My name is Hu Yu Wei, I am nineteen years old this year, I have a sister who is five years older than me, but we are not real siblings, ten years ago, my mother married into this family with me at the age of nine, and not long after that, my mother passed away due to an accident, and I became the only person in the family who is not related by blood.
My stepfather was a good man, and although he was out of the country for long periods of time because of his work, he never gave me anything less than that, and it didn’t change at all because my mom left, but that being said, that’s all this family gave me.
I never felt like a part of this family, and despite the kindness of my stepfather, who returned occasionally, I still felt like a parasite, relying on my deceased mother to absorb the blood of the family.
Unfortunately, my sister seems to think so too, ever since I was little, she’s been very good at bossing me around to do things, in a ‘if you don’t do something you’re not qualified to live here’ kind of way, and as soon as I do the slightest thing wrong, she’ll do her best to sneer at me, and I hate her, but I feel like I’m not qualified to do that.
I hoped that I could be useful, but heaven forbid, since I was a child, I have never been able to compare to my sister in anything. My sister went to a first-class university, and immediately after graduation, she worked in a first-class foreign trade company, while I went to the military after graduating from high school, and after being discharged from the military for half a year, I still can only work part-time, and such a situation has made me feel that my position in the family is even more weakened.
Reasons such as these have shaped my very depressive personality.
All of this, however, took a 180-degree turn after that day.
It was just after 8:00 p.m. My sister had just returned from the office, and I was in my room playing a video game when my sister opened the door to her room without knocking.
“Xiao Wei, you’re home?” My sister’s tone was not very happy, “Haven’t you found a job yet?”
“Uh-huh.” I pressed pause and responded vaguely.
“I mean, why don’t you think about going back to college?”
“I can’t, I don’t have the brains for it,” I excused myself, “Besides, it wouldn’t do much good to get into a crappy college.”
“You’ll say no without even trying,” my sister muttered, looking over at me, “Never mind, you decide.” Then walked back to the living room.
A few minutes later, I turned off the electric power, walked to the living room to see my sister put on the table of the ticket coupon, and smoothly picked up and looked at it, it is the international hypnosis master’s hypnosis show that recently came to Taiwan to perform, for hypnosis, I have an abnormal fanaticism, before I was concerned about this news, just considering the ticket price is not cheap, now at a time like this is not good to spend money, I did not think that my sister would have a ticket.
My sister saw me and casually asked, “Well, want to come along?”
“Yeah.” I tried to act as normal as I could, of course I was begging for an opportunity like this, I wasn’t sure how my sister could have approached me, but figured it must have been because one of her friends had suddenly missed an appointment or something.
On the day of the opening, my sister drove me to the venue, which had about two dozen rows of seats, and we sat in the tenth row.
My sister’s face was covered in light makeup, and she was wearing a formal suit with long, designer wavy hair, looking like a full-blown socialite. In contrast, I was wearing a plain as day t-shirt and jeans, with unkempt, messy hair, and I wondered what we looked like to an onlooker’s eye.
We didn’t say much and soon enough, it was time for the show to begin.
The hypnotist invited the volunteers who wanted to be hypnotized to come on stage. Sis, of course, didn’t come on stage, she wasn’t the inquisitive type, and I didn’t come on stage either, I wanted to come to see the show, not to be shown.
After a lengthy hypnosis test, more than half of the audience was asked to go back, leaving only a dozen or so people left on the stage, and then the hypnotist had them sit in rows facing the audience and began the hypnotic induction.
“Sit easily and listen carefully to my voice.” The hypnotist spoke in not very standard Chinese, but a very low and strong voice, “I want you to look at the light, and don’t take your eyes off this red light.”
A red light was lowered over the top of the stage, which was quite cleverly positioned so that it was not only directed at the volunteers on stage, but could also be seen quite clearly from where we were sitting.
“Look carefully at the red light, I want you to start taking a deep breath now, to exhale …… draw the air in, well, stop” the hypnotist’s tone was quite seductive and dramatic tension was high as he said, “exhale ……”
After a few repetitions, the volunteers on the stage seemed to show weariness, “Okay, now close your eyes, this feels so, so good, I don’t want to open my eyes, it’s so comfortable …… just keep your eyes tightly closed.”
“When I count to three, you will let go of all your strength and sleep deeply ……”
“One, more and more relax, more and more relax, release all your power ……”
“Two, don’t think about anything, it’s so nice ……”
“Three, Deep Sleep ……”
As I was concentrating on watching the volunteers on the stage dropping their heads and entering a hypnotic state, I suddenly felt a pressure on my left shoulder, and when I turned my head to look, it was my sister leaning on my shoulder and falling asleep.
Sister was hypnotized? I felt my heart beating violently faster, how could it be, the hypnotist was still so far away, usually such a strong sister, how could she be hypnotized like this? Or is the …… show too boring, she just simply fell asleep?
While I was still rambling, the hypnotist turned his head to face the audience.
“It looks like there are some people with good sensibility who have gone into hypnosis in the audience as well.”
The audience began to drum and look from side to side, and my sister soon formed the center of attention, and I also felt my body very stiff, afraid that a single movement would affect my sister’s hypnotic state.
“Listen up in the audience, if you’re already in a very comfortable state of hypnosis, please stand up.”
Somehow, in my heart, there was actually a glimmer of hope that my sister had not been hypnotized, but as soon as the hypnotist finished speaking, the weight on my shoulders immediately disappeared, and my sister lifted her head and slowly stood up.
I looked around and three people stood up in the audience and a couple of staff members immediately walked over to them.
“Okay, you guys are fantastic,” the hypnotist said, “please follow the lead of the person next to you to the stage.”
The staff held my sister’s hand and brought her onto the stage, I was completely surprised that it had gone this far, at first I was looking for a few beautiful women on the stage, imagining how they would look manipulated, but now all the focus of my eyes was on my sister’s body.
After the hypnotist did some more guiding and got the volunteer to wake up, my sister opened her eyes and had a very confused look on her face, I originally just thought that it was because she found herself running onto the stage, but after that I realized that it was more than that.
One by one, the hypnotist asked everyone’s name and then sent the volunteers back into hypnosis in all sorts of interesting ways, and if it was a normal time, this was my favorite part, watching volunteers who thought they were awake go back into hypnosis at the hypnotist’s command without any warning always gave me an inexplicable thrill.
But now, I just kept noticing my sister as she looked around, and I had never seen her look so uneasy.
Finally, the hypnotist came to the sister.
“What is your name, this beautiful young lady?”
The sister looked at the hypnotist with a confused look on her face and didn’t answer.
The hypnotist waited a moment and asked again, “What is your name?”
My sister’s eyes began to wander, wondering what she was thinking, or not answering.
The hypnotist turned his head to look at the audience and shrugged, then reached out and pushed his sister’s forehead, and she immediately closed her eyes and her entire body went limp, resting on the lap of the man next door.
The crowd exploded into gasps and applause, but all I wanted to do was go over and take a swing at the man.
For the next almost an hour of the show, the hypnotist had the volunteers make various performances and had them imitate various characters, Sis was definitely one of the most cooperative volunteers, especially when the hypnotist had the girls on stage all turned into strippers, Sis’s body movements were definitely one of the most dazzling ones, I’m not sure if she had any training in dancing, she was so talented in everything she did anyway.
After the performance, the hypnotist allows the volunteer to return to his or her seated position.
“Thank you all very much, well done everyone, great show, gave us an enjoyable evening,” the hypnotist spoke, “when I count to three you will be fully awake, tonight’s hypnotic suggestion will have no further effect on you, except for one thing, when you are awake afterward, you will feel very comfortable and will be more confident than ever before, one, two, three …… wake up.”
I watched my sister open her eyes, “Sis, are you okay?” I asked.
My sister looked at me, not at all with her usual eyes, with an expression almost similar to what it feels like to watch a hypnotist on stage.
“Are you okay?” I asked again.
My sister kept staring at me for a long time before she spoke, “Who are you?”
I huffed backward, what the fuck is going on? “Sister, you’re kidding!?”
Sister shook her head slightly and looked around, “What is this place?”
I gripped my sister’s shoulders, “Look at me, I’m your brother,” I screamed, “You really don’t recognize me?”
My sister shook her head with a blank look on her face, I was now sure that something was really wrong, I’ve never seen my sister look so unconfident, and she’s not the kind of person who would joke about this kind of thing… So, she was hypnotized and then she forgot about everything? Damn, I said I’ve always been interested in hypnosis, but after watching hypnosis performances all over the world, I’ve never heard of such a thing!
“Follow me!” I took my sister’s hand and rushed towards the backstage of the venue.
The crowd was leaving the stage one by one, we were moving in the opposite direction of everyone else and when we got to the side of the stage we were stopped by the guards, “Sorry, no non-staff on this side.”
“I want the hypnotist from earlier!” I yelled.
“Excuse me, what can I do for you?”
I didn’t know where to start and continued to yell, “It’s urgent, if you don’t get in there and go get him!”
It was probably my excitement that made the guards sense the seriousness of the situation as well, and they sent one of their men to the back of the stage to make the announcement, and after two or three minutes had elapsed, he came running back.
“I’m sorry, the hypnotist has left in a car.”
What the hell? Slipping so fast! “No way, how are you guys going to be responsible for this?”
“We’re just in charge of security here ……” the guard seemed to say innocently, then as if he suddenly thought of something, he handed me a business card, “This is the business card of that hypnotist, if you can, please contact him yourself again by contact him again if you can.”
“That’s all you guys ……” I was about to crack up when I realized my sister was gently tugging on my coat.
I had a very special feeling that in the past, when my sister had supported me to do something, she would never use such a small woman’s action.
“It’s okay la ……” Sis whispered with her head down.
I thought it was useless to dwell on it, so I took my sister outside the venue and called the hypnotist according to the phone number on the famous film, but it was always busy and I couldn’t get in touch with her, and then I took her to the parking lot, intending to go home first.
My sister stood next to the car as if waiting for me to open the door.
“You have the car keys.” I said.
“Ah, yes?” Sis said, spreading her hands, but of course she couldn’t find anything.
“In the bag.” I said.
“A bag?” My sister looked at her handbag hanging over her shoulder, as if hesitating for a moment before opening it and rummaging through it, “Is this it?” She naturally handed me the key.
I froze for a moment, I’d only gotten my license a few months before and had tried to borrow the car from her several times but she’d said nothing and refused to let me drive it, I didn’t think she’d be in a position to give me the keys in this situation.
“Thank you.” After getting into the car, my sister suddenly spoke.
“Uh …… why?” I was a little surprised.
“I don’t know, it’s like you’re desperate about me.”
“Of course,” I said as I started the car, “I’m your brother.”
My sister seemed to be smiling happily, and honestly, I’ve rarely seen her look so relaxed.
She rummaged through her bag again as if she had found her ID card, picking it up and staring at it for some time, “Jane …… Yiyi …… Ling, is this my name?”
“Uh-huh.” I answered her briefly.
Honestly, I had very little road driving experience and was a little nervous, but my sister didn’t seem to notice at all.
“Brother, as strange as it seems to ask,” my sister smiled, turning her head to look at me, “what is your name?”
“Hu Yu Wei.” With most of my attention focused on the road, I could only answer simply.
“Hu……? Aren’t we sisters and brothers?”
“It …… is a long story,” I thought for a moment, “I take my mom’s last name.” Well, that’s what it was in a nutshell, although I actually took my mom’s ex-husband’s last name.
When we got home, my sister looked around very curiously like a child visiting a friend’s house, “Are we the only two living here?”
“Sort of.”
“Where’s mom and dad?”
“Dad works on the mainland and mom ……” I hesitated, “passed away a long time ago.”
“So ……,” she said, a glint of sadness in her eyes.
I looked at her with very mixed feelings in my heart, before I left the house in the evening, my sister was still pointing out my dress, just a few hours later, there was such a big change.
“What’s wrong?” My sister looked at me.
“No …… I was wondering why you don’t seem to care much about your memory loss.”
Sister was asked by me, she seemed to be dumbfounded for a moment, “I don’t know, just now when I was there, I felt so scared and panicked, I didn’t know who I was or where I was, but now I feel very relieved,” Sister looked at me and smiled very sweetly, “because you’re here by my side. Seeing you work so hard to protect me, I don’t worry about anything anymore.”
God, I can’t believe I suddenly have a heart attack.
Speaking of which, my sister is a very standard beauty, with detailed and well-defined features and a delicate figure, but our previous time together made me feel nothing for her, but now …… I found my cheeks heating up, and hurriedly inclined my head, “Do you want to take a shower first? ” I hurriedly thought of a random topic.
“Yeah,” she replied, looking around again, “Where’s my room?”
I took her to her room and after I let her in, I was going to go back to the living room, my sister never let me in her room.
“What’s the matter, you’re not coming in?” My sister asked me.
“Uh-huh.” I responded.
My sister stood in front of the closet as if hesitating for something, “You’re in.”
“What’s wrong?”
“I feel like I’m stealing through someone else’s stuff if I’m alone.” She beamed.
“It’s your own thing.”
“I know, but …… just have this feeling Well, you come in, or I will be afraid.” Sister’s voice was a bit petulant.
I smiled bitterly and walked into the forbidden part of the house that I had never entered before, watching my sister open the closet, her eyes lit up as if she was a child who had found a new toy before taking a red evening gown out and laying it out in front of her body, “Is it pretty?”
“You’re looking for the clothes you’re going to wear to bed after your shower.” I said.
“Also whoops.” She poked her tongue out.
After my sister went to take a shower, it was quiet all of a sudden, and I felt my head get even more tangled into a ball instead.
How did things get this way? What should we do next? Should we go back to the hypnotist at dawn tomorrow? By the way, was the hypnotist’s ‘accident’ the reason why Sis looks like this? Or was it just a joke?
No matter what the answer was, I felt that I could no longer trust this hypnotist, or should I just take my sister to the doctor? It also occurred to me that if my sister’s appearance was confirmed to be caused by hypnosis, with my understanding of hypnosis, the effects of hypnotic suggestions should have a time limit, so maybe my sister would be back to normal first thing in the morning.
At that point, will my sister scold me for driving her car ……
Ahh! So annoying! Let’s talk about tomorrow tomorrow.
I went back to my room and turned on the video game, a big kill is most effective when you’re in an irritable mood, I put in the game piece I’d been playing until it was almost rotten and used Lu Bu to fight the lowest level of the Yellow Turban Battle, times like this were only good for such mindless messing around.
I don’t know how long it took before I suddenly noticed that my sister had already showered and was standing beside me watching, and I hurriedly paused the game up.
“What is it?” She asked, intrigued.
“PS3,” I replied, my sister was wearing a loose t-shirt and hot pants, revealing a large portion of her snow-white and slender thighs, in the past, even at home, my sister would never let me see her in such a casual manner, I hurriedly shifted my gaze, only to find that she was just staring at the fluorescent screen.
“You play.” She said.
I held the joystick out to her, “Do you want to play with it?”
“May I?” She showed a very eager look.
“Sure.” I smiled, whenever my sister saw me playing a video game she always looked like she was scoffing, she had never even looked at the game screen, let alone tried it.
My sister took over the joystick, and I instructed her on how to play the game from the side, I finally realized that my sister was also not good at something, she was desperately holding the joystick and shaking it left and right, but the characters on the screen didn’t seem to listen to her at all, and at the end of the day, Lv Bu was able to be taken out by a stronghold troop leader as well.
“Damn it,” Sis beamed, “Did I never know how to play in the first place, or did I lose my memory and become like this?”
I laughed bitterly, “You’ve never played before.”
My sister’s eyes widened, “Really? Then change it to one I’ve played with.”
‘There’s nothing like that here.’ I originally wanted to reply like this, but I didn’t want to break her fantasy about herself, I didn’t say anything, and picked a game that was more suitable for girls, I used to buy it because I wanted to say that I’d get a girlfriend one day to put it to use, but I didn’t think that after such a long time I wouldn’t be able to get a girlfriend, and the first time that I’d put it to use it would actually be for my sister to play.
We played video games like this for hours until the middle of the night, when I couldn’t hold out any longer, before I shooed my sister off to bed.
I lay on the bed, feeling as if I were about to collapse, perhaps tomorrow morning, my sister will return to normal, I look forward to this, but I find myself a little bit hoping that my sister will remain as she is now ……— —– to be continued —- —-********************************** My Amnesiac Sister (Middle) Author: Hypnotizer
In the morning when consciousness is still hazy, I keep hearing the noise of an alarm clock or a phone or something, I cover my head and don’t want to pay attention to it, and I want to say that it won’t be too long before I can sleep until I wake up naturally before I find a job ……
“Yu Wei, get up.”
Hearing a girl’s gentle voice, no one has ever called me like this before, and before, if I slept too much, my sister would just kick me out of bed, I opened my eyes slightly.
It’s a sister. Why don’t you look like a normal sister?
By the way, after going to the hypnosis show yesterday, my sister lost her memory, and it was only at this time that my head slowly resumed functioning… Has my sister really not recovered yet?
I woke up with a start and raised my head, my sister’s neckline was hanging down because she was leaning over to call me, I sat up and could just see through her neckline, my tantalizing cleavage and pink bra came into view, and oh my god, I realized that my crotch was pitching a higher tent than usual.
“You’re finally awake, the phone kept ringing and I was afraid to answer it.” Sis said.
I took a deep breath and tried to clear my head a little more before walking to the living room and picking up the phone.
“Thank goodness someone finally answered the phone,” the other end of the line said as if talking to herself, “Excuse me, hello, I’m the manager of Yiling.”
“Yes, hello.” I try not to sound like I just woke up.
“Are you her brother? Yiling didn’t come to work today yeah.”
“Wow, sorry ……” I looked at the time, it was after nine and my head was spinning fast, “There was a bit of an accident this morning and I’ve only just got back from the hospital to sort some things out. “
“Oh my god, how about the accident, is Yiling okay?”
“Don’t worry, it’s nothing serious, but …… you might have to take a few days off.” The person in question stood by the phone for good reason and looked at me, making me feel weak.
“So, which hospital is it in, we’ll go visit her after work.”
“No …… the situation is not very stable now, will be transferred to which hospital is not sure, I have to hurry back, if confirmed I will let you know again.”
“I know, I’m so sorry, then please make sure she recovers.”
“Thanks, bye.” I exhaled heavily after I hung up.
“Looking for me?” Sis asked.
I nodded.
Sister suddenly grinned a happy look.
“What are you laughing at?” I looked at my sister with a bitter smile, feeling unsure.
“You’re quite the liar.”
“It’s not because of you.” I was a little annoyed, having literally never told such a borderline lie in my life.
“Hehe…” my sister spat out her tongue and smiled adorably, dousing a little bit of my anger, “I prepared breakfast, wash up and come eat quickly.”
After breakfast, I went back to my room to get dressed and wondered if I should take my sister to one of the hospitals, my sister followed me into the room and looked around my room, then she stared at my bookshelf.
“Can you hypnotize?”
Most of my bookshelves are high in work-time machinery related books, video game magazines, and only a few psychology and hypnosis related books, so I don’t know why my sister noticed those books in particular.
“Studied for a while.” I replied, I had spent tens of thousands of dollars on a month-long course, and those books on the shelves were marketed by the instructor at that time, but I felt as if I’d been cheated out of my money, and every time I practiced in a group I was paired up with some awful old man, and I hadn’t succeeded once.
“Wow ……” Sis said as if she was impressed, then as if something suddenly occurred to her, “Have you ever hypnotized me?” Sis asked with a tilt of her head.
I suddenly felt as if my body had been electrocuted.
I don’t know how many people can understand what I’m feeling right now, since adolescence, I’ve always had an abnormal obsession with hypnosis, not just hypnosis, but anything related to mind control fascinates me, even when watching TV dramas, as long as I see the appearance of a beautiful girl carrying out commands without even realizing it herself, and when she comes to her senses, being clueless of what she’s doing, it will make me abnormally Excitement.
And now a living, breathing, beautiful woman is standing in front of me asking me ‘Have you ever hypnotized me?’ And, oh my God, it was a supreme thrill for me.
The correct answer was of course no, my former sister would never have let me hypnotize her anyway, and I had never even thought of such a thing in the first place, but I deliberately didn’t answer her positively, trying to keep her suspicions alive, “Why do you ask all of a sudden?”
“Is there?” Sis asked petulantly.
I put on a noncommittal expression, “What do you think?”
My sister walked in front of me and stuck right in front of me at a dozen centimeters staring into my eyes, and although I was very excited inside, I kept my expression calm so that she wouldn’t be able to see the cracks.
Seeing my sister in such a state, my heart was filled with the desire to hypnotize her. Ever since I learned hypnosis, I have fantasized countless times about a girl willing to let me hypnotize her, but not only do I not have a girlfriend, I don’t even have any familiar female friends, so of course I have never had such an opportunity.
Honestly, I didn’t think of violating her or anything, and I wasn’t confident that my half-assed hypnosis would have any effect, I just wanted to give it a try, I wanted to watch my sister try to be hypnotized by me, and even if it turned out to be a failure, I didn’t want to let go of this first time experience of hypnotizing a girl.
But …… sister was hypnotized yesterday to become like this, how do I have the position to convince her to let me hypnotized?
The thought of taking her to cure her memory loss just now vanished into thin air.
“Here’s the deal, try hypnotizing me.” Sis said, with a serious expression.
What are you talking about? Doesn’t she remember that she was hypnotized to look like this?
How could I have not expected her to open up on her own, but I must not look like I’m happy to see her, “Why do you think that?”
“It’s nothing,” Sis tilted her head, “I figured if you could hypnotize me you must have tried it before, so do it again, maybe I can think of something from before.”
My sister is also trying to find her way back to herself, but it seems to be going in the completely wrong direction.
“Okay, you sit down over here.” I sat on the edge of the bed and motioned for my sister to sit down next to me.
My sister sat down and looked at me, unable to stop the smile on her face.
“Hold your hands together and hold them forward,” Sister did as I said, “Yes, that’s it, put your thumbs out and look at your own thumbs.”
It’s only just begun, and just watching my sister try to be hypnotized by me makes me feel quite excited.
When I first went to the hypnosis course, every time I had to practice in groups, a few young girls always found their opponents right away, and I could only be paired with some middle-aged Ouijisan who were not good at socializing. Honestly, I think the fact that I was never able to successfully hypnotize each other has a lot to do with the object as well.
I still remember once in the implementation of the ‘stunned hypnosis method’, I had almost succeeded, when I pulled the other person’s hand, I really felt him letting go of his strength, and softly fell towards me, but when I saw the greasy Mediterranean baldness on the top of his head, I felt a wave of nausea, and probably his voice also trembled a little, and the other person immediately came to his senses came to his senses.
Now that I finally had the chance to perform my hypnosis on a pretty girl, I was sure it would go well.
I decided to just use the ‘Stunned Hypnosis Method’ that I had almost succeeded in using on my sister.
“Good, that’s it, focus your eyes on your fingers,” I commanded my sister, “I want you to take a deep breath in and out …….”
The smile on my sister’s face slowly faded away as she concentrated on carrying out what I said.
“Good, relax and straighten your arms, a little more,” I pressed my sister’s elbows and straightened her hands, “I want you to visualize your arms becoming like sticks and not being able to bend at all.”
Sis frowned a little, as if she was trying to visualize.
This time I pressed on her elbow in the opposite direction, trying to bend her arm and slowly building up the force as I did so until I felt her muscles tighten completely.
“Good, that’s it, your arm becomes a stick and no one can bend it, look at your own thumb and concentrate on your breathing ……”
I said, then suddenly and vigorously pressed her arms down while reaching for her shoulders to gather her into my arms, “Sleep!”
Just like the bald man at that time, I felt my sister instantly let go of her power, but my sister fell into my arms emitting a faint scent of hair, this experience was completely different from the last time when I hypnotized the bald man, it was like a difference between hell and heaven.
“Deeply relaxed, deeply relaxed, you feel the strength in your whole body disappear little by little.”
I said, and gently put my sister on the bed, the whole time, I have been thinking about if my sister suddenly came to her senses, which kind of seduction method should I use next, and would my sister be willing to try again?
I really wasn’t sure that I could successfully hypnotize my sister, and in my mind I kept thinking that she would suddenly open her eyes and say that I really couldn’t hypnotize her, but it seemed that such worries were all unnecessary, and my sister just slept peacefully, I gently lifted her arm and then let go, and her arm dropped down without any resistance, and it felt really quite relaxing.
“When you feel my touch, you’ll put the power away even further,” I said, reaching out and gently stroking my sister’s forehead with my fingers, “Your forehead ……” I said as I said, while gently sliding my fingers downward, “Your eyes, your lips ……”
She wasn’t pretending, I could feel my sister’s completely flaccid muscles and my cock filled with blood as I struggled to control my breathing and tone of voice.
“Your arms …… fingers …… relax more and more …… letting all the power go… …” my sister was defenseless with her lips slightly open, sleeping like a little baby, I took a deep breath and more boldly touched her thighs lightly with my fingers, “Your legs …… toes… . are completely devoid of any hint of strength.”
“You did a great job ……” I was a little hesitant about what to call her, before the hypnosis teacher taught us to repeat the other person’s name in the induction process, everyone has a special sense of their own name, by repeating it over and over again, you can gain more trust from the subject. By repeating the name, we can gain more trust from the subject.
But to her sister now, can Yiling be considered her name? Although she had seen it once in the car yesterday, she might have forgotten it by now, so if she said the name, would it make her feel uncomfortable instead?
“Very well done sis,” I decided to call her that anyway, I guess it was more likely to gain her trust, “Now I want you to let your mind relax more too, I want you to start counting up from one and with each number you will feel yourself relaxing even more, not having to think about anything, you will keep counting until you are so relaxed that you can’t even count to the next number …… starting now ……”
After about two or three seconds, my sister began to make slurred noises, “One …… two ……”
“Very good, with each number, relax more and empty all your thoughts ……” I guided her in the intervals between her counting numbers.
“Fifteen……ten……six……ten……ten……ten ……” Sister’s counting got slower and slower.
“There, you can stop very relaxed,” I spoke, “think of nothing, be very comfortable with my voice, you will naturally and happily listen to my voice, obey any instructions I give you, and nod your head very easily if understood. “
Perhaps because she was so relaxed, it was several seconds before her sister nodded.
Until now, I couldn’t quite believe that this was reality, and the extreme excitement made me feel as if I was floating as if I were dreaming.
In the past, I could only see such content from movies, but now, I was actually performing the hypnosis myself, putting my sister into a hypnotic state, and I took out the family’s digital camera and placed it in the corner of the room.
“You feel so relaxed and comfortable, and I want you to memorize this feeling of being hypnotized, to fall deeply in love with it, and when you wake up, as soon as I command you to go to sleep, you’ll go right back to this hypnotic state, even ten times deeper than you are now.”
I paused for a moment to allow my sister to absorb my instructions, “It’s not just when I order you to sleep, when I touch your forehead with my finger, when I snap my fingers in your ear, when I ask you to look into my eyes, as soon as you feel me trying to hypnotize you, you’ll be very comfortable and cooperative in entering a hypnotic state that’s ten times deeper, because you love that feeling, understand? “
After a few seconds interval, my sister nodded again.
“Okay, when I count to three, you will wake up, and my hypnotic suggestion will be deeply implanted in your subconscious mind, one …… slowly replying to the force,” I saw my sister’s finger twitching, and continued with the suggestion, “I saw my sister’s finger twitching, and continued with the suggestion, “Two …… feel pleasant and your spirit is getting better,” my sister raised the corners of her mouth slightly as I commanded, “Three …… wake up! “
My sister opened her eyes and blinked several times, as if she was momentarily confused, and it took several seconds before she slowly sat up.
“How does it feel?” I asked.
Sister’s mind seemed to have really returned at this time, and a smile piled up on her face, “It’s like I’m dreaming, my whole body is light and airy, such a relaxing feeling.”
“Tell me what things you remember?”
Sis was thinking hard, “I was concentrating on my fingers, listening to your words and adjusting my breathing, then you suddenly called out something and I didn’t know anything else but how relaxed I felt ……”
“Just like that?”
“What?” My sister looked at me with open eyes, and oh my god, that innocent look was so moving.
“Sleep!” I yelled, and my sister fell heavily toward the bed like a toy, without warning, as I turned off the switch.
What I used to see only in movies, I am now practicing on my own.
“You’ll come to your senses if I pull on your arm.” I said as I ruffled the hair from her forehead and then pulled on her arm.
My sister opened her eyes, feeling a bit confused at first, then smiled while showing a surprised expression.
“You just went into hypnosis again then.” I said.
“Hmm.” Sis ran her hands over her cheeks, a little feverishly.
“Can you tell us how it feels?”
Sis frowned, “I don’t know, I think I heard you suddenly yell out and lose consciousness the whole time.”
“I’m not making a sound this time.” I said, then tapped her forehead with my finger.
As expected, the sister went back to hypnosis perfectly.
“Good, you’re back in a deeper state of hypnosis, you feel relaxed and at ease, you can only hear my voice, nothing can disturb you, and you won’t feel anything if you’re touched ……”
I said, then tickled her armpits with my fingers, my sister was very relaxed and asleep, there was no reaction at all, I said earlier that I didn’t mean to violate my sister, but that was when I hadn’t succeeded in hypnotizing her yet, and at this moment, looking at the defenseless appearance of such a special creature, how can I say that I’m also a normal man!
I reached out and rubbed my sister’s soft and full breasts through her clothes, then leaned down and kissed her honeyed lips, and even more boldly slipped my tongue into her slightly open mouth, and in the midst of sleep, I even felt my sister’s warm tongue relax completely.
The hypnosis was successful beyond my imagination, what should I do next? The desire that had been buried in the bottom of my heart kept erupting like a volcano.
“Sister, listen, when you wake up later, as soon as you hear me say ‘pause’, your time will stop completely, you will stop all movements, stop all thoughts, as soon as you hear me say ‘pause’, you will enter the world of time stopping completely, and your time will not continue to flow until I say ‘start’, understand?”
I nervously watched my sister’s reaction, before the induction of suggestion are hypnosis class learned, but now this is watching pornographic guess out of thin air, sister can accept it?
It took longer, but the sleeping sister finally nodded.
“Good, you can wake up now.” I said, pulling down on my sister’s hand.
My sister opened her eyes, again with a confused look on her face.
“Remember what hint I just gave you?” I asked.
It was only when she heard my voice that my sister seemed to actually come back to her senses, looking at me and shaking her head, then she ran her hand over her mouth, since it was still covered in my saliva from earlier, she probably felt her lips were wet, revealing a puzzled look on her face.
“Sis, look my way,” I saw my sister see my way and immediately uttered the cue, “Pause.”
My sister’s movements stopped perfectly, I stretched out my hand and waved it in front of her eyes, and she didn’t even blink, I really didn’t expect that even such an order was carried out so perfectly by my sister, and the scenes that I used to only be able to enjoy in a movie were brought to life in front of my eyes.
I walked over to the other side of my sister and sat down, “Start.”
“Huh!” Sis yelped, then turned her head in panic, suddenly seeing me, and yelped louder again, “Huh? Huh! How did you do that?” She covered her mouth with her hand with a surprised look on her face.
“Pause.” I said, the cute look of my sister’s wide-open eyes was perfectly preserved.
I removed my sister’s hands, kissed her lips, then raised her hands into the air, pulled up the t-shirt she was wearing, caressed her slim and smooth abdomen, I’m sure that my sister must have had consistent workouts in general, her snow-white abs appeared to be quite firm, and licked her bellybutton with my tongue, vaguely, I felt a slight tremor that seemed to come from my sister’s body, and when I looked up, she was still maintaining the same movement, and immersed in her own time-stopped world.
I pulled her top off and dropped it to the floor, “Start.” I said.
Sis blinked and came to her senses, for the first moment she still held her hands up before letting them down with a confused look on her face, then she realized that all that was left of her body was her bra, “Ahh! What is this!” She exclaimed, seeing her clothes that had been thrown to the floor, and dropped to her knees to pick them up and prepare to put them on.
“Pause.” I said and my sister was good enough to stop moving, then I walked over to her and removed the clothes from her hands.
My sister was on her knees and I tilted her head up so that she opened her mouth wide, then I pulled my pants down and shoved my long risen rod into her mouth, my sister’s warm mouth gave me a tingling sensation.
I pressed down on the back of her head, her whole face buried in my pubic hair, and then I pushed hard, pulling her head into a pistoning motion, roughly driving my glans into her throat.
“Cough, cough!” My sister suddenly coughed a few times, I was startled and hurriedly pulled my rod out.
Her sister’s hand, which was still making movements to take her clothes, had regained its freedom, and she continued to cough a few times with her hand covering her mouth, her expression seemingly in pain.
“Sleep!” I hurriedly snapped my fingers in her ear before she regained consciousness.
Fortunately, even in this state, sister is still very obedient to return to the hypnotized state, she fell softly in my arms, I put her down gently, let her lie on the ground, I have heard before, the hypnotized person will still wake up in the face of danger, this is the situation ah ……
“Sister, very good, go into a deeper state of hypnosis, when you wake up you will forget what just happened when you were hypnotized, understand?”
My sister nodded quickly, and I was kind of tempted to stop there, but seeing my sister looking so obedient, I couldn’t help but want to make some more interesting innuendo.
“When you wake up, you’ll forget you were hypnotized, and you’ll never believe you were hypnotized, and no matter what strange things happen, you’ll insist that it was normal because you don’t think you were hypnotized by me, understand?”
“But then, you are actually still hypnotized by me, your subconscious mind will firmly remember the hypnotic suggestion I gave you, and when you wake up, whenever you see me touching my nose with my hand and asking you to do something, whether you want to do it or not, you have to complete it, and you won’t even feel that it’s my order, it’s just something you have to complete, understand? “
I paused for a while to allow my sister’s subconscious to actually absorb the command before waking her up.
I sat back down on the bed and watched as my sister, who had only a pink bra on her upper body, slowly had to sit up from the floor, “Huh, what’s wrong?” She kept blinking her eyes with a misty look on her face.
I looked at her with a smirk, and my sister saw my expression and slowly stood up, staring at me with a suspicious look on her face.
“Why am I lying on the floor?”
“Because you were just hypnotized by me.”
My sister blinked twice and kept looking at me as if she didn’t understand what I was talking about, and it was only after a few more seconds that her eyes lit up as if she had suddenly come to her senses, “Right, didn’t you just say you were going to hypnotize me? Is it about to start?” She sat down next to me.
This innocent look is really tempting.
“Told you you were hypnotized.”
“Liar,” Sis frowned, “How are you going to hypnotize me without doing anything?”
“So let me ask you, how did you end up in my room dressed like that?”
My sister looked at herself as if she had just realized that she was wearing only a bra, and then fell silent, blinking her eyes constantly, as if her sanity was constantly fighting against my hypnotic suggestion.
Watching the way my hypnotic suggestion festered in her mind was quite exciting for me, but on the one hand I was also a little nervous that such a clash would not bring her straight to her senses, and in that case the suggestion to bring her back to her hypnotic state might not work either.
“We’re sisters and brothers, what’s so strange about that?” The sister finally spoke up, great, it seemed like the hypnotic suggestion had won the final victory.
My sister looked at my face and felt like she had lost her confidence a little, “What’s wrong with you, wouldn’t I have been like this before?”
Not to mention wearing just a bra, Sis is very concerned about her image, as I said, I haven’t even seen her at home with just a t-shirt on just now.
But I shook my head at my sister.
“That’s right, then you still say it.” Sis beamed, looking a bit angry.
“In that case, take the bra off too.” I said.
“Huh?” Sis was taken aback, “What are you talking about, I’m not!”
“What …… why’s …… that,” my sister looked at me incredulously, “Even if we are sisters and brothers, this is too much! “
I rubbed my nose in it, “It’s okay, take off your bra.”
“I ……” Sis seemed to be about to say something at first, but then stopped, and with a somewhat confused but not all that distracted expression put her hands behind her back and unbuttoned her bra, then slipped off the straps, letting the bra fall to the bed.
Her sister’s lovely pink nipples, perfectly shaped and rounded breasts were exposed.
“What’s up,” my sister held her arms to shield me from view, “Keep staring at people.”
“I thought you said not to take it off?”
Sister’s cheeks reddened, “Just suddenly wanted to take it off, what does it matter?” Her eyes wandered, as if she was very vain.
It was so much fun watching her justify her hypnotized behavior.
“In that case, even strip down to your bottom half.” I said as I rubbed my nose.
My sister looked at me and frowned, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn’t say anything, instead she stood up and unbuttoned her denim hot pants, then pulled down the zipper and pulled them off, the only thing that was left on my sister was a pair of aqua blue lace panties, her hand moved for a moment and then stopped, as if she was rather hesitant.
“Take off your panties too.” I added.
My words lifted her hesitation, she hooked the side band of her panties with her pinky finger and gently pulled them down, I could vaguely see her mysterious and tantalizing nectar from the sparse pubic hair on her lower back, and it was only when she took the panties away from her ankles and placed them on the floor that she seemed to come back to a little bit of a panicked state of mind.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, admiring her stunningly naked torso.
Sis kept rolling her eyes and then blocked her focus with her hand, “I’m going to my room if you keep looking at me like that,” and then as if she thought of something, “When the hell are you going to start hypnotizing me?”
I’d forgotten that she was still waiting for me to hypnotize her, and I smiled, “Alright, come sit over here.”
My sister kept avoiding my eyes, her cheeks red as apples, then she picked up a pillow and hugged it to her chest and sat down next to me.
“You can masturbate to relax yourself before hypnosis.” I said.
“What?” My sister looked at me with open eyes.
“Masturbation, that’s playing with your sister with your fingers, you used to do that before you were hypnotized.”
My sister looked confused and a little upset at me, “What the hell …… I don’t want it.”
I ran my hand over my nose again, “Don’t you want to be hypnotized by me? Masturbate.”
My sister looked at me, her expression softening slightly as she slipped her hand under the pillow on her chest and pumped it slowly.
I rubbed my nose and spoke, “You feel so good, you feel your body more sensitive than usual, you can make comfortable noises, it’s okay.”
“Mmmm …… ah ……” Sister chipped in with a grunt.
I continued to stroke my nose and barked commands at her, “It’s so good you can’t stop, unless I want you to stop what will happen is you will continue to masturbate.” I said and then jerked the pillow off her chest that was in the way.
The look of her sister’s fingers lewdly pumping in and out of her pussy was plain to see.
“Uhm …… don’t look at it, it’s so embarrassing.” My sister covered her face with her left hand, the twitching of her right hand didn’t stop at all.
This wouldn’t work, if my sister didn’t see me touching my nose, the hypnotic commands would not work, I removed her hand, touched my nose and said, “Look at me, don’t be ashamed, do it properly and make yourself comfortable.”
The sister’s eyes became more and more lax, revealing a lecherous aura.
I leaned down and licked and fondled her nipples, then her navel, then moved her legs to the bed so that she was in a humiliating M-shaped sitting position, and continued to lick and fondle her toes, kissing along her calves all the way down to her inner thighs, with tantalizing odors emanating from my sister’s wet nectar.
“Ah …… ah ……” The frequency of her sister’s voice got higher and higher as her body continued to tremble.
“No orgasms yet oooh, you can only come after you get my permission.” I ordered again.
“Mmm …… oh …… ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ………!” After a series of lewd cries, my sister’s movements slowed down slightly and she kept gasping for air, as if she had endured a wave of impact.
I ruffled the loose hair in front of her forehead and gently wiped away the beads of sweat as my sister looked at me with mesmerized eyes, her fingers pumping her pussy hole without stopping.
“Ahh…… ah ah ……” After another moan from her sister, she tumbled back onto the bed, her whole body curled up into a ball, convulsing uncontrollably, “ah ah …… can’t …… be broken ……”
At this moment, my sister looked so small, so pitiable, and I stroked her delicate drive, then took off my pants and sat on the bed as well.
“Come over here and blow me so you can come when I cum.”
My sister quickly came over and got down between my thighs, letting my rising hot rod take the whole thing in.
I felt my sister’s tongue nimbly flipping and flopping, a completely different sensation from earlier when I had penetrated while she was unconscious, her head rising and falling beneath my span, desperate for me to cum, one hand stroking my pouch and the other still masturbating constantly.
Huge pleasure brews and swells in my lower body ……
“Ah …… going to cum ……” I whimpered, shooting all of my energy into her mouth, feeling the cum shoot out several times the amount I had when I came with my own two hands.
“Ah …… ah ……!” The sister trembled her body and let out a cry that was even more shrill than even before, and seemed to have achieved an orgasm as well.
After her orgasm, she relaxed and lay flat on her back, but her fingers were still gently picking at her pussy hole and her mouth was still full of my cum.
“After I’ve tapped your hand twice, you’ll come to your senses and remember that you’ve been hypnotized.”
I said, I don’t know where I got the guts, maybe it’s because I’ve watched too many movies, I just like to see the woman’s dismayed look after being hypnotized and awake, although I couldn’t anticipate how my sister would react, but I thought that no matter what I could at least get her back into hypnosis again.
Pop, pop.
My sister’s eyes lit up, then she sat up with a startled awakening, spitting the white liquid from her mouth onto her hand and frowning slightly, “Toilet paper ……” My sister didn’t look at me and mumbled like she was talking to herself.
“Huh?” I was a little surprised and couldn’t respond for a moment.
“Where’s the toilet paper?” My sister turned her head to look at me, a little angry looking, but not really angry feeling ……
I hurriedly drew a few sheets of toilet paper for her, also, that thing into the bed is very difficult to clean up, I did not think that my sister in this situation still care about these things?
“So over the top! How could you bully me like that?” Sis said as she wiped the cum off her body with toilet paper.
I’m not sure if it’s just me, but my sister’s voice is a bit angry, but it’s actually more like she’s being pouty, and her slightly angry eyes are very cute.
“Did we used to do this a lot?” My sister looked at me and said, “I shouldn’t …… like to do this kind of thing, right?”
My sister seems to have decided that this won’t be the first time, and I certainly won’t …… or shall I say, won’t dare to tell her the truth, “So …… did you like it?”
“Nasty!” Sis lowered her head with a blushing face.
I moved closer to her and gently kissed her forehead, then lifted her chin and kissed her deeply, my sister didn’t resist and naturally cooperated with me.
This time I didn’t use hypnosis again, when I entered my sister’s body, I felt the flesh walls of my sister’s pussy tightly wrapped around my rod, as if it was going to engulf me, this feeling was more like going to heaven than the previous blowjob, we clasped our fingers together, and our minds and bodies fused together.
Finally I shot a full load of my essence into her ……
After a short rest, my sister lay on the bed gasping for air with a happy expression on her face.
“Sister, look at me.” I spoke to my sister.
“Hmm?” My sister slowly turned her head, and when I was sure that her eyes were turned to me, I blew a breath into her face, and she immediately closed her eyes and returned to her hypnotized state.
The previous hypnotic suggestion is indeed still in effect perfectly yet.
However, I didn’t want to do anything, I just wanted to unlock my sister’s hypnotic state, in fact, why should I unlock it, I’m not really sure, but when I took hypnosis classes the teachers would all indeed let the students leave the hypnotic state, maybe there would be some aftermath if I didn’t do it, right?
Although I feel a bit sad that my sister doesn’t know if she’ll let me hypnotize her again in the future, but I prefer not to do any harm to her, so I’d better do it honestly when I can.
I left the bed, casually put on a piece of clothing, and walked over to my sister’s side and said, “Sister, listen carefully, this time when I count to three, you’ll be completely awakened from your hypnotic state, and all hypnotic suggestion will no longer be useful to you, understand?”
Sister nodded.
“One, two, three!”
My sister opened her eyes, her whole body almost popped up, blinking continuously, her expression looked very complicated, I was totally confused about what was going on, I was expecting her to smile at me when she woke up, and then I’d give her a gentle kiss.
“Ahhhhh !!!!” My sister screamed as she held her head.
I was shocked, what was going on? “Sis, what’s wrong with you?” I gripped my sister’s shoulder, but she shook it off vigorously, and took several steps back with an unsteady center of gravity.
“Don’t touch me! Nasty!!!” My sister looked up at me fiercely with tears in her eyes, “How could you do such a thing to me!!!”
My sister picked up the pillow and threw it at me with force, then ran out of the room naked, I chased after her, only to find that she had already returned to her room and closed the door.
“Sis? not” I tried to open the door, but my sister had locked it and I knocked.
“Fuck off! Get away from me!” Sis shouted from her room, a catch in her voice.
I heard my sister sobbing in her room, I didn’t know what to do, and I didn’t know what was going on, although I had hypnotized her earlier, but I hadn’t ordered her to have sex with me afterward… Why would my sister, who had been so gentle a moment ago, suddenly change into a different person?
Sister has regained her memory!
Yes, that must be it, and looking at it that way, her reaction just now was all understandable.
“What to do?” I thought in my mind as I felt my entire body go limp, dropping to the floor in a daze.
I don’t know how much time had passed, I looked at the door of my sister’s room and couldn’t say anything, a moment ago, I felt like I had gone to heaven, but now I immediately fell into hell, why did I wake her up so easily just now? Why didn’t I hypnotize her to forget everything just now?
Because in that moment, I felt our hearts were connected.
I gathered my courage and walked to the door of the room.
“Sister, can you listen to me?” I leaned out of the room and spoke into it, “Please believe me, I’m not saving ……” I paused, hesitating, momentarily unsure of the word to use, rape? Rape? In my sister’s heart, have I done something so outrageous?
“I didn’t mean to do such a thing to you,” I avoided the sharp use of words, “I thought you were willing …… to think we were in love, that’s why I did… … “I paused, listening to the sobs coming from my sister’s room, “Believe me, I don’t want you to be upset, I don’t want to see you angry and disappointed at all, I love your smile.”
I felt very emotionally disturbed, in fact, even I wasn’t sure how much of what I said was true, but at least the last sentence was one hundred percent true, I liked her smile.
“You know what? Before yesterday, as far as I can remember, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile, you were always so serious and grave, and whenever I was in front of you, I always felt useless, I felt breathless,” I took a deep breath and continued, “It’s damnable to say that it’s obvious that I’m the one who doesn’t belong to this family, and yet I’ve been thinking occasionally that How great it would be if you disappeared ……”
“I don’t have a sense of belonging, ever since my mom passed away, I felt like I shouldn’t have been born at all, and I felt like the whole world had wronged me,” what I said was more or less inconsistent, but that’s how contradictory my life is, on the one hand, I feel miserable, but on the other hand, I’m living a privileged life with my father’s money, “But I’m different now, I’m no longer that hateful brat, because I’ve found, the one I want to guard no matter what!”
I took a deep breath and spoke to the door of the room, “Sister, I love you and I will take responsibility.”
I looked at the door of the room, hoping to wait for my sister’s response, but the whole room was silent, even the sound of my sister’s sobbing had disappeared, all I could hear was my own gasping,, a very bad feeling suddenly raised in my heart, “Sister!” I knocked on the door and shouted, then pressed my ear to the door and listened carefully, there was still no sound.
“Sister! Can you hear me!” I yelled and kept knocking on the door, but there was still not a sound from my sister’s room.
God, if anything happened to my sister, I’d never forgive myself in my life!
“Sister! Open the door!” I yelled like crazy and then desperately slammed my body against the door of the room, it shouldn’t have been a long time, but it felt like almost half a century had passed before the door finally slammed open for me.
I made the worst imaginings in my mind, but all I could see was my sister already dressed and sitting in the corner opposite the door of the room, quietly watching me.
“What do you think is wrong with me?” Sis said coldly, slowly getting to her feet, “You think I’m going to kill myself?”
The answer, of course, was yes, but I looked at my sister, not daring to answer.
“I’m not a coward like you!” She shouted excitedly, tears coming to her eyes, “How do you expect me to identify with you when you never thought of yourself as a member of this family!” My sister looked at me and kept gasping for air.
To be honest, I actually didn’t really understand my sister’s intention of these words, I just wanted to tell her that I was no longer that coward, I walked forward and embraced her tightly, I felt my sister’s slender shoulders trembling slightly, but she didn’t resist, and quietly pressed her face against my chest.
I wish time would stay forever.
“You’re responsible for fixing my door.” Sis cooed in my arms.
My sister and I became lovers.
With a goal to strive for I also finally found a job, into the orbit of the social people, although the salary is a big difference between sisters, but I will work hard in my own way, one day, I will make my sister impressed by me, the rest, I do not know how to let my stepfather know about this matter.
He doesn’t know if he’ll be angry, but my sister and I aren’t related by blood, and it’s easy for things to go wrong when a man and a woman are in the same room together, so he probably won’t be too shocked, and he won’t be coming back for a few more months anyway, so we’ll worry about that when the time comes.
That’s it, a very happy ending.
Seems like I forgot something ……
Why did Sis lose her memory?
In fact, it is a very boring reason, my sister told me that she went to see a psychiatrist a while ago because she was under a lot of stress, and after the psychiatrist hypnotized her, he suggested that she ‘forget everything after being hypnotized’ to let go of her stress, and of course, the psychiatrist would let her return to normal properly every time when she finished.
However, when stage hypnosis was performed that day, the hypnotist only unlocked ‘tonight’s hypnotic suggestion’, so the suggestion of losing memory was retained, and when I hypnotized my sister the next day, I unlocked all of her hypnotic suggestions, and only then did she regain her memory again.
In fact, we do not want to pursue, anyway, sister no longer need to go to a psychiatrist, when she feels stressed again, my hypnosis stress relief is much better than the doctor.
──── Full text is available at ────