carrot-and-bone deal

A Peachy Deal, translated from CINDYS BARGAIN.


Arnold stood up as Cindy walked into his office, “Cindy, what’s up?” Arnold asked.

“Arnold, I want to talk to you.” Cindy said.

“Okay! What is it?” Arnold said.

“I’d like to ask you not to fire my husband.” Cindy said.

“I don’t think I have a choice, but I’m really sorry…”

“I think I can get you to change your mind.” Cindy said.

“What would make you think that?” Arnold asked.

“I think if you can promise me that, then I can do something for you.” Cindy said.

“Wow! What do you have in mind?” Arnold asked.

“Well…” said Cindy as she leaned toward him, pressing her body against him so tightly that Arnold was marred from head to toe. “This is what I want.” Cindy said while kissing him with soft, passionate, hungry lips. Her tongue boldly and sensitively swam and searched his mouth. All four lips clung to each other and her jade arms wrapped tightly around him. They kissed for a long time before slowly separating, but still close to him.

Arnold’s lower belly swelled and he knew Cindy could feel it by her tightly pressed body, “That’s pretty convincing.” Arnold said.

“Yes, I bet it is…” Cindy said, moving her body to sit on his firm belly, sliding slowly from side to side and pushing, “You want me!” Cindy said, “Don’t you? Arnold! You want my body.”

“Of course, of course I want to! Suppose I don’t fire Arthur…” said Arnold.

“It’s yours!” Cindy said, still sliding down on him while pressing her breasts against his chest and rubbing her silky thighs between his thighs.

“Anything! Arnold! Anything you want.” Cindy said.

“Anything?” Arnold asked.

“Anything!” Cindy said.

“That’s good, because I have some ideas too!” Arnold said.

“What is it?” Cindy asked.

Arnold gently pushed Cindy about an arm’s length away, “This!” Arnold slapped her hard, the crisp ringing sound causing Cindy to fall backwards.

An agonized and wonder-filled scream escaped from her throat as she covered her face with one hand and stood gazing at Arnold with wide-open eyes.

“That’s what I was thinking, Cindy! How about it?” Arnold said.

Cindy looked at him for a long time before she spoke, “Assuming it’s worth it.” Cindy said.

“Okay! We might be able to talk.” Arnold said.

“That’s what I thought!” Cindy said.

“Cindy, you have a perfect drive body.” Arnold said.

“I know!” Cindy said.

“Your breasts are dazzling, firm, flared, round, tight and very sexy.” Arnold said.

“Arnold! Are you going to watch?” Cindy asked.

“Yes! But I’ll tell you when.” Arnold said.

“Okay!” Cindy said.

“And the thighs are incredibly beautiful!” Arnold said.

“I know! To think they used to haunt you.” Cindy said.

“I do think about it! I thought about a lot of things, like your lips.” Arnold said.

“My lips are wonderful.” Cindy said.

“Yes! I know you can kiss and suck with it!” Arnold said.

“I could suck the soul out of you!” Cindy said.

“And, you can definitely suck me out with it!” Arnold said.

Cindy took a deep breath, “If that’s what you’re looking for, I’m sure I can suck it up to your satisfaction.” Cindy said.

“Come here! Cindy, come here. Kiss me again!” Arnold said.

Cindy slowly walked toward him, once again pressing her body against his, her breasts rubbing into his chest, her legs rubbing between his legs, her torso pushing against her once again bulging lower abdomen. Again, opening her lips to kiss him, her tongue rubbing and flicking into his mouth.

Arnold kissed her passionately, wrapping one arm tightly around her waist, his hand reaching into her shoulder-length dark hair. Cindy moaned softly into his mouth as her tongue reached deep into his throat and the squeezed her breasts against him with every breath.

Arnold grabbed a handful of hair while pulling hard on her hair as he kissed. Cindy moaned louder while the passion and sound faded into an agonizing sucking kiss as Arnold twisted his fist as if to pull her hair out of her head.

Cindy moaned and gasped into Arnold’s mouth. Cindy retracted her tongue, but Arnold wrapped his arms around Cindy and pushed his tongue into her moaning, gasping mouth, as if to crush her lips. Cindy writhed in agony, tears streaming from her eyes, but she had no intention of pushing him away.

Finally, Arnold stopped kissing and took a few steps back, but his hand still gripped her hair slightly. Cindy’s grip was so painful that tears rolled and slid down her pink cheeks.

“Very good! Cindy, very good! I love it when you kiss me like that.” Arnold said.

Cindy didn’t say anything, but her tear-filled eyes didn’t look at him with tears falling.

Arnold let go of his hand and said, “Cindy! Get down on your knees!”

Cindy didn’t move: “If we have a deal, I’ll get on my knees!”

Arnold slapped her again and Cindy shook but didn’t move.

“Arnold! Don’t move me until you’ve answered my question!”

“You’ll do what I say, Cindy!”

“I will!” Cindy said.

“Then! It’s a deal!” Arnold said.

“Okay!” Cindy said and knelt before him.

Arnold stood a little closer until Cindy’s cheek almost touched his private parts, which swelled.

“Cindy! Suck it! Suck it through your pants!” Arnold said.

Cindy did as he said, bringing her vermilion lips as close as she could to suck the bulge. Arnold felt the grinding of her vermilion lips as her tongue licked through the fabric of her pants.

He looked at her licking movements, “Good, you can stop now.” Arnold said.

Cindy looked upward at him and said, “Arnold, can I pull it out?”

“No! Stand up!” Arnold said.

Cindy stood up and said, “Arnold, don’t you want me to take my clothes off? Don’t you want to see me naked?”

“Do you want me to hit you again?” Arnold asked.

“No! No!” Cindy said.

“Then shut up! I’ll tell you what I want to see!” Arnold said.

“Okay! Arnold.” Cindy said.

“It’s your legs I want to see now. Cindy! I’ve always envied your legs.” Arnold said.

“I know!” Cindy said.

“Lift your skirt up! Lift it up to your waist, I want to see it all!” Arnold said.

“Yes!” With that Cindy grabbed the skirt that covered her knees and revealed the curves of her attractive calves, and lifted it up to her knees, slowly exposing a pair of snowy white, smooth thighs.

“Ruffle it higher! Higher!”

Lifting it over her hips and down to her waist, it revealed her short, snow-white panties and her long, flawless, sexy thighs.

Arnold watched her legs for a long time, “Turn around slowly! Turn the whole thing around.” Arnold finally said.

Cindy did as she was told. As Cindy moved her legs, Arnold admired the sinuous, undulating, fleshy muscular jiggle of Cindy’s legs. His gaze remained fixed until Cindy faced him again.

“Arnold, you like my legs. Don’t you?” Cindy said.

“I do like your jade legs, I expect them to wrap around my waist.”

“Arnold, just say the word if you want it!” Cindy said.

“Whoa! I will, but I have something you must do for me first.” Arnold said.

“What is it?” Cindy asked.

“Whip it a couple times!” Arnold said.

“Oh?” Cindy said.

“Don’t take off your skirt, keep it the way it is!” Arnold said.

Cindy stood, clutching her skirt around her waist. Arnold slowly removed his belt from around his waist, it was a wide brown belt. Cindy looked at him without saying anything as Arnold took hold of the belt loop buckle and wrapped the belt around his hand twice, shaking it to see if it was the length he wanted.

“Cindy, get down on my desk! Don’t take off your skirt, just keep it swinging like that. But turn around and get on my desk!”

Cindy stood for a moment, then turned and plopped down while slowly moving toward Arnold’s desk.

“The whole get down! Cindy.” Arnold said.

Cindy grabbed her skirt in front of her and bent forward until her pink cheeks were pressed against Arnold’s desk and her buttocks, wrapped in her blasphemous pants, were high in the air.

Arnold gazed at her long, bare, curvy legs: “Very good! Cindy, don’t move now!”

Arnold said, waving the strap in his hand up and down, then, jerking it as hard as he could with the full force of his hand onto the tight skin of Cindy’s upper thigh.

The sound was so loud that Cindy’s torso jumped and a scream issued from her mouth.

Arnold smiled and said, “Cindy! Does it hurt?”

“Jesus! It hurts so much!” Cindy replied miserably.

“Very well! Cindy, stay right there.” Arnold said pumping again to the area a little above the knee.

“Whoo! Shit!” Cindy screamed, “Shit! Arnold…”

“Cindy, what is it? What’s wrong?”

“No! Nothing much.” Cindy said after a pause.

“Very good!” Arnold said as he swung the strap again, swinging it at her jade legs. Cindy screamed a little louder, but didn’t say a word, curling and twisting on the desk.

“I love it!” Arnold said whipping Cindy’s thighs again. Once and again the whipping went on, hitting Cindy so hard that she shouted, moaned, and twisted and rolled on the desk.

Cindy’s bare thighs were full of Arnold’s whip marks, and Arnold paused to admire the seductive view.

“Arnold, I’ll call! If you don’t stop, I’ll scream!” Cindy moaned in agony.

“Very well…” said Arnold.

“But… but they’re outside… they’ll hear.”

“I don’t care! Cindy, do you care?”

“I… I…”

“Pull down your blasphemous pants! Cindy, so I can hit your ass!”

“Whoa! Geez!” Cindy exclaimed. Still, she reached down to the waistband of her snow-white blasphemy pants and slid them down, exposing her round, taut buttocks, making them rise even higher in her bent position.

Arnold did his best to swing the belt as hard as he could at her hips. One whip! Two lashes! Three lashes! Four lashes!

Cindy wailed.

“Good! Now they all know!” Arnold said.

Cindy groaned.

“There! You can stand up now.” Arnold said.


“That’s a good girl!” Arnold said as he whipped down hard again, this time swinging at her left breast. Cindy screamed again like a wild animal and rolled her body. This time, although still lying on her back, one hand couldn’t help but grab into the air.

“Good! I like that!” Arnold said.

” Me! Arnold, stop hitting me! If you want me, just do it! Arnold, I’ll make you feel so good…” Cindy begged.

“I know!” Arnold said whipping her right breast again.

“I know!” Arnold growled in a yell that overpowered her tearing ears, “Cindy! Don’t move!” At the same time, he whipped her left breast.

Cindy couldn’t stay still any longer and she began to roll around on the floor. Arnold followed her rolls, whipping her twisted body, her thighs, her breasts, her buttocks, her back, her belly, wherever he could.

“Don’t roll! Open up and I’ll stop whipping you!” Arnold snapped.

Cindy struggled to stop rolling and lay squarely on her back once again in large letters as Arnold whipped her. Arnold stopped and looked at the twisted, moaning, gasping body.

“Cindy, I’m coming for you now. I’m gonna kill you! You want me too! Don’t you?” Arnold jumped on her.

“That… that… that was… agreed… you. Son of a bitch! Yes!”

“Here, Cindy.” Arnold said, sliding his stiff prick slowly but hard into her cunt.

“That’s it, Cindy! I’m inside you, I’m inside Cindy!” Arnold said and began to jerk.

“Cindy, do it for me! Do it for me and for your husband!” Arnold said as he pumped.

“Okay! Arnold.” Cindy said and jerked with him, “Yes! I want you, just like I said I would, and I said I’ll do anything you want me to do. Arnold! Right?”

“Yes, until currently you are.” Arnold said.

“Arnold, I will always be.” Cindy said pumping rhythmically, “Does it feel good? Arnold!

It’s cozy, isn’t it?”

“Yes! It’s very cozy! Cindy, you are truly a dryer!” Arnold said.

“I know!” Cindy said, pumping more intensely at this point.

“Cindy, wrap your legs around me.” Arnold said.

“Yes!” Cindy said wrapping her legs around his back: “How about now? Arnold, do you like this?”

“I love it! Cindy, squeeze with your legs so I can feel your legs wrapping around me and grinding against me.

Whoo! Great. – Oh, my God! Whoo! Great!” Arnold said.

“Arnold! I told you I was great! You didn’t have to whip me like that.” Cindy said.

“Yes! Cindy, harder!” Arnold said.

Cindy did as he was told.

“Are you in pain now?” Arnold said.

“Yes! Does that turn you on?” Cindy asked.

“Yes!” Arnold said as he pumped harder, “I can you all day!”

“Arnold! Take as long as you want.” Cindy said arching and writhing as well, pinning him between her legs.

“Kiss me, Cindy.” Arnold said.

Cindy brought her vermilion lips together, moaning against them, and slipped her tongue inside his mouth. Her serpentine body drove writhing in time with his rhythm.

“Ah! Cindy, I’m coming out! Ahh! Dry off!” Arnold shifted his lips and screamed.

“I’m gonna kill you! Arnold, you can cum now!” Cindy said, shaking her lower body harder.

“Ah! I’m gonna kill you! Beautiful, sexy Cindy, I’m gonna kill you! It’s so good! I’m… coming…”

” Death to you! Die Arnold! Shoot it in! Come on. Come on! Shoot it in Cindy! Arnold! Come on!”

“Cum inside you! Cindy, you’re a beautiful pussy! Love sucking on your slutty hole! Cum in you, you screaming whore!”

“Whoa! I’m a sucking and screaming slut! I’m a sucking and screaming slut. Come on! Cum in my pussy! Arnold, come on! Kill me!”

“It’s coming out! Cindy… ah! I’m coming..! Catch it! Sindhi… Tee, now!


As Cindy’s legs clamped down on him, Arnold grabbed her hair like a hysteric and slammed his lower belly hard against her torso. A fountain of life shot wildly from Arnold deep inside Cindy, pouring hot shot after hot shot into her center.

“Arnold, cool, right? Did I do just what you wanted?” Cindy asked as she clamped her legs around Arnold.

“Yes!” Arnold said.

Cindy’s legs slowly lowered and said, “Thank God!”

“But it’s not over yet!” Arnold said.

“What? You’re kidding!” Cindy said.

“Nah! There’s no need to worry, Cindy! I’m not going to hurt you anymore, I don’t even want your body anymore. In fact, I just have something I want you to do.” Arnold said as he stood up to dress and said.

“What is it?” Cindy asked as she slowly sat up.

“I just need you to walk out of the office to tell your husband the good news.” Arnold said.

“Why?” Cindy asked suspiciously.

“You just go ahead and do it, go tell your old Arthur that I’m not firing him anymore. Wouldn’t he love to hear that news?” Arnold said.

“Yes!” Cindy replied.

“Then, Cindy, go tell him! Our deal is done!” Arnold said.

“Okay! Arnold!” Cindy replied as she slowly stood up, picking up her blouse stiffly as she did so.

“No! Cindy, don’t get dressed!” Arnold said.

“What?” Cindy asked.

“I said I don’t want you to get dressed! Cindy, I want you to walk out of here like you are right now.” Arnold said.

Cindy stared at him, “You mean… go out naked?” Cindy asked.

“Yes!” Arnold said.

“But… all of them… you want me…”

“I think they’re all wondering what’s going on here.” Arnold continued, “I mean, the shouting must have given them a lot of fantasies. If you go out like this, you might make their fantasies come true. Needless to say, I’m sure they’d love to see your beautiful body.”

“Arnold…” said Cindy.

“Well? Cindy.” Arnold said.

“I… I can’t do it.” Cindy said.

“That’s too bad! Cindy, then the agreement is null and void, and I guess I need to fire Arthur after all.”

“Arnold! For God’s sake…” said Cindy.

“Cindy, if you do as I say, walk out as you are now, and go and explain to Arthur that I’m leaving him behind, you and I won’t owe each other anything, and Arthur will have his old job.” Arnold said.

Cindy stood still and straight.

After a long time, Arnold did not make a sound, he just waited.

Finally, Cindy swallowed and inhaled, “Okay! Arnold.” Cindy said.

She slowly walked towards the door, chest out, head up and naked, Cindy opened the door and walked out, Arnold followed her to see what would happen. Cindy’s sudden nudity caused a commotion, all movement stopped, all heads turned, all eyes filled with wonder and desire.

No one moved, everyone was staring at her intently, Cindy looked back at them with her head held high as she slowly walked towards Arthur’s seat on the far side. As Cindy reached Arthur’s table she turned once again to stare at every face that looked at her.

“All right!” Cindy exclaimed, “Everyone look good! You all want to see it, don’t you? Well, watch carefully. I hope it satisfies you all.”

Turning to face her husband, she said, “Arthur, it’s all right! Arnold won’t fire you! You can work here as long as you want. I love you! Arthur!” With that, she turned around and headed for Arnold’s office.

But halfway there, Arthur called out to her, “Cindy!” Arthur shouted.

Cindy stood unmoving in the midst of many direct stares.

“Arthur…” replied Cindy.

“You’re a whore!” Arthur shouted.

There was a commotion among the onlookers.

“Arthur, am I?” Cindy replied.

“Yes! You are! My wife is a whore! A slutty whore! Aren’t you?” Arthur shouted.

“Arthur, is that what you’re going to say?” Cindy replied.

“Yes! That’s exactly what I was going to say.”

“I love you! Arthur!”

“I don’t care! You’re a slutty whore! And just because you are, I think you should let everyone here you for once, don’t you?”

“Arthur, is this what you want?” Cindy said.

“That’s fair, isn’t it? First, you offered yourself to Arnold, and now you’re exposing your body for all the people here to see. Why don’t you serve them as well?”

“I’ll do that for you, Arthur.” Cindy replied.

“I know! You’re a whore for me! But don’t stop. Cindy, look around at the people who want you, the people who are slutty because of you, why they need to miss out on such a good thing. Why? Cindy! Why?”

“Arthur, if that’s what you want, I’ll do it; if that’s what you want, I’ll get down on my knees and suck them all out at once. Every one of them, one by one.” Cindy said.

“Do it!” Arthur said.

“Okay! Arthur.” Cindy said.

“It’s more than that! I want you to come back here, Cindy, every day! I want you to get naked as you are now, and I want you to do everything you said you would do for everyone who wants it! Can you do that?”

“Arthur! Suppose you want me to do it, do you want me to them too?” Cindy asked.

“Why not? Anything they want! Isn’t that what whores do?” Arthur said.

“Yes! Arthur, I will. I love you!” Cindy said.

Cindy got down on her knees and said, “Come on! If you line up, I’ll take turns sucking you out. If you want mine, wait till I’m done.”

“And if you have any close friends, bring them in tomorrow and Cindy will take care of them. This service will be limited to one day, won’t it, Cindy?” Arthur asked.

“Arthur, suppose that’s what you want me to do.” Cindy replied.

“Arthur, do you smoke?” Arnold asked.

“Yes. What’s the point of asking?” Arthur asked.

“So you carry cigarettes with you?” Arnold asked.

“That’s right.” Arthur replied.

“Very well! I think they have it with them.”

Cindy began to cry. She cried when she sucked out the first man and cried until she sucked out the last one.

It was a number of hours after Cindy arrived at Arnold’s office.

“Arnold, I want to make a deal with you.” Cindy said as she took off all her clothes and put down a whole pack of cigarettes on Arnold’s desk…

(to be continued)