[This story has been adapted from Cantonese]
Mei-Fang is a foreign-funded large company female secretary, she is very fit, the three circumference is thirty-six-twenty-five-thirty-six inches, according to her own weighing scale, one of her breasts weighs one pound, and the two bobble will be two pounds.
With her long legs and long hair, she was a real catch in a man’s eye.
However, Mifang’s skin is not white, but “bronze”!
This is because she loves sports, at first it was swimming, and recently, it is playing the field!
Every weekend, she and her colleagues change into military uniforms, wearing helmets, wearing airsoft guns, in the mountains and fields to play “attack and defense”!
Playing the field is a recent fad, as military training can make people more team-oriented.
This game of shooting at each other with air guns is mostly played in the mountains and fields of the Northwest New Territories. As on this day, Mei Fong and eight or nine of her colleagues went to the vicinity of Pat Sin Leng and prepared to open fire!
They were divided into two groups, the Reds and the Blues, and fought over the hill, five men on one side, with a limit of three hours! The two armies are on separate sides.
Mei Fong was so involved in these games that she thought she was a female “Rambo”!
Every time she played the field, Mei Fang would not wear a bra, because it was too hard to bind the two big tits, she learnt from the foot soldiers and wore only a green undershirt for the army inside and a camouflage uniform outside.
“To win, we must win by surprise, Mei Fang and Chao, the two of you will meander up the hill, we’ll hold the enemy at bay!” The captain spoke out the tactics.
“Good!” Mei Fong and her male coworker, Chao, then carried their AK-47 airsoft guns and touched the top of the hill!
The rubber bullets from the airsoft guns, are capable of blinding the eyes, so both men wear face masks.
“Go!” Mifang was the first to rush forward: “We will win!”
Chao was behind her, snaking up the hill.
Half an hour later, Mei Fong and Ah Chiu were already on the hillside, and behind them, there was the faint sound of “Bu, Bu” from air guns.
“We’re almost there!” Mifune carried her gun,, “The enemy hasn’t spotted us yet!”
Chao sat down: “I had a feeling that someone was nearby, be careful!”
“Okay, I’ll go first!” Mei Fong half ran and jumped, and Chiu advanced three or four meters behind her… Within the bushes, there was indeed a pair of eyes watching the two of them, and Chiu’s feeling was right!
Mei Fong walked for another five minutes: “Chao!”
She looked back and Chao was gone!
“Chao!” Mei Fong was a little indecisive.
She didn’t dare to go any further and turned back to look down the road, “Have you had any accidents?”
When Chao disappeared it was quiet, not a sound.
“Chao!” Mei Fang had taken a few steps when suddenly the grass swooped out a man who was also wearing a camouflage uniform!
“Whoo!” He was so quick, he hooped Mifune with a swing of his arm.
“You!” Mei Fang only felt the opposite force’s hand, which happened to be grasping one of her breasts. She was not wearing a bra, so his hand could hold the fleshy fat tightly.
“What are you doing?” Mei Fang struggled, she tried to hit him harder but he clamped his legs together and the two of them rolled down towards the grass.
“Oh… you…” Mei Fang had rolled over a hundred yards and was already dizzy, her helmet came off and her mask flung off.
She revealed her playful face.
“No!” Mifune tried to scream “Help!” when he suddenly hit her with his hand just below her ear bone.
“Oh…” This is an authentic military combat technique that can knock the opponent unconscious!
Mei Fang fainted!
He picked up Mei Fang and slung her over his shoulder as he walked up the mountainside.
Mei Fong was carried into a cave-like place with foreign candles and duct tape on the floor, which appeared to be the abode where he lived.
“So pretty! I love it,” he said, his hands trembling as he unbuttoned her shirt, he was in his late thirties, his mouth full of unshaven whiskers and his body was solid!
The camouflage military clothes of over a thousand dollars a set on Mei Fang were given a toss to the side.
Her two big tits, hanging down from side to side.
Mei Fong’s areolas were large and her nipples were big red grape-like grains, her belly was flat and her pussy was puckered, the pubic hair on top of it was trimmed in long strips for her.
Mei Fang has shaved because she swims a lot and it would be quite indecent to show her pubic hair when she wears a high cut bathing suit, so she has shaved.
“Mom’s armpits are shaved too!” The big man muttered.
“It’s not sexy if you don’t have hairy armpits! He grabbed a piece of rope and tied her hands up and her feet back by bending them backwards.
“Help!” Mifune woke up, and her first cry was a loud one!
“Ha… Ha…” The big man reacted quickly as he rolled her CK brand panties into a ball and stuffed them into her small mouth!
“Woo…” Mei Fang couldn’t scream anymore, her face was full of fear because this big man was not one of their coworkers who had been playing the field.
“I haven’t had a woman in a long time, you’re going to let it out of me!” His hands took hold of both of her big tits in one grip!
“No…” Mei-Fang tried desperately to speak: “Let me go… I’ll pay you to play the whore. I have over a thousand dollars in my uniform… I’ll give it all to you…”
But because her mouth was gagged, her enunciation became a “whimper, whimper”.
“Ah…” All she could feel was that his two palms were like “sandpaper”, but when he wiped his palms on her tender areolas, they made her two small nipples slightly protrude.
“Hairless armpits, but perfumed…” The big man bent his head under her armpits and sniffed with his nose.
Mei Fang’s armpits are sprayed with antiperspirant perfume!
The breath coming out of the big man’s nostrils burned against her armpits and she felt a numbing tickle.
“Ai… ah…” Mei Fang moaned once again as, suddenly, he stretched his tongue to lick her armpit.
She had never been so stimulated.
“SALTY…” The big man seemed to appreciate the flavor as his tongue licked and licked!
“AH…” She rolled her eyes and kept gasping for air.
His grip on both of her breasts increased in force!
Mei Fang felt both her breasts being rubbed by him, but, again, the rough slabs of his hands gave her a strange sensation!
Her armpits were scarred from his licking, but both tits, just rubbed red and sore.
“Let me see down there…” the big man suddenly pressed his hands on her pussy! Mei Fong winced.
For the rough hand, as it touched the lips of both her cunts, stimulated every nerve.
Mei Fang’s legs were flexed and spread, the big man spread his fingers apart and peeled open her two pussy lips left and right!
“Y… Y… Y… Shuang” Mei Fong almost fainted as her two pussy lips were peeled back to reveal her bloodied slit!
The slit was a little wet, and which little hole in the center seemed to have water secreting out of it!
His eyes came up to her vagina, and the breath from his mouth and nose sprayed directly onto the slit… “There’s no perfume here!” he murmured He murmured, the tip of his nose almost touching her labia, he inhaled deeply a few times, Mei Fong’s thigh slit was sweat stained, the sweat stains mixed with the water secreted from her vagina, emitting a fishy odor.
A woman’s place isn’t too stinky… it shouldn’t be called a stinky bitch… The big man’s finger pressed against her vagina!
“You… you…” Mei-Fang shook her head violently: “Don’t… don’t…”
But then his dirty fingers had taken up her cunt and teased it a few times!
“Ah…” Mei Fang shed tears, saddened by the dirty man digging into her bottom!
His fingers teased some clear, slippery gurgling mucus out, a woman’s secretion.
Ground took his pussy-water-soaked finger and put it in front of his nose and sniffed it again, “The woman underneath him put his finger on her pubic hair and wiped it, wiping the gooey liquid on her fur!
“I’m already hard!” He said as he removed his pants, the camouflage army pants didn’t seem to fit his frame, they were over a size too small.
“Ah!” Mei Fang recognized it; it was Chao’s uniform.
She shivered: “Did you kill Chiu… Chiu?”
But, she followed with another shock as he had flashed that meat stick! The fuchsia-red phallus.
His prick was long, almost six inches long, with a large glans, but the shaft was not quite so thick.
There was some white salivation on his glans, and by the state of his erection, you could tell he was very aroused.
Mei-Fang shook her head desperately, a pleading look in her eyes, and a cry escaped her throat: “Don’t rape me… I’ll give you money… no…”
But the big man had already sat down, and with her legs tied and spread, she could only take the stick.
“Y… Y…” she screamed miserably.
His hot prick, all the way in, reddened her puckered mound!
“I’m not a bad guy, am I!” The big man gasped as he peddled her waist and gave her a dozen quick thrusts.
His prick plunged right up to the head of her womb, and he pumped her cunt fast and furiously.
“Ai… ching… ouch…” Mei-Fang kept screaming and crying in pain.
The big man showed no mercy: “You’re so slippery… you’re crying, you want to beg? Damn it, I want to do it… ah… ah…”
After one or twenty more thrusts, he was at the end of his rope, and he pulled out his prick so violently that a white slurry spurted out and splashed down on Mei Fong’s face.
On the other hand, members of the field group found Ah Chiu on the mountainside, his uniform had been stripped bare, only a pair of underpants, his mouth had been stuffed with his own smelly socks, bare feet!
“What’s going on!” The leader immediately stopped the game: “Notify the other side, something’s wrong!”
Ah Chiu was tied to a tree trunk with a rope, after he was rescued: “There is a mainlander who seems to know the army combat, attacked me from behind, I can not beat him, in front of Mei Fang may be in trouble!”
The team members were shocked when they received the message: “Don’t scatter, let’s look for Mei Fong together!”
Nearly a dozen people searched up the mountainside, yelling “Mei Fang!” along the way.
Inside the cave man Han vaguely heard shouting, his face changed: “Damn, Hong Kong women play finished, I see you find me not!”
He picked up a red, white and blue plastic bag in one corner, and stuffed the property in the cave, including Chao’s shoes, air rifle and helmet into it: “You guys are going to fight a war with these furry skills? When I went into Vietnam to fight the war of defense, single soldier deep behind enemy lines for seven days and nights, that’s called war, ha! I’m sorry!”
He grabbed the gel bag and scurried out of the cave.
It was almost dark when the team called the police, and finally, the flamboyant Mei Fang was found inside the cave!
Oh… that bad man raped me!” Mei-Fang cried, “He… he went north!”
The police’s pangolin unit, which sends out helicopters to search.
“That man may be a stowaway, ready to come to Hong Kong to commit a crime, and he just happened to see you, a pretty girl, and he was sex-starved, so…” said the agent, making a preliminary judgment on the case.
Mei-Fang then cried her eyes out, and after she was untied, she wrapped her naked body in a blanket: “I’m in pain… I’m dying… He’s not clean… I don’t want to get sick… Oooh…”
Although Mei Fong was raped, but fortunately did not give birth to “flower willow”, however, she has been wary of playing wild game, ready to play in the future just swimming.
When you meet a mountain dog in a wild fight, beware of being plugged in until you have air to spare!