In his book “The Basis of Human Behavior”, Kechadori suggests that homosexuality and heterosexuality are identical in behavior, with one exception: homosexuality does not have penile-vaginal intercourse. Therefore, the criterion for determining whether an act is homosexual or not should not be the manner in which the act is performed, but whether the object of the act is of the same sex. The reason why this argument is so important is that it was once thought that oral and anal sex were unique to homosexuality. This is not the case, as these forms of sexual behavior are found in heterosexuals.
In addition to the differences in vaginal intercourse, some sexologists have found subtle differences between same-sex and heterosexual sex, such as Masters and Johnson’s study showing that three-quarters of gay male couples stimulate the nipples during sex, and only three to four percent of heterosexual couples have the wives do this to their husbands.
A homosexual’s sexual practices include kissing, fondling, hand stimulation, oral and anal sex, and he is distinguished from heterosexual sex only by the absence of vaginal intercourse. Homosexuals occasionally use artificial penises and oscillators, and, very rarely, fist-to-anal sex.
A survey in the United States made a comparative analysis of homosexual and heterosexual sex, with mouth-to-male genital behavior accounting for 17 percent of homosexuality and 5 percent of heterosexuality; mouth-to-female genital behavior accounted for 12 percent of homosexuality and 6 percent of heterosexuality. The former is the most common sexual method of achieving pleasure for gay men; the latter is the most common sexual method of achieving pleasure for lesbians. The line between preparatory and primary actions is not as clear in homosexual behavior as it is in heterosexual sex. In addition, homosexuals are more effective sexual partners because they learn about each other’s sexually sensitive areas from themselves.
(Quechadoorie, pp. 336-337)
Laryea describes the basic modalities of same-sex sexual behavior as follows: “Many sexual encounters between homosexual men do not include penile penetration, but rather rely on caressing, mutual masturbation, pinching, or genital friction, oral stimulation of the penis, mutual oral stimulation of the pubic area (the slang term 69, named for the position of the two partners), and inter-anal intercourse that does involve penile penetration. intercourse.”
(Laryea, p. 131)
A survey of gay men in Norwegian society, conducted by Linnaeus and his colleagues, came to similar conclusions: the main sexual practices of gay men are touching, kissing, hugging, and occasionally anal sex.
(Linnaeus, p. 70)
The best statistics that can be found in the current national research on the sexual behavior of gay men are shown in the following table.
Prevalence of various sexual behaviors among gay men
Type of sexual behavior ever had no ever did not answer ever had in the last month %N average number of times kissing
Touching the genitals Genitals touched Oral stimulation of another person’s genitals Genitals orally stimulated 75.818.26.142.4613.2 Anal stimulation 50.343. Anal penetration 48.546.15.523.6382.7 Anal stimulation (Pan Suiming) 73.3 Anal penetration by another person’s genitals 48.546.15.523.6382.7 Oral stimulation of another person’s anus (Pan Suiming, p. 429)
Our questionnaire data this time are generally consistent with Pan Suiming’s data. Among the sexual behaviors of the survey respondents, touching is the most common; kissing is the second most common; mutual masturbation is also relatively common; oral sex is much less common; and anal sex is even less common. Of the three descriptions of “never had anal sex”, “infrequent anal sex”, and “frequent anal sex”, more people fell into the category of “never had anal sex”; fewer people fell into the category of “never had anal sex”; fewer people fell into the category of “never had anal sex”; and fewer people fell into the category of “never had anal sex”. “; fewer people had “infrequent anal sex”; and the proportion of people who wrote “often have anal sex” was the smallest. Considering the fear of Chinese homosexuals of the crime of sodomy, the scope of which is not entirely clear, the number of people who admit to having had anal sex is likely to be lower than the actual number.
Our respondents gave the following general description of their sexual behavior: “Generally two people are good at it, that is, they masturbate each other orally and sleep in each other’s arms. Of course, they play first, take off their clothes and look at each other, stimulate their sexual arousal points, kiss, etc.” The so-called “sexual arousal points”, according to a homosexual who is famous for his expertise in this area, there are as many as 29 of them throughout the male body.
Homosexuals kiss mostly in the French style, and there are also “tongue hooking”, “twisting twist”, “licking cock” and other ways. Other accounts of homosexual sexuality include.
“Stroke each other for stimulation first, then have oral and mutual masturbation and anal sex. If someone thinks it’s too painful and dirty, it’s placed between the two strands.”
“Mutual masturbation and mutual oral sex.69 It is more common, but this can only be done at home, not in other places, such as the toilet.”
“Sex is mostly touching, kissing, oral, manual, sometimes using other tools, anal is not necessary. I like the feeling of love, not violence.”
“I know I have to be a little cautious about AIDS, and I don’t go for anything too outlandish or unsanitary. No anal sex, I wouldn’t want to have oral sex, just general stroking and masturbation.”
One person talked about his feelings about kissing: “I used to refuse to kiss people because I thought kissing was not a sexual act, but should be categorized as a relationship, so when I did it for the first time, I was disappointed to say the least. It’s not like the lyrics of the pop song, ‘My tongue is a delicacy for you to savor’.
The kissing was neither sweet nor savory and was tasteless. All in all it was not exciting. Of course maybe it was because I didn’t love him. I tried desperately to explain this disappointment and loss for a long time.”
A man who has had many strange sexual partners in his frequent social walks said, “I remember that I have kissed not many people in my life, at most three or four.”
A homosexual in his fifties wrote in a letter: “Between the ages of 20 and 40, although married, but his wife’s frigidity, and ten years of separation, sex life is rare. Sexual outlet is: or masturbation, or in the mud by the river, or in the warm water bottle gallons inserted into the penis to seek pleasure; and like in public occasions mainly public toilets and baths, exposed penis, watching others’ penis. 44 years old, once in the bath met a 30-year-old military cadres, with a hand underwater stimulation of my genitals. The two of them went to the hotel together and embraced, kissed, masturbated each other, and he sucked my semen from his mouth for the first time.”
“When I first joined the workforce, I lived in a group home, with seven or eight people living in one room, and I had this relationship with him with two beds next to each other, masturbating each other every time. This relationship remained for six months.”
“He and I had very little sex. We were both in high school at the time and slept in the same bed and wouldn’t do anything else but cuddle, he was passive. He got a reaction and solved it by masturbating himself.”
“We do it once or twice a week, most of the time there is anal sex, the greatest pleasure is when he takes me in his arms and kissing is the happiest time for me. Due to so much anal sex, I got hemorrhoids and didn’t like anal sex when it hurt, then I liked it when it didn’t.”
An older gay man said this about sexual pleasure: “A friend of mine is a big, strong man, and in his youth he was a man of character. He doesn’t like his partner. He comes to me and always wants me to give him oral sex, and sometimes I fulfill his request. He x (ejaculate) and feels very comfortable, the sexual pleasure makes the blood boil and there is a feeling that the whole person is liberated.”
“He and I met in ’91 and had sex in ’94. I didn’t dare think about it that way for the last three years. One night I went out for a drink after work and thought I’d stop by and see him. He lived alone, so I slept with him. I touched his pants and said, ‘Why are you hard?’ He laughed and I pulled my hand back. I usually like to sleep with someone, fall asleep he turned over to me, kissing, touching. I kissed him from head to toe, gave him a gag, and then it was anal sex and he was the penetrator.”
Regarding the sexual behavior of homosexuals, the general public always thinks that anal sex is the main form of sexual behavior, but this is not the case. Our survey was limited by the condition of not being able to make quantitative statistics of random sampling, but the impression we got after in-depth interviews is very close to the observation of Laryea and Linna, etc., which is that, among homosexuals in our country, anal sex does not account for a large proportion, while other sexual modes account for a much larger proportion.
In the course of the survey, many respondents said they did not like anal sex, and many of them had never had anal sex or had anal sex only in a small percentage of their hundreds of sexual experiences. As one gay man summarized from his experience and observation: “Most Chinese gay men masturbate with each other, and anal sex is the least common. Outsiders often mistakenly believe that anal sex is common because of the heterosexual sexual behavior pattern.”
Another said, “I lived with a friend for a few years and the behavior was mainly masturbation and oral sex, never anal sex.”
The reasons why anal sex is not as common as other forms of sex can be summarized as follows: firstly, there are objective constraints, including both physical and hygienic conditions. According to the survey respondents, anal sex is limited by physical conditions (organ size) and the need to take a shower immediately afterward. Most homosexuals in China find it difficult to find a place with a bathroom where they can have sex, so this is a convincing argument.
Related statements such as, “The size of the active partner’s organ affects whether or not it can be fucked, unless the receiving partner is particularly fond of it.”
“I have hemorrhoids, so I’ve never received anal sex. I told him that if you really want to do it, I can offer it, and it turned out that he didn’t do it.”
“I don’t like anal sex, I think it’s unsanitary for others, uncomfortable for me and painful. Oral sex doesn’t matter, feels ok. Also heard about 69 style.”
Following the discovery of AIDS, more people have reduced their anal sex activities for health reasons. Statistics show that, through preventive measures such as health education, the incidence of anal sex among homosexual men in the United States dropped from 39 per cent in 1984 to 19 per cent in 1987. Condom use increased from 26% to 79% in the same year.
(Wan Yanhai, 1992)
The survey found that AIDS prevention campaigns in recent years have also partly changed the sexual behavior of Chinese homosexuals. Although most people do not believe that the threat of AIDS is imminent, some people have stopped having anal sex out of fear of AIDS, and some people are afraid to even kiss because they have heard that saliva can spread the virus.
One respondent who had never had anal sex said, “AIDS is dangerous when it spreads among those who ‘sell’ it, but it’s better among those who have a hierarchy. Safety measures are a must. I feel like I could go a lifetime without anal sex and still be satisfied. I think anal sex is unsanitary and can be painful. I reckon that if I did it wouldn’t be pleasurable, and being entered would only be painful.” But then he added: “It’s hard to say if I would try it.”
Secondly, according to one of the respondents, “There has to be some reason for doing it other than good hygiene. Such as or love others love crazy, happy to be anal sex, or their own age, the conditions are not good, the other side of the conditions are good, happy to accept.” The main point here is the passive party in the act of anal sex.
Many of the respondents admitted that they did not require anal sex, nor did they enjoy it, but that they would only engage in such behavior as a quid pro quo. For example, a homosexual said: “I have only had anal sex once.
It is possible to accept anal sex as a condition, even though you don’t like it. Some people have this requirement and for fear of losing the other person, for affection, it is sometimes acceptable.”
Another gay man also told of his lover offering to accept anal sex in order to show his love for him. He said, “He was very masculine and liked to fuck others, but to show his affection for me, he offered to agree to do so, as if to show me that he was faithful to me.”
This practice of accepting anal sex as a condition for gaining the affection of a partner is somewhat common. A well-known homosexual in his circle said: “I was on a train going to xxx, and I bumped into a police officer. As soon as I told him my nickname, he immediately bowed to me. During sex, he agreed to anything.”
“Passive anal sex is painful at first, there is a process of getting used to it, and then it becomes pleasurable. I agree that you enter my body because I love you, and the two of you join together because of love.”
The exchange of anal sex as a condition becomes a more pure transaction in the absence of feelings. One respondent said that he had no feelings at all for someone, but because he was a useful person, he agreed to receive anal sex: “His genitals are not big, so if he asked for it, he would say yes, and he is a useful person, but he did not ask for it.
When it comes to sex between the two of us, it’s never been him asking for it, I’ve never asked for anything, and it’s always been a good deal.”
Third, there is a statement that is difficult to understand at first glance: “Generally happy to accept anal sex with a stranger, not happy to accept acquaintances to do so, acquaintances are afraid of this kind of thing between the conflict, so the long-term relationship in anal sex is rarely, mostly mutual oral sex.”
Compared with other ways, anal sex is more like heterosexual intercourse, inevitably giving the impression that the giver is a male role, the receiver is a female role, so the giver has a feeling of condescension, the receiver is easy to have a feeling of humiliation. So there is the following statement: “two people have a good relationship, friendship there, and then this kind of thing seems to be sorry for each other, sorry to do this kind of thing again, two people like brothers, I’m sorry to do, and then he will feel sorry for me to do.”
A middle-aged gay man said of a casual sexual encounter, “I had contact with him once, and the second time he was too rough and demanded anal sex, which I couldn’t fulfill, and it didn’t work out.”
“Having had passive anal sex, I don’t like it and can say I hate it. I’m okay with those who are particularly enjoyable and don’t cause me too much pain, but acquaintances don’t give me too much of a hard time.”
Finally, there are a few homosexuals who are psychologically and morally incapable of accepting this form of sexual intercourse. One homosexual put it this way: “I do not approve of sodomy. Psychologically it is disgusting, it has a dirty feeling and feels like an inferior animal behavior. Mutual masturbation and oral sex are acceptable.”
“I hate penetration, both active and passive. Fifteen or six years since I’ve had homosexual behavior, and less than 10 anal sex sessions.”
In conclusion, although a significant percentage of homosexuals have experienced anal sex, it is indeed one of the more unusual and significant events, at least in terms of frequency, and is not the most frequent form of sexual behavior among all homosexual sex acts.
Freud said the same thing on this subject: “Anal intercourse is not really common among male inverts; I’m afraid it’s still more mutual masturbation.”
(Floyd, p. 28)
However, among gay men, some do enjoy anal sex, and some are even addicted to it. Many survey respondents admitted to having seen or heard of people who were addicted to anal sex, and said, “After receiving it many times, it becomes an addiction.”
A senior homosexual made a more accurate estimate: “30% are very happy to accept anal sex, 30% can be persuaded to accept it, and 40% don’t want to accept it at all.” We told this estimate to a number of survey respondents, who agreed that it was “not too far off.”
In the course of the survey, more than one respondent mentioned the slang term “ten flat ones are better than one round one”. One respondent said, “I am not interested in anal sex, but I have been asked to do so by others, and quite a few of them have asked to do so. There are people who ask for both anal sex and anal sex. I know an old man in his sixties who has asked for anal sex.”
Another mentioned that in a remote province, she had met an older man in a toilet who said, “Which one of you is going to come and fuck me?” Another said, “I used to have anal sex, and it was painful at first, but then I didn’t feel any pain.
I consider myself a passive sort.”
A young gay man said with concern: “I think my body shape and walking posture will change a little bit because of the long-term anal sex, you see my buttocks are not a little bit up? I feel like people are always looking at me when I walk down the street.”
A gay man who admitted to enjoying passive anal sex said, “I pursued my first friend and he did it to me twice. I like to scream, and with my second friend it was crazy, like two animals. We don’t say it’s out of guilt, it’s just that the way we acted and the language we used at the time was quite nasty in hindsight. He went in at once and I didn’t have an erection when he entered.”
One respondent said, “I ran into someone who loved receiving anal sex, and had a very strong reaction to anal sex, and I’ve never seen anyone react so strongly. I’ve never seen anyone react so strongly. She stayed up all night asking for anal sex.” There is also a statement that the acceptance of anal sex does not necessarily look feminine and weak people, “the more black like a master door, the more like to get x, behind the quasi line.”
A 50-year-old homosexual said: “Once I met a middle-aged workers in the bathtub, after getting acquainted with each other began to have anal sex, and through its introduction, know many people. Later in Taiyuan, Shijiazhuang, Hangzhou, Wuxi and other places, has met eighty, ninety people, anal sex with more than 60 people. Now the interval of one, twenty days do not play once, the heart can not be quiet. Like anal sex, meet the willing, but also when the passive. Because the children have been large, there is a sense of guilt, after a year or two to cite the feeling has gradually faded.”
The survey respondent also listed some of his sexual partners: “Friends A, 66 years old, 18 years old parents arranged marriage, not happy, his companion is handsome, thick penis, bed with each other anal sex, now can only act as a passive role, like to give him oral sex, so that people x him, the day is not empty over, when the fun is straight to yell dad.
Friend B, 56, married at 17, met a KMT garrison anally x him shortly after marriage, later joined the Tao and now plays a double role.
Friend C, 43 years old, adult chasing a girl and timid to open up, the girl after the wedding, he no longer talk about it, and now still celibate, only happy to let people x him, more than all night, extremely pleased.
Friend D, 40 years old, when young, the same female workers sex shock, later turned to male, like to penetrate, time up to an hour without ejaculation, sometimes disrespectful, the circle has been mostly unwelcome to him.
Friend E, 35 years old, people simple and capable, read junior high school with a middle-aged man in the same village work, tempted to masturbate, and then like to peep at the male phallus, with foreigners played (foreigners for his oral sex), cold to women, the first marriage failure, the second marriage after the wife’s libido is not great, this person is very happy to lick the whole body of the same sex with his mouth and even the anus (after the bath), but also like to clip the stock to stimulate the genitals, is very important to the feelings of my best friend, although thousands of miles away, letters constantly, language implicit and explicit, outsiders are difficult to understand. He is my closest friend, though thousands of miles away, he writes constantly, and his language is implicit but not explicit, which is difficult for outsiders to understand.”
A survey respondent analyzed: “male homosexuals in the sex life of the least anal sex may be objective, but my experience, this form is the most comfortable and exciting. Players less, in addition to psychological and environmental limitations, physiological conditions also have a lot to do. The anus is tight and dry if there are hemorrhoids, the average person can not endure. If repeated practice to find a good way to overcome, in order to experience the joy of it. Physiological sensations between the same sex understand each other, the psychology is also easier to communicate with the opposite sex, the tightness of the anus is also more comfortable than the looseness of the female genitals after childbirth sexy.”
He also talked about his feelings about oral sex: “The same is true of oral sex, which I think has a greater psychological barrier than anal sex, so there is a developmental process of acceptance of the use of these forms. A lot of heterosexual unions don’t explore sexual feelings as well as they could, and the principles are exactly the same.”
There is also a popular physiological explanation among the respondents: “There are sexual nerves in the human anus, just as there are in chickens for anal sex. After the evolution of human beings, the sexual nerves in the anus have degenerated.” This is a novel statement, we checked the literature on the physiology of homosexuality, and did not find any basis for this statement.
However, it is undeniable that there are some cases where sexual pleasure can be achieved from anal sex, not only for men but also for women.
Because of the pain associated with passive anal sex and the humiliating position, some respondents often confused receiving anal sex with masochism; in contrast, giving anal sex was viewed as abusive. They said: “Receiving [anal sex] is masochism.”
For these people, unlike heterosexuality where both partners can achieve sexual pleasure in the same act (or at least where the passive partner has significantly less chance of enjoying sexual pleasure than the active partner), homosexual modes of behavior (oral, anal) are generally always one in which one partner serves and the other one is serviced, or even one in which one partner is pleasured and one in which one partner is pained. Thus these people will view the active (giving) partner as abusive and the passive (receiving) partner as masochistic.
As one American gay man put it, as a teenager he learned from heterosexual pornography that to love a man meant accepting his violence. As a result, he accepted abuse from his first lover because he wanted to be loved by a man.
(Mac Kinnon, in Stanton, 129)
Between the pursuer and the pursued, the pursuer is often in a passive position in sexual behavior. One respondent said, “xxxxx loved me so much that once he called me to his house, kissed me when I entered and said, ‘If you are happy to x (anal sex), x me.’ I asked him to lick me all over, which he did. It was so nice to lick the crack of my foot.”
Sometimes, some people will feel strongly guilty and self-depreciation and self-suppression, and play a passive role in sexual life, and even show the desire of masochism and self-mutilation. A homosexual said: “x x is the deputy section chief of the x x department, he always talks about his work, his duties, his status, and says that he really shouldn’t be doing this kind of thing. Once I went to see him and the atmosphere was tense. It was broad daylight, he was in a meeting and ran out of the meeting place. He asked me to get naked, looked at me for five minutes, gave me oral sex and asked me to x (ejaculate) into his face. Then masturbated himself, asked me to hold him and kiss him, and x (ejaculated) at the stimulus, true typical masochist.”
The concept of sadism and masochism in the minds of these homosexuals is not exactly the same as the kind of sadism (sodomasochism) defined in sexology, which also exists in heterosexuality. However, sadomasochism in the classical sense is also found in the behavior of homosexuals in this country. Certainly, as one survey respondent noted, “it is not really violent, but rather in the nature of sexual play.”
One survey respondent summed up their bittersweet view this way: “There is pleasure in pain, and willing pain is exchanged for sexual fulfillment. Some people do it for the pleasure of swapping roles, most people feel less than full pain.”
One respondent said, “I know someone who has a tendency towards SM (sexual abuse – author’s note).
I think as long as it is acceptable to both parties and can get pleasure from it, so what’s the harm in doing so, it’s a way of expressing emotions.” He added: “I don’t know many people who are SM.”
Another said, “I met a man from Shanghai (a homosexual) who wanted me to beat him… The more he suffered, the happier I was. He was abused willingly.”
“xxx is rough when he has sex with someone, takes a rope and ties it on and does whatever he wants, he won’t be considerate.
××x x had been with him for some time, and he often had cigarette burns on his body… Some people were willing to find a sadist, to get two or three people to take him to a place where several people would x him at the same time, choking him, hitting him, burning him with cigarettes…”
One of the respondents said: “I know of a masochist who likes to be beaten, have his buttocks swollen, and then receive anal sex.” He also summarized the following pattern: “Beijingers (referring to homosexuals) in this tendency do not dare to say, foreigners in the sadism, masochism is not afraid to say, anyway, after the work is gone, no one can not find him. Once a masochist came from the northeast, and the word spread immediately. There are people who would like to find such a person.”
“I’ve heard from people I’ve talked to in my circle about people who love to abuse, beat, force anal sex, and have the passive party moan like a woman. I know people who have run into people like that and it’s quite dangerous. That’s why it’s important to keep your eyes open for people who are not abusive before developing a relationship. I haven’t heard of anyone who enjoys being beaten, but I get masochistic feelings when I have passive anal sex.”
“There are those in the circle who enjoy masochism and abuse, but the number is very small. There are some mild manifestations of abuse, such as screaming during orgasmic sex, slapping people with their hands and biting them. I had a friend who had purple spots all the time and I would see people in the bath with bite wounds on them. I’ve had a friend who let me bite him and said he wanted me to keep a memento of him, and I didn’t like doing that.”
A homosexual told this experience: “A man heard that I have a strong sense of touch, he approached me, first gave me oral sex, and when satisfied, asked me to tie him up, I did as he said, touching his arousal point. He rolled and screamed until he was exhausted. He felt comfortable and called me a kissing daddy. I don’t like it when people call me that, but like to hear the other person moan and feel good mentally. It’s also comforting to see the other person being made to scream during sex.”
He also told this story: “Once I was talking to someone and a man kept following me. Then he said to me, ‘I want to have sex with you.’ I said, ‘Do you want to be beaten?’ He said, ‘Yes,’ and I slapped him twice and he left.”
Bondage and whipping are typical of sexual sadism. This type of sexual behavior is an extreme phenomenon in both homosexual and heterosexual relationships, and is classified by sexology as a “sexual minority”. Obviously, it is different from the general homosexual behavior in the sense of active and passive roles of “abusive” and “masochistic”. Many homosexuals hold a painful optimism of sadomasochism, which may be related to their sexual behavior.
There are statistics from sexological studies that show a higher incidence of sadomasochism in homosexual genera than in the general population.
The impression we got from our survey is consistent with this: many heterosexuals know nothing about sadomasochism as a specific sexual tendency: many homosexuals have not only heard of this tendency, but can also cite instances of it that they have personally experienced or heard about.
How can this difference be explained? Some sociologists have argued that “the reason sadomasochism is more common and takes more violent forms among gay men than among the general population is that, among men, aggression tends to mix easily with violence.”
(Quechadoorie, p. 369)
Another explanation of the difference that comes to mind is this: the only way a man can have heterosexual sex that is not possible is passive anal sex. Because of the pain associated with passive anal sex and the humiliation of the position, it is logical that the population that prefers this form of sexual behavior is disproportionately masochistic, since the main characteristic of masochism is that it associates pleasure with pain and places special emphasis on the sensual value of humiliation.
Regarding the frequency of sexual intercourse among homosexuals, “the general public overemphasizes the sexual aspect of homosexuality, believing that they are oversexed and not as restrained as heterosexuals.” In fact, homosexuals do not have intercourse very often, the average being two to three times a week. Twenty percent of homosexuals have sex once a week; thirteen percent have it less than once a month, and only seventeen percent have it more than four times a week.”
(Kechadori, pp. 333-334)
Kinsey’s survey, on the other hand, found that some teenage homosexuals were sexually active at a frequency of seven times a week or more, with frequencies as high as 15 times a week among 26- to 30-year-olds. By age 50, the most active were averaging five times a week.
(Kinsey, p. 74)
A more quantitative survey provides more convincing evidence on this issue. The results of this survey (1983) of 950 gay men, 768 lesbian women, and 3,603 couples showed that among partners less than two years old, gay men were the most sexually active, with 67 percent having sex more than three times a week; couples were the next most sexually active, with 45 percent having sex more than three times a week; and lesbian couples were the least sexually active, with three times a week or more. Lesbian couples were the least sexually active, with 3% having sex more than three times a week. In all cases, the level of sexual activity declined with age, falling to 18 per cent in couples, 11 per cent in gay men and 1 per cent in lesbians after 10 years of union.
Gay men still have high levels of sexual activity, but outside of with a regular partner; lesbians have low levels of sexual activity with or without a regular partner. Foreplay activities (kissing, cuddling, fondling, and nipple stimulation, etc.) in homosexual activity were more bi-heterosexual. Heterosexual women who had been in a relationship for more than six months had 4.7 orgasms per week, homosexual women had 6.2, and bisexual women had 8.8. Forty-eight percent of heterosexual women, 80% of lesbian women, and 86% of bisexual women reported feeling “intense” pleasure.
(Hatfieldetal, 121)
Our survey found that the frequency of sexual relations among homosexuals is closely related to age and physical condition. One homosexual recalled his sexual interactions with his high school classmates: “At that time we mainly masturbated with each other, once or twice a week, and when we didn’t see each other for two days, we felt lost.”
Another reported that she averaged two times a week between the ages of 20 and 23; the frequency was highest between the ages of 24 and 26, with five or six times a week; and between the ages of 27 and 30, she averaged one and a half times a day. A 46-year-old survey respondent said that he used to have sex almost once a day when he was 30 years old, and now he has it once or twice a week.
One homosexual reported a significantly higher frequency of sexual intercourse than the general population: “When I was 19 to 20 years old I was in good health and averaged more than two times a day (one orgasm was one time); when I was 21 to 22 years old I averaged two times a day; when I was 23 to 24 years old I averaged one to two times a day; and after I was 25 years old I felt distinctly less well than I used to feel, and did not want to have fun, and averaged less than one time a day. “
Some people are more general: “I have a hard time not doing it for a week or two, and every time I go to him, he always says yes.”
It has been noted that the frequency of sexual intercourse is related to the quality of diet. One respondent said: “Last year I started eating raw beef and my health got better. It doesn’t hurt me to do it, I’m just a little bit tired. I also had sex after donating blood that year, and I recovered quickly.”
In some people, the frequency of sexual intercourse is determined by mood: “Sometimes once a day, sometimes once a week, depending on the mood.”
One said, “I’ve been with xxxxx for two months, I have a little bit of affection, but I’ve only done it five times.” Another said that he was deeply involved with someone, “I’ve been with him three times a night, at least twice.”
Some people use the frequency of sex with a partner to test his fidelity: “Whether he is only good with me can be seen from the sex. 40 years of age should be able to do it two or three times a week, if you can not do it is someone else.”
The questionnaire data showed that the highest frequency of sexual intercourse was once a day on average, the lowest was once a month, and the median and plural values were once a week. To know the exact frequency of sexual intercourse among homosexuals, statistics from a random sample should be available. Based on the size of the survey, at present we can only get data on individual cases. However, according to our respondents, their frequency of sexual intercourse is the norm among homosexuals around them, neither too much nor too little. Of course this is just their own feeling.