(the dominance of winter woman)
part. 1
Another exhausting day at Military Intelligence finally came to an end and Diana collapsed with a plop onto the wicker couch in her apartment. Colonel Quavo had given so much work to Diana and her best friends that it had kept the poor woman doing paperwork for weeks on end. Field work was one thing, but three full weeks of filling out forms, writing reports, and categorizing old cases had completely worn the beautiful warrior woman down.
She lay down on the couch half asleep staring at the white ceiling.
“Only a man could come up with such an abominable punishment,” said Diana, whose head was still filled with the ticking of a typewriter from hours past. “All the Nazis have to do is burn all the carbon copies and the free world will collapse.” She thought wistfully.
Suddenly, she heard a muffled thud coming from her bedroom, as if something had hit her shag carpet hard. She slowly got up from the couch, “Did someone hear me come in?” She gently walked towards her bedroom.
At the end of the corridor she could see her bedroom door half open, the afternoon sunlight illuminating her bedroom making the corridor even darker, and she didn’t dare turn on the corridor light for fear of exposing herself.
“Dude- Dude-” For once she concluded that she was not home alone, and she quickly exited the hallway and walked through the living room into the kitchen, carefully closing the kitchen door behind her, Diana took off her glasses and placed them on the dining room table, and then she twirled like a ballerina.
That’s when a blinding ball of white light flash engulfed her. Diana Prince, Secretary of Defense transformed into Wonder Woman.
She checked the hairpins on her head and her magic belt, the success of her transformation depended on her concentration so she had to make sure all the props appeared.
Most of the time she transforms without a problem, but there are one or two times when she is in a distracting situation where she is missing one or two things from her magical airplane. During one of the battles in the fire, she transformed in a crowded street and she forgot to take her hair clip, putting her in a very dangerous situation.
And most of all, her magic belt. This magical prop is the materialization of her psychic powers, and since she left Paradise Island this is the only way for her to draw power from all the elements, it gives her the strength, skill and vitality of Wonder Woman.
Now it was time to face her new guest, and Diana walked slowly but confidently through her apartment toward her bedroom, where she dodged aside by the bedroom door and peered in through the crack, but could only see a gust of summer breeze rattling the window .
Suddenly, a hand went through her shapely waist to hold her firmly in place and dragged her backward as hard as she could, while another hand spared her head to cover her mouth.
Confident that her opponent was nothing more than a thief, Wonder Woman leaned forward with all the strength she could muster, ready to slam her opponent hard into the opposite wall with a standard back throw, but, to her surprise, she was pulled backward even more forcefully by her opponent, who was, in fact, at least no worse than she was.
Diana continued her defiance, constantly twisting to try and remove the power-advancer’s hand from her mouth, when suddenly she realized that she was up against a woman, a very strong woman.
The two fought in the dark hallway, pushing and pulling at each other both trying to gain the upper hand and take the other down. The power of the progenitor was beginning to weaken, and realizing her opponent’s weakening, Diana violently grabbed the hand around her waist and slammed her opponent into the brightly lit bedroom.
The attacker hit the bedroom floor hard with a loud thud, and Diana instantly panicked at the thought that all the bones in the poor man’s body must have been shattered.
Her fears were immediately quelled as a childlike giggle emanated from the bedroom. Diana glanced at her rival and a smile of reassurance and surprise immediately rose to her face. Beautiful as a doll and sprawled out on the floor of her bedroom was none other than her sister, Doxilla.
“Dorsie, what are you doing here?” She cried out in surprise, “Diana, I happened to be passing by so I thought I’d stop by.” Dorsi pulled her seat up and rubbed the sore spot on her butt.
“Come on, my little sister, do you really think I’m going to believe you?” Diana asked with her arms wrapped around her chest.
“Well, as a matter of fact mom asked me to remind you that next month is the Paradise Island Flower Festival and the Princess of the Royal Family must be in attendance to receive the People’s Annual Flower Offering.” Doxilla said.
“But mom didn’t have to send you, all she had to do was tell me with a telepathic spell,” Diana looked at Doxilla skeptically “Are you pestering mom to let you out?”
“Uh… a… a little bit la.”
Diana glared at Dorcilla.
“Come on, Diana, I had to do so much to get out, it’s a magical world out there.”
“And dangerous.” Diana replied seriously “Do you remember the last time you were here?”
“Sure, but nothing really horrible actually happened, did it? And getting kidnapped by those Nazis was kind of exciting.” Doxilla replied jokingly.
“Those Nazis aren’t funny, they’re don’t dangerous people, and they’re the reason I’m here doing my job.” Diana walked over and wrapped Doxyla’s head around her chest.
“I can’t stand the thought of any accidents happening to you, and I know you can take care of yourself, but those Nazis are no pushovers, they’re used to scheming.”
“I know, but mom also said it would be good for my practice. Plus I’ll be very, very, very careful.” Doxilla wanted to snuggle up against Diana like a puppy, reclaiming and begging. In this way she always got what she wanted from her mother or Diana, her big brown eyes wide open and still shedding tears that could melt anyone’s heart.
“Okay… okay, but be careful, mom would kill me if she knew what happened to you.” Diana said.
“Oh, thanks! Thanks! Now can we go eat one of those, what do they call them, ice cream holy eggs?” Doxilla replied, jumping up and down excitedly thinking of a schoolgirl.
“Hi Doxilla you are incorrigible. Well, if it’s in a way that will get you away from me for a while,” Diana said wearily, “I can’t go with you right now, I’m waiting for my coworker, Pamela. Sanders called, she said she was following up a lead on an old case and promised to let me know right away if she found anything.”
“Well, whatever.” Doxilla replied absently, while viewing the various decorations in Diana’s bedroom.
“Here, this should be enough,” Diana said as she took the money out of the drawer and handed it to Dorcilla, “It should allow you to be surrounded by ice cream all day.”
“Oh yes, they use the money, and by golly, Diana, I can’t stand it.” Doxilla hurriedly took the money childishly bouncing toward the door.
“Well, Dorshira…” said Diana to Dorshira “Did you… forget something?”
Doxilla looked strangely at Diana, who raised her hand and drew her fingers in the air in a garden.
“Ha, how silly of me,” the young heroine began to spin, and as the white lightning dimmed, Doxilla appeared in a short skirt, athletic socks, sneakers, and her hair tied up in a hair tie. Her uniform and props were re-stowed in the magical airplane.
“I may be out when you get back, the key is under the mat by the door, open the door and come in yourself.”
“Wonder Woman’s job?” Doxilla asked eagerly.
“Maybe, but I don’t want you involved.” Diana patted Doxilla on the back and escorted her out the front door.
Pamela. Sanders is the only female agent in Military Intelligence, and sometimes it’s easier for a woman to do secret work than a man because the enemy is less likely to suspect a woman. The U.S. government doesn’t usually use women for this type of work, so the enemy tends to think the agents are men, and that becomes Pamela’s advantage. For three weeks, she and Diana had worked together to organize the old files, and they had found a possible lead. Diana had grouped and summed up several pieces of information from several different documents and deduced from them that there was a command center for Nazi spies in a private beach area on the north side of town.
Unusual activity has been reported there, and what they call “strange lights and sounds” are emanating from the seaside cliffs, which is made all the more unusual by the fact that most of the seaside villas are unoccupied because of the war. Moreover, most of the reported sightings were from cliffs that were inaccessible to ordinary people.
Pamela drove along the seaside road, and after about two hours she drove up a side road to a futile cliff from which she could observe all the coast.
About 6:00, Pamela parked her car on the edge of the cliff, the mountains behind her blocking the summer sun and lowering the summer heat.
Surveying the edge of this cliff to the beach far below, Pamela sighed heavily, realizing that it was going to be a grueling journey on her own two hands. “These heels and dresses won’t work.”
She mumbled something about the assistant’s seat picking up a small bag.
Opening her bag she pulled out of it a pair of black cotton shorts, a light blue khaki t-shirt and a pair of rubber soled sneakers. She removed the shirt and skirt she was wearing, the highway was almost invisible from this side and Pamela figured since she couldn’t see anyone on the highway then no one on the highway could see her either. Removing her bra and now standing completely naked on the cliff except for her bottoms.
Pamela was under thirty and well built, an attractive blonde with short curly hair. She was fairly tall, but slightly shorter than the 6’4″ Diana. Although it was not fashionable for a woman to be overly strong, she did as well as any of her male co-stars.
Pamela’s strength doesn’t show on the surface, hidden by her soft, beautiful appearance. The balance between softness and strength is so difficult to master, but in any case an agent full of solid muscles can’t play the role of wife or mistress.
Long, firm legs connect to beautiful, round, voluptuous hips. Her thin waist connected to broad shoulders and impressively firm, yet soft breasts. Her breasts were as large as a married woman’s, but she had always sensed that Diana’s were much larger than hers. She kept trying to confirm her judgment, but it was very difficult, and on several occasions, when Diana bent over to get her documents, she saw the inside of her tunic, but realized that she was always tightly wrapped.
At one point, she even tried to invite Diana to the sauna, hoping to see her naked in the shower or get a chance to peek behind her towel and see her secrets, but Diana said “I come from a very strict family, and it’s not right to expose my body to anyone’s eyes, even if that person is a woman.”
“It’s ridiculous,” thought Pamela “That woman wants to be a spinster, even in the sauna, and she doesn’t take off her ridiculous glasses, what good is a pair of glasses full of steam?”
Pamela came from a family of policemen, her father was a police chief, her three brothers were all policemen, her life was full of men, her mother died when she was less due to illness and she became the woman of the house until she was old enough to leave on her own.
Once, when she was 14, she and a neighborhood boy were playing cops and robbers, and she was tied up and gagged and locked in a tool shed while the others pretended to rescue her outside.
As she lay there helpless, a neighbor girl snuck in and started tickling her with a feather, at first she used the feather to tickle the soles of her feet, which was very uncomfortable, but as the feather slowly made its way up her bare inner thighs, she began to feel it, and the girl, fascinated by her reaction, began to skillfully caress her breasts with the feather. It was the first time in her life that Pamela had felt an orgasm and she always recalled it with enthusiasm.
She thinks that’s why she’s always fascinated with bondage and having sex with other women. On the surface she goes out with men, but in reality it’s the games she plays with her girlfriends that really turn her on.
That’s part of the reason she made the effort to join Military Intelligence; the danger of being captured at any moment thrilled her.
Diana fascinated her, she knew that underneath the monotonous uniform was wrapped a gorgeous body, “I know she’s a wildcat waiting to be aroused,” Pamela said to herself, “She’s like a powder keg waiting to be lit, but I don’t know any to light the fuse. ” Pamela remembered a time when she came close to doing just that.
One night, after Pamela busts a spy network by posing as a barmaid, she returns to her office to see Diana working overtime again on Colonel Quavo’s boring orders.
After talking to each other for a while, Diana leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes for a moment.
Pamela could see her beautiful profile instantly aroused by the situation.
She slowly walked over to a completely relaxed Diana and placed her hand on her shoulder as she began to slowly caress her back, Pamela was sure she would jump three feet in the air and would say something to her about where she was from and how the people there never did such things.
After a while, Diana did nothing, and after a long period of silence, Diana’s shoulders relaxed and a soft moan escaped. It was like an iceberg suddenly dissolving into a warm, heady glass of bourbon as she slowly relaxed and sank deeper into the chair. Her neck began to rotate rhythmically in time with Pamela’s movements on her shoulders.
Then Diana let out another sigh that took Pamela by surprise and almost stopped her movements, she didn’t dare to expect too much but it told Pamela a word that she was hoping to hear and made her shiver with excitement. “Welcome.”
It was so beautiful that Pamela couldn’t believe it was real, and the shy, beautiful girl slowly gave up her resistance and became obedient, making all her fantasies come true. Pamela’s left hand continued to caress Diana’s left shoulder, and her right hand slowly slid down her right shoulder to reach her right arm, gently but firmly grasping it and saying, “May I enter?”
Diana replied with yet another soft moan while she relaxed her mouth causing her plump, ruby red lips to part and her face to relax completely, giving her a mesmerizing, dreamy expression on her face.
At that moment Pamela’s hand slid slowly down Diana’s long arm until it reached her right hand, brushing her own right hand from the back of it, causing the light black beauty to let out a heavy gasp.
At the same time, Pamela leaned over to Diana bringing her mouth close to Diana’s right ear and began gently rubbing her soft, dry lips against the wheel of Diana’s ear. Diana’s breathing grew ragged and once again she moaned in a withered voice.
For Pamela, it was like sneaking up on a timid deer and having to gain Diana’s trust before she could get close enough. Being too adventurous would scare her away, and being too careful would make her actions boring. If she wasn’t careful, she would lose her mojo with this unusual girl.
Looking at Diana, Pamela realized that maybe this woman liked her, maybe she liked the thrill of being with a woman too, the way she moved, the way she responded to touch, was just like any other woman Pamela had come across.
Taking a chance, Pamela decided to send a message to this charming girl “Don’t be afraid, I like you.” Slowly grasping Diana’s right wrist in her fingers, Pamela gently pulled Diana’s right arm behind the chair while she left her thumb in Diana’s palm, gently holding it tight.
Diana’s breathing was getting ragged, her legs curling, her hips rocking lightly, her thighs rubbing gently against each other, her right fingers gripping Pamela’s thumb, holding it tenderly.
Pamela let go of Diana’s left shoulder and slid her left hand down her left arm, gently grasping her other wrist and pulling it behind the back of the chair as well, being careful not to frighten the surprisingly shy girl.
Diana fell her shoulders back against the back of the chair, and Pamela pulled Diana’s hands back, pinning both of her wrists with the thumb and other four fingers of her right hand.
Pamela unwrapped the scarf from around her own neck and placed it gently around Diana’s wrists, turning it twice on the outside and rapping it twice vertically before Pamela released her own right hand and Pamela tied both her wrists together with the scarf, symbolically immobilizing the light black beauty’s hands.
Diana remained unconsciously seated in her chair, and Pamela was completely shocked that she’d made it this far. “Has this girl never had any experience?” She thought “Poor little thing, I’m going to have to fix you up.” Her lips returned to Diana’s ear and began to gently nibble on Diana’s earlobe.
Diana’s breathing got heavier as she slowly rocked her head back and forth, causing Pamela to move more and more intensely in her ear, her head turned to the right, working back so hard that Pamela found her lips touching Diana’s soft, warm cheek, her mouth so close, so inviting, those plump, ruby red lips, wetly glowing with shine, helpless and captivating.
A wet kiss was bound to freak her out, and not wanting to take any chances, Pamela moved her mouth to her cheek and caressed it with a gentle touch of her lips. At the same time she spared Diana’s front and slowly undid Diana’s blouse, careful to avoid frightening her.
With her blouse undone and open to the sides of her breasts, Pamela was amazed at what she saw before her, the girl was simply huge, not like the disgustingly fat women that some of them were, but firm and plump. In fact her breasts matched the angle of her back so well that it caused her blouse to slide completely to her sides.
Pamela’s hand slowly moved to Diana’s chest, gently moving her middle finger over her shirt, stopping at Diana’s had breasts, she paused to gently stimulate her with a light touch at the top of the curve of Diana’s breasts.
At this point Diana burst out, shaking her breasts and lifting her right breast to draw in the stimulation, she let out a deep, heavy moan as she slowly rocked and tilted her back, as she lifted her right breast her nipple grew harder and harder, exposing it’s shape through her shirt and bra, causing her shirt to wrap more tightly around her perky breasts.
Pamela placed her fingernail on her erect nipple, gently tickling it in general circles to tease it, Pamela’s movements became faster and faster, teasing the helpless nipple, and Diana began to gasp and moan rhythmically in time with Pamela’s movements.
Her breathing grew faster and lighter, her back arched higher and higher, and Pamela was amazed to see the rebellious girl revel in her carnal desires, delighted to see the formerly lamblike girl moaning louder and more colorfully.
Suddenly, without warning, the springs under the chair snapped with a loud thud, catapulting the two of them together, Diana crushing into Pamela’s body, and almost simultaneously, Diana bent over and twisted her shoulders to free herself.
“Um… uh… I have to go,… it’s late…” said Diana, picking up her old-fashioned glasses and replacing them back on her face, panicking as she grabbed a couple of documents from the table and used them to cover her breasts.
“I… uh… I have to get these documents done by morning… I’m sorry, I can’t stay any longer… can you lock the door… thank you.” Nervous and stammering, the light-black beauty grabbed her bag, walked over to the coat rack, grabbed a coat that clearly didn’t belong to her, and disappeared into the doorway.
That was the closest Pamela ever came to nailing Diana, and for the next few weeks there was nothing but dry, meaningless conversations between the two, goodbyes, hellos, and the like. It seemed so hard to subdue this woman.
Pamela changed into black shorts, tennis shoes and a shirt. The shorts were the simplest of men’s cotton panties, wrapped tightly around the combined area of her legs and waist, very snug yet very comfortable, showing off her long white legs completely.
She put on her shirt and tied the two hems in a knot just below her breasts to hold them up which left her belly completely exposed, it was a hot day and she felt more comfortable the more airy she got.
part. 2
Pamela began to make her way down to the fuzzy sandy beach below, and as she climbed closer and closer, she could gradually hear the waves lapping against the shore.
Ten minutes later, Pamela reached the narrow beach, from which she could neither see the road nor her car, and the cliffs rose 50 to 60 yards vertically in front of her, toward a wall, where without the rope she had climbed down she would have been trapped until the next high tide, which would have swept her away.
Picking up a piece of driftwood to use as a walking stick, she climbed up a boulder and looked towards the north end of the beach, only vaguely seeing tons of boulders, “Great, nothing but a string of stinking dead fish.” Grumbling, she started to turn back.
Suddenly her feet slipped and she fell heavily on the rocks, half unable to get up.
“What is this? …” she picked up her hand and froze, dripping slowly from her hand was a black, curdled secretion, dropping her hand a few times and flinging the secretion from her hand onto the rock next to her, she gently flicked the rest of the secretion with her fingers a few times before sniffing it with her nose.
“Lubricant? It’s still fresh, how can…” The seagulls along the shore kept flying, diving into the water from time to time to catch one dead fish after another. “Dead fish!” Pamela stood up and walked towards the shore, sticking her fingers into the seawater and scooping up some seawater, a thin iridescent layer could be seen on the surface of the water, picking up her walking stick she decided to climb up the large garden stone to see what was on the other side, after climbing upwards easily for 10 yards she was stopped by an impossible wall of stone, there was not a single point on the wall where she could land on, and the wall was not able to be bypassed from the side, unless She jumped into the sea and swam across, but the thought of jumping into greasy sea water with an unknown number of rotting, stinking dead fish in it immediately put her off the idea.
“Well, I can go back and come back in the morning with the rope. There’s probably nothing there, just a fisherman pouring oil around,” and just as Pamela was about to turn away, she suddenly heard a faint “ding” from behind the stone wall.
On the beach, the roaring waves had prevented her from hearing anything, but here, as the sound of the waves diminished, she could hear a constant “ding”. Curiosity made her take a closer look at the stone wall again. Upon closer inspection, she suddenly noticed a line of white, hard substance among the stones, “Cement? On the beach?” She touched her hand to the thin crack in the cement, and along it she found a small stone sticking outward, it was strange to see a small stone sticking out of this hard stone, at the joint between the small stone and the stone surface was a gaping seam, like a finger sticking out of a gap in the stone.
She placed her hand on it and pushed gently, it receded slightly inward and made a faint scraping sound, this time she used all her strength and pushed inward again and again until the small stone receded to the level of the boulder’s stone surface, at which point she heard the sound of stone scraping to her left and a part of the boulder turned away, revealing a hole.
Pamela lifted her walking stick and used it as her weapon as she stepped carefully into the dark and mysterious cave, for a moment she could see nothing in her eyes due to the fact that she had stepped out of daylight into darkness all at once, after a few seconds of adjusting to the situation she could see that she had made it to the other side of the boulder. On this side, the environment was very different.
Outside, the wall looked like it was naturally formed, but here, the wall was steeped in different stones, supported by a large number of metal I-beams and pillars, and the structure of the stone door could be clearly seen from here. At the top was a string of wires, along which dangled a single electric bulb, which was most likely why some people had reported strange lights on the beach, and if someone opened the stone door at night, there was sure to be light beaming down onto the dark sand.
Pamela quietly passed through the tunnel, the “ding” she had heard earlier was now loud as she reached the end of the tunnel, she quickly ducked behind a pile of rocks.
At the end of the tunnel is a huge garden-column shaped cavern, apparently formed by tidal impacts over thousands of years, which leads outward to the sea and inward all the way into the belly of the mountain for several hundred yards.
The exit of the cave to the sea was covered with a huge camouflage net made of a large number of brown sponges, which, from a distance, looked exactly like the rocks next to the net.
On the other side of the cavern, the source of the sound, there was a German Type IV submarine parked there, the submarine was parked in a dock made of I-beams, a group of workers were working around the submarine, and one of the submarine’s workers was banging on something with a sledgehammer.
Pamela was shocked by the sight before her, she hated the Nazis but there were times, such as now, when they were truly capable of impressive feats, this secret base had to be stopped immediately, if that submarine could be dispatched to the route she would be able to easily torpedo and sink cargo ships and battleships and then come back here to refuel and rearm, this could disrupt the route for years.
Pamela notices a commotion among the people in the cavern below, and she observes the enthusiastic crowd, stunned for a moment. There, in a black trench coat and hat, is one of Nazi Germany’s most ruthless spies: the Goretta B. Countess Ola.
The woman was the complete embodiment of a Nazi, and for all her brutality, Pamela didn’t think she could do 10% of what she did; the woman was not only a murderer, but a cold-blooded psychopath who took pleasure in torturing her captors.
Falling into the hands of the Countess meant a slow and agonizing death.
The Countess stood in the midst of two gentlemen and a couple of Nazi workers, two men whom Pamela could not identify, but whom she knew must be top Nazi agents, for the great Countess had never worked with “amateurs or scoundrels”.
“I must report the location of this base immediately, not only will we be able to bust a secret Nazi submarine base, but we will also capture the Countess and her gang of thugs.” Pamela whispered to herself, when she felt a thin cylindrical object against this her back.
“Stand up, girl, and keep your hands where I can see them.” The command with a German accent came from behind her, and Pamela slowly stood up, still with her back to the gunman.
“Hey… hey Franz,” shouted the gunman, “come here, I’ve got a little spy!” Hearing him, a couple of workers came running this way, they were a couple hundred yards away, at their speed they could be there in a few minutes.
“Chick, turn around slowly,” the gunman ordered “Let me look at you.” Pamela slowly turned to face the mystery man behind her.
This man was also one of the workers, apparently having just returned from crossing the tunnel there on the highway. He was wearing a blue coverall, oil-soaked t-shirt, tattered work shoes, and was a rather obnoxious short, fat man.
She turned back to the man who was looking at her with a wicked grin on his face, his eyes fixed on Pamela’s bare thighs and tight shirt, “You American girls are so tantalizing, it’s a real pleasure to be in America.” The pot-bellied man almost drooled.
Pamela immediately realized she had an advantage. Holding her hands high at head height, she squeezed her elbows forward, pushing her breasts together in an impressive valley.
“Please don’t hurt me,” Pamela blinked her long lashed eyes innocently, “I haven’t done anything bad, I promise, I’ll do whatever you want me to do as long as you promise not to hurt me.”
“Don’t worry, honey,” the worker came over and took Pamela’s upper arm in his free hand “we’re not going to hurt you, we just need to ask you a few questions.” He continued to stare dead at Pamela’s round breasts.
“I’m not worried.” Pamela replied.
Suddenly, with lightning speed, she kicked him with a front kick right between his legs, and at first, she thought he would surely lunge at her screaming like a wild animal, and she would be just in time to give him a handful of knives and knock him down.
But, surprisingly, he made no sound, only slowly leaned forward and fell heavily to the ground with a loud blunt thought, like a fallen elephant.
“Works every time,” she said happily picking up the gun and shaking the grit off of it, at which point she could hear the other workers running this way, “looks like I’m going to have to get out of here soon.”
She ran like an arrow towards the entrance and when she arrived she could hear them picking up the knocked out wretch, “Damn American bitch!” She heard them say, “We’re going to fix her up.”
Getting out was much easier than getting in, but she had to slow down her pursuers behind her. She didn’t want to be raked by them as she climbed up the cliff.
After the door closed, she noticed that the stone button had returned to its original state, “If I can fix this button…”, she quickly took a small pistol and shoved it into the gap next to the button, and then darted towards the bottom of the cliff, after quickly ascending the cliff, she turned back to look down to see if anyone was rooting up or shooting at her, the waves were so loud that she couldn’t possibly have heard the gunshots just by listening to the sound of the waves. of it she could not have heard the shots.
She quickly got in her car and backed up and drove towards the highway. “Oh no,” she said as she looked in the rearview mirror and saw two men standing between her and the highway with machine guns in their hands. As soon as they saw her they started shooting this way, Pamela intuitively lowered her head and hid under the seat, hoping to God she wasn’t driving in the wrong place.
“Bing, bang.”
She heard her car’s little ass kissing the two, “Idiot!” She pulled onto the highway and thought, “If I were alive, I wouldn’t be standing in the middle of the road stupidly.”
Seating up, she headed south toward Fort Polik, the closest municipality and the closest place she could make a phone call, she had to tell someone what she had found out, it was Saturday and the Defense Intelligence Agency wouldn’t be staffed, so her only hope was to contact Diana who was at home.
The Jeep disappeared quickly and three figures stepped out onto the highway, one of them bent down and wiped his fingers on a puddle of wet, “Gasoline, she’s got a leak in the tank.” The man in this trench coat said in a low voice.
“Good”, said the Countess cheerfully, “our little spy won’t get far, inform our men at Fort Polik to wait for her, I want her back alive.”
Dorcella sat at the counter of the drugstore, her hands on her knees, her head buried in a giant chocolate ice cream, motionless except for the slow addition of ice cream to her mouth, as the people surrounding her stared at her in awe.
Ten to twelve eaten-up ice cream dishes surrounded Doxilla, and they had never in their lives seen a person who could eat so much ice cream in so little time.
“Hello… I’m Danny”, the heroine, who was beginning to enjoy herself, didn’t even notice the young man seated beside her.
“Hey, hello… this way!”
Tilting her head to the side, Doxyla glanced at the person who had addressed her and looked up to see if she was speaking to the same person around her, “Are you addressing me?” Doxyla asked shyly as she took the straw from her already half empty cup and licked the remnants of ice cream from it.
“Yeah,” Danny replied “I can’t eat that much ice cream, how can you eat that much?”
Dorcella immediately stopped and stared awkwardly at Danny, then looked around the store at the customers whose mouths were wide open, leaned toward Danny, and asked in a whisper.
“You mean this a lot.”
“Maybe it wasn’t much where you come from, but here, a little kid can’t eat that much in a year.” Danny replied.
Doxila gracefully put down the straw in her hand and quickly pushed the glass away, saying coolly, “I don’t have anything like this back home, like ice cream, banana boats, sundaes…” When she had finished reporting all the delicacies that the store had to offer, her big brown eyes were firmly fixed on the cup of chocolate again, as if hypnotized by it.
Danny raised his hand and waved it futilely in front of Doxila’s eyes, as if to get her attention. Shyly, he asked, “Um… I was wondering if you’d like to go for a ride in my car.”
“Hoodoo, what do you mean by hoodoo?” Magic was instantly interrupted.
“My automobile, I have an automobile, would you like to go for a ride with me, in it?” Danny replied impatiently.
The thought of Diana’s nagging sent a slight twitch down her spine, though the thought of going for a ride with a strange boy would surely be seen as causing trouble.
“I’d better not, my sister told me to come home early, in fact I can already hear her calling me.” Doxilla pricked up her ears and pretended to hear something.
“Hmm? I didn’t hear anything. Are you sure you can’t go, I think you’d like it.”
Danny pleaded.
“Trust me, when my sister calls someone home, no one refuses.” Doxilla said, heading for the door.
“I bet it’ll be fun,” thought Dorsilla in disgust, “Ugh, Diana, why are you so obnoxious?”
After a few minutes of study, Doxilla finally figured out how to insert the key into the keyhole, dragging herself heavily onto the couch with a heavy stride, when suddenly she jumped up at once and sprinted toward the refrigerator, studying its contents carefully for a few minutes before slamming the door shut in disgust.
“Diana you eat like a rabbit. No ice cream at all, just vegetables, vegetables, or vegetables.”
Slamming the door, she saw a note stuck on the doorknob, “A note from Diana.” Reading it with boredom, she threw the note on the table and stomped heavily back into the living room, “Overtime… Overtime” she repeated the words in the note with amusement “I guess I’ll just have to sit here and read.”
At that moment, the telephone rang, and at first Dorcilla couldn’t figure out what it was, and the telephone rang like a child screaming wildly for its mother, and Dorcilla frantically wandered around the room.
“By the way, Diana told me about the phone… she told me it was a black thing.” Dosira began to look for the source of the ringing, and when she finally found it, Dosira brought the microphone in front of her.
“Diana… is that you?” Doxyla closed one eye and looked toward the microphone. Tons of indistinguishable words rushed out of the microphone.
“Hi… hello” said Dorshila, carefully bringing the microphone to her mouth, “Diana, Diana… you must come and help immediately.” Frantic voices came out of the microphone.
“Well… I’m not Diana, I’m her sister…” said Dosira.
“I may be killed soon, there is a secret Nazi base here at Fort Poliak, on the beach off Gus Island Road. A fully equipped submarine base. You won’t believe it, the Countess is here too.” Pamela said “My God… I have to go, come to Fort Polik.” Chop.
Doxilla took the microphone away from her and looked at it in confusion “What’s going on,” she thought:
“Hey, slow down, that woman talks about Nazis, they’re Diana’s enemies” “If I can catch them, I can prove to Diana that I can take care of myself.” Doxilla exclaimed.
“But how am I to get to Fort Polick?” Suddenly a devilish gleam flashed in her eyes, and she picked up a pen to write a quick note:
Dear Diana:
Go get a Nazi named the Countess of Fort Poliak and be back by dinner.
Kiss you.
Doxilla (name)
Sticking the note in the phone, she leapt toward the door, “I hope that Danny guy still means to take me for a ride.” Doxyla said to herself.
Pamela quickly hung up the coin-operated phone and peered out of the phone booth, she saw two suspicious men walk in the front door, she saw the courteous owner point toward the phone booth and the two men walked this way.
She looked around in a panic, noting the back door of the small store and quietly walked through, confident that they hadn’t seen her go to the back door due to the fact that they had to walk crookedly down several corridors stacked with cans and groceries.
Keeping an eye on her back, she opened the back door and rushed out, coming out halfway down the alley when she felt a strong arm grab her from the other side of the exit, the arm encircling her waist and pulling her violently to the side, causing her to lose her balance instantly.
At that moment, another man in a trench coat rushed in front of her and wrapped his arms around her bare legs.
At that moment the man behind her placed a folded handkerchief over her nose and mouth. A taste of anesthetic slammed into her lungs, and she struggled in vain to keep from being anesthetized.
The three men kept tangling, Pamela kept kicking and twisting trying to get away, her bare legs, her rounded ass arched high in a huge arch. The two men then approached to grab their prey. As she continued to inhale the anesthetic, her beautiful body could only continue to twist and writhe like a snake pinned at both ends.
A black sedan drove up and the man grabbing the feet held onto Pamela while the other pulled the struggling Pamela’s upper body into the backseat of the car and sat himself down placing Pamela’s upper body on his lap, the man grabbing the feet tucked Pamela’s legs into the compartment and then sat in as well, placing Pamela’s hips on his lap while grasping Pamela’s long legs in his hands. At that moment, the door slammed shut and the car headed north.
After about 20 seconds, Pamela’s panicked eyes began to grow heavy as the handkerchief slowly sucked away her consciousness like a sponge, and slowly her frenzied struggles ceased. Pamela let out a low sigh of regret and surrendered to the anesthetic.
As soon as the blonde agent lost consciousness, the man holding down the handkerchief immediately took another handkerchief out of his pocket and tied it over her mouth, which both secured the anesthetic-soaked handkerchief and kept the sleeping woman quiet.
Meanwhile, the other man rolled Pamela over onto her back and pulled her hands behind her back before pulling out a thin white rope and tying her wrists tightly behind her back. The other end of the long rope was then pulled down to her feet and wrapped around her ankles several times, tying several firm knots after securing her legs. The two men then turned the gagged and bound Pamela over and slid her down their legs to the floor so that she was lying on her back between the front and back seats of the sedan.
The two men’s eyes stared downward at Pamela, their gazes flicking recklessly over her helpless body. “These American chicks are beautiful, aren’t they, Fritz.” One of them said, placing his hand on her bare knee and slowly sliding it upward into her slender, limp inner thigh. “Yeah, I’ll have fun, how do you say, interrogating her.” The other said with a wicked grin on his face.
Part. 3
Danny’s car pulled away quickly and Doxilla headed down the dirt road toward the beach. She’d had a hard time convincing Danny that she lived here and that she never wanted to go for a ride with him again. “I don’t understand why everyone thinks I need protection. It’s no big deal, I can take care of myself.” She thought, stomping her feet as she marched down the path.
After going 20-30 yards, where she couldn’t be seen from the highway, Doxilla began to spin rapidly, and after a blinding flash of lightning, Magical Girl appeared.
With incredible speed she crossed the path and leapt down toward the beach, and a few minutes later she was standing on the white sand.
By this time, the sun had set and the full moon lit up the beach like a soft lamp. Like her other special abilities, her super vision could see clearly even in dark places.
“Where do I start?” Doxilla walked slowly across the beach, so eager to thrash the Nazis that she didn’t notice a scout on the hillside overlooking the entire beach.
As a result of Pamela’s uninvited arrival, the Countess decided to send out a sentry. At first when Dorcilla leaped off the cliff, having as he did only ordinary human eyesight, he could see only vague shadows and outlines, and he was enjoying a delicious American 95 cigarette when Dorcilla leaped downward at a distance of forty yards at a time, and came to rest almost exactly on the top of his head, when the only thing that he could see was a fair maiden of slender figure standing not three yards from his head, and then leaping over his head and downward away.
He quickly extinguished his 95 cigarette and grabbed his field phone from the rock, “Damn,” he called as he cranked the phone.
When the phone rang, the Countess was sitting at her desk, studying a U.S. government employee photo album.
“What is it?” She asked.
“Wonder Woman! Wonder Woman is on the beach.” The sentry on the other end stammered.
“What!” The Countess quickly stood up and screamed “Keep an eye on her, I’ll be right there.”
She slammed the electric job back into the phone holder then called her two assistants out, “Hans, Fries, come with me.” She ordered and the three of them arrowed toward the tunnel exit.
For her 30s, the Countess is a very attractive woman. Her family was one of the richest and most influential in the Third Reich. She was about 5’7″ tall with dark jade hair cascading down her beautiful back. Her face was wide, what with two large dark brown eyes and a wide, full mouth. Her eyes, no matter what the expression, were always slanted giving the profound impression that this woman’s mind was full of lustful thoughts.
Her body was thin, but with her average sized breasts and wide hips made her look curvy.
This woman wore all black, from her hair, eyes, tight jacket, and skirt to her silky pantyhose and high heels that were dark in color. Along with her wit, her body was her main weapon and she was happy to use it to get everything she wanted.
She squinted one eye through the peephole toward the moonlit beach, “This one’s not Wonder Woman.” She said slowly as she observed Doxilla.
“So, who is this?” Hans asked.
“This is the magical girl that our people were last here to report to us, she is not what I was waiting for, but I have an idea.” The Countess stepped away from the peephole and said, “Hurry, we don’t have much time.”
Doxilla swam up and down the beach like a child playing a fighting game, pretending there was a Nazi hiding behind every rock.
Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye she noticed a light emanating from a stone door in the rock. “Aha,” she said as she silently ducked into the stone door.
The corridor appeared dimly lit only by a single bulb at the entrance, and on either side of the corridor were several tall crates, leaving only a narrow credenza in the center. At one end of the corridor, Doxyla could see a female figure facing her.
“The spider says to the fly welcome to my web.” The Countess said teasingly.
“I don’t know who you are, but if you’re some kind of Countess, I’m about to catch you and your gang of Nazis.” Doxilla declared with both hands on her hips and her legs slightly apart.
“Oh! I’m so scared.” The Countess shrugged her shoulders in feigned fear and scoffed at Doxilla.
Like a fired up steam locomotive, Doxilla roared and charged at the Countess. As she rushed to the Countess and reached out to grab her, her hand bounced off a smooth, flat surface.
The mirror fell backwards hitting the floor hard and as Doxyla stood in shock she suddenly felt a pair of strong hands from behind her back jerking her magical belt away from her waist.
The Countess stepped out of one of the crates, magical belt in hand. “Get her,” she screamed. At the same time five mobs leapt out of different crates and jumped on top of the helpless Doxilla.
A mass of arms, legs wrapped around Doxilla’s struggling body so that she couldn’t move.
They pinned her to the ground, one hand reaching out from behind her head and placing a strip of cloth over her nose and mouth as the anesthetic gradually took effect, slowing down Doxilla’s strength.
Hopelessly trying to escape, Doxilla kept struggling, causing the entire pile to rise and fall. Finally, the overwhelm caused the young warrior woman to stop struggling, and Doxilla let out a soft sigh of relief and lost consciousness.
The Countess walked over to the pile and watched as they pulled the unconscious heroine to her feet. “Enjoy her.” The Countess said emotionlessly as she inspected Dorshira’s bindings. “This is what you deserve.”
The men whooped wildly and led Doxilla down the dark tunnel toward the main cavern.
“Good, my dear Wonder Woman, you will come to the rescue of your sister.” The Countess gripped the man-binding rope in her hand, “And I will be waiting for your arrival.”
“Doxilla, Doxilla,” Diana shouted Doxilla’s name as she walked into the living room, “where has the girl gone.” She walked around the entire apartment thinking.
As she walked back into the sitting room, she found the note left by Dorcilla on the telephone.
“Shit.” Doxilla cursed, arrowing toward her car downstairs.
The Countess slowly sauntered down one of the curved tunnels in the labyrinth of this underground base, which had not been built by the Nazis, but apparently by bootleggers or smugglers from the Prohibition era many years ago. In search of a center of operations, the Reich High Command had discovered this cavern and was convinced that everything about it had been erased from the files of the local police department.
She headed for a large wooden door at the end of the tunnel, and as she got closer she heard louder and louder moans and slurred gulps coming from inside, and a light smile rose to her face. Realizing that it was the sound of tuning, a shiver of arousal ran from her back straight between her legs. She opened the door and nibbled on her bottom lip, looking at the lewd image before her with satisfaction and wickedness.
Doxilla’s hands were tied together and secured to a huge iron ring that hung down from the ceiling, and the weight of her entire upper body was supported by her suspended arms, which kept her entire body on her knees dog-like.
Her entire body was stripped naked between three workers. The first was lying on his back, parallel to and below Doxilla, his legs spread wide apart, right at her knees, which put his face right under the young captive’s huge breasts.
Each hand held a breast tightly while frantically squeezing and kneading them. The huge garden globes were crushed and flattened at times and roughly pressed together as a result of his lustful thoughts. His fingers pinched and squeezed Doxilla’s ripe nipples, each teasing tug eliciting a shuddering struggle throughout her body.
He kept putting his arms around Doxilla’s back to pull himself up, dropping his mouth heavily on the heroine’s exposed nipples, and like a hungry young animal he brutally squeezed and sucked on her breasts as if he wanted to suck her dry.
Doxilla’s helpless screams were gagged, only meaningless grunts and groans coming out. The second worker stood in front of her, his pants down to his ankles. His hands gripped her blonde head firmly as he pumped his prick slowly in and out of her mouth, each entry sending his dick straight down into Dorshira’s throat, the shaft swelling Dorshira’s mouth and causing her to breathe heavily only through her nose. Her lips were tightly wrapped around the huge prick as it penetrated her mouth again and again, but she could offer no resistance.
And it was behind her that was the main reason for her constant trembling and moaning, as another worker crouched behind her, his rough hands encircling her shapely waist. He whirled around and kept impaling his prick, raping her maliciously.
His prick stabbed deeper and deeper into her defenseless secret passage, causing her hips to undulate and wriggle obscenely. Each strong thrust caused the bound girl to let out a moan of resistance.
“Ah, great Wonder Maiden,” gasped the angry worker, “I’m going to give you a lesson in manners, bitch.” With that he continued to fuck the warrior woman.
This worker was thrusting faster and faster, and Doxilla began to squirm wildly, causing her head to bob up and down, deepening the second worker’s sensations.
Like a balloon about to explode, the pressure began to build. Each thrust from the two men caused her to respond with a defiant squirm. Her resistance in turn turned the men on even more as the wicked sensations spiraled upward.
Then, almost as soon as Doxilla realized what was about to happen, she began to moan wildly, resisting with meaningless grunts, and the two men began to arch their backs, heaving with excitement.
Sensing the coming tide, the first man beneath her, wrapped his arms tightly around her back thrusting a breast into his mouth and sucking on her with all the strength he could muster. At this point, Dorcella began to horn in, knowing she could not escape.
The sensations grew stronger, and after a tension-filled silence, both men let out a low grunt as they simultaneously launched themselves inside her.
Cum flowed all over Doxyla’s mouth and down her throat causing her to almost choke. The man in front of her hefted her chin in his hand and caressed her throat, causing her to swallow the cum in one big gulp. The rest of the cum spilled out of the corners of her mouth and ran down her chin to form a new trail of semi-white liquid, joining the trail she had already formed in the previous hours and running down her slender neck her breasts to each of her breasts. This beautiful mouth had already tasted several of the Countess’s men and was almost certain that this would never be the best one.
The man behind her grabbing her ass continued to thrust, sure to inject every drop of residue into her honey hole. “How about that, you American slut!” The worker gloated, “Maybe you want more, maybe I’ll let you lick my baby clean?!”
The two men continued to unleash inside her causing Doxyla to slowly rock back and forth. For the past few hours she had been gang raped without mercy at the hands of her conditioners. At first the journey had been painful and grueling, but who with man after man raping her, she began to slowly slip into a state of semi-comfort. As the shock passed, a wave of ecstasy surged through her entire body with each thrust.
“Enough.” The Countess said slowly and gently, “Can’t you see our little guest is enjoying herself too much? We must not overindulge her.” She said sarcastically in a kinky, sadistic voice. Walking into the room, she let out a lewd soft laugh ordering the three men to get up.
“Yes.” The three men pushed the defeated females out of the way stood up and began to dress.
They stood beside the helpless woman as the Countess walked over to Doxilla, knelt down to face her, and held out a hand as she tenderly lifted Doxilla’s chin, forcing Doxilla to look her in the eyes.
“You don’t want to do this all day either do you?” The Countess asked.
“I think the past few hours have given you a good idea of what good people my men are, and they’ll make you wait to be our friends.” She said with a smile.
Doxilla twisted her head away from the Countess’s gaze and let out a defiant, beastly wail.
She clenched her teeth as a mixture of cum and saliva flowed from her wet mouth, glaring stubbornly at the Countess.
“When my sister comes, you will be truly sorry.” Doxilla said firmly in a low, rough voice.
The Countess took her hand back looking at the cum on her fingers. She then stared into Doxyla’s eyes and slowly inserted her finger into her mouth sucking the cum off of it before licking the tip of her finger and her lips clean of every drop of residue.
Doxilla’s mouth dropped open in surprise at the woman’s wicked behavior.
The Countess took a few steps back and smiled coldly at the stunned Doxilla, “Don’t worry, my dear, your sister will be joining you in a moment.” She giggled and headed for the door, then glanced toward one of the men and nodded.
The three men immediately jumped on top of Doxilla, untied her hands, wrestled her to the ground, and pulled her hands behind her back and tied them, first at the elbows, then at the wrists. Then they gagged her, first they stuffed a ball of rags into her mouth, and then afterward secured it with a thin strip of white cloth.
“Since you dislike conversation so much, surely you won’t mind blocking it.” The Countess laughed softly as she pulled a slender, beautifully decorated box about 12 inches long from her coat pocket.
After tying up Doxilla, the men rolled the struggling heroine over so that she was lying on her back, with two men holding down one foot each and the other holding down her shoulders so that Doxilla was immobilized on the ground.
The Countess walked over to Dorsila’s feet and knelt between her legs. “So that you don’t get bored with your silence, I think you should meet a very, very close friend of mine.” The Countess said as she opened the box and pulled out the contents.
It was a dildo about 12 inches long, made of like teeth and carved with wicked ridge-mounted bulges. An odd protuberance at the end held a long clamp with a huge bulbous object at the base. The whole thing looked toward a large, thick ballpoint pen with a clip. Also at its base were two thin rubber bands.
“I call this thing my bitch trainer.” The Countess said as she leaned over to place the rubber bands on each of Dorcilla’s feet and pushed the dildo slowly down Dorcilla’s legs between her legs. As the larger phallus was inserted into Doxilla, her body arched upwards and she let out a dull scream of defiance. The clamped part slid over the outer part of her cunt and tightened between her petals on her exposed bud.
The Countess then pulled on the unhooked ends of the rubber bands and hooked them to each other behind Doxilla’s wide tailbone, securing the demonic phallus in place, then stood up with a satisfied pat on Doxilla’s flat belly.
The two men who had grabbed her legs brought her legs together and tied her thighs, knees and ankles with rope. Then proceeded to pin her to the ground.
The bound and gagged beauty slowly twisted and turned trying to get the dildo out. “You’ll never get it out.” The Countess said teasingly, “Oh by the way, let me introduce you to my favorite feature.” With that said the Countess leaned down between Doxyla’s legs and turned a switch at the base of the dildo.
The phallus began to rotate and telescope inside Dorcilla unmercifully trying to conquer its victim, Dorcilla’s hips rose and fell uncontrollably to its rhythm. The Countess leaned down into Doxilla’s face and kissed her cheek “Goodbye my heart, it won’t be long before you are defeated and you will tell me anything I want to know.”
The men let go of Doxilla, who immediately wanted a wild horse that wanted to wrestle its rider off the ground, wrestling and jerking wildly as an irresistible wave of ecstasy slowly broke her will.
Watching the bound and gagged heroine writhe and moan helplessly on the floor the four men happily left the cell, and as they did they could hear a low moan from Doxilla as she reached the first of her dozens of orgasms.
“She’ll be under my control in no time.” The Countess said softly to her men, “The real challenge will be Wonder Woman this is a surprise, it will be my greatest honor to towel her and push that American bitch off her pedestal.”
Part. 4
Wonder Woman sensitively flew off the cliff and landed on the beach, “Don’t be afraid, Doxilla!” Diana whispered, “I’m coming.”
Diana stood on the dark, cool sandy beach, searching for signs left by her naughty sister. As she searched down the shore, she noticed a faint light flickering in the rocky outcrop ahead. Where Doxilla had once rumbled past like a big, dumb elephant, Diana sneaked closer like a spirit cat.
She could now see that the light was coming from a half-open, hand-hewn stone door, and gently pushing a crack just wide enough for her to pass through, she quickly stepped through it.
The light was emanating from a single bulb dangling from a wire that ran across the ceiling of the tunnel and continued down the tunnel into the darkness beyond. Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of her, blocking the narrow channel.
“Ah, the famous American heroine: Wonder Woman. I’ve heard many stories about you.” The man blocking her way said. He was tall and thin, wearing a black trench coat and a high peaked broad-brimmed hat. “Is this what you’re looking for?” He said with an evil smile as he pulled out Doxyla’s bra and hung it on his finger.
“You… What have you done to her! I’m going to make you all pay.” Diana said, arrowing toward the mysterious man.
Suddenly, like a train with an emergency brake, she plummeted to a stop a quarter of a mile from her target. She looked more closely at the man, “Buttons!” She thought, looking around she realized that there was a pile of crates between her and her adversary. The pile of crates was a good place to hide someone, making her suspicions deeper.
Pretending to be shy, she asked, “I didn’t realize that men wearing women’s clothes had become the fashion in Germany today.”
“What?” The man said, confused, “What do you mean?”
“The buttons on your trench coat. They shouldn’t be on the right, unless you like wearing women’s clothes, or…” and Diana leapt forward, ignoring the man in front of her, and headed straight for the back of the crate.
“You’re a mirror image.” She said as she rushed behind the crate twisting the man’s shoulders and hurling him in the direction of the entrance.
At that moment, two other men emerged from the other crates between her and the exit and shot at her in a panic. She dodged the first volley of bullets effortlessly with a haughty smile.
The two men paused for a moment to aim at her and continued to shoot at the warrior woman. This time they shot much more accurately than earlier, and it wasn’t so easy to dodge.
It wasn’t long before the two guns ran out of bullets and made a “clattering” sound. The two men drop their guns and run for the exit. Wonder Woman is in hot pursuit behind them. The two men pass through the stone door and escape to the beach.
She passed through the stone door and appeared on a high rocky reef. She leapt from the rocky reef to the sandy beach and unlocked her magical man-binding rope, holding it in her hand and spinning it quickly. It had been too cramped to use it in the tunnel earlier, and now on the vast sandy beach she could utilize the full power of the man-binding rope.
“You’re making a big mistake boys.” She said confidently tossing the man-binding rope out, “I couldn’t at least tie you up in the tunnel.” The man-binding rope coiled around the two men and Diana tightened the rope in her hand so violently that the two men crashed together and then fell backwards onto the beach.
She slowly walks towards the two dazed men, curling the bindings in her hands as she goes. “Now gentlemen, it’s time for us to talk, you will tell me everything I want to know, the first question is, where is Wonder Girl?”
Grabbing one of the men by the collar and lifting him up, Wonder Woman pulls him close to her and stares into his eyes. His feet hang in the air, “Too bad for you I didn’t fall into your trap.”
Diana said arrogantly.
“On the contrary, that’s the trap.” With that, he pulled a small peg in his coat and twisted his head behind his back. The poisonous gas shot out of the small canister in his coat like it was coming from a fire hose straight into the face of a surprised Diana.
The fit heroine stumbled back in shock, completely hit by the gas. She drops the captive in her hands and closes her mouth in a futile attempt to stop the gas.
At that moment, Doxyla’s bundle of manacles coiled around her, causing her to feel something encircle her shoulders.
She felt its magical power immediately, and her aura rapidly weakened. Bumping and swaying like a wild horse she struggled under the combined pressure of the magical ropes and the poisonous gas.
“Don’t resist it, my dear.” A woman’s voice said calmly: “You cannot overcome. What do you think of our new gas?” The countess asked mockingly, “You see it works through direct skin contact without inhalation. Since we are all wearing these beautiful trench coats and your tights barely cover your body, you see that the gas is ineffective against us, while it is 100% functional against you.”
The Countess was right, Diana’s bare legs, arms and forearms were covered in a thin layer of powder that quickly diffused throughout her body, causing her to feel intensely dizzy. As she slowly fell, she could feel the sandy beach shaking beneath her.
As soon as she hit the ground, several soldiers immediately jumped up on top of her and rolled her over onto her back prone, violently jerking her magical belt away from her waist. At that point, her strength became the same as an ordinary person’s, and they easily overpowered the defenseless heroine.
“Tie her up!” The Countess ordered cheerfully, tossing them Diana’s bindings. They first bound Diana’s shoulders with Doxilla’s rope, securing her upper arms. Then they twisted her arms behind her back and tied her left hand to the elbow bend of her right arm and her right hand to the elbow bend of her left arm with the remaining rope, then wrapped it around her parallel forearms several times to tightly tie her arms together.
Pulling up her thighs, they used her own bondage ropes to securely bind her legs, first her thighs, then her knees, and finally her ankles, before tying them in several tight knots.
With the poisonous gas and the two magical ropes working at the same time, Diana could only turn slowly. Knowing they had done their job, she barely had enough energy for the faintest of struggles.
Then a ball of rags was stuffed into her mouth, and a strip of cloth was strangled and tied behind her head to hold the rags in place. Now the mysterious Wonder Woman lies flat on the beach: bound, gagged, and defenseless.
“Help her to her feet!” The Countess ordered. The men easily pulled the bound heroine to her weak feet. The Countess looked coldly into the depths of Diana’s defiant eyes. “I have been looking forward to meeting the world famous Wonder Woman and now I look forward to making you my slave.” With that she reached out and placed a hand between Diana’s legs and firmly clasped her secret place.
Diana understood the meaning of the Countess’ words and stepped back in surprise. The men lifted Diana as if carrying an offering back to the entrance of the tunnel.
“No… no… don’t… again… again.” Another orgasm caused Doxila to let out a dull scream. The young warrior woman lay bound and gagged helplessly on the cold stone floor of her cell.
She squirmed like she was trying to break free of her bonds as the device between her legs brutally pumped tirelessly inside her, continually imposing orgasm after orgasm on her, driving her deeper and deeper towards subjugation.
“Never have I felt this,” she thought, “so weak.” Even though the Countess’s men had gang-raped her, she still hadn’t completely despaired. In fact, something like that made her feel aroused in a way. Never before had she had such an intense orgasm, and being so helplessly tied up gave her a strong sense of excitement that sex never did on Paradise Island. True, the women there enjoyed sex just as much, and it happened mostly between people of the same sex, but there the sex was step-by-step, like a noble piece of music. “If I wasn’t in such trouble,” thought Doxilla wistfully, “what pleasure this would produce.”
The doors leading to the men’s camp slammed open and the soldiers came in carrying Diana’s constantly twisting and resisting body. Her hips continued to flex and flop as she was carried to the center of the dormitory. As she was lifted up to face the Countess again, the 30 or so soldiers in the room stared in disbelief at the enchanted woman.
“Loosen her legs.” The Countess calmly ordered, and the soldier quickly untied the man-binding ropes that had belonged to Diana and loosened her legs. Diana immediately threw a powerful kick that nearly hit the Countess in the head. The soldier hastily grabbed her legs and made her stand quietly.
Wonder Woman stood helplessly, ineffectually wriggling and struggling like she was trying to get out of the soldier’s grasp, causing the men around her to let out an abominable roar of laughter.
“You men say I never give you entertainment.” The Countess jokingly shouted to her men, “A mere Wonder Girl is not enough, I now bring you Wonder Woman.” She said, gazing back into Diana’s eyes.
Diana stared at the Countess in shock. “What have they done to you, Dorcilla?” Diana thought as the horrific sight of her little sister falling into the hands of these men came to her.
“Good guess, my dear.” The Countess grinned lewdly at her, “I only hope your sister wasn’t a virgin before she came, because she sure as hell isn’t now.” Diana kicked wildly at the Countess, causing the horny crowd to erupt into another fit of laughter.
The soldier pulled Diana back again, and she stared in surprise as she felt the zipper on the back of her uniform being slowly pulled down, causing her skintight outfit to loosen.
A head corset slid slowly down her back and her huge, perky breasts leapt out like two released hostages, resuming their natural perfect, rounded shape.
Her dress slowly slid down and she could feel the hands of the person undressing her slowly but gently caressing over her back, down her spine to hitting her hips. Every inch that moved sent a chill down her spine and gradually more and more of her body was exposed to her captor. The man pulled her tights down her wide hips to her feet, and with his large, rough hands he slowly lifted her legs and pulled the tights down. At the same time, Diana’s leather boots and headdress were thrown to the floor piece by piece, removing all remnants of the heroine’s protection.
The men look on in awe at the Creator’s perfect masterpiece, and a deathly silence hangs over the entire camp. Even the Countess herself is stunned by Diana’s incredible body as she slowly walks towards Wonder Woman.
“Incredible.” She said slowly, taking hold of Diana’s huge orbs and stroking them slowly. She gripped Diana’s breasts and stroked them, her fingers clamping down on the tips of Diana’s naked and already hardened ones, tugging gently.
The men were stunned, naked Diana was one thing, and watching the incredible actions of their attractive officer was just beyond their will. The excited crowd boiled over like a pack of hungry dogs waiting to be fed.
The Countess sauntered towards the door, turning back to grin devilishly at Diana before she signaled for all to be quiet. Diana’s fear was like a volcano equipped to erupt, her heart felt every second of agony. Her heart plummeted when she heard the Countess’ voice.
“Possess her.”
The crowd let out a horrible pirate-like yell and lunged at the helpless heroine, and Diana kicked one or two down with her legs, causing them to bend over in agony. But this could only be token resistance.
Countless arms touched her naked, struggling body, causing her to fall backward into the lustful crowd.
At first, she could feel dozens of hands all over her body, groping her calves, thighs, knees, hips, belly, everywhere. She twisted and spun in a futile attempt to resist her captors, it was as if this incredible body was putting on a free erotic show. Just touching her soft, struggling thighs or plump, taut buttocks is enough to turn most men on.
Then they started to organize. They realized that too many hands were reaching into the cookie box no one hand could pull out a cookie. Two of the men each held one hand firmly behind Diana’s back, supporting her, while the other hand toyed with the prize that lay helplessly before them. Each man held a breast and shoved the nipple into their mouths, feverishly squeezing and caressing the massive orb. They had before them the most amazing prize in the universe, and they weren’t about to let the opportunity pass them by. Her breasts were pinched, bitten and scratched without mercy by two men mad with excitement, sometimes bouncing, sometimes flattened.
The two barbarians kept manipulating Diana’s breasts making her moan and scream in depravity. They licked and nibbled on her ripe nipples, causing her long, loose hair to ripple violently, like waves in a storm.
Then, all of a sudden, a hand grabbed the long hair at the back of her head pulling her head back and bending it towards her back, and from the reverse viewpoint she could see a large calloused hand pulling open the zipper of a pair of overalls next to her head and pulling out his big dick.
The worker’s hard, swollen prick thrust deep into her soft, warm mouth, causing Diana’s hips to stiffen and lift in a defiant arch. He began to thrust rhythmically back and forth into her mouth, causing her to make slurred gurgling noises. Almost as an instinctive response, her plump, bright red lips tightened around his prick and began to suck.
She wasn’t afraid of the situation in front of her, what really scared her was the fact that the whole predicament was actually turning her on. On Paradise Island, she was a princess, a member of the royal family, and she didn’t allow herself to taste the sexual desires of ordinary people and indulge in carnal desires. Most temptations she could resist, like the last one with Pamela (Part. 1), but now was different. So many hands, so savage. All those hands groping and fiddling with her honored body gave her sensations. She had never experienced it before, and it turned her on. She resisted the sensations, knowing that she must never surrender to temptation.
Her musings were cruelly interrupted. A man’s naked ass entered between her legs, his prick slowly going deeper and deeper past her pumping tight, resisting muscles into her wet depths. Her hips arched again, twisting from side to side, trying to escape the inevitable. She yielded irresistibly to his overwhelming power as his prick reached its destination and entered her fully.
He began to thrust rhythmically, causing her to moan with nothing but useless grunts, her hips twisting in resistance with each thrust. He continued to pound into her depths unmercifully, the two gradually molding into the same rhythm.
The naked, helpless female struggled and writhed in vain among the workers as her body was forced into her against her own will. The only sounds in the crowd were the lewd moans and wails of the warrior woman. No one spoke in order to listen closely to the lewd sounds coming from the struggling heroine. The people who couldn’t share in it for a while weren’t good for no fun, the sight of watching this incredible woman being raped was exciting enough even without actually taking part in it.
The captive, tied up and subjected to a multi-faceted attack, began to wriggle wildly as she endured such brutal treatment, her mouth entered, her breasts maliciously played with, her cunt relentlessly pumped, waves of arousal beginning to form from her pelvis and traveling down to her breasts. “No.” Her conscious screamed, “I can’t do this I can’t go,” she thought without confidence as the orgasm began to create. She struggled to resist what was to come but the strength of her mind was weakened by the bondage ropes of Dorshira who was still firmly tying her hands behind her back.
Suddenly, her hips twisted and arched faster and faster, and a moan of resistance escaped her lips. Both men felt the coming breaking wave at the same time, quickening their pace along with the two who were licking and nibbling at her breasts. The sensations were overwhelming, the loss of her godly powers, the bondage, the hands groping her body, the defenselessness of the situation she found herself in, all swept through her mind as her body arched upward one last time, and then with an incredible sense of relaxation she collapsed into the arms of her rapists, the onset of her first orgasm robbing her of part of her will to resist.
Meanwhile, her struggles excited the two men raping her even more, and they fired inside her as she reached the peak of her orgasm.
The two men firing relaxed and slowed their tempo, the one desecrating her mouth was pulled away hard and the prick plucked from her mouth shot bullets all over Diana’s face. Before she could catch her breath, another worker took his place and thrust his prick into her gasping, helpless mouth.
The other was similarly dragged away, and as she felt another prick enter her honey pot, she again squirmed against it. Her two new conquests began to enjoy their prize, at which point her sanity slowly returned and her struggles grew stronger. She thought she should be able to fight now after the violent orgasm she had just experienced, but a new wave of arousal overwhelmingly filled her entire body, causing her heart to sink in despair.
One fucked and replaced by another, then another and another until wave after wave of orgasms made her forget to count. Hand after hand gripped her breasts, mouth after mouth sucked her nipples, and her mouth was entered one at a time so that her mouth and face were covered with a thick layer of cum. Each entry brought her new excitement, each orgasm partially weakening her fighting spirit. The heroine’s body was raped again and again, and she was desperate to be brought to the top again and again.
Part. 5
The Countess walked into her quarters, four hours had passed since she had just spoken with Diana.
She didn’t think that even a superhuman like Wonder Woman could last this long against such a relentless attack, let alone the fact that her magic belt had been taken away from her not being able to help her resist.
The men lounged lazily in their respective bunks with their arms and legs spread out, napping, smiles of satisfaction spread across their faces. When she saw several gleeful workers returning to work at the submarine, she knew there was something they had accomplished.
She walked around the small fireplace in the center of the room and over to one of the four-sided pillars that supported the roof beams. Diana was tied to the post, her hands still tied behind her back with Doxyla’s noose, as they had been when she was captured.
A thin white rope wrapped around her front and the post several times, securing her breasts firmly to the post, then the rope went down and wrapped several times around her showy waist, out of her hips,, and then down again tying her thighs, knees and finally her ankles securely to the post. She was like a fly firmly entangled in a spider’s web, all tangled up and completely sucked dry.
Her head hung helplessly, her wet messy hair down to cover her bare shoulders and breasts, which were covered in bruises, but still firm.
Her legs and hips hung helplessly anchored to the post entirely by the strength of the ropes. Cum, love juice and sweat ran down the inside of her plump thighs and down her slender calves to her ankles in a trail of dry streams.
Diana let out a weak moan as the Countess grabbed the completely defeated woman by the hair and pulled her head up. Diana’s mouth was stuffed with the cloth ball and a strip of cloth was wrapped around the back of her head, tying it tightly around her mouth. Heavy exhaustion from the hours of orgasmic conditioning she had experienced drew two dark shadows under her eyes. Her eyelids drooped in exhaustion.
“Great Wonder Woman, um… look at yourself!” The Countess taunted, “I’ve known for a long time how weak you Americans are, we Germans are so much stronger than you, it’s so easy to defeat you from the flesh to the mind.” With that, she rudely pulled the gag out of Diana’s mouth.
Diana’s face, chin, and neck leaked with stains of semen and saliva. Her stagnant, dry mouth began to speak. “I will never admit defeat.” She gasped slowly, “You will never control my mind.”
The Countess’s mouth bloomed with surprise, “Not bad, you sure are good.” The Countess pulled Diana’s hair tighter forcing Diana to kiss her on the lips, it was a long wet kiss, the Countess smashed her mouth heavily ending the long passionate kiss. Then sucking on Diana’s bottom lip, she pulled it out with her own lips before letting it pop back in with a soft ‘pop’.
“Take her to the house.” The Countess commanded condescendingly as her two guards carefully untied the ropes from Diana’s body, one lifting her bound upper arms and chest, causing the other to lift her legs and carry her up.
Carried through several corridors where Diana could only see blurs of light, the four men soon reached their destination and Diana stood up again.
The room was quite large, except for the door through which they had entered, the entire room was a square garden shape 20 yards in diameter. In the center of the room was a rectangular shaped unknown object covered by a thin black cloth. The object was about 10 feet high, 6 feet wide, and 2 feet thick.
“I look forward to this moment.” The countess gloated, grabbing Diana’s chin and forcing her to stare into the witch’s black eyes. “Pull back the cloth.” The Countess ordered as she continued to stare into her eyes.
The guards pulled back the covering cloth to stand on either side of the thing. The Countess came around behind Diana and wrapped her hands around Diana’s breasts, gripping them from behind. “Take a good look, my dear, this is the tool that will tame you.”
Diana’s eyes widened in utter terror and she stumbled back. The machine before her resembled a medieval interrogation table. It had an external skeleton of I-beams connecting the corners. The top two corners each had a leather ring, like two leather handcuffs. The bottom corners have two stirrups and more leather rings. The entire plane slopes back at an angle of 15 degrees and is supported by two massive struts. Between the I-beams were various hydraulic cylinders, wires and pulleys. Various other mechanical devices of indescribable size littered the entire plane. The plane was connected to the control panel fixed next to it by a bundle of wires.
“You demon!” Diana shouted as the two guards pulled her weakly resisting form toward the machine. Untying her hands, they bolted them securely in leather cuffs. Then they placed her calves in the stirrups and spread her legs at 30 degrees apart. Finally, they put a strap around her wants and tied her writhing pelvis securely to the flat surface. Then taking two steps back on their hind legs, the three men looked together with satisfaction at the immobilized heroine.
Diana continued to struggle ineffectually, but only made them happier with her performance. After a while, the exhausted woman stopped struggling and growled at the Countess and her two manservants.
“Let go of me at once! I will never give in to you Nazis.”
“Oh, but we don’t expect you to give in.” The Countess replied, “The longer you resist the more fun it will be.”
All three men erupted in a simultaneous burst of lewd laughter.
“Let me show you my latest invention.” The Countess walked over to the control panel and turned a few knobs. To Diana’s horror, the entire device began to activate. Then sensing a moving object below her, she looked down and held her breath in fear.
Between her legs, a mechanical arm protruded from the machine. The unending end of the robotic arm was connected to a number of thinner robotic arms, and most frightening to Diana was the fact that each robotic arm had a huge vibrator ominously attached to its molded section. Each vibrator had its own lewd shape, wet with lubricant. Some were simply huge, round, and smooth, while others were carefully carved with patterns and curves. Each one tilted its head toward the bound heroine like a pack of rattlesnakes facing an irresistible prey.
Diana once again begins to struggle trying to escape her impending fate. “Not bad my dear Wonder Woman, I’m sure this will put an end to your resistance, I only hope you can support it as long as I can, it took this thing almost two hours to completely break me.” The Countess said as she looked at the machine appreciatively.
The machine continued to unfold like a folded Swiss Army knife. A robotic arm was rolled up on each side of Diana’s breasts, and on each of their undersides was a huge suction cup. The suction cups covered Diana’s naked firm and perky breasts with precision.
“With enough power, my machine is capable of defeating anyone, even you, Wonder Woman. And I think we have just the perfect little generator.” With that said the Countess clapped her hands and the door opened.
Dorcella walks in and towards the gloating Countess. Aside from her headdress, leather boots, and magical belt, Doxilla is naked. Her hands are bound in front of her body by Diana’s magical cords, and her dull gaze prevents her from being aware of Diana and her surroundings at all.
“Your binding ropes are marvelous, Wonder Woman.” The Countess said, “Having completely shattered her will, it was easy to control her mind with your bindings, and she now obeys my commands completely.”
Looking to one of the guards, the Countess commanded, “Satisfy my servant.” Without hesitation, the young warrior woman walked towards the guard, knelt in front of him, unzipped his pants, and her plump lips took in his swollen erection.
He grabbed Doxilla’s head and entered her magical mouth deeply, and Diana was stunned, not only due to Doxilla’s obedience, but because of Doxilla’s skillful movements. “Where did she learn to do that?” Diana thought, tugging at the leather cord once more in desperation.
Within moments the guard let out a low sigh of regret and fired into her mouth. Finally Doxyla licked his rod clean as an end. Then Doxyla stood up and her tongue continued to lick the remnants from the corner of her mouth.
“Come here, my dear,” the Countess said as she pulled up the magical ropes that bound Doxilla’s hands and led her to one of the trolleys by the wall. There were a number of holsters and rings on the trolley, and the Countess ordered Doxilla to stand up on the trolley, put a holster around Doxilla’s neck, and tethered her to the trolley.
Walking towards Diana, the Countess picks up Doxilla’s bondage rope and binds it to Diana’s chest. Immediately, the effects of the magic rope begin to overcome Diana’s will.
“I’m sure her Binding Rope can serve the same purpose.” Confidence flashed in the Countess’s eyes. “You’re already excited.” She ordered.
The bondage ropes forced Diana to obey orders, causing her body to twist uncontrollably. Resisting the waves of sensuality that brushed her entire body, she moaned and whispered, “Not at all.” Diana couldn’t help but think of other possibilities of what would happen.
The Countess walked over to Dorcilla and patted her on the hip, “Hyah” she commanded and Dorcilla began to take small steps. The mechanical arm began to move towards its target. Diana twisted and flailed wildly as the arm came closer and closer to her defenseless body. Pedaling would have been an exhausting chore for anyone else, but thanks to Dorcilla’s magical belt, she didn’t even break a sweat.
The first to suffer were Diana’s breasts as the huge suction cups tightened around them, sucking them in and engulfing them almost completely. The suction cups began to squeeze, caressing her breasts while rhythmically pressing down and sucking up.
She could feel something curved in the sucker sucking like a mouth, squeezing and biting her nipple.
She twisted her breasts in a futile attempt to shake the machine harasser off of them, but it only served to further intensify the sensation of irritation on them. And the constant commands of the bondage ropes feeding into her consciousness continued to weaken her will.
Suddenly, a loud female scream from excitement and shock echoed through the room as a huge white vibrator forced its way into Diana’s cunt, causing her to cry out in defiance. Her hips twisted wildly, jerking against the forced entry. But the leather loops binding her waist limited her struggles.
The huge glans went deeper and deeper causing Diana to scream and moan. Diana’s head threw back and forth as the feeling of not being able to control it completely overwhelmed her.
“Orgasm!” The Countess commanded, and after the bound Diana let out one of the most erotic, lewd moaning screams they had ever heard, she reached her zenith as she had been commanded to, her love juices raging out in small streams down the vibrator. Her voice was incredibly seductive, causing the two guards to reach out and press their uprights. The vibrator began to pump inside her, causing Diana to gasp and writhe rooted to its rhythm, being brought to yet another overwhelming climax.
“Come on, hurry up!” The Countess ordered the obedient Doxilla, and the harnessed warrior woman quickened her pace and began to jog. The machine squeezed Diana’s breasts correspondingly more forcefully, the vibrator thrusting faster and faster. The relentless onslaught made Diana moan, gasp, and squirm irresistibly.
So overwhelming was the excitement that Diana was oblivious to the action behind her. Another dildo rose from behind her and plunged into her ass, causing her to scream from surprise. Immediately she clenched the muscles of her ample buttocks trying to stop the huge vibrator, but to no avail as the dildo plunged deep into her ass hole.
Her front and back were being pumped at the same time, causing all parts of her body to twist in vain against the relentless machine. Pushing up wildly, another orgasm took over Diana’s body.
“Hahahahaha” the Countess laughed lustfully, “Your moans and screams are the most melodious music to me, and it is my honor to destroy you! Now for another orgasm!”
Without hesitation, the beautiful warrior woman erupted in one of her outbursts, her moans even louder, “God, you’re such an expert moaner.” The Countess teased, “We’ll cure you now, gag her!”
One of the guards walked towards the machine and pulled out a huge leather gag, he grabbed her flailing head and pinched her cheeks, causing her mouth to open and tied the holster tightly around the back of her head.
Wonder Woman’s screams turned into muffled moans as the first phallus withdrew while causing a bent vibrator to force its way in. This one was bad enough, but the machine inserted another smaller dildo underneath it. Plugging her honey pot slowly, the two dildos pumped in and out at the same time, like pistons in a steam engine. The dildo in her ass hole was also replaced with a thicker one, causing her hips to push up from the sensual pain.
She wriggled helplessly while the Countess kept issuing commands: “Orgasm! Orgasm! Orgasm! Orgasm!” The bound and gagged heroine reached her climax again and again. Her will was being weakened irresistibly, and the machine tore her apart as easily as a child would tear down a building in front of it.
The battle of machine against woman continued as if hours had passed, the goddess climaxing again and again. At this point the Countess gave a command that Diana feared and had no way of resisting.
“Surrender to me!” The Countess slowly commands as the building collapses completely, the Man-Binder’s Cord feeding commands into every part of the conditioned Wonder Woman’s consciousness as she lets out a defiant yell. The orgasm, the bondage, the conditioning, the power of the Man-Binder’s Rope was too strong, and nothing could save her anymore.
The bound and gagged superheroine raises her body one last time in a death-defying struggle, but, like a bird of prey, she collapses in defeat as yet another orgasm completely destroys her will. Diana stares blankly into the distance, a haze in her eyes as the unthinkable happens, the great Wonder Woman is vanquished!
The Countess orders Wonder Girl to stop her pace and walk towards the unconscious Wonder Woman. She takes away Diana’s gag and stares into her empty eyes. “You are about to obey me, I am your Mistress and I own you and your soul.” The Countess said gently.
After a long period of silence, Diana slowly opened her mouth, “I… I must obey… You are my master.”
The Countess jumps up and shouts in ecstasy: “I have won, I have defeated the great Wonder Woman.” Then, looking at her vanquished foe, she commanded Doxilla to continue, “Enjoy yourself, my dear, and you will be raped for all eternity.”
The machine continues to pump inside her, orgasm after orgasm conquering the helpless Wonder Woman, who soon loses consciousness, completely defeated, as the debauched laughter of her conqueror, the Countess, continues to echo through the room.
Diana’s eyes slowly opened. Her head twisted and throbbed as her dazed and numb body slowly regained consciousness. She all but struggled, not even the thought of struggling; her will had just been shattered, and it would take a long time for it to recover.
She was lying on her back in a crate slightly larger than she was. Her hands were tied behind her back with her own bonds. Her legs and feet were securely bound to her body. A medical oxygen mask was placed over her mouth and a hose ran from the bottom of the mask down her body to a gas canister in one of the crates.
Looking upward, she could dimly see the Countess, her eyelids wiggling as she forced herself to stay awake.
“Heh, I noticed you were awake.” The Countess reached in and caressed her bare breasts, “It’s time for us to go home, we’ll take you and Wonder Girl with us, good night and get some rest, it’s what you need.” The Countess bent down and opened the valve on the gas canister.
The anesthetic gas snorted through the hose into Diana’s lungs. Her eyelids slowly closed as she fell asleep.
The Countess stepped aside and she opened the jar attached to Doxilla, allowing the Wonder Girl to fall asleep in the same way. Then the workers closed the lid of the crate and nailed it in place.
“We’re ready to go, Master.”
“Well done, load our precious cargo on board, they will make the best pets when we will arrive home.”
The workers hoist the crates onto the submarine, the Countess gets into the inlet and closes the hatch. The submarine sails out to sea with its kidnapped cargo, heading for home.
(Conquest of Wonder Woman Book 1 is over, look out for Book 2.)