The virgin’s secret flower is cracked.
Kanako woke up early the next morning, and when Kanako got up she felt a terrible headache and was very sick.
However, Kanako’s eyes were even more powerless, she felt that she couldn’t open her eyes, there was a fear of light, so Kanako immediately closed her eyes again and rested a little.
Now, Kanako had gotten out of bed and was very uninspired.
By this time, the sun was already high in the sky when it shone strong, intense sunlight shot into Kanako’s room from the gap of the window.
Kanako then walked over to the window and opened it, and Kanako almost couldn’t stand it.
The intense sunlight, blazing white, turned yellow, and Kanako, facing the intense sunlight, suddenly shook her head and said, “This year’s summer is going to be very hot, much hotter than usual…”
By this time, Kanako was standing by the window, looking out.
Suddenly, Kanako remembered last night again, last night at dinner, she was being toyed with by Ryoko, and as Kanako thought about it, another wave of inexplicable things floated through her head, and now Kanako started to think random thoughts again.
Kanako thought: “Her kind of feeling of being irritated by Ryouko, now, she felt very worried, how could it be so strange?”
She kind of couldn’t believe it, but, last night, now that she remembered it yi yi, Kanako’s mind became lustful.
Kanako felt her head get very confused, and everything, yi yi, surfaced before her eyes.
Now that Kanako knew, how she got back to her room to sleep, the thought made Kanako kind of sleepy again.
Last night when Kanako was in the bathroom by herself, halfway through the shower, she had an indescribable feeling.
She remembered that she was still planning to paint, but there was a sort of Sandman in her head that kept attacking her, kept telling her to hurry back to her room and go to sleep, and so Kanako couldn’t hold back that demon, and she was attacked by it.
However, the situation where she was toyed with by Ryouko last night came back to her yi yi: “Ryouko is really annoying, always teasing me, I really can’t stand it.” Kanako thought to herself.
Kanako then realized that she wasn’t wearing any panties, her panties had been removed by Ryoko when she was caught in the act, and so she had no panties to wear.
Thinking about this, Kanako felt even more hatred for Ryoko, and she now realized that her lamp was still on, and her sheets were very much wrinkled, so she was certain that last night…
Kanako thought to herself, “Ryoko must have taken off my panties and was satisfied! So she didn’t come and attack her.”
However, Kanako’s presumption was wrong, she had no idea that both Shukaku and Ryoko had come to her bed last night and were toying with her!
However, Kanako now felt no panties on, as if there was an indescribable pleasure that she had never felt before.
Now that Kanako was speculating again, she figured that Ryoko would definitely come to her room later.
Because, she thought, Ryoko was probably tired last night too, so she hadn’t come yet, and she would definitely come later, so Kanako got nervous again.
Later, if Ryoko comes and remains naked, it won’t look good!
Maybe, Ryoko won’t come later, it’s possible!
But, she has to wear pants too! She can’t be naked all day!
Now that Kanako’s mind had shifted again, she had forgotten that she wasn’t wearing pants.
She wondered if, if she still maintained this secret relationship with Ryoko, it wouldn’t be good for the whole family, and if it continued like this, no way! No way!
If this continues, the consequences will be unimaginable. I must do something about it, otherwise, this home will definitely change.
When Kanako thought of this, she wanted to discuss with Ryoko that if this kind of thing had been solved when her father left the house, there wouldn’t be so much trouble now.
Kanako had grown anxious, but the fact that she was actually having this kind of relationship with a woman, Kanako thought to herself, the more she thought that she was so wrong.
However, Ryoko had to take full responsibility for this matter, because, as a mother who was a mother, she would actually have this unusual relationship with a young girl, and in any case, it was Kanako’s fault.
Kanako finally decided, so she changed her clothes, she wore a pair of jeans, the top half of her body still wore a thin summer shirt, a light green color made of linen that still showed off her beautiful body.
Once Kanako was dressed, she stepped out of her room, she poked her head out and looked around, it was strange, why weren’t both Ryoko and Shugo up yet?
So, Kanako went to the kitchen and casually made herself some breakfast and ate it.
Kanako thought, “Let’s finish breakfast quickly so we can continue drawing.”
But this time, she remembered Ryouko, who interrupted Kanako’s thoughts again.
“That sucks! How can I think of Ryoko again? This way, it’s not good enough.”
The whole household was silent at the moment, as if it had been during a midday nap, with only a few pieces of furniture in the living room and nothing else, and in an instant, Kanako resumed her meal.
After Kanako finished her meal, she walked to her studio and began to draw, focusing all her energy on her painting.
That morning, Ryoko and Shukaku had long ago agreed that they would not get up until 9:30 AM.
Kanako is in her studio, drawing and painting.
Suddenly, from the drawing room, Kanako heard a noise coming from the window, and as she listened carefully, she did hear it.
“It’s probably Ryoko and dad getting up!” Kanako thought.
After a few minutes, Kanako left the drawing room and walked to the kitchen, when Kanako realized that her father was already busy in the kitchen, so Kanako asked, “Is Ryoko up yet?”
Her father replied, “Not yet, I’ve just asked her to get up, she’s been lying in bed and won’t come down, it’s really annoying.”
Kanako then said, “Dad, I’ll help you with breakfast.”
“No, no, I just need a cup of coffee and a couple slices of toast, Ryoko’s still upstairs!
Kanako then said, “Then I’ll go upstairs and wake up Ryoko.”
So, Kanako went upstairs, opened the door and said, “Ryoko, get up! Get up! Get up and have breakfast!”
Ryoko then went to the dining room and said to Shugo, “Kanako wants me to meet her at the studio at ten o’clock!”
Shubo said, “No, no, no! Around ten o’clock, Kanako will have a seizure, it’s very scary! It’s too dangerous, you can’t go!”
Ryouko then asked, “What kind of disease is Kanako suffering from, and how did it come on so quickly?”
Shubo then said, “Because, I gave her that black-brown scent again yesterday, which is very poisonous, so Kanako will have a seizure later, so you must not go to the drawing room later.”
Ryouko then said, “The blackish-brown Xiang Xiang, the grayish Kusa Kusa, the purple Qin Qin… I was told this by my teacher when I was in junior high school!”
He said, “Then won’t you become a master and an expert?”
Ryouko then said, “Remember, that black and brown scent isn’t poisonous!”
Shukaku said, “Ryoko, did your teacher teach you that? Why don’t you give him a packet of joss sticks as a gift?”
Shubo said, “There are many kinds of Japanese incense, some of which are very poisonous, so it is important to memorize the name of each kind. The reddish ones are more poisonous than the blackish-brown ones, but the reddish ones are so beautiful that many people eat them by mistake. There is a kind of tea-colored Dharmanana, which is famous as a lecherous drug, and as soon as it is dipped in it, the person will die of lechery in a few hours and in a very miserable manner. There is also a light-colored Mushroom, which is a kind of ecstasy, and its name is Abian Lulu, and when it is eaten, it makes the whole person lose his mind, and his spirit is not right.”
After Shuu Bow finished speaking, he took the twine and some small props, and then said, “Ryoko, let’s finish off Kanako today! After that, you can have all of my property. After taking the drug, Kana-chan will have an attack in two hours at the latest, so let’s wait for our chance!”
Kanako, who was in the drawing room, had felt a heat in her body, and she was beginning to fantasize about it, about her and Ryoko making love.
Ryouko saw that Kannako seemed to have a vision in her mind, Ryouko’s hands and feet had been paralyzed, she had no way to rub Kannako’s fleshy hole with her hands anymore as Ryouko was also imagining things.
In an instant, Kanako’s cheeks had gone red, a beautiful red like a big apple.
That’s when Ryoko vibrated her hand in front of Kanako’s eyes in the way Shukaku taught her, but, Kanako couldn’t see it.
So Ryoko immediately went back to Shukaku and told him.
“You hold Kanako around the waist, and then, shake Kanako’s waist.”
So Ryoko did as she had done with the bow repair, but Kanako still didn’t respond.
Shubo then shouted, “Ryoko, take off all your clothes, quick!”
Shugo called out to Ryoko, asking her to get naked, so Ryoko said, “Then you have to get naked too!”
At that time, Shukaku and Ryouko both stripped off their clothes, and the two naked bodies stood together, and then Ryouko said, “Kanako’s clothes should be stripped off as well! That way, the three of us can play together!”
Shukaku also then undressed Kanako, who was unresisting and unresponsive.
Shubo then said, “I have now stripped Kanako of her clothes, Kanako will not know. Kanako has been having hallucinations, and she can’t see anything in the other world.”
Ryoko then said, “Another world? Then isn’t Kanako’s world beautiful? Is she painting? Is she painting landscapes? Could she see her own paintings? Does her world have palaces and castles? Is she being a queen or a consort? Can Kanako hear us now? Can Kanako hear our voices in her hallucinations? If she can hear voices, it’s just the two of us, isn’t it?” Ryoko kept asking Shukaku suspiciously.
He said, “She is having an illusion, but the two of us will not exist in her fantasy, so don’t worry!”
Ryouko didn’t believe her, so she said, “Next time you’re free, why don’t you try it yourself?”
Shukaku didn’t pay any attention to her and said, “Let’s get started!”
Shubo said, “Kanako! Your tits are so beautiful! Let me suck on them.”
So Shubunko starts raping Kanako, Shubunko picks Kanako up and starts screwing together while sucking on Kanako’s tits.
That’s when Ryoko pulled out her camera, intending to snap a few pictures, and as she focused on it, she got an instant rush of pleasure.
So Ryoko’s pussy quickly reacted and she was stupidly eager to play with it.
At this time, Shubo had been sucking on Kanako’s tits, sucking very excited, Shubo anxious to kiss Kanako, did not realize that Kanako’s tongue was sticking out at this time.
Shubuki then also closed his mouth with Kanako’s, and Ryoko, at that point, took a few pictures with her camera, and then set it down next to her while walking over to her.
Ryoko started in stroking Kanako, but she couldn’t just focus on Kanako! So Ryouko also stroked one hand over Shukaku, and Ryouko fumbled and fumbled.
Shuho bow flipped Kanako’s pussy lips open, and as a result, Kanako’s love juices immediately overflowed, and it was still a steady stream.
Shukaku looked at it and froze, and said, “Wow! Kanako is so powerful! It’s really amazing that she can release so much love juice! That’s really something!”
Then Shubuki used his tongue to lick Kanako’s love juices with great anxiety, haphazardly, and with no skill at all.
Shubo licked and gasped, “Ah… ah… it’s so good…”
Ryoko saw Shugo licking Kanako and had a furtive feeling in her heart, so she tried to lick Shugo’s cock, but Shugo saw Kanako’s mouth open wide.
So Shugo thrusts his rod into Kanako’s mouth, and since Kanako’s tongue skills are so great, Shugo cums very quickly.
Shubuki had planned to cum outside this time, filling Kanako’s body with cum, and while Shubuki was thinking about it, he couldn’t pull out in time to shoot into Kanako’s mouth.
Ryouko rolled Kanako’s body over, and Ryouko licked Kanako’s big apple with her tongue, she also wanted to experience that wonderful feeling, because she always heard Shukaku say, “My daughter’s big apple is great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great.”
So, of course, Ryouko didn’t want to pass up the opportunity this time, and Ryouko now started licking Kanako’s big apple.
However, Kanako was like a small fish swimming around, her waist constantly moving beautifully.
Slim Bow was stumped again at this point, he wanted to take a few more pictures, but he couldn’t move, he felt as if his whole body was cramping up and he couldn’t move.
Shukatsu heard the sound of a woman moaning, and the sound of moaning kept coming out: “Oh! Oh… oh!
Oh! Oh…”
So it was Ryouko who sent it.
Originally, it was still Kanako who was more sedentary and messy, and more able to last, because Kanako’s oral skills were so good that it took less than a minute for Ryoko’s pussy lips to be licked by Kanako before Ryoko couldn’t stand it.
At this point, Kanako opened Ryoko’s pussy lips and Kanako licked Ryoko’s pussy lips and vaginal groove, slowly using a vamping approach.
Ryouko wailed in pain! By now, Ryoko couldn’t take it anymore and she had started to scream lustfully.
Ryoko clenched against Kanako’s waist and kept leaning back as Kanako was still licking Ryoko’s pussy lips, and she was licking them so vigorously that Ryoko, of course, winced while unable to stand it.
Now, Ryoko tried to get off of Kanako, but Kanako’s tongue was so skillful that it made it impossible for Ryoko to extricate herself, so she had to be obediently played with by Kanako.
Well when Kanako was changing her breath, Ryouko felt it and Ryouko left that fleece blanket and disengaged from Kanako.
Shubuki saw it too and said, “Ryoko, what’s wrong with you! Why did you leave Kanako so quickly?”
Ryoko then said, “Oh! Kanako’s oral skills are really something.”
“Really! Really!”
“Kanako’s oral skills are marvelous!”
So Shukaku went to Kanako’s side.
Shubo picked up Kanako and sucked on her first, then again, Shubo shoved his rod in her mouth and made her take it, Shubo then licked Kanako’s pussy lips, he still felt that it still tasted better from Kanako.
Instantly, he was very excited.
That rod of his swelled up again, stretching his daughter’s mouth, but she was still licking Shugo’s glans, and Shugo had gotten his kicks by now, and immediately ejaculated in Kanako’s mouth, and a lot of it, too!
Deeply afraid that there would not be enough cum to suck, Kanako’s mouth stayed still.
Kanako was all about swallowing, taking all of Shugenbaum’s cum into her stomach.
When Shuu Bow finished his cum, he wanted to leave Kanako, but when Shuu Bow saw that look on his daughter’s face, that look in her eyes, he knew that Kanako didn’t want him to leave.
So, he still kept the rod in Kanako’s mouth without moving it, and continued, letting her lick it.
As Ryoko watched Shugo playing with Kanako, she was also a bit excited. Although Ryoko had just been conquered by Kanako, she still needed to enjoy the pleasure, so she asked Shugo and said, “Shugo, let’s play with Kanako together, let’s do it in a swapping style, okay?”
When Shubuki answered, Ryoko said again, “Shubuki, Shubuki, let’s play together!”
“Okay! Come! Come! Come on, come on, now let’s get you.”
So, from now on, it would be the two of them working together to deal with Kanako alone.
Shukaku kept fondling Kanako’s breasts, however, Ryoko kept licking Kanako’s pussy lips, Ryoko used the tip of her tongue to lick Kanako’s labia minora and Kanako was moaning without moving.
At that moment, Ryoko laughed and said, “I have finally conquered her…” Ryoko laughed triumphantly.
Shubo said, “Move your tongue to Kanako’s nub and hold it in your mouth, then touch it with the tip of your tongue, it will make her scream! Don’t you want to conquer her? Try it!”
When Ryoko heard that, she did as he said, she took Kanako’s whole pussy and touched it with the tip of her tongue, and as a result, Kanako tightened up a little bit, and Ryoko was even more happy and said, “Shubo, Shubo! Kanako is responding! I’m going to keep attacking her, I’m going to conquer her completely.”
When she finished, Ryoko took Kanako’s nub in again, this time, Ryoko kept touching it with the tip of her tongue and was unwilling to give it up.
Ryoko hoped that Kanako would scream loudly this time before she had to let Kanako go, after several minutes Kanako was still only moaning in a low voice.
So Ryoko asked Shugo again, “Shugo, it didn’t work! There’s no way to conquer Kanako. Is there another way?”
Shubuki said, “Now insert your finger into Kanako’s urethra and leave it there for a minute or so, then rub it outward and inward, you might as well try it!”
Ryouko flipped Kanako’s fleshy skin open and saw her urethra, so Ryouko didn’t hesitate to insert her finger into Kanako’s urethra. Ryouko saw that Kanako’s nub was engorged and very red, and she gently touched it with her finger.
“Good Lord! Not bad! It’s great! Not bad! Not bad!”
Then Ryoko began to rub her fingers in the urethra, inward and backward, and rubbed them vigorously!
At this point, Kanako didn’t react in the slightest, but, after a few seconds, let out a loud howl.
“Ouch! Ugh… it’s so itchy… it’s so itchy… I can’t stand it… what’s… going in my cave…”
Kanako kept screaming, and this time Ryoko screamed even more happily and said, “I have finally conquered her… I have conquered… conquered… Kanako… conquered Kanako…”
Ryouko was so excited that she couldn’t speak because she was so happy, and at that moment, Ryouko said to Shuu Bow, “Shuu Bow, Shuu Bow! I’m afraid that if we go on like this, we won’t be able to complete our plan.”
When Ryoko said those words under her breath, Shugo said, “Some other time! Let’s do it some other time! Today’s stuff is especially fun, so let’s not give up, okay?”
Shubo’s glans was already high, so he inserted his rod into Kanako’s flesh hole. Strangely enough, today Kanako’s love juice seemed to be particularly abundant! She has never been like this before!
It was so sexy because Kanako’s love juices overflowed after Shukaku’s rod was inserted.
It was as if Shugo’s glans was caught in Kanako’s meat, and he was a bit overwhelmed, but Shugo didn’t want to lose to Kanako, so Shugo continued to rub his rod in and out very fast.
At that moment, Kanako screamed, “Shukaku… Shukaku… it hurts… it hurts… Shukaku… quickly… quickly… I can’t… I can’t… I can’t… I can’t… I can’t… I can’t… I can’t… I can’t.”
Then the bow was moved vigorously, and Kanako screamed again, “Ouch… Ouch… It tickles… It tickles…”
By now Shukaku was also getting to be too much for him, he felt greatly satisfied, he kind of wanted to throw up, he felt like his whole body was being sucked in by Kanako.
Shugo was fondling Kanako’s breasts again and kept sucking on them again, when Ryoko called out to Shugo: “Shugo, Shugo, Shugo, get up, I’m going back! She’s going to wake up…”
But Shukaku fell on top of Kanako, and Ryoko could no longer wake Shukaku up.
I hang out with my classmates, he wanted to follow his father to play around, but he didn’t dare to do it himself, so he looked for a few deadbeats to be his companions.
Ho-kwang pushed his chair a little and stood up, he looked at one side with his fists clenched.
“Oops! It’s all good there! I’m going to Tokyo now!”
I thought to myself, “There’s nothing fun about going to Tokyo, it’s just those punks every time. What’s there in that place but father’s stinking women who are in the same boat?”
Hiromitsu said, “Go and bring back those girls from Reiko!”
Ichi said, “Reiko’s friend, what’s so good about it?”
Ho-kwang grunted a little, annoyed at the video game console.
One then walks out of the store in Tokyo, there are a lot of stores that One them, which is where they meet.
These are places where college students can strut around smoking and drinking.
Although Kazu’s expression didn’t look like he had made up his mind, his face seemed to be filled with a sense of confidence.
It may be that Hiromitsu sees through his heart, of course, going to Tokyo, indeed, there is no fun, however, even so, a don’t want to go to Tokyo, there is also another reason.
This place has women to drink and play with all day long, and the drinkers are everywhere. Late at night, this place can be very lively, and it’s really nothing compared to the average place!
I let out a long sigh: “Woo…”
He took a deep breath or two of fresh air, and he felt particularly refreshed.
I haven’t messed with a woman yet, although he has had several experiences of groping east and west underneath a woman, but it didn’t occur to him to go further, of course the desire was there.
However, one does not want to get involved with those cats and dogs women, his subconscious mind told him this way.
At this time, a touch up the trouser pocket, took out the cigarette case, took a look, and said with great surprise: “Really cheap, even a cigarette is no longer available, now how to pass the time?”
One didn’t really want to go home, and at that moment, One’s mind thought, “Now, what on earth is there to do to pass the time? Otherwise, it will be very empty.”
He didn’t know what to do. At this point, he walked in the direction of the airport, and as he kept walking, he kept sighing: “Ugh! Ugh! Ugh…”
Kanako lives in an apartment near the airport, in the same flashy building.
As soon as arrived at Kanako’s residence, he rang the electric bell, and he rang three or four times in succession, but no one came out to answer it, so it is too probable that he has not yet returned! Otherwise, how could no one come out?
So, I felt my pockets and found the lock key, thinking that if my sister was not there, I would open a refrigerator, drink some beer and watch TV.
Because one is often in and out of here, the sister gave him a lock key, so his entry and exit is not restricted at all, it is very convenient, one opened the door and walked in, when one walked into the hall, suddenly there was a burst of sound, this kind of sound is very strange.
“Oooo… Oooo…”
This sound is from inside the house, a thought in my heart, What is this sound?
He listened carefully, oh! So it was that sound, the darned thing was at it again.
It turns out that I didn’t even hear the electric bell when I rang it just now. How could they have heard it when they were already screwing around so much? They didn’t hear the electric bell at all.
Kanako kept screaming, “Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh…”
Her voice was very low, yet very shrill… it was just a strange thing to see!
Yuichi slowly approached the source of the acoustic intent, ever closer, he was getting closer and closer to them.
Kanako was screaming, “Damn, it’s always this way, can’t you change it to another way? What’s the point of playing like this?”
Kanako kept asking for a change in approach so that she could fulfill all her needs, Kanako’s voice was getting close to a cry again at this point, sounding, well, blurry.
At that moment, he was thinking, “Fuck, it’s happening again…”
I twisted the door’s grip with my hand, hard, but he slipped in sweat and didn’t open the door.
Then, a twisted open the door again, the door sound “squeak”, but they do not seem to hear it, because they are in the peak of lovemaking.
One heard their voices getting louder and louder, One thought to himself, “If this is discovered by them, how embarrassing it would be!”
They both, however, seemed to be otherwise, and they had no idea that one had come in.
I saw the two of them naked bodies, constantly entwined on the bed as if the two of them were constantly fucking and fucking, Yuichi saw it very clearly.
Yuichi saw that the two colors were absolutely different, black and white, a stark contrast.
That black skin is Nakaoka’s, that white skin is Kanako’s, one time black, one time see white is very wonderful, I think so in my heart.
The first thing that broke one saw was Kanako’s dark black place black hair very much, at this time, Nakoka seems to be about to change the position again, want to re-engage again.
He stood his body up, and he pulled out a little bit of that cock that he had inserted into his cave, and as soon as he saw it, that rod of his was so, so big! He wasn’t flabbergasted.
And that rod was majestic, sticking up very high, and the whole rod was covered with water, in fact, that water was love juice, and the rod was glistening! It was really marvelous!
At this time, Kanako’s head, constantly shaking, I don’t know if it’s asking Nakaoka not to keep screwing, or telling Nakaoka not to pull out, it’s not clear for a moment ah!
Nakaoka lifted her legs up high and drove them in hard, and Kanako screamed, “Oooo… oooo… yummy…”
Nakaoka retreated a bit and pushed forward again, at which time, Kanako’s shouts were even louder: “Oh! Oh!
Oh! Oh! Keep it up, I’m going to heaven!”
Kanako kept screaming, and Kanako’s body was bent like something else at this point.
Now, both of them were flushed and sweating, and it looked like they were close, close, and Kanako twisted herself around a bit, as she lifted her ass up, both feet raised high in the air.
Kanako means to ask him to be able to insert a little deeper, so that she has more pleasure, Kanako throat, as if a little strange, can not speak, even the voice is squeezed out as if.
Nakaoka began to keep on attacking, attacking with considerable vigor, and Kanako felt pretty good about it.
At that moment, Kanako said, “Oh! Yes! That’s it! That’s the spot. Push into that spot and keep pushing! Let me catch up to heaven! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Ohhhh! It’s just great.”
Kanako went crazy and kept screaming, it seemed as if Kanako was getting more pleasure this time.
At this point, Ii also seemed to feel a gasping sound, Nakaoka might not be able to hold on much longer either.
Nakaoka felt a strange sensation in his neck, his head was whimpering, and he was beginning to feel very heavy.
I must not lose to Kanako, he told himself, I must be excited again, I must defeat Kanako.
As soon as saw that Kanako’s breasts were very large, and her body moved sufficiently beautifully to match Nakaoka’s movements, he couldn’t help but envy Nakaoka for being able to play with such a beauty.
I, at this point, swallowed his own saliva and focused his attention on the two of them, when another sound came out from their side.
Kanako screamed, “Old man, can you push a little harder?” Nakaoka’s movements were getting faster and faster.
“All right! Old man! All right! Old man! Let’s go to heaven together!”
He thought the moves really blew him away! He couldn’t believe he was getting to see such an awesome and good show.
I at this time, do not feel that this is a lowly, nasty, shameless thing, because he also often watch a small movie, but also has been with the woman to touch, touch that lower body black black place.
However, One’s eyes were very energetic, and his eyes didn’t even move as he watched. One thought to himself, “These two pink pieces, how come they are not the same as the two pink ones in the little movie? One felt a little strange!
And one and then thought again, these two people are really too powerful, not to mention the two people, one of them is his relatives ah! He he certainly can’t be able to praise his sister ah!
Kanako kept making noises, I felt strange again! How could Kana-chan make such beastly noises? He thought it was a bit strange.
I realized at that moment that my jeans had swelled up, swollen considerably.
His strong rod had long since stood up so high that it looked as if his jeans were about to burst, and he couldn’t believe the fact.
Without realizing it, he moved his hand in front of him, and there he was talking again: “Ah! I can’t! I’m dying.”
thought: “Wait a minute, I’ll come along too.”
Nakaoka’s movements stopped for a moment, his whole body kept rolling backwards, his body had developed a cramp like sensation, it looked like Nakaoka might not be able to take it.
One felt that he was hearing voices again.
“Kanako, you’re still the best! You’re the best! You’re amazing!”
Nakoka kept talking, and then Nakoka got up, the old man was looking for cigarettes to smoke, to mediate and cushion his heightened emotions.
a then said: “Fuck, what the hell are these people doing ah! Why don’t they go on? I’m not enjoying it!”
One kept backing up, because he was afraid that Nakaoka would find out, then he might be finished. One didn’t take the elevator down, he walked down the stairs. However, that stick of his, it was still quite straight.
I walked down with his rod and left my sister’s room in a hurry, I kept walking, constantly thinking about all the situations just now, it was too exciting.
“ a ugh! You’ve got to be able to eat! You’re so young, why don’t you eat more? This is a very bad thing to look like!” His grandmother, Takako, kept calling.
I thought to myself, “How can I eat this kind of thing, how can I have the taste to eat this kind of thing?”
Mrs. Mao’s cuisine is all salty and savory stuff, what with the taro! Corn! It’s a mess. It’s heartbreaking to be asked to eat such things.
Plus, what kind of appetite is there for dinner with an old woman?
With a crooked mouth, she said, “Uh-huh! What’s that tone of voice…”
Takako said: “You graduated from high school, but also can not find any job, you ah! You! You’re too young to learn…”
I said, “Ama! This is none of your business!” a “hmph”, and ran up to the second floor.
The I family was living in a suburban K-room home with two rooms on the first floor and two on the second, but the second floor was divided into six rooms by paper windows and the first floor was divided into four rooms.
One person occupies six rooms on the second floor, and when Kanako is there, he is in the same room as Kanako.
Those four rooms next to each other are grandmother’s rooms. Grandmother chants every day, and the whole house is falling apart, but she still keeps chanting and chanting and can’t understand it.
At that moment, both parents came up, and they sat down on the wannabe bed, and gave a long sigh, I couldn’t help remembering, at that moment, why Kanako had run away from home.
Kanako goes to college and doesn’t come back because Kanako works and studies at the same time, however, Kanako doesn’t work half the time, she is under the care of a man.
That the man read to her and she went to bed with the man, something that soon became known to everyone.
My parents were furious and said, “What the hell! I can’t believe I became someone’s concubine.”
Both parents said they were going to disassociate themselves from her in the family and ignore her in the future, and that they didn’t have a daughter like her in the family.
Kanako also shouted: “You care about me! You control me! As long as my life is better, you have no right to control me!”
Kanako is taken care of by a man named Nakaoka, who is said to be the general manager of a small and medium-sized enterprise.
Nakaoka provided for her college education and rented a room for her to live in, which was inside that Nakatsuki dark alley.
Nakaoka often said to Ichi, “ Ichi, I don’t think Kanako needs to work or go to school! I don’t think Kanako needs to go to work, as long as she goes to school, that’s fine!”
When Nakaoka and Kanako were in their apartment, I met with them several times, and although Kanako didn’t go home to go, she was very gentle with I.
Kanako said, “You’re always welcome to come and play, and I’ll give you the keys so you can come and go as you please. Otherwise you won’t be able to stand being in a house like that, and why should you listen to your parents when you’re living your own life?”
She told Ichi about her affair with Nakaoka in no uncertain terms, and she didn’t think there was anything shameful about it.
Kanako said, “You have to realize that it wasn’t for no reason why I had sex at that time, I just wanted to be with him and agreed with each other, I didn’t feel like selling myself, my fate wasn’t that bad!”
His brother Ichi didn’t feel anything special at this point, but he was still listening to what Kanako was saying.
Kanako thought to herself, “It would be better to live alone in that tiny home, where she meets her parents and grandmother every day.”
However, compared to the girls in Shinjuku, Kanako’s life was much better than theirs.
Those girls in Shinjuku slept with all sorts of different men, this one today, and who knows which one tomorrow, so the life was even more miserable!
So I sometimes go to look for sister Kanako, once ran into that old man, really happy, but, Nakaoka this old man, quite concerned about Kanako, sometimes also gave some pocket money to Kanako.
He felt the disappearance in his back and climbed into bed, not since the last time he’d been to Kanako’s apartment.
The last time he had gone to Kanako, she was screwing this old man Nakaoka, and to this day, that scenario was constantly present in his mind.
He didn’t want to see Kanako and Nakaoka in getting together again, so he stopped going to Kanako’s apartment, because, I felt that situation, it seemed too heartfelt.
Then, as soon as Tensho saw the situation, Kanako’s plump breasts, black hair, sweaty body, it was not like her at all, completely changed like.
I do not want to see them that kind of situation, his heart thought: “This sister, a year ago, still sleep with me in the same room.”
His stomach felt a little weird as he thought about it, and his mind was all about some fantasy.
Then thought, “What the hell is that old man? But that old man is completely different from himself! He was drinking and having fun every day.”
Thinking of this, a feel that he every day in the “master” this place to mix further, no meaning at all.
At this time, the stairs suddenly came a sound, I do not know what sound? Listen carefully, it seems to be the sound of the paper door opening, it seems, too probably is the old grandmother came up.
The first sound was the ringing of a bell, and then the chanting of the sutra, which was too unpleasant.
So one turned on the radio, the radio out of the beautiful music, very good, next door to the mother of the obstruction “cough”, but one ignored the grandmother, one will be the radio volume is very loud.
Kanako wasn’t home, so he stuck the latchkey in the bolt and unlocked the door, then he slipped into the house and sat down on the couch in the living room, feeling as if he were relieved again.
When One was lying on the sofa, he couldn’t help but get hot again. The last time he saw the old man and Kanako, One was very angry, and his mouth kept saying, “Fuck…”
Yuichi walked to Kanako’s room and opened the closet and saw so many panties, ah! There were all kinds of these panties and all different colors, very sexy.
One took one, and unzipped his jeans, and began to jerk off in it. One was very excited, and he kept rubbing it, when One felt a great deal of pleasure.
The perfume in that closet kept stimulating him as well, and he was already about to cum, when he seemed to hear someone calling out to him, “ a..! !”
turned around and saw that it was his sister Kanako, he was scared, he said, “Don’t come over, get out of here!”
Kanako said, “Ugh! It’s not like there’s anything going on here! Didn’t you just keep calling my name?
Not to mention you’ve got my boxers in your hand! How could I not come over?”
a very scared said: “you do not lean over, you better hurry out, you hurry out ah!”
I was unconsciously twitching continuously, and his expression seemed to be very painful.
Kanako said, “What’s wrong with you, we’re sisters and brothers! What’s wrong with me teaching you? It’s only natural!”
Kanako came over and said, “ I, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, it’s not something to be ashamed of!”
Then Kanako pulled down one’s jeans, one felt as if she was embarrassed.
Kanako added, “Didn’t you see what I did with that dead old man the other day? Don’t you want to have some fun too?”
I said, “Did you see me the other day?”
Kanako replied : “I didn’t see you, when you left the room I heard footsteps and I knew it must be you. What’s more, I think you’ve repressed you yourself, and it wouldn’t be good for you if you forced it!”
Kanako smiled and said, “You’re very pathetic when you get up on your own! But you’re so cute!”
Kanako stripped her own clothes, once she saw her sister’s naked body, she couldn’t help but blush a lot, and seemed to be very shy.
Kanako said, “Let’s go! Let’s go to the room and play! Plus there’s a bed over there, so it’s more convenient!”
One felt himself getting more and more excited, and saw that he could fuck Kanako, and walked to the room, where Kanako was lying on the bed, and One felt embarrassed and didn’t dare to go over.
Kanako said, “Come here! Why are you so shy?”
I said, “I’m a little embarrassed!”
Kanako said, “Alas! You’re already seventeen years old, and you’re still so shy, it’s really strange! Do you know? In olden times, when you were this age, you would have become a father to someone else, and you are still like this, how can you say that?”
So I walked over to them too, I was breathing very fast.
He slowly regulated his breathing and returned to normal, and at this time, I was not panicked and touched Kanako’s breasts, and her big milky white tits had their charm.
One thinks that Kanako s breasts are too beautiful, letting that old man trample on them is really not counting ah!
It looks like I’m going to have a good time screwing this beautiful naked body with these beautiful breasts today. I kept stroking Kanako’s breasts, and it felt great, as if it was on a carpet.
Then One saw her dark, hairy triangle core, his strong rod hardened, and Kanako spread her thighs wide to give One a good look at her pussy.
a screamed up: “so beautiful ah!”
I proceeded to stir the pink meat with my fingers, it was very fluffy, the elasticity was great ah!
said, “I finally saw a woman’s secret place today, it’s really great!”
I laughed loudly: “Ha… Ha…”
“I’ll show you how you need to penetrate your front hole, let me see your rod.” Kanako said.
“Not bad! You’ve got a pretty good rod.”
a hand to touch her flesh pussy, a feel as if a bit of a grain of feeling, do not know what is something like.
Kazu kept caressing Kanako’s lower body, which he hoped would ooze love juice.
said: “Sister, your hole is very beautiful, let me lick it!”
So Kazuya leaned his tongue in and slowly licked his sister’s pussy lips and center of her flower. kanako’s cave, very elastic and with very detailed flesh, was very lovely.
After one’s constant stroking, Kanako felt a tickling sensation, and at that moment, Kanako closed her eyes with a very peaceful expression.
One inserted his finger into Kanako’s hole and rubbed it continuously, and now, after One’s continuous rubbing, Kanako’s love juices were flowing out.
One was very happy to see that Kanako’s love juice had already flowed out, so One was ready to suck on that love juice.
He brought his tongue close to Kanako’s hole, and with the tip of his tongue, he licked it slightly for a few moments, Yuichi felt that the love juice, tasted so strange, and had a fishy feeling to it.
He had never licked a woman’s love juice before, and this time, after licking Shansuozi, he realized that women also had this lingzhi, which was really good! I wonder if this thing will bleed?
a heart thought: “This love liquid, may be a woman’s secret weapon! The flavor of women probably comes out from here! I must enjoy it today!”
At that moment, Yuichi’s rod, which seemed like it couldn’t wait, was often high.
Kanako said, “Why doesn’t your strong rod come in yet? How long do you want me to wait?”
one then said: “Alas! Sex needs to be warmed up and then attacked further, the pleasure will increase a lot.”
Kanako thought to herself, “I’ve never heard that before when I made love to an old man! But it makes sense when you think about it.”
Kazuya’s fingers were still stroking Kanako’s cave, his hand not leaving the cave.
Kanako sighed and said, “How long are you going to do your warm-up? I can’t wait! Can you hurry up?”
Then, Kanako reached out her hand and grabbed I’s rod, which she felt a little hot.
Kanako screamed, “Why is your rod so hot! Will you burn my hole hair?”
I replied, “This is just one of the warm-up exercises.”
At this point, Kanako was shocked and said, “How many places do you have to warm up, anyway?”
One left the bed, grabbed a bottle of whiskey, and walked over to Kanako. One poured a glass for Kanako, and poured a glass for himself.Whiskey, Ro! Lo! s ringing.
I said, “Come on! Let’s have a toast!”
After drinking the whiskey, I said: “Sister! Your breasts are great! It’s really beautiful.
Kazu went to the bedside and whispered, “Kanako, I… I’m going to fuck you…”
Kanako also then lay back on the bed, both thighs spread wide, a glimpse of the wonderful jungle place, can not help but be greatly pleased pleased.
I didn’t realize that Kanako’s baby was so beautiful! It’s so beautiful.
Then, I still caressed Kanako’s breasts, constantly playing with Kanako’s two meatballs.
Ichi put his mouth in sucking on Kanako’s tits, and his hands were constantly pressing on Kanako’s breasts.
Yuichi slid his mouth ever so slightly downward, his lips following suit, and paused when ichi’s touched Kanako’s hole as he stroked to find it.
Kanako then spread her legs wide and Ichi’s tongue followed her over as Yuichi kept licking Kanako’s hole.
He wanted to lick Kanako’s pussy wet, moist, moist! So that his big meat stick could pass through her pussy without any problem, I was constantly working on it.
At that moment, I took hold of his rod and was ready to plunge it into Kanako’s cave, Yuichi’s mood was very painful to look at.
Because, Yuichi had never played this kind of game before, of course he was in a nervous mood!
When the tip of I’s rod touched Kanako’s hole, Kanako’s eyes opened, her eyelashes vibrated slightly, and closed again sharply.
Slowly, One thrust his rod into Kanako’s hole.
Kanako screamed, “Ouch!”
Kanako thought to herself, “Your big husband’s rod has finally come in! It’s time for me to be satisfied.”
Ichi kept shaking himself as he was going to slide his entire rod inside Kanako’s cave.
Kanako made a sound: “Ugh… Ugh… Ugh… Ugh…”
I felt that inside Kanako’s flesh, there seemed to be a feeling of resistance.
Kazu kept paying attention to Kanako’s body, and Kanako’s breasts kept rising and falling up and down.
One still kept thrusting his rod, into Kanako’s cave, One seemed to find it amusing as if it had a natural chord that moved automatically.
Kanako’s waist followed suit, moving ten times harder, the bed vibrating.
Kanako made a sound: “Oh… oh… oh…”
Kanako felt a hot current in her body, pushing up into her spinal cord, and she screamed again: “Ouch… Ouch… Oh! Oh! Oh… oh… oh… oh…”
Kanako seemed to be on the verge of breaking down as her entire body was sweating.
Kanako’s lower body, already filled with hot love juices, seemed like it was about to set itself on fire at any moment.
One felt his rod, as if it was about to be released as well, but he didn’t want to release it that quickly.
One is constantly encouraging himself, tonight must make good use of the time, absolutely can not be discouraged ah!
Kanako made a sound again: “Ugh! I! – Come on! I can’t… stand it…”
Kanako’s eyes, as if with the appearance of tears, very painful, I kept attacking hard.
a playfully said: “Sister! Sister! I will make you feel good! I’ll give you more and more pleasure.”
Kazuichi pressed his lips slightly against Kanako’s, rubbing them gently and slightly.
[Book Ends]