Raising the bottle in his hand and pouring two more mouthfuls, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was already lifeless, however, it was really not willing to die like this! Suddenly heard a clear female voice in front: TEXI.
I took a look and froze, she should have just finished working overtime, look at the dress should be white-collar class, height at least 1 meter 65, wrapped in stockings within the legs long and full, breasts should be D cup.
As she was walking slowly with a big heavy looking bag, I gradually got closer to her, and I got even a better look at her face, making me furious.
She looked seven times like my wife who used to swear by me, and it suddenly occurred to me what I should do before I die, I’ll take revenge, revenge on these heartless white-collar beauties, good, I’ll rape her, and I’ll abuse her hard.
I stopped a cab to follow her, about ten minutes after she arrived at the destination of a high-class apartment, I followed her into the elevator, to see her press the sixteen, and she struck up a conversation: Miss also live on the top floor ah, I have not seen you ah? She thought I was really her neighbor, a little wary of no answer: Yes, just moved to a few days.
Great, just moved in and won’t poke at it.
Getting off work so late? The company took a big order today, and these materials will be used the day after tomorrow, so I’ll have to do it at home all day tomorrow.
He said, raising the large bag in his hand.
Without missing a beat, I said, It looks heavy, let me help you carry it.
Said the man who took the bag.
She said, “How can this be a pleasure? We’re neighbors, it’s a small thing.
By the way, why doesn’t your boyfriend pick you up from work? He’s out of the country on business. He won’t be back until next week.
Hahaha, this silly girl, it looks like she’s lucky she’s the only one living alone.
At that moment there was a ding and the elevator arrived, I followed her to the door, she pulled out her key and opened the door and then said to me, Thank you so much.
You’re welcome, come on, let me take it in for you! She hesitated after hearing that, probably seeing that I didn’t look like an evil person, she still sidled up and let me in.
Suppressing my excitement, I put the bag on the table, grabbed the fruit knife from the fruit tray next to it, turned around and put it to her neck and pinned her against the wall.
She only reacted at this time, and her speech was not in a voice: What are you …… doing? What to do? Of course it is to fuck you.
Don’t …… me …… I’ll give you all the money, spare me? Money? I am dying, what do I need money for? Said with one hand holding the knife, one hand tore open her tunic, revealing the purple with radium silk bra inside.
She struggled: ah …… let go of me …… I pushed her bra up and squeezed her tits while threatening: move again, a knife stabbed you! She was too scared to say anything and let me play with her breasts.
Gradually I realized that her nipples were actually hard: what a bitch, one touch and she’s in heat, taking her skirt off herself.
No, don t ah …… I put the knife gently cut a red mark on her neck and said, Take it off! Otherwise it won’t be a light scratch.
She shivered and unbuttoned her skirt, letting it paddle down, and I ripped the pantyhose from her crotch, letting her proceed to remove her panties, rubbing my middle finger against her groin a couple of times, my finger feeling a little wet.
I pushed my middle finger up into her pussy and found it was already very wet, I rubbed her clit with my thumb as I pumped in and out with my middle finger and she began to wiggle her ass restlessly.
You seemingly innocent white-collar beauties are really bitchy, have you become so wet before you even started? Her red face did not say a word, I pinched her clitoris hard: Say, are you a bitch? She shook her head: no, not …… not? Hmph ~ ~ I again inserted my index finger into her vagina together as well, pumping hard, while using my thumb to press and rub her clitoris vigorously.
I vaguely heard her suppressed moans, and increased my thrusts for a little while longer, as her lewdness flowed more and more, and her legs unconsciously parted wider.
I switched the knife to my left hand, and used my right hand to pump her, and lowered my head to suck on her red nipple, she couldn’t help but let out a moan, and there was already a lot of her lust dripping on the ground, and gradually her body started to tense up, and with a woooosh, she actually climaxed.
Her powerless body after orgasm went straight down, I was not afraid that she would run away, I put away the knife, dragged her into the room, after clearing all the clothes from her body, stripped myself naked as well, strangled the belt around her neck, and while groping her, I cursed, What a bitch, a bitch, she will orgasm even when she is forced to be touched by a person.
She denied with a red face: no, I am not …… you bitch, just climaxed always not false, but also pretend? I shoved my penis into her her pink vagina gently pumping, side said: now I come to ask you a few questions, you do not answer honestly to punish you.
What’s your name? Ryu Ching.
How old are you? 27.
What do you do? Business manager of XX company.
When did you break your virginity? She refused to answer, I slapped her on the buttocks, she shivered and said: do not hit …… I said …… last year …… and who? My boyfriend.
How many men have you done it with? With another slap from me, she said: only with my boyfriend.
Bullshit! You bitchy bitch would only fuck your boyfriend? I thrust hard while slapping her ass red with a few more slaps.
Don’t fight it, really only done it with my boyfriend.
Believe you for now, how many times a week do you guys fuck? Another two asses before she opened her mouth: ah …… ah …… don t hit …… whatever you ask me I answer …… don t hit It was …… three or four times a week.
Three or four times a week what ah? Doing, having sex …… What am I doing right now? In, in raping me …… Raping you? Obviously you bitch seduced me to fuck you.
Heavy said what am I doing? I’m banging hard as I speak.
Ah, ah …… are making love to me …… you bitch, who is making love to you! I’m fucking you slutty bitch.
Ah …… was, was fucking me …… What are you? I …… I spanked her ass again before she said, I …… I am a bitch, a slutty bitch …… Well, now you are the bitch I raised, I am your master, bark to hear.
Lord, master …… Okay, now link up and say, what am I doing? Master is fucking my slutty bitch …… I exploded with excitement at the sound of it, and she oohed and aahed and orgasmed at the same time.
She recovered from her orgasm and said, Now that you’ve served your purpose, can you let me go? It’s still early, what did you bitch just call me? I pulled on the leash tied around her neck and she just had to drive her head along with the leash, I pulled her down to her knees on the floor and told her to call me master.
Please, you’ve done it. Can you go? Go? It’s still early in the morning. What’s the hurry? I tore a long strip of cloth from the sheet and tied it around her neck, took the belt off and smoked her ass, she screamed: ah …… it hurts …… master spare me …… it’s more like it! , come on, show me around your house.
She said yes and stood up and I smacked her ass again: does a bitch stand and walk? She had to get down again and crawl on all fours, and I followed her with the cloth.
She seemed unaccustomed to climbing very slowly, I pumped again: hurry up! Ah …… don’t hit it …… I’ll hurry up …… after crawling outside: what is this place, I asked. Master, this is the living room of the bitch’s house.
Okay, climb on the couch and get your ass up.
After she got on her back, I fucked her from behind one more time, and then again in both the kitchen and the bathroom.
When we got back to our room, we were both so tired that we ended up laying on the bed talking and both fell asleep.
The next day I woke up and realized I was alone, I got dressed and looked around and realized that the outside door was locked and I couldn’t get out, she wasn’t there, I think she had gone to call the police.
I had no regrets anyway, so I grabbed something from the fridge to cook and eat while I waited for the police to come up and arrest me! I took my time enjoying the last of my hearty breakfast, and when I heard the door slam, I didn’t care about him and kept eating.
However, after waiting for a while but not seeing the police, I strangely walked out of the kitchen, but saw her walking around outside like she was hesitating about something, when she saw me come out, she blushed, shoved a piece of paper to me and ran into the room.
I was really puzzled, picked up the paper to read: master, my boyfriend has always thought that I am sexually frigid, making love like a wooden man, so the relationship is not good, he and I have only had sex a few times in total, and I have not had an orgasm once.
Last night, however, it was a raunchy performance and five orgasms.
Master, do you know why? It’s because I often fantasize about being raped and abused, and I don’t feel anything at all from ordinary sex, so I didn’t resist fiercely last night and cooperated with my master.
Later chatting I know the master’s situation, the master is not much bad, and now single, I and my ex-boyfriend relationship is not good, I rushed to the company early in the morning to put off today’s work, and my ex-boyfriend to say clearly break up.
I loved last night, I want to be your bitch for the rest of my life, if you like it too, please come inside, there is a bitch on her knees in the house waiting for her master.