Wahahahaha~~~ In three days, the Joint University Examination will be over. Thinking about it, I can’t help but gradually become complacent!
”Ah~~~ It’s you again, Ye Gongjia! You’ve got nothing to do! Sanpachi’ Gongjia is the next door neighbor, because her mom and my mom are handkerchief friends (what a time to be handkerchief friends! Nerve) so our families have always been good.
‘Say it again ㄚ ~ ~ dream man, all day do not know what to think! If you say that again, you won’t be able to eat tonight.’ Oh no, I forgot to mention that my mom went to England with my dad and Uncle Ye! She didn’t leave any money, so I had to go to Gongjia’s house for lunch every day. Luckily, Auntie Yip was there too, so I didn’t have to wear any decent shorts, underwear and slippers when I went to dinner. Then again, it’s Gongjia again! Originally, Dad and his family were going to Japan for their second honeymoon, but Gongjia turned it into a trip to Europe for two to three months. As a result, no one went to my graduation ceremony, and no one watched me receive my award on stage.
”It’s all your fault… Damn Gongjia, stinky Gongjia! You’re so great at college in the morning! No one will watch my graduation ceremony! I don’t care. You have to stay with me.
‘It’s noisy! Didn’t I go?’ Gonga, who was acting as a parent that day, said very proudly.
”That’s different~~ I won’t comply, you must stay with me!”
‘You’re so annoying! You’re still acting like a kid at 18.’
”Who’s like you ~ the little old lady who got into college at seventeen! Be careful of ending your life too early.’ ‘Hey, that’s it. I’m going to eat McDonald’s anyway!
‘Not invited’
”I didn’t say I wanted you to buy it, I just wanted you to pay for it”
”Hey~ Stop it! I want to eat!” I looked at him with a serious face.
”Who’s making a scene?” Gong Jia also looked at me with a serious face.
”You ah~ the one who doesn’t buy me McDonald’s” I still looked at her with a serious face. Gong-ga couldn’t help it, the corners of her mouth lifted slightly.
‘Hey! Don’t sit on the chair backwards like that, you’ll see it!’
‘SO? You don’t watch it all the time?’
‘Do that again and I won’t invite!’
‘OK!’ With the sound, I jumped up in place, turned the chair upright while it was in the air again, and fell back into the chair on my butt.
‘Keep your word!’
”Who’s like you, a complete cat man! You’re a great eater, a great sleeper, and a great flirt.
”Yooooo~~ There aren’t many people who can see this!”
‘Yeah? Then I don’t want to see it!’
‘Plus! Let’s go to McDonald’s, it’s eight o’clock.’
As Gongjia got up, I crawled and jumped to the door, pretending to be a gentleman to help Gongjia open the door.
”Please, Ms. Ye”
”You’re welcome, Mr. Cheng”
We both laughed at the same time and walked out of Gongjia’s house. At this time, Taipei’s nightlife was just about to kick off.
Episode 2: 2 Minutes of Crisis
‘Order what?’
The impatient cash register lady, before I could make a decision, asked again ‘What would you like to order, sir?’
‘Oh! Fish bun, chicken bun, six-piece chicken, fries, coke and chocolate shake! Wow~!’ Ouch! Women’s high-heeled shoes can definitely be ranked among the top ten weapons in ancient and modern times! Not only can they be used as shoes to cover up a killing opportunity, but they can also grow in height and attack silently, making them unguardable!
‘Anything else?’
I looked back at Gonga who was looking at me with an iron face and an angry glare from Aoi ~hmmm~! If I keep going, I’m sure I’ll get hung up! Or I’ll get a hole in the back of my foot!
”No more, no more!” Saying that, he turned back to Gong Jia and said ‘What about you?’
‘Miss, a chicken bun and a cup of coffee!’
Coffee? Since when do you drink coffee? I thought Gong-ga didn’t drink it say~ Otherwise, it would be nice to visit a cafe in the evening. While I was thinking about it, the McDonald’s lady had already gotten the same thing. I thought about it and turned to Gong-ga and said.
”Jia, you take these first and go find a seat! I’m going to sit outside on the fourth floor.’
After Gong Jia took the first batch of food, I pulled my dad’s American Express card out of my wallet and asked to swipe the bill. I don’t know if the lady made a big deal out of it, or if no one had actually swiped it, but she actually summoned the manager.
I didn’t realize McDonald’s didn’t have a credit card machine either! There goes my perfect plan of stealing the bill! After I got my card back, Gong Jia came down! Without saying a word, she took out a thousand dollar bill from her little GUESS bag and solved my dilemma. Why does she always act like she knows what I’m thinking?
Or am I too simple. Before I could think of an answer, I was unconsciously dragged aside by Gong Jia, a move that not only solved the McDonald’s highway traffic jam, but also brought me back to my senses. I looked at her, and in a thoughtful manner, I followed her up to the fourth floor balcony.
”Say it!” Right after I wordlessly ate the chicken bun, Gong Jia finally spoke up to break the ice.
‘Hmm?’ I looked at her in disbelief.
‘What are you thinking?’ Gong-ga took on a listener’s demeanor, propping his chin up with both hands and gazing at me with unblinking eyes. Such clear eyes!
‘Am I simple?’
‘I feel as if everything I do is expected by others’
‘Oh? Is that so? I’m getting the impression that you’ve been rambling on about something all day long! At this rate, you’ll be hopeless! Woe to you! Amitabha! The most important thing is to do well in your exams! Don’t think about anything else! It will be OK.’
”Ugh~~ Consider me hopeless! Even I don’t think I’ll be able to get into college now…”
‘Anne! If you can read, you can pass the exam.’
‘I didn’t read it!’
‘… Then you’re finished!’
”Oooh~~~! Don’t say such unlucky words~!
‘That’s not true! If I had touched…”
”Ha~ Delusion”
‘If I get into the top three volunteers, you’ll promise me one thing!’
‘The first three volunteers?’
‘NTU, Normal University, National Chengchi University!’
”Ha~ So what are you going to do if you don’t get on?”
‘I’ll disappear in front of you from now on! Otherwise I’ll return your demand.’
‘You said it! Then it’s finalized! You can’t go back on your word!
‘It’s a deal’
‘And what was the request?’
”I want to chase after Shinji on the fifth floor! Can you please do me a favor?!” I looked at her wistfully.
For just a moment, Gonga’s face didn’t look quite right! But it got better right away.
‘Hey, that’s if you can pass the exam! As if I’m going to fail the exam! Why am I surrounded by people like that? I don’t answer, and eat my fries while quietly watching the cars downstairs. Suddenly, I saw a sneaky person, holding a box, walk into McDonald’s. I said to Gong Jia: ‘Wait for me!’ I said and ran downstairs. When I got to the first floor, I saw the man cleaning up the “cleanup”.
The sign was hanging on the door of the men’s restroom, so he walked in holding the box. Cleaner? Seems a little weird! While I was still thinking about it, an attendant passed by me. Waiter? Cleaning lady? Aren’t they the same? Waiter? Sweeper? The same ~~ uniform! That’s right! He’s not wearing a uniform, so he’s not a workman. Thinking of this I ran towards the men’s restroom, and just as I reached the door, he was already running out, running towards the door at a fast pace. Where is the package? I entered the men’s restroom and after half a day of searching, I finally saw the package sitting open on the ceiling. It was a liquid hybrid bomb with less than two minutes left on the timer, measured by mercury vibrations. It was deadly! I rushed out of the restroom and ran towards the front door while screaming.
‘There’s a bomb, run ㄚ!’
As soon as that sentence was uttered, everyone pushed towards the door as if they had no life. Very quickly, the commotion had spread to the third floor.
Almost everyone on the third floor has come down. The third floor? What about the fourth floor? Nobody on the fourth floor, yeah! Hmm? No? Gong-ga’s on the fourth floor! Since there was a storm door at the entrance to the balcony, Gong-ga must not have heard me. By now, I was already outside the door, trying desperately to squeeze in, and when I managed to get inside, I looked at my watch and saw that I had less than 15 seconds! There was no turning back no matter what! I rushed up to the fourth floor as fast as I could, opened the door, and when I saw Gongjia, I yelled: ‘Run away! There’s a bomb!
After that I realized that there was no time! No matter how many seconds it took me to get up here, there was no way Gonga could have my speed!
There’s no escape now!