3. Health rooms in section II
“Oo… stomach ache…”
Tao Wangmei mechanically took notes on the English article while rubbing her lower abdomen with her left hand.
The second class was English Listening, and Tao Wangmei, who hated foreign languages, only liked this English Listening class better out of all the English classes. The teacher who teaches the English listening course is a slightly nervous middle-aged male, if he hears the students whispering below him during class, he will glare in that direction, a teacher known for his strictness.
Therefore, Tao Wangmei endured the disease, and when she finally moaned out “oooh”, it was already the limit of what she could endure.
It’s really not good! It’s really not good for a person to play that kind of self-indulgent game in that kind of place, Tao Wangmei couldn’t help but frown. If you don’t understand a word in English pinyin, you write a note next to it.
I thought, “I’ll write a note on it, so I’ll be able to read it later…”, but I was still a little angry.
Tao Wangmei understands that her physiology has changed a bit, so she has to pay a bit more attention to it.
Tao Wangmei’s body has some strange qualities: if before the physiological period – that is, the so-called “safe period”, one’s own self-consolation, although the psychological know that there will not be a problem, but later on there will always be pain in the abdomen.
This phenomenon is very similar to the discomfort that occurs during physiology, both are the kind of pain that affects the area near the mouth of the uterus, and is also limited to only occurring after a person masturbates.
If there is actual lovemaking and then an orgasm, instead, you don’t feel the pain at all. If you lie down horizontally, the pain eases, but sitting in a position like this one seems to compress that pain even more, so the pain in the abdomen intensifies doing the messing.
So, this morning Tao Wang Mi had failed to achieve fulfillment from her lovemaking with Liao, thus raising the idea of masturbating by herself alone, and as a result, she was now being attacked by pain.
“Ahh! The pain is unbearable!”
At this point, the article just reached a paragraph, the teacher pressed stop on the tape, and inside the classroom, all of us breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed atmosphere.
“Now then, please read the article!”
As soon as the teacher finished speaking, Tao Wangmi raised her hand and shouted “Teacher!” .
“What’s the matter? Qing Shui, want to volunteer?”
The teacher looked at Tao Wang Mi.
“Teacher, I’m sorry, my stomach hurts right now, can I go to the health room?”
The teacher immediately took out his glasses from his pocket and put them on, carefully observing Tao Wangmei’s expression.
“It looks like you don’t look too good… I think it would be better to go to the health center rather than the restroom!”
A few of the boys couldn’t help but snort out a laugh, but Tao Wang Mi didn’t mind at all.
“It’s not like I’m just picking stuff off the floor to eat!”
Tao Wangmei looked a little displeased and said. This teacher s heart is not bad, it s just that he shows too much to girls.
“Then need to accompany you!”
The women’s health committee member said with concern. But Tao Wangmi only told her “Thank you!” Rejecting her kindness, she walked out of the corridor.
The Health Room is a special classroom located on the first floor of the North Building.
“I don’t know if Maiko-sensei is there, so if she’s not out for coffee right now, that would be great.”
Even if Maiko-sensei isn’t here, Tao Wangmi won’t care because Maiko-sensei is also the advisor of the (Human Research Fellowship Association), so it shouldn’t matter even if there’s no one in the health room. It’s just that in case some other teacher goes there and sees me lying on the hospital bed, I’ll have to explain the reason for coming here to them again with a lot of trouble.
If Maiko-sensei had been there, all I would have had to do was to say “anemia”, and even if any of the teachers had come to ask me about it, I would have been able to sleep in my hospital bed.
Walking into the first floor of the North Hall, there was a clamor coming from the chemistry lab on the east side, so there might be another class doing experiments! The pungent stench of potion could be smelled slightly.
The health room is located on the west side. There was a piece of writing paper on the door that said “When entering, please knock first!” When Tao Wangmei saw this piece of paper, she suddenly stopped her hand!
“Huh? Maiko-sensei, did she-“
Tao Wangmei immediately pulled open the door, try to relax the sound of footsteps, quietly walked into the interior, and slowly closed the door, into the interior, at this time you can clearly hear the sound in the door.
Inside the health room was spacious, with three beds, and by the window there was a business desk dedicated to Maiko-sensei, with many books neatly lined up side by side on it. There was a glass closet against the wall opposite the desk, and medicine boxes and bottles, as well as medicines and instruments for bandaging injuries, were neatly displayed in it.
Among the three beds, only the one placed at the northernmost side, against the wall, was surrounded by a white curtain. That is to say, it means “in use”, at this moment, Tao Wangmei felt the sound of moaning and gasping coming out from the curtain.
Tao Wang Mi called softly, and suddenly the moans and gasps stopped.
From behind this curtain came a beautiful woman with her teal hair combed upwards.
“Ah! It’s Tao Wang-mi!”
The health teacher, the underwater fish maiko, didn’t feel annoyed once she saw Tao Wang Mei’s face, she smiled.
“I’m well! I felt a pain in my stomach and thought I’d borrow the bed and lie down for a while.”
“Yeah! Great! Please lie down slowly, would you like an analgesic?”
“Grace! Just lie down for a bit like before!” Tao Wangmi said as she took off her undershirt.
“It should get a little better right away if you lie down a bit, no need for medication.”
“Yeah? Do you want to cover up with a towel, it’s not good if you catch a cold.”
Tawangmi walked forward to a bed by the window and closed the brylane around it properly.
Since she didn’t like to wrinkle the pleats of her skirt, she took off her skirt and blouse and left them by the bed.
“Maiko-sensei, what spirit and stamina!”
Tao Wangmei yawned widely as she thought about it, but vaguely she could hear the sound of clothes rubbing together and low, deep gasps coming from the bed across the room.
I don’t know what grade it is this time… Before, there was a first year, very innocent male student who was very nice. Could it be a first year?
The stomach still continued to feel pain, could it be due to getting up too early in the morning? Tao Wangmi fell asleep without realizing it.
“Is that good? Teacher!”
One of the male students who was lying on the north side of the bed, covered with a towel that only showed his face, heard the sound of Tao Wang Mi also lying on the bed, and asked Maiko-sensei with some uneasiness.
“That person… is still there, isn’t he?”
“It won’t matter if it’s Tao Wang Mi,” Maiko-sensei said with a subdued expression. “She’s the president of the fellowship where I’m the advisor, and she knows my interests very well, so it’s fine, don’t worry too much!”
“If that’s the case, I guess it doesn’t matter…”
Lying on the bed was a boy named Kasai Shuu from the first year C class, and Maiko once again put the cloth curtains around her properly and leaned towards the boy.
Maiko-sensei’s body was of the slender variety, wearing one of those super mini tight dresses that seemed to see between her thighs, not wearing anything on her slender feet, her toes were beautifully manicured and nail-polished, and she wore a pair of high-heeled sandals.
She wore a loose light pink cotton sweater that was shabby open at the chest as if the cleavage of her breasts could be seen, her ample breasts pushed the sweater upwards, emphasizing her slender waist Her face did not look like a Japanese, with teal hair, thin twin eyes, slightly thicker lips, and a moderately sunburnt face, with even-looking features, and for the sake of prettiness she wore a pair of spectacles with no frames, she kind of gorgeous beauty could not be hidden.
Now Maiko draped her white coat over her shoulders and sat on the chair beside the bed, her legs stretched out, the darkness at the end of Maiko’s thighs, visible and invisible as if it were hidden right in front of Shuu’s line of sight who was lying on the bed, a pure-hearted first year boy, his eyes twirling with some embarrassment.
“Sorry, just about halfway through the clinic!”
Hugh lay on the bed wearing only a sports shirt and geometric patterned underwear.
He joined the swimming club in junior high school, and his tanned wheat-colored muscles didn’t go well with his childish face, but his muscular body aroused Maiko’s “appetite”.
The one that had just stood violently in the center of the panties had shriveled and returned to its original soft flesh because of Tao Wang Mei’s presence.
“Ah! Ahh! You don’t have any anger left in that one?”
“Yeah, sorry!”
At once, Hugh’s cheeks reddened in embarrassment.
“Because I was shocked…”
“Hey, it doesn’t matter.”
Maiko slipped her hand into her panties to stroke the softening mass of flesh.
“You’re one of those bodies that feel things very easily, and you see the proof of that.”
Maiko’s gentle stroking of her hand between Shuu’s thighs tugged at the sensations throughout Shuu’s body.
“But my girlfriend seemed to resent it… I remember the first time we made love in bed… at the most important moment, there was a loud noise because of the construction work going on outside the window… That was it… I couldn’t make it that day.”
“After that day, when you met her again, you were just as unable to hold up…?”
Hugh nodded somewhat forlornly.
Maiko had been fond of Shuu since the day of the entrance ceremony.
At first Maiko was attracted to Shuu’s handsome appearance, but later on, began to notice that he always had a very lonely, listless expression.
On the outside: Shuu’s entrance exams were excellent – Maiko had looked him up in the staff room, and he was active in clubs – he decided to join the swimming club at an early stage, which made him even more popular among the girls at school. However, there was no bright expression on his face at all, and the girls thought that an expression of sadness was more manly.
Shuu doesn’t realize that he is being watched by Maiko. At the end of the first class, Shu needed to get some headache pills, and when he visited the health care office and met Maiko, he was asked to attend an individual counseling session. Originally, three months after his first failure, Shu felt it was time to try to end his frustration, and with Maiko’s “hard sell”, Shu accepted to come to the health center for counseling.
“Ah! …”
Shuu let out a small yelp as Maiko’s hand rubbed it, causing Shuu’s one to harden once more, and also holding the cloth of his underwear upwards.
“Fantastic, Hugh.”
Maiko felt invigorated and licked her upper lip.
“I think what you need right now is to restore your self-confidence… your girlfriend, are you still seeing her now?”
“Yes, there is a goodbye.”
When it came to this, the one that Hugh had straightened up, immediately softened again.
“But we don’t want to have sex anymore… because we’re afraid we won’t be able to. I find it fun to see each other even if we don’t sleep, but in my heart I think: “Is it okay to go on like this?”
“All you do is think.”
Maiko’s hand moved slowly as she kept caressing Shuu’s root.
So Shuu’s root wouldn’t continue to be discouraged, but remain engorged and swollen, thanks to Maiko’s caresses.
“But the truth is, I really wanted to embrace my girlfriend in my heart as well. And that time was also a first-time experience for her, I think she needed to have the determination and courage to do so, and for that kind of courage of hers I thought it was necessary to go along with it.”
Maiko took her hand away from Shuu’s one and she smiled slightly. She whirled around and stood up, taking off her white tunic and draping it over the chair, also taking off her glasses and placing them on top of the chair.
“Everything will be fine, Hugh. I’ll give you confidence, and, next time if you see your girlfriend again, I think you should just attach yourself to her courage!”
Maiko said as she took off her skirt and her buttocks wrapped in pink lace panties were exposed. It was a skin color that didn’t get much sun, and from the lace’s mesh hole, one could vaguely see the lusty white flesh.
Hugh immediately gulped.
Maiko slowly rolled up her woolen top and immediately saw a light pink E-cup bra in the same color as her panties.
Maiko took off her woolen top and threw it casually to the floor, she also let go of the hair accessory on her head, the hair that had been curled upwards hung downwards, it was teal colored hair with waves that drowned her shoulders, and underneath the mask of the health room teacher, her true face was actually a very sexy, sultry, experienced and mature woman.
“Let me do everything!”
Red lips tucked into Hugh’s slightly open lips.
The slightly warm tongue was like a living creature swimming in Shuu’s mouth, and the saliva that slid in along the entwined tongue, Shuu drank without hesitation.
“What a cute kid.”
Maiko parted her lips and used her fingers to wipe the lipstick marks that remained on Shuu’s lips.
“Doesn’t it feel so alive and vibrant again!”
Maiko pressed her secret place between Shuu’s thighs in a riding position.
Below that secret place, Shuu’s root was rising upward and gradually increasing in hardness, and that hard rod broke open the entrance of Maiko’s flower hole.
Maiko’s hand rolled up the top of Shuu’s threadbare shirt, and Shuu sat up his upper body, matching Maiko’s movements to remove the top.
“Does Ryuushi belong to the swimming department too?”
Maiko muttered.
“What huge muscles yo…”
Maiko collapsed her upper body on top of Shuu’s, ironing her lips onto the forged, masculine chest.
“Ah! Teacher…”
Transparent saliva kept drawing circles on Shuu’s chest, and Shuu, who was stimulated by the hot lips and slightly warm tongue, had his whole body vibrate from the excitement he felt. Shuu’s pulse throbbed as his meat stick pierced Maiko’s private parts through his underwear. Maiko’s tongue rested on Shuu’s nipple, and she licked the sensitive area of the nipple abundantly with her tongue, letting out audible bites before rubbing the other nipple with her thumb and forefinger.
“Ah! Ah, ah…” Maiko grabbed Shuu’s meat stick and guided the one to her secret hole.
“Hmm… very good, Shuu… harder… rub harder…”
“Teacher… I…”
Hugh was already swinging his hips.
“Don’t… just a little bit more…”
Maiko twisted her loins like a water snake, sending unprecedented sizzling heat to Shuu.
“Ah… fantastic! Teacher, teacher…”
Shuu pushed his lower body in, and Maiko couldn’t help but spread her legs wider.
“Grace! It’s great, Hugh. More, more intense…”
Stimulated by Maiko, Shuu let go even more.
“Teacher’s here, it’s so hot…”
“Shuh’s… also hot… it’s great! I can’t stand it anymore…”
Maiko moaned as Shuu slid one hand over Maiko’s delicate body and one hand into the honey, chirping as he kept pulling at the nectar inside.
Hugh stuck out his tongue and licked and sucked the nectar that flowed out.
“Aww! Oooh!” Maiko swung her waist. “Good, great! Ah… Shuu…”
While swinging her waist in front of Shuu’s eyes, Maiko took Shuu’s one even deeper into the depths of her throat, and Shuu let out an ah yelp when the tip of the rod touched the depths of his throat.
“Ah! Ah…”
Suddenly Shuu’s tongue captured Maiko’s sensitive bud.
Hugh’s tongue slipped into the mouth of the honey hole and the hot nectar moistened Hugh’s lips.
“Ah… uh… ah! I can’t, it’s coming out…”
Maiko grasped the living, breathing giant root in one hand.
“Ah! Can’t do it! Teacher, I’m sorry!”
The slightly astringent white liquid from Shuu’s root instantly filled Maiko’s entire mouth.
Maiko cried out, swallowing all of the hot, white liquid.
Shuu leaned his upper body back slightly like he was relieved, and Maiko moved closer to him to lay her body across.
Maiko smiled and reached between Shuu’s thighs with her left hand.
“You’re still very much in the spirit there! The fun is just starting now!”
“Ah… Teacher…?”
The meat stick hadn’t shriveled up at all, and Maiko’s hand held it tightly as Shuu frowned.
Maiko held Shuu’s face to her side and her lips imprinted on it.
“You open my underwear for me!”
“Is it here?”
Hugh fiddled with the hooks of his underwear with very little confidence.
His eyes were fixed on the rounded, plump, snow-white breasts in front of him.
“Oh! Teacher, me!”
“I hope you like it!”
Maiko smiled delicately.
Shuu gently stroked it, and by Shuu’s touch, the soft and elastic huge breasts gently trembled.
“Touch it up there too!”
Complying with Maiko’s request, Shuu pinched the tip of his nipple hard to pull it up in its entirety.
“Like this, does it hurt!”
“It doesn’t matter. It’s… great…”
Maiko also stroked her breasts with her own hands, moving from all around to the tips, and then from the tips to the entire breasts, and so on and so forth repeatedly, triggering her own pleasure to the extreme herself.
“Teacher? Comfortable, comfortable?”
Facing Shuu’s trembling question, Maiko nodded and said.
“Maybe it’s better if you don’t ask too many questions. If you’re with a girlfriend, don’t ask all these stupid things about whether she’s feeling it, whether the cute little tips of her tits are comfortable, that-“
Maiko took Shuu’s hand in hers and reached into her panties.
“You can tell from stroking here.”
Hugh compounded the lush argyle with his palm, moving his fingers slowly.
As soon as the stamen was rubbed, Maiko let out a gasp.
“Mmm… there… it’s very sensual… really very comfortable… wow…”
Shuu enthusiastically continued to stimulate Maiko’s stamen, sticky nectar staining Shuu’s fingertips.
“You know what to do next, don’t you? It’s already pretty wet in the depths.”
Maiko moved her waist, letting Shuu’s fingers slide into the entrance of the honey.
“Teacher’s here, it’s so hot.”
“Hugh, take it all off!”
Shuu finally took off Maiko’s panties, and the mysterious part was glistening from the reflection of the light.
“Ah! Ah! So comfortable… very skillful. Shu… ah…!”
Shuu’s tongue kept licking Maiko’s honey core, feeling a shudder every time he touched it.
“Please, Teacher, let me… this time.”
Shuu’s huge root kept shaking and rubbing against Maiko’s secret place, emitting a scorching heat that Shuu could hardly stand.
“What do you want?”
Hugh turned red.
“This time… let me… also be inside the teacher─”
“Eh! Well… in the pocket of the white tunic…”
“What are you talking about?”
Shuu asked as he brought his white tunic over and fumbled in his pocket. Pulling out a square aluminum foil wrapped object.
“Please put it on.”
Maiko gently took hold of Shuu’s one.
“Remember, it’s a courtesy to women.”
“Ah! Okay.”
Shuu followed Maiko’s instructions and put on the condom.
“There’s something strange about it.”
“It can feel a little uncomfortable though.”
Maiko smiled bitterly.
“But it’s even more annoying if you don’t wear it and have trouble or aftermath later.”
Hugh nodded with a somewhat understanding expression.
“Teacher, is that okay?”
Maiko nodded.
Shuu held his meat stick in his hand and tried to penetrate Maiko’s hole, but the mouth of the wet and slippery flower hole was too slippery and it wasn’t very easy to find the right entrance.
Hugh felt a little anxious.
“Is that right, teacher?”
Maiko reached out and took hold of Shuu’s root, guiding it to the entrance to the honey.
Hugh immediately pushed his back forward.
“Ah! Aah!”
Completely surrounded by the hot flower hole, Hugh couldn’t help but let out a yelp.
“Eh! It feels good.”
Maiko let out a dreamy moan and twisted her waist fiercely.
“Ugh! Teacher… I can’t take it anymore…”
Hugh’s lumbar movements accelerated.
“Ah… it’s so comfortable! There! Shuu… it’s so comfortable.”
Maiko tightened her hold on Shuu’s back, and a paralyzing thrill hit Shuu’s back.
“Ah..! Teacher, I have…”
“Very well! Come on! Come on out!”
As Maiko shouted, Shuu’s whole body trembled.
At the same time, the inner walls of Maiko’s nectar were spasming as if they were paralyzed. Shu’s penis was at its limit, and it was throbbing… Finally, Shu collapsed on top of Maiko, completely exhausted.
From Shuu’s mouth kept muttering to himself.
“It’s wonderful! Teacher… it’s wonderful.”
Maiko cradled Shuu’s head and stroked it gently.
“How does it feel?”
“Very good! Very good.”
Hugh smiled a little feeling embarrassed.
“Now, feel confident?”
At Maiko’s question, Shuu cocked his head and thought a little.
“Confidence? I can’t exactly say that, but after this time, I probably won’t be hesitant when I meet a girlfriend in the future.”
“Easier than expected, I guess!”
Looking at Maiko’s smile, Shuu laughed out loud as well.
Suddenly a noise was heard outside the cloth curtains.
Hugh jumped in shock and immediately pulled a towel over himself.
“I think it’s Tao Wang Mi?”
Maiko got out of bed and threw her white tunic over her body.
“It doesn’t matter, Tao Wang Mi come in!”
“Oh! Excuse me!”
Tao Wangmei came into the cloth curtain.
Hugh pulled the towel up to his chin and bowed his head in embarrassment.
“Is the body better?”
Maiko asked.
“I feel better after a little sleep, I woke up earlier this morning so I kind of wanted to sleep in.”
Tao Wang Mi made a wink to look at Maiko.
“I heard the teacher’s sexy purr, so even my eyes brightened up!”
Maiko smiled bitterly.
“Sorry about the noise, then!”
“Nothing, it’s just, I didn’t expect my opponent to be Gussie B. Hugh.”
Tao Wangmai waved at Xiu.
“Tao Wang-mi, you know something about him?”
“Eh, he’s a very active one in the club… Did you help him with his problem, teacher?”
Tao Wang Mi peeked at the silent Maiko.
“Ah! Teacher, what…?”
“Eh, it’s not much!”
“But you don’t look like you’re okay like that, maybe, there’s something wrong with this place?”
Tao Wang Mi reached out and poked Maiko’s chest.
Maiko couldn’t help but cry out, the tips of her hardened breasts, pushing up the white tunic that covered them, and Tao Wangmi’s fingers pierced just the most sensitive part of that tip.
“Teacher, you’re here again?”
Tao Wangmi licked her lips happily.
“Although, Geshe has tried very hard, the teacher’s body is still…”
“How about yourself? Half a catty.”
Maiko retorted back.
“After work this morning, you were playing by yourself again, weren’t you? If not, how could you, a healthy baby, have a stomach ache for no reason?”
“You can’t say that.”
Tao Wang Mi ran towards Maiko and desperately licked her neck.
A tingling pleasure rose up Maiko’s back.
“Hey, hey! Gussie, get over there!”
Tawangmi herded Shuu to the other side of the bed, then pressed Maiko’s shoulders slightly so that she was born down in the vacated area.
“Ah… really, Tao Wang-mi, this is too much!”
“Not very much?”
Tawangmi bent her knees down to the ground at Maiko’s feet.
“It might be good for Sensei’s sanity if we just leave it at that, but the flesh would be pathetic! Katsumi wants Sensei to be satisfied too, right!”
“Grace! Yes!”
Hugh nodded along, though he was still confused.
“I have restored my faith in myself because of my teacher.”
Tao Wang-mi took Maiko’s tunic, brushed it open, and under the lifted garment, stroked gently at the end of her thighs.
“Ah! Wo…!”
Maiko’s secret place, which had not yet been satisfied, snapped open and began to ooze copious amounts of nectar.
“Look, Gussy!”
Tao Wang-mi urged, and Shuu picked up Maiko from behind, lifting her breasts from bottom to top and rubbing them hard.
The tips of Maiko’s breasts quickly stiffened and hardened, and Shuu’s fingers squeezed the lovely pink nubs.
Shuu pulled Maiko’s body across the bed. Maiko “Ah!” The spat out a sweet sound.
Shuu’s tongue slid from Maiko’s neck toward the cleavage, while his right hand went straight deeper into the secret area.
“Ah! Hoo… Shoo…”
Maiko frowned and pushed her waist forward. Shuu’s middle finger slipped into Maiko’s honey.
“Then, next, it’s all yours! Bye!”
Tao Wang Mi waved her hand through the cloth curtains and stepped outside, sitting in the chair Maiko often sat in, and just as she was about to sit down, there came Maiko’s “Ah!” The yelp.
“Really, the teacher is really stubborn.”
Tao Wangmei picked up a monthly science magazine from the corner and muttered as she flipped through it haphazardly.
Suddenly Tao Wang Mi heard a soft knock on the door and thus looked up.
“Uh, that…?”
Standing there at the door was… a female student whom Tao Wang-mi had met before.
Suddenly being called out by her name, the schoolgirl flinched in shock.
“Yes, yes, on the contrary Miki.”
“Indeed. Well, please come in─Sensei is in the middle of something right now, so please wait a moment.”
Entering the health room, Miki stopped in surprise when she heard gasps coming from the curtains.
“Um… is it okay?”
“Eh? Ah! It’s okay!”
Tao Wangmei waved his hand.
“Don’t you have something to discuss with your teacher, Miki? And, it should be something in that area, right?”
“Yes, but why would you know that?”
“Why? Because intuition told me so, I guess! I’m Aomizu Tawangmi from the second year A class, Miki you probably don’t remember, at the entrance ceremony…”
“I remember.”
Miki suddenly laughed.
“I was very nervous at the entrance ceremony, but at the entrance of the school, I felt so much more relaxed by the beautiful sisters hanging colorful flowers and smiling kindly, I was so happy…”
“You even remembered me…?”
Tao Wangmi was in an excited mood! All in all, Miki is the quintessential beauty queen that Tao Wang Mi loves.
“Gakuya is the president of the (Human Research Fellowship), right?”
It’s not like there’s any work to delegate, is it?
Soon, Maiko, clad in a white tunic and feeling refreshed throughout, appeared.
“Where’s Gussy?”
Maiko shrugged indifferently.
“That person, who’s been working very hard for a long time, is probably too tired! It doesn’t really matter if you relax a bit more and don’t have to be so tense, that’s not a problem at all, is it?”
Maiko’s eyes shifted to Miki’s, who had been watching Maiko since just now, and saw the mesmerized Miki, and lowered her head in panic.
“I’m Miki Sagara from the first year B class, I, that─”
“Good! Take your time, talk slowly, I’ll get a cup of coffee, is it okay if I listen while I drink?”
Tao Wangmei turned on the power of the electric coffee, there was still a refrigerator placed in the health room even though the place was small. It was a necessity for Maiko in order to enjoy an elegant and leisurely afternoon tea time with these things.”
“I… I… I’ve been with the student council president, Tong Yasu, recently…”
Prodded by Maiko’s gentle gaze, Miki began to slowly relate her reason for being here.
4. Health rooms in section III
Miki and Hide’s relationship started shortly after enrollment.
“Wasn’t there a welcome party for new students at that time?” Miki said.
“Ah! Yes, it’s also a welcome party where we introduce the club’s activities…”
Tao Wang Mi nodded as she remembered.
“At that time, I was sitting in the front row, and there was no special rule that I could sit anywhere. However, because I was a little late, only the front seat was available, and since there were four of us from the same middle school, the front seat was the only one available if we wanted to sit together.”
“So, what happened to that welcome party situation?”
Miki spoke up.
“A few of us, sitting almost right in the middle of the room, didn’t the welcome party just start with the student body president giving his speech? At that point in the speech eye to eye, eye contact was made.”
At first, Miki thought that it was just a coincidence that her eyes were relative to Hide!
However, after that, he seemed to feel that he was making eye contact too often. However, after that, he seemed to feel the feeling of “too much eye contact!”, and Hide would often glance around the room, occasionally looking to the right or to the left, back and forth, but when his eyes returned to the front, he would make contact with Miki’s gaze.
I don’t think that’s going to happen!
Miki looked at Hide’s handsome face in a trance while thinking like this. With his long body, bright and handsome looks, an excellent typical like Xiu is exactly the type of person Miki likes, and Miki can’t help but fall in love with him.
Actually, I don’t think I’m the only one watching!
Miki, who applauded enthusiastically along with everyone else as she stepped down from the podium at the end of Show’s speech, thought so. However, in the very next moment, that thought was dismissed. To the left of the freshmen’s seats, there were special seats for school staff and student council members. In the middle of those seats, Hide was sitting there, and Hide was indeed looking at Miki.
Miki stirred uneasily and readjusted her sitting position.
Miki purposely acted as if nothing had happened, but Hide’s eyes were still fixed on Miki.
“Hey! Sagara!”
The student sitting next to him elbowed Miki.
“What the hell are you doing moving around in there?”
“Ah! It’s nothing! Hey… is there anything on my face?”
My friend looked at Miki with wide eyes.
“There’s nothing special about the face! On the contrary, the guy on the right side of the stage right now is the vice president of the volleyball club, and don’t you think he gave a good speech?”
Even though her classmates were saying that, Miki still couldn’t concentrate.
It was hard to make it to break time. Miki sat in her seat alone in a trance.
“What’s the matter? Gawking there!”
Suddenly there was a tap on her shoulder and Miki looked up and up.
Xiu stood in front of Miki with a big smile on his face, staring at her intently.
“Well! No, Si, no, nothing!”
Miki waved her hand in panic.
“Nothing really!”
“That’s so cute! You!”
“Huh? It’s so cute… I, is it?”
Hide nodded, bending over to look at Miki’s face from the front and up close.
“Just now, that’s what I’ve been thinking. How about it? Let’s go for coffee together later, shall we?”
“Me? With the senpai?”
“Um, because of being the student council president, I have to help organize after the meeting later, it will take a little bit of time, you may have to wait for me for a while… will it be inconvenient, no?”
“Ah! How inconvenient, no such thing.”
“Great! Then, after the welcome party is over, meet me at the place at the back door. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“┅Then, after the welcome party was all over, I waited for about half an hour or so… and went to a store called (March’s Bunny), where I was treated to black tea and cake…”
Miki asked as she continued, suddenly looking up at Tao Wang Mi.
“Um, to continue to ask for advice, I’m wondering if there’s a processing fee?”
“That’s true if it’s to be commissioned (by the Human Research Fellowship), but, Miki, didn’t you originally come to Maiko-sensei to discuss this?”
Tao Wang Mi explained.
“Ah! Yes, yes.”
Miki nodded.
“Mr. Tonga told me, ‘Go to the health center and talk about it.’ So I…”
“What the hell was he thinking?”
Tao Wangmei’s face scrunched together.
“When we met in the morning, we said, ‘There may be a job to be commissioned.’ Is that what he meant?
Ah! Never mind, all in all, it doesn’t cost anything to discuss things with Maiko-sensei, so please continue.”
“Uh, good.”
Miki nodded in agreement then cocked her head to the side.
“Um… what was I talking about?”
“Went to (March Hare’s) black tea store after the freshman welcome party.”
Maiko held out a helping hand.
“Ah! Yes, that day, and then he sent me home…”
“I don’t think it’s going to be just a ride home, is it? Didn’t anything happen?”
Tao Wang Mi looked at Miki with a naughty smile on her face and deliberately teased and asked her.
“Yes, but there was only kissing that day…”
Miki replied with a red face.
“Actually, I’m really stupid too, but it’s only like that, and I’m surprised that I froze and gawked like a fool, thinking of myself as the Hokage’s lover…”
Speaking of this, Miki burst into a fit of sentimentality, her eye frames squeezing with tears, and then Miki actually bawled loudly as if something heavenly sorrowful had happened.
The two of them, Tao Wang Mi and Maiko, looked at each other, not knowing what to do.
“What to do? Teacher.”
Tao Wang Mi looked at Maiko Mamoru.
“If you ask me, who do I ask? Usually, if you want to make someone cry, I’m pretty good at that. But to ask me to comfort someone who suddenly bursts into tears on her own, that’s something I’m not good at.”
“Are you calmer?”
“I’m sorry.”
Miki sobbed.
“It’s okay, it’s okay.”
Tao Wangmei waved his hand.
“So, I’ll ask you straight up, how many times in total have you and Tonga had sex up until this morning?”
“Do you know everything about what happened this morning?”
Miki’s eyes widened buckets.
“Uh, ah uh…, that’s… that…”
Tao Wangmei was speechless for a moment.
“Tao Wangmei! The cause of your abdominal pain this morning, it couldn’t have been─.”
“Eh. Actually, it’s…”
Tao Wang Mi stuck her tongue out. Maiko laughed, knowing all too well about Tao Wang Mi’s special physique.
“What a way to take you.”
Maiko pouted her lips with a somewhat helpless expression.
“Miki, this Tao Wangmai, ah, came to school early this morning because of the (Human Research Fellowship) event, and it was probably at that time that what you guys were doing was seen. By the way, this morning, did something happen?”
Tao Wang Mi quickly explained to Maiko what she saw in the morning, and after that, she met Xiu, and Xiu told her all about the seduction without hiding anything.
“Does Tongyae-senpai like Tao Wangmai-senpai?”
“No, nothing like that.”
In response to Miki’s question, Tao Wang Mi hastily denied it.
“That guy, always big or small, it’s his interest to greet any girl and then ask to be boyfriend and girlfriend. It’s embarrassing for Miki to say something like that to you, but that’s simply the way he is.”
Miki nodded.
“I think so too, but when Tongyae-senpai and I were together, he was really very nice to me, and he said that he only liked me, which really made me feel that atmosphere… It was hard for me to believe that…”
“So, the first time with Tonga this morning wasn’t the truth Ro?”
Tao Wangmei deliberately asked in a calm tone voice.
“No, it’s not.”
Miki replied calmly as well.
“This morning was the sixth time, I think. But doing it at school is the first time it’s happened.”
Tao Wang-mi looked up at the aboriginal board.
“Now, the weightiest thing of all─what exactly did Tonga say to you this morning?”
Miki was silent and lowered her head.
The two of them, Tao Wang Mi and Maiko, waited quietly for Miki to reveal the secret of her heart.
“He said, ‘It’s better if you don’t have any at all’, and then he said, ‘I’ve done it several times, but I don’t feel very good, so let’s not do it!’ I can’t believe I was told such a thing. ”Go to the health center and discuss it, and if it gets better, I’ll give you another chance to be with you.” I was finally told this, and so I… came here!”
“Is that why you came to my place?
Maiko stared at Miki intently from the front.
“What if, when it gets better, it’s still with Tonga?”
“Nah! Not so much anymore.”
Miki smiled.
“It’s already been said that way, and there’s no longer that kind of mood to do that kind of nice thing with senpai anymore, not that kind of mood anymore. It’s just─”
“It’s just that the fact of being told ‘no good’ is something you feel sorry for.”
Miki nodded in deep agreement with what Maiko had said.
“Then… next is my job.”
Tao Wang Mi rubbed her hands together and licked her tongue.
Maiko spoke very coldly.
“She came here because she heard Tongyae say, ‘Let’s go to the health center to discuss this!’ She came here obediently, this is my place, it’s time for me to step in and show off, if you’re going to interfere anyway, I’ll make you an assistant.”
“But Miki doesn’t look like she has a bad sensei, does she?”
“Ah! What sensibility?”
Miki blushed and shook her hand.
“As for me, when I am feeling very much, I am so oblivious that it is as if I have forgotten the existence of the other person. Perhaps it’s because of that that the Hokage feels so disliked! It’s… as if the Hokage can’t get excited!”
“Isn’t it a blessing to be able to fully commit and communicate your feelings to the other person?”
Tao Wang Mi and Maiko both “Eh.” The nodded to each other.
“Let’s get started then.”
Maiko stood up.
“Whatever it is, you always have to try it to find out.”
“Miki, come here.”
Tawangmi invited Miki over to the bed where she had been lying a while ago, near the window next to her. “Sit there.” Miki sat on the bed side by side with Maiko, while Tao Wang Mi sat on the chair next to the bed thou.
“Well then, let’s now indeed check to see if you’re really ‘cold-sensitive’, and if I’m ‘cold-sensitive’ as well, we’ll figure out how to see what to do about it! It’s just that maybe it’s just Tonga alone, or maybe he’s just talking off the top of his head, in which case there’s nothing wrong with you, Miki!”
“Yes, please.”
Miki curtsied politely.
Maiko reached out and took Miki’s chin in her hand and gently lifted it. Red lips, lips coated with pearl-colored lipstick, were kissed.
Just like that – a small sound came out, and the two of them fell on the bed overlapping each other.
Playing back and forth with her tongue, Miki let out a “Hmm…” Moans.
Maiko was as happy as if she was about to let out a cheer.
“I like the way you feel, Miki.”
“Thank… thank you, thank you very much.”
Miki, perhaps because she was shy, covered her face with both hands and her voice became hoarse.
Maiko’s hand never stopped moving to, and the sound of sand was made at the same time that Miki’s tight skirt had fallen over the edge of the bed.
“Eh, not bad for a teacher with quick hands!”
Tao Wangmei wrapped her arms around her chest and was touched in admiration.
“Maiko-sensei doesn’t just take it off quickly with boys, but even with girls, so next time teach me this technique to pass it on.
Miki was lying flat on her back, her breasts didn’t look too big, and Maiko gently rubbed them with her palms.
Miki exhaled slightly.
“No, don’t,… this will feel.”
“It’s okay, it’s all about feeling.”
“If you don’t feel it, I’m the one who doesn’t find it interesting.”
Maiko looked at Tao Wangmu with a look that said, “Aren’t you coming to play?” Looking at Tao Wang Mi with a look of “Don’t you want to come along?”, Tao Wang Mi smiled bitterly and waved her hand.
“Such soft skin!”
Maiko ran her fingers back and forth along the edge of the bra.
While saying that, he took off Miki’s bra, and the small cute shaped breasts with light pink tips were standing hard and erect.
Maiko’s vermilion lips took the small protrusion in one bite.
“Ah! Ummm…” Miki let out a more intense gasp.
“Hate it? If you really don’t like it, I’ll stop!”
Maiko used her legs to spread Miki’s legs apart.
Maiko moved her thighs as if she was rubbing, and Miki’s panties were gradually sucked into the secret place.
“Look… it’s burning hot here too… don’t you really like it?”
“Ah… don’t! No… don’t stop!”
Miki’s hands moved away from her face, letting them lay casually on either side of her head.
“Don’t stop… please!”
Maiko nodded in satisfaction and pressed her ample breasts against Miki’s.
“Lao, teacher! …”
Miki pushed herself upward, grazing Maiko’s thighs.
Maiko’s right hand, from the top of the panties on top of Miki’s secret place slowly moving back and forth, at the same time, half of the body also gently shaking up, so that the nipple intermittently touching, that if there is no sensation, continue to give Miki stimulation.
Miki twisted her hips.
“No… okay…”
Sure enough, this girl was the type that was easy to feel for.
Tao Wang-mi, who had been observing the two of them from the sidelines, thought so. However, Miki, who had been violated by Xiu, remembered that he seemed to have said, “It’s very easy to feel” in a helpless manner.
Why is that? Tonga should be happy that it’s easy to have feelings for her, so what’s her problem?
Tao Wangmei had a faint scratching sensation between her legs while thinking like this.
Tao Wangmei scratched her head, puzzled.
Maiko’s middle finger slipped inside Miki’s secret place, pumping back and forth making grunting, grunting sounds as Miki’s body twisted in response!
“Ah! Teacher, there…”
“Eh? Here. Right!”
“Yes, that’s where…”
Miki gasped dramatically.
Maiko’s middle finger, rubbing Miki’s honey , Miki’s back was paralyzed like an electric shock.
“Just the right amount of wetness.”
Maiko said in a very erotic and professional tone, then clucked and twitched her fingers.
“Well? It’s cozy in here, isn’t it.”
“Ah! Phew… it’s great, it’s so… comfortable…”
Maiko gently shifted her lower body backward with her waist strength, Miki’s knee touched Maiko’s secret part, and suddenly Maiko let out an “Ahh! Oooh!” She screamed.
“Eh, sure enough! Your response, Miki, feels so good, so comfortable…”
Maiko’s frown deepened with an enraptured expression.
“It’s so smooth and tender that you can’t stand it! “I can’t stand it…”
Maiko was on Miki’s knees, her willows dancing wildly, her buds, coated with nectar and standing still, rubbing back and forth intermittently near Miki’s knees, creating intense pleasure.
“It’s beautiful! Miki.”
Maiko saw a small, pearl-like bud on top of the petals, and then brought her lips to it.
“So want to eat!”
Maiko’s tongue licked up the nectar that flowed out from the entrance of the honey.
She rubbed her secret place against Miki’s foot, her head bobbing from the licking.
“Mmm… comfortable… ah, hoo… comfortable! .”
Miki’s voice had the sound of a cry as she moaned and kept twisting her waist.
“Great! Miki. What do you think?”
“Ah… ah!”
“Here, feel it?”
Maiko slipped her fingers into the honey, pumping them in and out.
“Ah, no! Not there… not there!”
Miki’s breathing was so rapid that she looked like she was about to break, and her waist was swinging fiercely.
“It feels good!”
Maiko Takayoshi said.
“Just by using my finger, it’s contracting tightly as if it’s going to dissolve, it’s so sensitive, why would it…?”
“Shouldn’t… Tong Yai be sexually impotent?”
Tao Wangmei cocked her head in serious thought.
“But, as things stand now, Miki does seem to have a very good sensory response, and… and to be complained about by a boy is unbelievable…?”
“That’s what I thought.”
Maiko replied happily.
“She’s almost out too!”
Miki’s back tendons twitched in gusts.
“Can’t! It’s coming out.”
“It’s a nice touch.”
“As if that’s the case.”
Tao Wang Mi seemed to have a very unimpressed expression.
“With this look, why does the other side still have something to say? If it were me, I’d be shouting hooray with delight.
“I think so too, it’s very easy to feel, and it seems she doesn’t satisfy herself before the other person reaches orgasm… Koo, regardless of the man, if it’s a girl, even after two or three orgasms, isn’t it still possible to fight again?”
Maiko stuck out her tongue.
“So… be a little happier!”
“Teacher… shouldn’t… Teacher, are you premenstrual too?”
Tao Wangmei raised the question in his mind.
“I’ve just fought Geshe for 200 rounds, and I’ve turned the world upside down… Isn’t that enough?”
Tao Wang-mei’s special body type, before the physiological period of “solo pleasure!” doesn’t really get satisfied! As for Maiko’s body type, her physical desires would become particularly high before her period. Not only sexual desire, but also appetite and the need to sleep are more intense than usual.
Therefore, the pre-biological maiko, who can eat and sleep again, is very strong in all the instincts of life.
“It seems a little out of the ordinary lately!”
Maiko sighed as she stroked Miki’s thigh.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve been here, but judging by the way things have been going lately, it seems like it’s coming soon! But maybe, if so, that’s great!”
Being caressed by Maiko, Miki, who was originally lazy and weak after the passion, became conscious again.
“You’re really good!”
Maiko sat up physically, supporting herself on the bed with her hands, and laughed out loud.
At this time Tao Wangmei said.
“So how about going and trying to see how the boys react?”
“Gussie, can I ask you a favor?”
“Wh, what is it?”
“Nothing, just going to ask you to do something fun with Miki lying there, is that okay?”
“Uh-huh! Me, is that me?”
“You’ve been peeking since just now haven’t you? I already knew that!”
Hugh quietly lowered his head.
“It seems like I heard a very beautiful sound… so I’m just… sorry!”
“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter!”
Not letting him have another chance to speak, Tao Wang Mi pulled Shu from the bed as soon as he could. Pulling him towards the side of the bed where Miki was laying with a dragging one, a hard heap towards his back.
“Hey, this…”
Shuu, who was about to get into bed, looked back at Tao Wangmei with a little bit of trepidation.
“This, me and Sagara…?”
“What? Recognized each other long ago? In that case, that makes it easier!”
Maiko, who had already left her bed and had already organized her clothes, smiled from the sidelines.
“You’ve already heard the situation, it should be clear, you have to make Miki happy and enjoy that happiness yourself, that’s it, it’s simple, isn’t it? Think about the situation with me just now, isn’t it simple?”
“But… what about Sagara’s mood?”
Shu looked at Miki, who also avoided Shu’s gaze by holding her breasts and nodded sheepishly.
“I just need Geshe’s consent… it’s no problem, but Geshe is Keiko’s boyfriend…”
“No, it’s almost almost not anymore!”
Hugh spoke very disillusioned.
“When I had to do it with my girlfriend Keiko before, I couldn’t do it right…”
Afterward Shuu turned to Maiko and Tao Wang Mi and smiled.
“Sagara and I went to the same school in middle school!”
“Really? I’m afraid it’s not too good then! Miki, you and Kasumi’s girlfriend know each other too!”
Tao Wangmi rested her chin in her hand in annoyance.
“No, it’s okay!”
Shuu took Miki’s hand.
“As long as Sagara says it’s okay, I… now… seem to be very excited about the tender and romantic atmosphere that a girl offers to give, and I feel so good that I might be rude to Sagara if I refuse.”
“Eh, don’t bother with that one.”
Miki moved her own body to the side of the bed.
“Lai… Geshe!”
The two of them, Tao Wangmei and Maiko, looked at each other and exited together with great understanding and closed the curtains.
Soon there were gasps from behind the cloth curtains of a great battle to be fought.
The duo seemed to have put their respective worries aside and were now in the happiest of moments.