King Garlic was standing in the middle of the shallow river, soaked to the skin, and in a very sorry state. Panting heavily, he looked around and clenched his fists, ready for battle…
(Curtain up)
In the middle of the stadium, a group of girls were doing a cheerleading dance to cheer on the athletes.
As the girls were dancing to A-Mei’s “Standing on a High Height,” a sudden surge of electricity gathered from the air and struck the stadium, blasting through the girls’ screams and everyone else’s yells.
“Someone’s dead!”
Once again there was calmness all around, in fact everyone’s psyche understood that disaster was about to strike.
The Garlic King is back, this time I rewrite the old thief not to die, I really miss the mood of the first post, I hope users will like my new work. I hope you will enjoy my new work!
It was as if everyone saw the shadow of the electrocuted girl standing in the middle of the playing field in a vague way, but, that was impossible because the girl was already lying motionless on the ground.
Soon, though, everyone was pressed by the unusual air pressure in the air, and they realized what was happening. So some people started to yell and others started to run away. But just as everyone was very much in a state of panic, there was only one person who was still standing very calmly.
To everyone’s surprise, the electricity gathered in the air struck the stadium again, this time not in the center of the stadium, but on the observation deck.
The current then split into forks and struck in different places.
Everyone couldn’t stop yelling in shock. The electric current seemed to have a spiritual nature; the current was following the people.
In fact, we all understood in our hearts that the electricity of the current was very strong, but when the current struck the observation deck, it was as if we saw a man walk out from among the soot.
It was a male student with a black tie, known as the student inspector general, who walked out holding a girl.
Who’s the girl? The girl who was struck by lightning.
The boy’s eyes were extraordinary, and seemed as if they were ready to burst forth at any moment. Of course, as I said before the strange currents were psychic, and when the boy carried the girl out of the struck observation deck, it seemed that all the currents concentrated near the deck and then formed a sort of electric ball.
The boy’s face was fearless and very calm as he held the girl’s body in his arms and stood fixed on the destroyed observation deck.
The pressure of the air around them was so tight that the crowd couldn’t help but run away. The boy kissed the blushless girl’s cheek, then eyed the electric ball. As if sensed, the electric ball actually slowly moved backward. It was a pressure, an incalculable pressure.
The electric orb should have felt the beginning of flinching from the anger of the boy’s psyche and the scent of a blazing fire burning in his dantian.
Suddenly the electric ball fiercely tried to crush the boy and the girl together, but, only to see the boy very calmly standing in place, letting the electric ball’s thunderbolt.
The boy raised his fist high and instantly split the electric ball into pieces. After the electric ball was split, it immediately reassembled again. However, it seemed to have gotten wary of the boy.
The boy should have already been burning with anger, just a little bit of anger, even let the electric ball burst again. The boy was no longer in the battle, but only to see that the electric ball that did not know how to die immediately combined into a dragon, an electric dragon.
This actually raised the alarm, and the boy began to realize that things were not unusual, so he subconsciously put the girl’s body down and stood up straight.
The electric dragon leered at the boy, but the boy seemed like he wasn’t even fazed, he just clenched his fists.
The electric dragon opened its claws, wanting to nickel and dime the boy, to tear him apart.
The electric dragon suddenly wondered if there had been a boy, fifty years ago, who, like him, had defied it and broken it up.
Vaguely, the boy’s eyes were exactly the same as the eyes of the man that the electric dragon had met 50 years ago, and it, no longer despised the boy, for it sensed that the boy had an incomparably strong power lurking in him.
So the electric dragon ran straight into the troposphere of the atmosphere, and the boy, after seeing the strength, used his mind a little to conjure up his own soul, and then ran into the troposphere as well. Three-quarters of the atmosphere’s mass and seemingly all of the water and solid impurities were concentrated in this layer, but why was the dragon able to move here, the boy asked mentally.
The boy only felt it getting colder and colder, and he suddenly saw that there was heat and moisture all around the electric dragon, and he suddenly realized the point that it was underneath the dragon that was the direct source of heat from the tropopause, and therefore the higher you went from the bottom, the lower the temperature became.
The dragon seemed to have the intention to challenge the boy, for in the eyes of the dragon, the boy was an incredible man. So the dragon just flicked its claws, and surprisingly, the air around the boy formed a kind of air current around him, and he tried his best, but he still couldn’t get out of it.
“What’s going on here? How can there be cold and warm currents here?”
At that moment, clouds, rain, fog, and snow suddenly appeared around the boy and clustered around him. On the other hand, the boy’s body, in the middle of the stadium, suddenly began to freeze, while at times it was hot and sweaty. The people who had been in the stadium began to come back, only to find the boy standing motionless holding the girl’s body, sometimes sweating, sometimes freezing.
The teachers begin to be amazed at what is going on. Unbeknownst to them the boy is dueling with an electric dragon and is suffering from all kinds of weather in the world, including hail.
“He’ll die if he keeps this up.” Someone replied.
“He’s enduring something, and by the look on his face it looks like he’s in pain!”
“Why is he icing?”
At this moment a powerful cyclone had appeared around the boy, the boy shouted loudly and the cyclone immediately disappeared, leaving only various weather meteorology.
“Why is that?” The boy thought to himself. He glanced at the electric dragon, the weather was clear around it, though it was faintly emitting [Electricity] from its body.
The boy attempted to call out to his torso, but unfortunately the boy could not sense a single brainwave vibration from his torso.
The boy’s torso was blocked, so he glared angrily at the electric dragon.
The girl’s hand moved slightly.
No, correctly, it was the girl who began to move her fingers. This momentary movement began to tremble as soon as the boy held it.
The boy was still standing still, but his body was no longer sweating, it was beginning to freeze, layers of ice starting to stretch up from the boy’s feet.
Strangely, the girl’s body started to catch fire. Some of the teachers were extremely surprised to see this and tried to carry the girl away while they were able to put out the fire, but unfortunately, the teachers were unable to carry the girl away because the girl’s body seemed to be stuck to the boy.
But, what was even weirder was that when the teachers touched the girl’s body, they were surprised to find that the fire on the girl would not set their hands on fire, an illusory fire so to speak.
Of course, the crowd was unable to lift the boy, for his feet were as solid as if they had been joined to the earth, and if they had not seen him move earlier, they would have said that he was a stone elephant.
And just when the boy’s whole body had frozen over, the crowd could only watch two living people, one frozen and the other surrounded by fire, and really sighed because they could not be rescued.
Just as everyone blinked and yawned, the boy’s body began to smoke, the correct term would be the ice of the boy’s body melted and smoked like it was meeting fire, right along with the girl.