Spring in Prague

Post-liberation Eastern Europe is increasingly on the road to poverty.

When the former Soviet Union collapsed, it was replaced by the Association of Independent States (AIS), which was only able to provide bread for a hungry people. The collapse of communism allowed some small countries like Czechoslovakia to follow in the footsteps of Western capitalism and open up domestic businessmen to self-employment.

For the new generation of Czechs, self-employment means that they are free to devote themselves to “entertainment”.

Industry. An industry that is now in high demand and recognized as extremely glamorous.

In fact, many Russian teenagers, when asked about their ideal volunteers, told the interviewer without a blush that they hoped to go abroad as prostitutes and male prostitutes and make a lot of money back home.

When Czechoslovakia disintegrated and split into two new countries, there was a sudden explosive growth of erotic book models featuring young teenage boys, mostly from Eastern Europe, especially the Czech Republic.

The main reason for this situation is that due to the economic depression in Eastern Europe in recent years, the people who seek to feed themselves can only survive by selling their flesh. In the eyes of most of the young men and women, making third degree movies and prostitution have become valuable opportunities after losing their jobs.

If you’re starving and your family has been starving for days, you’ll never be ashamed of selling your body, even if it means that the average non-gay male might end up as a street hooker, selling his penis or his ass, depending on the client’s needs.

Many underage boys who are already fathers are introduced to selling their asses in motels or hotel suites; on the other hand, the foreign tourists who piddle with them are happy to pay to feed these starving Czech boys, and they get what they want.

Fully adapted to the needs of the times, they were also quick learners, spending much effort honing their oral sex skills, and in fact, a willingness to smile and swallow a customer’s cum tended to result in a larger tip.

Regardless of gender, catering to the needs of the john population is undoubtedly a top priority for Eastern European teenagers because, as the word goes, there is no legitimate way to make a living anymore.

They have nothing the Western world needs except this youthful carcass in the throes of starvation, and right now, these teenage boys and girls are willing to do anything to get the cash.

A teenager named Mikael Geros became a male prostitute at the age of fourteen, offering sex to sightseers in Prague’s hotels.

He had become a father when he was thirteen, to the seventeen-year-old daughter of his next-door neighbor; and at fifteen, he impregnated his neighbor’s thirty-year-old wife, while screwing a mother and daughter at the same time.

Mikael’s family also includes four brothers and three sisters, all nine of whom were pushed onto the streets by their parents to sell their flesh.

At home, eight siblings share two bedrooms and two beds together. As a result, the incestuous sexual intercourse between the five teenagers and their three sisters is repeated every night.

These girls are well used to spreading their legs and opening their lower bodies to any stranger, and likewise, they don’t hold back from their own brothers. As a result, all three sisters became pregnant as a result of the brothers’ promiscuity. Mikael himself, at the age of seventeen, gave birth to his eleven-year-old second sister.

Mikael was a handsome-looking pretty boy with fair and slim skin, happy to fulfill any embarrassing request from a john as long as he could afford to pay for it.

When asked how much an ass fuck cost, he replied sixty to one hundred dollars, which varied with the time of day, and thirty dollars for a blowjob, with an additional ten dollars if he additionally asked to swallow semen.

He wore short T-shirts and hot pants and solicited customers with his body; usually, he went to touristy places in search of tourists, but occasionally, he would go to special bars, parks… any place that might need a male prostitute.

It is hard to get more than a hundred dollars a day when you go home, but if you happen to have a good day, you may get from two hundred to two hundred and fifty dollars in.

In 1991, an opportunity fell from the sky for Mikael to earn big business in a special way that he had never earned before.

A producer of pornographic films arrives in Prague and is very interested in gore, incest, abuse, rape and the like. After a chance encounter with a prostitute, the producer is attracted by Mikael’s sexy physique and begins to befriend the beautiful boy, hoping that he will become the main character of his new movie.

A week later, the two met at the hotel cafe, and Mikael did a double take at the coffee and delicate tea on the table, both of which he saw only once in a great while.

The producer laughed and offered a deal to make the movie for five thousand dollars, a huge sum that Mikael would have to sell his rotten anus for.

The huge price is that Mikael is going to have sex with his own mother!

It’s not just a matter of having sex once; the contract requires Mikael not only to have coitus with his mom multiple times, but he’s also asked to impregnate her, and the producer pays off the five thousand dollars in full only when the fruit of the mother-son incest is born.

During the nine months of pregnancy, to keep Mikael worry-free, the producers will also offer him other jobs to shoot other immediate payment porn movies.

All before and after, about eight thousand dollars, which was already more than any sum Mikael, or his mother, had ever seen in his life.

Staring at the contract, Mikael was so nervous he couldn’t breathe; at home, he’d fucked his sisters until they were bored, but never his own mother!

To him, his mother was still an unassailable presence. Not unlike the three smelly, four rotten asses on his pillow every day.

But the money was an overwhelming temptation, and in the end, he signed his name and agreed to make the movie, even though he couldn’t represent his mother…

When he breaks the news to his mother, a mature woman in her thirties, with a slender waist and full breasts, she is instantly smitten with the amazing paycheck on paper. She was instantly enamored by the staggering paycheck on paper and agreed to all the terms of the contract, even if it seemed a little sinful to say that the evil idea of “having sex with her own son” was a bit of a sin.

Who cares?

An additional clause in the contract was that the producers would rent a luxury suite in one of Prague’s finest hotels, where the mother and son would nurture their next generation.

In addition to the $5,000 paycheck, the luxury suite itself is a major lure, and all of these things have been explicitly written into the contract, in addition to the fact that the producers have agreed to pay for all of the mother’s medical expenses during her pregnancy, even including labor and delivery, as well as maternity care after the child’s birth and during the moonlighting period.

On the day of the shoot, Mikael and his mom arrived at the First Hotel in Prague, where the producers would book their honeymoon suite.

Mother and son are treated with the finest service, including first-class champagne and gourmet food, and the hotel staff receives them as newlyweds, while their true identities remain an absolute secret.

After a few calculations, the filming was picked on a special weekend, a dangerous time for mom, and during that crazy weekend, the honeymoon suite would be a little world entirely reserved for mother and son, with the only thing sharing it with them being the well-hidden multiple cameras, and the many taskmasters behind the radio screen.

No matter how many times a mother and son have sex in a day, all of it will be filmed.

The producer had given her mom a sheer ruffled lace smocked robe that was so short it barely covered the small half of her snowy buttocks, and Mikael had been asked to be naked the entire weekend, and as for every thing they needed, it had been supplied by the producer or the hotel staff.

On the first night, mother and son drank enough expensive champagne to toast for such a profitable treat; on the other hand, they also needed to rely on enough alcohol to numb their nerves, because neither Mikael nor his mother knew how to start this mother-son adultery.

However, the producer staring at the screen had an idea, and over the phone, he got the “newlyweds” to talk.

Sharing the same bed, Mikael was naked while Mom wore her sexy short burka.

Cameras and radio equipment had been set up around the bed, the lighting was well adjusted, and a television screen with a VCR attached was playing a small yellow movie.

As mother and son lie together on the bed, the movie begins to show while they are stimulated and slowly embrace each other, just watching porn, learning porn, doing porn, making porn.

Watching the intense images on the screen, Mikael soon got hard. As both of them were already a little drunk, thoughts of the incest taboo gradually disappeared from their minds, and he and his mom started kissing and caressing each other on the bed.

Mom’s starry eyes were slightly closed as she enjoyed her son’s gentle caresses, while a pair of palms wrapped around her hard, hot cock and gently stroked it up and down.

Mikael pulled up his mother’s smock and pressed his mouth to those full, firm breasts, sucking on the fresh buds, and his fingers began to explore upward, first feeling his mother’s warm breasts, then downward, over the smooth belly that was about to bulge, until his fingertips probed the hot, wet honeycomb of his eternal homeland.

Mikael didn’t hide, and couldn’t hide, his desire for his mom’s beautiful flesh, and his cock was soon standing straight up, swollen like never before.

Based on the desire that was about to explode, he quickly began to move, thrusting his penis hard into the honeyed place that was tickling him so much. Mikael knew that his semen and his seed would soon become a baby…

He already had three children, and now, even though he wasn’t exactly sure what to do with his incestuous relationship with his mother later, he still had his head buried in the sand.

When his mother was finally wet enough to withstand his thrusts, Mikael was so satisfied that, driven by an odd thought, he suddenly spread her legs wide apart, allowing the camera to take in the full splendor of that most intimate of private parts, the delicate bloom of the beautiful flower, and then, guiding his already engorged cock, he pushed deeper again.

As the wet heat of his mother’s pussy squeezed the throbbing cock, Mikael completely forgot about the fact that he would impregnate his mother and simply plowed the female body beneath him with all his heart like a bull in heat, plowing, then preparing to rattle the seed.

He stabbed his cock deep until he could go no further, followed, and began to pump, backing up, stabbing in, backing up, and pushing forward again.

At the moment, his thin but powerful body turned into a high-frequency piston machine, constantly penetrating his mother with the meat between his legs, making her accept her son’s eruption again and again, crying out in ecstasy with grief.

In Mikael’s eyes, the fact that he was “riding his mother for sex” was a great sexual thrill, and the reality of the incest added to the wildness of the oblivious sexual intercourse, immersing both mother and son in a beastly frenzy of action. For them at the moment, incest was the order of the day!

Yeah, that’s right. What’s wrong with incest? What about mom?

The large double bed couldn’t help but crunch as Mikael gave stroke after stroke of full force, and a wave of all-consuming sensations as the cock entered his mother’s pussy with force, sending them drifting in and out of joy.

The crazy thought that he was thrusting himself into this woman’s tender pussy, and even more so that he was about to shoot his semen into her womb, the place where he had been conceived in the first place, and spawn another child, made Mikael shiver uncontrollably.

Taking stock of the results after a long time, Mikael knew that the chances of getting pregnant in one shot were high with today’s intercourse, so he relaxed his body and wrapped his arms around his mom’s hips as they worked together to meet the final climax.

At first there was a constant wariness as the rod began to twitch, buried deep within mom’s honey hole, when the electric current like touch could not be endured any longer, and hot fresh cum spurted out in massive quantities.

For a brief moment, Mikael lost all consciousness as waves of pleasure hit him, causing the cock to inject the accumulated thick white semen deep into his mom’s womb.

I don’t know how much time had passed before Mikael came back to his senses and looked at his long-lost mother beside him, his cock still stubbornly trapped inside his hole and refusing to come out.

As the rod began to soften, he withdrew it from his honey hole and lay down next to his mom, and together, mother and son went to sleep.

The next morning, the pair repeated the same process, the exact same actions, differing only in more arousal, more skillful intimacy.

Although, that said, Mikael could never believe what he had done: he had really fucked his mother!

Not only that, they even kept enjoying each other’s flesh in every place where they could have sex, in every position where they could have sex, the basic position, the riding position, the doggy position, on the floor, in the bathroom, even in the elevator.

Maybe there was no love in such an intercourse, maybe there was no affection in this pair’s intercourse, but, in terms of desire for each other’s flesh, they were definitely the best sexual partners, and no one else would know each other’s bodies better, and be dripping in orgasm more than they did, because, well, they were mother and son.

In spite of being practically mother and son, in the lobby of the hotel they still behaved like a couple, as any newlyweds would, boldly displaying their anticipation of each other, embracing, kissing passionately, and caressing obliviously.

Mikael also went on a picnic with his mother to a neighboring park, and in a grassy area by one of the ponds, at the producer’s request, Mom lay on her back on a tree trunk, allowing the teenager to lift her skirt from behind, straddle her panty-less, beautiful buttocks, and stroke back and forth in such a position as to ejaculate violently in full view of the crowd.

By the time the weekend was over, Mikael had lost count of exactly how many times he’d fucked his mom, but overall, it had been more than the contract called for, and luckily for Mikael, he’d managed to knock up his mom.

In the nine months that followed, Mikael was cast as the male and female leads in about twenty pornographic films, ranging from homosexuality, bestiality, and promiscuity, and even had him on the set with a pregnant mother, acting out a mother and son raping each other before taking turns being penetrated from the rear.

As agreed, the producer paid the producer’s fee immediately after each movie, and also tacked on twice as much for Mikael and Mom after many nights. Then, when the contracted date ended, Mom gave birth to Mikael’s child, a healthy eight-pound baby girl.

At the same time as the delivery, five thousand dollars was immediately delivered, accompanied by a long term contract to take effect in eight years.

The second contract was for another pornographic movie involving incest and conception, in which Mikael would be responsible for making the product of his and his mother’s indulgence, his daughters and sisters, equally pregnant… (Mikael’s movie with his mother became a worldwide sensation, and was produced in a variety of videos and VCDs, for which the producers made tens of millions of dollars, but the two main actors only received $5,000) (The two main actors only saw $5,000 and signed contracts for future films).

Earlier this year, one of these fine enclosures appeared in a European porno book.

The cover is a large, full-color picture of a happy family portrait. The husband and wife, the husband is a twenty-five year old white, beautiful man with long, graceful limbs; the wife is a little older than the husband, with a voluptuous body full of the sensual flavor of a mature woman, and the two somewhat similar looking children, sister and brother, with blonde hair knotted into childish braids, smiling playfully and adorably.

The family of four were all fully dressed, the father in his laborer’s outfit, not fancy but clean, the mother in an elegant burlap dress, and the two children, both with bibs on, giggling innocently.

The twelve pages that follow are some sort of calendar.


A delicate and innocent little girl, she wore a short shirt that was gently raised to reveal a smooth and flawless little tummy.

The little girl’s father, squatting between her legs, a large meat stick buried deep into his daughter’s young pussy.

The little boy lay flat on his back and had his mother skillfully sucking on his uncircumcised cock with a mesmerized expression on his face.


The little girl is naked, her eyes narrowed slightly as she gazes into the camera. Her mother, on the other hand, is pressed against her chest, lightly engaging her daughter’s tender breast buds.

The little girl has obviously just been penetrated hard by her father, and you can see two slightly parted flower lips facing the camera as a thick string of white liquid, drips from her pussy and onto the floor.

Her father sat on the edge of the bed and pressed the little boy’s head between his legs, moving back and forth in and out.


The little girl and her mother, with their snow-white asses high in the air, bent over like bitches, were each held by their father and son’s hips and penetrated fiercely from behind.


The little girl and her mother stripped naked, the two delicate bodies hotly intertwined, face to face with each other passionate kiss.

The little girl’s breasts, her belly, were larger than they had seemed before.

Her brother was straddling his father’s stock in a riding position, his tender little white ass wiggling vigorously as he fiddled with the cock in his ass; and his father was holding his son’s cock, grinning smugly.


The little girl was naked, behind her back, and her father had just squirted his cum onto the small of her back, once again thrusting his cock into his daughter’s young pussy.

The mother rides the young boy underneath her and lets him lick and kiss her honey spot and anus. The picture shows the mother’s black nipples, her belly, and a slight bulge.


A close-up of the little girl’s nectar, a creamy string of mixed white liquid, splattered all over the tiny pussy, oozes out of the girl’s young center.

The little girl’s abdomen, now noticeably swollen.


The little girl, the little boy, and the mother, three beautiful carcasses lined up in a zigzag pattern, coincidentally bucking their snowy asses and wiggling their hips.

Behind them, the father slipped two palms into each of his daughter’s and son’s asses, and his cock, into his wife’s and biological mother’s slit.


The little girl was bent over naked, kissing her mother, who was already disoriented beneath her, with her brother impaled on his rod behind her, who was mating with her sister while tapping her swollen belly with his fingers.

Behind the little boy, his father grabbed his long blonde hair and embedded his rod into the little boy’s ass, the family’s flesh making the closest connection possible.


The little girl and her mother, mother and daughter, naked and holding two large bellies against each other, looked at each other and smiled, playfully reaching out to caress each other’s bellies.


The little girl lay naked on a bed, a small, naked baby girl cradled against her bulging, uncomfortable breasts.

As the baby sucked the milk from her mother’s breast, the little girl simultaneously took in her father’s rod.

You could see the white, cloudy cum, dripping down the sides of the little girl’s mouth as she was unable to swallow all of her father’s special postpartum tonic that he had leaked into his daughter’s mouth.


The little girl was lying on the same bed with her father between her legs.

A newborn baby girl lies on her mother’s belly with her legs spread out and her two young children facing the camera.

The little baby’s tender petals were slightly closed against its mother’s.

The familiar white liquid, familiar to the father who had just fucked it all over again, dripped down from his daughter’s open pussy.

Cum was still dripping from the tip of the penis, and the little girl held her father’s slightly stiff rod and mischievously placed it at the baby girl’s tiny slit, dripping cheese-like white sperm onto the baby girl’s tiny slit.


The little girl was lying on her back with her father running through her from behind, and it looked as if the little girl’s abdomen had begun to swell again.

While the mother fainted on the floor, the little boy lay on her chest, suckling breast milk, and between the mother’s wide-open legs, there was a pool of thick blood stains with a newborn baby whose umbilical cord had not yet been cut.

After December is a recent picture of a little girl and her father.

That’s also a picture of a joint family.

Two male members, nude, sit on a white recliner, and the female member, also nude, sits between the male member’s legs with her meat stick buried deep in her honey hole at the same time.

The young girl sat on her father’s lap, her large rod bursting her pussy, and above her pussy, the young dark grass that had only just grown.

The mother lay back against her son, her slit honestly engulfing his cock.

On the floor in front of them, two naked children, a boy and a girl; were playing with two small babies, a boy and a girl.

With the whole family facing the camera, you can easily recognize the child’s sexual organs.

The little boy’s finger, poking into his baby sister’s tiny hole; the little girl holding her baby brother’s tiny penis.

If you look closely at the girl on my father’s lap, her belly seems to be swelling again… – Ancient Serpent’s Tales.

It’s been a long time, folks of Won Won, and in celebration of Won Won getting a new one (what’s there to celebrate?) ), I’m posting this especially to say hello to all of you who have been gone for a long time.

There is nothing special to mention, just a little bit about the translation of the experience, in the translation, so far on the Internet translator, or KERM brother is the best, this point I am ashamed to be inferior.

The so-called translation, not just simply translate the article into Chinese even if, the so-called preservation of the original flavor, is also very important, sometimes, the translation of the article does not necessarily have to be very smooth, because the force to be too smooth stationery, often lost the old American and European style, read a little incoherent.

There are many people who can translate, but not many who can do it well. KERM’s article, in addition to clear translation, the wording also completely preserves the author’s original meaning, which is the realm I am pursuing but have not yet reached, I hereby bow to him three times.

This is the sixteenth in the collection of Arisetsuzai translations, and I’m not going to add any special notes to it, so if the wandering administrator is interested, just put it in the library. There is only one thing, I want to make a special statement here, that is, which station is good, this translation article just do not post peach.

Peachy, I despise your standup and the fact that you take someone else’s work and pass it off as your own, saying that it’s the typography of your standup, which hasn’t even been moved at all, and that the only change was to change the title of the work. Of course you can ignore this paragraph and continue to include it, but that’s just more proof of your despicability.

Thank you Yuan Yuan administrators for your hard work, your hard work, so to speak, has historical significance, thank you, and thank you to those who love the works of ancient snakes.
