling up in each woman, watching Linda being tortured was as hard as if they themselves had been stripped naked and humiliated.

Then Alex, the most hated “traitor” in the eyes of the girls of Violet’s group, smiled and stepped into the shot, saying in a relaxed tone: “See? Ladies, this was designed by us, no! This was designed by your Intelligence Department to torture female prisoners, but I’ve modified it a little and used it on you Defense Force bitches yourselves! What fun this is! Hahaha!”

Everyone else laughed along with them.

Alex paused and then said, “That blonde bitch of yours is no good, she lasted just over an hour before she was completely conditioned into a total whore by the Omni-Massage Machine! But your Ms. Linda is better, she has been on this machine for almost three hours!”

It turned out that Julia had become that way under the ravages of this vile and evil machine, and Linda had actually been ravaged by this wicked machine for almost three hours! The less courageous female doctor couldn’t help but cry.

Alex then said smugly, “I think your co-captain has probably enjoyed herself enough to ask her if it’s time for something warmer to fuck her lowly body!”

He walked over to the other end of that wooden yoke, and it was then that Sandra and the others saw that Linda’s mouth was gagged with a rubber ball. Linda’s head hung limply and her beautiful red hair fell in a messy fashion.

Alex grabbed Linda by her hair and lifted her face up and took the rubber ball out of her mouth. Sandra and the others saw spit mixed with cum dripping from the corners of Linda’s mouth, while Linda’s pretty face was covered with dried tears and cum. It was certain that a number of guys had come to Linda and vented their animalistic desires in Linda’s mouth after removing the rubber ball from her mouth before gagging Linda’s small mouth that had already tasted too much of the rude rod. Not only were they torturing her with that horrible machine, but they were using her as a tool to let off steam whenever they wanted to.

Alex grabbed Linda’s hair and asked, “Bitch, are you comfortable?”

The machine ravaged every part of Linda’s body, arousing a tidal wave of sensuality that caused Linda to gradually crumble and succumb in a continuous stream of pleasure and unprecedentedly great humiliation.

The redhead looked at the demonic traitor with sad, disoriented eyes and moaned, “Help me, help me, I can’t… spare me, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t… Aaah…”

It was obvious that Linda had once again felt the pleasure of shame and the climax of despair. Her conquered flesh trembled, shook her noble head, and struggled, “Ah! I can’t take it anymore! I’m going to die! Spare me, spare me, spare me! Ah! Come on, come on, don’t! Ah…”

Alex touched his hand to the switch on the dreaded machine and smiled at the already broken warrior woman, “Linda, haven’t you said the words that everyone wants to hear?”

Apparently Linda had been forced to do this many times before, and she finally gave in this time: “Ah, ah! I said, “I’m, I’m a cheap bitch! I’m, I’m your bitch! Ah, no, no, no! Please spare me, all of you, come and fuck me! OOOOOOOOOO…”

Alex watched with satisfaction as yet another fine warrior woman was conditioned into a lewd and lowly slave by his horrible machine and turned off the power.

Completely crushed, Linda slumped against the machine, whimpering.

The people around us burst into a fit of unrestrained and triumphant laughter, and in the midst of it Alex politely said to the girls of the Violet Group, who were suffering in pain and humiliation at the other end of the camera, “Thank you, ladies, for watching, and that’s all for today’s program. Welcome to the next time you can participate in the program yourself! Thank you again!”

Communication was cut off, and there was a terrible silence in Athena’s command room.

These brave and fearless warriors were also women, and seeing the tragic and even horrific encounters of their companions, each of them was more or less afraid that they, too, would fall into the hands of those lecherous and wicked fellows.

After a long time, Sandra spoke up: “No matter what, we have to save Linda and Julia! Those demons are so cruel, they’ll be tortured to death!”

No one said a word. The girls of the Violet Group were as close as sisters, and everyone knew that Linda and Julia had to be rescued as soon as possible, and that eliminating Fred had now become less important; but now that the other side had added Jeff and Alex as two powerful characters, the danger of the rescue operation was self-evident. In case of failure, he himself would end up in the same miserable situation as Linda and Julia.

After thinking for a long time, Gao Ying finally made up his mind and said, “Sandra, let Cang and I sneak into Fred’s battleship to rescue Linda and Julia! I’ve been in there once, and I know a little bit about the structure there; Cang knows Ninjutsu and has escaped from there, so he can play a big role!”

Sandra: “But it’s too dangerous!”

Gao Ying: “Sandra, it’s just as dangerous for anyone to go! At least we know something about the inside. Besides, we’ll bring our contacts with us this time, so we’ll contact you once we’re inside, and you’ll bring your men to meet us! There’s no better way!”

Sandra thought about it and there was really no other way, and said, “That’s fine! You guys get ready right away, and leave right away! I think Fred tonight may not expect us to come right away, probably not very well prepared.”

Ao Ishihara and Yoko Hashimoto had no objections.

Two brave women warriors changed into black night clothes and set off into the night.

In the darkness of the night, the two large and small battleships of Fred and Alex were not far from each other, lying silently like horrible monsters on the desolate land of Medovi. With only a very few windows leaking light from above, it was conceivable that the thugs who had gotten their fill from torturing the two miserable, helpless warrior women were probably drifting off into a deep sleep, right?

Like geckos, the two of them, Gao Ying and Ao Ishihara, crawled into Fred’s battleship by following the vent that Gao Ying had found last time.

Gao Ying asked in a low voice: “Cang, where did you escape from last time?”

Ao Ishihara: “It’s a room on the third floor, but the place where I saw them torturing Linda and the others today wasn’t the room where the Doctor and I are being held.”

Gao Ying thought for a moment and said, “Let’s not get too close, you follow me a little farther back!”

The two moved silently like two shadows through the huge battleship. Up on the third floor, there was not a single light or sound in the entire silent corridor, it looked incredibly eerie. Gao Ying walked noiselessly as she vigilantly observed the rooms around her, there was not a single sign of suspicion and all the doors were tightly closed. Turning through a corridor, a ray of light seemed to leak out from a tightly closed iron door in front of her. Gao Ying turned around and signaled Ishihara Ao to follow her.

Ishihara Cang walked to the corner of the corridor and stopped. Gao Ying looked in through the gap in the iron door: inside was an empty hall, without a single figure. At the end of the hall, there seemed to be a window, and inside the window, white figures could be seen faintly. Gao Ying took out his pocket-sized binoculars from his body and put them on to look into the window.

It was poor Linda and Julia! They were both tied naked to two posts in the room at the other end of the window, rubber balls stuffed in their mouths, their heads hanging down looking exhausted.

Gao Ying’s heart pounded violently as she turned around and signaled Ishihara Cang to stay still for now, then took out an insulated wire from her body and moved it up and down along the cracks of the iron door. Finally, she found the location of the door lock. This kind of thing couldn’t be difficult for Gao Ying, she took out some more oddly shaped wires and stuck them into the cracks of the door quickly opening the iron door.

Ishihara Cang saw Gao Ying open the door and was just about to follow him when he heard Gao Ying’s faint voice in the earphone: “Cang, I’ll go in first, you stay behind and observe the surrounding movements, if there’s no danger you’ll follow me in again!”

Gao Ying alertly looked in along the open iron door: there were only a few dim lights inside, and there was not a single silhouette in the empty hall. She got down on the ground and quickly slipped into the hall like a dark shadow, crawling towards the window.

When she reached the window, Gao Ying carefully stood up. The room inside was quite bright, and the only people in the entire room were the two women who were tied backward to the pillar. The glass of this window was obviously transparent on one side, and Linda and Julia inside didn’t even notice Gao Ying on this side. And there was no door on this wall where the window was located, so the only way to hit this window was to hit this window!

Gao Ying was about to turn around and ask Ao Ishihara to follow her in, when a terrible thing happened: the iron door she had opened suddenly closed, and the dimly lit hall became brightly lit! A voice came from the corner: “Welcome, brave girl!”

To Gao Ying’s horror, he saw Fred come out from a secret door in the corner, wearing a gray outfit, with a sly smile on his thin face∶

“Alex was so right, the women of the Violet Team are all self-righteous, mindless fools, and sure enough, they rushed here immediately! You must be that Chinese woman Gao Ying, right? Are you here to join our entertainment? Hahaha!”

Fred laughed with great joy and abandon.

Gao Ying tried to relax his nervousness. Now there was only himself and Fred, the villain, in the empty hall, and if he could defeat this guy, then there was still hope for himself and Linda and the two of them to escape!

But Gao Ying knew that the demon in front of her could still transform horribly, and she had seen the beast’s power with her own eyes.

Gao Ying felt sweat in her clenched fists, and her body was shaking slightly with tension. Fred also clearly sensed the murderous aura emanating from this woman, and he stopped his unrestrained laughter and his expression became grave.

The man and woman were staring at each other nervously, and the air in the hall seemed to be about to explode. Suddenly, Gao Ying let out a yelp and her slender body flew towards Fred like a bolt of lightning! Fred’s body slid underneath Gao Ying like a loach, and the two of them switched positions.

The two fought fiercely. Fred’s close combat skills were very good, but he somewhat belittled the female intelligence officer of the Violet Team. Gao Ying’s Chinese Kung Fu came in handy, her light defense and agile attack made the proud Fred suffer, especially Gao Ying’s long and powerful legs, which hit Fred’s body several times.

Fred recognized the slim brunette as a formidable opponent, with terrifying strength within her curvaceous body. He was beginning to feel a little lousy.

Fred suddenly struck out violently, dodging Gao Ying into the corner where he had appeared. Gao Ying had just stabilized himself when he suddenly saw Fred open his arms and shouted in a strange voice: “Bobono! Bobono! B…”

Gao Ying didn’t understand what Fred was shouting, but she suddenly felt the place behind her shaking violently, and without waiting for her to turn back, she felt her waist being tightly wrapped around something thick and soft! The body was lifted up from the ground!

Gao Ying turned around to see the horrible octopus-like monster! She let out a desperate scream, but Fred was still standing in front of her with a smile on his face! It turns out that this monster is not Fred’s “transformation”!

In an instant, Gao Ying felt her heart stop beating! The monster’s soft and powerful tentacles had already tightly grasped Gao Ying’s limbs, and just in the twinkling of an eye her body lost its freedom! Gao Ying clearly felt the slippery tentacles roaming around her body, her black night clothes had cracked into pieces and her wonderful flesh became naked!

Fred laughed maniacally across from her: “Hahaha! Bitch, enjoy the warmth of my lovely Bobono!”

Gao Ying could no longer speak, her sexy red lips had already had slippery soft tentacles stuck into them, that disgusting thing had been sticking into her throat, writhing non-stop, causing Gao Ying to feel incomparably uncomfortable, saliva and the disgusting mucus secreted by that monster’s tentacles flowed down the corners of her mouth.

Gao Ying felt her flesh and anus being stretched open, the cold and thick tentacles cruelly following her delicate vagina and rectum inward, her body aching as if it was going to be torn apart!

Her subdued body twisted in the air in despair, and in just a moment the brave warrior woman was transformed into a naked and helpless plaything in the hands of the monster. Gao Ying finally realized what terrible ravages Julia had endured, and the immense fear and shame of being raped by a cold-blooded animal caused her to shed silent tears.

The disgusting tentacles kept writhing inside Gao Ying’s body, horribly propping up her hidden and tight flesh hole, the mucus secreted flowed all over her plump and naked body, slurred moans leaked out of her raped mouth, her snow-white nude body sadly struggled in vain, the unbearable pain and shame gradually made her consciousness become blurred.

Watching the female warrior, who had just shunned herself into a sorry state, now being thoroughly raped and toyed with by the monster he favored, Fred felt a great sense of pleasure. He tilted his head to admire this horrible, lustful sight, and as he saw Gao Ying drifting into unconsciousness under the ravages of the demonic beast, Porbono, Fred shouted in a language that only he and the horrible monster could understand, “Porbono…” ….”

The beast, hearing Fred’s shout, glowed meekly in its fiery red eyes, growled and dropped the unconscious woman, wriggling its massive body out of the hall.

Fred looked at the naked, unconscious warrior woman on the floor, the slime from the monster pobono smeared all over her snow-white, slim body and still dripping from the horribly battered vagina and anus.

A deadly evil smile flashed across Fred’s thin face.

Chapter X. Death of Lasovsky

Gao Ying gradually regained consciousness, and in front of her eyes was the black, hard, cold metal ground. She felt pain in every part of her body. She tried to move, only to realize that her hands were twisted behind her back and tightly bound with a rope wrapped around her waist against her body, her legs were also tied together, her knees and ankles were firmly tied with a rope, and her entire body was thrown on the ground like a dead fish unable to move.

The naked and delicate skin pressed against the cold metal floor made Gao Ying very uncomfortable, but what was even more painful for her was that the disgusting and unpleasant mucus left by that monster was still left in her mouth, and she couldn’t help but vomit hard.

Gao Ying twisted his body hard and turned over to look around: this was the very same room behind the window that he had seen last night. Linda and Julia were just as naked as they were last night, tied to a post, their mouths gagged with rubber balls, looking with sad eyes at their companions who had now fallen to the same miserable fate as themselves.

Seeing that Linda and Julia’s bodies were covered with redness, swelling and bruises left behind by the thugs’ ravages, and that there were traces of dried semen running down their snow-white necks and thighs; and then thinking about the scene of the two girls being brutally abused by Thunder Dragon’s thugs that she had witnessed yesterday, and that she herself might be subjected to the same kind of torment very soon, Gao Ying could not help but suck in a breath of cold air, and her tied-up body shivered slightly.

She desperately twisted her body, her hands and legs together, trying to break free from the ropes on her body, but to no avail. Gao Ying felt as if all the strength in her body had been sucked out by that horrible monster, and now she was so weak and powerless that she collapsed on the ground in despair, and tears of fear and sorrow flowed out again.

Just then, the door was opened.

Gao Ying looked up in horror to see the ghastly-looking Jeff Jacobson, who had tortured himself in the cellar of the Hull people. Jacobson led seven or eight crew members in.

Seeing that Gao Ying had already awakened, Jeff said, “Bitch, you had a good time being played by Bobono, didn’t you?”

Gao Ying was already too scared to speak, she looked at Jeff in horror and shook her head desperately.

Jeff ignored Gao Ying and said to the crew, “Put those two bitches down! Let them serve you well before we leave!”

The crewmen happily untied the ropes from Linda and Julia and took the rubber balls out of both their mouths.

As soon as Linda was free, she didn’t care that she was still naked, and immediately fell to her knees at Jeff’s feet, begging: “Please, please let Gao Ying go! I’ll do anything you want! Don’t torture her, please let her go!”

Jeff kicked Linda hard to the ground: “Bitch! Go do what you have to do!”

Linda couldn’t care less about her shame, she crawled towards Jeff again and cried, “I’m a shameless bitch, you all come and fuck me! Please don’t torture Gao Ying! Ah! …”

Linda was dragged back backwards by one of the guys behind her by her legs. Gao Ying saw that the usually elegant and smart Linda had been tortured like this, and her heart was broken. She shouted loudly: “Linda! Don’t go pleading with these beastly bastards!”

Linda over there was no longer able to speak, she had two men’s meat sticks inserted into her mouth and ass at the same time, and was lying on the ground, writhing her sexy body sadly, looking at Gao Ying shedding tears of pain.

Julia was also lying on her back at that moment, her arms and legs spread wide open to be raped by one of the crew members.

Jeff laughed at Gao Ying and said, “What a tough bitch! But you’ll soon be just like these two bitches!”

Saying that, he grabbed Gao Ying’s long hair from the floor and dragged her out of this room that was already as lewd and horrible as hell.

Gao Ying was dragged by Jeff through the long corridor, the hard metal floor rubbing her delicate skin with fiery pain as she kept screaming and cursing as she was dragged into a room.

Jeff dropped Gowing on the floor. As soon as Gao Ying looked up she saw Fred and Alex sitting squarely in the room, the lanky giant Leo standing behind Fred, and beside the two was the horrible and evil machine she had seen yesterday that had brought both Linda and Julia to their knees. Gowing screamed in despair.

Seeing the wretched Gao Ying, Alex smiled and said: ”Fred, let me introduce you! This is Miss Gao Ying, the intelligence officer of the Violet Team, the famous iceberg beauty in the Defense Force. You are also here to join my program, right?”

Gao Ying was already too out of breath and scared to speak, her tightly bound body shivering unceasingly.

Alex then said: “I don’t need this massage machine to entertain you today, Ms. Gao Ying! But don’t be disappointed, I know that the girls in Violet’s group are well-trained, and you, Ms. Gao Ying, are especially amazing with your legs! I’ll ask you to perform today!”

Gao Ying did not know what new tricks this traitor had in mind to torture himself, but just cursed, “You… you are despicable! You are shameless! …”

Leo grabbed Gao Ying’s shoulders from the ground, carried her and followed Alex to the back of the “massage machine”. There was a machine that was similar to an ordinary treadmill used for physical exercise, except that there were some wires hanging down from the top of the machine.

Alex smiled at the confused and frightened female intelligence officer and said, “Don’t you be afraid! I just ask you to run, exercise your beautiful long legs!”

With that, he commanded Leo and Jeff to set Gao Ying up on that treadmill and untied the ropes from her legs to make her stand up straight.

Gao Ying struggled so hard that Jeff had to crouch down and firmly grab her kicking legs; while Leo tightly gripped Gao Ying’s voluptuous body with his iron-clad hands, the two of them subdued Linda on this weird treadmill.

Seeing Linda standing upright on the tracks of the machine, Alex turned around and made a face at Fred, who nodded. Alex walked over to Gao Ying and began to lay out on her naked, plump flesh.

He first pulled Gao Ying’s long black hair up and tied it tightly with a rope, straightened it and hung it on an iron ring on the top of the treadmill; then he pulled down a thinner and softer rope from the top and wrapped it around the root of Gao Ying’s left breast that was erect and plump, Alex tightly strangled Gao Ying’s soft and elastic meatballs with the rope, and that snow-white mass of flesh was strangled to the point that it horribly protruded out, and Gao Ying painfully Gao Ying twisted her body vigorously and bit her lips tightly. After Alex tied it up, he straightened the hanging rope, and then used the same method to deal with Gao Ying’s other breast.

Seeing that the breasts had also been bound by the taut rope, Alex pulled down two more wires with small clips from the top of the machine, and gently clamped the small clips on the front of the wires onto Gao Ying’s small and beautiful nipples. Gao Ying’s sensitive nipples were caught by the clips, and immediately screamed in pain and tears flowed down her face.

Alex grinned sardonically and pulled down two more wires with clips, this time he clamped the clips on the two light red delicate fleshy lips at the mouth of Gao Ying’s lower flesh pussy. Gao Ying’s body convulsed again and she sobbed in a small voice.

Alex didn’t stop there, he took out another thick dildo, connected it to the wires on the machine at the back, and viciously inserted it into Gao Ying’s anus in the middle of her snow-white ass! Gao Ying felt a thick and hard thing shoved into her asshole, and with pain and shame, she wiggled her ass as hard as she could.

Seeing that the poor warrior woman had been planted with horrible devices all over her body, Alex flipped the switch on the dildo in her ass and told Leo and Jeff to untie Gao Ying’s body. Gao Ying now had all the important and sensitive parts of her body viciously occupied, her nipples and pussy lips were gripped by clamps with a burst of pain; her hands were still tied behind her back and she couldn’t move; the electric dildo in her ass was vibrating violently, bringing her unbearable shame and unspeakable pleasure; and her body didn’t dare to move because if she moved a little bit, the ropes that were tightly tied to her breasts and hair and were pulled straight would cause her to feel even more pain! Gao Ying felt incomparably wretched and humiliated.

Alex looked at another of his masterpieces, smiled wickedly and said to the miserable, helpless woman, “Are you ready? Able female intelligence officer, start running!”

He said as he flipped the switch on the machine and the treadmill’s tracks began to move in the direction behind Gao Ying.

Gao Ying was saddened by her current humiliating appearance, when she suddenly felt her body being carried by the tracks under her feet and began to tilt backwards, her scalp and breasts were pulled by the rope with a sharp pain, and even more vicious: the rope attached to her hair was being pulled and drove a switch, and a weak electric current was coming from the wires attached to the four wires that held her nipples and labia, and there was a current coming from the motorized phallus that was inserted into her anus, and Gao Ying felt an unbearable stabbing pain penetrate her body and screamed loudly.

The guys around them laughed at the suffering warrior woman.

There was no other way, in order to avoid this unbearable pain, Gao Ying had to run slowly against the direction of the tracks under his feet. Because his hands were tied behind his back, Gao Ying had to try to keep his body balanced while jogging to avoid falling on the machine.

Fred and the others laughed maniacally as they watched the naked female intelligence officer with her hands tied behind her back, her nipples and labia clamped and attached to odd wires, and a vibrating motorized dildo stuck up her ass, running barefoot in shame on the abominable treadmill, her snow-white, sexy body twisting and turning.

Gao Ying, on the other hand, struggled to fight the pleasure from the motorized dildo, rocking her plump flesh as she ran under the gaze of the lewd and shameless eyes around her. The tracks were full of wickedly hard particles, causing her bare and delicate paws to be stubbed painfully. Gao Ying felt an overwhelming sense of shame and pain, and she cried as she ran.

Alex came over and shifted the treadmill into a different gear, and the tracks sped up. Gao Ying also had to speed up her humiliating pace, crying as she ran on this evil treadmill. She felt an overwhelming sense of despair as the machine would stop at some point.

After a while, Fred laughed and said to the wretched woman, “Lovely beauty, we’ll let you down from the machine if you promise to be our slave like your two slutty companions! Otherwise, you’ll just keep on running! I’ll see how long your graceful legs can hold out for you?!”

Gao Ying’s reddened pretty face was filled with tears of humiliation, and her panting became heavy. She didn’t even dare to lower her head, shamefully closing her eyes as she continued running without end. She heard Fred’s words, and knew that what he said was true, and that the end result of her persevering so much would be to collapse from exhaustion on this evil treadmill, and by then what awaited her would be even greater pain, and these demons could vent their animalistic desires on her already weakened body anytime they wanted. But Gao Ying couldn’t agree to that degrading and obscene request no matter what, even though a captive woman had no dignity to speak of in front of these beasts.

Gao Ying was still struggling futilely in front of Lei Long’s members, her tired legs had become heavy, and the horrible pleasure coming from her anus made her unable to help but shiver all over, sobs interspersed with moans, as her will began to gradually break down.

Alex, on the other hand, was still viciously teasing the poor woman with his words: “Look, Jeff!

How straight and strong this pussy’s legs are! All the women in the Defense Force are so well-trained! She’d give a man a good run for his money! Let’s make a bet. I guess she can run until tomorrow! Hahaha! “

Jeff laughed along.

Fred looked at Gao Ying who was on the verge of dying, he smiled wickedly and said to the others: ”I think Alex is right. We don’t have to worry about this bitch, she’ll keep running! Let’s go, we’ll see this excellent female intelligence officer tomorrow!”

With that, he stood up and headed out the door, laughing with the others!

If they left they would really have to keep running, and when they couldn’t hold on they would have to be tortured by that horrible current until tomorrow? Thinking about what would happen to her, Gao Ying instantly felt the sky spinning and her will immediately collapsed!

“No! Don’t, don’t!” Gao Ying let out a desperate scream, and as her will collapsed, so did her body. The two graceful and exhausted legs could no longer take a single step, and her entire body slowly slumped backwards with the tracks! Gao Ying’s naked, powerless body didn’t collapse on the treadmill, though, as the ropes that tightly bound her hair and breasts pulled her down; but this brought even greater pain, as the electric currents that coursed through her nipples, labia, and anus caused her naked flesh to shudder horribly. Her limbs were convulsing, and with tears flowing from her utterly defeated eyes, the female intelligence officer began to bawl in despair.

Fred and the others finally saw the submission of this warrior woman, and they turned back with laughter, freeing the already broken Gao Ying from that dreadful treadmill. Gao Ying was paralyzed on the ground, her plump body trembling, her rounded shoulders twitching uncontrollably as she cried out in pain.

Alex grabbed her hair and asked with a smile, “Ms. Gao Ying, have you figured it out now? If you haven’t had enough, we’ll ask you to try the massage machine again!”

Gao Ying was completely overwhelmed by these horrible guys, crying in humiliation: “Oooooooooooooo… I, I… I… I can’t stand it anymore! I, yes… no, no, don’t… I promise you! Don’t torture me anymore! Oooooooo… I promise you everything, you guys!”

Fred laughed out loud, feeling very happy to see another female warrior of the Violet Group succumbing to his hands, and said to the others: “Okay, the show is over for this bitch, you can go now! I’ll play with this bitch first! “

Everyone else laughed and left the dreaded torture chamber.

Fred pulled the electric dildo out of the limp Gao Ying’s anus, untied the ropes behind her back, and had her lie face up. Gao Ying was completely out of resistance and obediently spread her arms and legs without even having to be told to do so by Fred.

Fred ordered Gao Ying to grab each of her plump, snow-white thighs with her hands and pull them backward as hard as she could. Gao Ying was already numb, she followed Fred’s words and pulled her parted thighs by herself so that her tantalizing pussy was elevated and completely exposed to her enemy!

Looking at the woman who had become incredibly submissive, Fred smiled lewdly, “That’s a good bitch, I’m going to fuck you so hard, you bitch!”

Saying that, he pounced on Gao Ying, grabbed the two soft meatballs on her chest, and thrust down hard!

Gao Ying closed her eyes, her blurred consciousness causing her to feel neither shame nor pleasure, she was just a numb body of flesh, catering to Fred’s movements, wiggling her fat ass and sobbing in small sobs.

Satisfied and feeling a twinge of fatigue, Fred called in two of his crewmen to drag the already will-broken female intelligence officer back to the cell where Linda and Julia were being held. He, on the other hand, went back to his room to rest.

Linda and Julia, who had been gang-raped once again and were now tied to the post, saw the door open and a limp Gao Ying being carried in by two crew members. Gao Ying’s long black hair was in disarray, there was a striking red mark around her plump white breasts, her eyes were closed and she was moaning vaguely, she was dragged by the two guys to another pole and tied up with ropes just like Linda and Julia.

Linda and Julia were also powerless, and as they looked at Gao Ying, who had fallen to the same fate as themselves, they could only silently shed tears, hoping that a miracle would occur, and that someone would be able to rescue them from this lecherous hell.

The miracle the desperate warrior women had hoped for was occurring, and in the silence of the corridor, a small, lithe figure was walking quietly toward the cell.

When the heavy iron door fell last night, Ao Ishihara immediately realized that they had fallen into another trap set by the cunning Fred, and that Gao Ying had been hard pressed to escape her fate. Instead of impulsively jumping out, she wisely chose to hide.

Ao Ishihara, who was well versed in ninjutsu, hid like a ghost in the huge battleship as she waited for the perfect moment. To her surprise, that opportunity presented itself so quickly. She was hiding not far from the cell where her companions were being held, and she watched as the naked Gao Ying was dragged through the corridor by Jeff, while Linda and Julia were forlornly and helplessly gang-raped by the crew. She could hardly resist rushing out.

Soon, however, Ao Ishihara is strangely surprised to find Jeff, Alex, and Leo leaving the battleship with much of the crew, and the ravaged Gao Ying being taken back to his cell.

Ishihara Ao couldn’t believe that he had waited for such a good opportunity: after Fred had raped Gao Ying it was obvious that he had gone to rest; while the other fearsome opponents had left the battleship, outside the cell there was only one guy lazily guarding the three women who had lost their ability to resist.

She couldn’t let this opportunity pass her by, after sneaking closer to the guard she could take care of him with just a flying dagger, it was just a matter of a handful for Ao Ishihara. Taking the key from the guard she opened the door to the cell.

Hearing the door to the room open again, all three women, already exhausted from the torture, looked up in horror and couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw that it was Ao Ishihara who had entered.

Seeing Linda and the women’s miserable appearance, Ao Ishihara almost dropped a tear. She signaled them to keep quiet and hurriedly untied the ropes on the three women. Linda and Julia were fine, while Gao Ying had just been tortured by that weird treadmill for half a day, and once the ropes on her body were untied, she felt so weak that she almost collapsed on the ground. They looked around the room for half a day and couldn’t find any clothes to cover themselves. So they had to let Linda and Julia support Gao Ying, and the three naked women followed Cang Ishihara to slip out of the cell.

Ao Ishihara takes them to the bottom of the battleship to find a shuttle to return to Athena.

They had just come down the stairs when they were greeted by a short old man and a couple of crew members! The old man was Bob Lasofsky. He was patrolling the ship with his crew. He was patrolling the ship with his crew and happened to catch up with some escaped women. In an instant, all of them were stupefied. Ishihara Ao was the first to react, she jumped over to Bob, not waiting for him to make a move, Ishihara Ao twisted his neck, twisted Bob around, and put a gun to his head!

This sudden change caused all the crew members to be at a loss for words, staring blankly at Bob being held hostage by Cang Ishihara. Bob felt Ishihara Cang’s arm like an iron hoop tightly strangled his neck, making it difficult for him to breathe, he struggled to use both hands to grab Ishihara Cang’s arm, to relax the pressure on his neck, and said angrily: “Damn woman! Don’t you want to live? Let go of me!”

Ishihara Cangya said sternly, “Don’t move! Old man, we won’t survive if we let you go! Get them out of the way! Take us to a space shuttle!”

They were trying to hijack the shuttle out of the battleship with Bob as a hostage. Bob’s face was red with anger and he didn’t say a word, while the crewmen moved out of the way to the sides in bewilderment, and one guy turned around and ran off to find Fred.

Linda continued, “You turn around and put your hands on the wall!”

The crew dutifully did as they were told, watching Ao Ishihara walk past with Bob, three naked female captives, at his heels before turning around.

Cang Ishihara clamped his arms around Bob’s neck and turned around, leaving Linda and the women in front and walking backwards himself. The crew stared at the women without a word, keeping a certain distance behind them. Exasperated, Bob was yanked backwards by Ao Ishihara, saying as he walked, “You let me go, and I promise to let you go! Otherwise, when Fred comes, you won’t be able to escape!”

Ishihara Ao pointed the muzzle of his gun at him and said coldly, “You keep your mouth shut! You assholes can’t be trusted, if Fred dares to make a move, I’ll let you die with us!”

As he is talking, Fred arrives with some of his crew. He was sleeping in his room when suddenly someone came to tell him that Bob was being held hostage by someone from the Violet Team and was going to escape in a space shuttle! Fred was furious, how could he let someone enter the battleship without even realizing it! He regrets his carelessness and rushes after them with his men.

Seeing his teacher being held hostage by Ishihara Ao, Fred cursed Ishihara Ao in his heart: damned bitch, if I let you catch you, you will not be spared! But now he only cared about Bob’s safety, he glared at Ishihara Ao and said: “Bitch, let go of Bob!”

When Ishihara Cang saw Fred coming, she dared not let go even more, and she also said sternly, “Fred, you hurry up and give us a space shuttle! If you don’t agree, this old thing will have to die first!”

Bob, on the other hand, was struggling and yelling at Fred, “Fred, leave me alone! Don’t let these women get away!”

Fred looked at the teacher, who was being held hostage, and the three female captives, who had just been trained to be honest with themselves, and was very much conflicted in his mind: these women were lowly slave-girls in their own hands, and were the tools of their own and their men’s lusts; and, if they were allowed to escape, they would be formidable opponents, and they would continue to pursue them; but, if he were to force himself, the teacher’s life would be in danger, and the short girl would certainly kill Bob without hesitation! He cursed his damned opponents and his own carelessness in his heart, and said to Ishihara Ao through clenched teeth, “Listen! I’ll let you go, but you must guarantee Bob’s safety!”

Hearing Fred give in, Ao Ishihara and Linda and the girls burst with joy, and Ao Ishihara strangled Bob’s neck and walked backwards with Linda and the girls toward the shuttle. Fred followed slowly with his crew.

Linda first walked to the front of a space shuttle, opened the hatch and jumped in, then Julia helped Gao Ying also into the space shuttle. Looking at the three naked women had already entered the space shuttle and were about to fly away, Fred felt a little lost; but he still stared at Cang Ishihara and Bob and said, “You’ve got the space shuttle, it’s time to let go of Bob!”

Linda also shouted to Cang Ishihara from the shuttle, “Cang! Come on up, let’s get out of here!”

Cang Ishihara looked at Fred who was approaching little by little as she continued to slowly backpedal closer to the space shuttle. Just then, the old man in Ishihara Cang’s grasp suddenly glowed with power, letting out an amazing roar like a lion as he gripped Ishihara Cang’s arm with both hands together and violently turned around to pin Ishihara Cang to the ground!

Ao Ishihara was obviously not prepared for this, and she was instantly pinned to the ground by Bob. Bob pressed down hard on her body to get the gun out of her hand! Asuka Ishihara struggled to get up, her hand on the gun wrapped around the trigger at Bob!

With two muffled sounds of “bang” and “bang”, Bob let out a dying roar, and two streams of blood splashed out from his back! However, his body still pressed down on Cang Ishihara, and his two hands tightly pressed down on Cang Ishihara’s wrist holding the gun.

This sudden change shocked everyone! Fred jumped over with a yell, and the crew followed suit and lunged towards Ao Ishihara!

The women in the shuttle shrieked, Linda and Julia were just about to rush out when they realized they were still naked and unarmed. Ao Ishihara, who was pinned down by Bob, pushed against the old man, she could clearly see Fred’s furious face, and felt that her legs had been grabbed by someone, and she was being dragged backwards. A feeling of terror came over her, and she screamed, “Linda, help! No, don’t! Linda, you have to go, quick!”

The dying Bob choked Ao Ishihara with his last strength, and the gasping Ao Ishihara dropped the gun in his hand and struggled as he grabbed Bob’s hand. Fred, on the other hand, like a madman, threw himself on top of Bob and hugged his teacher’s bloodied body, desperately calling out Bob’s name. Two of the crew members grabbed Ao Ishihara’s legs as hard as they could and yanked her out from underneath Bob’s body, while the other two held Ao Ishihara’s shoulders down tightly in an effort to separate her from Bob’s hands. The rest of them lunged toward the shuttle where Linda and the others were.

Seeing that Ishihara Cang had already been surrounded by the enemy, and the enemy had already rushed towards them, Linda and the girls didn’t dare to hesitate any longer, so they had to be ruthless, leaving Ishihara Cang behind and rushing out of Fred’s battleship in the space shuttle.

A few of the crew over here had to work hard to pull Ao Ishihara and Bob apart. Ishihara Ao was choked by Bob and couldn’t stop coughing on the staff, but still desperately fought with the crew. Ao Ishihara’s seemingly small body had developed amazing strength in desperation, and the four crew members who had grabbed her arms and legs were confused by Ao Ishihara’s struggles. Those crew members who had not caught up with the shuttle returned and tackled Ao Ishihara together before subduing the petite Japanese girl. They pressed Ishihara Ao face down on the ground, first twisted her hands over and handcuffed her, and then took a lot of effort to bring Ishihara Ao’s legs together and handcuffed her ankles together with the handcuffs. Pressed to the ground Ishihara Ao despite being handcuffed to the hands and feet are still constantly twisting around, constantly screaming.

Fred over there was like a madman at the moment, kneeling on the ground and hugging the bloodied Bob, desperately shaking him, shouting his name, tears streaming down his face. Bob struggled to open his eyes in his student’s arms and said in a weak voice, “Fred, Fred! My son, don’t cry! We all have to go through this one day, I can’t take care of you anymore. Cough, cough!”

Blood poured from the corner of Bob’s mouth. His eyes turned gray: “Fred, you must go back to Bristol! Go back, go back, Fred, that’s where you belong! Don’t let hatred blind you, go and save your country! Fred, Fred…” Bob’s eyes gradually lost their light, and he lost the last drop of life in the arms of his best student.

Fred felt the body in his arms grow cold and stiff, he couldn’t believe that his teacher was dead, shaking the old Russian’s body with one hand, while the other hand was frantically pulling at his hair, crying out, “Bob! Teacher! Bob! You can’t die, you can’t die! Bob! …”

The crew watched in shock as their cold-hearted chief gave vent to commonplace emotions, and none of them dared to approach Fred, who had gone berserk.

Fred finally realized what was happening and he stopped his frantic demeanor and slowly lowered Bob’s body to the ground, staring with fire-breathing eyes towards the murderess who was still struggling on the ground.

Fred ruthlessly stepped on Ao Ishihara’s back with one foot and bent down to twist her face around by her hair with force. Ao Ishihara felt as if her neck was going to be broken, and she screamed loudly, looking in horror at the face already twisted by hatred and pain.

Fred looked at the woman who had killed his teacher with the eyes of a wild animal and screamed at the top of his lungs, “Damn bitch! You killed Bob! You’ll pay for that! You killed him! You killed him!”

A shrill, sad voice echoed through the massive battleship.

Chapter XI – Exchange

Ao Ishihara was looking at Fred, who was spinning around himself like a frenzied beast, with horrified eyes.

After she herself was carried and carried into this ship’s barn by those strong and powerful crew members, she was immediately pressed down to the ground, and despite her desperate struggles she was quickly stripped naked. They her arms were held flat, and a rope was used to tightly bar her wrists and arms to an iron bar, and then a rope was attached to the ends of the bar to pull it up, hanging her in mid-air like a cross. Ao Ishihara, despite the fact that she was no longer able to escape, twisted her already naked body vigorously in the air, and her firm, rounded legs kicked haphazardly.

Fred kept his face grim, as unnerving as a volcano about to erupt. His men stood obediently by until ordered to do so, looking at their feared leader and at the female captive who was about to be severely punished. A couple of smart guys took the initiative to run out and hold two huge iron blocks in pairs with shackles attached to them by chains, put the shackles on Ao Ishihara, and then moved the iron blocks to spread Ao Ishihara’s kicking and moving legs apart.

Ao Ishihara kicked her legs as hard as she could, but the iron attached to the shackles was so heavy that she could barely move her long, strong legs.

Fred’s mood seemed to have calmed down a little, but his eyes were still bloodshot. He looked viciously at the naked murderer, calculating in his mind what kind of cruel revenge he should inflict on her. He saw that although Ao Ishihara was a bit desperate and frustrated, she still appeared to be in high spirits and stamina. Fred walked over and his malicious gaze landed on Ishihara Cang’s lush aromatic grass and delicate slit. He laughed and cursed: “Bitch, you killed Bob! I’ll make sure you die a horrible death!” He suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the pubic hair on Ishihara Cang’s lower body and yanked it down!

Ishihara Cang’s face twisted in pain, screaming miserably, his whole body shaking violently. Fred, like a madman, kept pulling at Ishihara Pale’s curly black pubic hair. The lush grass of Ishihara Ao’s lower body was pulled to pieces, droplets of blood seeped out from the delicate skin, and her plump flesh convulsed violently from the pain as she desperately shook her head and cried out. In the blink of an eye, Ao Ishihara’s lower body was messed up by Fred’s rough tugging and pulling, blood flowed down her thighs, and she fainted from the pain.

Fred was still not satisfied, he ruthlessly pinched the fainting girl’s lower body slit on both sides of the delicate pink lips, pinched hard. Ishihara Ao was awakened by the sharp pain, twisting her waist and buttocks, and screaming, “No! Stop, ah, ah! Don’t, ah! …”

The horrific atrocity caused Ao Ishihara to cry out, forgetting her own situation and crying, “Oooooooh, don’t, don’t, don’t, spare me! Oooh, oooh, oooh, no, spare me!”

Ao Ishihara cried and struggled like a poor girl in front of the already crazed Fred, her snow-white body trembling.

Fred laughed maniacally, “Hahaha! Bitch, this is just the beginning! Ha ha ha!” He suddenly wrapped his arms around Ao Ishihara’s waist, and thrust his other hand into Ao Ishihara’s tiny hole with a fist!

“Ah!” Cang Ishihara let out a grits scream, blood running down her propped up pussy.

Fred was already frantic, and as he watched the girl’s blood run down his arm, his excited nerves got a bigger boost, and his arm, which was plunged into Ao Ishihara’s cunt, turned even harder. Cang Ishihara screamed twice, hung her head, and passed out again.

Fred pulled out his arm, which was covered in the blood of the abused girl. He coldly said to the stunned men around him, “Fuck this bitch hard! Don’t stop for a moment!” After saying this, he turned around and walked out.

The crew waited for Fred to leave and then poured cold water over Ao Ishihara to wake him up. Ao Ishihara woke up from the pain and screamed again when he saw the guys around him with lewd grins on their faces and their pants down: “No! What are you doing?

Stay back, no! No! “

The crew didn’t care about Ao Ishihara’s wails, and roughly came over to hold her, thrusting their thick meaty rods into her freshly wounded pussy and ass behind her!

Ao Ishihara was writhing in agony in the midst of the crew’s pincer attack, gusts of tearing pain coming from the two fleshy holes at the front and back of her body, and her delicate, plump breasts falling into the hands of the enemy and being rubbed hard, the humiliation and pain made her cry out so hard that her voice was muffled.

Ao Ishihara knew that she was finished, and that her enemies would surely torture and abuse her so cruelly until she died. A fear of death made the petite girl forget her situation and cry and beg in vain.

Jeff and Alex they return to the battleship with a large amount of lanthanum crystals, and they are surprised to find that the battleship is gripped by an ominous atmosphere. Jeff, Alex and Leo rush to find Fred.

In the spacious room, their leader was kneeling in front of the bed holding Bob’s body motionless. Jeff and the others were stunned, and after half a day, Jeff shouted, “Fred, what’s going on? What’s going on here?

Bob he…”

Fred slowly turned his head, tears on his thin face, and said through clenched teeth, “They killed Bob, and I want revenge! I’ll kill them all! I want revenge!”

It took a lot of effort for Jeff and the others to find out what had happened from Fred’s mouth. Jeff looked sadly at Bob’s body and muttered, “We did Bob in, we’ll avenge him!” Leo, on the other hand, threw himself on Bob’s body, and the lanky giant bawled like a little child.

After half a day, Alex said, “Okay, Jeff! Leo! Let’s go see that woman! Let Fred get some rest here!”

Jeff pulled Leo up and walked out with Alex, leaving Fred alone in the room with the dead Bob.

They came into the room, and the crew members hurriedly left Ao Ishihara, who was being ravished by them, and stood aside. Ishihara Ao had her head bowed, already ravaged to death; her uplifted breasts were covered with teeth marks and fingerprints, her lower body was a mess, blood mixed with semen running down her thighs; her naked body was still trembling slightly.

Alex commanded the crew to open the shackles on Ao Ishihara’s feet and untied the ropes to release Ao Ishihara. The petite Japanese girl immediately went limp.

Jeff came to the sprawled Pale Ishihara’s heels and viciously stomped on her hand with his boot, crushing it hard. Ishihara’s white palm was immediately bloodied, and she screamed. Jeff said fiercely: “Damn bitch! I’m going to make you suffer! Damn it, I’m going to tear you to pieces!”

Ao Ishihara lifted her head with difficulty and looked at the grim-faced Jeff. She struggled to pull her hand out from under Jeff’s foot. Jeff raised his foot violently and kicked Ao Ishihara in the face! Ishihara Ao was kicked so hard that she rolled, and blood flowed down the corner of her mouth. She also looked at Jeff with hateful eyes, and now that Ao Ishihara knew what fate awaited her, she struggled to hold herself up and said, “Bastard! Come on, you guys! If you have any vicious tricks, just use them! I’m not afraid! I’m not afraid!

Jeff suddenly laughed: “Hmph, what a tough bitch! I will not let you die so quickly, I will let you suffer a lot! Let you want to die can not!”

With that, he ordered the crew to tie Ao Ishihara back up again, with her legs together and tied tightly with ropes at her knees and ankles, and then hang her body with ropes tied around her wrists! Ishihara Ao had no strength in her body, so she was at their mercy. The weight of her entire body fell on her shoulders, and she broke out in a cold sweat from the pain.

Jeff handed a whip to Leo and said, “Leo, you whip this bitch hard! Remember, don’t hit her in the front!”

Leo had long since pressed on, he took the whip and lashed it hard at Ao Ishihara’s naked and delicate body!

The whip whistled down on Ishihara Ao’s body, making a dull splitting sound, and Ishihara Ao clenched her lips in pain and breathed heavily through her nose, her plump flesh writhing in agony under the whip’s ravages.

Leo remembered Jeff’s words and only whipped Ishihara Cang’s back, ass and thighs. In a short while, Ishihara Cang’s snow-white smooth body was completely disfigured, her flat back was already skinned; her plump and sexy ass was covered with crisscrossing whip marks, as if crawling with earthworms, horribly red and swollen; and her snow-white thighs were also beaten to the point that they were drenched in blood .

Not a single sound leaked from Ao Ishihara’s clenched teeth, his face dripping with sweat, his body swaying heavily with the whip as he endured the brutal torture.

Seeing that it was almost time, Jeff told Leo to stop and brought a basin of salt water, splashing it all over Ao Ishihara’s bruised body. As the salt water flowed into the dripping wounds, Ao Ishihara felt pain all over her body like she was on fire, and she couldn’t hold back her loud screams any longer.

Jeff watched Ishihara Ao’s whole body twitching in pain, and said fiercely, “Bitch! There’s more to come!”

He had someone bring very thick steel needles and some tiny iron rings, and walked to Ishihara Cang with a vicious smile. He grabbed the elastic mass of flesh on Ishihara Cang’s chest and cruelly stuck a steel needle into it! Ishihara Ao’s body bounced in pain and she screamed miserably! Beads of blood dripped down from her plump breasts.

Jeff didn’t stop there, he had another steel needle stuck into another of Ao Ishihara’s breasts! He laughed hideously, and in one breath, he stuck seven or eight steel needles into Ishihara’s breasts! Ao Ishihara’s white and tender breasts were bleeding and covered with shiny steel needles, she desperately shook her head, screaming and tearfully cursing Jeff’s beastly behavior.

Jeff ordered someone to take the panties stripped from Ao Ishihara’s body from the ground and gagged them into her constantly screaming and cursing mouth after soaking them in the blood that came out of her body. Ishihara Ao’s mouth was gagged with her own panties soaked in her own blood, “Oooo”

The ground made slurred noises and looked at the vicious enemy with hateful eyes.

Jeff grabbed Ao Ishihara’s delicate nipples and used the last one to pierce the showy little meatballs! Then threaded an iron ring through it! A harsh and dull moan escaped from Ao Ishihara’s mouth, and her head lolled as she fainted!

Jeff had salt water poured on Ao Ishihara again, and the poor girl awoke in another fit of excruciating pain, her whole body shaking violently. Jeff used the same method to put an iron ring on Ao Ishihara’s other nipple, and again Ao Ishihara passed out from the pain.

When Ao Ishihara was woken up again with salt water, she was already dying, her breasts filled with steel needles and pierced with iron rings heaving violently, her body so limp she didn’t even have the strength to raise her head.

Jeff didn’t care about Ishihara Ao’s death in the slightest, he squatted down, grabbed the already red and swollen labia by Ishihara Ao’s flesh hole, and cruelly pierced it with a steel needle, and then pierced it with an iron ring!

In this way, Ao Ishihara passes out in pain and is brutally woken up again and again. Jeff wants Ao Ishihara to see his cruelty while she’s awake, piercing an iron ring around her most delicate and private parts.

Ao Ishihara felt her body grow numb and lose consciousness, but she was still conscious. She saw Jeff tie thin cords into the iron rings on her nipples, and bolted weights to the thin cords. Immediately, Ao Ishihara’s uplifted breasts were pulled down by the heavy weights, and especially her slender nipples were horribly stretched. Ishihara Ao could no longer feel any shame or fear except for the pain in her heart, she felt that she was no longer a human being in the eyes of these cruel men, but a toy for them to play with and spoil at will. Ishihara Ao only sobbed vaguely, and her consciousness gradually blurred.

Alex, who had been coldly watching the tragedy from the side, spoke up: “Jeff, I think it’s okay!

Let’s come out first, I want to talk! “

Jeff turned and looked at the resourceful young man.

Alex saw that Ishihara Ao was already motionless, even moaning stopped. He said to Jeff: “This bitch is still useful! Don’t just kill her! Let’s go find Fred, I have an idea!”

Jeff thought about it and said to Leo, “Leo! You guys keep an eye on this bitch! As soon as she wakes up, fuck her hard!”

With that said, he and Alex exited the room.

In Fred’s room, the grieving chief had gradually calmed down. He told his men to carry Bob’s body out and freeze it, he wanted to take his teacher back to Bristol for burial, he couldn’t leave him alone on this desolate planet.

Alex’s eyes twinkled with cunning as he whispered something to Fred and Jeff.

Jeff said with wide eyes, “Alex, can they be that stupid?”

Alex: “Jeff! I know these women too well! Just do what I say and Sandra, the bitch, will agree! Let’s make a bet, shall we?” He said and laughed.

Fred thought for a moment and said, “Jeff, it’s okay if we just give it a try! However, Ishihara Ao, this bitch must pay!”

Fred, Jeff and Alex are back in the cell that holds Ao Ishihara. The miserable girl was being raped from behind by Leo, a horrible giant. Ao Ishihara was wearing her hair loose, her mouth still gagged with the blood-stained panties; her nipples and labia were being cruelly pulled by the weights dangling from the iron rings, and with those horrible steel pins on her breasts, she looked extremely miserable. Behind her back, an incredibly thick meat stick was rapidly moving in and out between her plump and fleshy ass, bringing out a trace of fresh blood; the originally smooth and snow-white back and thighs were already a bloody and miserable mess. Ishihara Ao’s body was trembling gently, and a faint but heavy gasp was emitted from her nose.

Fred walked over to Ishihara Pale and lifted her face by pinching her bottom. Ishihara Ao’s otherwise pretty and innocent face was streaked with tears, her eyes were red and swollen, her lips were dry and cracked, her face was pale and haggard, and it took her a great deal of effort to open her disoriented eyes.

Fred yanked the blood-stained panties out of Ao Ishihara’s mouth, stared at the woman who had killed her teacher, and slowly said, “Bitch! I told you you’d pay!”

Ao Ishihara felt every inch of her body aching, especially her torn nipples and pussy lips as if they were being yanked away from her body. Ishihara Ao’s anus was still being brutally raped by Leo, and her weak voice trembled, “Ah, oooh, asshole! Ahh! You, you killed me! Aah! Aah! …” she trembled in agony.

Fred said coldly, “Bitch, I will kill you! I’m going to make your death very painful!”

He ordered Leo, who was still raping Ao Ishihara, to stop: “Leo, throw this bitch to Bobono! Let my pet play with her! She deserves it!”

Hearing that Fred was going to let that horrible, lecherous monster torture himself to death, Ao Ishihara cursed with his last strength, “Fred! You’re not human! Ah, you, you beast! You’ll get what’s coming to you! Ah! Aah!”

Leo ended up thrusting hard inside Ao Ishihara a few times and withdrew the thick dick. Fred slapped Ishihara Ao several times so hard that blood ran down the corners of her mouth.

Ao Ishihara groaned heavily as she was untied from the ropes binding her hands and feet by Leo and slammed hard to the ground! Ao Ishihara writhes and squirms in excruciating pain on the cold ground as she continues to curse her vicious enemy in a blur.

Leo lifted up Ao Ishihara’s feet and dragged the dying warrior woman out of the room backwards. Fred looked coldly at the girl being dragged out, leaving a long trail of blood behind her, and said to Alex, “Alex, it’s time to start!”

Linda, Julia and Gao Ying, who had escaped back naked, were recovering their tired and injured bodies under the care of Yoko Hashimoto, but the damage done to their psyches by the experience of being brutally abused and enslaved by the enemy aboard Fred’s battleship had been even more severe.

Sandra saw the misery of her companion and became even more worried about Ao Ishihara, who was in the hands of the enemy at the moment. This petite and cute girl had killed Fred’s teacher and would surely be subjected to even more brutal torture.

Just then, a soldier ran in: “Captain Sandra! That traitor Alex wants to contact you!”

Sandra immediately realized it must have something to do with Cang, and she rushed towards the command room. Linda and the girls followed. Alex’s beaming face appeared on the huge monitor, and Sandra looked at it and felt immense hatred.

Alex: “Ms. Sandra, wow! And Linda and Julia are here too! Ms. Linda, are you satisfied with our hospitality? Would you like to be our guest again?” Alex smiled lewdly.

Linda and the girls were red with shame.

Alex was about to speak again when he was suddenly pushed away by Jeff. Jeff’s horrible face twisted in laughter: “Hahaha! Ladies, you don’t look as good in your clothes as you do in your bare asses! Damn, that Japanese bitch of yours killed Bob, and I’m going to kill her in front of you!”

As soon as Sandra and Linda heard this, they all cried out, “No! Don’t do it!”

Jeff laughed wildly and turned to walk away, and in the direction he went, the girls saw their companions.

Behind Jeff was the terrifyingly huge monster °° Pobono, which lay like a hill in the room, taking up almost half of the room. Bobono’s soft and lewd tentacles were wrapped around a girl who had already been ravaged beyond recognition, Ishihara Cang was bruised and covered in blood; her snow-white and smooth back and thighs were a bloody mess, and the steel pins on her breasts had already been removed, but they were still bleeding; her nipples and labia were still cruelly dressed in iron rings; the Bobono’s tentacles wrapped around her limbs and body, and lewdly penetrated into her red and swollen cunt, her anus, and her already The red, swollen vagina, anus and cracked red lips were squirming disgustingly, and the mucus secreted was smeared all over Ao Ishihara’s hair, face and all over her body. Ishihara Ao was just an unconscious body, motionless and letting the monster wreak havoc on her.

The girls in the Violet Group all shrieked! With his eyes tightly closed and his face pale, it was obvious that Ishihara Ao had been ravaged by that monster and had fainted.

Julia cried out first: “You can’t do this! Bastards, you’re cruel!”

Then Fred came out: “Ms. Julia, if you have pity on this bitch, will you take her place? You’ve tasted Poblano, haven’t you? Ha ha ha!” He laughed cruelly and nastily.

Julia was so angry she couldn’t speak.

Fred added: “This bitch killed my teacher, and I’m going to make her pay for it! I’m going to make her die slowly in great pain!” He dropped his gentle appearance and shouted hysterically.

Sandra and Linda, they didn’t know what to do, could they only watch this crazy guy torture Ao Ishihara to death?

Suddenly, Alex came over, “Fred, I think this bitch is just about to die, let Bobono let go of her first!”

Fred turned his head violently and looked at Alex viciously: “What did you say? Alex!”

Alex subconsciously took a step back, forced a smile and said, “Fred, I mean don’t kill the bitch so quickly, leave her for now. We still have a long way to go back to Bristol, how uncomfortable would it be to not have a woman on the ship for us to play with? Why don’t we leave her here for everyone to play with, and then kill her when we get back to Bristol?”

Fred’s eyes shot out a fierce light, staring at this guy who dared to disobey him. Seeing that Fred was about to get angry, Jeff hurried over and said, “Fred, don’t be angry! Alex has a point. Hey!” He looked at Linda and the girls and said to Fred, “Those bitches were so obedient, but it’s a shame they were saved by this bitch! We’ll have to use her instead!”

Linda and a few of the girls felt a flash of heat on their faces, remembering again that horrible experience on Fred’s battleship.

Fred seemed to have calmed down a bit, he glared at Alex and said, “I won’t spare this bitch! Unless…” he paused, glanced at Linda and the three of them, and slowly said, “I’ll trade them for her!”

Julia let out a shriek, while Linda and Gao Ying lowered their heads with red faces. No one was willing to go back to that unbearable life of shame, but was it possible to just watch Ishihara Cang die in front of their eyes? The girls of the Violet Group felt despair and agony.

Alex looked at Fred’s grim face and swallowed back what he was about to say. Jeff, on the other hand, looked lecherously at the female warriors on the screen, not knowing what bad ideas he was calculating in his mind.

It was obvious to Sandra and the girls from the reactions of their enemies that only Fred was bent on killing Ao Ishihara to avenge Bob’s death, while the two villains, Jeff and Alex, were obviously not too concerned about that, and wanted to continue to toy with and trample on the women who had made enemies of them as tools for their own lust.

Alex finally got up the courage to say to his angry leader, “Fred, hey, we haven’t had a taste of Ms. Sandra yet! Hey, that’s one hell of a heroine in the Defense Force, Fred! Why don’t we trade this bitch for their captain?”

Fred looked grimly at Alex, who was obviously beginning to hesitate as well.

Jeff followed up, “Fred, I’ve seen that violent bitch! Hey, hey, she’s got a temper!” He scanned Sandra on the other side of the screen with a lustful gaze.

Sandra, on the other hand, was shocked in her heart, if she fell into the hands of these beasts, her fate would be even more tragic than Linda’s and the others! But she couldn’t just watch Ishihara Cang being raped to death by the beasts. Her heart was in turmoil and she had no idea.

Fred slowly raised his head and said, “Ms. Sandra, if you promise to trade yourself, I will give you the bitch Ao Ishihara! Otherwise…”

Sandra thought to herself: if she agreed with them, she was bound to be brutally abused and tortured by them, but judging by Alex and Jeff, they wouldn’t hurt her life; if she didn’t agree with them, Fred would get Cang killed!

She hesitated for half a day, gritted her teeth, raised her head and said, “Okay! I promise you! Fred, you have to keep your word!”

Linda and the girls shrieked, “Sandra, you can’t say yes! These guys are not human! They’ll torture you like animals!”

Sandra said to her companion in a firm tone, “Linda, I’ve made up my mind! We have no choice but to watch Ao Ishihara die like this!”

Alex and Jeff looked at the flustered woman and the stoic Sandra with an imperceptible, conniving look in their eyes. Alex said, “Good job heroine! We’ll be sure to treat you well! Fred, look just promise them that!”

Fred said coldly, “Well then, Ms. Sandra, since you’ve already agreed, I won’t go back on my word! Let’s meet at the bottom of the ring-shaped mountain this evening!”

A space shuttle rested silently in the dusk beneath the cratered mountains in the desolate lands of Medovi, a few heavily armed girls stood around, their gaunt and plump forms showing a hint of desolation in the breeze.

Another space shuttle flew to a place not far from them and landed. Out of it stepped a grim-faced Jeff Jacobson. He looked at the women across the street and yelled, “Come on over here, your Captain Sandra. He looked at the women across the street and shouted, “Your Captain Sandra, come over here! No weapons!”

A gallant woman put down the weapon in her hand, gathered her wind-blown brown hair, glanced at the enemy on the opposite side, and shouted back : “Jeff! You bring Cang out first!”

Jeff waved at the shuttle and the lanky, tall Leo burrowed out, carrying a snow-white, limp piece of flesh over his shoulder.

The girls around Sandra watched nervously as their female captain calmly made her way across the room. Leo, carrying Ao Ishihara, greeted him as well, a gun-toting crewman following him.

The female captain and the giant stopped between the two space shuttles. The tall giant slowly lowered the naked, unconscious girl to the ground. He said to Sandra, “I’ll leave this pussy in your hands, so be a good boy and come with me, but don’t try any tricks!”

Sandra bent down and looked closely at the bruised Ao Ishihara, her breathing so faint.

Suddenly, Leo raised his thick arm and slammed it down hard towards the back of Sandra’s neck with her head down! Sandra was all but unresponsive, and with a groan of agony, she collapsed on top of the unconscious Asuka Ishihara.

The girls on this side let out a shriek and were just about to rush over when they saw the giant lean down and pick up the knocked out Sandra on his shoulders, shouting to them, “Our deal is done! I’ll take this woman, and that one is yours!” After saying that, he carried Sandra back toward the back.

Linda and the girls watched as Leo carried their unconscious captain into the shuttle with Jeff and flew back to the battleship. They rushed over, picked up the dying Cang Ishihara, and returned to their own battleship with sadness and worry.

Chapter 12: Sandra’s Nightmare

Sandra felt her neck ache as if it was going to break. Her face was pressed against the cold ground and the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was that she was kneeling on the ground on her two firm, well-proportioned thighs, and her two full, white breasts were encased in a bra falling heavily on her chest. She was puckering her ass and kneeling with her shoulders and knees on the floor. Sandra felt so uncomfortable that she tried to move, only to realize the reason she was kneeling in such an unsightly and humiliating position: her left wrist and left ankle, and her right wrist and right ankle had been placed against each other, tightly bound with ropes, and had been thrown face down on the floor like a captured beast, so naturally, she had to kneel in such an embarrassing position.

Sandra saw that she had been stripped of her clothes, but her bra and panties were still on, so it appeared that her enemy had not raped her while she was unconscious. Sandra turned her head with difficulty and was surrounded by an empty room without a single figure. She remembered that she had been knocked unconscious by the enemy while looking down at Ao Ishihara, and that she must now be on Fred’s battleship. Although Sandra had been mentally prepared for this, she still felt very uncomfortable and humiliated to be stripped of her clothes and left defenseless waiting to be ravaged by her enemy. Sandra pulled her arms as hard as she could, but her wrists and ankles were tied so tightly that the ropes sank deep into her flesh when she exerted herself, and her entire half of her body swayed with it, nearly tipping over on its side.

At that moment, Sandra suddenly heard a voice: “Beautiful heroine, don’t waste your efforts!

The fun hasn’t started yet, so you might want to save some of your energy for later! “

Sandra knew there had to be monitors and speakers around, and that the enemy was secretly watching her woeful state.

She exclaimed, “Come out of there! Don’t hide!” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Sandra regretted it: the enemy had made herself look like this, surely to humiliate herself, and they would come out even if she didn’t say anything.

Sure enough, the voice said, “What? Shameless woman! You can’t wait!”

Sandra stopped talking, her face burning a little. But then she suddenly remembered Ao Ishihara: “Where’s Ao?

What have you done with her? “

The voice laughed strangely, “Hahaha! Worthy of being the captain of the Violet Team, you’re in such a state and still thinking about your own team members! We have returned that bitch to you! However, it’s hard to say whether she’s dead or alive now! Hahaha!”

When Sandra heard these words, she knew that Ishihara Ao must have been in a very bad way, and she trembled with anger: “You, you guys are too despicable! You, you’re animals!”

“Hahaha…” with a burst of laughter, the door to the room opened. Fred, Jeff, Alex and the scary giant walked in together.

Alex laughed and said to Jeff, “Jeff, my little favorites got the better of me again, didn’t they? I traded a dying bitch for a living, breathing beauty! Hahaha, I told you that these girls are all fools who think they’re great, and that the defense forces sent them here just for us to play with!”

Jeff looked at the angry and anxious Sandra and said: “Noble heroine, we only said to return Ishihara Cang to you, but did not say it must be alive? Now we have done what we said, to give you with your cheap body to compensate us, right?

Sandra felt a burning sensation as she listened to the nasty and shameless words of these guys, and she shivered with shame and indignation and said, “You, you brutes! You will all be hanged! Bastards!”

Alex continued, “Ms. Sandra, you don’t have to worry about us! You’d better take care of yourself first, pucker your fat ass and wait for us to fuck you!”

Sandra was already too angry to speak.

Fred quietly squatted beside Sandra, looking at her defenseless body with a lecherous gaze: although Sandra was already thirty-two years old, her years of military training and regular life had kept her figure in very good shape. Her mature body slim and well-proportioned, the whole body does not have a little extra fat, skin tight and elastic; back smooth and flat, waist slim, legs round and straight; breasts and buttocks plump slightly fat, but never flabby; English face is not pretty but also has a flavor. Sandra’s body was as beautiful as a twenty year old girl’s, and at the same time exuded the sex appeal of a mature woman.

Sandra’s body was arched as she knelt on the ground because her hands and feet were bound together, and her ass was naturally puckered high. Fred’s hand patted Sandra’s fleshy ass, ran down her bare back, unhooked her bra and yanked it off. Immediately, both of Sandra’s full, plump breasts were freed and crashed heavily to the ground.

Fred gently rubbed his hands on these two soft and bouncy meatballs on Sandra’s chest. Sandra felt very ashamed, but also at the same time felt a taste like an electric shock, and her two delicate nipples unconsciously hardened. Her face reddened and she twisted her body sadly.

Fred laughed softly twice and turned and began stroking both of Sandra’s fat asses through her panties.

He was in no hurry to strip the last of the panties from Sandra’s body as well, but rather to take his time torturing and humiliating the stalwart, brave warrior woman.

Sandra felt two hands running up and down her ass, and from time to time running down between her legs through her panties, stimulating her sensitive area. She felt a shudder run through her body, her lower body contracting in response to Fred’s touch, and Sandra, feeling both comforted and ashamed, couldn’t stop wiggling her ass in weak resistance.

Fred ran his hand over the resilient mound of flesh and could feel the trembling of Sandra’s flesh. At the same time, he felt Sandra’s slit start to get a little wet, and gradually become hot. He knew that this was Sandra’s normal physiological reaction, but he still wanted to humiliate her: “What a slutty heroine, can you still feel comfortable when your hands and feet are tied? What a lowly bitch!”

Sandra was also ashamed of her reaction, and she panted heavily, trying not to think about her embarrassing situation. But then she saw the malicious and lustful looks in Fred and Jeff’s and their eyes and knew that she must look pretty wretched right now. Sandra turned her head the other way with difficulty, not looking at these abominations.

The two guys, Jeff and Alex, followed on the other side, crouching in front of Sandra to enjoy the pained and humiliated expression on the face of the woman who had fallen into the enemy’s hands.

Sandra felt Fred’s hand running liberally between her legs and occasionally coitus with her fingers.

It was very hard for her to resist Fred’s insolent ravishment by holding her ankles with her wrists to force her legs together.

Fred saw that Sandra’s two firm, plump legs were tightly together, pinning the fascinating and mortifying slit. With a frown, he had Leo bring a crowbar, then ordered Leo to grab Sandra’s ankles hard and spread Sandra’s legs apart.

Although Sandra twisted her body vigorously to resist, how could she resist the burly giant? In the end, Leo broke her legs. Fred took the rope and tied the ends of the iron rods tightly around Sandra’s ankles where the giant had grabbed them, so that she had to kneel with her sexy legs spread apart, her taut panties making the tantalizingly fleshy lips underneath bulge embarrassingly.

Leo let go, giggled, and touched Sandra’s fat ass. Fred laughed and said, “Leo, don’t be in a hurry! This bitch will play for you sooner or later!”

Sandra saw them talking about themselves with as much abandon as if they were a casual object to be used, and only felt her body heat up with unbearable shame, so she simply closed her eyes.

Fred continued his teasing of Sandra, gently caressing her plump ass and warm breasts, and rubbing his fingers over her already moist slit. Gradually Sandra felt great pleasure, her conscious mind still holding on, but her mature body giving in. Sandra panted heavily, her body trembled and her waist and ass swayed involuntarily, her panties already soaked with the lewd water that flowed from them.

Jeff and Alex watched Sandra’s scandalous behavior, obscenely insulting the embarrassed female commander with their words.

Fred, in turn, tore Sandra’s already soaked panties and ripped them off her snowy, fat ass.

Sandra moaned mournfully, wiggling her ass slightly in resistance. Her exposed flesh was opening and closing slightly, as if inviting her enemy’s savage entry.

Fred saw that Sandra had completely ceased to have the will to resist, and was just moaning mournfully with her eyes closed, her bright lewd water glistening lewdly around her pink pussy, her completely naked flesh quivering. He pulled out his dick and brutally thrust it into Sandra’s pussy!

Sandra violently felt something thick and hot thrusting into her cunt, and she knew that her enemy’s ravishment of her had begun. Sandra instinctively contracted her lower body and resisted, twisting her slender waist, which Fred held tightly, helplessly against her malevolent foe.

The more Sandra resisted the more Fred felt aroused, and the fact that the female commander who had pursued him was tied up and pinned to the ground to be painfully raped by himself made Fred shiver all over. He pumped his rod hard, feeling the agonizing struggles of the woman beneath him with each stroke, and with Sandra’s humiliated and distressed moans, all the guys around him were aroused.

Jeff came to Sandra as well, he held Sandra’s rounded shoulders and lifted her upper body onto his lap. Sandra was desperately enduring Fred’s rape with her eyes closed when she suddenly felt her lips toweling down on a hot rod of flesh. What she saw when she opened her eyes was Jeff’s raging rod pushing into her mouth.

Sandra felt a wave of nausea and she was just about to scream when she was immediately gagged by the rod of flesh.

Jeff grabbed Sandra’s hair and jerked it in her mouth. Sandra’s wails immediately turned into slurred whimpers, the intense humiliation causing the stubborn female officer’s body to shiver violently, her neck craning hard to avoid the horrible rod in her mouth.

Sandra’s resistance and agony excited the two men even more as the two thick rods clamped down on her one after the other, bringing Sandra immense pleasure and shame. Sandra’s futile resistance gradually weakened, and her possessed body began to shamelessly wriggle back and forth in time with her enemies’ ravishment; vague moans escaped from her rod-gagged mouth, saliva dripping all over her chin and white breasts, and lewd water dripping down her snow-white thighs.

Fred played with the woman’s asshole with his fingers as he wreaked havoc in Sandra’s cunt, sticking his fingers in and out and picking at it from side to side, making Sandra more and more upset. Sandra’s hands, bound against her feet, kept clenching and opening, expressing her last struggle and unspeakable pain and shame. Fred pulled his thick rod out and shoved it back into Sandra’s clenching anus. Sandra struggled to get a dull scream out of her mouth and desperately clenched her two fat white mounds of flesh, but was unable to stop Fred from savagely thrusting into her ass.

With Fred’s rapid thrusts, Sandra’s mournful tears flowed silently.

For the first time Sandra felt the sadness of being a woman, especially one who had fallen into the hands of the enemy and had been so cruelly raped against her will; she finally realized what horrible things Linda and the others had been through, and that her own misery was probably only just beginning. A little desperate, Sandra resigned herself to the fact that Fred and Jeff were thrusting in and out of her, humiliating her but reducing the physical pain somewhat.

Being forced to have oral and anal sex with her enemy made the rigid Sandra feel nothing but humiliation and little pleasure.

She felt the rods inside her two bodies getting hotter and hotter, and suddenly a stream of fishy hot liquid shot into her mouth and Sandra almost vomited. Jeff pulled his rod out of Sandra’s mouth and shot any remaining cum all over her face and then covered Sandra’s nose. Sandra couldn’t catch her breath and just as she breathed through her mouth, she felt the disgusting liquid run down her throat and she immediately coughed up her staff sadly, choking out the spit and cum to form a white liquid that ran down her thin white neck along with the cum on her face. Fred also shot his own cum into Sandra, and Sandra had just felt relief in her stretched and uncomfortable anus when Alex, the traitor, roughly took over the poor pussy in front of her again. Helpless and humiliated, Sandra could only begin to wriggle in agony again as Alex raped her.

Fred came to Sandra and lifted her cum and tear stained face and said, “How’s that? My stubborn heroine! Doesn’t that feel good? You slutty bitch, look at you now, you’re so ugly!”

Sandra also knew that she must look very ugly, but she still couldn’t stand being insulted by her enemy like that.

She was trembling and whimpering as she said, “Asshole! Oh, you guys, ah! Aaah… you’re just torturing women! You, you, you, you!”

Alex thrust into Sandra’s pussy as hard as he could, each time going straight to the core of the flower, making her unable to speak clearly, only moaning and whimpering intermittently. He shot his cum into Sandra again.

The female commander who had been raped by the three guys was helplessly kneeling on the ground, the white murky liquid flowing out along a wretched pussy, her naked plump flesh trembling gently, and a sad weak moan escaping from her cum-sticky mouth.

Fred said to Leo, “Leo, it’s your turn to clean up this Defense Force bitch! Let this bitch taste the taste of a giant! Hahaha!”

The giant, who had long ago been unable to resist, excitedly came over and intercepted Sandra on her knees and picked her up, Leo looked around like a bear that had caught its prey and sat down on his ass. He had both of his thick arms speared around Sandra’s waist and held her up about to press down on his big meaty rod!

Sandra, with her hands and feet together and an iron bar tied between her ankles to keep her legs apart, was being held up by Leo as if she were squatting to relieve herself in an unsightly manner. She looked down and saw the big horrible rod under her ass and couldn’t help but shriek and struggle desperately, but with her hands and feet tied and Leo’s strength, Sandra’s pathetic struggles didn’t work at all. She felt the horrible rod push into her cunt and a huge stinging sensation caused the helpless woman to almost pass out, screams of pain came out of her mouth.

Leo lifted Sandra and moved her naked flesh up and down, letting his thick, long rod move painfully in and out of her cunt. The abused Sandra felt her body being penetrated over and over again, the pain along with the humiliation kept hitting her brain, causing the strong female commander to begin to feel despair.

As Fred and the others looked on from the front, Sandra’s plump, healthy body was tied up in a ball and held up in the air by Leo, the thick rod moving savagely in and out of the red, swollen, bleeding cunt, and the soft globes of flesh on Sandra’s breasts bouncing up and down in response to the raping, making the warrior woman look so weak and powerless.

Leo let an ugly growl escape his lips as he excitedly abused the captive woman, his powerful thrusts continuing for quite a while before he ejaculated inside Sandra’s body.

The satisfied giant released the semi-conscious Commanderess from her body and Sandra collapsed limply to the floor, her sanity on the verge of collapse. Jeff grinned as he lifted her to her feet, undid the iron bars binding her feet and held the bound Sandra so that she was on her knees again saying, “Bitch, the show’s not over yet, you’ll have to hold on a bit longer!”

Sandra was no longer in a position to resist, and in a daze she felt a rubber tube inserted into her aching anus, and a cold liquid was poured in. She hadn’t experienced it before, but still immediately understood that these cruel guys were going to give her an enema! Sandra immediately screamed and desperately wiggled her ass against them with every last bit of energy she had.

Jeff held Sandra’s body down in a death grip while Alex peeled Sandra’s fat ass back hard, filling the miserable woman’s rectum with a steady stream of enema liquid.

Alex poured the full can of liquid into Sandra, and seeing Sandra’s abused anus contracting and sweat oozing from her snowy white fat ass, he cruelly brought a rubber plug and shoved it into Sandra’s asshole in one go: “Bitch, you’re going to get a good taste of getting your ass washed!” All of them laughed out loud.

Jeff released his hold on Sandra’s body and watched as the agonized Commanderess writhed hard on her knees, wrestling with the embarrassing and humiliating sensations inside her.

Sandra felt a rush of heat and rising in her belly, and the intense urge to poop caused the strong woman to cry out. She wailed and cried as she twisted her tortured body around.

Jeff brought another lit candle and crouched down next to Sandra and laughed, “Stubborn bitch, are you begging us? Hmph! Let’s see how long you can take it!”

He raised the candle in his hand above Sandra’s ass and dropped a drop of wax oil down! The bright red wax oil immediately blossomed on Sandra’s snowy white, fat ass, and an unbearably hot sensation came over the struggling Sandra, who wailed loudly and shivered her puckered ass.

Jeff cruelly dripped wax oil continuously around Sandra’s humiliated anus, each stroke causing the female Commander to shudder in agony, her snow-white ass with a black plug in her asshole, her fleshy mound covered in bright red wax oil, and with the addition of the glistening sweat making a strange and lascivious picture.

Sandra felt her stuffed anus contracting as fast as she could control it, and a burning sensation hit her ass, along with the shame of being abused by her enemy, and she finally couldn’t hold on any longer, whimpering and pleading.

“Ah, I can’t, I, I, ah! Get off of me! Ooooohhhh, I’m going to die, ah! Aah!”

Sandra twisted her body on her knees shaking violently, shaking her abused ass and screaming like she was going crazy.

Fred, seeing that Sandra was indeed out of it, signaled Jeff to pull out the plug in Sandra’s anus.

Sandra felt a wave of relaxation go through her body, shame no longer in her crumbling consciousness, and she let out a shrill wail as brown feces gushed out of her asshole!

Fred and the others laughed and watched as the enemaed warrior woman spewed feces all over her plump ass and thighs.

Sandra, for her part, felt as if her entire body had collapsed as if she had been deflated and fell limply onto her side. Sandra’s bound and naked body convulsed out of control as a stream of feces spewed out of her ass dripping with bright red wax oil. The heroine let out a long moan as her twisted flesh went limp and passed out in her own feces.

In a daze, Sandra felt someone talking beside her, and with difficulty she opened her eyes, immediately realizing her miserable situation: Sandra was naked and tied face down to a table, her hands were tied with a length of rope close to the sides of her body, and her legs were folded, her thighs and calves tied together with rope; the length of the table ran from her shoulders to her pubic bone, so that Sandra’s legs and head dangled outside of the table. outside the table.

Sandra was just about to scream when she suddenly felt so much sticky liquid coming out of her mouth, which turned out to be the man’s semen! At the same time her lower body was burning hot and aching. Sandra immediately realized that she had been raped by an unknown number of enemies while tied to the table in her unconsciousness! The cum in her mouth made her feel so sick that Sandra vomited.

Immediately Sandra felt her hair being grabbed and her head pulled up. A vicious crew member stood in front of Sandra, he grabbed Sandra’s hair with one hand, pinched her nose with the other and said viciously, “Stinking bitch! Drink this!”

Sandra’s body was bound so tightly that she couldn’t even wriggle. She gasped with difficulty, disgusting fluids flowing into her stomach as she did so.

All around stood the crew of Fred’s battleship, looking excitedly and cruelly at the bound woman commander. The crew remembered vividly that it was the naked and bound woman before them who had led the Hurians in their attack, and the way Sandra had fought so valiantly that day made them fearful at the thought of it; and the fact that this valiant warrior woman was now helplessly naked and bound before her own eyes gave these crew members a strong sense of excitement and revenge!

Sandra’s naked and voluptuous flesh was stained with sweat and semen; the crew had raped the captive woman countless times while she was unconscious, and they still didn’t feel completely satisfied. Seeing this fearsome female rival awaken, they immediately began another round of revenge.

Sandra felt a guy spread her legs from behind, she struggled to bring her bound legs together, but her body was so weak now that her feeble resistance was immediately defeated by the rude crew as a thick hard rod stabbed into her aching cunt.

Sandra was just about to scream when her mouth was occupied by another rod as well, the rod that pushed right up to her throat made it hard for Sandra to breathe, her head was gripped tightly by the crew and she was left to be roughly raped by her enemy.

Soon another stream of fishy hot liquid shot into Sandra’s mouth as the crewman skillfully withdrew his rod to pinch Sandra’s nose and hold up her face. Sandra whimpered in agony and helplessly swallowed her foe’s cum while feeling a stream of fluid being shot into her cunt.

The crew member who had just raped Sandra’s pussy watched the white liquid flow out along Sandra’s red, swollen flesh and viciously cursed, “Stinking bitch! Your pussy is so loose, it doesn’t make me feel good at all!”

Sandra knew that her vagina had become so loose and sore from the number of times she had been raped; Sandra wept with humiliation as she listened to the guy who had raped her and abused her in such a nasty way. Soon Sandra felt her ass being peeled open by two large hands and a rod pushed into her anus! At the same time another rod of her enemy’s meat was inserted into her own mouth, and both guys jerked rapidly at the same time!

Completely desperate, Sandra numbly allowed herself to be savagely raped by her rude foe. A stream of hot and disgusting liquid flowed into her body and Sandra felt her stomach, womb and rectum fill with her enemy’s semen, her body had become a complete receptacle for it. While raping Sandra the enemy continued to scratch roughly at her plump, fleshy ass and thighs, leaving numerous brutal handprints all over Sandra’s body.

Not knowing how much time had passed or how much of her body had been raped by her enemies, all Sandra could feel was that her cunt and anus were completely unconscious, while all around her the enemies were still laughing with abandon as they brutally lashed out on the bound Commanderess.

At that moment, Fred walked in with Jeff and the others. Fred signaled his men to stop, came in front of Sandra, lifted Sandra’s face by her hair, and looked at the dying her: the female commander who had pursued him so hard had now been raped and abused by his own men to the point that she was in a state of disrepair, and her emaciated face was stained with sweat, tears, and the crew’s cum, and this sticky and disgusting liquid flowed down the corners of Sandra’s mouth and neck; her healthy and mature body had lost its former beauty because of the brutal torture; in addition, her pussy and anus were red and swollen and flabby because of excessive rape, and her buttocks and ass were bruised and battered. Her healthy and mature flesh had lost its former beauty due to the cruel torture, and together with her red, swollen and flaccid pussy and anus, bruised buttocks and thighs due to the excessive raping, the whole of her had completely become an instrument for people to vent their beastly desires, and she had completely lost the elegance and temperament of the valiant and resolute female officer at the beginning.

Fred now saw that his most feared rival had been captured and brutally tortured like this by himself, plus he had gotten enough lanthanum crystals to return to the ship, the grief of losing his teacher had been gradually eliminated, and his mood was also better. He stared at Sandra and said.

“Well? Defense Force pussy! You’ve had enough of men now, haven’t you? Hahaha… Bitch, are you still waiting for your stupid companions to come and rescue you? Let me tell you, I’m waiting for them too! As soon as they come here, I’m going to wipe you all out and bring you back to Bristol for my men to play with! Stinky bitch, you’d better die and obediently be our slave girl! Hahaha!”

Sandra gasped heavily, listening to Fred’s words, she knew that her fate could no longer be grasped by herself: Linda and the others would surely come to their rescue, and Fred must have set a trap waiting for Linda and the others, if Linda and the others failed, then the fate of herself and her companions would surely be extremely miserable, and Fred, the villain, would surely torment herself and her companions even more cruelly. Sandra had fought in dangerous environments for so many years, for the first time she truly felt fear and despair, physically and mentally traumatized she no longer had the strength to speak, only tears of sorrow and humiliation flowed silently.

Seeing that the strong woman was completely broken, Fred was satisfied and said to his men, “Give the bitch a break, don’t kill her! Keep an eye on her!”

With that said, Fred led his men out of the room.

While Sandra was being brutally abused by the Brontosaurus gang, “Athena” was immersed in sorrow: Ao Ishihara was already dying when she was brought back, and Yoko Hashimoto couldn’t bring the poor girl back from death by all means; due to the horrible tortures inflicted on her and the poison in the venom of the monster “Popono”, a once beautiful and healthy life had been irrevocably lost. Due to the horrible torture, and the fact that the toxins in the venom of the monster “Bobono” had penetrated into all parts of Ao Ishihara’s body, a once beautiful and healthy life died irrevocably, and Ao Ishihara was not even able to take a look at her companions before her death.

Sandra had paid a great sacrifice but had not been able to save Ao Ishihara, and all the girls of the Violet Group cried bitterly, both for the dead Ao and for the captain who had fallen into the hands of the enemy.

After a while, Linda stopped crying and asked Gao Ying, “Gao Ying, what should we do?”

Gao Ying shook her head sadly: “Linda, I don’t know what to do now! Sandra… she… she…”

Needless to say, everyone knew what Sandra’s fate was today! They had all fallen into the hands of those thugs from Thunder Dragon, and they had all been subjected to that horrible and brutal abuse, which made these otherwise valiant and fearless female warriors tremble with fear at the very thought of it.

Linda thought about it for a long time and finally mustered up the courage to say, “We can’t just watch and lose our captain again! We have to get Sandra out of there!”

Julia looked at Linda and said slowly, “Linda, we are now at a disadvantage, can we be a match for Fred and the others?”

Linda looked at her companions who were already somewhat intimidated by Fred and said decisively, “Julia! You and the Doctor stay behind and guard ‘Athena’. Gao Ying and I will lead the men to rescue Sandra! If we’re not back by dawn tomorrow, you mustn’t wait any longer and return with the Doctor in the ‘Athena’ to tell HQ…”

Linda couldn’t help but shed tears as she spoke. Her own decision had pushed her onto an incredibly dangerous path, and once she failed, her fate would be incredibly tragic, she choked and glanced at Gao Ying. Gao Ying’s chest rose and fell violently as he said to Linda: ”Linda, I will fight with you! We can definitely defeat Fred and the others!”

Linda forced a smile and said to Julia, “Julia! It’s decided! We’ll leave at nightfall, you must guard ‘Athena’ well!”

Chapter 13: The Fall of Athena

In the silence of the night, two space shuttles flew out of the purple Athena into the blackness of the night.

Behind a mountain not far from Athena, a group of guys in combat uniforms were lying on the ground, and when they saw the shuttle flying away, one of them said: “Alex, you’ve got it right again! These girls really went to save that bitch! Haha, looks like they can’t escape from us!”

In the night, the man next to him turned his face, and it was the cunning and sinister former intelligence officer of the Defense Force, Alex Hocker. Hawk. He smiled slightly and said, “It’s wonderful that the Defense Force sent these women to hunt down Fred, Jeff! Let’s go!”

Jeff, Alex, and Leo quietly ran towards Athena with Thunder Dragon’s men!

Julia and Yoko Hashimoto sent off Linda and the others and sat worriedly in the command room. Julia said, “Yoko, this time you came with us to hunt down Fred, but it’s been hard on you!”

Hashimoto Yoko red eyes, weak female doctor at this time in the heart of thought is if I still stay on earth to continue to engage in their own research how good! Not only do not have to worry about fear and will not be bullied and insulted by those thugs, and now the future of myself and Sandra and the girls is uncertain, whether they can go back safely is not sure, Yoko heart a burst of sour, aggrieved and afraid of the tears flowed out.

When Julia saw Yoko crying, she was about to comfort her when she suddenly heard a commotion on the bottom of the battleship, and a soldier hurriedly ran and said, “Captain Julia, it’s not good! A group of people who seem to be brontosaurus have rushed into the battleship!”

Julia and Yoko Hashimoto immediately jumped in shock! Julia grabbed the gun at her side and said to Yoko, “Yoko! You stay here, I’ll go down!”

She just ran a few steps, then looked back at the panicked female doctor and threw the gun in her hand to Yoko Hashimoto: “Doctor! Take it! Be careful!”

Yoko Hashimoto took the weapon she almost never used, and an extremely terrifying feeling of fear caused her body to shake as she watched in disbelief as Julia stormed out of the command room.

The underbelly of “Athena” has been plunged into a fierce and bloody massacre.

The girl from Violet’s group had underestimated the Thunder Dragon gang; Jeff was a natural fighter and commander, and he led an easy assault on the massive battleship.

There were flying battle axes and jets of fire everywhere, corpses and limbs could be seen everywhere, and the thick smell of blood filled the battleship.

Leo roared and scrabbled like a demon as the Wehrmacht soldiers fell before him in pieces.

Next to him were Jeff and Leilong’s men, Alex was half-kneeling behind him like a cunning hunter, the sniper rifle in his hand accurately firing at the Defense Force soldiers in front of him. Julia immediately felt an ominous and fearful feeling at the sight, and she struggled to command her soldiers to counterattack.

Julia was an excellent shooter, she aimed at the enemy from behind the crowd just like Alex, and one by one the brontosaurus thugs fell under Julia’s gun. But Jeff and Leo were too brave, Julia and the soldiers couldn’t resist head on, they only fought and retreated, being forced up to the second floor by Jeff and the others.

Gradually, Julia found herself surrounded by fewer and fewer soldiers, and the second floor could not be defended, so Julia had no choice but to retreat to the last floor.

The shouts and screams outside made Yoko Hashimoto’s heart skip a beat in the command room, her hands were covered in sweat as she gripped her gun tightly, and her legs shivered uncontrollably. Seeing that she was still wearing her suit and skirt, the female doctor looked around and didn’t see any combat clothes to change into. She was thinking nervously when suddenly the door to the command room slammed open!

Yoko Hashimoto screamed in terror, only to see Leo rush in with his blood-dripping battle axe raised!

Leo rushed into the command room and looked around: only the beautiful female doctor stood trembling in the room with a gun. The giant immediately became excited and dropped his battle axe as if he had seen his prey and lunged at the panicked woman!

Yoko screamed and subconsciously snapped the gun in her hand when she saw the lanky giant lunging towards her. With a sharp gunshot, the lunging giant’s body swayed, and blood flowed from his belly.

Leo didn’t realize that this seemingly weak woman could shoot, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen and looked down as blood flowed from the wound! He roared wildly like a wounded beast and punched at Yoko Hashimoto!

Yoko saw that she had shot Leo, and just as she was about to run she felt a blackness in her eyes, and a great force washed her body out of the room, landing heavily on the ground, and the gun in her hand fell to the side.

Seeing that the female doctor had been knocked down by his own punch, Leo groggily ripped a piece of cloth from himself and wrapped it tightly around his injured abdomen, taking a step towards the fallen woman.

Yoko Hashimoto fell to the ground, feeling her head “buzzing” and seeing stars in front of her eyes. She screamed in terror as she watched the terrifying giant walk towards her, and turned around to get up to grab the gun she had left at her side.

With a sardonic grin, Leo bent down and grabbed Yoko’s rounded calf yanking the woman down who was about to run towards the gun on the ground! The female doctor felt her calf grabbed and all of a sudden she was yanked face down to the ground. She was so scared she was about to pass out and desperately crawled towards the gun despite the fact that her leg was still gripped.

Leo grabbed the female doctor’s calves and watched as the terrified woman crawled futilely forward, and from behind, Yoko Hashimoto’s plump, fleshy ass curved under her panties in her short skirt. Leo became even more aroused as he yanked on Yoko’s legs and dragged the sprawled woman backwards.

Yoko Hashimoto screamed, her hands digging into the smooth floor in desperation, her long, sexy legs kicking and stomping about.

Leo then excitedly rolled the struggling woman over, his heavy body pressing down. The female doctor could barely breathe as she was crushed by Leo, and she pushed wildly with her hands as she felt a large, hot mouth press up against her! Yoko Hashimoto was scared and ashamed, and her hands clawed down hard towards Leo’s face! Leo let out a strangled yelp as his face was scratched in blood by Yoko, and he grabbed the woman’s hair in annoyance, knocking her head hard to the ground.

Yoko Hashimoto screamed miserably, felt her eyes go black, and fainted in a daze.

Leo saw the warm body beneath him go soft, Yoko was no longer moving. He stood up and walked over to a table, and with a big swing of his hand, he peeled everything off the table and onto the floor. Then he turned back to the table and picked up the unconscious female doctor from the floor and carried her to the table.

Leo looked at the beautiful woman who was limp on the table and smiled heatedly as he yanked Yoko’s body, draping both of her beautiful legs under the table before lifting Yoko’s hands above her head and tying them haphazardly with a nearby telephone cord.

Yoko Hashimoto, who was being manipulated by Leo, woke up in a ghostly manner, saw the leering face of the giant, and immediately screamed and struggled again. Leo grabbed Yoko’s bound hands tightly with one hand, and with a forceful tear with the other hand, Yoko Hashimoto’s blouse and the bra inside were torn, and two plump and beautiful meatballs fell out heavily from her chest.

Leo continued ripping again, yanking off the torn dress and bra, leaving all of Yoko Hashimoto’s ripe, voluptuous upper body exposed.

Yoko Hashimoto trembled in shock, screaming and twisting her beautiful body around, her legs kicking about. Leo was even more excited to see the woman he had captured still struggling. He stood between the woman’s legs and with his empty hand grabbed Yoko’s short skirt and yanked on it, the shattered skirt falling off, revealing the panties and pantyhose wrapped around her sexy ass and thighs inside.

Yoko screamed in desperation, “Julia! Help! Julia!”

Leo heatedly laughed: “I’m afraid that your companion can’t even save himself nowadays, and he’s still saving you?” With that, he tore his pantyhose and pulled off his underwear.

The ripe, tantalizing flesh of the female doctor was now completely naked in front of the terrifying giant. Knowing that she could not escape being raped again, Yoko wriggled her plump body in despair and cried.

As her body twisted and turned, the plump mass of flesh on the woman’s chest quivered, and Leo excitedly pressed his hot mouth up and licked haphazardly over the snow-white flesh.

Yoko Hashimoto felt her breasts being licked by the rude Leo, numbing and tickling. Her head went blank and she subconsciously closed her eyes and moaned softly. Suddenly, the female doctor felt a pain in her lower pussy as something thick and hard reached in! She opened her eyes to see that Leo’s thick rod was pumping in and out of her little meat hole, the rod that was almost as thick as her own little arm was holding up Yoko’s pussy as if it was going to split open, the pain was unbearable. Yoko Hashimoto was scared and shocked, wailing loudly and shaking her body desperately.

Leo didn’t care about the woman’s death, just focusing on pumping his thick dick as hard as he could, Yoko’s warm and tight pussy wrapped around his rod making the giant comfortable. Gradually, the female doctor’s body seemed to adapt to this terrible big guy, an unspeakable feeling of fullness surged up. Yoko’s consciousness was already confused, her shame gradually dispersed by the pleasure that kept coming, her naked flesh writhing, and her wails of pain turning into slurred whimpers and moans. After a while, the female doctor felt a hot liquid shoot into her, and she closed her eyes as her roughly possessed snow-white flesh shook twice and went limp.

Yoko Hashimoto lay limply on the table, gasping for breath, tears of sorrow streaming down from her tightly closed eyes. Suddenly, she felt something hard and cold reach into her recently humiliated pussy, and Yoko opened her eyes to see: Leo was grinning and holding the gun he had just dropped on the floor, the barrel of which was already sticking into her flesh!

Yoko Hashimoto screamed in fear: “Ah! Don’t! Give me a break! Aah! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! Help!” Thinking Leo was going to kill her, she struggled for her life, crying and begging Leo to let her go.

Leo hemmed and hawed, full of the barrel of the gun into the female doctor’s vagina, and said, “Stinking bitch! How dare you shoot me? Heh heh heh heh…”

The cold, hard barrel of the gun was inserted into the warm and tender vagina, the taste was really horrible and uncomfortable, Yoko shivered uncontrollably and almost fainted, she couldn’t stop pleading. Suddenly, Leo’s mouth mimicked the sound of a gunshot “bang”! The terrified female doctor thought that the cruel giant had really fired a gun inside her, and let out a shrill scream as she passed out.

Julia watched as almost all of her soldiers fell, and she retreated to a room in a panic.

Jeff and Alex were relieved to see that their opponents had almost all been eliminated and followed Julia to the door of the room.

The two men hid on either side of the door in fear of Julia’s gun. Jeff pushed the door open at once and quickly dodged back. Immediately a volley of bullets shot through the door!

Alex blinked and shouted at the door, “Ms. Julia! You are finished! You’d better surrender! Or we’ll catch you and you’ll suffer!”

Julia hid behind a table in the door, her heart was scared. She knew that Linda and the others wouldn’t come back so soon, if she resisted like this, sooner or later she would be caught by the enemy, and at that time, she would inevitably be humiliated by them again. Thinking of the torture and humiliation she suffered when she fell into the hands of Fred and his gang, Julia shivered uncontrollably, and the cruelty of Fred and his gang made these brave female warriors feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

Just then, Julia jerked her head and saw a dark blur fly in! Without hesitation, she fired! A string of blood splattered from the thing, and Julia took a closer look, it was the body of a dead Defense Force soldier. Suddenly, another dark figure flew in, and Julia fired another string of bullets at another body. She was in a state of panic when Jeff and Alex had leapt in!

Jeff didn’t wait for Julia to turn the gun again, but already kicked! Julia shrieked in surprise as the gun in her hand flew away from Jeff’s kick! She leapt backward, and just as she landed, she felt something hard against her rear end. Alex’s sinister voice sounded behind Julia: “Ms. Julia, hands up!”

Julia was stunned and subconsciously raised her hands. Jeff laughed and came from her front, waving his hand and slapping Julia hard across the face twice! Blood ran down the corner of Julia’s mouth. Jeff said, “Bitch! How dare you resist? I’m going to kick your ass!”

A pang ran through Julia’s heart, she had ended up in the hands of these thugs again after all. She stared stubbornly at Jeff, not saying a word.

Alex was behind Julia, slowly lowering the gun and grabbing Julia’s arm and twisting it behind her back.

Jeff punched down hard toward Julia’s soft belly!

Julia let out a scream, bent over and vomited. Jeff grabbed Julia’s blonde hair and lifted her face, tears were already flowing out of Julia’s big beautiful eyes. Seeing Julia’s plump chest rising and falling violently, Jeff fiercely reached out and tore Julia’s upper body clothes, and her full white breasts were exposed!

Julia’s body shook as she looked up in pain and cursed, “Bastard! You, you guys are despicable! Shameless!”

Jeff laughed and said, “Despicable? Shameless? Bitch! Have you forgotten how shameless you were on our ship? Hey, hey, you’d better continue to be your bitch!”

Said, his hands in Julia body a burst of tearing and pulling, will Julia has been soaked in sweat clothes all torn and ripped off! Julia tried her best to resist, but her hands were twisted behind her back by Alex, and she was still stripped naked by Jeff, standing naked in front of the two guys.

Jeff looked around, picked up all the weapons and guns in the room, threw them out of the room, and closed the door. Alex smiled and let go, saying, “Ms. Julia, now you’re free! Fight with us? Aren’t all the women in the Violet Group very powerful? Defeat us two criminals, and you’ll be able to take credit for it! Ha ha ha!”

Jeff laughed along with him.

The unarmed and naked Julia was shaking with anger as she shamefully clutched her shoulders and cursed, “Bastard! You, you, you are so despicable!” Julia subconsciously clenched her long and well-proportioned legs, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

The sight of the beautiful naked body of the warrior woman shivering in fear and shame aroused Jeff and Alex. Jeff walked up to Julia and smiled lewdly as he reached out to fondle her ample breasts. Julia waved her hand in disgust and pushed Jeff back, slowly falling backward and slamming into Alex behind her. Alex fiercely embraced Julia, dirty to Julia’s white neck kiss, said: “beauty, let me to hurt you!”

Julia screamed and broke free, turning to run. Jeff caught up with him and yanked on Julia’s arm, grabbing him back. Julia screamed again and she pushed Jeff away as hard as she could, only to be grabbed by Alex again.

In this way the poor girl ran around the room naked and desperate, continually being seized and wrenched free by the two cruel fellows, like a lamb in the jaws of a tiger, helpless and miserable.

Jeff and Alex were in no hurry to rape poor Julia, but toyed with her like a cat that had caught a mouse. The stripped naked warrior woman was at the moment no different from an ordinary weak woman, only struggling in vain with fear and shame.

After half a day, Jeff and Alex had had enough, and Julia could not run any longer, drenched in sweat and gasping for breath, she was exhausted. Jeff easily grabbed Julia, and this time Julia couldn’t break free, she screamed loudly, knowing the worst was about to happen.

Jeff pushed the naked warrior woman to the floor in one fluid motion and pounced with a strange cry! Julia had no strength left, she screamed and struggled weakly, her arms and legs clawing and kicking.

Alex came over and held Julia’s hands down. A stinging pain came from her lower body and Julia knew that she had been roughly raped by her enemies again. Thinking that next she would have to face those evil machines and beast-like men again, to be raped and toyed with endlessly by them, Julia completely lost her courage to resist, gave up struggling, and motionlessly allowed Jeff to roughly ravage her beautiful flesh, tears of despair and sorrow flowing uncontrollably down her face.

Jeff and Alex took turns to finish venting their animalistic desire on Julia who was already like a dead person, and stood up with satisfaction. At this moment, Julia’s naked and plump body is full of traces of being abused, the delicate little pussy is surrounded by a mess, stained with their semen, eyes closed and sobbing, the appearance is very pitiful.

Alex rolled Julia’s body over and twisted her hands behind her back and tied them tightly. Julia was weak from their ravishment and at Alex’s mercy.

After tying up Julia, Alex said to Jeff, “Jeff, there’s no problem here anymore! You hurry to go to your Hurman friend!”

Linda and Gao Ying piloted the shuttle to the foot of the crater next to Fred’s battleship, where the scrawny Hurman leader, Old Hans, was already waiting with the remnants of his men. After several battles, Old Hans’s men had suffered many casualties, and coupled with the fact that his rival, Russel, had regained his power with Fred’s support, Old Hans and his men were now demoralized.

Seeing that all had arrived, Linda, together with Gao Ying, led the not so many Defense Force soldiers and those of the Hulls in an attack like their enemies with a sense of sadness and determination.

Fred’s ship was currently engaged in an organized resistance, and unlike Jeff’s surprise attack on Athena, Linda and the others were paying a huge price for every step they took. Linda felt that Fred was well prepared, and a sense of foreboding that she had fallen into a trap gripped her.

After huge casualties, the men led by Linda occupied the bottom of Fred’s battleship. She and Gao Ying briefly discussed the situation and decided to fight a quick battle and leave as soon as possible after rescuing Sandra, at present they were no longer strong enough to fight Fred head on. Linda instructed Old Hans to lead the Hurians to pester the Thunder Dragon’s crew, while herself and Gao Ying led a few soldiers to rush up to the upper deck of the battleship.

Standing in the empty upper corridor of the battleship, Linda and Gao Ying had an indescribable feeling welling up in their hearts.

This place was very familiar to both of them, they had been captured by the enemy, in this corridor and the rooms on both sides, they experienced terrible abuse: they were stripped naked by the enemy, tortured, raped, and tortured by the cruel machines and vicious tricks designed by them. They are still shivering and their faces are burning when they think about it.

Gao Ying still clearly remembered the room where she and Linda and Julia were held captive, she and Linda opened the door to the room vigilantly, it was empty, the post that had once bound them stood silently in the middle of it, the ropes that were stained with their sweat were thrown about on the floor in a scattered manner, and there were some blurred traces of filth on the floor, showing the brutal atrocities that had once taken place here.

They both exited the room and turned to the door of the dreaded torture chamber at the other end of the corridor. Linda was just about to open the door when a voice they knew and loathed suddenly came from inside: “The door is open, please come in?!”

It was Fred the villain! Gao Ying and Linda’s hearts immediately seized up. They carefully opened the door of the room, and immediately saw the horrible and cruel criminal, Fred leisurely sitting on a chair, those evil machines that had left indelible humiliating memories for both of them had disappeared, and there was only their captain, Sandra, hanging naked in the center of the room: Sandra’s limbs were tied together, and she was naked and hanging on her back, and her plump body was full of marks of cruelty, her pussy and anus were already red, swollen and bleeding, and her emaciated face was full of complicated after seeing both of them. Her plump body was covered with the marks of cruel abuse, her pussy and anus were red, swollen and bleeding from the ravages, and her emaciated face was filled with a complex expression at the sight of the two of them.

Fred had a whip in his hand, and when he saw them, he immediately smiled and swung it at the hanging Sandra, with a muffled “pop”, a terrible bloodstain appeared on Sandra’s chest as her snow-white breasts trembled violently. Sandra’s mouth let out a painful moan. Linda immediately shouted, “Fred, stop it! You’re such an asshole! I’m going to kill you!”

Fred smiled lewdly and said, “Ms. Linda, why are you so mean? Tsk, tsk, tsk! It’s better to be stripped naked and tied up than to be cute, look at your honorable captain, how docile she is now!”

Linda and Gao Ying were ashamed and angry, and the two of them didn’t have time to nag Fred and immediately rushed up!

Fred had once fought with Gao Ying and knew the power of the female warriors of the Violet Team. He restrained his unrestrained smile and fought with the two women. It didn’t take long before Fred felt a bit overwhelmed. Linda and Gao Ying’s grief and anger were vented on Fred, they both hated that they couldn’t simply beat this bad guy to death, and every move was a lethal tactic. Fred was not interested in entangling with the two, he was even afraid of the two people chasing after them, and hurriedly retreated to the corner of the room with a false move, Gao Ying immediately thought of the terrible monster “Bobono”, she hurriedly shouted at Linda: “Linda, be careful! Don’t chase!”

Linda also hurriedly collected her pace, only to see Fred’s hand slap on the wall, the ground under his feet immediately flashed out a black hole, Fred jumped down, his sinister voice came from below : “Hahaha!

Bitch, did you think it would be so easy to save this bitch? Ha ha ha! I’m afraid your battleship has been taken over by Jeff by now! Ohh ha ha…”

Gao Ying had set Sandra down, and Fred’s laughter gave a few women the creeps! There was no sign of Jeff, Alex and the others, could it be that they had really gone to attack their ship? If “Athena” was controlled by these bad guys, then the girls of the Violet Group would really be desperate!

Thinking about this, Linda and the girls were nervous. The two of them picked up the weak Sandra, not daring to stay in this organ-heavy battleship for long, and hurriedly retreated.

The battle on the bottom floor was still going on, and the Hurians were clearly not fighting as well as the well-trained brontosaurus thugs. Linda and the girls hurriedly greeted Old Hans and the Hull men as they exited the battleship. The brontosaurus guys didn’t come out after them, and Fred didn’t seem to care that they had saved Sandra, which in turn made them even more afraid.

Sandra was now clothed, and stood a little wobbly, having just been tortured by her enemies. She said to Linda: “Linda, let’s hurry back to ‘Athena’! Quickly! Julia and the others must be in danger now!”

These people hurried towards the “Athena”. Not far from their beautiful purple warship, you can see that the lights on the ship are all extinguished, a dark ship looks indescribably eerie.

“Oh no!” Gao Ying shouted. Before her voice fell, the largest window on the Athena suddenly lit up, and Alex’s figure appeared on the battleship: “Hahahaha! Foolish woman, your ship is now mine! Let’s see what will happen to your two companions!”

Two naked women were pushed to the window by four guys, Julia and Yoko Hashimoto, who were left behind! They were both tied up backwards and desperately shaking their bodies to struggle, their mouths gagged and making slurred wails.

Linda and the girls almost fainted at the sight.

In the midst of their panic and fear, Athena slowly rose up and flew in the direction of Fred’s ship with Alex’s cocky laugh!

Linda and Gao Ying looked at Sandra in despair and asked, “What should we do? Captain!”

Sandra’s heart was sad, she and her companions were humiliated several times, not to mention that they were finally taken away by the enemy! Seeing the companions fell into the hands of Fred, their own side but want to fight can not, the action of chasing Fred actually ended up like this! She shook her head painfully and said, “Let’s go!”

She glanced at the old Hans and said, “Let’s go to Mr. Hans’ place and take a break before we think about our next plan!”

In sorrow and despair, the party silently followed old Hans toward their final home!

Chapter 14: Ambush

With Team Violet already beaten by Fred, the battleship taken and their companions captured, Sandra and Linda and Gao Ying, with the last remnants of their men and Old Hans’ gang, head toward Old Hans’ town with their heads hung low.

These women are no match for the cunning and cruel Fred, and the vigor with which they pursued him has been dissipated by successive setbacks and the cruelty of their enemies. They have lost both their courage and their sense of humor by fate, and are unaware of the dangers that lie ahead.

The change of the battlefield has made Fred in the upper hand has completely played these women in the palm of his hand, their every move is calculated by him in a clear way. Fred has expected that the desperate women will follow the old Hans to the town of the Hull people, Jeff and Russell have led the men in ambush on the road to the town, waiting for the prey to fall into the net.

In a wooded area, Russel was staring wide-eyed at the approaching Sandra and the others. He had regained his power with Fred’s support, regrouped a group of reckless and ignorant Helmers to serve him, and now Russel was calculating how he could completely destroy the old Hans, and he himself would be able to claim complete dominance on this small, isolated planet.

Next to him was Jeff Jacobson. Jacobson was thinking of the beautiful bodies of the female warriors of the Violet Group, the beautiful prey that made him hot at the thought of it, and a thrill of vengeance rose up in him.

Sandra and the girls were just approaching the woods, when suddenly a group of black shadows rushed out of the woods! They were all startled, and before they could react, a familiar voice rang out: ”Miss Sandra, Miss Linda! We meet again! Do you still want to fight? I advise you to surrender and come with me!”

It was Jeff, this demon’s voice looked so eerie and scary in the dark night that the tired Sandra and the others couldn’t help but feel a little desperate. After a night of hard fighting, Linda and Gao Ying were already almost exhausted, both of them felt tired even walking, let alone fighting these guys again! Not to mention Sandra who had just been rescued, she had already been tortured by Fred and the others for a day, and now her body was still very weak, and she needed Linda and the others to help her to walk.

Seeing that these women had been shocked by himself, Jeff then said: “Those Hur people, you listen! I have no enmity with you, why do you want to die for these women? You go away, or it will be too late to regret!”

The Hull men under Old Hans immediately became confused, although they were brave and loyal, but after all, they also knew the preciousness of life, and they were not willing to die for Sandra and the girls for nothing. But the old Hans did not say anything, these Hull people who did not dare to move.

Seeing that the Hull people had been confused by Jeff, the originally weak Sandra suddenly revitalized her body, as if she had regained her vitality. She whispered to Linda and Gao Ying: “Linda, we only have one way out now, and that is to rush out desperately! We can’t rush together, we have to run separately so that we don’t get wiped out!”

By now, Linda and the girls knew that they were no match for Jeff and the others no matter what. If they hesitated any longer, when Old Hans changed his mind and the Hull people fled first, then it would be impossible for them to break out again! It is necessary to take advantage of the fact that the Hull people haven’t moved yet, and make their own moves to create chaos first, and strive to escape one by one!

Several women suddenly shouted and led the few remaining soldiers to rush in three directions! Gao Ying alertly pulled on old Hans and shouted, “Mr. Hans, hurry up! Don’t hesitate!”

Old Hans had also panicked by now, and was dragged by Gao Ying to run for his life. Seeing that their leader had fled for his life, the Hurians under Old Hans were also in disarray, running in all directions!

Jeff hadn’t expected this to happen, he had expected Sandra and the girls to fight a duel with him. Now that his opponents were in disarray, he had no problem defeating them, but Sandra and the girls were running in three directions, making it very difficult for Jeff. He hurriedly said to Russell: “Russell! You go after old Hans!” After saying that, he hesitated and chased down in Linda’s direction.

Linda ran back in the direction she came from with the two soldiers, and Jeff chased after them, shouting as he did so, “Linda! You bitch! You can’t get away!”

Linda was a little flustered when she saw Jeff himself catching up with her. She had fought fiercely all night and felt very tired, her footsteps were very heavy and she was gradually being overtaken by Jeff. Jeff saw that he was already close to catching up, he knew that Linda could not run out of his hands, and stood down. Jeff took out a pistol, loaded an anesthetic bullet, and aimed it at the redhead in front of him! “With a bang, the running Linda swayed and fell to the ground as Jeff and his men laughed and walked slowly past.

Linda felt herself being hit by bullets and her legs began to go numb. She heard footsteps behind her, and Linda was in a state of panic and despondency, knowing that there was no escape, and that she was going to be captured again by Thunder Dragon’s gang to be subjected to the unbearable and inhumane abuse and destruction. Linda was desperate, she struggled to crawl on the ground and began to cry.

Jeff had walked over to Linda, who was crying and crawling on the ground, and instead of grabbing Linda right away, he followed her around, admiring the look of a warrior woman struggling in desperation. Linda turned sideways to see Jeff standing right beside her with a lecherous grin on his face. She felt her body begin to go numb as well, and she couldn’t even crawl. Linda cocked her head and looked at the evil guy with hateful tear-filled eyes, moaned in pain and slowly slumped to the floor.

Gao Ying pulled Old Hans into a desperate run, and Russel, who was chasing them, was held back by Old Hans’ men, enabling her to escape without incident.

Gao Ying and Old Hans finally escaped back to Old Hans’s town, standing in front of Old Hans’s dilapidated little house, Gao Ying looked back and saw that only a scattering of three or two Hulls had followed him back. Old Hans sat on his butt on the ground, bawling his head off like a gambler who had lost everything. Gao Ying was also very sad, and she was so tired now that she just wanted to be able to sleep comfortably. She pulled old Hans a little and said, “Mr. Hans, is it safe here?” Gao Ying was still worried that the enemy would come after her.

Old Hans slowly stood up, his small eyes suddenly shot out a fierce light: “Safe? This used to be my place! Now you bitches have ruined it! You, you, I’m going to…” he said, and then he pounced on her! He pinned Gao Ying to the ground!

Gao Ying was shocked by the old Hans’s action, she was not prepared for it and was pressed down at once. Gao Ying pushed down the skinny old man who was on top of her, struggled to get up and said: “Old Hans! Are you crazy! What are you doing?”

Old Hans also climbed up and greeted the two men, “Quickly! Catch this bitch for me!” With that, he jumped over and hugged Gao Ying’s legs, and dropped her to the ground again.

Gao Ying kicked her long and well-proportioned legs as hard as she could, but she had almost no energy left in her body now, and she couldn’t break free from the old Hans who was acting like a madman. The two Hull men ran over, grabbed Gao Ying’s hands, and held down her writhing body.

A feeling of despair and ominousness welled up in Gao Ying’s heart, she struggled desperately but could not break free, and screamed: “What are you doing? Let go of me! Old Hans, Mr. Hans! Let go of me!”

Old Hans and the two Hull men lifted the struggling and screaming warrior woman up and headed for the house. Once inside the house, Old Hans and his men dropped Gao Ying hard on the ground! Gao Ying almost fainted from the fall. She struggled to get up and was immediately turned over again by a Hull man who turned her body over and held her down for dear life. This Hull man was so strong that he mounted Gao Ying’s back and grabbed her hands tightly and twisted them around.

Gao Ying twisted her body vigorously, her hands were grabbed and she couldn’t move, she could only shake her plump ass desperately, kicking her legs on the ground, screaming: “Mr. Hans, old Hans! Let go of me! Help!”

Old Hans silently took out a rope and twisted Gao Ying’s grasped wrists together to bind them in death, and then brought her legs together and tied them tightly with rope at the ankles and knees. The guy who was riding on Gao Ying stood up when he saw that she was already tied up.

Gao Ying was now like a fish out of water, face down, hands and feet bound, writhing her sexy body on the ground, screaming in desperation: “Ah! Old Hans! You, you bastard! What do you want? Let me go!”

Old Hans laughed and kicked at Gao Ying’s writhing fat ass, cursing, “Damn bitch!

You’ve caused me so much pain! I’m all fucked up now! I’m going to take care of you bitch! I’m going to take it out on you! “

Gao Ying was terrified, she couldn’t help but plead, “Old Hans, this, this is all Fred’s fault! How can you blame us? Please let me go! Please let me go! OOOOOOOO…” Gao Ying cried out in fear.

Old Hans said viciously, “If you hadn’t broken into our place, if you hadn’t lied to me and used us to sell your lives! How did I get to this point? Fucking bitch! You shut up!”

After he finished speaking, he ignored Gao Ying’s bitter pleas and ordered his men, “Carry her to the basement! Let’s have some fun with this bitch!”

The two Hull men carried the bound warrior woman down into that horrible basement and left Gao Ying on the cold, wet floor. Gao Ying couldn’t help but tremble with fear when she saw the horrible ropes, shackles, whips, and other implements used to abuse women all around the basement. She knew that these barbaric Hulls were about to use these things to abuse and torment her, so she couldn’t help but cry out loudly: “Spare me! Old Hans, please spare me! You, you can’t do this to me! Let me go!”

Old Hans viciously ordered his men, “Strip this bitch naked!”

The two Hull men immediately laughed and pounced over, roughly tearing at Gao Ying’s uniform, ripping it to shreds and stripping it off of her, and the bra and panties inside were also torn off! Gao Ying’s wonderfully plump flesh was completely naked, exposed without a stitch in front of the savage Hurians! She wailed in despair, her tightly bound body writhing and struggling in the dark and damp basement.

Old Hans took a whip and cursed viciously, “Bitch! You hurt me! I’ll kill you!”

He wielded the leather whip and lashed Gao Ying’s naked body, the whip left a striking blood mark on Gao Ying’s plump ass and snow-white back. Gao Ying’s naked body trembled, rolled and struggled in pain under the whip’s abuse. She kept crying and screaming.

Defeated by Fred and brutally tortured at the hands of the rude Hull man, Gao Ying had broken down, not caring about her nakedness, she cried and begged the crazy old Hans: “Spare me, Mr. Hans!

Ahh! No, ah! Help! Oooh… Hans, sir, don’t hit me! Spare me… ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh…”

The cold and haughty female intelligence officer had been mercilessly tortured and humiliated by the tyrannical Hurians, and with the added blow of being utterly defeated by Fred, her spirit couldn’t take it anymore, and she completely succumbed.

Old Hans laughed as he stopped the torture and said to Gao Ying, “What? Bitch! Can’t take it anymore?

Hmph, then I’ll spare you! But you’re at my mercy, or else…” he said, pointing to the horrible instruments of torture around him, “I’ll use them all to punish you! That red-haired girl of yours was beaten to death by me, but in the end, she was still at my mercy! If you don’t listen, I’ll play with you first, and then give it to your opponents. “

Gao Ying’s heart jumped in fear as she peeked at those strange and horrible instruments of torture, and remembering the horrible encounter on Fred’s battleship, her snow-white body shook unceasingly as she shivered, saying, “I… I… Mr. Hans, I… I’ll do as you say, so please spare me! Don’t give me to Fred…” She fell to the ground and cried again.

Old Hans proudly asked his men to untie the ropes from Gao Ying’s body, Gao Ying’s hands and feet were untied, but her already tired body was even more powerless after so much torture, and she was still lying limply on the ground, sobbing in a low voice.

Old Hans looked at the beautiful woman in the dark basement on the wet ground lying miserably, snow-white and plump flesh slightly trembling, round buttocks and long legs, there are many red and swollen whip marks, the pain and shame of the woman also kept crying, full of lewd and charming atmosphere. He shouted at Gao Ying: “Bitch! Crawl up!”

Gao Ying had absolutely no thoughts of resisting any further, being abused by Fred and the others and being toyed with by these Hurians made little difference to the dead-hearted warrior woman, and she knew she was not going to escape her fate anyway. She slowly got up from the ground.

Old Hans: “Bitch! Get down on your knees! Put your hands behind your back!”

Gao Ying knew that they were going to tie herself up and humiliate her again, and although she felt ashamed, she was afraid that resisting would cause her to suffer even more, so she obediently knelt down and put her hands behind her back. Old Hans had his men bring a pair of shackles from the wall, a pair of leather handcuffs and leg irons, connected in the center by a not-too-long chain. A Hur man took these shackles behind Gao Ying and put them on her beautiful wrists and ankles.

Gao Ying was numbly put into the torture device, knowing that this was the end of her for good. The length of the chain between the handcuffs and shackles made it so that Gao Ying could only kneel instead of standing up straight, and she began to sob again as she wore the humiliating shackles.

Old Hans walked over to a chair and sat down, he pulled down his pants and pointed to his crotch and said, “Bitch, come here! Suck my dick!”

Gao Ying immediately blushed in shame when she heard that Old Hans wanted her to suck his dick. She couldn’t stand up and hesitated not knowing what to do. A Hull man immediately swung his whip down! Gao Ying let out a scream and a bloodstain appeared on her smooth back. The Hurman who whipped Gao Ying cursed, “Bitch, what are you waiting for? Get over there!”

Gao Ying had no choice but to kneel and slowly move her knees, rubbing a little bit in front of the old Hans. She put her hands behind her back, and as she moved, the two soft, snow-white meatballs in front of her chest swayed, which was very tantalizing.

Old Hans saw Gao Ying rubbing up against him and drank: “Hurry! Bitch, if you blow me, you’re going to have a hard time!”

Gao Ying was already so ashamed that she was about to faint, she sadly lowered her head and swallowed Old Hans big meat stick into her small mouth. A bad odor rushed up and Gao Ying almost vomited. She took Old Hans’s thick and long dick in her mouth and sucked on it with her flavorful soft tongue and sexy lips. Old Hans felt so comfortable that he closed his eyes in satisfaction, enjoying the service of the naked and beautiful female officer at his crotch.

Those two Hull guys couldn’t help themselves, they came and squatted down beside Gao Ying. One guy roughly kneaded the two plump meatballs on Gao Ying’s chest with his big rough hands, while the other one got down behind Gao Ying’s buttocks and used his fingers to wantonly play with the two tantalizing little nubs in her full-fleshed slit.

Gao Ying had a thick rod in her mouth, and her breasts and secret pussy and asshole were being played with by the Hulls. She felt very ashamed at first, but gradually began to feel a wonderful pleasure from the rough play. Gao Ying felt that her body started to burn, her breasts burst with pain, and her tiny nipples hardened; both of her pussies underneath her body started to get hot, and especially in her front pussy, not only did it start to get hot, but some shameful liquid flowed out. Gao Ying was unable to speak, and while sucking on Old Hans’ rod, she let out a blurred “oooooh”.

sound, saliva running down the corners of his mouth.

Old Hans saw Gao Ying’s eyes closed, her beautiful pretty face reddened, her plump flesh trembling under the play of the two henchmen, and a vague moan of unknown pain or pleasure coming out of her mouth, her appearance was very wretched. He laughed out loud, the old Hans knew that his end was near, but now that he could still abuse and play with a beautiful and excellent female officer so thoroughly, he felt a great pain. He began to grab Gao Ying’s dark hair and pumped himself hard in Gao Ying’s mouth.

Gao Ying fiercely felt the thick dick in her mouth pounding her throat like it was out of control, and the huge sense of oppression made her almost gasp for air. She desperately shook up her plump body, her hands handcuffed behind her back clawing about, shaking her head with gusts of slurred hisses coming out of her mouth, tears flowing down her face unceasingly.

The two guys next to her saw Gao Ying struggling up and hurriedly grabbed her body so that the old Hans could smoothly do his violence in Gao Ying’s mouth.

With a shudder, Old Hans shot his sticky cum into Gao Ying’s mouth. Gao Ying felt a large stream of hot liquid gushing into her mouth, choking her so much that she almost fainted. Old Hans pulled out his rod and said viciously, “Bitch! Eat it all! Not a drop left!”

Gao Ying was gripped tightly by the two Hull men, her body shivering and shedding tears as she swallowed the cum that Old Hans had shot into her mouth. Old Hans, on the other hand, rubbed his already softened rod on Gao Ying’s face, smearing the remnants of his cum all over her face.

Gao Ying’s face was covered in the Hull men’s cum and her mouth smelled disgusting. As soon as the two Hull men let go of her body, she staggered and collapsed, falling to the ground and crying out in sadness plus humiliation.

The two Hull men lifted Gao Ying’s limp body onto the table, the naked female officer lying on her back with her handcuffed hands pressed underneath her body, and her snow-white, straight legs in shackles hanging helplessly on the outside of the table. One guy was lying on top of Gao Ying licking her plump breasts with his mouth, his hands groping the wonderful flesh; the other continued to bury his head between Gao Ying’s legs, using his rough hands to peel open her delicate fleshy lips, sticking his tongue into her small flesh pussy and sucking on it.

Gao Ying felt that her body was limp, a numb and itchy taste came from her played pussy, her body was licked by the Hurman and she shivered, and her legs couldn’t stop trembling. Gao Ying’s hands were pressed tightly under her body, her rounded shoulders shook and she moaned as she twisted her slender waist.

Seeing the pleasure she was generating, the two Hurricanes fiddled even harder. Gao Ying’s lewd stream of water wet the table under her ass. The Hull man between Gao Ying’s legs rudely used his hand to peel back the foreskin outside her pubic nucleus, and used his tongue to vigorously lick up the tiny pink beads of flesh. As if she had been electrocuted, Gao Ying’s body trembled fiercely, the moans from her mouth grew louder and louder, and she frantically wriggled her snow-white flesh, caught up in an unstoppable pleasure.

Old Hans saw this scene and laughed out loud: “Ha ha ha! Can’t take it anymore, bitch? Bitch, beg us to fuck you!”

Gao Ying’s consciousness was completely confused, her mouth wailed loudly, her naked flesh twisted like crazy, her whole body was hot, she felt as if she was going to pass out, she couldn’t help but cry out: ah, ah! Don’t move! Ah!

I can’t! Forgive… me, ah, no! Ah! …”

The two Hull men saw that the beautiful woman was on the verge of not being able to hold out any longer, and they themselves were already too aroused to stand it. The guy who was playing with Gao Ying’s pussy dragged Gao Ying’s body outward so that her ass was resting on the edge of the table, and then raised his own thick rod and plunged it into the already hot and wet pussy in one go.

Gao Ying was already on the verge of going crazy from the raging pleasure, the itchy and hot pussy was violently stuffed with a thick dick, the huge feeling of fullness caused her to immediately scream, her body bounced on the table as if electrocuted, and immediately went limp again.

The Hurman felt his rod being tightly wrapped around the hot, wet, tender walls of flesh, and he gasped with excitement as he thrust violently! Gao Ying felt her pussy aching unbearably, and she forgot all about the fact that she was being tied up and roughly raped, her voluptuous body trembling and shaking as she screamed loudly.

The guy thrust so hard that Gao Ying soon couldn’t hold on any longer and screamed as she ejaculated a stream of pussy cum out. Seeing that Gao Ying had ejaculated first, the Hull guy followed suit and shot a thick stream of cum into her.

The other guy took the place of his companion and flipped the shackled Gao Ying’s body over, roughly squeezing his meat stick hard into her cute shaped asshole. In a daze, Gao Ying felt a thick meat stick being shoved into her small hole in the back, and she struggled with her twisted arms and legs, wiggling her waist and buttocks vigorously, not knowing whether she was resisting or catering to it.

That Hull man didn’t care about that, he grabbed Gao Ying’s slender waist and pushed his body to thrust hard. Gao Ying’s confused consciousness no longer knew what embarrassment or shame was, she only felt some rising pain in her raped asshole, but it was also mixed with an indescribable sensation, and she followed suit, wriggling her ass and moaning vaguely with her eyes closed.

Seeing Gao Ying’s lewd appearance, Old Hans suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable, what he wanted to see more was the pain and humiliation of the humiliated female warrior. He walked over, grabbed Gao Ying’s hair and lifted her face, and slapped Gao Ying hard several times.

Gao Ying was beaten and screamed to wake up. Old Hans cursed viciously, “Bitch, you’re still so happy to be raped by a man? What a natural bitch!”

Gao Ying was being abused by the old Hans, and she also suddenly realized how low she had behaved under the rough ravishment of the Hurman, and suddenly her face blushed with shame. She tried to struggle and resist, but her shackled and raped body was so weak that Gao Ying couldn’t help but cry in sadness and pain.

The Hur man behind Gao Ying let out a long moan and shot his cum into her anus.

Old Hans laughed as he looked at the woman lying on the table, sobbing, her naked body covered in sweat, and the two small holes between her legs were dripping with white liquid. He was just about to inflict more violence on the poor warrior woman when he suddenly heard a cold voice behind him: “What a wonderful show! Old Hans, you should end!”

He looked back in surprise to see a thin young man standing silently in the doorway of the basement, a shotgun in his hand and a cold, cruel light shooting from his eyes. Old Hans recognized that this man was the righteous son of his rival Russel, °°Joseph Ward, and he looked with horror at the cold, cruel man. Ward, and he looked at the cold young man in horror, not knowing what to say.

Yoseba didn’t seem to see that there was still a shackled and naked woman lying on the table as he stared dead at Old Hans and his men and said coldly, “Turn around, you guys, and put your hands on the wall!”

A feeling of impending doom welled up in Old Hans, and he suddenly howled and lunged! A smile flashed across the cold young man’s face, and the shotgun in his hand made an ear-splitting bang! Old Hans’s body came to a standstill, he looked in horror as two horrible bloody holes appeared in his chest, he let out a miserable cry and planted himself down!

The two Hurricanes were stunned, and without waiting for them to react, Yoseba shot them in the head “bang, bang”, and the two brain-splattered corpses fell to the ground!

Gao Ying looked up in shock at the terrible sound of gunfire, and the horrible and tragic death of old Hans and his two men before her eyes frightened even the battle-hardened warrior woman, who shivered and looked at Yoseba, who was approaching step by step, and would not even cry out.

Yoseba still had a cold expression on his face as he walked over to Gao Ying, who was limp on the table, and looked at the wonderful and miserable flesh of the warrior woman who had just been raped with a strange and evil look.

Gao Ying also looked at this young man with horrified eyes, she didn’t know what kind of cruelty this terrifying and cold young man was going to do to her, her naked body trembled unceasingly.

Sandra lay disheveled in a thickly wooded area, her overworked body unable to move at all after a night of fright and flight. There wasn’t a single enemy around herself anymore, but all of her companions and soldiers were nowhere to be found either. Perhaps they had all been killed by the enemy? Or maybe they had been captured by the enemy and were being tortured in a way that was worse than death. Sandra’s mind was the only thing still spinning.

It was a horrible nightmare as she recalled what had happened in the recent past. The group that she had led had actually been defeated by the criminals that she was trying to hunt down! She and her companions had been horribly abused and tortured in ways that were previously unimaginable, and it was now unknown where they were, alive or dead, except for the dead Ao Ishihara! Sandra couldn’t help but weep with grief.

The strong female officer had no idea what to do now, all she knew was that if she just hid herself she might be able to hold out until reinforcements arrived, but the fate of Linda, Julia, Gao Ying, and the Doctor would be unpredictable. If Fred escaped soon, the captured companions would be taken away by that horrible criminal and brought to that distant galaxy to suffer that inhuman abuse forever.

Sandra sat up violently, as the captain of Team Violet she couldn’t just sit back and watch her fellow soldiers suffer and not do anything about it! Suddenly she had an extremely risky idea, a plan that if it failed, then perhaps even she herself would end up in the same situation as her captive companions! But as long as there was even the slightest chance, Sandra was determined to give it a try!

Chapter XV Betrayal!

In a house in the small town of the people of Hel, Russel was gleefully drinking with his righteous son, Yoseba, and a few of his men, celebrating the fact that they had finally eradicated their only enemy, Old Hans, and that the tiny planet would be theirs from now on!

In the depressed streets of the town, a stoic, weary warrior woman is walking towards Russell’s house. She is Sandra, who is determined to make one last stand.

Sandra walked a short distance from the house when she was spotted by Russell’s men. The panicked Hurians rushed in to report their leader.

When Russell, who was drunk, heard the report from his men, he was first shocked and then asked, “How many men did she bring with her?”

The Hurman hurriedly said, “She… she’s all by herself! And, and she doesn’t seem to be armed!”

Russel flinched, then laughed out loud, “Hahaha! This bitch must be crazy? She dared to come against me all by herself? Hahaha, let’s go get her and have some fun!”

The other Hurians laughed along with them.

At that moment a noise was heard outside the door and Russel hurried out with his men. Sandra had already reached the door, and the two Hulls tried to stop her. Sandra’s phoenix eyes glared and she shouted, “Get out of the way!”

The Hurians were stunned by Sandra’s aura and stayed there for a moment.

Seeing this, Russell hurriedly shouted: “Hey! That bitch, what are you doing here? Do you want to fight with me?

With that, he said to his men, “What are you waiting for? Arrest her!”

The Hurricanes immediately came back around and tried to grab Sandra’s arms. Sandra cried out, “Don’t towel me!

Let go of me! I have something to say to Russell! “

Russel was surprised to hear this, but he knew how powerful Sandra was and was afraid that Sandra would pull some kind of stunt, so he didn’t say anything but just signaled his men with a hand gesture to take Sandra into custody first.

Sandra cried out and didn’t resist as the Hurians, regardless of what Sandra said, grabbed Sandra with seven hands and tied Sandra up from head to toe with rope.

Seeing that Sandra had been tied up, Russell came over to the officer and eyed her with suspicion and a dirty look. Because of her nervousness and anger, Sandra’s plump chest rose and fell violently under her uniform, her face reddened slightly, and she said to Russel, “Russel, I have something to say to you! This matter is good for you and good for us! Let go of me!”

Russel laughed out loud: “Little bitch, come in here if you have anything to say!” He turned around and entered the room. The Hur people followed with Sandra, who had her hands and feet bound.

Russell walked into the room and made himself comfortable in a chair. His men came to him with Sandra in tow. Sandra’s body was bound tightly with ropes and she shook her shoulders as she struggled, “Russel, you let me go first!”

Russell said triumphantly, “You’ve got something to say, haven’t you, little lady? I’m not gagging you! Tell me what you’re doing here.”

Sandra knew that these guys wouldn’t let go of themselves, so she had to say, “Russell, let me discuss something with you! You know, Fred they will soon leave, our reinforcements will soon arrive. You go to Fred, bring my captive companions, do not let Fred take them away! If you agree, I promise our reinforcements won’t come after you! Think about it, Russel.”

Sandra knew that the only way to deal with a simple-minded guy like Russell was to be direct and understand the power.

Russell heard, the heart immediately calculated open: Sandra said the situation he also knows, Fred a go, Sandra their reinforcements arrived here certainly will not spare their own. And the violet group of these beautiful women, Russell has long wanted to leave them to their own play, just worried that Fred will not agree. He looked at Sandra in front of him, plump and healthy body full of temptation, Russell decided to eat the fat meat on the edge of this mouth first!

He looked at Sandra lustfully and said, “Little lady, are you trying to use me to rescue your companions who were captured by Fred? What’s in it for me?”

Sandra saw Russel’s look and knew that he was beating himself up. However, Sandra had already decided to sacrifice herself before she came here, she was just worried that Russell would die to join Fred. After hesitating for a while, Sandra said, “Russel, if you agree to me, not only will our reinforcements guarantee your position here, but…”

Sandra blushed as she said this, and she felt very embarrassed to say it of her own accord. But she hesitated for a moment and said, “And I will agree to any terms you want, until our reinforcements arrive, my companions and I will stay with you…”

Sandra simply made the offer a little more enticing, to impress Russell, the old coot, first.

Russell’s heart was beating wildly at Sandra’s words, and he couldn’t contain his excitement as he laughed lewdly and said, “Hahaha, little bitch, you said it yourself! I will not be polite! Come on, take off the clothes of this bitch!”

Several Hurians immediately rushed over. Sandra hurriedly shouted, “Russell, Russell! You haven’t promised me yet!”

Russell laughed: “Bitch! If you want me to say yes, you’ll have to behave yourself! Or I’ll give you to Fred!” He could already tell that Fred was the one thing Sandra was most afraid of.

Sandra saw that this was the end of the matter, so she had to do as she was told. She said, “Russell, let go of me! I’ll undress myself!” Sandra found it unbearable to let the rude Herr undress herself.

Russel hesitated for a moment and ordered his men to untie the ropes binding Sandra. Sandra moved her somewhat numb body and limbs and, blushing under the watchful eyes of the surrounding Hurians, began to remove her clothes one by one.

Sandra slowly stripped herself of her clothes, her mature and healthy body all but naked. She couldn’t help but feel a burning in her face as she noticed both Russel and the Hel staring greedily at her. Sandra stood in the center of the room holding her shoulders and trembling slightly.

Russell was so mesmerized by Sandra’s beautiful body that it took him half a day to come back to his senses. He gulped and said, “Someone, cuff this pussy’s hands!”

Startled, Sandra looked up and asked, “Russell, what are you doing!”

Still somewhat afraid of this powerful woman, Russel stared at the naked Sandra and said, “What? So soon you do not listen to me?!”

Sandra lowered her head and stopped talking. Yoseba approached with the handcuffs and grabbed both of Sandra’s hands and cuffed them. Sandra’s hands were cuffed to her front, with a not-so-long chain attached between the cuffs, giving her some leeway to move her hands.

Yoseba handcuffed Sandra, brought another chain like a leash for a dog, and put the collar on the front of the chain around Sandra’s snow-white neck. Sandra did not resist, but was already so humiliated that she was on the verge of crying and shivering uncontrollably. Without a word, Yoseba took the chain in his hand like a dog on a leash and yanked the naked Sandra to Russel.

Russel couldn’t help but laugh maniacally at the sight of the formerly formidable female officer now staggering naked and pulled before him. Sandra, flushed and burning with shame, stood with her head bowed in front of Russel, biting her lips tightly.

Russell walked up to Sandra and circled her. Sandra’s body was slender and voluptuous, with firm breasts, a flat belly, and a fat but bouncy ass. Russel couldn’t resist rubbing his hands vigorously on the two soft mounds of flesh on Sandra’s chest and leaning his body up.

Sandra felt her body being watched and played with by Russell and the Hulls so wantonly that she felt very uncomfortable. She lowered her head and whispered, “Russel, will you let your men out?”

Russell got even more excited when he saw how shy Sandra was and blurted out, “What did you say, bitch?”

Sandra blushed and stopped talking.

Russel walked behind Sandra and hugged her voluptuous body from behind, rubbing her breasts vigorously with one hand while the other groped in the lush argyle beneath her. Sandra felt ashamed and uncomfortable as Russell’s hands let loose and flicked over her body. She tried her best to make herself forget her current situation, closing her eyes and gently writhing her body in a fit of shivers.

Russell’s hand movements increased as he roughly peeled back Sandra’s soft fleshy lips and gouged at her warm, soft fleshy hole.

Sandra felt a strange sensation coming from underneath her, and her handcuffed hands involuntarily pressed down on Russell’s big, wanton hands, saying softly, “No, no…” Russell ignored Sandra’s resistance, and with a sardonic grin, twisted her tender thighs vigorously.

Sandra shivered in pain as she realized that she had to use her body as much as possible to subdue the savage and rude Helian in exchange for the safety of herself and her companions. Restraining her shame, she leaned her body against Russel and moaned softly.

Russell was also too aroused to hold back as he was held in his arms by Sandra’s soft, sexy body and listened to her enchanting moans as he stroked every inch of Sandra’s body to his heart’s content. Sandra was smelling of sweat all over her body since she had been rescued by Linda and the girls and after a night of running around, and there were still some dried up traces of semen on her lower body from when she had been ravaged on Fred’s battleship. Russell ordered a huge wooden basin to be brought in and filled with fresh water.

Russel carried Sandra into the wooden basin and said, “Little bitch, why are you so dirty? I’ll give you a good wash!”

Sandra was even more mortified to see that Russel was actually going to bathe himself in front of so many Hurians, her face had turned red and she stood at a loss for words in the huge wooden tub. Russel told Sandra to sit down. Sandra had to sit obediently in the wooden tub, the water not coming up to her waist. Russel smiled lewdly and lifted the water onto Sandra’s plump body with his hand and began to wash Sandra’s body with his large rough hands.

It was the first time Sandra had ever been given a bath in front of so many men, and she was so ashamed she was about to pass out. Sandra felt a strange sensation as her body was touched by Russell in the water, she shivered and shivered, but a strange pleasure traveled through her body, making her body involuntarily go limp, almost collapsing in the water.

Russel washed Sandra’s body clean and carried the already limp female officer out of the wooden tub. He took the chain around Sandra’s neck in his hand and pulled Sandra toward the other room as Russel signaled Yoseba to come with him.

Sandra could barely stand up anymore, and she was led by Russell as she staggered to follow into the next room.

Russell pointed to a large bed in the room and said, “Bitch, lay down on it!” Sandra obediently went to the bed and lay down on it softly.

Russell looked at the naked beauty lying on the bed, dripping wet, her curvaceous body trembling gently. He roughly parted Sandra’s thighs and buried his head in Sandra’s mesmerizing pussy, peeling her slit open with both hands and sucking his tongue in her delicate pussy.

Sandra felt a violent, unbearable, tickling sensation coming from her pussy as Russell’s tongue wriggled like a snake inside her delicate pussy. She immediately screamed, her whole body shaking violently, her shoulders twitching.

Russell also felt some slippery liquid trickle into his mouth as Sandra’s pussy heated up. He sucked harder, licking hard with his tongue at the little bulging bead of flesh at the mouth of Sandra’s pussy. Sandra’s firm, plump thighs shivered violently and subconsciously clamped Russell’s head so tightly that Russell had to hold Sandra’s legs down with his hands.

Russell continued to play with Sandra’s pussy with his tongue, and Sandra felt a rush of heat in her flesh, and the numbness and itching was so unbearable that she developed a sensation like she was going to cry out, and her screams mixed with violent gasps made her look even more sultry and seductive.

Yoseba watched silently from the sidelines as Russel caught the unresisting woman, and he too tried desperately to restrain the urges in his body, still watching the lascivious scene with an expressionless face.

Sandra finally relented, she screamed and sat up violently, grabbing Russell’s head as hard as she could with her cuffed hands and wailing, “Ah, come on, come on stop! No! No! No! No! Don’t, ah! Don’t move! I can’t take it anymore! Ah, ah! Please, just don’t move!” She had cried out as her body shivered violently.

Russel violently felt a cool liquid squirt from her pussy into his mouth, Sandra screamed as her body went limp and collapsed onto the bed, twitching and convulsing. Russell couldn’t help himself, he jumped on top of Sandra in one fell swoop and slammed his thick rod into Sandra’s body!

Sandra closed her eyes and sobbed as she twisted her body to meet Russell’s thrusts.

Feeling that this wasn’t comfortable enough, Russell laid himself down and ordered Sandra to sit on top of him. Sandra had to get up so that his thick rod was aimed at her pussy and slowly sat down.

Russell’s thick, long dick filled Sandra’s pussy to the brim, and Sandra couldn’t help but shiver, a feeling of fullness causing her to moan in spite of her shame, twisting her hips quickly to turn the rod inside her.

As Sandra squirmed, Russell felt so comfortable that he grabbed the two wobbling mounds of flesh on Sandra’s chest and gasped, “Faster, little bitch! Faster!”

Sandra closed her eyes and struggled to turn her hips, a pleasure was also hitting the female officer’s body, she suddenly felt a sense of sadness that she was using her body like a whore to please a man, and such a lowly Hurman at that! Sandra’s tears could not help but flow.

Seeing Sandra shed tears of humiliation, Russell felt more and more excited, he grabbed Sandra’s breasts hard and shouted rudely: “Bitch! Faster! Faster!”

Sandra, too, was crumbling in consciousness a little under the onslaught of pleasure, and she braced her hands on Russell’s body, writhing rapidly as the moans that kept coming out of her mouth grew progressively louder.

Sandra felt the rod inside her grow hotter and hotter, and suddenly a torrent of hot liquid shot inside, and Russell let out a long moan, holding Sandra’s body to his chest as he did so. Sandra’s body shivered and went limp as well.

After a while, Russell pushed Sandra off his body and said, “Little bitch, you’ve got a knack for serving men!”

Sandra felt her body go limp without any strength, and she flopped silently on the bed with a blushing face.

But she knew in her heart that Russell must have given himself up to Fred, and now it was up to him to ask Linda and the girls out of Fred.

Russel looked at Yoseba, who was standing to one side and was staring at the naked woman dead in the face, and said with a smile, “My boy, come and taste this bitch!”

Without a word, the silent teenager came over to Sandra, who was sprawled on the bed, and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind her, dragging her body to the edge of the bed. Sandra, sore and limp, was obediently dragged over by Yoseba, shivering as she knelt on the edge of the bed and puckered her snowy, fat ass.

Yoseba silently ran his hand over Sandra’s fat ass, dabbing at the cum and lust dripping from her cunt, running his fingers around Sandra’s asshole and slowly inserting them into Sandra’s asshole.

Sandra’s anus wasn’t so tight anymore from being repeatedly raped by the brontosaurus guy on Fred’s battleship. Yoseba’s finger plunged in with little resistance and Sandra felt little pain.

Yoseba’s finger twirled in Sandra’s asshole, expanding it a little. Sandra felt great shame and some indescribable taste mixed with it as she shook her snowy ass and moaned in a small voice.

The teenager finally relented and pressed his rod against Sandra’s anus, slowly squeezing it in.

Yoseba’s rod was amazingly thick and Sandra felt as if her ass was going to split, she wailed and wiggled her ass up as hard as she could, her kneeling legs trembling.

Ignoring Sandra’s pain, Yoseba continued to shove his rod all the way up his snowy, fat ass, pumping it slowly.

An unprecedented sensation penetrated Sandra’s anus, and she shivered and pleaded, “No, please, please, please, take it out! Please, please, please, take it out! You’re killing me! Don’t move, ouch, ouch, spare me…”

Sandra felt as if her body was going to catch fire, and the teenager seemed to have a strange power that made even the strong female officer completely overcome by him, becoming powerless and weak.

A cruel smile appeared at the corners of Yoseba’s mouth as he pumped faster and faster and made cruel and lewd snapping noises as he kept slapping Sandra’s fat ass with both hands.

Sandra felt as if her body was going to dissolve, her hands couldn’t support her any longer and she collapsed onto her back, convulsing uncontrollably, the feelings of pleasure and shame had turned her consciousness into a blank, her mouth moaning loudly over and over again, wiggling her hips as hard as she could to cooperate with the teenager behind her in her ravishment.

The lascivious sensuality displayed by the mature and beautiful female officer before Yoseba turned him on extraordinarily as well, and he panted heavily and thrust hard.

Sandra felt a surge of heat in her lower body, and she swayed in confusion, her sensual wails gradually being replaced by muffled whimpers, and finally she couldn’t hold on any longer, and cried out in sadness, “Ah… ah… ah… ah… ah… ah… ah…”! I can’t, don’t move! Oooooh, please spare me, I’m, I’m, I’m dying! Aaah! Aaah! …”

A violent shudder ran through her naked body as she climaxed once again under the brutal ravishment of the Hurlman teenager, gradually going limp with the jets of cunt-juice that spewed out. Yoseba’s hands wrapped around Sandra’s waist in a death grip, holding her snow-white ass in front of him as he continued to thrust and rape her.

Sandra was on the verge of passing out, she only had the strength to moan, she couldn’t even make a pleading sound. The brave and strong female warrior had become a weak and helpless woman in front of this teenager, only to be at his mercy.

Aboard Fred’s battleship, the evil and dangerous adversary of Team Violet was moodily sipping a glass of wine, having just abused the captured women yet again, and it seemed to him now that he could still hear the miserable wails of the poor female captives in the next room as they were brutally abused and ravaged by his men.

Alex and Jeff walked in.

Alex: “Sir Fred, we have enough fuel to set sail!”

Jeff: “Fred, let’s go! I don’t want to stay here in the middle of nowhere anymore! With these three pussies, we won’t be bored along the way! Ha ha ha!”

Fred smiled and didn’t say anything.

Alex: “Fred, are you still thinking about the two women who escaped?”

Fred’s heart was a little bitter, his respected teacher, Bob Lasofsky, had died on this remote and inhospitable planet. His respected teacher, Bob Lasofsky, was killed on this remote and desolate planet, and Bob’s dying words still echoed in his ears: “Go back to Bristol! Go back to Bristol, Fred, it’s your world back there!”

Fred looked up and said to the shrewd half-breed, “Alex, let those two pussies go!” After that, he said to Jeff, “Jeff, we should check on your Hurl friend before we leave, it would be very rude to leave without saying goodbye.”

Jeff nodded and said to Alex, “Alex, Fred and I are going out, so get ready to go as soon as we get back!”

Fred and Jeff left the battleship in a space shuttle.

Russell was ravishing Sandra, the female officer who had given up her life for a try, with his righteous son, when suddenly a henchman reported: Fred and Jeff were at the door, wanting to see Russell.

Russell and Joseba hurriedly dressed and headed for the door. Naked and limp on the bed, Sandra’s unconsciousness immediately came to her, and she struggled to support herself and looked at Russell with expectant eyes.

Russel, seeing the pleading gaze of the female officer who had been savagely mauled to death by himself and Yoseba, hemmed and hawed and walked out.

Barely able to support her aching body, Sandra stumbled out of bed and walked over to the door to look out through the crack.

A beaming Fred and Jeff walked into the Hur people’s room and were greeted by Russell and Joseba.

Fred smiled and said, “Friend Russell, Jeff and I came to say goodbye to you, we’re heading back to Bristol! Hopefully we’ll see you again!” He said, extending his hand to Russell.

Russell had a dry smile on his face and shook Fred’s hand. He hesitated and suddenly said, “Mr. Fred, I have a request, you leave those women for me!”

Fred and Jeff immediately turned pale. Jeff stared at Russell and said, “Russell, what do you want with these pussies?”

Russell said with a haughty look on his face, “Jeff, after all I’ve done for you guys, I can’t even ask you to give me some pussy to play with?”

Jeff: “Russell, you don’t know enough after we helped you regain your power?”

Fred grimly said, “Russell, I must take those women, they killed my teacher, I’m going to bring them back to Bristol, they won’t be spared easily!”

Russel also sank his face, “Fred, today you must agree! Or else…”

The surrounding Hurians slowly gathered around. Fred stared viciously at these unknowing Hurians, the corners of his mouth twitching horribly.

Jeff glared at the surrounding Hurians and turned to Russell, “Russell, are you flipping us off?”

Feeling that he had the situation under control, Russel smugly said to the two men, “Jeff, I still consider you a friend! You persuade your chief, or give those women to me!”

Without a word, Jeff brought his hand to his waist.

Without turning his head back, Russel waved his hand at Yoseba behind him and said, “Yoseba!”

The cold teenager darted and drew a long knife from his body! “Giggle!” The long knife brought out a blade wind, and a column of blood unexpectedly shot out from Russel’s chest!

Russell’s eyes widened in horror and disbelief as he watched the blood-dripping long knife emerge from his chest, blood gushing from it! He turned around with great difficulty, pointing his finger at the young man who had already jumped aside with agility, and said with a cough in his throat, “You! How dare you..! How dare you…”

Yoseba said expressionlessly, “Russel, you are too stupid! We are no match for Fred!

You coveted those bitches’ poses, but don’t make us accompany you to your death! “

Russell, his face full of anger and horror, staggered a few times and fell headlong!

The sudden change shocked everyone, including Sandra who was peeking in. Sandra just felt weak and her mind went boom as she slid down the wall and fell to the floor.

Fred looked at the young Helian with astonished eyes and said in a strange tone, “What a marvelous young man! How dare you know how to betray? I didn’t realize there was someone like you among the Hur people! Hahaha!” He pulled Jeff up and turned to walk out.

Yoseba stared dead at Fred who walked away and said to himself, “Fred, you underestimated us Hurians! You will regret it sooner or later!”

The Hurrians around them were at a loss for words and looked at Russell’s body in a pool of blood. Yoseba said to the Hurrians, “Bury Russel! From this day on I am your leader!” After saying this, he turned around and walked back to the room where Sandra was.

Desperate female officer is paralyzed on the ground, naked and tired flesh in the uncontrollable shivering, looking at this elusive terrible young man in horror. Yoseba suddenly laughed, he bent down and pulled the naked female officer up, unlocked the handcuffs on her hands and said, “You, free!”

Sandra could hardly believe her ears, her eyes widened. Yoseba tenderly stroked Sandra’s soft, warm chest with his hand, looked at her and said, “I can’t save your companions! But I’m not a fool, I don’t want to be wiped out by your reinforcements! You are free!”

Fred sat in his chair, suddenly turned to look at Jeff and Alex, and said, “This Yoseba can be a marvelous young man, he has wisdom that the Hel people don’t have. In the future, this planet must be his!”

Three battleships were traveling through the vastness of space, and in one of the rooms of the huge battleship, three naked beauties were bound. Their desperate consciousness was close to numbness, not knowing what cruel and terrible fate awaited them.

The violets have faded, but the story of the brontosaurus is far from over.

(End of text)