Part-time prostitutes

I didn’t even know that old guy was dead! Even though he’s my uncle, I’ve probably only met him ten times in the past twenty years! My dad died seven years ago, and he and his brother don’t even talk to each other over some things, he didn’t even come to my dad’s funeral, and my mom has always tried to try to bring the brothers closer to each other, but I don’t think she was successful, and my dad always didn’t want to talk about his brother, so I don’t really know this uncle of mine.

In any case, the old man died and left me his legacy as well, which was a brothel! I’m supposed to be the happiest person in the world because I have a brothel of my own! The brothel is small, with only six girls working in it, and a pimp, Ali, running it, and unfortunately my uncle didn’t leave me any money to run it, but the pimp assured me that it was doing well, and would be able to support itself.

My wife, Apple, was going to go with me to check out the brothel and sign some inheritance papers at the same time. I’ve always been careless, and I need the careful Apple by my side, and before we got married, she had told me quite frankly that she’d made a few guest appearances as a call girl to pay her way through college, and that, in short, she’d slept with a lot of men before she married me!

Apple is twenty-seven years old and has a great body. She is a very attractive woman with full, symmetrical breasts and long, even legs. I remember the first time I saw her at the ball, my mouth was watering, I couldn’t help but go up to her and talk to her, there were a lot of men who knew her at the ball, and it was obvious that all of them liked her very much, she was really attractive. I found out later that she slept with three men after the dance! But I was still deeply attracted to her.

I was indeed shocked when she told me about her past, she was smart and had a great gift of the gab and I got up the courage to ask her out. To make a long story short, I slept with her on our first date, she was very open but I felt happy with her. Of course, we continued to date until we saw each other every day, and she got a job, we were both earning good money, and I started a software company that was doing quite well.

We started to think about our future, Apple told me that she had been a call girl and hoped that I wouldn’t look down on her because of that, I didn’t really care about her past, I just liked her for who she was now, she was my true love.

When I was considering spending my life with her, my friends told me a lot of things about Appletree, they said that Appletree sucked, often went to some dances and offered to be gang raped by all the men at the dance. They said that if I didn’t watch out for Apple, it would happen again! I listened to all their advice, but I chose to marry Apple because everyone has a past and I was sure she loved me!

After a few months of dating, we officially moved in together. We were deeply in love with each other, and from time to time, Apple would tell me about her past, she would even tell me who she had been fucked by and how she had been fucked, she didn’t have any other intentions, she was just very honest with me about her past.

She said she didn’t want to be a call girl, but had to go into the business for the high tuition fees and quicker income. She said she advertised in magazines to solicit clients, and she would also pick her clients, and if she didn’t see eye to eye, she wouldn’t sleep with them. She said her clients were fixed, usually picking up twice a week, and that the income from that would pay for her tuition.

I’ve fucked a lot of women too, so I don’t see anything wrong with her other than the fact that she slept with someone else to pay for her tuition, and I don’t care one bit that we loved each other and decided to stay with each other for life anyway.

We had a normal wedding, about a hundred and thirty people came to our party and we all had a crazy time, Apple even did a striptease for all of her friends and it was the best striptease I’ve ever seen, she really is the most perfect girl in the world! I didn’t care what she had done, she was mine now! After the party, we went back to the hotel and made crazy love all night!

That was four years ago and we still love each other deeply. Apple was excited as hell about visiting a brothel, she had never been to one, she was always in her own home and if the other person was a john, she went to their home or a hotel to have sex with them, there was no fixed place.

We arrived at the brothel, it didn’t look like a brothel from the outside, maybe not what I had in mind! I’ve never been to a brothel before, and I’ve only heard about brothels from my friends, who said that the prostitutes would help them take off their clothes and then lie down for them to fuck! They don’t have any feelings for their customers, they just urge them to hurry up, that’s my image of brothels and prostitutes!

Apple met with me and the pimp, she was in her sixties and fat, but she had a friendly and natural smile that made us feel at home. She showed us around the whole brothel, since it was still morning, there was only one girl in the brothel at that time, that pimp named Ali introduced that girl named Kiki to us, I don’t know if that’s a real name, but I didn’t care at all, and Kiki didn’t attract me at all, even though she was cute and had a good figure, the only reason why I knew that she had a good figure was because the robe was very thin, if I were a customer, I would have picked her for service too.

Ally visited the brothel with us, the clean and tidy environment in the brothel was out of my expectation, every room was decorated in style and there was a big bed, all cleaned up very well, Ally told me that when the business was at its best, there were a total of ten girls to take on clients, but in the last few years the business was not good, so there were only six girls left. There is only one girl on duty during the day, and the other girls only start taking clients in the afternoon.

Ally asked me if I wanted to see the books, and from that moment on, I admired Ally, and I told her that I was happy to have her in charge of running the place, and that I wanted her to have full authority over everything that happened here.

Just as we were still visiting, a customer came to the door and asked Kiki to serve him, Ally immediately took his money and led them into a room. Ali asked us if we wanted to see what was going on in the room, which we found surprising, but of course we wanted to see the transaction.

We went into the small room at the back of the office and Ali locked the door, turned on a set of TVs and flicked a couple more switches and immediately the TV came on with images of Kiki and the customer in the room. The two of them had taken their clothes off and Kiki was helping the man put on a condom, then she lay down on the bed and spread her legs for the man to fuck her, and the man was thrusting quickly.

We watched them fuck, the guy ejaculated quickly, and Kiki helped the guy remove the used condom, tied a knot in the bag, and threw it in the trash can.

They chatted for a while longer, the man put on his clothes and left, Kiki immediately went into the bathroom and took a shower, I think she wanted to get all the smell off the man. Ally said that every girl here knows that there are cameras installed in the room, these cameras are installed to protect them from the guests, if anything happens, Ally will rush in and save them right away.

It’s so nice here, and I’ve noticed that Appleseed is excited to watch Kiki pick up the slack, and I actually am too.

Apple and I decided to keep our ownership of the brothel a secret from anyone, thinking that if our friends found out about it, there would be an uproar and we might be asked to entertain them!

After about six months we decided to make another trip to the brothel to have a look around, so I phoned Ally to ask if it would be convenient for her to let us have another look around now, and she made us very welcome. We were still very happy with what we saw and we were also very happy with the income from the brothel that was sent to us each month and our accountant had nothing but praise for Ally after looking at the books.

All the personnel remained the same since we took over and the girls worked harder because we gave them more bonuses and dividends, this was because both Apple and I had our own jobs with good incomes and didn’t have to live on the brothel income at all, this income was an extra for us so we didn’t care about giving the girls more money. The girls were happy with it too, everything was going well and Ally rarely called us.

Early one Friday morning, we got a call from Ali, she was very nervous and told me that four Japanese men had booked a room with her for four hours this morning, but the girl who was on duty this morning was hospitalized due to acute appendicitis, and Ali asked me if I would agree to allow her to hire a new girl to cope with today’s situation, and maybe she could go to another brothel to draw girls over.

I asked Ally what she wanted to do, and she said that it was actually quite a hassle now, especially having to take on four customers at a time, and that most girls were reluctant to take on more than two at a time, as this would often result in the girls getting hurt because of overplaying their hand. Ally also said that she had already called the other two brothels, but they were not willing to let their girls take on such groups of customers, nor were they willing to let their girls help out.

I told Ally to let it go and even give Kiki a little extra bonus, and she said she’d do her best to figure it out, so she hung up.

I told Apple about this and she was worried too, she said we must find a way to help because if a brothel is to be successful, it must satisfy all its customers. She asked me very carefully if I would mind if she would be the one to help Ally if she couldn’t find anyone to help. I was taken aback when she said that, even though I knew that she had worked in a special trade; I knew that she was doing it for the brothel, so I told her to do what she thought was right, and that if she didn’t have a problem dealing with four Japanese men at the same time, I would have no objection. I also told her that I would be watching through the camera to keep her out of harm’s way.

I called Ally and she cried when she heard the news, she thought it was her responsibility to run the brothel and she should have solved all the problems, it was all her fault. I made an appointment with her to be at the brothel at ten o’clock, while Apple and I immediately took leave from our company.

Apple immediately rushed into the bathroom to get ready, first she carefully shaved her legs and armpits, then she took a shower and after drying her body, she rubbed baby oil on her body to give her skin an attractive glow, knowing that it would not only make her skin look smoother, but also sexier. Then she was ready to get dressed and go out, I didn’t think I would have to, but Apple said that Japanese men like their women to dress formally and prefer the girls to undress slowly one by one, it makes them feel aroused. She put on her underwear, then her shirt and skirt, and finally her garter belt and stockings.

As we walked towards the front door of the brothel, Apple seemed quite excited and Ally hugged us excitedly as soon as she saw us, she said she was so grateful that we could help her out, she said that she tried her best but these men just specified that they had to be older and more beautiful young ladies so she couldn’t find any at all.

She took us to one of the largest rooms, which had an oversized bed with several chairs and several towels, and a large bowl with lots of condoms next to the bed. Now everything was ready, we just had to wait for our guests to come to the door.

I checked the surveillance system again and again to make sure that the TV and the cameras were okay. There were a total of two hidden cameras installed in this room, and it was still a system that could be adjusted in angle and distance from the surveillance, and I was glad to have such a good thing because I didn’t want anything bad to happen to my beloved Appleseed while she was receiving guests.

Everything was now in place and Ali informed me that the Japanese men were here and she was going to show the guests into the room, she also asked Apple to get ready to go into the room right away, the guests didn’t want to wait too long. Appleseed walked over to me and watched the TV as the four men walked into the room, then she kissed me passionately and said how much she loved me, then turned and walked out.

Ally and I sat on chairs and watched as Apple walked into that room. Ally asked me if I would feel uncomfortable with her sitting next to me watching along. She knew that watching my wife pick up was between us as a couple, and if I didn’t want to, she could get out. I told her it didn’t matter and if I really didn’t feel comfortable with it, I would ask her to get out. So we watched the TV without saying a word, and luckily, this surveillance system had an additional microphone so we were able to hear what was being said in the room.

Appleseed walked up to the men and bowed to them, they bowed back. After the simple greetings were over, the Japanese men were a little shy and asked Apple how she wanted to start, Apple suggested that they relax a little so they could start by undressing her, they immediately agreed, the men seemed very polite and gentle.

The first man walked towards Xiaobing and made a move to unbutton her blouse, after he unbuttoned it, he immediately stepped back; the second man stepped forward to remove Xiaobing’s blouse, his movements were gentle, and in passing, he groped Xiaobing’s breasts through her bra before stepping behind her to undo the bra’s buttons, he didn’t remove the bra but left it for the next person. That was the rule of their game – each person would only remove one piece of her clothing, until the last person removed Xiaobing’s last stocking, leaving Xiaobing standing naked in front of them.

The TV screen was in color and I could adjust the angle and distance of the cameras from here, which was great, while the two cameras were positioned so that the whole room was visible.

The way Apple stood on the edge of the bed was really cute, her body was like emitting a layer of light, this layer of light was really there, because she had put baby oil on her body just before we left the house, the two pink nipples on her breasts stood up proudly, I really loved her!

The first Japanese man, who was also the oldest of them, walked up to Apple and politely asked Apple if there was something she didn’t want to do.

“Sir,” Xiao Ping smiled: “You paid to come here, I should do everything. However, I just hope you won’t be too rough, as long as you don’t hurt me, and you can do whatever else you want.”

The man thanked Apple and said that they would be careful, but in case anything went too far, Apple could tell them right away and they would immediately stop. Hearing him say that, I was instantly much more relieved.

The man started to move when he finished speaking, he reached over and kissed Apple on the lips, which was unexpected, I always thought that prostitutes don’t let their customers kiss them on the mouth. I asked Ali about this, and she smiled and told me that it was up to the prostitutes themselves to decide whether or not they would let their clients kiss them on the mouth, and that the bottom line for each prostitute was set by them.

Their kiss wasn’t that kind of passionate kiss, just a kiss on the lips, I didn’t see who of the two men used their tongues. The four of them took turns kissing Apple, and when they were done it was the first man’s turn, he lowered his head and kissed Apple’s breasts, then sucked on one of Apple’s nipples with his mouth, and caressed Apple’s other breast with his hand. When he had had enough, he stepped back and let the second man play with Apple in the same way until all four had done it, which seemed to be the rule among them.

I asked Ali if they would fuck Ping at the same time. “These Japanese have their own rules,” Lai laughed, “Trust me, they’re going to fuck her soon.”

Next they asked Apple to spread her legs, after Apple spread her legs they took turns standing in front of Apple and putting their hands between her legs to fondle her pussy, they seemed to like Apple’s pubic hair and their hands were even more nonchalant as they roamed around Apple’s thighs and pussy. From the look on Apple’s face, I was sure that they were sometimes inserting their fingers into her pussy, and Apple’s face kept a smile on her face as much as possible, and they kept up their game of taking turns caressing Apple, and their touching didn’t intend to bring her to orgasm.

Later, the first man asked Apple to lie down on the bed and spread her legs wide, then he got on the bed as well, placing his hand on Apple’s pubic hair, while his other hand inserted his fingers into Apple’s pussy, while his mouth took turns sucking on her nipples. It wasn’t until now that the men began to take off their clothes, though they were still wearing their ties!

Once again they took turns getting into bed and caressing Appleseed just as much as that first man. This was already turning me on beyond belief, I looked at Appleseed’s beautiful face, and at the finger pumping in and out of her pussy, and I knew that she was getting more and more aroused, but she hadn’t yet reached her climax.

It was the first man’s turn again, he stripped off all his clothes and stood beside the bed, he was very short and had a very small prick, only five inches hard. He got on the bed, but crouched between Apple’s legs and licked her pussy and clit. The flirtation was obviously more effective, and Apple seemed to be holding back from climaxing.

Ali told me that Japanese men often use this one way to bring women to orgasm, and that there was nothing unusual about it. I also knew what he would do next, that first man stood up and stepped aside, the second man got back on the bed and replaced him by licking Appleseed’s pussy, it’s interesting to me that these Japanese can maintain an erection for a long time.

After each man had finished licking, the first man pointed his prick at Apple and asked her to suck his cock, and he politely asked her if he could cum in her mouth. Apple smiled at the man and said, “Of course!” She smiled at the man and said, “Of course!” and sucked on his cock.

I knew that Apple was great with her mouth, so it didn’t take long for the guy to start moaning and cumming in her mouth, and since Apple swallowed all the cum easily, I guess he didn’t shoot a lot of cum. After he was done cumming, there was a second man, and the next one was different from the first one in that he was getting younger and younger and his prick was getting bigger and bigger! The last man couldn’t have been more than twenty-five, and his penis was at least ten inches long and thick.

The first man politely asked Apple if they could fuck her again. Apple smiled at him again and said, “Of course, you can do whatever you want!”

First he asked Apple to lie back and spread her legs wide, then he knelt between Apple’s legs, that little prick underneath him looked ridiculous, he grabbed his little dick and aimed it at Apple’s pussy, Apple spread her legs even wider and reached down to take hold of that little dick and hold it against the opening of her pussy before the man pushed his cock hard in and started pumping it in and out.

He ejaculated faster than I expected, he pulled out after ejaculating, thanked Apple and got off the bed, the second man came up and fucked Apple. The second man’s prick was bigger, but it didn’t last long. The third man’s prick was even bigger, and as soon as the man in front of him was done, he got on the bed and raped Ping. His strokes were more intense and longer lasting, and he kissed Ping or licked her nipples while he fucked her. He pumped so fast that when it was time for him to cum, he pumped harder and screamed that he was going to cum, and Apple was so happy she couldn’t speak, she was so engrossed in the non-stop fucking.

The fourth man took his place, his cock was bigger than anyone else’s, it was like a flagpole when he aimed his cock at Apple’s pussy, and he was also incredibly thick, even thicker than my cock. When Apple saw the size of his prick there was some worry on her face, but she lifted her legs and retracted them to her chest so that she could spread her pussy as wide as she could, the man pushed his glans against Apple’s pussy lips and slowly plunged it in, Apple’s pussy lips were stretched so wide I thought she would scream for the man to stop at any moment.

I adjusted the camera’s angle and focusing torque to get a close-up of Apple’s pussy, and I could see that Apple’s entire pussy was stretched to the limit, but that big meat stick still went in whole. Finally, the man’s balls were pressed against Apple’s ass, and the man was screaming wildly as he fucked her.

Suddenly, Ali grabbed my arm, a panicked expression on her face, and said, “They didn’t wear condoms! Apple didn’t let them wear condoms, she mustn’t get pregnant!”

I hadn’t been paying attention, but now I was getting worried too, and I guessed that Apple knew what she was doing. Until Ally told me, I had been concentrating on watching these men raping my wife on TV, I thought it was great, and I knew why she was doing it, but it wasn’t easy to watch yourself wanting your wife to be gang raped.

The fourth man fucked Apple hard, and Apple responded to being fucked for the first time by spreading her legs and coiling them tightly around the man’s back as if she couldn’t let go of him, and her hands wrapped around the man’s neck, coming up to her fragrant lips so that the man could kiss her as he pumped away!

They fucked for a long time until the man’s pumping motion changed and I knew he was going to cum, Apple seemed to be very engrossed in the man’s rape, and from the expression on her face it looked like she was really getting fucked!

The man got off the bed after ejaculating and I zoomed in to get a straight shot of Apple’s pussy, it was easy for me because Apple’s legs were no longer closed, I watched as the cum flowed out of her pussy, over her anus, and all the way down to the bedsheets, her pussy was literally loaded with cum!

The first man got back on the bed and asked Apple if he could play with her pussy, Apple smiled and replied no problem. The man stuck his finger in Apple’s pussy and it squirted cum all over his hand, the others joined in caressing Apple’s body, some sucked on her nipples but all of them wanted to stick their fingers in Apple’s wet pussy. The piece of sheet between Apple’s legs was soaked, these Japanese were really perverted!

Then they asked Apple to kneel on the bed and spread her legs wide so they could get a good look at the cum flowing out of her pussy all the time. When all the cum came out of Apple’s pussy, they thanked Apple and asked if she wanted to go clean herself up. Apple went into the bathroom and carefully cleaned herself, the men watched Apple carefully as she bathed as if they had never seen a woman bathe before.

Appleseed came back to the room after a good shower and asked these guests what they wanted to do, looking as if they weren’t satisfied yet. The four men gathered in the corner and had a short discussion. When it was over, the oldest man asked Apple if she could take on two men at once. Apple replied lightly, “Of course, no problem, what do you want to do?”

After another discussion, the youngest with the biggest cock and the oldest with the smallest cock said they would fuck Appletree together. The young one got on the bed and lay down, his big cock sticking up in the air, and Apple got on the bed, straddled him, aligned her pussy with the rod, and slowly sat down until the big prick was all the way inside her. Then she leaned forward again so that her tits were pressed against the man’s chest, and the oldest one moved behind Apple and rammed his cock up Apple’s ass, and I guess Apple should have felt grateful that it wasn’t that big cock up her ass.

The two men immediately coordinated their movements, and they fucked Appletree very smoothly. The little man who was on Apple’s back fucking her backdoor was obviously struggling a bit, but he still made it to the end every time. Eventually, both men came, and this time, Apple even had cum in her ass, so she waited for the small cock to pull out of her ass before slowly getting up and away from the big cock. Of course, the other two men immediately came up and shoved their cocks into both of Apple’s meaty holes, and they didn’t have to work for long before they ejaculated either, which meant that Apple had two more loads of men’s cum inside her.

I thought that would be the end of it, but the oldest man asked Apple to suck their cocks again, so the dirty scene began again. The men carefully cleaned their cocks before asking Apple to suck their cocks. The first three men came in her mouth, and Apple had no trouble eating all of it.

And the man with the biggest cock, his dick was so big that Apple only took a few strokes before he backed off and whispered something to Apple, who without saying a word turned around, got on her back and raised her ass up to him, and it was obvious that he wanted to fuck Apple’s backdoor. Luckily, Apple’s asshole was already full of cum and could be completely lubricated, and that big cock went all the way to the bottom, leaving only two balls on the outside!

He started pumping furiously as soon as he got to the bottom, while the other three men got on the bed and caressed Apple’s body. One man lay between her legs and licked her pussy, while the other two grabbed her breasts and sucked on her nipples. Appleseed was so excited that she came several times before that cock cummed in her ass.

This deal should be over, but it’s not! Instead, the oldest one asked Apple if she could play a game with a little more pain. They promised they wouldn’t hurt her and would stop as soon as Apple called out to stop.

I was about to rush into the room when Ally stopped me and asked me to wait a little longer, at this time I was really hard to the point of breaking, I wanted to pull it out and jerk off so badly, Ally reached out her hand and held my cock through my pants, then she pulled down my zipper, unbuckled my belt, and pulled down both my outer pants and my underwear, she rubbed up and down on my cock, and I knew that she was trying to make me cum right away.

She whispered in my ear that I needed to calm down and this was the only best way she knew how. I didn’t have long to support myself before I came, a huge bubble of cum all over her hand, she cupped it and ate it all.

After she finished eating she told me that maybe we didn’t need to let Apple know about this because we really hadn’t done anything to wrong her! I promised her and didn’t forget to thank her.

The older one came out with two nipple clamps and a condenser, and I was so excited to see it that I wanted to rush in, but Ali pulled me back and asked me to wait. The man handed out the clamps and the condensers to the others, and all of them got on the bed and started to do it. The first clamp was placed on Apple’s right nipple, the pain made her whole body shook, but she didn’t ask them to stop; the second clamp was placed on her left nipple, and there was an iron smithy attached between the two clamps, the smithy was hanging down to the vicinity of Apple’s navel, it seemed that Apple had already adapted to the nipple clamps, so the other person added a small scale to the smithy to make Apple’s nipple be pulled downwards. As soon as Apple got used to the pain, a second small weight was added! Now her beautiful breasts were being pulled downward by her nipples.

Then they asked Apple to stand up, Apple stood up to the edge of the bed, they asked Apple to spread her legs, they brought two clamps, each clamping the lips of Apple’s pussy, which was the most sensitive part of her body, but Apple stood up with great difficulty, letting the two clamps shake on her private parts. Once again, they added weights to the clamps, pulling her pussy lips downward in a long line. The look on her face was agonizing, but she still didn’t ask them to stop.

Due to the weight, Apple’s two pussy lips were tightly pressed together; the old man asked Apple to bend over, and now Apple’s breasts and pussy lips were hanging straight down. As soon as Apple bent over, one of the men came over and pressed his glans against Apple’s lips, asking Apple to suck his cock, and Apple obediently took the cock; as soon as she had the rod in her mouth, another man came up behind her, and the others helped him to spread Apple’s pussy lips, and he pushed his cock into Apple’s pussy!

He pumped in and out as fast as he could, and it was obvious that Apple was in a lot of pain, but she didn’t say anything.

Ally told me that she had been played like this by other Japanese who loved the feeling of being wrapped tightly around her labia.

After the one who had fucked her had cum, another man immediately took over and fucked Apple, while the one who had fucked Apple’s mouth waited for the second man to cum before moving up to fuck Apple’s pussy, and the oldest man immediately replaced him, enjoying Apple’s mouth.

After they had all cum, they released the clamps on Apple’s nipples and pussy lips, and only after the last clamp was removed did I see the look of relief on Apple’s face.

The first man thanked Apple for giving them such a wonderful experience, and he told Apple that they wanted to caress her one more time before they left. As Apple lay on the bed in a wide position, the four men surrounded her and began to caress her body, the men were very skillful and Apple had an orgasm right away. In the middle of her orgasm, they put on their clothes and left, and I immediately rushed into the room as fast as I could.

When I met Apple, she was still shaking uncontrollably from her intense orgasm, she was clinging to my neck, and her pussy was still leaking cum. She told me that she was going to take a shower soon and then let me fuck her properly!

I carried her into the bathroom and watched as she rinsed herself under the hot water. She was very careful to wash her nipples and pussy, as those areas were quite sore. Still, she took a quick shower, dried off and threw herself into my arms, kissing me deeply as we went to the other bed and embraced, telling each other how deeply we loved each other.

Just then there was a knock on the door and Ally poked her head in and told us that she had turned off the camera in this room and that no one would disturb us. I don’t know if she really turned off the camera, but I couldn’t have cared less because my beautiful wife was now lying naked in my arms and we were about to make love!

Appleseed asked me if I had watched the whole thing, and I told her that I had hardly even blinked. She wanted to know what I thought of it, and she also wanted to know which part of the session I was most excited about. I wanted her to hold my cock to know the answer!

I asked her why she didn’t let the men wear condoms. “I like the feeling of being wet,” she said lightly, “If I let them wear a condom, my lust must not be enough to cope with these four men, and I’ll be dry and sore in no time. When they fuck me without a condom, I will immediately become very wet and comfortable. I’m sorry that I’m making you feel uncomfortable by doing this.”

We caressed each other’s bodies and proceeded to make love very carefully. Appleseed’s private parts were very sore, so she had to carefully spread her labia in order for me to insert my penis into them, and it didn’t take long for both of us to have an orgasm because we were both so excited. It was the best sex ever, and after our orgasms, we held each other tightly for a long time and couldn’t bear to separate…

Finally, I tenderly withdrew my already softening cock and cuddled with Apple on the bed for several hours before reluctantly getting dressed.

We thanked Ali for her understanding, but it didn’t make up for the sacrifices we had made to save her job. Ali told us that the Japanese were so impressed with Apple that they paid almost double, almost a full week’s income for the whole brothel!

When we arrived home, Apple said she wanted to take a nap. While she slept, I went out to do some shopping and when I got back she was awake and we talked about what had happened and both admitted that it had been a very exciting experience. Apple said it was great to be able to try many different cocks at the same time, and that she had never tried nipple clamps or labia clamps before, but it was really exciting.

As for me, I thought it was an unforgettable experience for me to be able to watch my beloved wife being gang raped by four men. I told Apple that I wouldn’t ask her to do this kind of thing very often, but I wouldn’t mind if she did it for fun once in a while.

By this time, we were all thankful for my dead uncle!