Tweaking Wonder Woman.

I hadn’t been to Won Won since publishing Conquering Wonder Woman (above) for personal reasons, and this time I came to find that Won Won had been revamped and that Conquering Wonder Woman had been patched up with the help of enthusiasts.

I’d like to take this opportunity to send a small article to wish Won Won better and better, and to thank my fellow writers who completed the half-assed article for me.

Tuning up Wonder Woman (I)

The gusts of morning fog rising from the black river blurred her vision, and the rows of garbage cans waiting for tugboats to remove them from the river emitted a foul odor as she wrinkled her nose and continued on her way. Wonder Woman thought to herself as she gingerly made her way through the jumbled piles of wicker bins and assorted waste, a fitting place for a criminal who called himself Hamster.

The morning fog was lifting and now she could see her target, Warehouse 28.

She reviewed all the clues that had led her here in her brain, and first of all the string of robberies had only one thing in common: each crime scene had left behind a picture of a drawn hamster, representing precisely the hamster’s nickname.

Her next clue is a tip-off about another robbery, but the tip-off is a fake, taking her attention away from the real target. But the paper on which the tip was written had a peculiar odor, the distinctive odor of a very rare industrial compound. And there is only one place in the city that stores such chemicals, Warehouse 28. Wonder Woman was sure that Hamster would move on immediately after using the disinformation to do a big job, so she didn’t even have time to notify the police.

Warehouse 28 had a huge sliding door on the front and a smaller door on the right, with a window to the left of the smaller door. Wonder Woman climbs up to the edge of the window and peers into the warehouse, she finds the warehouse almost empty, with a door to the back of the warehouse for accessing goods open. A light suddenly comes on at the back of the warehouse near the office, illuminating a van parked in the warehouse, and she can see that the van is still loaded with some boxes.

At that moment a man came out of the office and took out a set of keys and walked around the van to the driver’s side.

Wasting no more time, Wonder Woman tried the small door and found it locked, so she took a few steps back and lurched forward, slamming into the locked door, and in a shower of splintered wood she burst into the warehouse. The wooden door must have been very thin and the inertia of pushing too hard kept her going forward for five steps, her final step dropping her into a 20-foot deep pit.

Wonder Woman struggled to control her balance and still fell to the bottom of the pit, though it did not do any damage to her marvelous body as she relaxed her torso as much as she could and inhaled deeply to calm herself before preparing to leap out of the deep pit.

Just then her vision began to blur, her legs began to weaken, and she knew there must be some kind of poisonous gas at the bottom of the pit. Holding her breath, she focused all her remaining strength and fought her way to the mouth of the pit to climb over the edge. Wonder Woman tries with all her might to climb out, but it’s no use, her consciousness falls into darkness and her body plummets to the bottom of the pit, which is just as dark.

The sharp pain cut through her like a fiery red knife, and the fog that had enveloped her consciousness awakened her. She could feel her hands being pulled strongly, and she immediately realized that her wrists were tied behind her back, the rope secured to an iron ring on the wall behind her. Her body was tilted forward so that her entire weight was on her arms.

She adjusted her stance, but found that the best she could do was to remain standing vertically due to the tightening of the ropes behind her.

She realized to the magical lasso that bound her wrists was her own, it must have been tied by a man because she had lost all of her godly powers and she knew that unless she untied her wrists she couldn’t do anything. She tried to move her feet but found that both ankles were chained by thick chains fastened to the wall on each side, her feet were crossed at 45 degrees and she knew that now all she could do was wait.

She observes her cell, a 20 ft x 20 ft x 10 ft room with cinderblock walls, concrete floor, soundproofing and lights on the ceiling, and a door made of metal. Wonder Woman wondered which of so many terrible opponents had set up this trap, Panther Girl, Toyman, or Catwoman? It didn’t matter, he or she would show up soon anyway, and then she could figure out the guy’s weakness to defeat him.

But no one appeared, and hour after hour she stood there, her mind thinking over and over again of the infinite possibilities and how she would react. As the hours passed she grew more and more tired, but she knew that if she fell asleep her body would slump forward and her arms would once again be subjected to excruciating pain, and then she would wake up in pain again.

Time continues to pass and Wonder Woman grows more and more tired, finally she can’t take it anymore and lets out a cry of despair as she struggles in her bonds, pulling at the chains that hold her legs in place and twisting her arms trying to get out of the ropes that are tightly tied around her wrists. After 15 minutes of ineffective struggling, she exhausted her strength and sagged helplessly into her bonds.

The next thing she knew was that she heard the door open and a man walk in and close the door behind him. He looked ordinary, about 50 years old, the top of his head was bald with gray hair growing around it, he had short gray whiskers growing above and below his lips, his eyes were brown and he looked cold and lewd, his stomach bulged and his arms didn’t look very muscular.

His appearance was so… ordinary that it puzzled Wonder Woman, who expected a hunky, evil demon, but was such an ordinary man.

She ordered him to let himself go and he just stood there, watching her. His eyes travel slowly over her perfect body, from top to bottom, finally stopping at her breasts. The way she stands makes her breasts stand out even more, and Wonder Woman realizes that his unwarranted gaze makes her feel ashamed, and she shakes her head to regain her composure, ordering the man to let her go once again.

He smiled at her, a devilish smile, and then walked toward her, stopping a foot away from her and looking her in the eyes. She asked him one last time to let go of her, and he smiled at her once more, reaching out and grabbing the corset of her uniform, ripping it off with one hand. Wonder Woman gasped in shock, no one had ever dared to do that to her, not even at the hands of the most evil of criminals.

He stared at her naked breasts for a moment, admiring the way they bounced up and down as they were freshly released from their bonds, then he reached behind her back and undid her corset letting it fall to the floor, he took a step back admiring her breasts carefully, shocked at how beautiful they were, there were two perfect peaks standing proudly in front of her breasts, and on the tops of the plump, rounded, smooth, delicate and creamy breasts were the pink, delicate nipples.

Noticing that her nipples were gradually standing up due to exposure to cold air, he smiled lewdly as he slowly reached out to touch her breasts. At this point she cursed him as a rapist and an obscene beast. As she cursed he stopped himself and waited for her to finish then continued. His fingertips tenderly touched Wonder Woman’s breasts and then ran a pair of palms all over her beautiful breasts, he loved the feel of them. His fingers gently pressed, tickled and pinched at times, reveling in their warmth and smoothness.

He begins to play with her nipples, pinching them up with his fingers and squeezing and rubbing them, and as he does, they grow longer and harder, and Wonder Woman’s breath comes in short gasps. Though her will has not surrendered, her body has begun to respond to his teasing. As his hands move away from Wonder Woman and she looks up at him in confusion, his right hand slaps her on her left breast, and then follows it up with a slap on her right breast, and Wonder Woman screams out in pain and surprise.

The man looks deep into her eyes after taking in the throbbing of the blows to her breasts, and he sees surprise and submission. He saw that Wonder Woman’s nipples were even bigger and harder than they had been moments before, and he smiled lewdly once again, delighted by her reaction.

He walks out of the room and soon brings back a ladder and sets it up in front of Wonder Woman, he climbs up the ladder removes a soundproof panel and lowers a pulley attached to an iron ring in the ceiling, then he climbs down and removes the ladder and walks up behind her. Wonder Woman tries to follow him with her eyes, but the ropes behind her are too tight for her to turn around.

She felt him untie the ropes on the wall and she thought the man was about to let go of her, but she was wrong, the man untied the ropes and then pulled upward through the pulley, Wonder Woman’s arms continued to be pulled upward in increasing pain.

She found that to ease the pain in her arms she had to bend forward as far as she could until her head was parallel to the ground and the man stopped securing the ropes.

Wasting no time at all, the man walks up to her and inserts his fingers into the waist of Wonder Woman’s blue and white shorts and slowly pulls them down, and for Wonder Woman, it’s as if time stood still as they were pulled down over her bare buttocks, and every inch of her exposed skin immediately came into contact with the cold air, and she’d never felt so helpless, so humiliated.

As for the man, his eyes watched in fascination as the great Wonder Woman’s bare ass slowly presented itself to him, Wonder Woman’s shorts were pulled down about six inches from her hips by the man when he stopped, he stepped back to look at her ass in reverence. If Wonder Woman’s breasts were beautiful, her ass was indescribable, a beautiful, smooth, round, plump, white ass that was too fat to gain a point and too thin to lose a point, a deep shadow running across the middle and leading to her secret place after it had been perfectly split in half, her secret place half hidden behind her ass and her shorts.

The man places his right hand on Wonder Woman and his left hand begins to play with her bare buttocks, his hand doggedly caresses Wonder Woman’s smooth ass, pressing, pinching, groping, rubbing, scratching, gently but firmly, as the man’s fingers spread across all parts of Wonder Woman’s ass. He marveled at the way Wonder Woman’s ass flesh popped up like that when his hand pressed down, and he even tentatively probed his fingers into her groin, eliciting an involuntary deep breath from Wonder Woman and a shushing intake of breath.

Wonder Woman had remained silent since the man had played with her breasts, vowing to herself not to make a sound no matter what the man did.

Her vow had been broken as the man continued to play with her buttocks, at first Wonder Woman resisted his touch, tensing her buttock muscles wherever the man stroked. But after some time of gentle touching and playing she began to relax, she was tired and she needed to relax.

Soon the man felt her muscles loosen up and her hips grow supple. Suddenly, he finds that he is able to spread her hips, push his finger into her groin, and even gently rub her asshole. The man smiled lewdly as he licked and wet his middle finger and inserted it into Wonder Woman’s anus as she inhaled deeply again.

The man watches as his finger slowly penetrates deeper, Wonder Woman’s reddish-brown wrinkled anal flesh tightening around his finger, making it feel obscenely warm. When his finger is completely submerged in her asshole, the man begins to slowly pump his finger in and out, causing Wonder Woman to let out an involuntary moan of pleasure.

The man knew Wonder Woman was ready and he knew it was time to begin.

“Pop!” His right hand smacked her right buttock, “Pop!” He smacked her left buttock again, and the two blows caused her ass flesh to thrash obscenely, and the man felt like he was in heaven. “Snap! Snap! Pop!” His hand lifted and dropped, happily spanking Wonder Woman’s bare buttocks.

He had dreamed of doing this for a long time, he had studied Wonder Woman carefully and realized that despite her magical powers, Wonder Woman was easy to capture and that Wonder Woman had the potential to be trained as a sex slave, which was why he had set up the disinformation.

He knows she’s tracking the hamster, so she’s bound to keep an eye out for that clue; he’s also sure that Wonder Woman will analyze the intelligence paper as soon as she realizes it’s false, and he puts the kind of compound on the paper himself, knowing that she’ll be coming to the warehouse. The trap was a child’s play, there was a pit for the chemical waste, all he had to do was dig it deeper and bigger, put an effective stun gas in the bottom, and Wonder Woman would do the rest, and now she would pay the price for her recklessness.

“Snap! Pop! Snap!” The spanking continued, his hand lifting and striking down like a never-tiring machine, all the while avoiding falling into the same rhythm.

Wonder Woman was overwhelmed with shame, “Pop! Snap! Snap!” She couldn’t believe this was happening to her, being captured, tied up, stripped naked, and then now, “Pop! Snap! SLAP!” Spanked like a little girl, how could this happen?

“Snap! Pop!” Wonder Woman wondered why the men hadn’t said anything until now, “Pop! Snap!

Snap!” Unlike any other enemy she had ever faced, he just grinned lewdly at her, and she thought probably her life wasn’t in danger.

“Snap! Pop! Pop!” But it’s nothing like what she’s experiencing now, “Pop! Snap! Pop!”

It was as if his hand would never stop, one after the other, no rhythm at all, not at all predictable, “Snap!

Snap! Pop!” Sometimes the man would pause for a moment, “Pop!” Then a series of quick slaps, “Pop!

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!” This is crazy.

The blows started slowly, “Pop! Pop! Pop!” Getting heavier and heavier. At first, the slaps were merely humiliating, but not painful, for Wonder Woman, who had been subjected to much heavier physical blows before; but now, “Pop! Slap!

SLAP!” It started to turn into a real pounding and she couldn’t take it anymore, she had to scream out her pain so she cried out.

Her cries of pain fill the room as the man smiles and continues to slap Wonder Woman’s ass, he knows it’s almost time for it to be over and he decides to change his tactics slightly, he spanks Wonder Woman’s right buttock heavily and then begins to caress her ass, his hands caressing all over her spanked fiery ass; he caresses it for a moment and then spanks it again and then caresses it again.

“Pop! Caress… Pa! Caress… Pa! Caress…” He kept up this sequence, and finally he got his eager effect.

As the man began to caress Wonder Woman’s bare ass, she began to feel a strange sensation that started in the deepest part of her, a small sensation at first, but as the man continued, the sensation began to grow and soon she knew what it was.

She started to get scared, she tried to resist the feelings, but they were too strong, and even though she didn  t want to admit it, her sensuality was aroused. She tried with difficulty to stop the sensuality from pounding through her, so much so that her forehead began to sweat. Feeling about to lose control of herself, Wonder Woman closed her lips tightly and bit her tongue heavily, trying to stop from screaming out her sensuality as she shivered all over.

The man noticed the change in Wonder Woman and smiled lewdly. He knows that success is in his hands, with just one more change in strategy. He moves closer to her, facing the back wall of the room, and the man delivers a series of blows, slapping Wonder Woman’s secret spot, then gently stroking her hot, wet nub.

Slapping and stroking… slapping and stroking… this finally overtook Wonder Woman’s self-control, and her cunt spewed forth as she cried out lustfully at the turmoil in her heart.

The man continues to slap Wonder Woman, causing her to cry and moan repeatedly. Finally he stops and takes a few steps back to admire the results of his battle. What a sight it was! Her body continued to quiver and shake as she tossed her head, causing her hair to fly everywhere; her hips twisted and quivered slightly as her ass-crack opened and closed rapidly; her breasts quivered up and down; and a lustful expression covered her face.

The man knew that now Wonder Woman didn’t care about anything but the pleasure coursing through her entire body. Her orgasm lasted a full five minutes, what an amazing sight, her orgasm made the man almost think she was going to break free of her bonds.

Wonder Woman finally quiets down and slumps her body helplessly, at which point the man leaves silently, and a short while later he returns with a television set and a VCR, which he connects in front of Wonder Woman’s body, and then he turns on the power and the start button on the VCR.

Wonder Woman couldn’t believe what she was seeing on the TV screen, she saw herself waking up in her room, she saw herself trying to break free of the ropes, she saw the man walk into the room and start toying with her, and he taped it all.

The man stood quietly watching the TV with her, and he noticed Wonder Woman’s reaction to the tape.

At first she freaked out and kept her eyes closed, then she began to open them occasionally and after a while she began to get aroused. He watched as Wonder Woman’s hips began to slowly gyrate during certain scenes of the videotape, and her nipples hardened once more.

When the tape finished playing it started rewinding itself, at which point Wonder Woman timidly asked the man if he was planning to blackmail her with the tape. He just smiled lewdly and continued to watch TV, to her horror the tape started playing again, the man did nothing, didn’t press any remotes, didn’t press any buttons, the tape still started again.

Wonder Woman pleaded with the man to turn the TV off and he smiled and left the room, closing the door behind him. He knew that when he returned in the morning she would be a completely different Wonder Woman.

(End of Part I)

Tuning up Wonder Woman (II)

The pain made her feel numb, she was oblivious to what was going on around her, Wonder Woman had been bound for close to 48 hours, warp speed she was unaware of this fact, to her it seemed like centuries had passed since she fell into the man’s trap, her wrists tied behind her back and her ankles fastened with chains attached to the wall.

The memory of what the man had done to her remained forever: he had stripped her naked, first completely removing her corset, then her shorts; she would never forget the sensation of the shorts being slowly slid down her hips, exposing her perfect body to his lewd gaze, and she remembered the man’s gentle caresses on her… her breasts….

No man had ever done this to her, her nipples, they… Oh! GOD… Then he started squeezing her breasts, first the left one, then the right one, which hurt and confused her, but that was just the beginning.

She shook her head hard as she tried not to think about what happened next, but it was no use, her lewd display was all being filmed by the man and it was forcing her to watch her humiliation over and over again. She watched as the man played with her ass, his fingers gently but firmly stroking her buttocks before entering her groin and thrusting deep into her ass hole, she watched as he inserted a licked wet finger into her anus, thrusting it back and forth making her moan. Then he withdrew his finger and began a further act of humiliation.

He began to hit her, raining down blows that caused her poor defenseless ass to turn red quickly, at which point the blows began to get heavier and heavier as a feeling that terrified her flooded her from deep between her legs. She tried to fight the feeling but it didn’t help at all, the blows mixed with her own helplessness and overtook her control, she saw herself on the screen begin to orgasm while the man continued to beat her until he stopped the blows and stepped back to admire her, her orgasm still continuing.

For five whole minutes, she cried out in debauchery, shaking and struggling in her bonds as wave after wave washed over her body. Wonder Woman would never forget it, and even if the videotape didn’t play over and over in front of her, she knew she never would.

A loud noise caused her to look up and see the man carrying the TV and VCR out of the room, soon he walked back in with something else, she saw two buckets, one of them empty, making one look full of hot water, she could see the steam rising from the surface, and she saw that he was also holding a washcloth. He set the stuff down and walked out again, then came back in with more stuff.

There was one item she didn’t know what it was but she recognized the others, it was an enema with a long hose and clamps. He puts all of those things on the floor and then walks over and pulls a folding knife out of his pants pocket, he opens it up and cuts her shorts in two, the pants that have lost their support fall to the floor at her feet and for some reason Wonder Woman feels even more naked than she was originally.

He takes the open knife and kneels behind her as he reaches down and unlocks one of the chains holding Wonder Woman’s feet and removes her boot, then locks it again, then the other boot.

The man stood up, grinning lewdly as he dropped the boots from his hands, he began to caress her perfect body, he gently stroked her shoulders and back, then her arms and legs, and finally her hips, he felt all over her ass, squeezing every inch of her ass.

Her shame deepens as he touches Wonder Woman’s body, then he walks up to her and looks deep into Wonder Woman’s eyes and she looks back to see the tenderness on his face that mesmerizes her. He then picked up the object she hadn’t seen before, it was plastic and looked like an egg, but was at least five times the size of an egg. At the larger end, a tube of plastic stuck out, she couldn’t guess what it was or what it was handed out for.

The man took the object and walked behind her, placing it between her legs with the smaller end facing her head, and when he placed the empty bucket under her directly in front of the plastic tube, Wonder Woman instantly realized what it was for, and she threw her head back in defiance, trying to avoid further humiliation.

The man didn’t care at all as he walked out and brought back a belt that was broader at one end, like a handle, and thinner at the other end, divided into many thin strips of leather.

A leather whip, the man walked to her left rear, “Swish! Swish!” The leather whip lashes heavily against Wonder Woman’s imprisoned flesh with a brutal thud. “Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!” Whip after whip, lash after lash, on plump buttocks, supple inner thighs, even her voluptuous secret mounds, the leather whip lashes against her open petals, causing Wonder Woman to jump and struggle in her bonds, helplessly attempting to avoid the merciless punishment.

After being whipped for 30 lashes Wonder Woman realizes she can’t take it anymore and explains to herself that she had to surrender to a man in order to save her body. He could have done far worse things than he did in order to get her to submit to his lewd  desires. Wonder Woman cried out, “Okay! I promise, I… promise.” Then she relaxed her body.

The man drops the whip and picks up the thing and shoves it into Wonder Woman’s agonized secret place, and with a loud gasp, Wonder Woman empties her bladder, the thing working perfectly so that Wonder Woman’s pee shoots right into the empty bucket.

After Wonder Woman finishes peeing, the man removes the object but doesn’t take away the bucket, he pats Wonder Woman’s ass and gestures toward the bucket, Wonder Woman shakes her head again in resistance as she fearfully understands that he is going to make her defecate in front of him again.

This time the man growls and walks up to her and picks up the enema, he points to Wonder Woman’s ass and then to the bucket filled with water. Wonder Woman understood what he meant and looked at him with a shocked look on her face, she would rather  die than get an enema from this man, she knew she had been defeated once again.

Wonder Woman adjusts her body to squat as low as she can, then with a series of “gurgles” she empties her bowels into the bucket as the man commands. As soon as she’s done, the man takes the bucket and enema full of filth.

The man returns and dips the washcloth into a bucket filled with hot water, then begins scrubbing Wonder Woman’s shoulders and back. Wonder Woman is stunned, she doesn’t understand why the man is doing this, but doesn’t want to argue with him at all, it feels too good. Next he begins to wash Wonder Woman’s arms, gently scrubbing every inch of her arms and then her neck. Then the man knelt down to scrub her breasts, the warm soapy water making Wonder Woman’s tits feel soothing.

The man notes with pleasure that Wonder Woman’s soaked nipples slowly stand up and she moans softly in comfort, then her flat stomach and long, strong legs. The man then begins to scrub between Wonder Woman’s legs, half scrubbing, half playing, as Wonder Woman’s wet, curved black pubic hair glistens with lewd light and her soaked petals flap invitingly, but the man is oblivious as if he were a wooden man.

Finally, the man begins to scrub Wonder Woman’s buttocks, her ass glistening as it gets wet, making the pink color due to the spanking look even more lascivious, the whip marks clear on the white flesh of her buttocks. The man admires the beauty before him and spreads Wonder Woman’s ass to expose her groin, Wonder Woman doesn’t resist at all as the man places the washcloth over Wonder Woman’s groin and scrubs up and down, not missing a spot, he even inserts a finger wrapped in a small piece of the washcloth into Wonder Woman’s ass-hole, rotating it after inserting it the entire length of the finger in its entirety and scrubbing it causing Wonder Woman to moan and groan from the pain (and pleasure?) she is experiencing. and moaning.

He spends several minutes carefully cleaning Wonder Woman’s asshole, and when the man finally stops, Wonder Woman’s breath stops. The man tosses the washcloth in his hand into the bucket of water and picks up another to dry Wonder Woman’s body. When finished the man takes two steps back and admires his work.

Wonder Woman felt the man looking at her like she was admiring a mare; and the man was thinking almost the same thing, but admiring a mare he owned.

After a while, the man takes all the clutter out of the room and brings back a tray full of food and drinks, fruit, bread, cheese, wine, milk and water, and Wonder Woman gratefully lets the man feed her.

After Wonder Woman finishes eating, the man takes away the tray and stands in front of her with a lewd grin as he zips down his pants and pulls his big dick out of it and brings it to Wonder Woman’s plump lips. Wonder Woman’s eyes bulge out as she desperately throws her head back and squeezes her lips tightly shut, knowing what the man wants and deciding that she will never surrender.

The man sighed, grabbing Wonder Woman’s hair with his left hand and lifting it violently, so that her breasts were presented to him defenselessly, and then immediately began to whip, first the left breast, then the right, one after the other, in a continuous series of blows to Wonder Woman’s beautiful breasts.

Wonder Woman screams in agony and shudders in fear at his blows as the man shows no mercy and continues to strike her breasts vigorously.

After 10 minutes, the man sees Wonder Woman’s tears of humiliation fill her beautiful blue eyes and slowly opens her mouth, no longer screaming but silently forming an oval. The man releases his grip allowing Wonder Woman’s body to hang naturally, but still pulls on her hair to keep Wonder Woman’s head tilted back, then once again takes hold of his large dick and slowly reaches for Wonder Woman’s mouth.

All of Wonder Woman’s consciousness was paralyzed as her tear-filled eyes watched the man’s prick slowly approach her, it was a good 10 inches long and 2 feet wide, all black except for the crimson glans, and the horse’s eye at the end was like an open mouth. By now she could smell it, and the strong fishy odor made her nostrils clench violently.

Now that it had come to her lips, the man gently touched the dildo to Wonder Woman’s plump red lips, Wonder Woman opened her mouth wide to accommodate the man’s large dildo, which penetrated her mouth obscenely. Wonder Woman’s lips wrapped tightly around the large phallus, her teeth gently biting down on it, and she didn’t know how to move her tongue, so she let it lie flat at the base of her mouth cavity. But as the dildo continued to reach deeper and touch her throat, her tongue automatically lifted and licked at the lower part of the dildo.

Wonder Woman found the phallus to have a salty taste that made her spit and swallow, and now it filled her mouth, her mouth wrapped tightly around it, squeezing it gently.

The man is simply as good as heaven, and he lets his prick stay fully in Wonder Woman’s mouth so that she can take her time getting used to it while he tries to get a good view of how his big prick looks in the great Wonder Woman’s mouth.

After a while, the man began to pull out slowly, and Wonder Woman thought the man was finished, but the shaft only retreated between her teeth before thrusting in again, the man’s prick moving in and out of Wonder Woman’s mouth, slowly building a rhythm.

At first, Wonder Woman’s own saliva almost caused her to choke, but as she slowly got the rhythm going it began to get easier and she realized that in order to keep from choking she had to swallow the saliva that was secreted in her mouth every time the prick pulled out. Each time the man’s prick pulled out, she sucked on it and gagged before it thrust back in, then it thrust back in and she produced more saliva, and the cycle continued.

The man is pleased to see Wonder Woman struggling to learn to blow as he continues to thrust harder and harder, Wonder Woman’s jaw is getting sore from staying open for so long that she has forgotten her shame and just wishes it would be over sooner.

Suddenly the man felt his spring sack contract violently and knew it was coming, he quickened his pace as Wonder Woman struggled to follow the man’s rhythm, her efforts made the man even more aroused and he groaned and pressed Wonder Woman’s head harder against his own femur before with a beastly yell he launched himself into Wonder Woman’s mouth.

The tidal wave of the man’s thick liquid flooding Wonder Woman’s mouth and throat nearly chokes her as she begins to gulp down the man’s hot cum. Finally the ejaculation stops and the big prick begins to soften as Wonder Woman’s tongue continues to lick her mouth clean of any remaining cum.

The man continues to leave his prick in Wonder Woman’s mouth, letting her lick it clean, and finally he withdraws his own prick taking a few steps back and looking down at Wonder Woman. Her whole body glistening with sweat, her head bowed in humiliation, she looks full of lewd magic and the man smiles as he leaves the cell.

The scene from earlier kept replaying in Wonder Woman’s mind, she was amazed at how far she had fallen, taking in the man’s cock, so hard, so fishy, feeling him getting harder and harder as she took him in and sucked on it, she could have been completely uncooperative but for reasons unknown to herself she wasn’t, she was completely mesmerized by the spectacle taking place.

And when he ejaculated, she… she… did feel pleasure… no! She screamed at the top of her lungs. It’s true that if she didn’t swallow the man’s semen she would suffocate… but was it really necessary for her to lick his prick… lick every inch of it? To lick… almost passionately? It was too much for her, and she sank deep into her shame and guilt.

As if it were a long time later the door opens and the man returns, dressed in a blue bathrobe, he stops to admire her beautiful body as usual, his eyes searching every inch of her skin, this time his hands follow his eyes as he caresses her smooth skin. Especially her breasts, the man gently caresses her breasts and plays with her nipples, the man is pleasantly surprised to find that with just a little stimulation Wonder Woman’s nipples stand up.

In much quicker time than the previous times, Wonder Woman has begun to respond to the man’s touch with sharp breaths and soft moans. Satisfied with Wonder Woman’s response, the man stops playing with her breasts and walks away from Wonder Woman, who looks up at the man almost in disappointment, the man can see Wonder Woman’s nostrils flaring sharply as her breasts rise and fall rapidly.

The man smiles lewdly as he walks around to Wonder Woman’s back, his favorite angle from which to admire her luscious form, he sees Wonder Woman’s naked ass swaying slightly in front of him as she struggles to regain control of her body; he also has a clear view of the black jungle between Wonder Woman’s legs that covers the mystery spot. As the man edges closer to Wonder Woman, the man’s eyes lock on her secret place, and he reaches out to probe her hidden place, noticing that the hairs around the petals are already soaked.

Wonder Woman struggles to avoid the man’s exploring fingers, but the bondage prevents her from moving in the slightest, and like a tiny moth caught in a spider’s web, she can’t get the man to stop his next attack. The man’s middle finger slowly probes into Wonder Woman’s secret passage, and her wet, warm secret flesh invitingly wraps around the man’s finger as Wonder Woman moans loudly in pain and excitement.

The man’s fingers continue their maddening teasing of Wonder Woman, his thumb teasing her nub upwards, and he finds that Wonder Woman’s nub immediately stands up like a super-sized phallus. Wonder Woman moans even louder as the man plays with her nub, and Wonder Woman’s hips gyrate and quiver as his fingers continue to play with her honored flesh.

The man was pleased to see that his preliminary movements had Wonder Woman’s torso twisting and quivering, her hips rotating and jerking, her breasts jiggling up and down, it was beautiful. The man knew it was time for the next step, so he removed his robe, in which he wore nothing.

(End of Part II)