Mr. Vernon was getting more and more upset. All morning he stood at the door of his little store, looking through the open door into the muddy street. People hurried past the door in four-wheeled wagons, horses, and coaches, the cold drizzle making them shrink. No one stopped to buy anything.
What disturbed Mr. Vernon more than the lack of business was the contents of the thick wooden table in the store. On that table lay the body of a naked young girl, or what was left of a naked girl, her arms and half of one leg gone, and her stomach cut open and hollowed out. The girl’s head was laid on a pile of sawdust in the corner. Despite the fact that her tongue protruded, her large eyes had sunk deep, and her dark hair was disheveled and sticky with blood, her dead face looked very delicate and lovely.
The naked carcasses left after slaughter are also beautiful, with smooth skin, round thighs, smooth and plump crotches, juice-filled breasts and pink nipples to whet the appetite.
It is this dead girl that bothers Mr. Vernon, not because of her death of course, but because Mr. Vernon decapitated her at 7 o’clock in the morning, five hours ago now. The chef of a rich family comes to buy some quality arms, so Mr. Vernon kills the naked slave girl and cuts off her soft arms to sell to him. An hour later, two children purchase one of the young girl’s calves. An old man was interested in a vagina but eventually gave it up. For the rest of the morning, no one browsed the window again.
Mr. Vernon considered chopping off all of the girl’s thighs and hanging them on the door, but after all, the sign outside the store said fresh girl meat. Besides, the girl had been lying in the humid air for so long that it was now beginning to smell. For Mr. Vernon, watching such good meat go bad is almost unbearable.
At half past twelve a dilapidated four-wheeled cart pulled by a donkey pulled up in front of the store and a tall, thin young woman in dirty clothes walked through the muddy street. Her wagon was filled with the various parts of naked slave girls, lovely heads, wet and smooth limbs, feet, breasts and other severed parts piled high. The young woman’s job was to help the butchers lighten the load of the store by collecting the parts of the girls they discarded. She feeds them to her pigs and pets, or grinds them up to make fertilizer.
Mr. Vernon hated the sight of the tall young woman and her four-wheeled wagon with a passion, for he thought the flesh of dead girls was the best thing in the world. But five hours had passed since the massacre, and it would have to do.
The young woman paid a very few pence to transport the girl’s nude body to her four-wheeled wagon, placing it in front of the headlong rush.
Three naked girls stood against the back wall of the store, shivering from the cold, goose bumps already forming on their smooth arms and calves. Their slim wrists were bound behind their backs. These girls were quite lovely, with round firm asses, soft white thin breasts, smooth juicy pussies and perfect, pale skin.
In fact, they looked just as tasty and delicious as the previous girl, but what pissed Mr. Vernon off was that they were still alive. To him, a fully developed naked girl was first and foremost the raw material for delicious meat, and meat must undoubtedly die. Indeed, the girls were so tantalizing that he fucked them regularly, but it was the butchering of them and the sale of their meat that gave him the most satisfaction.
In a middle-aged woman in her 30s walked into the store and started scanning around.
Mr. Vernon asked, “What can I do for you, ma’am?”
“Ah,” she said, “I need a pair of thighs.”
He pointed to the three living girls and said, “Currently I have six thighs. You can pick the one you like.”
She replied, “Yes.”
She slowly walked past the girls, unbuttoned her long coat, and reached out and began squeezing and caressing their smooth, tender thighs. She whispered to herself in admiration as her hand moved from one thigh to the other.
Mr. Vernon was worried that she was picking thighs from different girls and then he would have to kill them both.
She moved her dry, thin hands back and forth over the perfect, young flesh, and finally with a few satisfied grunts, pointed to the brown-haired girl in the center and said, “I’ll take these.”
Mr. Vernon said, “Excellent choice.” Though the other 4 thighs were just as curvy and smooth and delicate as the two she had picked.
Vernon grabbed the soft brown hair of the girl in the center and pulled her hard across the wide table, cruelly making her crawl onto the sticky surface. He grabbed the large broad-bladed axe from under the table and swung it up from chopping her head off her graceful neck. He threw the head into the corner and picked up a bucket and began to follow the flow of blood. Pretty’s body wriggled for a short while before calming down.
The lady looked on with a smile, muttering to herself in a low voice. She turned to the living girls and began to examine them. She touched their lovely faces and well-developed breasts, testing their moist cunts with her own hands.
Vernon hinted, “Maybe you like vaginas too, I can buy them for you very cheap.”
He had sawed off the calf and started cutting the meat that looked like butter on the left thigh.
“It is indeed tempting,” said the lady: “The vagina looks very tasty, but at the moment I only need thighs.”
Vernon wrapped the cut thighs in greaseproof paper and the lady bought them. The meat was very heavy, so he put them on the frame of her car.
He went back to the store and looked at the other dead naked girl lying on the table. Her head looked at him from the corner and he smiled at her and said, “Take it easy, my little beauty. Don’t ask me why I know, but I want every ounce of you bought.”
Indeed, business was very good in the afternoon. A mother brought her child and bought the arm, and three gentlemen needed two slices of the girl’s ass, so Mr. Vernon cut two sweet slices from the pelvic bone. Then he sliced off the shoulder for one consumer, the tenderloin of the loin went to another, and another bought the liver and kidneys. Finally, a fat man bought two breasts and a good quality jowl. The only thing left of the brunette’s breastbone was one shoulder.
Vernon cut off the soft crotch flesh for himself and dug out the vagina with a machete. After cleaning up he closed the store door and used his four-wheeled wagon to pull the living girl and the remaining parts of the dead man home. The two naked girls sat on the rough thick planks in the back of the wagon, their wrists still bound and the bloody reeking animal resting between them.
When he got home, Mr. Vernon cut the meat from the ribcage and threw the rest of the girl to his dog. He used the butter-fried vagina and crotch meat for his own supper, and fed the slave girl with strips of half-cooked rib meat.
After his meal, Mr. Vernon fucked a naked girl on the kitchen floor, then sent the slaves to the back of the house, inside the corral, and returned himself to his bed on the second floor. He smiled as he lay back down on the bed, and within moments he was in dreamland.