I was fixing my sister’s computer when I realized that she…

Although I was extremely reluctant to go out on a bicycle in such cold weather with fog, after all, as a senior, I still have the obligation to take care of my sister, so I had to brave the wind and rain and ride my bicycle to my sister’s house. (This is the origin of the good man card>

The younger sister is currently a college student, and her sister in Taichung to live with scraps of long lance pulley, stibene so did not live in the school The younger sister is currently a college student, and her sister in Taichung to live with scraps of long lance pulley, stibene so did not live in the school The younger sister is currently a college student, and her sister in Taichung to live with scraps of long lance pulley, stibene so did not live in the school The younger sister is currently a college student, and her sister in Taichung to live with scraps of long lance pulley, stibene so did not live in the school The younger sister is currently a college student, and her sister in Taichung to live with scraps of long lance pulley, stibene so did not live in the school The younger sister is currently a college student, and her sister in Taichung to live with scraps of long lance pulley, stibene so did not live in the school The younger sister is currently a college student, and her sister in Taichung to live with scraps of long lance pulley, stibene so did not live in the school The younger sister is currently a college student, and her sister in Taichung to live with scraps of long lance pulley, stibene so did not live in the school dormitory, which seems to be her mother’s intention fluorescenceto their sisters to live together with each other to have a care of the blea.

As soon as I arrived at my sister’s house, she opened the door to greet me before I even turned off the engine of my motorcycle, acting cute and pouting at the same time. (This is the characteristic of the little sister ^^)

Go to a normal conversation within the schoolgirl’s house!!!!

The younger sister said happily, “Senior! I’ve been waiting for you for a long time! Come on…come on in!”

So I walked into my sister’s house with a nervous heart, and saw the messy mess of the clutter in all directions, the table had unfinished instant noodles, and on the floor there were a bunch of bottles and cans in addition to wrapped paper and plastic bags, and I almost stepped on a bottle and slipped when I first walked in the door. (Wow, a girl’s home, why don’t you pay attention to neatness?

I asked her, “Schoolgirl! Would it be too messy for you ……… here?”

The girl replied, “Oh! It’s okay! Do you want some cold alcoholic beverages? My sister and I bought a lot of bottles for Christmas, but we still have a lot left!”

Schoolgirl pours two glasses of wine from the fridge and hands me the other one while drinking it herself. (Fixing computers while drinking is @@?)

“Oh, no! I’ve got a bike ride home later, and if I get caught stealing booze, I’m screwed! So I’d rather not! By the way, where’s your computer?”

The schoolgirls led me along. “In my room! Follow me! (“Hair boobies.

After she finished talking, she took me to the second floor, once she opened her room, just as I guessed, clothes were thrown everywhere, all over the bed, table, chair and even on the floor, besides clothes, what surprised me more was that she even threw her panties and bra all over the place, and she didn’t tidy up beforehand even though she knew that I was going to come. (That’s just laziness>

I asked in surprise, “Your…your room ……….”

The schoolgirl habitually said: “Oh! I forgot to pack! Then you help me fill up the computer while I clean up, senior, I’ll trouble you!”

So, I took out the CD and started to wash and rewipe her tax dollars, and by the time I was halfway through, she had already stuffed most of her clothes into her closet. (What kind of cleaning is this? ==a)

Get to the end of normal conversation within the school girl’s house!!!!!

Go to the schoolgirl’s house and have an adult conversation inside!!!!!

My sister suddenly asked me; “Senior are you hot!”

I answered her, “Hot?”

The schoolgirl added: “I just put away a bunch of clothes and moved around a bit, and I feel like I’m getting hot? You don’t mind if I take off my clothes!”

I said, “Uh ….. Whatever!”

After the schoolgirl said, she took off her pink shirt, I secretly meowed schoolgirl, at this time she is only wearing a pure white bra, the schoolgirl if big breasts tightly weigh, although I secretly meowed a glance, but the bottom is unconsciously hard, this time the schoolgirl slowly walked over. (Woah Li Le, in front of this human scene… let… let my pants inside the little old man hard up ><@!)

My sister asked me with a question, “Senior, will the computer take much longer to fill?”

I replied to my sister, “It’s going to take a little while, because it’s affected by your computer’s equipment so it might take a little while!”

At this time the schoolgirl suddenly walked forward and tenderly touched my face with her hand and whispered in my ear. “Then let’s pass this time!”

Curious, I asked, “How do you get rid of it?”

The schoolgirl teasingly said: “People…people want to try ….. >

I still don’t get it back to her, “Wh…what …..?”

The schoolgirl said shyly, “It’s…just the feeling of love…love love>

I was surprised and said, “No…not really ….. >

The schoolgirl patted her chest and said, “Don’t worry, senior! My sister won’t be back until very late, and let’s keep this matter as our little secret!”

The schoolgirl said as she took off her pants, revealing a thong a. (Woah milele, is it necessary for a schoolgirl to wear such a short?!)

Go to the schoolgirl’s house within the adult sex conversation finished!!!!!

The schoolgirl said colorfully: “Senior come on, I’m already so wet, and you’ve agreed to it down there!”

I realized that I’ve been raising my bottom for a long time when I was told that by my schoolmate. (This little girl, she really knows how to pay attention to my lower body’s every move ah>)

My schoolmate and I slowly moved from light kissing to deep kissing and tongue kissing, my schoolmate’s hands were slowly removing my blouse and panties at this point, and likewise I was undoing her bra that was wrapped tightly around her breasts and her thong underneath.

“Senior kiss my body!” My sister whispered in my ear.

So I began to enjoy kissing the naked body of the schoolgirl, from the cheeks to the lips, slowly kissed the schoolgirl’s big and soft breasts, I began to use my mouth to gently sucking, like a child sucking on the milk action, such a way of kissing but makes the schoolgirl’s obscene words constantly, making me itchy to the heart to the fast.

“Mmm…senior, mmmmm…it tickles so good, people…people still want you to kiss them down there!” (Wow! You’ve got it in you to be like this!)

Uh-huh, this sounds like an order, but to me it sounds and feels sweet, so at my sister’s request I slowly went down to her lower body, and at this time a faint smell coming from my sister’s lower body caused me to hesitate.

I asked skeptically, “Schoolgirl! I ….. >

The schoolgirl said, “I don’t care”.

At this moment, I can’t help myself, so I implicitly say a computer term to my sister, I can’t imagine that my sister is a sex man, so we talked about it with computer terminology. (I don’t know, sex with computer terminology is such a feeling>)

Computer Terminology Teaching Time Begins!!!!

I was so excited, I said, “I’ll teach you how to load the data from the USB flash drive into the computer, okay?”

The schoolgirl responded with a learning attitude: “Well ….. You need to use a usb that supports hot swapping, right?”

I couldn’t help but ask, “Why don’t you try it? Anyway, the computer is on now! Elder has some information that he…well…wants to pass on to you!”

My sister responded with a very needy tone: “Uh-huh! Then you should insert the CD-ROM, I want your information too!

I asked dully, “Wait a minute, schoolmarm, do we need a firewall?”

My sister said to me, “I’m telling you, the mainframe lost a lot of data yesterday, so there shouldn’t be any problem!”

As soon as the schoolgirl finished speaking, I began to do piston movements on her, and at this time, she was even more mouthy and loud, making me deeply afraid that a bunch of people would realize that I was transmitting private files.

I said, “Sister, you have to keep a low profile when sharing private information!”

The schoolgirls screamed in comfort, saying: “Uh-huh! Oh, it’s so comfortable, senior, can you go faster? Oh…it’s going, it’s going!”

I went on to say, “I’ll pass it on faster then, here comes the point of the information!”

So I accelerated the frequency and speed of my piston movements, and finally passed all my private information to my schoolmate at the moment of climax.

Computer terminology teaching time is over!!!!!

“Whoo…..! Whoo…..! Whoo…..! Whew…..! The information just came out is so great, it feels hot to the touch!” The schoolgirl said so while gasping for breath at the same time when she finished receiving the data.

My schoolmate and I reached orgasm at the same time, and also experienced the so-called fish and water, both of us were paralyzed on the bed looking at each other at this time. (The two people just like this finished>

“Senior! Hehehe, thank you for passing me so much information!” Schoolgirl smiled while saying so to me, at this time schoolgirl’s computer has also finished filling up, schoolgirl also at this time turned around and kissed me on the cheek, I sat up and helped schoolgirl to set up the computer that should be set up, schoolgirl reluctantly sent me to the door to ride the bike. (The expression on her face…it…it can’t be…>)

The schoolgirl asked, “Senior, can I ask you for information next time?”

I wordlessly replied back, “This ….. Which…which is just looking at it again!”

After talking to my schoolmates, I rode home dragging my exhausted body, and from then on, giving my schoolmates information such a pronoun became a little secret between me and my schoolmates>