WARNING: This article is about pornography, sexual abuse, killing and cannibalism, and should not be read by anyone under the age of 18, or by anyone who is prohibited by law from viewing this article in their country or region, or by anyone who is disgusted by the content of this article!
Family Revelry
Karin is a great daughter and a great sister or sister-in-law. It’s really not that hard to do that, all you need is a good cook.
As usual, Karin went back to the club’s member’s shopping center. There were various sizes of cuts of meat from different places on display. Karin, however, rarely purchased them, and while it was true that they were all at least top quality meat, she still preferred the fresh meat that was butchered and cut on site, even though they weren’t always very good.
Karin made her way to Harry’s counter and surveyed the day’s goods. Being late to the party, she saw that there were only three girls still kneeling there waiting for buyers. Karin selected a young girl with short Japanese teenage hair, and although she wasn’t fully developed, she had a nice round firm ass and strong legs.
“Karin wants one of her legs.” Karin said, pointing at the girl.
“Great choice.” That was Harry’s mantra as he continued, “Hey, don’t you want something else? I’d like to get off early too, and the girls have been waiting a long time.”
Karin hesitated for a moment, but after seeing those two pairs of eager eyes she changed her mind: “Okay. It’s mom’s 40th birthday, so a little waste won’t hurt. Let’s add a pair of that girl’s arms and a portion of that girl’s ass.”
“Hey, that’s very kind of you.” Harry grinned. He turned his head and pulled the ropes tied around the girls’ waists, leading them toward a guillotine off to the side.
The girls knelt down on the guillotine, their long, slender necks held in place by a stopper. Below their heads was a basket, each containing three or four heads that had already been cut off. And above their necks hung sharp guillotines. Their arms were still tied behind their backs, and Harry had tied each of their feet with a rope, and hooked the ropes around their feet with an iron hook with a cord.
After this was all set up, Harry flipped the switch on the guillotine. Only to see from the bottom of the guillotine stretched out two suction cups like things, at once very accurately affixed to the top of each girl’s breasts and began to squeeze up. At first, the three girls still subconsciously twisted their bodies to avoid the suction cups. But slowly, they began to moan with pleasure.
At that moment, another large motorized dildo rose from the bottom and entered the girls and began thrusting in deep and shallow strokes.
By now the girls had abandoned all reserve and were lewdly screaming without shyness.
A few minutes later, the short-haired girl Karin had first picked had reached orgasm. Her mouth was wide open, her whole body stiffened, her hands clawed about, and then she was writhing and moaning again. Harry hurriedly pressed the slaughter button and the sharp blade fell in one swift motion severing the short-haired girl’s neck. As she climaxed, her head rolled off the stage into a basket, and her headless body slipped and fell… “Yikes” and “Uh-huh”, the other two girls were also killed at the same moment of their orgasms The other two girls were also butchered with precision by Harry at the same moment they reached orgasm. Their bodies were hung upside down by means of pulleys on the ceiling in order to drain the blood and make it easier to cut up the necessary parts for Karin.
Karin smiled with satisfaction. Because as a matter of common sense, the sooner a girl climaxed the better the meat was in the same situation. Karin was satisfied with her first choice just now.
Karin returned home carrying large and small bags full of raw materials, but saw the family sitting around the dining table in the center hall, talking and laughing. Upon seeing Karin enter, her youngest sister Ruilin excitedly ran over and said: “Sister, you don’t have to cook today. Mom said today we can go to the club’s ‘choose your own meat’ restaurant, she has reserved a table.”
“Yes?” Karin smiled as she put the bag in the refrigerator and asked, “So who will be taking care of it?”
“It’s not finalized yet.” Karin’s only sister, Erin, said, “We’ve only decided that we’re going to choose two out of the six. But we’ll make the final decision when we get to the restaurant.”
Karin shrugged indifferently.
The front door of the restaurant was very large. There were huge windows on either side of the door, and inside each of them were locked up twenty or thirty girls who were buying food out of the restaurant. Their hands were tied behind their backs, their feet were shackled to the sides, and the collars around their necks were chained so high that they had to stand up straight, and their bodies were visible.
Upon entering, a naked blonde girl in her mid-twenties asked, “Can I serve you anything?” Mom Nina replied that she had reserved table nine. So the naked waitress led them to the table.
The dining room was very large and could accommodate at least a hundred people eating at the same time. As usual, it had filled up. Naked waitresses were walking between the tables. In front of the left and right walls of the dining room stood forty girls and women of all ages, from their teens to their twenties and thirties, who were the dishes of the evening, taking instructions from the guests. Their hands were cuffed behind their backs to the rings on the wall behind them.
Those chosen by the guests were then collared around their necks by the waitresses, who then unshackled them before hauling them to the guests’ tables.
“Well. We should sample some younger meat tonight.” Nina smiled as she pointed out a pair of girls who had just walked past the Karins’ table. They looked like they should be twins, twelve or thirteen year olds with baby faces and slender, slim figures that looked really good. They were led to another table by the waitress, listening to how the guests decided to cook them.
“They look alike.” Karin’s cousin, Michelle, whispered to her sister, Mina, referring to the lady who was speaking to the waiter.
“Yes.” The waitress at Karin’s table smiled and said, “That lady is the twins’ mother. It’s very popular to order your own daughters here these days.”
“So, are you going to buy the girls here or are you going to donate them?” The waiter asked.
“Well, I’ve decided to donate two of these five girls and then choose two more from you.”
Nina pointed to her sister Erin, her sister Rylin, and Karin’s two cousins, Michelle and Mina, as well as Karin: “But we haven’t discussed exactly who we’re going to donate.”
“In that case,” the waitress, who had probably seen this kind of situation before, replied with a smile, “we can offer a method here.”
“What is it?”
The waiter turned his head and pointed to the ladies standing against the wall and said, “Let them stand there together to be chosen by the guests, shall they not? The first two to be chosen will be.”
“What a classic approach.” Karin smiled : “Does that happen a lot around here for you guys?”
Nina smiled back, “That’s a good idea. But I’ll tell you what, I’ll run for it too. The six of us will compete to see whose meat is good enough to be picked by the guests first.”
By the time the kitchen staff arrived, they had removed all their clothing themselves. As a rule, meat animals were not allowed to wear any clothing. He approached them and spoke to Nina in a low voice, untied a bundle of rope from his belt and began to bind them. Starting with Nina, Ka each had their hands tied behind their backs and they were very submissive in letting him finish the job.
“Come on. Let’s go into the kitchen and receive a little pre-treatment preparation.” When they were all tied up, the staff pulled the ropes that held them tightly and led them toward the kitchen.
“Aren’t we supposed to be receiving a selection of guests? What other preparations do we have to go into the kitchen to receive?” Erin asked, puzzled.
“It’s like this. Once the guests have made their selections, we need to get the food processed already as fast as possible. No one wants to wait too long after ordering, right?” The staff patiently explained: “Besides, it’s just a matter of cleaning you guys up, it won’t waste much time.”
The kitchen was spacious, even about the size of the hall outside. There were several large fire pits to the left, and the Y-frames on either side were largely full. The mostly teenage girls dressed on sharp piercing rods were being roasted over the fire. Some of them were already essentially almost done cooking, their golden flesh giving off a rich flavor. And some of them looked like they had just been pierced and placed on the fire pit, their bodies still writhing on the piercing poles as some white-clad staff members were applying seasoning to their bodies.
And on the other side there were several saucepans full of boiling water, and in one of them was a woman of about thirty. It looked like she was already cooked, her neck resting on the edge of the saucepan, while her rose-colored, lifeless flesh was undulating up and down with the boiling soup.
There, where the oven was placed, Karin saw the little twin girls from earlier. One of them was already in the oven, and through the transparent oven door, she could clearly be seen sitting on a tray. She must still be alive, Karin saw that her eyes seemed to be blinking.
On another tray, the chef in the tall white hat was working on one of the remaining ones. Her limbs had been cut off for some unknown dish, and the chef was filling her hollowed out abdomen with seasonings.
While I was watching in fascination, the washroom had arrived. It was one small cubicle, and the staff member fastened a collar around Karin’s neck and hung the chain from the collar from a hook in the ceiling of the cubicle so that Karin could only just stand on her tiptoes until she was able to hold on. He then inserted a hose deep into Karin’s ass.
The door was slammed shut and the cubicle became dark and impossible to see all at once. Warm water gushed down the hose and pushed Karin’s stomach high up as if it were about to explode.
After a few minutes, the sewage was drawn to exit Karin’s body. Then it was a continuation of the previous process until she was completely and utterly cleansed within her body.
Then Karin felt another warm stream of water spraying up her body. First it cleaned her breasts, then sprayed up and down. The right kind of intensity made Karin forget about the discomfort she had just felt, making Karin feel very relaxed and comfortable. After a few moments, the stream of water receded and was replaced by a warm breeze that made one feel incredibly lazy. It was all thanks to the restraints of the chains on the collar that Karin was barely able to stand.
Stepping out of the washroom, the kitchen was already a different place again. Most of the girls on the grill and in the stock pots had been removed, the twin girls in the oven were still being baked. In the middle of the kitchen, several of the girls were suspended in the air by meat hooks in their jaws, being disintegrated, and you could tell they were still alive by the way they were shaking in either pain or pleasure. Karin turned to Nina with a smile and said, “This restaurant is very particular about the freshness of the meat!”
“Come on.” The staff member who had brought Karin in to wash them earlier dragged them out of the kitchen and into the hall outside: “There are people out there who can’t wait!”
Outside the original forty-odd female animals only ten or so left standing in the original place, of which the teenage girls have been picked out without a single one left. So as soon as they appeared, they heard a table over there shouting loudly, “Come to our table, we’ll take them all.”
After leaving the kitchen, the waitress from earlier was in charge of the hospitality. The waitress who entertained them just now led them towards that table.
It was then that Karin realized that there was a number branded on the waitress’s ass: “267”.
“This one and this one dressed up for a barbecue.” There were about ten guests at this table, and a man in the lead pointed at his youngest sister, Ruilin, and his youngest cousin, Mina, and said. He was also a very discerning diner now, and he could tell at a glance that Ruilin and Mina were the smallest and had the most flavorful meat.
Then he turned his attention to Michelle, pointing at her and said, “This one will be used for oil, and the belly will be filled with seasoning number two.” Then he turned to Nina and said, “This is for the soup.” Finally, pointing to Karin and her sister Erin, she said, “Break these two down for me and put them in the oven, we’ll pack them up and take them with us.”
“Well…” the waitress squeaked, “they’re two out of six, and only two of them will be processed.”
“Really?” The man’s disappointment overflowed: “What a pity.”
“I’m sorry to spoil your fun, but we’re running low on supplies today.” Another male voice rang out behind them, “I’m the manager of this restaurant, Goree.”
Turning her head to look, a familiar face appeared in front of Karin and the girls. Karin called out in surprise: “Dad, are you the manager of this restaurant?”
It was true, and Dad was smiling at Karin and the girls. He said, “These are my wife and children. Since the guests have decided to choose them, I have no choice but to give them up. 267, you take them to be processed.”
“What a nice birthday dinner.” Nina was muttering in a tone that couldn’t be heard as a complaint or a happy voice: “Let’s go together, kids.”
“I should have known I wouldn’t have come out.” Erin grumbled from Karin’s side: “This could have been in the kitchen should have watched a little longer.”
Karin smiled and comforted Erin: “No need to get down, we’re packaged food for our guests and I think we can see it all the way to the end.”
Karin was absolutely right, as they entered the kitchen she and Erin were individually untied and led towards the corner where two small guillotines stood, the guillotine blades were down and the distinctive angled blade of the guillotine could be seen through the round hole in the stopper, it was sticky with blood.
Karin dropped to her knees and matched the crew’s movements of raising the guillotine and lifting the upper baffle by leaning forward so that her neck protruded through the round hole in the baffle. The staff then locked the upper and lower baffles together so that she was securely fastened to the guillotine.
Karin couldn’t help but have a small smile on her lips as she remembered the purchase of the girl in the marketplace earlier. An hour ago she had watched coldly, but now she was literally waiting for the same treatment. She sighed as she lowered her head and looked at the basket that already held a few pretty heads, imagining a few moments where her own head would land in this basket as well. You know, she had always dreamed of being pierced and roasted. And now, she could only turn her envious gaze to Mina and Relin.
While Karin and Erin were getting ready on the guillotine, her mom and sisters were welcomed into the process with a treatment of their own.
Nina was asked by a guest to make a blood cake soup. This soup was made by first placing the handled person in a pot with the ingredients and clear cooking, then at a certain time the blood of the handled person was released and boiled in the pot in chunks. Right now, Nina was in the middle of the soup pot, and she wore a long wooden shackle around her neck, which ensured that her head stayed outside the pot to keep her breathing, and would prevent the meat from drowning and deteriorating before it was cooked.
On the other side, Michelle was struggling on the gallows. The live board under her feet had been opened, and the thick noose was strangled deep into her neck. She could only see her feet dangling in the air, and her two long, naked, sexy legs were stomping and kicking in the air, as if trying to step on something. Her tongue was strung out in a long stranglehold, and crystal clear drool was dripping down her tongue. Her body was shaking violently, and her high pearl breasts rose and fell violently and futilely.
Karin watched Michelle’s every wriggle and struggle with fascination, and from her it looked as if Michelle was like a beautiful mermaid from a fairy tale, struggling on a fisherman’s rod at the moment. In fact, it was she who was gradually bringing herself to death with her own body.
Turning their heads, Mina and Raylene’s piercings had begun. They were kneeling on the wide treatment table, their still not fully developed skinny white asses facing the cook, accommodating the thick, cold, sharp piercing rods.
There was only one exit, although the place of entry was slightly different. Mina gasped for air, enduring the waves of entry through her anus, trembling and opening her somewhat pale lips to allow the sharp tip of the rod to poke its way out of her throat, preventing her mouth from ever closing again.
At the same time, the tip of the piercing rod was revealed in Shwe-Rin’s open mouth. One inch, two inches… Rui-lin convulsed as if she was being attacked by infinite pleasure, convulsing with the piercing rod inside her body as the center.
As she was racked up to the fire pit, she convulsed even more sharply. But under the gentle strokes of the chef’s seasoning brush, and the gentle twirling of the chef’s assistant, she gradually subsided, leaving only the faint rise and fall of her chest to testify to her freshness.
“Mmm,” came the familiar voice of Erin from beside Karin. Turning her eyes, she saw that Erin’s beautiful head had landed in the basket, while her toned body was still shaking on the other side.
That’s when Karin was greeted with a beginning of her own, as something hard and warm slowly pushed its way through the lips of her pussy and into her mysterious hole, beginning to give her endless pleasure. Karin smiled in relief as she struggled to meet it, she was after all different from the goods sold at the market. It wasn’t a cold and mechanical implement that had entered her body, but a real cock.
Six beautiful heads, set on the edge of the table, watched their flesh being devoured. Their expressions, I believe, were smiling!