Thanksgiving Banquet

Marianne was lying on a flat pan covered with sauce and the cook was ready to put her in the oven.

By this time, she didn’t need to do anything more, her body had been bound and prepared for the barbecue and drained of everything that wasn’t needed. She had been poked, prodded, and stretched, and all the holes in her body had been filled to overflowing with a mixture of different kinds of fillings by the chef and his assistants. With her hands and feet bound and an apple stuffed in her mouth, she felt that at any moment she would be confronted with her ultimate destiny, which she had seen coming from the time she was born and through her life, and which was now about to befall her.

Marianne had no complaints, no regrets, no regrets. She had been preparing for this day for so long that it was almost a relief to her when her name was drawn. She had been to many holiday parties and had been in line with many other girls, and this time it happened to be her turn in the kitchen.

She had lived a happy life and enjoyed it, having eaten the flesh of many of her forefathers, and now at last it was her turn to be eaten. This is a very appropriate method in the present time – when you are still young and in good health. Though not everywhere is such a fondness for eating alive, there are many such zealots gathered in the land.

Living in the twenty-first century has been generally great, at least for the second half of the century, unlike earlier years when everything was in disarray and the surviving human race was almost exterminated due to racial overpopulation. Technological advances have improved the lives of most of the human race, medicine has eradicated most of the harmful diseases, prolonged life, and allowed people to have more free time, as dreamers and fantasizers have imagined. But this progress has created a new problem: as life has been extended, the population has begun to rise much faster than society can handle. The lack of resources, which had previously been a problem only in poor Third World countries, began to leak out to more and more high-tech societies. When the Earth’s population exceeded eight billion, something inevitable finally happened.

The problem was exacerbated by the orthodox Christians who prevented family planning and legalized abortion… society lost control of its population. The ensuing riots and wars further weakened the planet’s resources and almost brought about the end of civilization. The original religious believers abandoned almost all the world’s religions.

The ozone layer was finally destroyed, the surface water was polluted, the oceans were poisoned and the fisheries industry suffered from poor harvests… All the peoples of the world were finally united in their desire to save this dying planet. Since space research had long been discontinued, eliminating any hope of escape from this world, humanity finally resolved to reform the social system in order to solve all the problems. A group of elites replaced the aging authorities and utilized the planet’s resources in a more practical way by rationing them.

However, the problem remains that population growth must be limited. When all the old methods failed, a radical new approach was needed to limit population growth to protect the interests of the middle class. This is determined first and foremost by selecting from the wealthy head honchos, people who lack the basic job skills or don’t hold the necessary jobs from the overabundance of surplus population.

It began on a smaller scale, with many wandering homeless children being caught and sent to special camps. There the men were trained as laborers or soldiers. The women were nominally kept on farms for work in the fields, but in reality they were harvested in a different way. When the girls reached a set age, they were individually “screened” and turned into either meat or part of the thriving sex trade.

Initially, those girls became food for rich men who could buy privileges with money, but as time passed, the behavior became more and more common. It spread first in the cities of the interior and then gradually dispersed to the countryside, gradually becoming a popular trend for the future.

Independent groups there have used their private rights to create their system of choosing girls to match their increasing “consumption”.

Some politicians and social human rights group organizations are opposed to it but cannot stop it because of the protection of the law.

After a while, human flesh was everywhere. One from each family of three secretly became the privilege of “cannibals” in some places.

Some bold medical researchers publicly published the merits of eating human flesh, causing a great deal of debate in the community. Eventually lawmakers came up with the lottery program. A mechanical lock with a number was added when a baby girl was born, ensuring population stability by controlling the number of females in society. Some feminist groups said this was an act of animalism, but the method was legalized in time to be recognized, and as the process continued, this informalized method became more and more common. In the end, most of society at large recognized all women as potentially edible animals.

Medical technology has advanced to the point where almost all birth defects can be corrected, and even minor issues like obesity or breast size can be altered. Now, women are able to show off their beauty without relying on resins or cosmetics, making what was once a very rare perfect woman commonplace in the regular population.

This increase in beauty was so valuable to cannibalistic communities and the sex slave market that a lottery was established in society to maintain the balance. All women have a 15% chance in their lives to be chosen, the choice is fair, and “volunteers” are allowed to give up their lives or be “harvested” instead.

The people. Sweepstakes have become an indispensable part of society and culture nowadays, forcing women, through legal and social forces, to travel their obligations and surrender their bodies for all those who need them.

Human meat can now be bought from local supermarkets, although specialty stores and butchers are also thriving in this market, selling human food as a primary substitute for poultry and crops. Special ranches dedicated to the breeding of human beings became more and more common, women were sent to these places from prisons and the unemployed lists, bred and trained for one purpose only. The courts found that incarceration of prisoners in specialized ranches could easily reduce the pressure on women’s prisons, and it became legal by law to transfer women guilty of any crime such as jaywalking to the local butcher store.

Human rights bodies have issued protests and, of course, some religious groups with a small number of followers have raised their own objections. However, the new method, which had been in operation for some time, had proved to be very effective, and the vast majority of people recognized that it was better than the old method at maintaining the stability of society and guaranteeing the interests of all mankind. In the past, men had fought from time to time for food and other resources to alleviate the excess number of male population in order to maintain the overall balance. Now, it is the turn of the female an to contribute to maintain the balance.

Marianne had been bred and brought up under the new law, and rightly agreed with the sweepstakes law and its significance, and that was recognized as the inescapable arbiter of this for herself and for others. Now that it called for her services it was simple and indisputable. So, when she heard her number announced on the news, it never occurred to her to shirk her duty.

Her husband supported her decision by driving her to a local restaurant and submitting an application to register herself as the original grill ingredient for the Thanksgiving feast. Despite Marianne’s preference for pierced barbecue, she obeyed the decision to cook herself in the oven. The only thing that disturbed her about the whole thing was that oven grilling was very vigorous and protracted, which meant great pain. But her husband wanted her to be treated that way, and Marianne would always fulfill her husband’s hopes. Of course, the professionals working for this restaurant knew how they could close the deal without causing as much unnecessary pain and suffering to the meat as possible.

Before Marianne was chosen it was decided that she would invite many of her friends to a meal where she would provide the meat when she was “harvested”. She had agreed that a few of her girlfriends would make reservations to enjoy a few special parts of her, but that would not happen until she was fully roasted, so common sense dictated that they would wait a little while to arrive.

The entrance to the kitchen was huge, ready to fulfill her appointment, and the chef and his assistants welcomed her. As the law says, a beautiful woman will complete her “harvest” by the age of thirty.

They ordered Marianne to take off all her clothes and give them to her husband, and he gave her over completely to her new mistress. Her name was Vanessa B. De Cava, a respectable human operator. Cava, an honorable human operator, the owner of the restaurant. She was fully trained to the highest level of human meat preparer and had obtained a license to operate. She personally inspects Marianne to ensure the quality of her meat, then agrees on the purchase price with Marianne’s husband and deposits the tax-free payment into their joint account.

This would ensure the welfare of their only daughter, whose child Marianne had already secured.

She knew the girl was old enough to understand that this passing that had turned her mother into food for their table would one day be her turn as well, but that would be far in the future. Her current education would ensure that she would not be selected in any lottery, as college students were exempt from selection.

Mistress Vanessa got to work immediately and Marianne’s bowels were rinsed out with a special hose, her bladder was forced to empty, and then her entire body was washed clean. Whether or not Vanessa had considered grilling or cooking Marianne on a piercing rod or in a crock pot, Marianne was already destined to be grilled in the oven this evening. Although she was now the property of the restaurant, the law did not give Vanessa enough power to decide.

What followed was a very exciting process, as Vanessa and her assistants shaved all of Marianne’s pubic hair from her pussy, and then inserted powerful suction tubes into both holes in her rear. Usually the next step was to remove unnecessary internal organs such as the stomach and intestines, but Vanessa finally gave up on that and removed the straws, instead allowing the chef and his assistants to stimulate Marianne with their penises. This helps her relax mentally and physically, making her meat healthier and more flavorful.

Three men penetrated Marianne from front to back, and she silently accepted the arrangement, tilting her head back so that she could suck the cock of the man who was about to barbecue her. Marianne was very happy to be able to use her body to satisfy these men at the end of the day, just as she had serviced her husband last night.

Soon she brought the three men to orgasm as they filled her with creamy white cum. As they continued to tease her, Marianne cleaned their cocks with her tongue and then lay back down on the large table to wait for Vanessa to begin the next step.

Her experienced Mistress utilized Marianne’s willingness and submission to satisfy her own desires, and after seeing the show she had just put on, her cravings had caused her to no longer see Marianne as merely raw material for food. Vanessa skillfully played with Marianne’s body with her fingers and tongue, the sensitivity bringing them both to orgasm.

By the time Marianne began to tire, the men had had plenty of time to regain their strength and her Mistress began to tie her up as if she were being roasted as a suckling pig. Marianne didn’t fail to complain, she couldn’t believe that her hands and feet could be tied together, and now she finished being unable to struggle. It was now impossible for her to even roll over, a feeling of powerlessness she had never experienced before made her body tense and wet.

The chef began to vigorously coat her skin with cooking oil, the grease mixing with her sweat to give off a strong feminine body odor. The next item was the dressing, which Vanessa herself smeared all over Marianne’s naked body with a bristle brush. Finally, it was time for the chef to use the dressing, and his two strong assistants had prepared a large bowl of premium stuffing.

Marianne appreciated the wonderful sensations of this part the most as the chef pushed the seasonings mixed with the bread crumbs into her cunt a little at a time, they filled her womb making it heavy and hard, they filled it with the scent of her body. The chef continued to press the stuffing into her cunt until it was filled, then he put a heel of vibrating dildo in and pressed the stuffing in more firmly.

Just as she was getting lost in the wonderful vibrations of the dildo, she suddenly felt a huge pain in her lower body as a tiny cucumber was inserted into her urethra. Then a thick green vegetable slurry was pressed into her rectum through a small pump and stuffed until her stomach was high and bulging, then he inserted a thick meat thermometer so that he could be sure that she would be cooked well at the perfect temperature.

Meanwhile, Vanessa played with both of her breasts, rubbing and pulling at her sensitive nipples and mocking her bare pussy in her ear, both of them emitting a great deal of stimulating odor. She pressed her pussy against Marianne’s face and made ordered her to work her tongue, Marianne no longer saw her as someone who was adding to her pain, she happily obeyed in order to return the pleasure she felt.

Her tongue moved in and out of her Mistress’ vaginal opening until it found her sensitive clit and drove her Mistress wild. Suddenly, slightly salty, sweet female bodily fluids flowed into her mouth, gushing out of her lips and nose, and Marianne drank every drop of deliciousness as best she could like a hungry cat.

It was her last meal, and she savored it carefully and silently thanked fate for delivering her into the hands of this benevolent hostess. It had been a true pleasure serving this restaurant and being cooked by Vanessa, though she regretted that when the pleasure was over the real grilling would begin.

Marianne sighed at Vanessa’s kindness, and at her command, the chef and his assistants lifted Marianne and placed her on a nearby grill pan, Marianne silently submitting to such a disposition. Bristle brushes began to coat her with a second layer of seasoning mix, causing her to make happy noises. Finally, Vanessa shoved a large apple into Marianne’s mouth, who obediently opened her mouth wide to bite into it without even being commanded to do so.

Now she’s ready.

The oven door opened and the assistant pushed the grill pan with a reclining Marianne and the covering over it into the already preheated oven hall. As the oven door closed behind her, Marianne lay on her back and began to look around at her new surroundings. The fact that this would be the last place she would see before she breathed her last, the place where she would end, made her blood boil, but she would rather not be anywhere on Earth a few moments later. Cooking was less fun than the lengthy preparations.

She began to squirm unconsciously as she felt the heat enter her lungs, and a little later she struggled hard and sweated profusely. She rolled and squirmed back and forth in the seasoning-filled tray, but had no intention of escaping. She knew that because her body was young and healthy, it would be able to support her for a long time before she was roasted.

For a moment the pain made her almost wish she could be decapitated first, but that was quickly and swiftly covered by her great hope of being grilled and eaten. She longed to free one of her hands so she could relieve herself of the feeling of being conscious again, but that too was only for a brief moment and was quickly forgotten. She was being cooked now, and that was what she lived for. The heat was very painful, but she was obligated to be a tasty meal.

Her mind flashed back to all twenty years of her life, playing as a child, studying hard to pass exams to enter secondary school. Her higher education had made it inevitable that she would become someone’s dish, and she always imagined her being pierced and barbecued. She imagined being the object of ridicule and food for her hypocritical friends. It seemed like a delightful game, but how could she know that the truth was more delightful than her imagination? She was doomed to it, and for a long time she and other women’s had consistently believed it was their duty.

Her sacrifice would give other women the opportunity to become mothers or working women.18 women would be like her, another seven would become the generation of parents, and some girls were destined to become fed. It was a true and wonderful cycle, she mused.

Heat began to invade her skin and she was pleased by the fact that the pain was beginning to dull and she began to experience this new sensation. She struggled in an attempt to free herself from the shackles, but this this flopping around brought a tremendous amount of stimulation, an incredible stimulation that made her feel good.

By the time the oven door opened Marianne’s consciousness had begun to lapse and she was unable to judge her surroundings. She was dragged out and she felt some burning liquid sprayed repeatedly against her skin and saw a small pump cross her body to spray liquid on a pan.

It was lubricating her body to prevent her skin from breaking. Marianne flexed her toes and felt herself begin to contract, the tightness of her skin causing her to start struggling with excitement once more. She was desperate to be roasted well enough to end the frenzied agony and unscratchable pain. The ingrained notion that she was food only made her wish to finish this short life as quickly as possible. She wished there was some way to do it, but she would just try to keep squirming. She felt something being pulled out of her vagina and her skin continued to quiver as if electrified.

“Ah,” she heard her Mistress’ voice: “It seems you still have some vigor left. Si, but that doesn’t seem like it will be for long. Now you will take this back to the oven.”

Something was once again being filled into her vagina, and the pleasure of the dildo being inserted into the filling made Marianne’s eyes widen momentarily. When Mistress let it start vibrating again, Marianne climaxed in a daze.

She was ready to be cooked and eaten by many, but the vibrator drove the senses wild and the orgasm was experienced again. The chef reproduced her and placed her in the oven, closing the door tightly behind her and roasting her for the rest of the time as she began to suffer from the pain of the interruption for a time. It didn’t take much time for Marianne to have her final orgasm, and with shivers and sighs, she felt life leave her body.

She stayed in the oven for a few more hours before she was finally transformed into the thing she craved most for herself. She was taken out and placed on a large tray in order to be finally prepared.

There wasn’t much left of Marianne, and Vanessa smiled as she watched her being sliced off piece by piece with a sharp dinner knife at the feast; she was certainly worth admiring. She was cooked to a beautiful golden brown color with a delicious aroma. Every hungry patron in the restaurant who chewed on Marianne’s meat raved.

While Marianne contributes a great deal, she gives all she has to friends, family and others who enjoy a wholesome and natural female barbecue. The virtues of the raffle method were once again recognized and the next girl scheduled to be barbecued would be identified. Those guests who were lucky enough to have Marianne’s meat repeatedly recalled the delightful flavor.

Vanessa wants Marianne’s husband to give her her head so she can decorate her office.

The point of the story is this: make it clear that you are the way out as the meat that fulfills the secret longings of many!

What would you do if you were drawn next? The penalty for evasion is a very slow traditional Tahitian-style barbecue over coals…