Specialized Hunting Beauties (1)

Chapter One: Beauty and Missiles

Chapter 2: Hong Kong’s Concept of Transfer to Japan

Chapter 3: The Kidnapped Foundation Girl

Chapter 4: The Secret Shrine of the Demon Cult

Chapter 5 – Uncovering the Black Market in Weapons

Chapter 6: Destroying enemy bases

Chapter One: Beauty and Missiles

It was a cloudless day.

The July sky was unbelievably clear, the sun shone brightly, and the blue sea was clear.

In the distant sky floated large, generally white yachts that looked like diving clubs waiting on the surface while they dived, or like anchors cast there and crews fishing.

On the uppermost deck there was a row of deck chairs and a man with binoculars peering out over the land.

That’s the latest telescope with a magnification of thirty.

“Well? See?”

Beside the man stood a beautiful woman with long hair and a slim figure in a three-point swimsuit, also looking in the direction of the land and asking.

“Eh, see. The auditions are buzzing.”

“How many women are there?”

“Twenty or so, maybe more, all buxom beauties in swimsuits.”

“I want to see it too, let me see it.”

The woman took the binoculars and peered in the direction of the land.

Ebony hair flying in the sea breeze, the woman immediately said, “Inspector, that’s not an audition, it’s a woman’s auction disguised as a publicity girl audition.”

“An auction? Does it look like that to you?”

“It looks like it to me. Because on the stage, some of the women were also stripped down to their swimsuits, I can’t be wrong. What’s going on at the villa in the Izu Plateau is a human market where women are auctioned off.”

“If that’s the case, it’s a terrible thing. The chairman of the Seongbuk Motor Company, perhaps secretly in the business of human trafficking, falsely claiming to be a company recruiting moo publicity girls and holding auditions here, but in reality including women from Southeast Asian countries and opening a human meat market here, what a clever deception.”

“I think it’s safe to warn them.”

“Well, give them a hearty shot!”

After the man finished speaking, he picked up the guitar case next to him, placed it on his lap, and opened the lid, which contained the disintegration of Remington’s seven-four-two. The man’s face was expressionless as he assembled it with skillful maneuvers.

The man’s name is Jubilee Kosuke.

He is a special armed inspector of the government beyond the norms of the law, who is directly appointed by the Prime Minister and is tasked with solving major events of national significance or doing covert investigations into events that the Police Department is unable to deal with.

He’s not a wolf, he’s part of an organization. His organization is the 21st Century Capital Security Agency, a half-government, half-civilian security agency secretly established under the Cabinet’s Crisis Management Committee at the Prime Minister’s residence.

He is the premier sniper here, a fighting samurai, an intelligence agent, and a shadow warrior who assassinates spies from all over the world.

From his demeanor and his calm, cool, and bold actions, he had the secret name of Black Lion I 00.

It is known that he was selected from the police department and sent to study at the FBI in the United States, and his subsequent experience is a mystery.

The woman standing next to her is called Yoko Hidetora.

A secret secret service officer belonging to the same organization as Jubilee, a beautiful woman with long dark hair, twenty-six years old, fluent in English, French, German, and Chinese, passed the advanced national civil service exam, and has experience working for the Ministry of Justice.

She also has what a genius would describe as a motor nerve cell, is proficient in shooting and aikido, and possesses a gentle disposition that is the greatest virtue of a Japanese woman, who usually appears to be just a skilful woman.

However, it’s the middle of summer and a yacht at sea, so wearing a bold two-piece swimsuit is a far cry from the typical Japanese woman.

Jubilee Hauske was in the same situation, wearing sunglasses and a hat, with only a pair of green swim trunks on his body. The completed combination of Remington Seven Forty-Two immediately warmed up in the sun, and had a soothing stimulating sensation against his body.

Load the sights and live rounds.

“Still no signal from Ami?”

“Not currently. I don’t see Ami among the women on stage, maybe waiting to make an appearance, down in the basement.”

“That means Ami hasn’t been auctioned off yet, right?”

“I think so.”

“Be really watchful and don’t miss Yami’s signals.”

Jubilee wiped the sweat from her forehead, set up her Remington seven-four-two, and looked through the sights.

This is an area about 400 meters off the coast of Izu Josaki, and the largest of the many villas on the Josaki Plateau, “Horizon Rinkai Club,” belonging to the chairman of the Shirokita Automobile Company, Mr. Togayoshi Tokuda, is visible through the scope.

In front of the white building, there is a stage on the grass in front of the sea, like a beauty pageant, with Japanese and Southeast Asian beauties on the stage, dancing disco to the music, or posing or twisting their bodies and walking on the stage, surrounded by more than 30 men shouting and admiring, like the Tokyo stock market, with their fingers held out high in the air to bid for the prize.

Such light was visible through Jubilee’s sights and Teleko’s binoculars.

It looked suspicious to the eyes of the spying Jubilee and others, but to the general public, it must have looked like the audition for the third publicity girl for the publicity of the city’s northern automobile company….

“Got a signal from Ami.” Teleko Hidetora said.

“Finally on stage?”

“Yes, it’s on stage right now.”

“What did she say?”

“The little mirror emits three flashes in a row, signaling that it has been determined that the Publicity Girl auditions are in fact a human market.”

“Nice, still flashing.”

Jubilee’s sights also find Ami.

Mixed in with the group of women dancing disco, the tall woman in a bikini bathing suit kept sending three consecutive flash signals in the direction of the sea with a small mirror hidden in her hand.

She is Nozomi, one of Jucho Kosuke’s men, and is a female secret service officer, like Yoko Hidetori.

In order to detect the inner workings of the city’s northern automobile company, she is enlisted as a publicity girl to work as an inside man in the Sky City Rinkai Club.

But Ami soon had a buyer. Two men pulled her off the stage and handed her over to a middle-aged man waiting in the atrium, who walked toward the villa with his arm around her waist.

“Sir, at this rate, Ami is in danger and may be abused at the villa.”

“Eh, it does get abused at this rate.”

“Better save her.”

“I was looking for Tokuda Tagayoshi, I just couldn’t find him, is he hiding in there?”

“To lure the snakes out of their holes, shoot warning shots. Yami has already caught the evidence, just ride the chaos to escape.”

“Okay, let’s target the guy who just pulled Ami away.”

(I wanted to target Chairman Tokuda Tagayoshi…)

The cross of the telescopic sight was aimed squarely at the shoulder of the man who had pulled Ami away, and Jubilee’s finger snapped the trigger.

Blood was seen bubbling from the man’s shoulder through the sights and his body shook.

The Remington 7-42 was a large caliber rifle for hunting beasts, and if aimed at the head, the skull would be crushed, and if at the abdomen, the guts would come flying out.

Not knowing what kind of identity the middle-aged man who bought Ami’s attempts to toy with was, it wasn’t enough to take his life, so Jubilee only left him with a crushed shoulder bone.

From the sights, he saw a moment of chaos in the auction house as a gunshot from the sea sent the place into a great panic, scrambling for cover.

The goal was to throw the venue into chaos in order to cover Ami’s smooth escape and continue shooting at the villa’s doors and windows.

“Ami should have escaped into the woods, get the yacht into Kawana Harbor.”

“Good to know.”

Teleko Hidori jumped into the cockpit, raised the anchor, and started the engines at full speed.

The yacht went north.

Just then, Jubilee looked back in the direction of the villa and was surprised.

(That’s great!)

From the villa there was a green helicopter flying up.

(So there’s a helicopter?)

After taking off, it flew in the direction of the yacht, probably to attack the yacht that was shooting at the villa.

The green helicopters are Italian-made Agosta helicopters.

It’s a six-passenger helicopter that reaches 500 kilometers per hour, making it the fastest civilian helicopter available.

The helicopters immediately spotted the yacht traveling north and swooped straight toward the eagle.

(This one was a success. The helicopters are usually available, so that villa is too suspicious.) .

Jubilee flashed an invincible smile.

(Come on!)

Reloading at Remington Seven-Four-Two, the gun waits with the muzzle pointed squarely at the sky.

The helicopters are rapidly approaching.

Jubilee aimed a shot at the cockpit.

But the helicopter appeared to be fitted with bulletproof glass and saw the bullet hit the glass and fly off to the side.


This time aiming at the fuselage and firing two or three shots at the fuel tank.

The bullet hit the fuselage but did not cause an explosion.

Just as Jubilee was looking for a new target point, the helicopter’s door opened slightly and fired at the yacht with its machine gun.

Shot the deck or stern of a yacht with a loud bang.

Jubilee hastened to take refuge against the wall of the cabin.

“Flybird! Keep sailing the yacht.”

Yell to the cockpit and aim the rifle at the helicopter again.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Before Jubilee could fire, the machine gun hit the glass of the ship’s hatch, the hatch billet broke and shards of it grazed Jubilee’s neck and arm, spilling blood.

A direct hit to the body could kill you immediately.

(Rifles won’t work anymore. We’ll have to use a stunt.)

As Jubilee thought this, she heard Flycatcher say, “Sir, what are you still doing! Quickly meet the battle with the needle, or the yacht will sink.”

“Flybird, get your body armor on.”

“Leave me alone! Use the needle…”

Jubilee had been a little hesitant, but without shooting down the helicopter, Self had no chance of being saved.

(I didn’t realize that shooting a gun would turn into a physical battle at sea.)

With an excited smile Jubilee ran to the deck, opened the door to the armory, and pulled out the Stinger Missile for carrying.

Able to be fired over the shoulder, it is powerful and surprisingly light in weight.

It is a newly developed infrared tracking surface-to-air missile for the infantry by the U.S. Army, and of course it can also be used for sea-to-air.

The helicopter shot and flew over the yacht and is circling ahead.

Jubilee, in order to meet the attack, knelt on one leg on the deck and set the stinger on her shoulder.

“You’ll see!”

(Directly in front of the target, angle of elevation 40 degrees…)

This is the best angle for ground-to-air fire, and the trigger is snapped at the same time the target enters the sights.

Stinger missiles emit yellow and black smoke and fly toward their targets.

An ear-splitting explosion was heard as a flash of light was emitted.

“Birds of Prey! Turn!”

The helicopter landed in front of the yacht and could have collided with the helicopter’s fireball if it continued forward.

“No problem, watch me.”

Teleko Asuka maneuvered the yacht to avoid the helicopter that had turned into a fireball and headed north toward Kawana Harbor.

It doesn’t matter what the beginning is.

No matter what happens, it starts with the smallest sign, the unimportant rumor or newspaper report, or the police tip-off… The so-called big events start from such small things.

This one is no exception.

For example, like this.

“My daughter has not come back since Curtain Zhang Fair’s automobile company as a publicity work. I’ve heard that she is the director of the Tiancheng Rinkai Club of the automobile company in the north of the city, but I have not heard from her at all. Occasionally, she sends huge sums of money, but no matter how many times she calls, she can’t be contacted, so could you please ask your organization to investigate the Tenjo Rinkai Club?”

This was submitted to the newspaper by a retired civil servant living in Tokyo’s Meguro Ward.

Residents of Higashi-Izu have also reported the following to the Shizuoka Prefectural Police.

“The Sky City Rinkai Club holds monthly client parties. At this time, a swimsuit pageant is sure to be held, but rumor has it that it’s actually a women’s auction. In fact, the club also organizes a sex sale for celebrities from all walks of life. If it’s just a game, it’s just a game, but there seems to be a suspicion of triad society or human trafficking behind it, so the police should thoroughly investigate.”

There’s also a tip-off from someone in the automotive industry.

“The City North Automobile Company violated the law prohibiting exaggerated and untrue advertisements by offering a beautiful woman a one-million-yuan luxury yacht trip with the purchase of one of Italy’s most famous cars, the Ferrari, and there is no such method of publicity. If it is true, it is an act of disregard for business ethics. Moreover, the City North Automobile Company rents out high-class imported cars with beautiful female drivers to its customers, which is almost like the behavior of a high-class call girl, so please investigate the truth.”

In addition to this, there have been reports from the industry and consumers to the police and the Fair Trade Commission, and as a result of secret investigations by the Shizuoka Prefectural Police and the Police Department, the business policy of Shirokita Motors was found to be questionable.

However, the police cannot openly investigate the company’s welfare facilities without concrete evidence, so the task of secret investigation is assigned to the Special Armed Inspector Jubilee Kosuke and others.

After Jubilee and other people’s investigation, the city’s northern automobile company in the automobile industry, is considered to be anomalous enterprises, to import Italian high-grade cars, but was not originally imported cars for the start of the company.

The parent company, Shirokita Sangyo, which is a real estate company, started to operate hotels or build rental apartments and develop leisure facilities after making money from the land in Shinjuku-Shinkou, and importing foreign cars was just one of the divisions.

The president of this huge corporation, Shirokita Sangyo, and also the chairman of Shirokita Motors, Togakichi Tokuda, was a troubled man whose behavior and possessions, etc., were a mystery.

From the first investigation can only know the above situation, the rest can only be directly to the Linhai Club.

So yesterday, when Ami Noh enlisted in a beauty pageant and infiltrated the club, Jubilee and Flying Bird sailed their yacht to Sag Baldy Bay to support Ami while keeping watch.

“It’s not a bad reaction to get. It looks like there must be a dark side to City North Auto and City North Industries.”

An hour after shooting down the helicopter, Hausuke Jubilee looked out the car window at the afternoon ocean.

They were in the pine forest.

This is the prominent part of Tenjinzaki, located between Kawana and Ito, where the grass-green Ford station wagon is parked as seen from the highway, and Jubilee and the others are preparing to pick up Nozomi, who is supposed to have escaped from the Amagi Rinkai Club.

“Yeah, the Sky City Liner Club seems to have the feel of the Devil’s Domain, the helicopter was shot down, there should be a big counterattack.”

“If the other side fights back, that’s something to be desired. We’ll be able to expose the true nature of the Shingobu Industry in combat, so let’s try infiltrating the Aoyama Versailles Auto Club, which is related to the Shingobu Industry, tomorrow.”

“But I heard there are a lot of pretty girls at that club, don’t turn out to be a one and done.”

As Yoko Hidetora said this, the car phone rang.

“I am Black Lion Cobra…”

“It’s me. How was the big yacht trip?”

The caller was Tadayasu Morihyo, the chairman of the 21st Century Capital Police Security Organization Headquarters.

“It was very nice and got to see an aerial fireworks display of rockets.”

“What fireworks display?”

“Details will be reported later. Wild Looks like she managed to get away, almost time to rendezvous with her, what’s up now?”

“There’s an emergency, and while it’s important to investigate the car company pageant, there’s something more important right now, get back to the main office immediately.”

“What’s the big deal?”

“Not something that can be talked about over the phone, I’m going to the Prime Minister’s residence for this and should be back in an hour.

You guys hurry back and meet me in the war room.”

“As you wish.”

As Jubilee answered and put down the phone, she saw Nozomi in a swimsuit.

“You’re okay.”

Yami made the V sign and said, “They’re chasing me, hurry up.”

Jubilee opened the door of the assistant’s seat, Ami jumped in and said, “Drive quickly, the people from the north of the city are coming after them.”

Seeing a locomotive thrown not far away, it could be that Ami stole a nearby locomotive and ran here after escaping the Sky City Rinkai Club.

“You get a blanket and hide in the back and don’t show your head.”

Jubilee immediately started the engine.

Fortunately, the trackers didn’t find Jubilee’s station wagon and returned to Tokyo at 4:00 PM.

The bullet is concentrated in the center of the human target.

Not one or two, but a dozen or more bullet wounds overlapping to form a large hole in the heart.

Blowing a bit of smoke and nitrous in the muzzle of the large-caliber pistol with his mouth, Jubilee took a breath when Yoko Hidetora approached and said, “Inspector, the boss is calling for you.”

“Right away.”

Putting the pistol back in its holster and removing the soundproofing device that looked like headphones, Jubilee picked up the blouse that was sitting next to her.

This is Sanno Shimo in Akasaka, Tokyo, right behind the Prime Minister’s official residence, and the Sanno Club, which looks like an ordinary club among several buildings, is the headquarters of the “21st Century Metropolitan Police Security Organization” to which Jubilee and the others belong.

The first, second and third basement floors were used as war rooms or secret firing ranges or weapons storage and computer analysis rooms, etc., and then below that was a secret mail channel to the Prime Minister’s residence.

Jooch took the elevator to the first basement floor.

Step off the elevator and knock on the front door.

“Come in.”

Jubilee Haosuke pushed the door open and walked in.

Tadayasu Morihyo, the chairman of the headquarters, commonly known as the Director General of the Metropolitan Police, was sitting on a sofa.

As if he had just returned from the Prime Minister’s residence, he immediately asked questions.

“The commander of the U.S. Army on Okinawa, there is a man named Richard B. Douglas, a man of great integrity, have you heard of him?”


An emergency recall by car phone and something about bringing up the US commander made Jubilee a little upset.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re not sure, this commander made an urgent secret call to the Prime Minister’s residence. Four Flying Fish missiles have been stolen from a U.S. base on the island of Okinawa, and through the hands of weapons dealers, they may have been transported to mainland Japan. The U.S. military has been unable to trace them, and it is hoped that Japan will take action, and by action, I mean find the flying fish missiles faster and snatch them back safely.”

Jubilee thought to herself, “So that’s how it is.

Senhyo began by saying that Commander Douglas was a man of great integrity, and now finally knew the reason.

In the past, when the Japanese police investigated handguns and weapons coming out of U.S. military bases from the yakuza, the U.S. military did not recognize any loss of weapons.

Even when a triad boss confessed to buying it from the U.S. Army, the U.S. Army said it wasn’t missing.

Therefore, this time, when the U.S. Army Commander found out the American soldiers who had sold weapons, it was an unprecedented and very courageous move to court-martial them on the one hand, and to notify the Japanese government to trace their whereabouts on the other hand.

“On the flip side, it means that the stolen Flying Fish Missile is now a weapon of great destructive power.” Jubilee said.

“That’s right, the Flying Fish Missile is the U.S. Army’s newest type of missile against combat vehicles, which can be operated by one soldier. And with a wireless navigation system, it can track any target hit, even a fifty-ton Type 7-4 heavy combat vehicle, one shot is enough to destroy it.”

“I’ve also heard that there’s no diffusion of light when it’s fired, and it doesn’t cause a storm, so it’s hard for the enemy to detect it. It would be too dangerous for this kind of weapon to enter the country and for it to get into the hands of the yakuza.”

“Good, so find out as soon as possible in whose hands the flying fish missiles have fallen and where they are hidden?”

“Yes, got it.” Jubilee replied and then added, “But the issue of the camouflage publicity girl audition is still unresolved.”

“Let’s do it at the same time, because those two things could be closely related as well.” Senhyo said.

(What? What would a beautiful woman have to do with missiles…) Jubilee was surprised.

Information obtained by the Morihyo suggests that the missing U.S. missiles passed through underground arms dealers and into the hands of the Inayama group, a violent Japanese organization.

“The Inayama group and the Shirokita group supported by Shirokita Sangyo are the largest yakuza gangs on the Kanto side, and are most likely connected to the promotional girl auditions.”

It made sense to Jubilee because Nozomi made the following report on her way back to Tokyo after she escaped.

“There were twenty people, including myself, who went to the audition after seeing the advertisement for car publicity girls, and more than a dozen other women from the Philippines and Thailand who said they were introduced by the Inayama group. The day before the audition, we were taken to a club at a luxury hotel to receive a pre-study from an educator.”

Jubilee listened and asked what kind of study it was.

“It was so great that all the women were given a nomination fee of 100,000 yen per day. There were as many as twenty censors, each voting for their favorite women, and those who scored high went to another room to undergo a physical examination by the censors. Those who passed would then participate as publicity girls for this fall’s automobile exhibition, as well as for the high-class automobile clubs and all kinds of demonstrations under Shirokita Industries, and in the future they could be TV commercial stars or actresses, and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on, doing this kind of brainwashing work.”

“In that case, it amounts to asking you to be high-class call girls.”

“Yeah! Those women who apply are college girls who are deeply confident in their looks, or young professional women who work part-time at clubs, as if they knew about the situation when they applied.”

“So, when you pass, you get to be a publicity girl for car shows and a future actress, and young women are certainly willing to participate.”

“But only if you don’t know that the Xinghe Society, which runs the Versailles Auto Club, is the parent organization of the Inayama Group. I was aware of that, and even as a female secret service officer I couldn’t help but feel intimidated.”

The above is the report of Ms NOMI.

The stolen missile case and the fake beauty pageant case have something in common with the Inayama Group, a subsidiary of Shoboku Sangyo.

and “Xinghehui”.

“By the looks of it, beauty and missiles seem to be connected.”

Therefore, the view of the Senate cannot be considered too outrageous.

Jubilee said to Morihyo, “Yes, target the beauties and missiles, and first investigate the ‘Xinghekai’ and ‘Inayama group’ that are related to Shirokita’s industries, and I’ll come back to report on any progress.”

“Eh, I’m always here to support you as well. I think it’s important to find the Flying Fish missiles as soon as possible so that things don’t get any bigger. The Prime Minister also said that we must not rest on our laurels until the flying fish is found. The Prime Minister was taking a nap when the missile hit this side, and the coup was an instant success, so I’m counting on you for everything.”

Hearing Morihyo say as much, Jubilee decided to sneak into the Versailles Club tomorrow to give it a try.

A very nice foreign car drove in from the parking lot.

The driver’s door opened and a woman descended, with a boldly open hemline and a slim, curvaceous body.

“That’s the lady driver, her name is Miko Sasaki, what do you think?” The manager asked, rubbing his hands together.

After seeing it through the window, Jubilee said, “Okay, I’ll decide to take this one.”

Corporate social functions, leisure activities for shareholders, leisure for corporate warriors… The Versailles Automobile Club, which puts up such posters, offers the best high-class cars and female drivers, and is located in the Aoyama area.

Many modern buildings have been added to the Castle Hill area in recent years, but the Versailles Club is also particularly visible there.

The thirteen-floor building, with glass exterior walls, is a showplace for high-class foreign cars from the first to the fifth floors, which can be said to be the showplace of Seongbuk Automobile Company, or the head office of Seongbuk Automobile Company is located here.

There is parking on the east side of the first floor, as well as an atrium and living room.

A short time later, Sasaki pushed open the door and walked into the living room.

“Miko, we have a guest.”

As the manager greeted, Miko turned back to Jubilee with a smile as she approached.

“Please tell me more, I’m Miko.”

Thinks Miko is younger than she looks.

“I heard about it from a friend, and I heard it was going to be luxurious, so I came in to take a look.”

“Yes, I promise it will be luxurious. It’s my first day on the job, so it’s fine to go there, what’s a good route?”

“I’m not in a meeting or socializing with clients, so I want to travel comfortably alone, and Hakone where I can soak in hot springs is better, I guess.”

“Great, there’s our cottage by Lake Toho in Hakone, let’s go there. Please!”

Miko led the way toward the parking lot.

The manager opened the door and as Jubilee sat in, the Lincoln limousine drove off immediately.

The Automobile Club of Versailles is a wonderful members’ club that applies to the government to rent out high-class foreign cars, but with female drivers, who can be made available to clients either as escorts or as the object of their own affection.

The destination or route can be selected by the guest.

Miko drove up the Tokyo highway in her fancy car.

“It’s not a holiday, there’s no traffic on the road, so we’ll be there in about an hour and a half.”

“Miko, you have such a beautiful hairline, it’s so tempting to kiss it from behind.”

“Do whatever you want as long as you’re not afraid to martyr yourself to me.”

“Your kind of business seems to be popular.”

“It’s not so bad.”

“Does it come out every day?”

“I do it three times a week, my line of work is modeling, it’s part-time.”

“So it’s a model, no wonder it feels familiar.”

“Are you from the fashion world?”

“No, I’m just business.”

“So, see me there?”

“There… I was thinking…”

Jubilee paused for a moment and said, “By the way, the audition at the Sky City Rinkai Club, I’ll probably see you there.”

“Are you a car salesman?”


“I was at an audition there and probably saw me there.”

“Yes, you wore a beautiful swimsuit that time, and the first time I saw you, I wanted to spit sleep with you not knowing how good it would be.”

“It’s an honor, your hope that it can be reached today.”


It was two o’clock in the afternoon when the car driven by Miko arrived at Versailles Villa in Toho.

Located on the slopes of the woods, the lake can also be seen from the woods.

Great place for location shooting.

“That’s where we spent our honeymoon. Feeling content?”

Miko pulled into the villa’s parking lot.

“Great, can’t wait to embrace the Flower of Versailles soon.”

Miko parked the car and said, “Here we are, let’s get out.”

Miko stepped forward, took her keys out of her purse, and unlocked the door to the villa.

Inside was the very large living room with thick carpet, furnished in Scandinavian style, and then inside was the bedroom.

Walking into the living room, Jubilee immediately embraced Miko from behind, her mouth pressed to her neck, her hands reaching out in front of her, caressing her breasts with one kiss.

Miko tilted her body up slightly and let out a grunt.

“Ah… we’ve just arrived… I won’t be able to wait for such caresses. I’m going to take a shower. I’m a sweaty person…”

Turn the talking miko around and kiss her on the mouth this time.

Tongues danced like little fish, entangling each other passionately, and Miko let out a hum that didn’t sound like business.

(I’m going to quickly get Miko to fully reveal what she knows about the inner workings of the Versailles Automobile Club, the relationship between the Shirokita Group and the Inayama Group, etc.)

Jubilee’s rod was already erect.

Miko got the feeling and rubbed her thighs against Jubilee’s lower half.

“Better go take a shower.”

“Yeah, go get ready.”

“Just wait in the living room and I’ll call you.” Miko said walking into the bathroom.

“There are drinks in the fridge, feel free to have one.”

Only Miko’s voice was heard.

While Miko went to the bathroom to get ready, Jubilee quickly checked the construction of the villa.

The center of the first floor is the living room, and to the east is the bedroom with its Versailles-style king-size bed.

There were three houses on the second floor, but Jubilee judged that there was no use for them there.

(Let’s take Miko into the bedroom right after the bath.)

“The hot water is running, please.”

“Good. Be right there.”

Jubilee just showered then draped a towel over her robust body and walked into the bedroom.

Along with the holster, wrap the pistol in your clothes and hide it under the bed.

Soon after lying in bed, Miko washed up and came into the bedroom.

Without covering her wonderful flesh with anything, Miko dropped the towel holding her breasts back and got into bed naked.

The two embraced and kissed passionately.

“What’s your big name?” Miko asked.

“Black Lion Cobra.”


“My friends call me Black Lion Cobra, my nickname of course.”

“The black lion… no wonder it’s so robust.”

Miko kissed on one side and slid her right hand down Jubilee’s shoulder to her hip.

Wrap it around from the hips to the front.


Something majestic looms there.

“Great… my black lion.”

Miko took the rod in her hand and her breathing began to catch.

“Let me love it.”

Jubilee decided to accept Miko’s kindness.

Jubilee went from a side to a prone position.

Miko took hold of the root of the rod and gently swallowed the glans, which was emitting a black light, into her mouth.

Sucking in the mouth, sucking for a few moments, and then spit out of the mouth, as if admiring the full view of the rod, stroking the pubic hair with both hands, said: “very delicious look, I can not wait to eat it.”

This time it was swallowed deep into the throat.

The way it slides in your mouth is also clever.

After a few thrusts in this sweet sensation, Jubilee let out a hum.

“Hey, it’s about to explode.”

“No way, it’s only just begun.” Miko finished, mounting Jubilee’s body.

“Do you like the riding position?”

“I’m the driver, and I like to drive.” Miko finished, taking hold of Jubilee’s erection and bringing it to her fleshy hole.

Placing the glans squarely on the wet pussy lips, his ass descended hard.

Insert it halfway.

“ah… ah…”

Miko tilted her chin up and let out a grunt. Then, with great force, she swallowed the rod all the way in.

After swallowing it in, it moved up and down skillfully with a driving sensation, just as Miko had said.

In addition to sliding up and down, she rotates her ass on the axis of the meat stick.

Jubilee’s right hand caresses Honeychild’s grass.

Jubilee decided to just start enjoying herself.

Two fingers circled the perimeter of the rod, and soon there were like two snakes burrowing into the same hole as two fingers went between the labia.

“Ah… how did this happen.” Miko said as she trembled her ass.

“Three snakes… are too powerful, I’ll go crazy.” Miko yelled as she pushed out her buttocks, but still kept wiggling her ass.


The beautiful face was thrown back, the upper half of her body almost collapsing backwards.

Jubilee grabbed her hands for support and pushed upward from below.

“Umm…” grunted Miko.

Miko, whose body had regained its balance again, began to move rhythmically once more.

The upper body is tilted up as far as it can go, wiggling the buttocks to make grunts and even growls.

(What a marvelous driver.)

It didn’t take long for Miko to let out a long roar, her whole body spasming as she flopped down on top of Jubilee.

“It’s my turn to drive this time.”

Jubilee is not over yet.

After pulling out the rod and taking a short break, the miko was made to lie on her back, ready to bond in a normal position.

It has the feel of an assault.

Miko’s flesh hole was full of nectar, so the erect rod penetrated to the bottom at once without the need to be coaxed by her hand.

The meat stick turns into a sweet murder weapon.


Miko’s voice seemed to come out of her throat.

Miko opened her eyes as if startled and reached out to clasp her arms around Jubilee’s back to make the bond deeper.

“Ah… sexy again…”

Miko recovered quickly.

Jubilee’s lower body began to move violently.

Twisting and spinning are added to the barrage of straight punches.

Soon, Miko’s fleshy hole began to quiver.

“A… um… ah…” Miko began to hum.

Jubilee still wanted to ask a lot of things from Miko’s mouth, so she was ready to finish the first round, so much so that her thrusts became more violent.

Miko made a humming sound that trailed off.

“Ah… I… have… ejaculated…”

Miko quickly reached her second orgasm.

Jubilee saw Miko’s expression of distress, and that’s when she started to cum.

After sleeping for a while, the part of the body that was not covered with a blanket felt cool due to the receding sweat.

When she opened her eyes, Miko was looking at Jubilee.

“The black lion is a beautiful sleeper.”

Jubilee thought it was a good opportunity and said, “Your sexiness is good.”

“Yes? Thanks.”

“Good looks, good body, good there, it’s rare to see such a triple good female.”

“Most of the women who work at our club are triple good.”

Jubilee took out a cigarette and lit it.

“By the way, how many women are there in the Versailles Auto Club?”

“Two dozen or so, I think, but they’re all registered, have to be contacted by phone, and are not part of the staff there.”

“High-class foreign cars, together with the driver for hire, such a method is very difficult to be cited for selling sex, it is really ingenious.”

“Not all of them are like that, there are also male drivers when they are rented to the chairman or senior cadres, but the lease is for at least a year.”

“What a polyglot operation, are there a lot of companies that sign up like this?”

“I don’t know the details, there are about a hundred and twenty companies.”

It’s just so much more convenient for businesses than hiring their own drivers, which can save on year-end bonuses, pensions, and so on.

For the city’s northern industries, the utilization value of knowing the movements and even business intelligence of more than one hundred and twenty companies via a driver is really not small.

“By the way, I’ve heard that Shirokita Industries and the gang Inayashigumi are also connected, is that true?”

“That’s one I haven’t heard.”

“But I’ve heard of joint meddling with the Xinghe Society in various endeavors.”

“Does this… mean Castle Enterprises?”

“Yes, it’s this Castle Enterprises, I hear it’s going to be a huge endeavor.” Jubilee said on a guess.

“Yeah, it seems like they’re going to develop the uninhabited island near Kamitsujima as a recreational base.”

“What uninhabited island…”

“I heard that an uninhabited island is going to be bought and a Hong Kong Island will be made there.”

“Hong Kong Island… what is that?”

Jubilee deliberately made a surprised face.

But immediately there was a flash in the mind, and the pointer of thought swung violently.

(That must be the base! (Transferring all the dark side of Hong Kong to Japan, the consequences of that…) I can’t say that this possibility is completely out of the question.

(The missiles that went missing from Okinawa Island, were they transported to Hong Kong Island…) Thinking this way, Jubilee asked Miko, “Miko, have you heard that Castle Enterprises has been collecting a large number of weapons for the Hong Kongization of the uninhabited island?”

“Weapons… it’s scary.” Miko scrunched her neck a little and said, “I don’t know about that kind of thing.”

“I’ve heard that very impressive missiles are being equipped.”

“Oh, well…”

Just as Miko remembered something about getting up.

Miko’s eyes suddenly went wide, and she opened her mouth but couldn’t speak, just staring blankly at the door.

Jubilee looked back.

Three men were seen in the light coming in through the door.

Everyone had weapons in their hands.

Jubilee immediately pulled Honeychild and rolled under the bed.

Simultaneously to up Miko’s scream and the sound of gunfire, pieces of wood from the bed flew apart and two bullets were fired into the wall.

If Jubilee’s movement was a little late, two bullets would have ironically shot into Jubilee’s heart.

Jubilee pushed back the nightstand and tried to take cover when she saw a man rushing forward with a knife in his hand.

The two men in the back waited for their chance with pistols in hand.

It was obvious that all three men were triad figures. Knocking down the man with the knife with a lifting lamp and drawing his pistol from his clothes under the bed, Jubilee utilized his wrist strength to fire as he rolled on the floor.

First the man with the knife takes a bullet in the abdomen.

From behind him came a succession of shots, one missed and one grazed Jubilee’s shoulder.

Jubilee shoots the man on his right in the gut.

The man’s backbone shattered and he collapsed.

Jubilee continues to roll on the floor, shooting the man hiding behind the door, hitting him in the eyebrow and killing him instantly.

Uncharted climbed to his feet and ran over to the man who had struck his backbone.

The man was unconscious and Jubilee grabbed his hair and slammed his head against the wall to wake him up.

Grabbing the man by the collar, he asked, “Are you from the Inuyasha group?”

The man shook his head and said, “I don’t know…”

“If you don’t answer, I’ll kill you!”

Jubilee pressed the muzzle of the gun against the opponent’s abdomen and said, “Speak! Have you been following me since Aoyama?”

“I don’t know…”

“Damn it!”

Jubilee punched the man in the nose with the handle of her gun and immediately sprayed a nosebleed.

“Nose flattened, mouth still talking, where did they send you? If you don’t want to die, give me the name of the organization.”

Jubilee put the muzzle of his gun squarely on his forehead, but the other man still didn’t answer.

“Kill if you have to.”

“Good! Just kill you!”

Jubilee pressed the muzzle to her shoulder and fired.

The right shoulder was crushed and the bone inside could be seen through the wound.

“Whoa!” The man let out a scream.

“Are you from the Inayama group? Speak!”

“No… no… I belong to… the Divine Wolves…”

“What are the Godwolves?”

“Selected from the Xinghekai and the Inayama group, it’s a newly formed special armed regiment. Nicknamed Fighting Wolves, it’s Captain Takashi.”

“So it’s the Special Armed Regiment, the Hong Kong Island Police Force that Castle Enterprises is going to create?”

“Yes… yes…”

“The missiles stolen from Okinawa for use against combat vehicles were received by your group, right?”

“This kind of thing… I don’t know… spare me…”

“Where are the missiles? Tell me or I’ll kill you!”

Jubilee shoved the muzzle of the gun into the man’s mouth and said, “I’ll only wait for you for three seconds, do you hear me?”

There was no need to count to three seconds, and the man’s uh-oh wide-eyed stare was a sign of willingness to talk.

Jubilee pulled the muzzle from his mouth.

“Missile… it’s the Fighting Wolf Commander…”

At that very instant, shots were fired from the backyard of the villa, and the windowpanes appeared to crack in amplitude.

The gunshot was two.

“Doo… Doo Wol…”

No sooner had he finished speaking than his body spasmed, the bullet pierced his chest, and his body fell dead on the bed.


Jubilee jumped up angrily, glancing over at the bed in passing as she rushed to the window.

Miko Sasaki flopped onto the bed naked.

“What’s wrong with you!”

Miko didn’t answer.

There was no need to turn her over to see that there was a red wound that looked like a rosebud in the back.

One of the two bullets fired from the backyard just now hit Miko, killing her instantly.

Maybe the fighting wolves are in the backyard.

At that moment, the sound of starting a car came from the front.

Jubilee left Honeychild behind and rushed out of the room.

The moment he rushed out, Jubilee stood there as a very large fire cone burned in front of him, emitting black smoke.

It was the car, the fancy foreign car that Miko had brought Jubilee here in flames.

There’s no way to put out the fire anymore, and it’s about to explode.

The explosion will also affect the villa, which will soon turn into a sea of flames and a crematorium for the four corpses.


Jubilee desperately ran into the woods to get down, and immediately heard an explosion and the ground shook like an earthquake.

Chapter 2: Hong Kong’s Concept of Transfer to Japan

Morning light streamed into the room through a gap in the curtains.

Jubilee awoke from her deep sleep and got up to pull back the curtains.

The sunlight immediately flows into the room, and look at your watch.

It’s half past nine.

This is the apartment of Jubilee in Aoyama.

Jubilee stretches a bit to rejuvenate her body’s muscles. Rolling his naked body in a towel, he puts the coffee pot on the gas burner and lights it, going to the restroom to wash his face.

(Damn… Yesterday was a bad day.)

All over his body, he was injured, but none of it was serious. I felt angry when I thought about the surprise attack at the villa last night, and how I only cared about my own desperate escape.

While eating a breakfast of coffee and toast, the phone rang.

“I’m Jubilee.”

“I’m Feijo, the officer seemed to be in trouble yesterday, was he hurt?”

The phone call was from Teleko Hidetora.

“The injuries don’t matter, but it was late at night when I got back to Tokyo after trying to retrieve my clothes and pistol, and storming into a burning villa, and hitchhiking all the way back to Tokyo. By the way, do you know what I asked you to do?”

“The private residence of Tokuda Tagayoshi, president of Shirokita Sangyo, or the residence of a loved one, is known. But something more worrying has happened.”

“What is it?”

“Ami hasn’t returned yet, and there was no sign of her from yesterday afternoon until this morning.”

“Didn’t know she was there! Does that mean there might be an accident?”

“One can only think, was Ami attacked somewhere?”

“Okay, I’ll go to the headquarters right away, including the Ami thing, I need to know what’s going on in the city’s northern industries.”

Jubilee and the others were the ones who went to investigate the inner workings of the industry in the north of the city and the possible locations where the missiles could be hidden, respectively, from yesterday.

In this case, Nozomi is missing, probably kidnapped and in the hands of the enemy.

Jubilee appeared at the headquarters in Akasaka thirty minutes later.

The situation is clear.

“You see, the warning has come.”

Tadayasu Morihyo, the director of the police, who was also the chairman of the headquarters, took out a piece of paper.

It says.

“Your agency’s female secret service officer, Ami Noh, is now in our possession. As long as you don’t ask any more questions about the current investigation, Ami will be released quickly, or else she will be abused and her body will be left floating in Tokyo Harbor, so don’t take this warning lightly. Nine Dragons.”

The warning was not mailed or faxed, but dropped in the mailbox of the Body King Club.

“The Nine Dragons…”

The idea of transferring Hong Kong to Japan, which Jubilee had gotten from Miko yesterday, had been reported to the Mori Association that day.

“Sure enough, it’s connected to that problem. Ami may have been followed after she escaped from the Amagi Rinkai Club.”

“It’s possible. We can’t afford to be slow if the move of Hong Kong to Japan is proceeding apace.

You guys need to track down the missiles faster, and at the same time do what you can to save Ami.”

“Yes. If the other party has further requests, please also ask the Superintendent to respond appropriately in order to find out Yami’s whereabouts.”

Jubilee goes to another room and meets up with Hidetora Teleko alone.

Teleko reports to Jubilee about Tokuda Tagayoshi.

“Tokuda Tagayoshi’s home is in Wakamiya Stare, Shinjuku-ku, where only his young wife lives, and he comes back three or four times a week at most. Mostly these days he’s been at his office in the Kowloon Building in Noboribetsu, Kawasaki City, as if he’s personally directing some kind of program.”

“Okay, I’m going to check out the Tokuda house and the Kowloon Mansion, tell me the location in more detail.”

Jubilee asked Flycatcher in detail about these two places.

In the afternoon, Jubilee and Teleko investigate possible places to hide the missiles, spying on the perimeter of Shirokita Motors, Shirokita Industries, and the Inariyama group, but come up empty-handed.

At night it was decided to thoroughly investigate Tokuda Tagayoshi’s private residence.

It was after eleven o’clock that night and came to Tokuda’s mansion.

On the hillside road of many fine residences is a very elaborate palace-like mansion.

Looking in through the iron gates, there are neat lawns with water jets that glow brightly in the light.

There may be security measures in place and it is not obvious that anyone is on close guard.

Jubilee circled around to the back and used the branches sticking out of the wall to easily leap over the wall and into the courtyard.

Use the shade of the trees to get to the back of the house and open the kitchen door. There are electronic unlocking devices between the trees, so it’s easy to cross the guarded area and open the door.

There was no movement of people walking in the room.

There wasn’t much of a family to begin with, and if Tokuda came back, it would only be his elderly wife and a maid.

The construction of such a building could be roughly guessed, and Jubilee viewed each room.

I knew it was impossible to hide there, but I couldn’t find Nozomi.

The sound of a television came from the driver’s room and the maid’s room without bothering to alarm them.

The most problematic rooms are on the third floor.

Jubilee opened the door with an electronic unlocking device.

The moment he entered through the crack in the room’s door, Jubilee heard Brainiac’s humming.

Of course it’s the sound of doing that kind of thing.

(Great! Tokuda is at home)

In the center of the large room there were luxurious beds with a man and woman entwined naked.

The man was thrusting desperately at the woman, his face not visible from Jubilee’s position. The woman was in her mid-twenties, beautiful looking, and was making humming noises at this point.

The room smells of coitus. A smell like that means that coitus has been going on for a long time and the man should not be a senior.

Jubilee was more or less disappointed.

However, the woman is really Tokuda’s wife, Mizue.

(In this case, it looks like it was the president’s wife’s water branch that brought the year-old lover back home.) Come to think of it, take a closer look.

The woman’s snow-white thighs wrapped around the man’s waist, twisting and turning, reveling in the incestuous pleasure.

“Ah… Doo Wol… great!”

(What! Fighting Wolf, is that the guy?)

Must be the guy who shot Miko and her partner at the villa in Toho and then set the car on fire.

Jubilee was furious.

Of course now was not the time to admire the picture of a spring palace, and Jubilee made her way over to the bed.

This was just as the man was thrusting on one side and kissing the woman’s ear and pink neck on the other. The woman matched the man’s kisses and turned her face just in the direction of Jubilee.

Showing a mesmerized expression slightly opened his eyes, but immediately turned into an expression of driving surprise.

She spotted Jubilee standing right next to her.

The man found out too.

“I’m so sorry to interrupt.”

Jubilee gave an impish grin.

“Who are you!”

The man yelled and jumped off the woman’s body.

The sound of something being pulled out was heard, and the man’s thing was still in high gear.

That’s some good guts.

“Are you a fighting wolf?”

Before Jubilee could finish, a punch had already swung over.

The man collapsed under the bed and let out a bull-like roar, grabbing the tall lifting lamp at the top of the bed and striking it at Jubilee.

(Much like me yesterday.)

Jubilee met him forward, knocking off the lifting lamp with force and hitting his opponent in the jaw with a knee. As the man’s body swayed, he pulled out his pistol and hit him hard in the head with the handle.

The man fell to the ground and passed out.

Grab the hair, pull it up, shake it awake.

“Are you a fighting wolf?”

“What’s the point of asking if you know.”

“It was you, wasn’t it, who shot Miko and her accomplices at the Toho villa.”

“So what!”

“Damn it!”

Jubilee strikes Fighting Wolf’s head with the gun handle again.

Hearing the sound of his skull cracking, the fighting wolf collapsed, spewing blood from his wound.

(Oh! Almost forgot to ask about Missile and Ami.)

As she tried to wake him up again, Jubilee felt a heavy blow to the back of her head and her eyes glazed over.

It was someone attacking him from behind, anticipating a second attack, and as Jubilee jumped out of the way, he saw Mizue raise the chair high in the air.

Anger bubbled up from the beautiful eyes.

“Yo… you’re in good spirits.”

Not bad for the woman Tokuda has his eye on.

Jubilee smoothly snatched the chair that Mizukage swung down.

Mizue stepped back, her hands on her breasts, her whole body was naked.

Jubilee smiled as she walked over, picked up Mizuki, and dropped her on the bed.

“Don’t… what do you want!”

It had been a long time since Jubilee had felt true desire for a woman as she did at this moment.

Jubilee pounced on the naked woman trying to escape and punched her in the heart.

Mizue grunted, almost passing out.

Jubilee hurriedly pulled down her pants and saw that the woman was about to shriek, so she sealed her mouth with her palm and entered between the woman’s legs.

The woman struggled desperately as Jubilee pressed one hand over her mouth and inserted the fingers of her other hand into her fleshy hole.

“Don’t… you want money, I’ll give it to you.” The woman gasped on one side.

The woman’s meat hole was still wet because she was in the middle of coitus with a man.

“It’s not the money I’m after, and for your information, I’m not after you either.”

“Then… what are you doing here?”

“I’m here to see your husband.”

“He hasn’t been back lately.”

“That’s so true. You’ve got a lot of nerve to call a man to your home while you’re at it. I will continue to make you sore, and then come with me.”

“You… take me away… there? Don’t… who the hell are you?”

Jubilee took advantage of the woman’s speech to insert his already erect rod inside the woman’s flower center.


Mizue let out an exaggerated grunt.

Mizue’s inside was completely moist, it seemed like she hadn’t reached orgasm just now, and contrary to her expression of shaking her head in denial, her fleshy hole immediately began to squirm, greedily wrapping around the man’s rod.

“Ah… you’re amazing.”

Mizue began to wiggle her ass, and it seemed that she was really getting a thrill out of it.

Jubilee thought as she thrust hard on one side.

(Take this woman away and use her as a hostage to get her to tell us where Tokuda went, or even where she hid the missiles, in exchange for Noah Ami.)

At four o’clock in the morning of the next day, a jet helicopter took off from the rooftop heliport of the Twenty-first Century Metropolitan Police Security Organization headquarters building in Akasaka.

This latest U.S. Army helicopter is now one of the patrol planes for Jubilee and the others.

Piloting the helicopter is Teleko Hidetora.

“Mrs. Tokuda finally said it.”

Teleko said as she drove the helicopter to the west.

“Eh, hiding Ami and Missile at the Sky City Rinkai Club was a bit of a surprise.”

“That said, it’s no accident that that place should have gone down a long time ago.”

As Teleko said, the location of Tokuda’s whereabouts and the place where he hid the missiles may be the Amagi Rinkai Club, as asked by Mizue, who brought him back, and it was decided to launch a Fo Hiu attack there with a helicopter.

The summer dawn hour was really crisp, just after 4:00, but already I was able to do visual flight.

The helicopter flew south along the coast.

The helicopter traveled at three hundred kilometers per hour and quickly reached Izu.

As we pass through Atami, Ito and Kawana, we see many villas and golf courses in the mountains.

“It’s right there, to the right from the shore of Shirozaki.”

Jubilee saw the white building she had seen before in her looking glass and ordered the altitude to be lowered.

circled once or twice over the villas of the automobile company in the north of the city.

“Seems like he’s still sleeping, landed at the heliport in front of the house, I think.”

“Yes, start landing.”

The helicopter reduced its speed and landed at the villa’s heliport.

Jubilee had the loaded machine gun slung over her shoulder, and Teleko had the automatic pistol.

“I’m going first, you cover me.”

Jubilee opened the door of the machine and jumped out.

But the moment you jump.


Bullets hit the soles of his feet, raising dust and blades of grass.

Jubilee rolled on the grass holding the machine gun, skillfully dodging the attack and rolling into the depression.

Looking from the puddle toward the villa, possibly hearing the helicopter, several men armed with automatic rifles fired.

“You stay here.”

Jubilee cried out and ran off into the woods like a sly rabbit.

Rifles were shot from three directions.

“To the back, after them!”

Men were heard shouting.

Jubilee ran through the woods toward the rear of the villa in order to ascertain the number of the enemy and to lure them out.

There were twelve or thirteen men running out of the villa, completely exposed in the open.

“Very good.”

Jubilee stopped behind a thick tree, holstered her machine gun on her belt, and turned abruptly.

The machine gun sprouted red light and the rebound caused Jubilee’s body to sway.

Immediately dozens of rounds were fired, and five or six men were seen to fall down shot.

Three or four men flopped to the ground.

Clutching his machine gun, Jubilee ran and fired at the three or four men.

There were also gunshots outside the villa, possibly being met by Yoko Hidetora.

Forcing the two men hiding in the parking lot out and taking care of them, Jubilee then rushed inside the unmoving villa.

The villa was like a big hotel, and it was surprisingly quiet inside except for the sound of gunfire outside.

The corridor was dark and wide, and when he came to the bottom of the stairs, his whole body was focused on Jubilee’s toes, and he suddenly jumped backward yew two meters.

“So dangerous!”

Because a huge black shadow suddenly appeared in front of them blocking the way.

Raising the Green Dragon Blade high, he prepared to cut the Vermilion Bird in half.

“What the hell!”

It doesn’t look like a normal human being, it could be a part of genetics or a part of the pituitary gland that has been artificially modified to raise a combatant.


The opponent let out a strange sound as the Green Dragon Blade swept past Zhu Yao’s face.

Jubilee jumped back again, ready to get his machine gun when huge black shadows appeared from behind Jubilee.

Hold Jubilee’s body with the machine gun.

The fighter in front of him emitted a cold sheen from his beastly eyes.

“The Black Lion… you’ve been tricked, and I’m going to cut you into five pieces!”

Jubilee begins to concentrate his power under his opponent’s control.

I didn’t realize the other side would hire such superb fighters.

However, Vermilion Bird was no slouch, his entire body’s strength was concentrated in his arms, the muscles of his shoulders and back bubbling with veins surging under his grass-green battle suit.

“Desolate Tiger, don’t let go of him! I’m going to finish him off.”

The sound of swinging the Green Dragon Blade was heard.

Jubilee was able to block the blade with the body of his machine gun, even though he was being held by the enemy.

The tail of Vermilion Bird’s eyes dangled, and his eyes blazed with fire.

It was the expression he wore before he focused his entire body to unleash it.


When the giant in front of him swung down the Green Dragon Blade again, something hard to believe happened.

Vermilion Bird’s body suddenly spun, and the person holding Vermilion Bird was struck right on the shoulder by the Green Dragon Blade.


Jubilee immediately jumped out of the way and rolled on the ground, then took a one-legged kneeling position with the machine gun on her waist.

Dozens of rounds were fired at the charging giant, and the giant’s body was seen to fall backwards.

That’s when gunshots came from that end of the corridor.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.”

“Knock, knock, knock.”

Teleko Hidori rushes in from outside, meets the enemy, and meets them with an automatic pistol.

Jubilee immediately rushed over and swept in with a machine gun.

A few seconds later, there was no movement in the villa.

“As if there were no more combatants.”

“Is there no one else at the villa?”

Jubilee and Hidetora Teleko searched every room from the first floor to the second floor.

“Ami! Ami’s there?”

When they reached the innermost room on the second floor, there was the sound of a woman moaning.

Jubilee pushed the door open hard.

There was a huge white thing… an animal like a panther pouncing, a white wolfhound.

There are five white wolfhounds.

Jubilee with a machine gun sweep.

In a flash, all five white wolves were shot.

Ami was tied to the foot of the queen-sized bed against the wall.

“Are you okay?”

Jubilee quickly undid the cloth binding her mouth.

“What’s going on with this villa? Do you know the whereabouts of Dawson or Missile?” Jubilee asked hastily.

Yami took a breath and said, “Tokuda and the others got the information that the special armed inspectors would come to search, so they used me as bait and selected the elites from the God’s Wolves to be deployed here to try to finish off the Black Lion.”

“Where are all the cadres?”

“Took a large speedboat last night under Yaibi in the direction of Izu Oshima.”

“Izu Oshima?”

“It’s one of the uninhabited islands of the seven Izu islands, I think, and it seems like a large recreational base is being developed in secret.”

Jubilee looked out the window at the ocean outside.

In the future, in order to build the new Hong Kong Island, Japanese underground banks, political organizations and even the triads in Hong Kong will come to take part in it, and this will certainly cause a serious impact.

Chapter 3: The Kidnapped Foundation Girl

From above, I saw a dark red, four-wheel drive Ferrari running at breakneck speed. It was very much like a young man who had been given a world-famous car and was trying to perform stunts on the highway.

“That guy is dangerous.”

Jubilee is on her way back to Tokyo by helicopter after completing an urgent mission when she sees a crimson sports car speeding on the highway below.

“What were those boys thinking, it’s over a hundred and sixty kilometers already, isn’t it.”

“Maybe sooner.”

Teleko Hidetora, who was holding the joystick in her hand, replied.

“Was it a suicide attempt?”

“If it’s a couple it’s martyrdom.”

“I wonder how many people were in the car?”

“Like two or three of them, probably some kind of corporate chaps racing for bragging rights.”

“That’s crazy.”

“Let’s keep track of the surveillance.”

“Good! That would be too dangerous to find the proper place to warn.”

It’s been two weeks since Jubilee attacked the Tenkai Rinku Club to rescue Ami.

Jubilee’s mission is certainly not the only one, and there will be temporary dispatches in addition to the New Hong Kong Island incident.

Early this morning at Kiyosato Apartments, a couple was attacked in a fantastic murder case. While on a patrol flight with a bird of prey, he received an order “Murderer fleeing toward Nobeyama”, found two young men on the run, and after a fierce gunfight, arrested them and handed them over to the arriving police.

When he returns to Tokyo after completing his mission, he sees red Ferraris racing and driving with the skill of what could be described as a professional-level racer.

“It’s almost time for a warning.”

“Yeah, it’s too late to wait until there’s a series of car accidents.”

Just as Flyer was about to start making a warning flight, Jubilee said, “Wait a minute, there aren’t many Ferraris like that in Japan, lower your speed and follow behind.”

“Is it a photo op?”


To see the license plate number, binoculars are sufficient, but to prove speeding, you must take a picture.

Jubilee took continuous photos from behind the Ferrari.

“Okay, it’s okay to fly high.”

The warning lights flashed as Jubilee said this.

Jubilee picked up the cordless phone.

“I am the Black Lion.”

“There’s something strange in the direction of Wildside Mountain.”

“No further business after the arrest of the murderer, on his way back to headquarters.”

“Okay, you come back.”

Supervisor Tadayasu Morihyo said on a wireless phone.

“Let me tell you something first, at one o’clock this afternoon, a woman was kidnapped from her villa at Lake Matsubara in Nagano Prefecture. The murder suspect has yet to be identified, the victim is the daughter of the chairman of Dabao Heavy Industries, named Yakuoin Sanchie, and you’ll have to take part in the investigation when you return.”

“From the villa at Lake Songwon… then it’s very close to both Cheongri and Nohbyunsan.”

Jubilee was just flying back from that area.

“Uh-huh! I don’t know yet if it has anything to do with this morning’s murder, the details are to be explained at the headquarters, so please return quickly.”

“Yes!” Jubilee put down the wireless phone.

“What did the supervisor say?” Flycatcher asked.

“There’s been a kidnapping, and the victim is the daughter of the chairman of Dabao Heavy Industries.”

“Did the far right do this?”

“We don’t know yet, maybe an international terrorist organization did it, we won’t know the details until we get back to headquarters.”

“Then it’s time to pick up the pace.”


As Jubilee replied, Fei Yu suddenly said, “Strange! The Ferrari is gone?”


Jubilee hurriedly looked down.

“You can’t see the crimson sports car on the freeway.”

“Isn’t it already more than a Ferrari.”

“No it won’t, we were just flying very slowly.”

“Maybe leaving the highway at the Dawang Interchange… won’t result in a car accident?”

“With all that traffic, it’s bound to be seen.”

“Never mind, there’s no time for highway games with those boys, better get back to headquarters.”


The helicopter is headed for Tokyo headquarters.

The image on the screen stopped.

“The one who was kidnapped was this woman, quite beautiful.” Police Superintendent Tadayasu Morihyo said.

Jubilee and Asuka sat on the couch in the war room watching the glow screen.

The victim was indeed beautiful, with long hair, representing a sensual forehead, and was probably photographed at a tennis court.

“She’s Yakuoin Michie, a fourth year English student at Hakuou University and the only daughter of the Yakuoin Zaibatsu. So far, there’s not a single clue, and her father Hyogo is about to go crazy.”

Morihyo explains and then changes the screen.

The white villa with a lake appeared on the glowing screen as the first and second floors of the building.

“The Yakuoin family cottage here comes here for winter sports, not just in the summer, but in the winter when Lake Matsubara freezes over. This week’s Saturday and Sunday three thousand draw a person to come here to write their thesis, this is when they were kidnapped.”

Jubilee then particularly noticed what looked like a part of a red car in the woods next to the villa.

“Boss, can you zoom in on that red dot?”


However, when zoomed in to the maximum, the image was blurred instead, but it seemed to be the head of the crimson Ferrari from earlier.

“What about this car?”

“A little…”

Jubilee didn’t elaborate, but just looked at Featherbird, who nodded in agreement.

“When was this picture of the villa taken?”

“Like this summer.”

“Then, this one red car is most likely the Yakuoin family’s own car.”

“It’s possible, but there’s a parking lot but it’s parked in the woods, so maybe a friend drove it.”

The truth of this matter can be ascertained by asking the Yakuoin family, and the owner of the car can be found from the license plate number after the photos taken on the highway are washed.

(Did the murderer kidnap the car and the victim?) There was a victim in that car. He was on his way somewhere…)

When you think of it that way, it has to do with the earlier speeding.

Now I feel really sorry for losing that car along the way.

“Anyway, the mission now is to rescue the kidnapped girl while investigating the behind-the-scenes connections of the murder suspect, right?”

“Now the police department and the Nagano Prefectural Police Department have formed a task force, but you are asked to proceed from a different angle. It’s because the requirements for this one are different from the usual scenario.”

“What’s different?”

“Let me explain.”

Senhyo took a sip of tea and continued.

“The murder suspect made three conditions today. The first is a ransom of 500 million won, which is the usual condition. But there is a second demand, which is to release the three cadres of the ‘Cosmic Family Association’ who are in jail for murder. The third is a request for three hundred acres of real estate in Shinshu’s Seal Mountain owned by the Medicine King’s Academy, which is extraordinary.”

“The Cosmic Family will…?”

Is that an emerging religious group that is popular now?

“Well, it’s a fanatical new religious group that doesn’t know the truth, and when it declared itself to the main official organization, it called itself the ‘Tendo Cosmic Cult’, and it did inspired wounding in the neighborhoods… It is said that there are secret shrines in the mountains of Yamanashi or Kumamoto or Izu.”

“This is too much to ask, isn’t it, too much to ask for the price of being a girl. Demanding the release of three cadres in the middle of serving their sentences is also not something that can be solved by a single business.”

“But Yakuoin’s wife, Natsushiro, is the daughter of the current Prime Minister, and the kidnapped Michie would be the Prime Minister’s granddaughter. Yakuoin himself is the son of a former prime minister with complicated connections, and he himself is equal to representing Japan as a nation.”

“Of course it won’t be a lone offender, it’s probably organized, and that organization is the ‘Cosmic Family Society’, I believe.”

“What is likely is that a religious group could make such a request to the state? One cannot help but think that there are international or underworld organizations behind it.”

At this time, Zhu Yao remembered that the case of the Tian Cheng Lin Hai Club, which was still continuing to be pursued, absolutely could not be said to be completely unrelated to this kidnapping incident.

“There’s also the request for three hundred acres of real estate that’s marvelous.”

Jubilee asked the question.

“According to the Pill King’s Academy, the Seal Mountain is rumored to have harbored a large amount of emerald and green stones since ancient times.”


“I’ve heard that the Cosmic Family Society is a very united emerging religious group with dojos all over the world, and also does inspirational wounding spells for the outside world. Raw stones of greenstone or emerald can be made into seals of good luck or pagodas and women’s jewelry to store money.”

“What did the Pill King’s Academy say? Can it agree to these demands?”

“Ransom and real estate are difficult for him, but it is not for him alone to decide to release the cadres serving their sentences; say that he has consulted with the General Burial and delayed the answer backward.”

“Want to take this time to ask the task force and us to get the hostages back?”

“Uh, that’s it.”

“I’ll take action immediately, so please try to delay the negotiations as long as possible.”

Jubilee’s answers were always simple and concise.

After leaving the war room, he said to Asuka in the corridor, “The first thing to do in this incident is to investigate the inner workings of the Cosmic Family Association.”

“Yes, we have to start with the basic geo first, and when we find out where the hostages are, we’ll have to ask you to take action.”

“Then, the earlier photo of Ferrari, please investigate, and I’ll investigate the Order.”

The underground plaza at the west exit of Shinjuku is crowded as usual.

“That’s the one.”

Hidetora Teleko pointed to a corner of the underground plaza.

“Whew! Quite a beauty.”

Jubilee hid behind the column to see the direction Flycatcher was pointing.

“It’s cute, isn’t it, so everyone falls for her psychometric tests.”

“You’re a woman, you shouldn’t be tempted by pornography, but you should still be careful.”

“I’ll give you the signal right away, and I’m counting on you for the future.”

The bird of prey finished and left Jubilee.

The bird of prey headed in the direction of a large group of people, where there were monks who were taking mantles, people who were calling  for blood donations, people who were handing out flyers, and so on.

As was often the case in the underground plaza, Flytrap made his way toward the two young women who were asking passersby to take a questionnaire.

The so-called questionnaire is a large-scale computer-analyzed “psychometric test.” It is likely that this is one of the methods used by the “Cosmic Family Association” to recruit members by sending out many female members.

The questions on the psychometric test are simple.

“What color do you like?” “Do you keep time?” “Have your own beliefs?” “Do you struggle with relationships?” “Do you care about destiny?” “Do you think love and marriage are two different things?” The computer will tell you the character of the test taker and his/her future fortune or misfortune by answering “yes” or “no” to the thirty questions that anyone can easily answer.

This psychometric test is free.

No money, no pushy sales pitches, just take the quiz for fun, leave your name or address, and in a few days you’ll get “your psychometric test results” in the mail.

“With the results of your psychometric tests, a serious destiny is about to befall you, and it is entirely up to you to make that destiny fortunate or unfortunate. Now a great teacher has come to the Century Grand Hotel and needs to talk to you face to face.”

When I went to the lobby of a first-class hotel, a so-called great teacher looked at my palm and said, “There is an ominous star approaching you, and if you don’t avoid it, it will affect your marriage and your family will face a great disaster.”

The quiz taker is then brought to the dojo.

The dojo is in a room in the apartment.

There are electronic musical instruments and mysterious laser rays for brainwashing, and to “drive out the devil and bring in luck”, choose between “dedicate 50,000 won a month”, “do the deed once a month”. “Make an offering to the Crystal Pagoda” and “Buy back 2 million won of marble”, choose one.

He also said, “Don’t let the devil penetrate, and don’t tell anyone about it for forty days, and during that time, do the Way.”

In this way, he became a follower of the greatest “Tendo Universalism” in the world.

Jubilee first learns from the investigation that Michie passed through the underground plaza with her university classmates two weeks before she was kidnapped, and had fun doing a psychometric test with her classmates.

Later, Michie and her classmates were notified and went to the so-called “dojo” together.

Sanchi-Ei, who came home this night, looked pale and bitter, as if she had heard a very bad divine intention.

These are the messages that came from the mouth of Sanchi-Ei’s mother.

The next day, Michie told her mother, “To change my mood, I’m going to write my thesis at a cottage in Lake Matsubara, and my classmates might go too.”

And so to the villa in a crimson Ferrari.

Michie doesn’t return, and two days later, she disappears from the villa while receiving a ransom demand from her kidnappers, knowing that she’s been kidnapped.

From this point of view, the psychometric tests in the underground plaza were ten times more suspicious, even to the extent of creating skepticism towards the students who went with them.

Jubilee and Birdie’s investigation revealed that the student’s name was Hirata Sumako, and that her mother was a member of the Tendo Universe Cult.

The first time I was a believer, I was a street-level psychologist or individual interviewer since my senior year of high school.

In that case, it’s time to look for Hiratasumako to investigate.

Now, that’s the reason why Hidetora went to approach Hirata Sumako in the underground plaza to take a psychological test.

After answering all the questions, the bird should ask, “I’m in a hurry, I want to know the results quickly, take me to the computer center right away, my friend went to your dojo that day to receive guidance from destiny, just take me there, okay?”

This is tantamount to a moth to a flame, and of course the other side will be happy to take the flying bird to the dojo.

Then, followed by Jubilee.

This will allow you to enter the dojo, capture Hirata Sumako, and force her to ask where she hid Sanchi-e.

This is the battle plan for Jubilee and Flycatcher.

About fifteen minutes later, the bird of prey sent the code word.

Hiratasumako led the bird towards the parking lot.

Jubilee also rushed to the parking lot.

The crimson Honda sedan that had Fei Yu sitting in the assistant’s seat drove off toward the downtown area.

Jubilee’s car followed close behind.

Driving the Honda was fortunately Sumako Hirata herself.

Sumako’s car turned left out of Central Park and drove down Koshu Street, not to a nearby hotel, but probably directly to take Fidori to a dojo somewhere.

Any place with fewer people was most welcome to Jubilee. It didn’t take long for Sumako’s car to enter the residential area and enter the parking lot after lowering its speed in front of the less impressive apartment.

Sumako got out of the car with Fidori.

The bird of prey quickly exchanged signals with Jubilee before entering the apartment gates.

Jubilee also arrived before the two entered the apartment and before the elevator doors closed.

Sumako glanced toward Jubilee, but didn’t look suspicious.

The elevator stopped on the fourth floor.

After Sumako stepped out of the elevator, she said to Hidetori, “The venue is in room six, there probably won’t be anyone there right now, I’ll make the call and meet the dojo master that day, you’re lucky.”

Sumako said this to Flytor in the hallway.

Only after the two entered room six did Jubilee step out of the elevator. Before that, Jubilee had been pressing the “on” button in the elevator.

Jubilee rushed to the front of room six with great strides, and when she rang the doorbell, Sumako peeked her head through the doorway and said, “That one?”

Without a word, Jubilee pushed the door open hard and walked in.

“Who are you?” Sumako said in a scolding tone.

“I am the master of the dojo, come to correct your bad soul, you kneel down!”

“Are you kidding me! Who the hell are you?”

Jubilee pushed Sumako’s chest hard.

“What are you doing?”

Sumako’s body swayed, and Jubilee reached out and wrapped her arms around her waist for a kiss.

The female follower of the Heaven’s Path Cosmic Cult rolled up her eyes and struggled desperately.

“Who are you… I’m going to call the police.”

Jubilee threw her arms around Sumako’s waist and said softly, “After kidnapping Michie from the villa at Lake Matsubara, where did you hide her?”

“Who… I don’t know who Samchon-ei is.”

“Don’t pretend! She’s your classmate, and you’re the one who brought her to the dojo at the Shinjuku Inn. The day before yesterday, it was you who went to Lake Matsubara and told me, quickly, where you kept her?”

“I… don’t know anything like that!”

Sumako’s voice was close to a shout.

Jubilee’s right jab suddenly struck Sumako’s face with a light crunching sound and Sumako’s body fell to the carpet.

Jubilee grabbed Sumako’s long hair and rolled it around Sumako’s neck as if it were a rope.

“Don’t you underestimate me! You think you’re an amazing believer, but I’m an assassin in the dark world, killing a little girl is a breeze, do you want to die?”

Jubilee wasn’t big on bullying women, but this woman was one of the accomplices in the kidnapping of Sanchi-Ei, and a woman who betrayed her classmates. Against this kind of person, it was only right to use rough tactics.

The long hair grew tight around her neck, and Sumako let out a grunt of pain.

“Umm… Umm… Ms. Birdie… come and help me!”

As the bird came out, he wrapped his arms around his chest and smiled, “I’d love to save you, but I can’t, so I’d better come clean and say that Michie is there.”

“So you’re all in this together… damn it!”

Sumako bites Jubilee’s hand.

“You’re such an unintelligent woman, do you want to get killed?”

Jubilee told her to bite her hand, a right to the stomach that might have cracked if it had hit the pubic bone.

The blow was so powerful that Sumako opened his mouth and rolled his eyes.

Jubilee again curled the long hair on the neck, said: “know I’m not bluffing you right, continue to tighten the hair you’re dead, do not want to die, tell all you know.”

“Wait… wait a minute…” said Sumako very laboriously, “I don’t know anything. I wouldn’t help kidnap my own classmates just for the sake of religion.”

“What would or wouldn’t, you didn’t have Michie take a psychological test and later take her to a hotel, what is this if not an accomplice to kidnapping?”

“No, I didn’t know it would turn out like this, it’s just that the people above me wanted me to drag Sanchi-Ei into the religion, so I had Sanchi-Ei take a psychometric test, and did the paperwork to send the results in a week’s time, not even realizing there was a kidnapping going on.”

“But you went to the ryokan together, and you also went to Lake Matsubara. I heard that Michie was very bitter-brained before she went to Lake Matsubara, so the dojo owner must have said something. Tell me the name and address of the dojo owner who met Michie.”

Sumako finally said the name of the owner of that dojo.

Shiro, the Eagle Claw Spirit. One of the cadres of the Tendo Universe Cult, he is usually referred to as the Dojo Master.

“Is this dojo owner there? Give me the details of the address.”

Sumako spoke the address, and Jubilee immediately memorized it in her mind.

“I’ll ask you again, did you go to the cottage at Pine Plains Lake the day before yesterday?”

“I didn’t go. It was the owner of the dojo who said it was a good location to exorcise demons, so it would have been Mr. Eagle Claw who went to Pine Plains Lake.”

“Let me ask you one more thing, does your Word Zodiac Cult have any branches or dojos on the Fuji Five Lakes side?”

Jubilee asked this with the thought that the crimson Ferrari would take Sanchi-Ei to Fuji Goho’s base for seclusion.

“I’ve heard that there is a dojo of the Yamanashi branch near Lake Yamanaka… I’ve never been there… That’s all I know… Let me go.”

“Give me the location of the Yamanashi branch of the dojo.”

Jubilee engraved the address that Sumako had given out in his mind as well.

Twenty minutes later, in order to prevent Sumako from reporting to the headquarters, he sealed his mouth with a cloth, tied it up, and stuffed it in a closet.

Without realizing it, it was dark.

Jubilee and Flying Bird are eating at a western restaurant.

“I feel strange.” Flycatcher said to himself.

“What? What are you talking about that’s weird?”

“That crimson Ferrari.”

“What about the Ferrari?”

“I don’t think it’s possible… just…”

Holding his knife and fork, Ashitaka said, “According to my investigation, the red Ferrari was indeed owned by the Yakuoin family, and was driven by Sanchin-Ei herself. If Sanchin-Ei was kidnapped by this car… can we think of it the other way around? I mean, is it possible that this was a kidnapping that Sanchi-Ei directed herself?”

It was something Jubilee had considered as well.

Seeing the crimson Ferrari racing down the highway from a helicopter was impressive and can only be described as a young man showing off his premium car and skills.

If it’s true that Michie directed herself, the accomplices are boyfriends from the same era who were driving to the stash at the same time.

“So what was the motive? What does it mean to her?”

“Well, this, for example, is money. If say she needs a large sum of money, extorting it from her father would be one way to do it, or she could use his company as a target.”

“Rooted in the possibility, the resistance of parents or family members may also be taken into account. At this point, the accomplice making the call is likely to use the name of an international terrorist organization or an emerging religious group.”

It was a real possibility, but it occurred to Jubilee that she hadn’t heard that kind of factor during the tracing process, and that it was the middle-aged man who had called the Medicine King’s house.

The fact that the Cosmos family would have something to do with her disappearance was still the right way to follow up on that lead.

Jubilee told Teleko what she thought.

“What will you do, I think, about scouting out Shikarou the Eagle’s Claw tonight?”

“Of course, I’ll support it if we go to the mansion, and since we’re not on duty at night anyway, it would be nice to go for a drive around the outskirts of the mansion with the inspector.”

“Then it’s decided, and now it’s best to fill your stomach.”

The night is deep.

The outskirts of Fuchu City are close to Kokubunji Temple, so there are mixed forests or some rice paddies everywhere.

The original cadre who became wealthy by writing about engaging in an emerging religion would have lived in an up-and-coming mansion, instead it was the old detached family house.

The building land was wide, a bungalow with dilapidated wood paneled walls and a deserted courtyard, rather like a practitioner’s residence.

“You wait here for me.”

Leaving Teleko to sit in the car and wait, Jubilee headed for the gate alone.

The main door is locked, but the side door opens.

The doors and windows of the bungalow were locked, with only one showing light.

Jubilee headed there from the overgrown yard.

Looking in through a crack in the window.

Jubilee took two steps back with a backwards breath before walking over to look.

In the center of the room there was an ebony table, in the center of which a crystal ball with a beautiful shine occurred, and a woman in white was worshipping with her palms together.

The woman was beautiful, clad only in a white garment over her naked body, the lines of the brain man coming through from her breasts to her bottom strands, the woman continued to pray to the crystal ball, clad in a thin white garment but emanating a lustful, demonic aura from her body.

Originally, Jubilee thought it was the kidnapped Sanae.

But the ages are different and so are the looks.

The woman was about twenty-five or six years old, very mature, and it was unknown whether she was a female follower of the Order or the wife or lover of Eagle Claw Seishiro.

From the outside of the bungalow, there was no way to tell if Michie was being held inside.

(We still had to see the Eagle’s Claw, so pretending to be a devotee wasn’t a bad idea…) Jubilee stood in front of the gate and said, “Excuse me, is anyone there?”

No answer, call again.

“That one?”

The door opened, and because it was a woman’s voice, Jubilee assumed it was the woman in the white dress worshipping the crystal ball, but it wasn’t.

It was the old woman with white hair, as if she were blind, and her hands groping in front of her.

“What are you?”

“Is Mr. Eagle Claw in, please?”

“He’s not here, what are you?”

“When will Mr. Eagle Claw be back?”

“I don’t know, he’s gone to the shrine in Izu and won’t be back for at least a week.”

“Where is the shrine of Izu?”

“Who the hell are you?”

“I’ve come to visit Mr. Eagle Claw and want to be a believer here.”

“Don’t lie, my heart can’t see that you have a heart of faith, come and play here then go.”

Talking with such a blind old woman would be fruitless, Jubilee was ready to leave this place, and as she turned to take a step forward, there was a white flash of light that flashed out from the darkness in front of her.


An imposing roar.

The white flash I saw earlier was a katana.

Avoiding the blade, but Jubilee felt the sting of fire on her shoulder.

It was just a little scrape, but it still bubbled a little blood.


Jubilee jumped backward out of the way and by the moonlight saw the black masked man attack with his katana raised.

“You are the Eagle’s Claw spirit Shiro…”

The opponent silently swung his katana.

Jubilee jumped backward.

The samurai sword cuts off the branch next to it and falls to the ground.

The masked man continued to pummel Jubilee.

Jubilee could have drawn her gun and fired, but Jubilee’s rule was not to use a gun against someone who didn’t have one.

Jubilee jumps guard and cracks his opponent in the arm.

But the katana was still in his hand.

The opponent’s martial arts seem to be very good.


During the sixth wave of attacks, Jubilee suddenly clamped the white blade with both palms and twisted it with the same right.

That’s the gist of grabbing a knife with your empty hand.

The opponent fell to the ground holding his katana.

Jubilee jumped over and kicked her opponent in the spleen, hearing it rupture.

The man in the black mask collapsed to the ground with a grunt and continued to struggle.

Jubilee reached out and tried to remove the mask.

If this man was Eagle Claw Seishiro, he would first get him half dead before pressing for the whereabouts of Sanchi-e.

But at that moment, the sound of breaking wind was heard and the struggling man did not move.

Blood flowed from his chest.

Jubilee then realized it was shot by a silenced pistol.

Jubilee immediately ran in the direction of the shooting.

As he rushed out the front door, he saw Teleko Hidetora running this way.

“Flybird! Did you shoot me?”

“No, I ran over here when I heard the fight.”

(Is it the woman with the crystal ball…)

While thinking this, I heard Teleko say, “Look over there!”

From the direction the bird was pointing came the sound of a helicopter’s propeller.

Turns out there’s a helicopter ready outside.

(Abominable! I’m afraid my partner will leak the information, so I’ll kill him.)

The highway was empty late at night.

Jubilee was now driving alone, from the mansion back to Tokyo.

Jubilee, gripping the steering wheel, is filled with rage at the loss of an important clue.

I asked from Hiratasumako that there is also a branch of the Tendo Universalist Church in Yamanashi Prefecture, and prepared to go there tomorrow.

Thus, it was that he parted company with Hidetora Teleko in the mansion, and asked her to go to Lake Yamanaka early in the morning to check out the perimeter of the branch dojo.

When he was almost near Xiaguan, Zhu Zhu looked in the rearview mirror, and although he couldn’t see the type of car, he felt that there was a car that had been following him.

Jubilee flashed a smile and left the highway from Kasumigaseki.

Looking in the rearview mirror, I saw the car still trailing behind.

The time is eleven o’clock at night.

Jubilee pulled onto the relatively uncrowded Mansion Street.

Jubilee was ready to lure the stalker to the right place.

After passing through the side streets, turning left and right, Jubilee pulled up in front of a sublet building and saw the cars behind her keep their distance to stop as well, turning out their headlights.

The place Jubilee had been here before, a cafe-bar on the first and second floors, and a club that had just gone bankrupt on the third floor.

Jubilee didn’t use the elevator and slowly walked up to the third floor, leaning her body against the wall at the turn.

There is only a small stack of bulbs at the turn.

Without waiting for the five square bells, there was the sound of walking from below, most likely by someone who was following.

The sound of walking was the sound of high heels, smelling the aroma of perfume as the woman came up the stairs.

Jubilee waited for a second or two after she passed by and came out of hiding, snapping her fingers to make a sound.

The woman looked back in shock.

It’s the beautiful woman! As if it was the woman who worshipped at the crystal ball.

(Originally tracked from there.)

Before the woman could try to scream, Jubilee’s fist hit the woman in the heart. As she was about to fall, she held her in her arms and brought her into the empty room next to her.

Turning on the lights, the former club was empty, with only the purple carpet remaining.

Jubilee placed the woman on the carpet.

The woman quickly woke up and screamed, “What are you going to do to me?”

“I’m going to find pleasure in you.” Jubilee finished, spreading the woman’s legs apart.


Women look, in dresses, more beautiful in white, and still have plump, wonderful flesh.

Jubilee caressed the ample breasts, caressing them as she lifted her skirt and pulled down her boxers.

“Please… don’t…”

“I’ve heard that the women of the Tendo Cosmic Cult are common to men within the organization, you struggle like this, rather unlike a female fighting earth, look into my eyes!”

Jubilee looked at the woman with sharp eyes.

“Why did you… come to the home of the Eagle Claw Teachers?”

“I was looking for the kidnapped woman and tried to corner him, but it looks like one of my own was killed, so now I have to ask you.”

The woman’s lower body twists and has a muscular body.

Between her legs, the thick grass shifted, and what was under it was erect, the slit of flesh positioned on the up side.

The slit’s slamming shut was an attempt to resist the force of Jubilee’s parted legs being transmitted to the slit.

Jubilee pushed harder.

The woman’s legs were spread apart, almost creating the illusion of her legs splitting apart.

Jubilee thrust her rod in hard.


The woman made a sound that she couldn’t tell if it was a wail or a moan.

The thrusting rod was resisted midway by the pussy-bit, and as the glans penetrated that narrow portion, the woman threw back her head and let out a wail.

After the glans broke through there, it went straight to the mouth of the deepest uterus. Jubilee felt the meat stick squirm as it rubbed there.

The woman made a sighing sound as it began to get wet inside.

Jubilee thrust slowly, the glans twisting against the opening of her womb.

“AH… AH… AH…” The woman threw back her head and let out a beastly roar.

“Ah… what do you take me for!”

Vermilion Bird violently thrusting, the woman let out obscene sounds, legs wrapped around Vermilion Bird’s waist, completely horned into the world of mutual adultery pleasure.

“I thought you were a very religious woman, but it turns out you’re so horny!”

Jubilee continued to thrust while pressing her left hand against her throat.

“Ummm…” the woman made a thin, tonal sound.

“Why are you following me? Tell me!”

Jubilee’s fingers pressed against her throat hard.

“Let me go…” the woman begged, “Don’t ask anything now… please… go on…”

Jubilee obliged the woman and continued to begin rhythmic thrusts.

The woman’s lower abdomen was undulating like a wave, probably close to orgasm.

Jubilee rammed hard as the woman reached her zenith and finally exploded.

Jubilee didn’t pull out her rod and adjusted her breathing.

Soon, on the woman’s neck, a tender kiss.

“What’s your name?”

“My name is Hiroko… Matsuo Hiroko.”

Because the meat stick was still inserted inside, the woman showed particular obedience.

“Why are you following me?”

“Command me to see you go there.”

“Who ordered you?”

“Action Leader, his name is Otter Wing.”

“You should know about the murder of Eagle Claw Seishiro, and who was the man who killed him and escaped in a helicopter?”

“I don’t know the details, probably a commando from the organization.”

“You have to be specific about what kind of people the raiders are.”

Hiroko didn’t say much.

But the outline of the situation can already be grasped; the so-called commandos are trained shooters, karate and other masters.

After being brainwashed by the Tendo Cosmic Cult, they all believe they are the righteous ones who keep the peace in the world, and kill and exterminate those who apostatize without mercy.

“Please…” said Hiroko, “I’ve heard that you’re from the government investigating the kidnapping and the inner workings of the Tendo Universe Cult, and I want to get out of the Tendo Universe Cult, so please help me.”

According to Hiroko, she too was tricked into becoming one of God’s people by a psychometric test on the street.

The term “God’s people” refers to the general membership.

After becoming a member there is a period of practice in which one lives with many men and women in the sanctuary, where one woman belongs to all the men and one man belongs to all the women.

The “Universal Family Association” does not recognize individual rights or happiness, and once a believer is adhered to, there is no possibility of quitting; if someone tries to escape, a commando unit will be mobilized, and those who escape will soon be eliminated.

On the surface it could look like a car accident or encountering a fire, or it could be a suicide or martyrdom.

“Okay, I’ll take care of hiding you, but tell me honestly where Izu’s shrine is, the state of the organization, who the godfather is and where he is.”

As Jubilee finished speaking and continued to move her still erect thick rod, Hiroko turned into a submissive woman and let out a hum of pleasure.

It’s this one night thing.

Jubilee drives to Teleko’s apartment in the Nakano district in order to hide Hiroko in a safe place.

Just moments after parking and coming down, gunshots were heard.

From the alleyway behind them came the sound of gunfire.

Jubilee instinctively hid behind a telephone pole, and Hiroko, who had come along for the ride, fell to the ground with a grunt.

(”Oh, no.)

I didn’t expect the Commandos to show up so soon.

“Well? It doesn’t matter!”

Jubilee picked up Hiroko.

“Legs… legs…”

Lifting up the hem of his dress, he was partially pierced by a bullet in the knee, and blood was pouring out.

“Damnable! Using assassination is just too despicable!”

Just as Jubilee looked back, there was another gunshot.

Jubilee’s hair broke off a few times and also smelled burnt, a bullet through the hair.

Jubilee stood up with a hefty grin.

“Quickly bandage it with this.”

Jubilee quickly linked the two handkerchiefs and threw them to Hiroko, quickly drawing her powerful pistol. -An automobile was parked twenty meters ahead, and an automatic pistol was seen protruding from the window of the assistant’s seat in the starlight.

(You can’t shoot from this distance.)

The moment Jubilee revealed a smile, her crouching body suddenly jumped up.

After spinning in the air, it landed next to the black sedan eight meters ago.

The enemy would not be careless and fired at Jutsu. But before the bullets reach him, Jutsu’s body leaps up again, this time landing right next to the enemy’s car.

“Ah! This guy…” the people in the car shrieked and shot at Joochul at the same time.

At that moment, Jubilee turned and kicked the wrist of the gunman at the aide’s table.

The pistol flew in mid-air, the remnants of the toe of his shoe kicking the man right in the face.

“Ah!” The man yelled, blood spurting from his face, his head hanging out of the car window, broken.

His partner, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, didn’t expect to fail and forgot to pull out his pistol, but just let out a strange yelp and pressed the gas pedal.

The car lurched forward.

Unperturbed, Jubilee assumed an FBI stance and aimed a shot through the car’s rear glass at the driver’s head.

The car immediately ran into the opposite sidewalk, hit the building, bounced back and then began to burn.

Jubilee ran back to his original position.

Hiroko leaned against the wall of the building and let out a groan.

(Had to take it to the emergency room.)

“Are you okay?”


Fortunately, the bullet was through and through, if it had stayed in the thigh it would have been a problem.

“Go to the hospital right away.”

Jubilee picked up Hiroko and headed for her car, thinking that taking Hiroko to the police hospital would arguably be the best place for her to hide.

[To be continued]