
“Do you have your apple, sweetheart?”

“Yes.” Kagome replied.

“Very good. Can you pick a nice, big, juicy one?”

“Yes, Mother. Does that mean it’s my turn this time?”

“I’m afraid so, dear. After all, you’re not a little girl anymore. You’re a woman now, and that means you have responsibilities.”

“No problem, mom. I’m ready to die. I’m so benighted.” The girl paused, “Do you think it will taste good when I bake it?”

Mother’s eyes were glistening with tears: “Oh, sweetie, I know you’re going to be delicious. I’ve made three gallons of special barbecue sauce for you. My teeth can’t wait to taste your fine, young pussy.”

The girl smiled, “Give some to Daddy, too, will you, Mommy?”

“Don’t worry, honey, I will. Now, let me put you on the machine. Daddy says the coal is almost ready.”

Kagome gazed uneasily at the machine: “It’s very painful for you to think about it, isn’t it, mom? I remember when we disposed of Julie on her 18th birthday. She woke up for a long time after Daddy put her on the coals.”

Komina’s mother squeezed her shoulder, “I’m not going to lie to you, dear. It was painful, it had to be. Can you understand that? The pain makes your body release certain chemicals into your bloodstream. Those chemicals will make your meat taste better.”

“I know, Mom. I’m so stupid. I…” Komina quickly turned her face away, her face flushed bright red.

Her mom saw a silvery stream of slime run over Komina’s clean, trimmed young pussy.

“Ah! Don’t worry about that, it’s perfect and natural. After all, you’ll be having a penis in for the first time, and excitement is pretty common.”

“It doesn’t look like a penis.” Kagome said uneasily as she gazed at the huge steel spike.

“That’s only because you’ve never seen a hard cock before, sweetheart. Trust me, after the machine does you, you won’t be a virgin anymore.”

Tears streamed down Kagome’s cheeks : “I guess I’m a little scared after all, mom.”

“It’s okay, sweetheart. You need some time to get ready okay?”

“No,” Kagome said bravely as she wiped the tears from her face.

She forced herself to smile, “I’m ready. Let’s do it, mom.”

“Good girl. Okay, do you know how to board it?”


Komina slid her leg into the thigh drag rack and it closed automatically. She bent her knees until her calves and thighs were at 90 degrees and she felt a second yoke lock near her ankles. The semi-circular piston, about 4 inches high, comfortably supported her slim waist. She had to bend of her wrists back the right distance to get into the shackles that supported them, but that was no problem.

Her breasts hadn’t really developed yet – they were much smaller than they had been when Juri had gotten her piercings – but, Kagome thought, it looked okay for her breasts to be pushed out as much as they were.

Her mom took the apple out of Komina’s handcuffed hands: “Open wide, honey.”

But Mina did as her mother said, and she felt a tingle as her mother shoved it into her mouth, her resilient lips wrapping around the apple.

Her mother carefully adjusted the piercing position, slowly moving the steel spike upward and then, into Komina’s virginal vagina.

She shuddered as the sharp tip passed through her hymen – the sting was terrible.

“I’m going to get hot, Kagome. This power deals with you very easily.”

The machine is the Jessica 5000, which is essentially a cousin of the popular 3000 vertical placement, but with certain modifications and special roles.

Komina’s mom selected a smaller penetration rate — a quarter-inch advance at a time — and continued to move the steel spike upward. She screamed through her apple as Komina’s virgin cunt stretched, and finally it tore. She wished the pain could be lessened, but it wasn’t–if anything, it was more horrible now! Her delicate virgin cunt stretched horribly to accommodate the huge steel spike, and she felt like she was going to split open! The steel spike filled her vagina completely, and now its tip reached her–what did Mom call it? her cervix, and it was about to enter.

“Great, that’s it sweetie, bye!” Her mom hit the kill switch.

It was wet there, and the steel spike made a ripping sound as it entered Kagome’s abdomen. Her tears flowed uncontrollably; the pain of the piercing was immense.

Mom watched uneasily as the steel spike passed upward through Komina’s intestines as it approached her main organ. There was no need for her to worry though, she knew her daughter was the perfect size. The steel spike passed safely through Komina’s heart and lungs before reaching her throat. She felt a sharp pain as the tip of the steel spike entered her mouth. The steel spike entered her apple and she struggled to keep it, but the steel spike pushed it out of her mouth and then it was over.

“Don’t be in a hurry, dear.” Komina’s mom said, pulling the apple from the steel spikes and setting it aside: “We’ll bake the apple with you, and we’ll put it in your mouth again.”

Kagome winked gratefully. Tradition was very important, like a roast suckling pig, and Kagome had to have red, shiny apples in her mouth when she was disposed of.

“Okay, Komina, now comes the hard part. I know you’re already in pain, but now I’m going to make it worse so that it will taste better to you. Blink twice if you understand.”

But Mina did as she was told.

Her mom pressed the button and the top half of the steel spike began to rotate counterclockwise. It was thankfully very scary and uncomfortable, but Mina felt the smooth metal turn in her chest, in her throat, in her mouth. The steel spike split into two sharp edges, the top half moving slightly upward, the bottom half descending a bit and leaving the chest compartment to her abdomen.

Now the semi-circular piston began to push forward on her waist. Komina’s body, supported by the steel spikes that split in half, lowered and immobilized as the machine coldly pushed against her waist. Her spine was cruelly bent and in staggering pain. She whimpered softly, a few tears running down her face. She was so tightly pulled apart! She felt her spine splinter. The machine stopped with precision. Pulled apart tightly’s and pierced, Komina was suffering immensely.

“That’s it, dear. Stop like this for a while, your meat is getting more delicious by the moment. All that adrenaline…”

Kagome whimpered again, longing for death.

“I’m going to take out your insides now, honey.” Her mom said, holding up the circular saw that had been left in the kitchen for this purpose.

The blade spun briskly as Komina’s mom opened it. Before the blade, Komina’s flesh parted like hot butter. The saw entered her stomach with ease, cutting a long vertical slit right between her delicate, young clitoris to her breast septum.

Kagome’s pain reached new heights all of a sudden. “The more pain, the better my meat will taste.” She told herself over and over she told herself over and over again.

She’s willing to make any sacrifice for her family, but the pain is almost unbearable. More accurately, the pain was almost unbearable, and Kagome had just experienced some different kinds of immense pain: punctures, stretches, cuts, through her mother’s hands, gentle but not gentle enough. Kagome felt the immense pain far beyond her imagination.

She looked down at her mother, her eyes filled with tears and fear. She could not speak, merely begging her mother to feel and understand her. The message of her silence was simple – kill me or let the pain drive me mad. Busy removing her entrails, but Mina’s mother didn’t find her message.

“That’s why I like the new model Jessica machine.” Her mom said, “When the steel spikes are separated, it won’t hinder the processing of the internal organs, like you did. Pay attention!” Kagome’s mom put down the bowl of steaming innards, danced happily, and picked up her needle. Her mom began sewing on Kagome with a thick strip of leather.

Kagome felt a new pain as the strip of leather went through her flesh. It was enough, her concentration finally scattered. She still felt the agony, but she couldn’t think anymore. The fact that she was meat now didn’t matter anymore.

But Mina’s father stuck his head in the kitchen, “I say, she looks awesome!” He says this, and, it’s true.

Komina’s waist was already quite slim to begin with, and after the removed entrails she appeared unusually slender, with the beautiful posture of a modern woman.

“The coal is ready, dear.” Dad said, turning to his wife.

“Got it, honey. Let’s connect the steel spikes back together.”

Kagome’s pain eased slightly as the piston retracted and the two parts of the steel spikes moved inside her. Without the obstruction of her intestines, the pair of steel spikes passed effortlessly through her cavity and met at her navel. She felt the familiar pain as the two steel spikes were screwed tightly into place. So the disposal was complete, she was punctured and gutted, ready to be roasted.

Her mother opened the shackles that held her in place. Together, Komina’s parents removed her and the steel spikes from Jessica 5000 and placed her face down on the floor. The cold tiles clung to her newly developed breasts and flat, empty stomach.

Her dad tied her wrists behind her back, tight enough to hurt.

“More pain, better meat.”

Her mom was a little more gentle as she chained her ankles to the steel spikes.

Dad in the front, mom in the back, they raised their roasts as their agonized daughters struggled on their shoulders.

As they dropped Komina off outside on the coals, Mama picked up the apple from the table. Komina was happy that her mom remembered it, but she wasn’t lucid enough to know the reason for her happiness.

Now they went to the backyard and placed Komina’s pierced body on the hot coals.

Kagome was amazed at this new pain, it was so different. Her ability to withstand pain seemed almost limitless.

Her mom said to her, “Hold the apple between your thighs, honey, near your vagina. That’s it! The apple won’t stay on the grill for long, hold it tightly until you lose consciousness, that will be enough. Then I will set it aside until we enjoy you.”

She began to grease Komina’s breasts with barbecue sauce.

Almost instinctively, Kagome firmly clamped down on the thigh muscle near the apple.

Her father slowly turned the grill as her mom baste her.

The steel spikes were conducting the heat nicely, and Kagomeena was being baked from the inside out in abundance.

She felt herself being cooked: her pussy, her childlike breasts, her thighs and the apple wedged tightly between them.

Gradually, Komina’s pain softened, the heat making her very sleepy.

She smelled the aroma of sweat, barbecue sauce, and grilled girl meat.

She closed her eyes and felt her thighs loosening. Somehow she noticed her mother grabbing the apple which gave her a little comfort. She started to go into the darkness.