The Art of Masturbation

Sex isn’t just about genitals rubbing against each other, it’s about exploring different variations to enhance the quality of your sex life and not letting it turn into a walking routine. Masturbating to your partner is something that can thrill you both, so take a look at this article and let your fingers learn to walk.

Mutual masturbation can be a warily experience, but first, let’s learn the basics of hand technique. Many men feel that their female partners are not skilled enough in stroking their penises with their hands, and that the women’s hands themselves seem so ungainly that they appear weak even when grasping a man’s penis. They seem to be afraid of exerting themselves, yet often pull hard at inopportune moments, with the result that they disrupt the rhythm, and they often have a tendency to scratch. Obviously, we should have a proper and comprehensive understanding of mutual masturbation. You and your partner may wish to practice as described below, which is a lesson from me who has had a lot of experience in this area.

The first thing we always have to think about is size, too big or too small? The size of a man’s penis has always been discussed in various ways, but sometimes it depends more on ancestral genetics. The truth is that in terms of human sexuality, it is a waste of time to put a lot of effort into researching this issue, and a large penis will not bring more physical pleasure to a woman, unless some women are naturally attracted to a large penis.

What about the shape? Is it better to have a curved handle or straight as an arrow? The main thing is whether you can hold it in your hand, whether you can fully grasp it? Then you can squeeze the whole thing. But don’t play it like an accordion. Be gentle, but strong. If the size of the penis is really unusual, it is advisable to use two hands to caress it so that you don’t miss any part of it.

Discover every inch of a man’s penis, men love to have their penis worshipped, teased, teased, caressed and massaged by a woman, let him know that you are not afraid, shy or disgusted by this. At the beginning of the present do not rush to pull, but to feel the fullness of it, with a finger from the testicles all the way to the glans, and then slowly crossed from the other side back to the testicles, the whole action should be short and consistent, do not pause.

Now you have to speed up gradually, but still do not pull or slap hard, you may want to tease the sensitive parts of the penis. This includes the glans, its bulge and some of the soft areas at the base of the penis.

Flatten your hand, then slowly grip the top of the glans and make a rotating motion like you’re opening a Coca-Cola cap (not the can pulling type), and I’m sure your man will moan with pleasure. The glans is super sensitive, and this move will bring it exquisite pleasure. He may look pained, yell out, or even try to push your hand away, but in reality he won’t want to let go of your hand for a second. Now you have to keep plowing even if he begs you to stop.

After you’ve done this for a while, slide your hand up to his balls, making sure to gently grasp them in your fingers and slowly pull them outward. If they’re as big as ocean eggs, weigh them in your hand a few times and high speed him how heavy and sexy they are.

Whatever you do, don’t squeeze them! Otherwise the romantic day may end before it even begins. You may notice that one of his eggs hangs lower than the other, this is normal, once you have a good grip on the testicles and feel comfortable, slowly push them towards the penis, usually half way up, depending on the size of his scrotum. Men are going to love it when you do this.

Well, let go of his testicles, squeeze your fingers into a googly look (i.e., thumb and other four fingers against each other), and gently pull on his angry cock, leaving it for a second or two in order to let it catch its breath as it reaches the top of the glans.

At this point, the penis may secrete some lubricating fluid, which is used to lubricate the urethra to allow sperm to swim freely out of the glans. Uncircumcised penises usually accumulate this fluid inside the foreskin, keeping the glans moist and smooth. With this fluid lubricating the penis, sometimes its musky odor can be an arousing agent for both of you. Of course don’t worry if there’s little or no fluid, it’s not necessary and doesn’t happen at the same moment every time. It should be nice to use a little topical lubricant, put a few drops on the penis and rub gently. Some people recommend rubbing the lubricant in the palm of your hand beforehand to warm it up so that it doesn’t chill the hot shaft.

If your partner’s erection isn’t firm enough (and it’s best if that doesn’t happen), rub it with a little cinnamon-based ointment, half of which are available at sexual health stores, just called by different names, and that slight burning sensation will send the penis into a frenzy of rage. Don’t forget to put a little on the testicles, too.

slap with one hand and then the other, in quick succession

With both hands, take turns patting and stroking it back and forth to get it excited. Don’t make the rhythm dull and sloppy like a routine, but let him pleasure until he says, “I’m convinced!”

lit. paint holding two brushes (idiom); fig. to work on two tasks at the same time

Use two lubricated hands to hold the penis at the same time, some penises are so big that you need two hands, if your partner is not (obviously this is more common in the East), then keep one hand free to stroke and manipulate his balls. If you can use both hands, then move them up and down together, like a pump. Pretend you’re holding a baseball bat, ready to hit a home run. You can also stagger the strokes with both hands, one going up and the other down. Obviously, a two-pronged approach is more effective than a one-pronged approach, and it’s hard to do it alone!

anvil work

One hand skims the shaft from top to bottom, letting go when it reaches the base, and the other hand then does the same.

Think about how two blacksmiths take turns smashing iron, as the name implies.


Few people have heard of this term because it was simply invented by MFM Studios. Holding the penis in both hands, the fingers take turns flicking the penis on each side, think of the movement of the fingers when you play the harp. It may seem like no big deal to you, but gradually and gradually, the penis will gather a lot of energy and give him a nice orgasm. You can imagine the effect if your mouth comes to something at the same time like playing the harp, but this article talks mostly about the essentials of the hand.


Clamping both hands around your penis like a book clip, applying slight pressure to the inside, and then rubbing up and down is as good a feeling as you probably want to have.

drill wood to make fire

Fingers pointing downward left and right against the penis, now you are in the wilderness and want to build a fire, it goes without saying how to turn it, you’ll keep his heart on fire for a long time!

fig. a radical change

Use your thumb and forefinger to pinch around the base of the penis and apply a little pressure towards the testicles, this blocks the blood flow and also serves to stabilize the penis (like putting a ring on the penis). I don’t need to teach you what to do with the other hand.

Love me, love my dog.

As you pull and stroke him, gently pull up a small handful of pubic hair from the testicles. Don’t push so hard that you pull it off, but flirt gently and lovingly. This will make the man roar with excitement and be in awe of your new creation.

each serves his own master

While one hand was pumping his penis up and down, the other went to tickle his balls.

strumming with a mighty hammer

With one free hand he patted the inside of his thigh forcefully and affectionately.

do sth. when least expected (idiom); to catch sb. off guard

Make a fist with your other hand against his perineum as you pump and pull him, he may spread his legs even more so that you can use your strength, this method is guaranteed to drive him crazy.

Having said that in so many ways, in fact, the most important factor to get pleasure during sex, is still a psychological issue, and fantasize about all sorts of unprecedented behaviors as much as possible under the premise of safety. To become a sex pioneer, you should constantly strive to discover the limits of your own libido.
